Land-Based Nutrient Enrichment of the Buccoo Reef Complex and Fringing Coral Reefs of Tobago, West Indies B. E. Lapointe1, R. Langton2, O. Day2, B. Bedford1, C. Hu3 and Arthur Potts4 1 Center for Marine Ecosystem Health, Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute, 5600 US Highway One, Fort Pierce, FL, 34946 U.S.A. 2 Buccoo Reef Trust, Cowie’s Building, Auchenskeoch Road, Carnbee Junction, Carnbee, Tobago, W. I. 3 Institute for Marine Remote Sensing, College of Marine Science, University of South Florida, St. Petersburg, FL 33701 U.S.A. 4 Centre for Marine Sciences, Institute of Marine Affairs, Hill Top Lane, Chaguaramas, P.O. Box 3160, Carenage, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I. *Corresponding author; Tel.: 772-465-2400 ext 276; fax: 772-468-0757 e-mail address: Key words: coral reef, macroalgae, eutrophication, sewage, nitrogen, phosphorus, Orinoco Abstract Land-based runoff represents a major source of marine pollution in the Caribbean Sea. The fringing coral reefs of Tobago, including the Buccoo Reef Complex (BRC), can be affected locally by wastewater discharges and storm water runoff, as well as regionally by the floodwaters of the Orinoco River during the wet season. We examined the effects of land-based nutrient pollution by measuring dissolved water column nutrients (DIN, SRP), and chlorophyll a, C:N:P and 15N contents of macroalgae, and % cover of coral and macroalgae at a variety of sites on the Buccoo Reef and fringing reefs (FR) in the dry (April - June) and wet (September -October) seasons of 2001. Concentrations of DIN (mostly ammonium) increased at all stations from the dry to wet seasons, in contrast to SRP that decreased from the dry to wet season. These seasonal shifts in nutrient concentrations resulted in a significant increase in the DIN:SRP ratio from the dry to wet season. In April, C:N ratios of macroalgae were significantly lower in the BRC vs. FR sites (15.8 vs. 21.0), in contrast to higher N:P ratios in the BRC (49.5 vs. 34.6), indicating greater N-enrichment of the reefs within the Buccoo Reef itself. Overall, the 15N contents of macroalgae averaged + 6.05 ± 1.59 o/oo and did not vary with season, although the more remote and less populated sites off Little Tobago island did increase significantly from the dry to wet season. However, the 15N contents of macroalgae in the BRC (+ 6.62 o/oo) were significantly higher than the FR sites (+ 5.53 o/oo), indicating a higher degree of wastewater derived N on the Buccoo Reef. The % cover of coral correlated inversely with macroalgae among the reef sites, with the highest % cover of macroalgae occurring throughout the Buccoo Reef Complex. These data suggest that local inputs of sewage are a primary source of nutrient stress on Tobago’s reefs, especially throughout the Buccoo Reef, and that improved collection and treatment of wastewater could lead to improved water quality and reef health. 1. Introduction Coral reefs are biologically diverse and economically valuable ecosystems that provide an array of ecological services to coastal communities throughout their range. Reef ecosystems occur in oligotrophic waters and are susceptible to eutrophication as a result of low level nutrient pollution (Johannes, 1975; NRC 2000). Studies in Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii, clearly showed how reef corals can be overgrown by macroalgae when small increases in nutrient concentrations (nitrogen and/or phosphorus) occur as a result of sewage pollution (Banner, 1974; Smith et al. 1981). Pollution from land-based sources is now considered the single most important threat to the marine environment of the Caribbean and impediment to sustainable use of its resources (UNEP, 1994). Sources of nutrient pollution include sewage outfalls, septic tanks, storm water runoff, fertilizers, deforestation (Likens, 2001; Lapointe and Thacker 2002) and atmospheric deposition (Barile and Lapointe, 2005). The island of Tobago, often described as the “Jewel of the Caribbean”, is located at the southern end of the Lesser Antilles off the coast of Venezuela. Tobago is primarily a volcanic island but with considerable coral reef growth, especially in the southwestern area where extensive coral reef development has resulted in a shallow limestone platform known as the Buccoo Reef Complex (BRC; Fig. 1). The Buccoo Reef Complex encompasses an area of ~ 7 km-2 and was officially designated as a marine protected area, The Buccoo Reef Marine Park, in 1973 (Laydoo, 1991). The Buccoo Reef Maine Park is the best example of contiguous coral reef – seagrass – mangrove ecosystem in the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago. The BRC is also a major economic asset, attracting some tens of thousands of visitors per year. Like most marine protected areas in the Caribbean region, creation of the Buccoo Reef Marine Park has not protected the area from water quality degradation. Many coastal dwellings in the contiguous Buccoo Village area, for example, have septic tanks and “soak-away” systems built in the carbonate-rich limestone that overlay the volcanic geology. This sewage disposal technology provides little removal of nitrogen, which is highly mobile in carbonate-rich systems and flows subsurface, via groundwater, into coastal waters (Lapointe et al. 1990, Costa et al. 2000, Lapointe and Thacker 2001). Similarly, secondarily treated sewage, a technology that does not remove nutrients sufficiently to protect coral reef ecosystems, enters Buccoo Bay and the Bon Accord Lagoon via several sewage treatment plants that service subdivisions near Buccoo Village (Coral Garden Estates) and in Bon Accord. Sewage pollution in Buccoo Bay presents a significant risk to public health as indicated by consistently elevated concentrations of coliform bacteria and fecal streptococci (John 1996). Although there has long been concern about sewage pollution in the Buccoo Reef Complex, little is known about the dynamics by which nutrient pollution fosters eutrophication and degradation of these coral reef communities. Kenny (1976) provided one of the first qualitative studies of coral communities in the BRC and noted that “care should be taken not to increase run-off from the adjacent land and to restrict the entry of pollutants”. Laydoo and Heileman (1987) sampled effluents from sewage treatment plants servicing subdivisions on the watershed of the BRC and recommended upgrading the treatment facilities throughout the Buccoo Reef watershed. In 1994, the Institute of Marine Affairs completed a management plan for the Buccoo Reef Marine Park (IMA, 1994) that specifically recognized sewage impacts (i.e. fecal coliform contamination) in the inshore waters of Buccoo Bay, but the plan did not address the chronic ecological impacts of nutrient pollution of the coral reef communities. Like the Buccoo Reef Complex, fringing reefs around Tobago’s coast could also be receiving increasing nutrient loads from poorly or inadequately treated sewage effluents. Both large and small communities rely on “soak-aways” as on the BRC catchment or less than adequate (i.e. tertiary level) treatment of waste water. Where centralized collection and treatment systems for sewage have been developed they only provide only secondary-level treatment at best (no nutrient removal) and are usually inadequate for the end-volume, resulting in nutrient-rich discharges into rivers or wetlands that eventually flow into coastal waters. To specifically assess the chemical and ecological impacts of sewage pollution in the Buccoo Reef Complex and the fringing reefs around Tobago, we undertook a water quality sampling and coral reef monitoring project in 2001. The study involved measurement of water column dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), and chlorophyll a during the dry (April - June) and wet (September – October) seasons. This sampling design was necessary to address the seasonal effects of the Orinoco River floodwaters that impact Tobago’s coastal waters during the wet season (Laydoo, 1991). Underwater video of benthic reef communities was used to quantify cover of hard corals, octocorals, macroalgae, turf algae, coralline algae, and sponges. Stable nitrogen isotope ratios (15N) in benthic macroalgae were used to discriminate among natural (N-fixation) versus anthropogenic (e.g. sewage) nitrogen sources fueling algal blooms and eutrophication in the seasonal samplings. 2. Materials and methods 2.1 Study sites and sampling rationale - A total of six sites in the Buccoo Reef Complex were sampled to assess water quality and benthic community structure along an inshore to offshore gradient, to address the importance of land-based nutrient discharges. The sites included a sewage outfall emptying into Buccoo Bay, a site immediately off the shore in a location near the house where Prince Margaret honeymooned that we refer to as Princess Reef and off Buccoo Point, near Buccoo Village, all in the inner BRC; Walkabout Reef, where glass-bottom boat tour operators allow people to disembark and walk on the backreef, and Nylon Pool, both in the middle of the BRC; and Coral Gardens and Outer Reef in the offshore areas of the BRC (Fig. 1). We predicted that the inshore sites of the Buccoo Reef Complex would show the strongest evidence of nutrient enrichment from land-based runoff and that there would be a decreasing impact with distance from shore. In addition, a variety of fringing reefs around Tobago’s Caribbean and Atlantic coasts were sampled, which included a series of well known dive sites: Mt. Irvine “Wall”, the Maverick (a sunken ship-artificial reef), Diver’s Dream, a site off shore from the Tobago Vanguard Hotel, Diver’s Thirst, Culloden, Arnos Vale, Englishman’s Bay, Three Sisters and two sites off Little Tobago Island -- Kelliston Drain and Black Jack Hole. We hypothesized that nutrient enrichment would be relatively minimal off Little Tobago Island, the site furthest offshore and flushed with oceanic “blue water” waters of the Guyana Current and conversely, greater nutrient enrichment on the fringing reef sites more directly impacted by land-based runoff from Scarborough and the more urbanized areas of southwest Tobago, which includes sites off the Vanguard Hotel, Mt. Irvine, the Maverick, Diver’s Dream and Diver’s Thirst. Finally, we sampled all sites in both the dry and wet seasons of 2001 (Fig. 2) to assess the role of land-based storm water runoff in driving seasonal shifts in nutrient concentrations and eutrophication. 2.2 Analysis of seawater for DIN, SRP, and chlorophyll a - SCUBA divers collected water samples from the various reef sites between April 10 and June 20, 2001 in the dry season and between September 24 and October 23, 2001 during the wet season. Water temperatures and depths at the reef sites were measured using Oceanic Datamax Pro Plus dive computers. Divers used clean, one liter polyethylene Nalgene bottles to collect replicate (n = 4) seawater samples ~ 0.5 m off the bottom at the various reef sites. The water samples were held on ice in the dark in a cooler until return to shore where aliquots of the samples were filtered through a 0.45 m GF/F filter and frozen. The samples were analyzed for DIN ( = NH4+plus NO3- plus NO2-) and SRP on a Bran and Luebbe TRAACS Analytical Console at Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution’s (HBOI) Environmental Laboratory in Ft. Pierce, FL. The methods for collection, handling, and processing of all nutrient samples followed a quality assurance/quality control protocol developed by HBOI’s Environmental Lab. This plan prevented problems associated with sample contamination and excessive holding times. Salinity of the water samples was measured to ± 1.0 psu using a Bausch and Lomb refractometer. The GF/F glass fiber filters used for filtering the water samples were frozen and analyzed for chlorophyll a (chl a) as a measure of phytoplankton biomass. The filters were extracted for 30 minutes using 10 ml of dimethyl sulfoxide and then with an added 15 ml of 90% acetone at 5 oC overnight. The samples were measured fluorometrically before and after acidification for determination of chlorophyll a and phaeopigment concentrations. Fluorescence measurements were made using a Turner Designs 10-000R fluorometer equipped with a infrared-sensitive photomultiplier and calibrated using pure chlorophyll a. 2.3 Analysis of macroalgae for C:N:P and 15N – SCUBA divers collected replicate (n = 2) composite samples of macroalgae from the various reef sites into nylon mesh bags. At least 3-6 separate plants were collected for each composite sample of each species to ensure representativeness. Immediately following collection, the macroalgae were cleaned of debris and transferred to plastic zip-loc baggies and held in a cooler during transport to the lab. In the lab, the samples were identified, rinsed briefly (3-5 s) in deionized water to further remove debris. The plants were placed in plastic drying dishes and dried in a lab oven at 65 oC for 48 h. The dried macroalgae were ground to a fine powder using a mortar and pestle and stored in plastic vials until analysis. Samples of dried, powdered macroalgae were analyzed for stable nitrogen isotope ratios with a Carlo-Erba N/A 1500 Elemental Analyzer and a VG Isomass mass spectrometer using Dumas combustion (by Isotope Services, Los Alamos, New Mexico). The standard used for stable nitrogen isotope analysis was N2 in air. 15N values, expressed as o/oo (ppm), were calculated as [(Rsample/Rstandard) – 1] x 103, with R equal to 15N/14N. Subsamples of the powdered macroalgae samples from the dry season sampling were analyzed for C:N:P contents at Nutrient Analytical Services, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, University of Maryland System, Solomons, MD. Tissue C and N were measured on an Exeter Analytical, Inc. (EAI) CE-440 Elemental Analyzer, whereas P was measured following the methodology of Asplia et al. (1976) using a Technicon Autoanalyzer II with an IBM-compatible, Labtronics, Inc. DP500 software data collection system (D’Elia et al. 1997). 2.4 Quantification of reef biota - SCUBA divers used an underwater digital video camcorder (Sony TRV 900 in an Amphibico Navigator housing, 100 degree spherical lens) to record imagery along two replicate 50 m long belt transects at each reef site. Divers obtained the imagery by holding the camcorder perpendicular to the reef surface (0.5 m off bottom, 0.4 m-2 image area) and slowly swimming along the transects to obtain clear, steady images. A second close-up oblique video transect was also recorded to allow identification of algal taxa and to distinguish among the fine-scale (1-5 cm) changes in biotic composition among these diverse and often multi-layered communities. The digital video images were anaylzed on a high resolution color monitor using the random point-count method. This method provided a relatively unbiased estimate of the percent cover of hard corals, macroalgae (> 2 cm tall), algal turf (< 2 cm tall), coralline algae, sponges, and octocorals (Lapointe and Thacker, 2002). Two independent scorers used the point-count method (with ten randomized dots superimposed over the video image) to score ten randomly selected images from each 50 m reef transect (200 point counts/reef site x 2 scorers = 400 total point counts per reef site). 3. Results 3.1 Seawater DIN, SRP, and chl a DIN concentrations measured during this study averaged 1.58 ± 1.08 (n = 107) overall and varied both temporally (p < 0.0001) and spatially (p = 0.005) among the sites (Fig. 3). The mean DIN concentration of all sites was lower (p < 0.0001) in the dry season (0.66 ± 0.47 µM; n = 51) than the wet season (2.42 ± 0.73 µM; n = 56). The seasonal increase in DIN was mostly the result of increased (p < 0.0001) ammonium from the dry season (0.35 ± 0.20 µM; n = 51) to wet season (1.55 ± 0.57 µM; n = 56; Fig. 3). Nitrate also increased (p < 0.0001) from the dry season (0.31 ± 0.42 µM; n =51) to the wet season (0.86 ± 0.51 µM; n = 56) but was a relatively minor component of the DIN pool compared to ammonium in both seasons as indicated by consistently low f- ratios (0.32 – 0.35). The mean DIN of the BRC sites was higher (p = 0.012) than the fringing reef sites in the dry season (0.86 ± 0.51 µM vs. 0.52 ± 0.39 µM) but not the wet season (2.35 vs. 2.53 µM). The lowest mean concentrations of both DIN (1.04 ± 1.09) and ammonium (0.66 ± 0.70) occurred at Black Jack Hole whereas the highest DIN (2.42 ± 0.73 µM) and ammonium (1.95 ± 0.88 µM) occurred at Buccoo Point in the inner BRC. SRP concentrations during the study averaged 0.23 ± 0.15 (n = 107) overall and varied temporally (p = 0.034) and spatially (p < 0.0001; Fig. 4). The mean SRP concentration of all sites was higher (p < 0.011) in the dry season (0.26 ± 012 µM; n = 51) than the wet season (0.20 ± 0.17 µM; n =56). Mean SRP concentrations of the BRC sites were not significantly different than the fringing reefs sites either overall or in the dry or wet seasons. The lowest SRP concentrations occurred at Black Jack Hole (0.18 ± 0.09 µM) and the highest at Buccoo Point (0.50 ± 0.61 µM), which was higher (p < 0.014) than all other sites. The DIN:SRP ratios averaged 8.7 ± 6.5 (n = 51) during the study and varied both temporally and spatially (Fig. 4). Overall, the mean DIN:SRP ratio was higher (p < 0.0001) in the wet season (13.9 ± 4.2; n = 56) than the dry season (2.9 ± 2.6; n = 51). The DIN:SRP ratio was higher (p < 0.0001) in the BRC (4.0 ± 2.9; n = 20) than the fringing reefs (2.3 ± 2.6; n = 31) in the dry season. However, in the wet season, the DIN:SRP ratio was higher (p = 0.008) on the fringing reefs (14.6 ± 4.1; n = 44) than the BRC (11.9 ± 3.7; n =26). Chl a averaged 0.32 ± 0.19 µg/l at all stations throughout the study and varied significantly temporally (p = 0.038) and spatially (p = 0.031; Fig. 5). Overall, chl a averaged 0.28 ± 0.02 µg/l (n = 51) in the dry season and 0.35 ± 0.17 µg/l (n = 70) in the wet season. The lowest values in the dry season were at Coral Gardens (0.085 ± 0.02 µg/l) and the highest in the wet season were in the Bon Accord Lagoon (1.13 ± 0.16 µg/l). In the dry season, the mean chl a values were similar for the Buccoo Reef Complex (0.23 ± 0.22 µg/l) and the Fringing Reefs (0.31 ±0.22 µg/l) whereas, in the wet season, the mean chl a of the BRC (0.41 ± 0.24 µg/l) was greater (p = 0.031) than that of the FR (0.32 ±0.10). 3.2 C:N:P and 15N in macroalgae Macroalgae in the Buccoo Reef Complex were enriched in N but not P compared to the fringing reef sites during the dry season (Table 1). The mean C:N (15.80 ± 5.78; n = 16) for macroalgae in the BRC was lower (p = 0.014) than the Fringing Reefs (21.0 ± 6.58; n = 24) in contrast to the mean C:P values that were statistically similar (770 ± 294 vs. 759 ± 385). These changes co-occurred with a higher (p = 0.002) N:P ratio in the BRC (49.5 ± 15.6; n = 16) compared to the Fringing Reefs (34.6 ± 11.5; n = 24). The lowest C:N ratio (8.0) occurred at Buccoo Point in the BRC and the highest (25.7) at Black Jack Hole off Little Tobago Island. The lowest C:P (444) occurred at Buccoo Point and the highest (1238) at Coral Gardens in the BRC. The lowest N:P (27.5) occurred at Kelliston Drain off Little Tobago Island and the highest (61.6) at Coral Gardens in the Buccoo Reef Complex. 15 The N values of macroalgae averaged + 5.85 ± 1.23 o/oo (n = 174) throughout the study and varied temporally, spatially, and by taxa (Fig. 6). The mean 15N value in the dry season (+ 5.52 ± 1.24 o/oo; n=82) was lower (p = 0.01) than the wet season (+ 6.14 ± 1.16 o/oo; n = 92). Overall, the mean 15N value of the fringing reef macroalgae (+5.54 ± 1.29 o/oo; n=94) was lower (p < 0.0001) than that of the Buccoo Reef Complex (+6.21 ± 1.06 o/oo; n = 80). The lowest 15N values in reef macroalgae occurred at Black Jack Hole (+ 2.87 o/oo) and the highest at Princess Reef (+7.25 o/oo) in the inner BRC. However, the highest 15N values (~ + 12 o/oo) of macroalgae were in nutrient indicator chlorophytes (Ulva lactuca) and rhodophytes (Gracilaria tikvahiae, Agardhiella subulata) collected adjacent to a wastewater outfall in Buccoo Bay (Fig. 6; Table 1). When grouped by class, the 15N values varied significantly (p < 0.001) with the highest values in rhodophytes (+7.0 ± 2.32 o/oo; n = 30), followed by chlorophytes (+ 6.23 ± 1.33 o/oo; n = 82) with the lowest in phaeophytes (+ 5.47 ± 1.23 o/oo; n = 54). 3.3 Quantification of reef biota The reef sites in the inner BRC showed a distinct pattern of increased cover of macroalgae and reduced coral cover (Fig. 7). The highest % cover of macroalgae (up to 40 %) occurred at Princess Reef and Buccoo Point where blooms of Halimeda opuntia, Bryopsis spp., and Caulerpa spp. were observed (Fig 8 a,b,c). Coral cover was < 10 % on these two sites compared to the more offshore sites (Coral Gardens, Outer Reef) where coral cover ranging from 20 to 40 % was comprised of the genera Acropora, Montastrea, Diploria, and Siderastrea (Figure 7). Algal turf was a major component of these reef communities in the Buccoo Reef Complex with values ranging from up to ~ 50 % cover. The zoanthid Palythoa was another significant component of the BRC reef communities and ranged up to > 20 % cover at Buccoo Point where it was observed physically overgrowing the brain coral Diploria (Fig. 8d). The fringing reef sites had the highest % hard coral cover (Culloden Reef, > 45 % cover), and generally lower frondose macroalgae (< 10 % cover) but high cover of coralline algae (up to ~ 40 % cover; Figs. 7, 8d). 4. Discussion Our water column nutrient data from Tobago are the first to document the role of land-based nitrogen runoff in fueling varying degrees of eutrophication on the island’s fringing coral reefs. Previous studies in Trinidad & Tobago have emphasized the role of land-based phosphorus pollution from industrial and domestic wastewaters (Kumarsingh et al. 1998a,b). However, the relatively high background SRP concentrations throughout the entire study area (~ 0.23 M) are greater than reported for many coastal waters in the Caribbean (Lapointe, 2004) and, combined with relatively low DIN:SRP ratios (<15:1), suggest N rather than P limitation of algal growth (Lapointe et al., 1992). Such high background SRP concentrations, low DIN:SRP ratios, and a tendency towards Nlimitation are indicative of a siliciclastic geology. This contrasts with the carbonate-rich environments in Jamaica, the Bahamas, and the Florida Keys where low SRP concentrations and high DIN:SRP ratios supports strong P-limitation (Lapointe et al. 1992). Hence, the natural volcanic geology of Tobago may predispose its coastal waters for nitrogen rather than phosphorus limitation. The differential effects of carbonate-rich vs. siliciclastic geology on N:P availability in Tobago is apparent in both the Buccoo Reef Complex and the Fringing Reef data in our study. Although the extensive limestone formation surrounding the Buccoo Reef provides a sink for natural and anthropogenic SRP through adsorption onto calcium carbonate surfaces (Berner, 1974; DeKanel and Morse, 1978), such is not the case for DIN (Lapointe et al. 1990). This phenomenon explains how relatively high N:P inputs from the Buccoo Reef watershed results in higher water column DIN:SRP and macroalgal N:P ratios in the Buccoo Reef Complex compared to the Fringing Reef sites. The elevated DIN:SRP ratios in the BRC were most pronounced during the wet season, when wastewater loads from “soak-aways” and other sources in the watershed would be maximal. Such high N:P inputs lead to P-limitation of primary production in carbonaterich coastal waters (Lapointe, 1987) and explains why many Caribbean coastal waters are limited primarily by P rather than N (Lapointe et al. 1992; Corredor et al., 1999). The reduced “limestone” effects at the Fringing Reef sites outside of the Buccoo Reef Complex results in lower DIN:SRP and N:P ratios, where N-limitation would be more important. Multiple lines of evidence from our study indicate that the reef at Buccoo Bay in the Buccoo Reef Complex was the most nutrient impacted reef site in our study. The highest DIN, ammonium, and SRP concentrations of the entire study occurred at Buccoo Point, a reef directly impacted by wastewater discharges from the adjacent upland watershed. The lowest C:N and C:P ratios of all macroalgae in the study also occurred at Buccoo Point, demonstrating impacts of these elevated water column DIN and SRP concentrations on reef biota. These observations are consistent with previous research using cylindrical cores of the coral Montastrea annularis in the BRC vs. Culloden reef to compare historical trends in P availability (Kumarsingh et al. 1998b). These researchers found higher fractions of organic P in the coral cores in the BRC than Culloden reef, and that temporal patterns in both total and organic P in the BRC coral cores correlated with human activities on the watershed. Our results also support previous findings by the IMA (1996) that the highest nutrient concentrations in southwest Tobago occurred in Buccoo Bay and the Bon Accord Lagoon, both of which have received increased wastewater nutrient loadings in recent decades. The effects of high nutrient concentrations with high DIN:SRP ratios in the BRC were evident in the increased biomass and C:N:P contents of macroalgae in the BRC compared to the FR. Macroalgae in the BRC were enriched in N compared to the FR sites, resulting in a lower C:N (15 vs. 21) and higher N:P (50 vs. 35) ratio. The lower C:N ratio reflects reduced N-limitation of growth, and explains the overall higher macroalgal biomass in the BRC compared to the FR sites. The relatively high N enrichment in the BRC drives the macroalgae to increased P-limitation, evidenced by the higher N:P ratio of macroalgae in the BRC compared to FR. Blooms of the chlorophytes Bryopsis, Caulerpa, and Halimeda were observed overgrowing reef biota and frameworks in the BRC, a phenomenon that was not observed at any of the FR sites. The phenomenon by which high N:P inputs from the watershed drive macroalgal blooms on coral reefs towards increased P-limitation has been reported for other carbonate-rich waters in the Caribbean, including the Florida Keys (Lapointe, 1987; Lapointe and Clark, 1992; Lapointe et al. 2004), southeast Florida (Lapointe et al. 2005a), Jamaica (Lapointe, 1997; Lapointe and Thacker), Martinique (Littler et al. 1992), and Bermuda (Lapointe and O’Connell, 1989). The identification of wastewater as the source of elevated DIN in the BRC was apparent from the elevated 15N values of macroalgae in the BRC compared to the FR sites. Numerous studies have shown how 15N values in macroalgae faithfully discriminate among various natural and anthropogenic nitrogen sources (see Risk et al. 2009 for a review). For example, France et al. (1998) showed that 21 species of tropical macroalgae in coastal waters of southwestern Puerto Rico had a mean 15N of + 0.3 ± 1.0 o/oo, a value close to the atmospheric signature of 0 o/oo and indicative of nitrogen fixation. In contrast, macroalgae exposed to varying degrees of urban wastewater pollution in Negril, Jamaica (Lapointe and Thacker, 2002), southeast Florida (Lapointe et al. 2005b), southwest Florida (Lapointe and Bedford, 2007), Florida Keys (Lapointe et al. 2004), and Moreton Bay, Australia (Costanzo et al. 2001) all reported 15N values ranging from ~ + 3.0 – + 15 o/oo, with higher values > 8 o/oo in close proximity to the wastewater source. This pattern was consistent with our results where the highest 15N values of ~ + 12 o/oo were in “nutrient indicator species” (Ulva lactuca, Gracilaria tikvahiae, Agardhiella subulata) near a wastewater outfall in Buccoo Bay; the lower mean value of + 7.25 o/oo for Princess Reef in inner Buccoo Bay and + 6.21 o/oo for macroalgae throughout the BRC would be expected from increasing dilution of landbased wastewater N throughout the BRC. These 15N data support the hypothesis that the entirety of the BRC has been significantly impacted by DIN derived from wastewaters via submarine groundwater discharge of leachate from “soak-aways” or direct discharges from sewage outfalls. Lower, but relatively elevated 15N values occurred in macroalgae at other reef sites in southwest Tobago, especially off the Hilton Hotel downstream of Scarborough, indicating widespread sewage DIN enrichment downstream of urban areas. The lowest 15N values of + 2.5 o/oo for macroalgae at Black Jack Hole off Little Tobago Island in the dry season were indicative of more oligotrophic and “natural” nitrogen sources, although these values increased significantly during the wet season as a result of more widespread dispersion of land-based sewage pollution via stormwater runoff. Elevated chl a concentrations during the wet season provides further evidence of watershed-driven eutrophication in the BRC. In both seasons, maximum chl a correlated with decreased DIN concentrations, but not SRP. This pattern results from rapid uptake of DIN -- the primary limiting nutrient-- by phytoplankton in coastal waters receiving land-based sewage pollution. These findings support previous observations in Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii (Laws and Redalje 1979) and the Florida Keys (Lapointe and Clark 1992) that chl-a provides a good “integrated” index of eutrophication in tropical and subtropical coastal waters. The generally low DIN concentrations on Tobago’s fringing reefs (< 0.3 M), especially off Little Tobago Island, not only limits phytoplankton biomass, but also the growth of macroalgae. Mean DIN concentrations > 0.5 M are needed to support “blooms” of benthic macroalgae, such as those we observed on reef sites in the inner BRC. Classic “indicator species” of nutrient enrichment, including the macroalgae Ulva, Halimeda, Bryopsis, Caulerpa, and Sargassum were abundant on reefs in the BRC that had DIN concentrations > 0.5 M. In contrast, macroalgae were less abundant on the fringing reefs around Tobago that had lower DIN concentrations. The loss of hard coral cover and replacement by macroalgae on Jamaican coral reefs over the past two decades has been repeatedly attributed to the “top-down” effects of overfishing of herbivorous fish stocks and die-off of the long-spined urchin Diadema (Hughes, 1994; Jackson et al., 2001). However, similar loss of hard corals and macroalgal blooms have occurred over the past two decades in the BRC, a MPA with abundant parrotfish (including large adults), surgeonfish, and chubs. However, as described here, the BRC has also been polluted by land-based sewage inputs. The most sewage impacted inshore reef in the BRC (Princess Reef) not only had abundant macroalgae (Caulerpa, Halimeda) but also dense populations of reef urchins (Echinometra viridis). These observations point to “bottom-up” control (i.e. nutrients) of not only the macroalgal biomass, but the echinoid populations as well. Hunter and Price (1992) suggested that a “bottom-up template” is the most realistic approach for understanding trophic dynamics in ecosystems because plants have obvious primacy in food webs. We concur and suggest that sewage nitrogen subsidies over recent decades may have increased grazer populations (both echinoids and herbivorous fishes) in the BRC where growth is typically limited by dietary nitrogen (Lapointe, 1999). Reef health, biodiversity and the ecological services have been reduced by sewage-driven eutrophication in the BRC despite abundant populations of grazers. In summary, our results support the conclusion of Siung-Chang (1997) for the Caribbean region and Agard and Gobin (2000) for Trinidad & Tobago that the most important source of marine pollution is domestic sewage, which appears to be impacting not only the BRC but also other fringing coral reefs “downstream” of Tobago’s populated southwest coast. Acknowledgements – We gratefully acknowledge Mr. Ray DeBeer and the World of Watersports for providing dive boat support that made this research possible. 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Concentrations of ammonium, nitrate, DIN, and the f-Ratio for monitoring sites in the Buccoo Reef Complex (left side) and fringing reefs (right side) in the dry (April – June) and wet (September – October) seasons, 2001. Values represent means ± 1 SD (n = 4). Figure 4. Concentrations of soluble reactive phophorus (SRP and the DIN:SRP ratio for monitoring sites in the Buccoo Reef Complex (left side) and fringing reefs (right side) in the dry (April – June) and wet (September – October) seasons, 2001. Values represent means ± 1 SD (n = 4). Apr-Jun Sep-Oct 1.13 0.6 Ch la 0.4 0.2 Bon Acc or dL Prin agoon ces Buc s Reef coo P Nyl oint Cor on Poo l al G ard e ns Buc coo Ree f Hilt on R eef Div ers Thi Div rst ers D r Mt. Irvi eam ne W Mav all eric k Arn o s V Cul ale Eng loden R lish man eef Thr 's Bay ee S Kel i lesto sters nD Blac k Ja rain ck H ole 0.0 Figure 5. Concentrations of chlorophyll a for monitoring sites in the Buccoo Reef Complex (left side) and fringing reefs (right side) in the dry (April – June) and wet (September – October) seasons, 2001. Values represent means ± 1 SD (n = 4). Figure 6. 15N values of macroalgae at monitoring sites in the Buccoo Reef Complex (left side) and fringing reefs (right side) in the dry (April) and wet (September – October) seasons, 2001. Values represent means ± 1 SD (n = 4). Figure 7. Percent cover of reef biota at reef sites in the Buccoo Reef Complex (Princess Reef, Buccoo Point, Coral Gardens, Buccoo Reef) and fringing reefs (Arnos vale, Culloden, Englishman’s Bay, and Three Sister’s). Values represent means ± 1 SD (n=4). Figure 8. Photos of reef biota (a,b,c,d). Table 1. Tissue C:N:P contents of macroalgae from reef sites in the Buccoo Reef Complex (BRC) and fringing reefs around Tobago. LANGTON paragraphs for discussion?? Macroalgal overgrowth on coral reefs clearly reflects a well documented phase shift resulting in the demise of the reef itself (references??), which raises the question as to the cause and potential controls behind such shifts. In the current study we found, in general terms, a nutrient gradient from inshore to offshore and/or from the least populated end of the island, in the northeast, to the most highly populated southwest Tobago. It is clear that human activity is impacting the near shore coral reefs and land-based nutrients are fueling a shift from coral to macroalgae. The solution is to remove the nutrients prior to wastewater discharge into the sea, and although that is technologically possible and under considered, the more urgent question is whether or not there is an ecological mechanism to control the proliferation of macroalgae while the existing methods of waste water treatment are our only option. In the case of Tobago, as virtually all of the Caribbean, the major invertebrate macroalgal predator, Diadema antillarum was lost several decades ago and continues to be slow to recover (Frey, 2004). Vertebrate herbivores include a number of fish species and variety of feeding guilds, but studies on fish feeding (eg. McClanahan et al., 2000; Ledlie et al 2007) have documented the avoidance of macroalgae as a food choice by many of the more common herbivorous reef fish. This begs the question as to how to slow or reverse a phase shift to favor coral recovery. Mumby et al. (2006) found a negative correlation between grazing by parrot fish and macroalgal cover, but this is somewhat counterintuitive considering that macroaglae is not a preferred prey item by most herbivorous fish (Ledlie et al 2007). Presumably, what is happening is that as the intensity of grazing by parrot fish on epilithic algae within the confines of a Marine Protected Area increases, due to a complex predator/prey relationship, this substrate disturbance reduces the settlement and growth of macroalgae, as has been reported by Lewis, 1986; Williams et al. 2001 and Paddack et al. 2006. Although fish are often opportunistic feeders, and there is a well documented case, of what was termed the identification of a “sleeping functional group” (Bellwood et al. 2006) where an invertebrate and plankton feeding batfish shifted its diet to consume macroalgae, there is little evidence to suggest that this mechanism offers a universal solution to the problem of nutrient overload on coral reefs. Despite a relatively healthy and abundant herbivorous fish population, as found in the Buccoo Reef complex (Frey, 2004), we still find the proliferation of macroalgae reflecting an overload of land-based nutrients and no really viable mechanism for reversing this trend.