Grandjean developmental 2006

Bryan, Rose (ELS)
Message Date: 5/2/2006 08:02
Tuesday - May 2, 2006 8:02 AM
From: Bryan, Rose (ELS) <>
To: '' <>
Dear Professor Grandjean,
I am delighted to be able to give you the news that your paper on
Developmental toxicity of industrial chemicals has now been accepted for
publication in The Lancet as a Review.
The next step is that you will receive proofs from one of my Assistant
Editor colleagues. Please note that we do substantially subedit manuscripts
to improve clarity and to our house style.
Many thanks for all your hard work on this Review.
Rose Bryan
sent on behalf of Dr Astrid James
Deputy Editor - The Lancet
Tel: 020 7424 4921
Fax: 020 7424 4912
Manuscript submitted to The Lancet (accepted for publication, 2 May 2006)
Developmental neurotoxicity of industrial chemicals –
A silent pandemic
P Grandjean, PJ Landrigan
Institute of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark, 5000 Odense, Denmark, and
Department of Environmental Health, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA, USA (Prof
P Grandjean MD DMSc)
Departments of Community Medicine and Pediatrics, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New
York, NY, USA
(Prof PJ Landrigan MD MPH)
Correspondence to:
Dr Philippe Grandjean, Department of Environmental Health, Harvard School of Public Health,
Landmark Center 3E-110, 401 Park Drive, Boston, MA 02215, USA. Telephone: +1-617-3848907. Fax: +1-617-384-8994. E-mail:
Neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs), such as mental retardation, attention deficit disorder,
cerebral palsy, and autism are common, costly and can cause lifelong disability. Their aetiology
is mostly unknown. A small number of industrial chemicals – lead, methylmercury,
polychlorinated biphenyls, arsenic, and toluene – are recognised causes of NDDs and of
subclinical brain dysfunction. Exposures to these chemicals during early development can cause
brain injury at dose levels much lower than those affecting adult brain function. Recognition of
these risks led to evidence-based programs of prevention, such as eliminating lead additives in
petrol. Although already highly successful, these prevention campaigns were initiated only after
substantial delays. Two hundred additional chemicals are known to cause clinical neurotoxicity in
adults. Despite a lack of systematic testing, many more are known to be neurotoxic in laboratory
models. Their toxicity to the developing human brain is not known and they are not regulated to
protect children. The two major impediments to preventing neurodevelopmental deficits of
chemical origin are the great gaps in testing chemicals for developmental neurotoxicity; and the
high level of proof required for regulation. New, precautionary approaches are required for
chemical testing and control that recognise the unique vulnerability of the developing brain.
Search strategy
We identified industrial chemicals that have caused neurotoxic effects in humans from the
Hazardous Substances Data Bank of the National Library of Medicine, as supplemented by
fact sheets at the (US) Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, and the
Integrated Risk Information System of the US Environmental Protection Agency. We used
“neurotoxic”, “neurologic”, and “neuro-” as search terms. For each neurotoxic substance
identified, we then used synonyms, commercial names and CAS numbers to search
PubMed, TOXNET, and TOXLINE to identify literature on developmental neurotoxicity.
The primary search terms were “Prenatal Exposure Delayed Effects”[MeSH] and
“Neurotoxicity Syndromes”[MeSH]. Secondary searches used combinations of “maternal
exposure” and “maternal fetal exchange” with “developmental disabilities/chemically
induced” and “neurotoxins”, all of them with the limiters “All Child: 0-18 years, most
recent 10 Years, English, Human”. We also used references cited in the publications
One out of every six children has a developmental disability, and in most cases these disabilities
involve the nervous system.1 The most common neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) include
learning disabilities, sensory deficits, developmental delays, and cerebral palsy.1 Some observers
report that prevalence of certain NDDs – attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and autism, in
particular – may be increasing, but data to sustain that position are limited.2 The treatment of
these disorders is difficult, and the disabilities they cause can be permanent.3 They are very costly
to families and to society.4-6
Evidence has been accumulating over several decades that industrial chemicals can cause
NDDs, and that subclinical stages of these conditions may be common. The suspicion of a link
between chemicals and widespread neurobehavioural damage was first raised by research
demonstrating that lead is toxic to the developing brain across a wide range of exposures.7-10 It
was buttressed by reports indicating that other environmental pollutants are also toxic to early
brain development.11 A report from the US National Research Council concluded that 3% of
developmental disabilities are the direct consequence of neurotoxic environmental exposures, and
that another 25% arise through interplay between environmental factors (chemical and other) and
individual genetic susceptibility.3 These estimates were based on the limited neurotoxicity
information available and may therefore underestimate the true prevalence of chemically-induced
Neurobehavioural damage caused by industrial chemicals is, in theory, preventable. An
essential prerequisite to prevention is recognition of a chemical’s ability to harm the developing
brain. Knowing that a chemical is neurotoxic can trigger efforts to restrict its use and control
exposures. Previous evidence-based programs of exposure prevention, such as those directed
against children’s exposure to lead, have ultimately been highly successful, although they were
initiated only after substantial delay.
The purpose of this review is to characterise the vulnerability of the developing nervous
system to chemical toxicity; to tabulate publicly available data on human neurotoxicity of
industrial chemicals; to examine the possible extent of a developmental neurotoxicity pandemic;
to describe the known consequences of developmental neurotoxicity at individual and societal
levels; to examine the implications for human health of the current lack of toxicological
information; and to consider prospects for prevention.
Vulnerability of the developing brain
The developing human brain is inherently much more susceptible to injury caused by toxic agents
than the brain of an adult.12 This susceptibility reflects the fact that in the nine months of prenatal
life the human brain must evolve from a strip of cells along the dorsal ectoderm into a complex
organ comprised of billions of precisely located, highly interconnected and specialised cells.
Optimal brain development requires that neurons move along precise pathways from their points
of origin to their assigned locations, that they establish connections with other cells near and
distant, and that they learn to intercommunicate.12-14 All of these processes must take place within
a tightly controlled time frame, in which each developmental stage must be reached on schedule
and in the correct sequence. Because of the extraordinary complexity of human brain
development, windows of unique susceptibility to toxic interference occur that have no
counterpart in the mature brain, or in any other organ. If a developmental process in the brain is
halted or inhibited, there is little potential for later repair, and the consequences may then be
During foetal development, the placenta offers some protection against unwanted
chemical exposures, but it is not an effective barrier against environmental neurotoxicants.15 For
example, many metals easily cross the placenta, and the mercury concentration in cord blood is
considerably higher than in maternal blood.16 The blood-brain barrier, which protects the adult
brain from many toxic agents, is not completely formed until about 6 months after birth.17
Postnatally, the human brain continues to develop, and the period of heightened
vulnerability therefore extends over many months through infancy and into early childhood.
While most neurons have been formed by the time of birth, growth of glial cells and
myelinisation of axons continue for several years.13,14
The susceptibility of infants and children to industrial chemicals is further amplified by
their increased exposures, augmented absorption rates, and diminished ability to detoxify many
exogenous compounds relative to adults 18, 19 Persistent lipophilic substances, including certain
pesticides and halogenated industrial compounds, such as polychlorinated biphenyls, accumulate
in maternal adipose tissue and are passed on to the infant via human milk, thereby resulting in
exposures to the infant that exceed the mother’s own dietary exposure by 100-fold on a body
weight basis.20
Recognition of developmental and subclinical neurotoxicity of chemicals
Initial clinical recognition of developmental neurotoxicity in children exposed to industrial
chemicals has typically involved obvious functional abnormalities in high-dose scenarios that
caused obvious poisoning. Subsequent, more sophisticated research has documented the presence
of less striking, but nonetheless serious adverse effects at lower levels of exposure (figure 1).
This sequence of discovery led to the recognition that environmental toxicants exert a range of
adverse effects – some are clinically evident, but others can be discerned only through special
testing and are not evident on the standard examination, hence the term “subclinical toxicity.”
The underlying concept is that there exists a dose-dependent continuum of toxic effects, in which
clinically obvious effects have their subclinical counterparts.21 A pandemic of subclinical
neurotoxicity is therefore likely to be “silent”, i.e. not apparent from standard health statistics.
The concept of subclinical toxicity traces its origins to pioneering studies of lead toxicity
in clinically asymptomatic children undertaken by Landrigan and colleagues7 and by Needleman
and colleagues,8 who showed that children’s exposure to lead could cause decreases in
intelligence and alteration of behaviour even in the absence of clinically visible symptoms of lead
toxicity. The subclinical toxicity of lead in children has subsequently been confirmed in
prospective epidemiologic studies.22,23
Parallel findings have been reported on some other industrial chemicals, but their number
is comparatively small. Approximately 80,000 chemicals are registered for commercial use with
the US Environmental Protection Agency, and 62,000 were in use when the Toxic Substances
Control Act was enacted in the USA 1977.24 The situation is parallel in the EU, where 100,000
chemicals were registered in 1981.25 The full extent to which these chemicals contribute to
causation of NDDs and subclinical neurotoxicity is still virtually unknown.
Identification of neurotoxic chemicals
Studies in experimental animals support the notion that a wide range of industrial chemicals may
cause developmental neurotoxicity at low doses that are not harmful to adults.26,27 Such injury
appears to result in permanent changes in brain function that may become detectable only when
the animal reaches maturity and the particular function is expressed. Because developmental
neurotoxicity may not be apparent from routine toxicology tests,28 identification of neurotoxic
chemicals often rests on clinical and epidemiological data.
To identify environmental chemicals that are toxic to the human brain, we searched the
Hazardous Substances Data Bank of the National Library of Medicine, where substance identities
are linked to adverse effects in humans. We checked the completeness of this list against other
data sources and with a previous assessment of the published literature on clinical toxicity.29
Table 1 lists the documented human neurotoxicants according to major classes of industrial
chemicals. We have excluded drugs, food additives, microbial toxins, or snake venoms and
similar biogenic substances. This list does not include chemicals that have been found to be
neurotoxic solely in laboratory animals, for which no systematic listing exists.
Table 1 primarily includes acute toxicants that have caused serious accidents or have been
used in suicide attempts, and neurotoxicants mainly causing chronic or delayed disease are likely
to be underrepresented.29 The largest groups of identified compounds are metals, solvents, and
pesticides, while other groups of chemicals are underrepresented. Table 1 should therefore not be
regarded as a comprehensive list of all the industrial chemicals that may be neurotoxic in humans.
The substance names listed in Table 1 were used for searches of published literature on
developmental neurotoxicity. Based on our critical evaluation, the human developmental
neurotoxicants are highlighted in Table 1. Their number is clearly very small. Many additional
chemicals that we have not listed are known to be developmental neurotoxicants in laboratory
animals,27 but no published information is available on their potential toxicity to human brain
development. We therefore undertook a review of each of the documented human developmental
neurotoxicants to determine how their toxicity had been first recognised and to learn how
recognition of hazard developed and led to control of exposure.
The neurotoxicity of lead to adults was known already in Roman times, but a report from
Australia published 100 years ago was the first description of epidemic lead poisoning in young
children; the source of the outbreak was traced to ingestion of lead-based paint by children
playing on verandas with peeling paint.30 Further reports of childhood lead poisoning from the
USA and Europe followed. Lead poisoning was at that time considered an acute illness, from
which a child either recovered or died. Long-term sequelae were first documented in the1940s,
when 19 of 20 survivors of acute poisoning were found to have severe learning and behavioural
Despite those early paediatric warnings, the largely unchecked use of lead in petrol,
paints, ceramic glazes, and many other products through much of the twentieth century continued
to cause risks of lead poisoning. During the 1970s, widespread subclinical neurobehavioural
deficits, including problems in concentration, memory, cognition, and behaviour, were
documented in asymptomatic children with elevated blood-lead concentrations.7,8 Spurred by
recommendations issued by the European Regional Office of the World Health Organization,
studies were initiated in many countries; the results corroborated the previous conclusions.32
As a result of the accumulating evidence, many sources of lead exposure came to be
controlled, though not all sources, and not in all countries. A 90% reduction in childhood blood
lead levels followed the termination of lead additives in petrol.33 Current research on lead
neurotoxicity focuses on the shape of the dose-response curve at very low exposure levels that
appear to cause surprisingly large functional decrements.22 As convincing evidence became
recognised, health agencies have serially reduced the permissible concentration of lead in
children’s blood. However, the most recent research22 suggests that the current impact of lead
exposure on human brain development may be even greater than previously thought.
Methylmercury, too, was first established as a neurotoxicant in men exposed occupationally.34
The developmental toxicity of this organic mercury compound became evident in the 1960s in
Minamata, Japan, where an epidemic of spasticity, blindness and profound mental retardation had
occurred among infants born to mothers who consumed contaminated fish. After many years of
clinical and experimental studies, the source was found to be mercury compounds released into
Minamata Bay by a plastics plant.35 Methylmercury accumulated and reached high levels in
locally caught fish. Exposed adults, including mothers of poisoned children, were less seriously
affected, if at all.36 Similar outbreaks of profound NDDs in the infants of virtually unaffected
mothers have occurred following maternal consumption during pregnancy of seed grain treated
with methylmercury fungicides.37,38 Studies of a serious poisoning incident in Iraq established a
crude dose-response relationship between maternal hair-mercury concentrations and risk of
neurological abnormalities in their children.39
Recent studies have focused on prenatal exposures to lower levels of methylmercury.
They have examined populations with a high intake of seafood and freshwater fish with various
degrees of methylmercury contamination. Prospective examination of a New Zealand cohort
found a three-point decrement in IQ as well as alterations in affect among children born to
women with hair mercury levels above 6 µg/g.40 A large prospective study in the Faroe Islands
found evidence for dose-related impairments in memory, attention, language and visuospatial
perception.41 A third prospective cohort study in the Seychelles provided only limited support for
prenatal neurotoxicity after adjustment for postnatal exposures.42 Several cross-sectional studies
found significant associations between methylmercury exposure and neurobehavioral impairment
in young children.43 The US National Academy of Sciences reviewed these studies and concluded
that strong evidence exists for the foetal neurotoxicity of methylmercury, even at low exposure
levels.44 These findings have led food safety authorities to issue dietary advisories, and national
and international agencies (with coordination from the United Nations Environment Programme)
now seek to control and limit mercury releases to the environment. Substantial reductions have
already been achieved in mercury use and release from hospitals and incinerators.45 A related
substance, ethylmercury, has been widely used as part of preservatives of vaccines, but a
neurotoxic risk has not been documented.46
Ingestion of arsenic-contaminated drinking-water has long been recognised to cause peripheral
neuropathy in adults.47 Dramatic documentation of developmental neurotoxicity due to arsenic
was reported in 1955 from Japan, where consumption of powdered milk contaminated with
arsenic led to over 12,000 poisoning cases and 131 deaths.48 A follow-up study of three groups of
adolescents born during the time of the milk contamination included one group that was fully
breastfed, one that was exposed to the tainted milk product, and one that received other
supplements, but no tainted formula.49 Significantly more mentally-retarded individuals were
found in the exposed group. Poor school records, emotional disturbances and abnormal or
borderline EEG findings were also more common in the exposed group. Because these findings
were initially published in Japanese journals not easily available elsewhere,48,49 they have been
overlooked, even in the most thorough risk assessments of environmental arsenic exposure.50,51
Arsenic occurs in ground water worldwide, and industrial pollution is widespread. Crosssectional studies of children at school age showed cognitive deficits associated with drinking
water contamination levels52 and increased urinary arsenic concentrations.53 Similar results were
obtained in children with arsenic exposure from a smelter.54 A possible joint adverse effect on IQ
caused by arsenic and manganese exposures was suggested by hair metals concentrations in
children living near a hazardous waste site.55 Although the recent evidence for subclinical
neurodevelopmental neurotoxicity of arsenic is less well developed than for lead and
methylmercury, the data are internally consistent and fit with the high-exposure findings from
Japan. Still, regulatory action does not emphasise the need to protect the developing brain against
this neurotoxicant.50,51
Polychlorinated biphenyls
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were widely used in electrical equipment as insulators. Human
toxicity was first described from industrial exposures,56 but neurological effects appeared to be of
limited concern. Developmental toxicity of PCBs was first observed in children exposed to high
levels in two poisoning events in Asia, where cooking oil had been contaminated by PCBs and
related substances during manufacturing. Prenatal exposure in the Taiwan incident was associated
with low birth weight, delayed developmental milestones, and lower IQs in comparison with
unexposed siblings.57 Exposed boys (but not girls) showed deficits in spatial reasoning. Followup study showed growth impairment, slow development, lack of endurance, clumsy movement,
and very low IQs.58 In a similar incident in Japan, neurological damage appeared less
prominent.59 Because of the mixed exposures, the specific contribution by PCB to these adverse
effects cannot be delineated.
Epidemiological studies of asymptomatic populations prenatally exposed to PCBs and
related contaminants through maternal diet were first conducted in the USA. Subclinical
developmental deficits were demonstrated in the most highly exposed of these children60,61 and
were associated, at age 11 years, with an average IQ score 6.2 points below that of children with
lower exposures.62 A Dutch cohort included 418 healthy infants and found subclinical decrements
on the neonatal neurological examination and in subsequent developmental tests related to
increased PCB exposures.63 Continued follow-up of this cohort suggested that the effects may be
modified or masked with age, but effects were still detectable at age 9 years.64 Results from a
German cohort supported these findings and also suggested that postnatal PCB exposure from
breast-feeding contributes to cognitive deficits.65 A possible mechanism through which PCBs
injure the developing brain is interference with maternal thyroid function,13,66 which may not
harm adult brain functions. Although PCB manufacture has been banned in most nations, and
exposures are decreasing, exposures at levels currently prevalent may still cause developmental
Solvent neurotoxicity in adults is well known from acute poisoning cases and from occupational
studies.68 Ethanol is the prototypical solvent. Intermittent, low-level exposures produce mild
inebriating effects, but do not lead to irreversible damage. Heavy, long-term ethanol intake in
adults can, however, lead to serious injury, including Wernicke’s syndrome. Because such
exposures are voluntary, ethanol is not included in Table 1.
The foetal alcohol syndrome is qualitatively different. It was first described in infants of
mothers with a serious drinking habit, and involves cognitive and behavioural deficits as well as
altered facial features. Permanent neurotoxic damage in the mother is not a prerequisite for
irreversible effects in the child.69 At lower consumption levels, subtle, but permanent
neurotoxicity, including decreased IQ scores, have been demonstrated.70 Effects of alcohol on the
foetus may be enhanced by certain genetic polymorphisms.71
Less solid documentation is available on other solvents more widely used in industry.
Because of its anaesthetic effects, toluene has been used for sniffing, and case reports have
reported that infants of mothers who sniffed toluene in pregnancy had abnormally low scores on
developmental tests and showed delayed development of speech and motor function.72-74
Additional evidence comes from limited studies of mothers, who reported occupational exposure
to solvents, including toluene, during pregnancy.75-77 The women were apparently exposed within
permissible workplace limits aimed at preventing neurotoxicity in the workers themselves.
However, these studies do not allow any definite conclusions on the specific hazard and the
nature of dose-response relationships for developmental neurotoxicity.
Over 600 registered pesticides include insecticides, fungicides, rodenticides, and fumigants. In
the USA alone, over 1 billion pounds are applied annually. Acute pesticide neurotoxicity is well
known from occupational exposure studies, poisoning events and suicide data.29 It is often due to
cholinesterase inhibition from organophosphate agents.
Developmental neurotoxicicity was suggested by an anthropological study of two similar
groups of asymptomatic, 4-5 year-old Yaqui children in Mexico.78 Those heavily exposed to a
mix of pesticides, including organophosphates, had diminished short-term memory, eye-hand
coordination and drawing ability, while unexposed children of the same tribe showed normal
development.78 Likewise, preschool children from agricultural communities in the USA showed
poorer performance on motor speed and latency.79 Ecuadorean school children, whose mothers
during pregnancy had been exposed to organophosphates and other pesticides from working in
greenhouses, showed visuospatial deficits compared to their unexposed peers.80 In contrast,
current pesticide exposure, as reflected by urinary excretion of organophosphate metabolites, was
associated with delays in the children’s simple reaction time.80 Acute exposure of American
children to the organophosphate pesticide, methyl parathion, was associated with persistent
problems in short-term memory and attention span.81 Prospective epidemiological studies of
human infants exposed in utero to the organophosphate, chlorpyrifos, found significant decreases
in head circumference and body weight at birth as well as slowing of reflexes.82-84 Decreased
head circumference, a risk factor for NDDs, was seen only in those exposed infants who were
born to mothers with low expression levels of PON1, an esterase involved in organophosphate
detoxification.83 The effect of chlorpyrifos on body weight disappeared after imposition of a ban
on residential use of the compound.84 Although organophosphates can undoubtedly cause
developmental neurotoxicity, the data are yet insufficient to determine the potential hazard to the
developing brain posed by individual compounds among the dozens of organophosphates still in
use worldwide.
Emerging neurotoxic substances
Documentation of developmental effects in humans for the remaining compounds listed in Table
1 is minimal. However, three obvious candidate substances deserve particular attention, including
two that have apparently not caused neurotoxicity in adults.
Manganese neurotoxicity in adults has been well documented in occupationally exposed
populations; parkinsonism is the classic clinical feature, and subclinical neurotoxicity is also
reported.85 Concern about the developmental neurotoxicity of manganese has emerged because
the organic manganese compound, methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl (MMT), has
been added as an anti-knock agent to petrol in Australia and Canada and may be used in the
future in the US and elsewhere. Manganese also can occur in drinking water. In a prospective
study of 247 births in Paris, France, the manganese concentration in cord blood was associated
with impaired neurobehavioural development, especially on the Brunet-Lezine scales at nine
months and the McCarthy scales at 3 years.86 At age 6, where no association was seen, only 100
children participated.86 Community exposures to manganese released to the environment by
combustion of MMT,87 exposures from a toxic waste site in the USA55 and from contaminated
drinking water in Bangladesh88 have been associated with subclinical neurological impairment in
Fluoride may cause neurotoxicity in experimental animals,89 but is not listed in Table 1 as
a documented human neurotoxicant. This substance occurs in drinking water as a natural
contaminant, but the concentration depends on local geological circumstances. In rural
communities in China, high fluoride concentrations in well water may give rise to skeletal
abnormalities. In one such community, 222 children aged 8-13 years showed significantly
inferior IQ levels compared to 290 unexposed control children.90 Parallel results were obtained in
a smaller study of 118 children of similar age.91 Another study of 477 school children from 22
villages suggested that both increased water fluoride concentrations and very low levels were
associated with IQ deficits, as compared with children exposed to “normal” concentrations below
1 mg/L.92 The published reports do not allow a thorough consideration of possible confounding,
but do suggest that further in-depth studies be conducted.
Perchlorate is likewise not known as a neurotoxicant in adults. It is a widespread
contaminant of ground water in the USA from the use of ammonium perchlorate as a solid-fuel
propellant for rockets and missiles.93 The thyroid is the primary target of perchlorate toxicity, and
perchlorate blocks iodine uptake by the thyroid. Abnormal brain development, consequent to
inhibition of maternal thyroid function,13,66 is the major potential effect of perchlorate exposure.93
Because the available evidence is uninformative as to neurobehavioral toxicity, drinking water
standards for perchlorate are set at levels to protect adults and do not include child-protective
safety factors.
Health and Societal Impacts of Developmental Neurotoxicity
The five substances recognized as causes of developmental neurotoxicity show a parallel pattern
in the development of scientific documentation of their risks. This pattern of discovery started in
each instance with recognition of adult neurotoxicity, typically in workers, and of acute, highdose poisoning episodes involving children. It then progressed to the accumulation of
epidemiological evidence of neurobehavioural deficits in children with developmental exposures
at lower levels that are not toxic to adults (figure 1). For lead, methylmercury, and PCBs,
widespread subclinical neurotoxicity has been documented internationally, while the full
implications of exposures to arsenic and toluene are still unclear. For most substances listed in
Table 1, only neurotoxicity in adults has been documented so far.
The combined evidence suggests that neurodevelopmental toxicity caused by industrial
chemicals has created a silent pandemic in modern society. Although these chemicals have
caused impaired brain development in millions of children worldwide, the profound effects of
this pandemic are not apparent from available health statistics. In addition, only a few chemical
causes have been recognised. We therefore postulate that the full impact of this pandemic may be
substantially greater than currently recognized.
As is shown by the evidence on inorganic lead, globally increased exposures have been
responsible for erosion of cognitive skills with subclinical, but permanent decreases in IQ.
Additionally, this neurotoxicant has produced lifelong alterations of behaviour with shortening of
attention span, increased impulsivity, heightened aggressiveness, slowed motor coordination, and
impaired memory and language skills. The consequences are increased likelihood of school
failure, diminished economic productivity, and possibly increased risk of antisocial and criminal
behaviour.94 The most striking of these effects occur at the extremes of exposure; among highly
exposed children, almost none had superior function, while the number with obvious deficits
increased markedly.95 This latter group will likely require special education and be less likely
than their peers to pursue productive career options. A study of adults who had suffered excess
lead exposure as children revealed that they were significantly less successful in life than an a
less exposed comparison group.96
The consequences of this pandemic of developmental neurotoxicity extend beyond the
meagre descriptive data on the incidence and prevalence of clinically diagnosed NDDs.1,3
Increased risk of Parkinson’s disease97 and other neurodegenerative disease98 is a further potential
consequence of this pandemic. Thus, early subclinical chemical injury has been hypothesised to
kill silently a fraction of the cells required to sustain brain function in later life, for example in the
substantia nigra. These latent impairments cause no symptoms in childhood, but may be
unmasked during the neuronal attrition associated with aging. With age-related declines in
functional reserve capacity, disease could then become manifest.99,100
The wide extent of human exposure to neurotoxicants is now becoming visible after
systematic collection of data on the occurrence of these substances in the environment and in
human tissues.101 Even then, recognition of causal associations may be difficult, because
exposures vary with time, more than one toxicant may be involved, individual vulnerability
varies, and other factors that can bias epidemiological studies toward the null hypothesis,
especially when the outcome may be unrecognised for several years, or even decades.102
For industrial chemicals in wide use, the population at risk of subclinical neurotoxicity
can be very large. Thus, virtually all children born in industrial countries between 1960 and 1980
were exposed to substantial amounts of lead from petrol that may have reduced the number of
children with truly superior intelligence (IQ scores above 130 points) by over 50% and likewise
increased the number with IQ scores below 70.95 In the USA alone, the aggregate population of
children at risk of exposure to airborne lead at the time was approximately 100 million. During
this period, the resulting economic costs are estimated to have ranged from $110 billion to $319
billion in each annual birth cohort.103 The major source of these costs was the diminished
economic productivity that resulted over the exposed children’s entire lifetimes from wide-scale
reductions in intelligence. Today the costs of lead poisoning are estimated still to be $43 billion
in each birth cohort in the USA,5 while the costs of prenatal methylmercury toxicity are estimated
to amount to $8.7 billion annually (range, $2.2-43.8 billion).6 Diminished economic productivity
remains the principal source of these costs. Due to the absence of dose-response relationships for
other neurotoxicants, the extent of the total costs is unknown.
The impact of chemical neurotoxicity extends beyond the industrially developed nations.
Toxic chemicals, such as highly dangerous pesticides that are banned in industrialised countries,
are exported to developing societies, where environmental and occupational standards are often
weak or at least weakly enforced.104 The consequences are largely unreported.
Prospects for Prevention
The pandemic of neurodevelopmental toxicity caused by industrial chemicals is, in theory,
preventable. Premarket testing of new chemicals is a highly efficient means of preventing
toxicity, but has been required only during recent years. Of the thousands of chemicals currently
used in commerce, fewer than half have been subjected to even minimal laboratory testing to
assess toxicity.24 Nearly 3,000 of these substances are produced in quantities of 1 million or more
pounds per year, but for nearly half of these high-volume chemicals no basic toxicity data are
publicly available, and 80% have no information on developmental or paediatric toxicity.24
Although new chemicals must be tested more thoroughly, access to these data may be restricted,
because they may be claimed to constitute confidential business information. Lack of information
on the neurotoxic potential of most industrial chemicals is therefore a major impediment to
prevention of NDDs. Accelerated testing of chemicals already in commerce is therefore essential.
In the USA, a legal mandate to require testing was established in the Toxic Substances Control
Act, but is largely unenforced.24 In the EU, opportunity exists to require more extensive chemical
testing through the REACH program,25 although the currently proposed legislation does not
emphasise testing for developmental neurotoxicity as a primary objective.
Toxicity testing of chemicals needs to expand current protocols to include examination of
neurobehavioural functions. Current test protocols rely mainly on relatively crude parameters,
such as brain weight and gross morphology.105,106 Risk exists in abbreviated protocols used for
toxicity screening that neurodevelopmental toxicity will be overlooked, and further testing may
erroneously be considered unnecessary. Procedures for functional evaluation are available,105 and
a harmonised protocol for assessment of developmental neurotoxicity was developed under
OECD auspices in 1999,106 although it is still under review.
The number of chemicals that can cause neurotoxicity in laboratory studies probably
exceeds 1000, a number that greatly exceeds the approximately 200 that have caused documented
human neurotoxicity. However, in the absence of systematic testing,28 the true extent of
neurotoxic potentials of industrial chemicals is unknown. Table 1 includes only those substances
for which causal associations in humans are known and have been published. The physiology of
brain development12-14 and experimental evidence14,26,27 suggest that developmental neurotoxicity
is likely for all of them, except perhaps for some of the compounds that require metabolic
transformation to become neurotoxic, where immature metabolism may provide some degree of
protection.19,107 The few substances identified as proven human developmental neurotoxicants
should therefore be viewed as a tip of an iceberg that could be very large (figure 2).
Large-scale, prospective epidemiological studies, such as EU-based birth cohorts108 and
the National Children’s Study proposed in the USA will be especially informative in regard to
early toxicant exposures and NDD.109 Data from these investigations, especially when pooled
internationally, will hopefully provide dose-response relationships that can guide future disease
prevention efforts. This research must move beyond repeated assessments of known
neurotoxicants to examine newer chemicals, whose toxicity is just beginning to be recognised.
The substances listed in Table 1, especially those most prevalent in food, drinking water, and the
environment, should provide a useful starting point. Still, these initiatives may take decades to
generate the type of detailed documentation currently needed for chemicals regulation.
Among legal approaches, the Food Quality Protection Act in the USA requires that
pesticide standards be set at levels that will protect infants against developmental toxicity. When
testing data are not available, a child-protective safety factor must be used in standard setting.
However, application of this safety factor has been uneven, and future application needs to
recognise also the vulnerability of prenatal brain development.
Prevention of NDDs of chemical origin will require fundamentally new approaches to
control of chemical exposures. The vulnerability of the human nervous system and its special
susceptibility during early development suggest that protection of the young brain should be a
paramount goal of public health protection. The requirement of a high level of proof resulted in a
slow pace of interventions to prevent exposures to lead and other recognised hazards. Instead,
exposure limits for chemicals should be set at levels that recognise the unique sensitivity of
pregnant women and young children, and they should aim at protecting brain development. The
precautionary principle, which is now beginning to be applied in the European Union, would
suggest that early indications of a potential for a serious toxic effect, such as developmental
neurotoxicity, should lead to relatively severe regulations, which may later be relaxed, should
subsequent documentation show that the hazard is less than anticipated.110 As physicians, we
should use prudence when counselling our patients, especially pregnant mothers, about avoidance
of exposures to chemicals of unknown and untested neurotoxic potential.
Conflict of interest statement
P Grandjean has testified on behalf of the Natural Resources Defense Council in a court case in
regard to mercury pollution from a chemical plant in Maine, USA. PJ Landrigan has testified on
behalf of the State of Rhode Island, USA, in a suit against the manufacturers of lead-based paint.
We thank Professor Katsuyuki Murata for providing and translating literature from Japanese
sources, Dr. Anna Choi for the translations from Chinese, Jennifer Pintabone-Asetta for the
database searches, and the following bodies for their financial support of our research: the Danish
Medical Research Council, the (US) National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
(ES07384, ES09584, ES09797, ES11687), and the US Environmental Protection Agency (RD
83171101). These funding sources had no role in preparation of this review, and the contents of
this paper are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not represent the official views of the
NIEHS or any other funding agency.
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Table 1: Chemicals (N = 202) known to cause neurotoxicity in humans. The five substances that
have been documented also to cause developmental neurotoxicity are shown in Italics.
Metals and inorganic
Aluminum compounds
Arsenic and arsenic
Barium compounds
Bismuth compounds
Carbon monoxide
Hydrogen sulfide
Lead and lead compounds
Lithium compounds
Manganese and manganese
Mercury and mercuric
Nickel carbonyl
Selenium compounds
Tellurium compounds
Thallium compounds
Tin compounds
Organic solvents
Benzyl alcohol
Carbon disulfide
Dichloroacetic acid
Diethylene glycol
Ethyl acetate
Ethylene glycol
Ethylene glycol ethyl ether
Ethylene glycol methyl ether
Isopropyl alcohol
Methyl-n-butyl ketone
Methyl ethyl ketone
Methyl isobutyl ketone
Vinyl chloride
Other organic substances
Acetone cyanohydrin
Allyl chloride
Butylated triphenyl phosphate
Diethylene glycol diacrylate
Di-N-butyl phthalate
Dimethyl sulfate
Ethylene oxide
Methyl chloride
Methyl formate
Methyl iodide
Methyl methacrylate
Polybrominated biphenyls
Polybrominated diphenyl
Polychlorinated biphenyls
1,2-Propylene oxide
Tributyl phosphate
Trimethyl phosphate
Triphenyl phosphate
Methyl bromide
Methyl parathion
Number of subjects affected
Subclinical effects
in child populations
In adults
Neurotoxicant dose (inverted scale)
Silent pandemic
Time of recognition
Figure 1. For developmental neurotoxicants, the evidence first dealt with adverse effects
at high doses on the adult nervous system, later followed by case reports and
epidemiological evidence on developmental toxicity at successively lower doses, to which
childhood populations of increasing magnitude are exposed. Inorganic lead,
methylmercury, and PCB have followed this curve towards the right, with arsenic and toluene
somewhat behind. Documentation on most neurotoxicants regards adults only and therefore
remains far to the left on the time scale.
Chemical universe, N ~ 80,000
Experimental neurotoxicants, N > 1,000?
Known human neurotoxicants, N = 206
Known human developmental
neurotoxicants, N = 5
Figure 2. Of the thousands of chemicals in current use, only a small fraction has been
documented to cause developmental neurotoxicity in humans. Although this limited
evidence does not represent the true potential for industrial chemicals to cause
neurodevelopmental disorders, assessment of preventive needs nonetheless relies on this
incomplete information.