What is FTP and ECP?

Exchange metering information of Elia
through FTP or ECP?
Why is Elia proposing 2 different protocols and what are the
advantages of both protocols
What is FTP and ECP? (1/2)
FTP = File Transfer Protocol
ECP = Energy Communication Platform
Both are software applications that are used to exchange
electronic documents between 2 computers
FTP is an old and well known protocol that is used very often
for exchanging files.
ECP is a new protocol proposed by the European System
Operators in order to harmonize the exchange of
electronic documents in the European Electricity Market in
a more reliable way
What is FTP and ECP? (2/2)
ECP (as FTP) is not dealing with the content of the message.
It is only a software for electronic data exchange. But it is
more reliable and it offers more services.
ENTSO-E has developed a standard “MADES” based on ECP
V2.1. (https://www.entsoe.eu/fileadmin/user_upload/edi
/library/mades/mades-v1r0.pdf )
Market actors or IT vendors can use the standard to develop a
software or they can download the ECP package. The ECP
package contains 2 parts: a server and a client part. The
client part can be downloaded free of charge and can be
used for communication between TSOs and the Market
ECP V2.1 is a product, developped by Unicorn, but owned by
different TSOs. Transfer of ownership to ENTSO-E is
planned. ECP 3.0 will be compliant to MADES.
Difference between FTP and ECP
FTP = File transfert
ECP = Energy
communication protocol
Existing and well known
Widely used
Security is possible (SFTP)
but no standard. Not
harmonized. A lot of
different versions exist.
Limited number of
New software package,
harmonized and
developped by different
Uses modern technology:
Offers more services than
FTP: more reliable
transmission of data, proof
of delivery of data,
encription, signing,…
Advantages of ECP for Market Actors,
active in the international Energy
The goal of ECP was to create an harmonized solution for electronic
document exchange in all TSO areas. This will create a “single
face towards the market” for all the Market Actors for electronic
data exchange.
Only 1 installation of ECP will allow you to exchange data with every
TSO in Europe. (as soon as the TSOs have installed the
ECP is already used by 13 Transmission Systems Operators, but only
for TSO-TSO communication at this moment. Elia is the first
TSO in Europe that launches this software for
datacommunication with the Market Actors.
Advantages of ECP for all the Market
Actors, included the local actors.
ECP can be used in a manual way (as FTP for copying information) or
in an automatic way (B2B data exchange)
ECP (compaired to FTP) can be connected to your applications in a
more easy way than FTP. ECP uses “webservices”.
ECP contains more services than FTP: (in FTP your application has to
solve these services itself)
• Reliable data exchange: monitoring when the messages have
been sent and have been delivered to the destination
• Confidential data exchange via internet: encription and signing
of messages (PKI infrastructure)
• Data compression of messages, compatible with the tools of
EFET (European Federation of Energy Traders)
• Installation package facilitates the installation.
• Both FTP and ECP can be used in parrallel. You can start with
FTP and install ECP later on.
ECP runs already since 1 year between different TSOs, power
exchanges and CASC without interruption. It is more reliable
than FTP.
ECP contains more services than FTP and is easier to integrate in an
automatic way.
ECP will be supported by different TSOs.
Elia is providing support for installing the package.
Elia will use this package for all the future business processes. So it
can be reused (without the need to reinstall) in case of
development of a new business process. This will increase also
the “time to market” for future business processes.