Erosion Control Plan
This guidance document was prepared by the DFW Airport Board
Environmental Affairs Department (EAD) to assist Airport Board personnel, contractors, and tenants in writing an ECP that meets the Airport Board permit requirements for storm water pollution protection from construction activities. All construction activities that will disturb less than one acre or, at minimum, involve concrete cutting, concrete pouring or storage of materials and chemicals where not protected from rain, are required to prepare and implement an ECP.
This is a model or guide. Please do not use this document as a template.
There is no required format. Just ensure that all required information is in your final document.
For questions or assistance with this guidance document, please call Deena
Henry, Construction Application Reviewer at 972-973-5569 or Patricia Luse,
Construction Storm Water Pollution Prevention at 972-973-5574 or the EAD inspector assigned to your project.
A site inspection will be performed by EAD routinely through out the project and before the site will be approved for closure. This is to ensure that contaminating materials, including sediments, are not entering the airport’s storm sewer system and drainage basin creeks from construction sites. The final inspection will confirm that final stabilization has been achieved and the area and associated storage areas are clean from any hazardous materials, debris, and equipment. The contractor must contact the EAD Inspector assigned to the project for a final inspection.
File: 2009 ECP Model 1/9 Revision: 3-1-09
Erosion Control Plan
The prime contractor for the project must sign a Contractor Certification statement page. An example of a Contractor Certification page is attached
(Attachment 1). This may be used or you may create your own.
All subcontractors must read the ECP and sign a Subcontractor Certification statement page. If a concrete supplier will be providing concrete to the project that company must sign one as well. New subcontractors added during the project should sign a certification statement page and enter it in the ECP document before beginning their respective jobs. An example of a Subcontractor certification page is attached (Attachment 2). This may be used or you may create your own.
File: 2009 ECP Model 2/9 Revision: 3-1-09
Erosion Control Plan
Project name
Permit Application number assigned by Building Standards (CA#)
Names of owner and contractor
Who prepared the ECP (include persons name, title, and company)
Date ECP was prepared
Project Location:
Description of location or physical address
Owners Information:
List the owner of the project, the owner’s representative, their title, phone number, address, email, and fax number
Contractors Information:
List the contractor’s name, the contractor’s representative, their title, phone number, address, email, and fax number
Subcontractors Information:
List all the subcontractors working on the project. Include their name, the contact person, their title, phone number, address, email, and fax number.
File: 2009 ECP Model 3/9 Revision: 3-1-09
Erosion Control Plan
Also state what work they will be performing. This includes the supplier of concrete but not other deliveries.
Project Description:
Provide a detailed description of the project. It may be necessary to discuss this in groups or phases to address the project from start to finish. Please include all earth disturbing activities, such as clearing, grading, grubbing, and concrete cutting. State if there is a staging yard. Also address any other activities that have the potential to generate and discharge pollutants from the site. The more detail the better!
Sequence of Construction Activities and Schedule:
Provide an estimated sequence of construction activities and schedule.
Include an estimated start date, end date, and duration of time to complete the project.
Where a project will have distinctly separate phases of work or areas worked in, describe each phases activities separately.
If installed erosion and sediment control devices will not be installed all at one time at the beginning of the project, describe the installation schedule in the activities and schedule section.
Estimate of Total Construction Site Area and Disturbed Area:
This includes off-site material storage areas, overburden and stockpiles of dirt, borrow areas, equipment staging areas, access pathways, etc. If the staging yard for your project is already covered by asphalt or concrete (not flex base) you do not need to add the size of the staging yard into your total disturbed area. The yard still needs to be addressed in the ECP though.
Include a Site Location Map - an overall map of the airport with an arrow pointing to the general location of the site and any significant areas such as a storage yard to be used by the project.
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Erosion Control Plan
Include an Erosion Control Plan Map – a map that must include all of the following information. Do not leave any of it off. The map must mirror the site. This means the map will need to be continually amended during the course of the project.
Drainage patterns or approximate slopes after major grading activities.
Indicate the direction of flow for all runoff from the site.
Areas where soil disturbance will occur(shade or use border) including parking on or storing items on grass as disturbance.
Show the location of all structural controls, either planned or in place, on the map. This includes concrete washout areas, fueling areas, soil stockpiles, stabilized construction entrances, etc……
Locations where stabilization practices are expected to occur.
Locations of off-site material, waste, borrow, fill, or equipment storage areas. If the staging yard is not on the site, a separate map for the yard is required.
Surface waters (including wetlands) either adjacent or in close proximity to the project area.
Locations where storm water discharges from the site directly to a surface water body. Show all nearby inlets and storm drains. If the closest inlet or storm drain can not be indicated on the map, then draw an arrow toward it and indicate how many feet in distance to it.
Construction and Waste Materials to be Stored On-Site:
List all materials to be stored and describe if at site or at storage yard. As the project progresses, be sure to amend the ECP to include any new materials that were not originally listed.
Receiving Waters:
State which receiving waters (creeks) to which your site will discharge. If there are multiple work sites or a yard, indicate which one drains to what receiving water. Contact EAD for names of creeks involved for the project.
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Erosion Control Plan
An airport map showing drainage basins on the airport is available upon request.
Measures and Controls
In this section you need to address the following:
Erosion and Sediment Controls – list and discuss all controls that will be used for the project. Be specific.
Stabilization Practices – discuss how disturbed areas will be restored.
This includes vegetation, paved, graveled or mulched areas. Do not merely list different types of stabilization practices. Provide a detailed description of where it will be used where.
Management Practices – discuss what management controls will be employed in addition to the erosion and sediment controls. Examples of management controls are training employees or picking up loose debris or trash daily (good house keeping)
Other Controls – provide a detailed description of how the following items will be handled. Do not refer to another document. The ECP is a stand alone document and all information must be included in the ECP.
Rarely, one of these may be not applicable, in which case, indicate in the ECP that none will be used at the site or describe why not applicable. All ECPs must address these items. Example: a project excavating and hauling off dirt must describe how to deal with dust control issues on windy/dry days, must describe how tracking out onto road will be avoided or corrected and must indicate that all trucks hauling erodable materials, i.e. dirt, sand or small rock or small concrete chunks, shall be tarped while on airport public roads.
Solid Waste Disposal
Hazardous Waste Storage and Disposal
Dust Control/Off-site Vehicle Tracking/Tarping Trucks
Include the following statement “All trucks hauling erodable materials such as soil, sand, gravel shall be tarped at all times while on the public roads of the airport using a functional tarp.”
Sanitary/Septic (i.e. port-a-potty used or work involves a sanitary sewer line)
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Erosion Control Plan
Water Sources for Irrigation and Dust Control (i.e. recycle or use potable water - must not pull water out of a creek or lake for this)
Equipment Fueling
Inspections must be performed once every 14 calendar days and after a rainfall event 0.5” or greater or once every seven days, whichever you prefer. If the project will last less than one week, an inspection should be performed at the end of the project.
There is no required form for inspections. You may create your own inspection form but it must contain the following information: name and qualifications of person performing the inspection, date, weather information, and major observations of BMP condition or failures.
Original inspection reports must be kept in the ECP and available for review by an EAD inspector. A final photo copied set of inspection forms shall be submitted to EAD as part of the close-out process. Copies may be submitted by hand, e-mail or fax.
Based on inspection results, any necessary modifications or revisions to this ECP shall be implemented within seven (7) calendar days of the inspection. A revision is necessary if a control measure or operational procedure does not provide adequate pollutant control, a change order adds additional work or additional areas worked in or if other pertinent information changes. Simple changes may be made on the ECP pages then initialed and dated.
Non-Storm Water Discharges
The following is a list of non-storm water discharges that are allowed under this permit. This list needs to be in your ECP and indicate which of these will occur as part of this project and how discharge will be handled.
Discharges from fire fighting activities
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Erosion Control Plan
Vehicle wash water if detergents are not used
Dust control runoff in accordance with permit conditions
Fire hydrant flushings of potable water only – hyperchlorinated water is not allowed to be discharged from the site or through storm drains unless treated first and will not pose a threat to wildlife or aquatic organisms
Potable water sources including water line flushings except for hyperchlorinated water as described above
Uncontaminated ground water resulting from dewatering activities – sediment is a contamination if stirred up by the removal process then released into street or storm drain inlets
Irrigation drainage
Pavement wash waters where spills or leaks of toxic or hazardous materials have not occurred (unless all spilled material has been removed) and where detergents are not used
Air-conditioning condensate
Routine external building wash down which does not use detergents
Appendices or Attachments
All certifications, maps, and referenced documents must be included in the ECP as appendices or attachments.
Attachment 1
– Contractor Certification
Erosion Control Plan
File: 2009 ECP Model 8/9 Revision: 3-1-09
Erosion Control Plan
Name of Contractor:
Contractor Representative:
Telephone No.:
Certification Statement:
"I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.
I further certify that I am authorized under 30 Texas Administrative Code
§305.44 to sign and submit this document, and can provide documentation in proof of such authorization upon request.
This certification is hereby signed in reference to construction at the above-referenced project.
Attachment 2 – Subcontractor Certification
File: 2009 ECP Model 9/9 Revision: 3-1-09
Erosion Control Plan
Erosion Control Plan
Project Name:
Each subcontractor engaged in activities under this SWPPP that disturb surface soil must be identified and must sign the following certification statement.
Name of
Telephone No.:
Type of Construction Service to be provided:
Certification Statement:
"I certify under penalty of law that I understand the terms and conditions of the Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) permit that authorizes the storm water discharges associated with industrial activity from the construction site identified as part of this certification."
This certification is hereby signed in reference to construction at the above-referenced project.
File: 2009 ECP Model 10/9 Revision: 3-1-09
Erosion Control Plan
File: 2009 ECP Model 11/9 Revision: 3-1-09