UNCLASSIFIED Naval Oceanographic Office Acoustics Division Stennis Space Center, Mississippi 39522-5001 OAML-DBD-86 DATABASE DESCRIPTION FOR BOTTOM SEDIMENT TYPE (U) SEPTEMBER 2003 Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED DATABASE DESCRIPTION FOR BOTTOM SEDIMENT TYPE (U) VERSION 2.0 SEPTEMBER 2003 Naval Oceanographic Office Acoustics Division Stennis Space Center, Mississippi 39522-5001 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED ACKNOWLEDGMENT (U) This Master Database Description and the associated database were prepared by the Acoustics Division of the Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVOCEANO) in support of the Oceanographic and Atmospheric Master Library (OAML). ii UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED TABLE OF CONTENTS (U) 1.0 3.0 (U) INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................ 1 1.1 (U) Purpose ............................................................................................... 1 1.2 (U) Background .......................................................................................... 1 1.3 (U) Distribution ........................................................................................... 1 1.4 (U) Database Changes .............................................................................. 1 (U) BOTTOM SEDIMENT TYPE DATABASE ...................................................... 3 2.1 (U) Scope................................................................................................... 3 2.2 (U) Source ................................................................................................. 3 2.3 (U) Application ........................................................................................... 4 2.4 (U) Coverage ............................................................................................. 4 2.5 (U) Resolution ............................................................................................ 8 2.6 (U) Organization ........................................................................................ 8 2.7 (U) Size ...................................................................................................... 8 2.8 (U) Parameters .......................................................................................... 9 2.9 (U) Data Storage ........................................................................................ 9 2.10 (U) Data Quality ....................................................................................... 11 2.11 (U) References ........................................................................................ 12 2.12 (U) Classification/Distribution ................................................................... 12 2.13 (U) Point of Contact ................................................................................. 13 2.14 (U) Extraction/Retrieval ............................................................................ 13 (U) DATABASE FORMAT AND MEDIA READ INSTRUCTIONS ...................... 15 4.0 (U) PAST HISTORY OF DATABASE CHANGES .............................................. 17 2.0 5.0 (U) NOTES ......................................................................................................... 19 5.1 (U) Terms and Abbreviations ................................................................... 19 APPENDIX A (U) DATABASE INSTALLATION TEST CASES ................................... 21 A.1 (U) Introduction ........................................................................................ 23 A.2 (U) Test Case 1 ....................................................................................... 23 A.3 (U) Test Case 2 ....................................................................................... 23 A.4 (U) Test Case 3 ....................................................................................... 24 A.5 (U) Test Case 4 ....................................................................................... 24 A.6 (U) Test Case 5 ....................................................................................... 25 APPENDIX B (U) BOTTOM SEDIMENT TYPE DATABASE DEFINITIONS ............... 27 B.1 (U) Introduction ........................................................................................ 29 APPENDIX C (U) DATABASE EXTRACTION PROGRAM ......................................... 43 C.1 (U) Introduction ........................................................................................ 45 C.2 (U) Display Extraction Properties ............................................................. 46 C.3 (U) Set Maximum Resolution Extraction Property.................................... 47 C.4 (U) Set Minimum Resolution Extraction Property .................................... 47 C.5 (U) Extract Point ...................................................................................... 47 iii UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED C.6 C.7 C.8 C.9 C.10 C.11 C.12 C.13 C.14 (U) Extract Area ....................................................................................... 48 (U) Extract Geodesic Trackline ................................................................ 49 (U) Extract Great Circle Trackline ............................................................ 50 (U) Extract Radial .................................................................................... 51 (U) Extract Categories ............................................................................. 53 (U) Display Metadata ............................................................................... 53 (U) Clear the Screen ................................................................................ 54 (U) Exit the Program ................................................................................ 54 (U) Access the Help Utility ....................................................................... 54 (U) LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.4-1 Figure 2.4-2 Figure 2.4-3 Figure 2.4-4 Figure 2.9-1 (U) Geographic Coverage for Continental United States ........................... 5 (U) Geographic Coverage for Hawaii ......................................................... 5 (U) Geographic Coverage for Europe, Africa, and Asia ............................. 6 (U) Worldwide 5-minute Geographic Coverage ......................................... 6 (U) Bottom Sediment Type HDF5 Database File Structure ..................... 10 (U) LIST OF TABLES Table 2.4-1 Table 2.7-1 Table 2.8-1 Table 2.14-1 Table A-1 Table A-2 Table A-3 Table A-4 Table A-5 Table B-1 Table B-2 Table B-3 Table B-4 Table C-1 Table C-2 (U) Bottom Sediment Type Database Geographic Boundaries ................. 7 (U) Bottom Sediment Type Database File Sizes ....................................... 8 (U) Bottom Sediment Type Database Parameters .................................... 9 (U) CHRTR File Format ........................................................................... 14 (U) Test Case 1 – Kattegat Area ............................................................. 23 (U) Test Case 2 – Mediterranean Sea Area ............................................ 24 (U) Test Case 3 - Indian Ocean Area ...................................................... 24 (U) Test Case 4 - Western North Pacific Ocean Area ............................. 25 (U) Test Case 5 - United States Area ...................................................... 25 (U) Sediment Type Definition Table ......................................................... 29 (U) Standard Sediment Categories .......................................................... 38 (U) Reduced Sediment Categories .......................................................... 40 (U) HFEVA Sediment Categories ............................................................ 40 (U) extract Keywords ............................................................................... 46 (U) extract Help Keywords ....................................................................... 55 iv UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED DATABASE DESCRIPTION FOR BOTTOM SEDIMENT TYPE VERSION 2.0 (U) 1.0 (U) INTRODUCTION 1.1 (U) Purpose (U) The purpose of this database description is: 1.2 (U) To provide technical information to software managers when installing the Bottom Sediment Type database. (U) To serve as a reference for users of the data and for configuration management. (U) To provide descriptive information on the dataset and documents, the stored parameters, area coverages, and the resolution of those coverages. (U) To describe the extraction software. (U) Background (U) Master databases to support the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEASYSCOM) were identified by the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) in CNO ltr Ser 952D/4U342023 of 23 June 1984. Requirements for subsets to be extracted from these master databases were provided in COMNAVSEASYSCOM ltr 9460 Ser 63D3/18 of 6 March 1985. Commander, Naval Oceanography Command (COMNAVOCEANCOM) directed the Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVOCEANO) to provide these CNO standards in COMNAVOCEANCOM ltr 9460 Ser 3/167 of 19 March 1985. Meteorological and oceanographic (METOC) requirements for shallow water/littoral warfare models and databases are stated in COMLANTFLT ltr 3140 Ser N37/0038 of Aug 93 as Fleet Requirement CNO/096 (OCEAN 93-01). 1.3 (U) Distribution (U) The Bottom Sediment Type database is UNCLASSIFIED. All requests shall be referred to the Commander, Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command. 1.4 (U) Database Changes (U) There are no previous OAML versions of the Bottom Sediment Type Database. UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED This page is intentionally blank. 2 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 2.0 (U) BOTTOM SEDIMENT TYPE DATABASE (U) This section presents an overview of the structure and contents of the Bottom Sediment Type Database. 2.1 (U) Scope (U) The Bottom Sediment Type Database describes the sediment type provinces by identifying an integer value that has a one-to-one relationship with a particular sediment type. These descriptors consider the grain size, origin, and placement of bottom deposition. See Section 2.10 for a full description of the database. 2.2 (U) Source (U) The Bottom Sediment Type data are provided at a high and low spatial resolution. The highresolution set derives from multiple sources. These include the analyses of grabs and cores collected during surveys conducted by NAVOCEANO, National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA) charts, side scan imagery, seismic, bathymetry, and public literature. See Section 2.10 for additional information. (U) The low-resolution set is assembled from various high-level sources, including maps, atlases, and regional studies of ocean basins. The data sources are provided below: Academiia Nauk SSSR, Geological-geophysical atlas of the Indian Ocean, Glavnoe Upravlenie GeodezIi i Kartogafii, Moscow, 1975. Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources, Geologic map of the Circum-Pacific region, Northeast Quadrant, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Tulsa Okla., 1983. Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources, Geologic map of the Circum-Pacific region, Northwest Quadrant, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Tulsa Okla., 1988. Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources, Geologic map of the Circum-Pacific region, Southeast Quadrant, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Tulsa Okla., 1985. Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources, Geologic map of the Circum-Pacific region, Southwest Quadrant, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Tulsa Okla., 1988. Emery, K. O., The geology of the Atlantic Ocean, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1984. Frazer, J. Z., Surface sediments and Topography of the North Pacific, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, TR-27-36, 1972. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, International geological-geophysical atlas of the Atlantic Ocean, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1989. 3 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED Lizitzin, A. F., Bottom sediments of the Bering Sea, Trudi Instituta Okeanologii, vol. XXIX, p 65-183, 1959 (Transl. Israel Program for Scientific Translations, U.S. National Science Foundation). Rona, P. A., The central North Atlantic basin and continental margins, a trans-Atlantic geotraverse (TAG), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1980. 2.3 (U) Application (U) The Bottom Sediment Type Database is provided in four files: Enhanced, Standard, Reduced, and High Frequency Environmental Acoustics (HFEVA). Each file is unique, and it is incumbent upon the user to select the appropriate one based on requirements. (U) The Enhanced dataset serves as the base-level sediment category set. The Standard, Reduced, and HFEVA files are each derived by reclassification of the Enhanced categories (see Appendix B, Table B-1). The Enhanced file is based on a global set of more than 400 sediment categories. Their derivation is described in Section 2.10. The Enhanced is the actual database that is maintained by NAVOCEANO. It is suitable for researchers and developers with technical geologic knowledge, or in cases where the most detailed geologic information is desired. It is normally not suitable for operational users. (U) The Standard file is a reclassification of the Enhanced. It consists principally of approximately 30 rationalized sediment grain-size and sediment-mixture categories repeated in two compositional classes, Terrigenous (land-derived particles, primarily composed of silicate minerals) and Carbonate (composed mainly of calcareous minerals created by marine organisms or marine chemical reaction). The Standard sediments are useful when a full spectrum of sediment types with a consistent and comprehensible nomenclature is desired. (U) The Reduced dataset is also a reclassification of the Enhanced. It employs a simplified classification of 15 categories. The sediment grain-size nomenclature corresponds to the Wentworth grain-size scale as commonly used by geologists and engineers in the United States. (U) The HFEVA dataset is another reclassification of the Enhanced. It consists of 23 “standard sediment types” based on grain-size and sediment mixtures. These types correspond to a set of six geoacoustic parameters that are inputs to the Comprehensive Acoustic Simulation System/Gaussian Ray Bundle (CASS/GRAB) high-frequency acoustic performance prediction model. The HFEVA dataset is designed specifically for high-frequency acoustic performance prediction. Its use for other purposes is not recommended; users who wish to do so should fully understand the derivation of the HFEVA types. 2.4 (U) Coverage (U) The Bottom Sediment Type Database covers selected areas throughout the world. The specific areas of the 6-second coverage are shown in Figures 2.4-1 through 2.4-3. The coverage area for the 5-minute resolution data is worldwide (See Figure 2.4-4). 4 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED Figure 2.4-1 (U) Geographic Coverage for Continental United States UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED Figure 2.4-2 (U) Geographic Coverage for Hawaii 5 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED Figure 2.4-3 (U) Geographic Coverage for Europe, Africa, and Asia UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED Figure 2.4-4 (U) Worldwide 5-minute Geographic Coverage (U) Table 2.4-1 describes the geographic boundaries of the Bottom Sediment Type Database for 6-second coverage. 6 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED Table 2.4-1 (U) Bottom Sediment Type Database Geographic Boundaries UNCLASSIFIED Location Latitude Range Longitude Range Mediterranean Sea 46:00 N - 30:00 N 06:20 W - 36:20 E Black Sea 47:20 N - 40:45 N 27:25 E - 42:00 E Sea of Marmara 41:20 N - 40:00 N 26:00 E - 30:00 E Red Sea 30:00 N - 10:00 N 32:00 E - 50:00 E Arabian Gulf 31:00 N - 10:00 N 46:00 E - 78:00 E Arabian Sea 10:00 N - 02:00 S 42:00 E - 78:00 E Andaman Sea 23:02 N - 09:00 N 90:00 E - 99:00 E South China Sea 22:00 N - 00:13 N 99:27 E - 121:00 E Philippine Islands 20:00 N - 02:00 N 116:35 E - 127:30 E East China Sea 30:30 N - 20:00 N 111:00 E - 127:00 E Yellow Sea 41:04 N - 30:30 N 116:40 E - 127:08 E Sea of Japan 50:00 N - 32:00 N 127:00 E - 144:00 E Southern California 33:45 N - 32:45 N 118:45 W - 117:00 W Texas 30:11 N - 25:56 N 97:52 W - 93:43 W Panama City, FL 31:00 N - 28:58 N 88:16 W - 85:16 W Onslow Bay, NC 36:00 N - 33:00 N 78:00 W - 75:00 W Hawaii 23:00 N - 20:30 N 161:30 W - 156:30 W 55:31 N - 57:20 N UNCLASSIFIED 10:10 E - 13:15 E Mediterranean Sea Indian Ocean Western North Pacific United States Baltic Sea Kattegat 7 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 2.5 (U) Resolution (U) The spatial resolution of the Bottom Sediment Type Database is 1/600º [6 seconds ()] of latitude and longitude and 1/12º [5 minutes ()] of latitude and longitude. (U) Cautionary Note: The 6-second resolution and the 5-minute resolution data are not merged datasets. Consequently, when extracted, there may be a discontinuity in the sediment provinces at the boundary between two datasets. When extracted, the highest resolution for a given point, trackline, radial, or area will be provided by default. 2.6 (U) Organization (U) The Bottom Sediment Type Database is stored in a geographic projection organized by sediment category as four separate files: Enhanced, Standard, Reduced, and HFEVA. Each file contains the bottom descriptor integers and a table of the associated category descriptions. The number of categories in the Enhanced dataset have been reclassified to 70, 15, and 23 categories in the Standard, Reduced, and HFEVA datasets, respectively. The user may decide on the level of precision based on the application desired. (U) The following example demonstrates how the reclassification procedure works. The categories 1228, 1243, 1244, 1245, and 1257 in the Enhanced dataset can all be reclassified to 1212, 62, and 3 in the Standard, Reduced, and HFEVA datasets, respectively. 2.7 (U) Size (U) The Bottom Sediment Type Database covers approximately 1.1 billion 1/600°-grid cells in each of the four files and 6.5 million 1/12°-grid cells in each of the four files. (U) All geographic coverages require approximately 545 megabytes of data storage. Table 2.7-1 provides the extraction tool and database file names with their respective sizes. Table 2.7-1 (U) Bottom Sediment Type Database File Sizes UNCLASSIFIED Tools PC IRIX extract.exe extract 704 KB 1.75 MB enhancedv2.h5 reducedv2.h5 standardv2.h5 hfevav2.h5 UNCLASSIFIED 137 MB 136 MB 136 MB 136 MB Database 8 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 2.8 (U) Parameters (U) The Bottom Sediment Type Database consists of integer values that correspond to a descriptor of bottom materials. Table 2.8-1 provides the descriptor value ranges by dataset. Table 2.8-1 (U) Bottom Sediment Type Database Parameters Dataset Name UNCLASSIFIED Parameter Name Type Range Enhanced Bottom Materials Descriptor Integer 888; 0102-6890; 999 Standard Bottom Materials Descriptor Integer 888; 1011-6870; 999 Reduced Bottom Materials Descriptor Integer 888; 1-63; 999 HFEVA Bottom Materials Descriptor Integer 888; 1-23; 999 Note: 999 – Land 888 – No data UNCLASSIFIED 2.9 (U) Data Storage (U)The Bottom Sediment Type Database uses the Hierarchical Data Format (HDF), Version 5, Release 1.2.1 (HDF5) for data storage. The HDF includes Input/Output libraries - Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), supported by the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. (U) The HDF5 data module is implemented as a file family. This feature allows the family of data files (called members) to be accessed as one logical HDF5 file. HDF5 files are organized in a hierarchical structure of groups and datasets referred to as objects. Access to a group is by way of a pathname. A dataset is a multidimensional array of data elements. Both groups and datasets may have associated attributes. (U) The Bottom Sediment Type Database is composed of four HDF5 files: Enhanced, Standard, Reduced, and HFEVA. There are two resolutions of sediment data stored within each of the four HDF5 files: a coarse resolution of data at 5.0 minutes and a finer resolution of data at 6.0 seconds. The integer bottom descriptor values are stored in one degree tiles at the lowest level of the database file structure, and the metadata is stored at the higher levels. The associated category descriptions are stored in an internal lookup table. The organization of all files is identical and is illustrated in Figure 2.9-1. 9 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED MIW HDF5 Database File Structure Bottom Sediment Type HDF5 Database File Structure Sediments File General Metadata Lookup Table Security Metadata Resolution: 6 seconds Resolution: 5 minutes Classification: Unclassified Coordinate System: Geographic Coordinate System: Geographic Classification: Unclassified Classification: Unclassified Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile UNCLASSIFIED Figure 2.9-1 (U) Bottom Sediment Type HDF5 Database File Structure 10 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 2.10 (U) Data Quality (U) The Bottom Sediment Type Database is a compilation of sediment information obtained from a world-wide range of sources. Fundamental to the database are nautical chart annotations describing the nature of the seabed. NIMA, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and British Admiralty charts are the principal sources. The chart annotations are augmented with sediment data from open scientific literature (papers published in scientific journals), from technical literature (academic and agency technical reports, theses, and related databases), and from holdings of national and other agencies (e.g., National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) of NOAA, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers), academic institutions, and from samples collected and processed by NAVOCEANO. (U) The gathered sediment information exists in a variety of diverse and sometimes incompatible formats. It includes sample point data, areal coverage, and acoustic data. (U) First-order point data is based on an observation or sample from a unique geographic location. Point data may be a simple verbal description (e.g., “s” for sand, on a nautical chart) to a detailed laboratory grain-size analysis, with its associated technical sediment-property descriptors. Location accuracy of point data varies widely, from chart annotations (in which a chart maker may take some license for positioning an annotation), to samples located with relatively inaccurate and now obsolete navigation methods, to contemporary Global Positioning System- (GPS) located samples. Various geoids employed in the past and in various parts of the world further affect location accuracy. (U) Second-order areal-coverage data are point data that were previously interpreted and mapped to a specific classification and nomenclature. As such, they are useful in the process of creating sediment provinces, but suffer in that they may not contain the source (point) data. (U) Sediment classification and the ensuing nomenclature are the core issues in creating a sediment-coverage database of sediment provinces. The NAVOCEANO sediment classification derives from a classification devised by the Joint Oceanographic Institutions for Deep Earth Sampling (JOIDES) Sedimentary Petrology and Physical Properties Panel (SP4) and documented in Ocean Drilling Project (ODP) Technical Note 8: Handbook for Shipboard Sedimentology, 1988. To assimilate the diverse sediment descriptions of the source data and still retain the original descriptions, NAVOCEANO created an “Enhanced” categories set. This set includes virtually all commonly-used sediment nomenclature, including chart annotations, sediment grainsize terminology (Wentworth-scale), sediment-mixture classifications (Shepard, Folk), generic mixtures, as well as depositional environment and compositional descriptors (see Appendix B.1). Consequently, the Enhanced set is large, is in part redundant, and causes ambiguities in nomenclature, but does retain the essence of the source descriptions. For normal operational use, the Enhanced set is rationalized through the creation of simplified, focused sediment category sets, such as Standard, Reduced, and HFEVA and by reclassifying each Enhanced category to the simplified sets. 11 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED (U) NAVOCEANO has taken the province approach in creating the Bottom Sediment Type Database. Provinces are initially created in the Enhanced category format. The compiled point and coverage data are interpreted and defined into provinces by subject experts. Consideration of source data, data quality, bathymetry, regional geology, relevant geologic and oceanographic processes, and expert knowledge all contribute to province creation. (U) The province approach represents an attempt to convey, at a base level, what likely is the predominant sediment type over an approximate area. The user must keep in mind that quality of province locations, boundaries, and associated sediment categories will vary considerably depending on the quality and quantity of source data. It is also possible that considerable smallscale variations may occur within provinces, or that provinces are misdefined on the basis of inadequate or erroneous data. The user must also be aware that province descriptors and boundaries are conceptual. Actual sediment variations that define provinces may be gradational, interlaced, and even distinct in some cases. Users who require more accurate, higher-resolution sediment information should request from NAVOCEANO information on additional, newer, or revised datasets that are currently not in OAML. NAVOCEANO acquires and compiles historical and newly collected data, including regional databases, bottom samples, acoustic imagery, and other bottom information on a regular basis. (U) The 5-minute resolution database provides an estimate of the most likely sediment to be found on a broad, regional basis. Although the database resolution is 5 minutes, the underlying source-data resolution is uneven and far lower, typically by an order of magnitude. Therefore, the database cannot guarantee that the sediment category identified in any cell is absolutely correct, only that the category represents the prevailing sediment within the defined region. 2.11 (U) References a. Defense Logistics Agency, Catalog of Map, Charts, and Related Products, National Imagery and Mapping Agency, Part 2 – Volume 1, Ninth Edition, April 1998. b. Department of Commerce, Chart No. 1, Nautical Chart Symbols, Abbreviations and Terms, Tenth Edition, November 1997. 2.12 (U) Classification/Distribution (U) The Bottom Sediment Type database is UNCLASSIFIED and is Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited. All requests should be referred to Commander, Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command Code N802 1100 Balch Boulevard Stennis Space Center, MS 39529-5005 DSN: 828-5501 Commercial: (228) 688-5501 12 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 2.13 (U) Point of Contact (U) Any questions relating to the Bottom Sediment Type Database should be directed to the following address: Commanding Officer Naval Oceanographic Office 1002 Balch Boulevard Stennis Space Center, MS 39522-5001 General/Distribution: Commercial: (228) 688-5160 DSN: 828-5160 Technical: Commercial: (228) 688-5828 or 4210 DSN: 828-5828 or 4210 2.14 (U) Extraction/Retrieval (U) One application is delivered with the Bottom Sediment Type Database to perform data retrievals. The extract program is used to select a sediments database file, set retrieval parameters, and extract data by point, trackline, radial, or area. See Appendix C for a full description of the extract program. Point, trackline, and radial extractions return output to the user’s screen. Area extractions are output to a binary format, known as CHRTR, defined in Table 2.14-1. CHRTR is a gridded file format consisting of header information defining the grid extents and cell size followed by a data value for each cell in that grid. The data values start at the southwest corner of the grid and proceed from west to east, row by row, ending at the northeast corner of the grid. 13 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED Table 2.14-1 (U) CHRTR File Format UNCLASSIFIED Byte Offset 0 Element Name lon_west 4 lon_east 8 lat_south 12 lat_north 16 grid 20 width 24 height 28 endian 32 36 40 min max padding Description Data Type Domain Westernmost longitude of the grid (decimal degrees) Easternmost longitude of the grid (decimal degrees) Southernmost latitude of the grid (decimal degrees) Northernmost latitude of the grid (decimal degrees) Size of grid cell (decimal minutes) Number of grid cells in the longitudinal direction Number of grid cells in the latitudinal direction Flag used to determine if the bytes of a computer word need to be swapped Minimum data value Maximum data value Blank space in the header. Four-byte real Four-byte real -180.0 – 180.0 -180.0 – 180.0 -90.0 – 90.0 Four-byte real -90.0 – 90.0 Four-byte real Four-byte real Four-byte integer Four-byte integer Four-byte integer 0x03020100, 0x00010203 Four-byte real Four-byte real n bytes where n = (width –10) * 4 40 + n bytes of padding . . . data value[1] Representative data value for grid cell. Four-byte real data value[n] Representative data value for grid cell. UNCLASSIFIED Four-byte real (U) The endian flag is set to 66051 in decimal and is used to indicate the byte order of the numeric data in the file. A processor that identifies 66051 as 0X00010203 is referred to as bigendian. A processor that identifies 66051 as 0X03020100 is referred to as little-endian. The extraction routine sets the endian flag in the output file based on the processor used for the extraction. 14 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 3.0 (U) DATABASE FORMAT AND MEDIA READ INSTRUCTIONS (U) The Bottom Sediment Type Database is delivered on a CD-ROM that contains the database files and extraction software. Load the distribution media and copy all its contents to the local folder or directory of choice. (U) The distribution media includes pre-built executables for PC (Windows NT) and Silicon Graphics Incorporated (SGI) IRIX 6.5 platforms. The PC executable will run on Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 2000, and Windows XP platforms. 15 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED This page is intentionally blank. 16 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 4.0 (U) PAST HISTORY OF DATABASE CHANGES (U) There are no previous OAML versions of the Bottom Sediment Type Database. 17 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED This page is intentionally blank. 18 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 5.0 (U) NOTES 5.1 (U) Terms and Abbreviations (U) The following is a list of terms and acronyms and their definitions as used in this document. UNCLASSIFIED API Application Programming Interface ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange CASS/GRAB Comprehensive Acoustic Simulation System/Gaussian Ray Bundle COMLANTFLT Commander, U. S. Atlantic Fleet COMNAVMETOCCOM Commander, Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command COMNAVSEASYSCOM Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command CNO Chief of Naval Operations GPS Global Positioning System HDF Hierarchical Data Format HDF5 Hierarchical Data Format, Version 5 HFEVA High Frequency Environmental Acoustics IRIX UNIX Operating System for SGI Computers JOIDES Joint Oceanographic Institutions for Deep Earth Sampling METOC Meteorology and Oceanography NAVOCEANO Naval Oceanographic Office NAVSEASYSCOM Naval Sea Systems Command NCSA National Center for Supercomputing Applications NGDC National Geophysical Data Center NIMA National Imagery and Mapping Agency NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration OAML Oceanographic and Atmospheric Master Library ODP Ocean Drilling Program PC Personal Computer SGI Silicon Graphics Incorporated UNCLASSIFIED 19 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED This page is intentionally blank. 20 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED APPENDIX A (U) DATABASE INSTALLATION TEST CASES 21 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED This page is intentionally blank. 22 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED A.1 (U) Introduction (U) This appendix describes the inputs and the expected outputs for testing the implementation of the Bottom Sediment Type Database. (U) This appendix provides the user with five test cases that can verify the correct implementation of the Bottom Sediment Type Database. The data files were generated on a SGI IRIX 6.5 UNIX-based operating system. (U) Each test case focuses on positions within an area of interest. Four data results are provided for each position. Columns 1 and 2 contain the input latitude and longitude. Columns 3, 4, 5, and 6 indicate the output of the Enhanced, the Standard, the Reduced, and the HFEVA datasets, respectively. The values cited in columns 3, 4, 5, and 6 are associated with the center of a 6second by 6-second cell. (U) Reader software is not provided with the data files. See Section 2.14 and Appendix C for data extraction information. A.2 (U) Test Case 1 (U) The purpose of Test Case 1 is to verify the outputs of the Enhanced, Standard, Reduced, and HFEVA dataset extractions for the Kattegat area. (U) Test Case 1 inputs and expected outputs are shown in Table A-1. Table A-1 (U) Test Case 1 – Kattegat Area UNCLASSIFIED A.3 Latitude Longitude 55:37:36N 55:46:06N 56:12:18N 56:49:12N 56:46:00N 10:13:06E 10:16:48E 11:00:18E 12:14:42E 12:29:42E Enhanced Standard Reduced HFEVA 63 23 25 8 24 4 9 11 23 11 1113 1113 1123 1123 1103 1103 1108 1108 1124 1124 UNCLASSIFIED (U) Test Case 2 (U) The purpose of Test Case 2 is to verify the outputs of the Enhanced, Standard, Reduced, and HFEVA dataset extractions for the Mediterranean Sea area. (U) Test Case 2 inputs and expected outputs are shown in Table A-2. 23 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED Table A-2 (U) Test Case 2 – Mediterranean Sea Area UNCLASSIFIED A.4 Latitude Longitude 36:13:48N 35:26:24N 37:25:12N 38:38:54N 44:23:12N 40:21:48N 32:23:30N 33:30:36N 1:45:00W 2:51:24W 13:06:42E 17:43:24E 13:50:18E 19:00:48E 34:43:48E 32:02:12E Enhanced Standard Reduced HFEVA 52 25 63 52 63 52 1 24 18 11 4 18 4 18 2 17 3205 1205 1103 1103 1213 1213 3397 1105 1113 1113 3397 1105 1101 1101 1109 1109 UNCLASSIFIED (U) Test Case 3 (U) The purpose of Test Case 3 is to verify the outputs of the Enhanced, Standard, Reduced, and HFEVA dataset extractions for the Indian Ocean area. (U) Test Case 3 inputs and expected outputs are shown in Table A-3. Table A-3 (U) Test Case 3 - Indian Ocean Area UNCLASSIFIED A.5 Latitude Longitude 22:58:06N 11:23:30N 29:21:36N 26:14:42N 12:02:54N 18:06:06N 05:16:54N 02:21:54N 21:32:00N 09:27:00N 37:59:12E 49:17:12E 48:42:00E 51:56:18E 63:05:24E 57:06:54E 67:04:06E 73:15:30E 90:48:18E 98:16:24E Enhanced Standard Reduced HFEVA 24 61 25 23 23 61 50 22 24 63 12 3 20 9 9 3 22 7 17 4 1295 1209 1267 1261 1242 1242 1202 1202 223 1223 1267 1261 207 1207 1222 1222 1109 1109 1168 1113 UNCLASSIFIED (U) Test Case 4 (U) The purpose of Test Case 4 is to verify the outputs of the Enhanced, Standard, Reduced, and HFEVA dataset extractions for the Western North Pacific Ocean area. (U) Test Case 4 inputs and expected outputs are shown in Table A-4. 24 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED Table A-4 (U) Test Case 4 - Western North Pacific Ocean Area UNCLASSIFIED A.6 Latitude Longitude 32:50:18N 48:14:12N 33:48:00N 37:49:06N 22:00:00N 23:26:12N 12:40:48N 03:12:18N 01:05:06N 19:43:54N 128:59:12E 143:39:54E 126:36:24E 125:52:24E 121:15:48E 119:23:18E 124:28:54E 118:21:54E 103:45:24E 107:14:42E Enhanced Standard Reduced HFEVA 22 8 63 24 52 62 62 23 25 50 7 23 4 17 18 3 3 9 20 22 1122 1122 1108 1108 1185 1113 1192 1109 3397 1105 1266 1262 1243 1212 3202 1202 1142 1142 1107 1107 UNCLASSIFIED (U) Test Case 5 (U) The purpose of Test Case 5 is to verify the outputs of the Enhanced, Standard, Reduced, and HFEVA dataset extractions for the United States area. (U) Test Case 5 inputs and expected outputs are shown in Table A-5. Table A-5 (U) Test Case 5 - United States Area UNCLASSIFIED Latitude Longitude 33:17:12N 32:52:06N 26:05:18N 28:44:48N 30:08:18N 30:05:06N 33:49:18N 33:51:24N 20:44:00N 20:40:12N 20:37:12N 21:57:36N 118:16:18W 117:17:12W 95:32:24W 95:03:18W 87:23:12W 85:29:36W 77:59:18W 75:57:00W 156:40:42W 156:30:24W 161:20:48W 159:12:36W Enhanced Standard 1172 1101 1102 1102 1142 1142 1126 1126 1168 1113 1102 1102 1202 1202 1252 1252 1205 1205 1222 1222 708 1108 1272 1201 UNCLASSIFIED 25 UNCLASSIFIED Reduced HFEVA 1 23 25 25 63 23 23 52 52 22 8 1 2 9 20 14 4 9 9 17 18 7 23 2 UNCLASSIFIED This page is intentionally blank. 26 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED APPENDIX B (U) BOTTOM SEDIMENT TYPE DATABASE DEFINITIONS 27 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED This page is intentionally blank. 28 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED B.1 (U) Introduction (U) A general sediment type (compositional and/or environmental), a verbal description, and a category number are provided in Table B-1 for the Enhanced, Standard, Reduced, and HFEVA datasets. Tables B-2 through B-4 provide sediment category sets for Standard, Reduced, and HFEVA datasets. General sediment type is categorized as follows: A C H N L O P S T U V Anomalous Calcareous Hemipelagic Non-Depositional Land No Data Pelagic Siliceous Terrigenous Turbiditic Volcanic Table B-1 Type PT PT PT PT PT PT PT PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PS PS PS (U) Sediment Type Definition Table UNCLASSIFIED Enhanced Categories Description Enhanced Sand 102 Silt 105 Silty Clay 107 Clay 108 Gravel 112 Sandy Mud 196 Mud 197 Sand 202 Silty Sand 203 Sandy Silt 204 Silt 205 Clayey Silt 206 Silty Clay 207 Clay 208 Sand - Silt - Clay 209 Marl 211 Gravel 212 Gravelly Sand 220 Coarse Sand 222 Medium Sand 223 Sandy Clay 242 Ooze 310 Silt 405 Silty Clay 407 Clay 408 UNCLASSIFIED 29 UNCLASSIFIED Standard 1125 1105 1107 1108 1112 1104 1107 1225 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1208 1212 1220 1222 1223 1242 1208 1105 1107 1108 Reduced 25 52 50 8 62 25 50 25 24 53 52 50 50 8 52 8 62 21 22 23 25 8 52 50 8 HFEVA 9 18 7 23 3 96 7 9 11 16 18 19 22 23 17 23 3 7 7 9 20 23 18 7 23 UNCLASSIFIED Type PS PS P P P V V V O L T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T UNCLASSIFIED Enhanced Categories Description Enhanced Ooze 510 Mud 511 Clayey Silt 706 Silty Clay 707 Clay 708 Sand 802 Silt 805 Silty Clay 807 NO DATA 888 LAND 999 Rock 1101 Sand 1102 Silty Sand 1103 Sandy Silt 1104 Silt 1105 Clayey Silt 1106 Silty Clay 1107 Clay 1108 Sand - Silt - Clay 1109 Gravel 1112 Sandy Gravel 1113 Silty Gravel 1114 Muddy Sandy Gravel 1115 Clayey Gravel 1116 Muddy Gravel 1117 Gravelly Muddy Sand 1118 Gravel - Silty Sand 1119 Gravelly Sand 1120 Very Coarse Sand 1121 Coarse Sand 1122 Medium Sand 1123 Fine Sand 1124 Very Fine Sand 1125 Clayey Sand 1126 Gravel - Shell 1128 Gravelly Silt 1130 Gravelly Silt - Shell 1131 Gravelly Sandy Silt 1132 Gravelly Mud 1133 Gravel - Sand - Mud 1134 Rock - Sand - Mud 1135 Rock - Gravel - Mud 1136 Rock - Gravel - Sand 1137 Rock - Gravel - Sand - Mud 1138 Gravelly Clay 1140 Sand - Clay - Shell 1141 Sandy Clay 1142 Coarse Sand - Shell 1146 Very Fine Silt 1150 UNCLASSIFIED 30 UNCLASSIFIED Standard 1108 1105 1106 1107 1108 1102 1105 1107 888 999 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1112 1113 1114 1114 1116 1116 1120 1113 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1112 1130 1130 1130 1130 1113 1161 1161 1161 1161 1140 1102 1142 1113 1150 Reduced 8 52 50 50 8 23 52 50 888 999 1 23 25 25 52 50 50 8 24 62 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 21 21 22 23 24 25 25 62 21 21 21 21 63 61 61 61 61 21 23 25 63 50 HFEVA 23 17 19 22 23 9 18 7 888 999 2 9 11 16 18 19 22 23 17 3 4 10 6 10 10 8 8 7 5 7 9 11 13 14 3 16 16 16 16 6 3 3 3 3 21 9 20 4 21 UNCLASSIFIED Type T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T C C C C C UNCLASSIFIED Enhanced Categories Description Enhanced Fine Silt 1151 Medium Silt 1152 Coarse Silt 1153 Rough Rock 1154 Mud over Rock 1155 Silty Clay - Shell 1156 Boulders 1160 Cobbles (Stones) - Shell 1161 Pebbles - Shell 1162 Granules 1163 Sand - Silt - Clay - Shell 1164 Gravel - Sand - Shell 1165 Shell 1166 Rock - Gravel - Sand - Shell 1167 Sand - Shell 1168 Rock - Gravel 1170 Rock - Coral 1171 Rock - Sand 1172 Rock - Mud 1173 Mud - Shell 1174 Gravel - Sand 1175 Gravel - Mud 1176 Clayey Sand - Shell 1177 Soft Mud 1178 Hard Mud 1179 Silty Sand - Shell 1181 Gravelly Sand - Shell 1182 Medium Sand - Shell 1183 Fine Sand - Shell 1184 Sandy Gravel - Shell 1185 Clayey Silt - Shell 1186 Silt - Shell 1187 Silty Gravel - Shell 1188 Sandy Silt - Shell 1189 Muddy Tidal Flats 1190 Sandy Tidal Flats 1191 Sandy Muddy Tidal Flats 1192 Sand Dune 1193 Sand - Mud 1194 Muddy Sand 1195 Sandy Mud 1196 Mud 1197 Clay - Shell 1198 Stiff Mud 1199 Rock 1201 Sand 1202 Silty Sand 1203 Sandy Silt 1204 Silt 1205 UNCLASSIFIED 31 UNCLASSIFIED Standard 1151 1152 1153 1101 1101 1130 1160 1161 1162 1163 1112 1161 1162 1161 1113 1101 1101 1101 1101 1114 1113 1114 1120 1106 1106 1121 1113 1120 1120 1113 1130 1130 1114 1113 1153 1123 1109 1102 1109 1109 1104 1105 1140 1106 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 Reduced 51 52 53 1 1 21 60 61 62 63 62 61 62 61 63 1 1 1 1 63 63 63 21 50 50 21 63 21 21 63 21 21 63 21 53 23 24 23 24 24 25 52 21 50 1 23 25 25 52 HFEVA 19 17 15 1 2 16 2 3 3 3 16 3 3 3 4 2 1 2 2 10 4 10 7 21 19 5 4 5 7 4 16 16 10 8 15 9 17 9 17 12 18 18 10 19 2 9 11 16 18 UNCLASSIFIED Type C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C UNCLASSIFIED Enhanced Categories Description Enhanced Clayey Silt 1206 Silty Clay 1207 Clay (Marl) 1208 Sand - Silt - Clay 1209 Ooze 1210 Marl 1211 Gravel (Shell Detritus) 1212 Sandy Gravel 1213 Silty Gravel 1214 Muddy Sandy Gravel 1215 Clayey Gravel 1216 Muddy Gravel 1217 Gravelly Muddy Sand 1218 Gravel - Silty Sand 1219 Gravelly Sand 1220 Very Coarse Sand 1221 Coarse Sand 1222 Medium Sand 1223 Fine Sand 1224 Very Fine Sand 1225 Clayey Sand 1226 Oolite 1227 Gravel - Shell 1228 Gravelly Silt 1230 Gravelly Silt - Shell 1231 Gravelly Sandy Silt 1232 Gravelly Mud 1233 Gravel - Sand - Mud 1234 Rock - Sand - Mud 1235 Rock - Gravel - Mud 1236 Rock - Gravel - Sand 1237 Rock - Gravel - Sand - Mud 1238 Gravelly Clay 1240 Sand - Clay - Shell 1241 Sandy Clay (Sandy Marl) 1242 Coral Debris - Sand 1243 Coral Debris - Sand - Shell 1244 Coral Debris - Shell 1245 Coarse Sand - Shell 1246 Coral Debris - Sand - Mud 1247 Coral Debris - Mud - Shell 1248 Coral Debris - Mud 1249 Very Fine Silt 1250 Fine Silt 1251 Medium Silt 1252 Coarse Silt 1253 Rough Rock 1254 Mud over Rock 1255 Silty Clay - Shell 1256 UNCLASSIFIED 32 UNCLASSIFIED Standard 1206 1207 1208 1209 1208 1208 1212 1213 1214 2114 1216 1216 1220 1213 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1223 1212 1230 1230 1230 1230 1213 1261 1261 1261 1261 1240 1202 1242 1212 1212 1212 1213 1212 1212 1212 1250 1251 1252 1253 1201 1201 1230 Reduced 50 50 8 24 8 8 62 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 21 21 22 23 24 25 25 23 62 21 21 21 21 63 61 61 61 61 21 23 25 62 62 62 63 62 62 62 50 51 52 53 1 1 21 HFEVA 19 22 23 17 23 23 3 4 10 6 10 10 8 8 7 5 7 9 11 13 14 9 3 16 16 16 16 6 3 3 3 3 21 9 20 3 3 3 4 6 6 6 21 19 17 15 1 2 16 UNCLASSIFIED Type C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C S S S S V V V V UNCLASSIFIED Enhanced Categories Description Enhanced Coral Debris - Sand - Mud - Shell 1257 Coral Debris 1258 Coral 1259 Boulders 1260 Cobbles (Stones) - Shell 1261 Pebbles - Shell 1262 Granules 1263 Sand - Silt - Clay - Shell 1264 Gravel - Sand - Shell 1265 Shell 1266 Rock - Gravel - Sand - Shell 1267 Sand - Shell 1268 Rock - Gravel 1270 Rock - Coral 1271 Rock - Sand 1272 Rock - Mud 1273 Mud - Shell 1274 Gravel - Sand 1275 Gravel - Mud 1276 Clayey Sand - Shell 1277 Soft Mud 1278 Hard Mud 1279 Silty Sand - Shell 1281 Gravelly Sand - Shell 1282 Medium Sand - Shell 1283 Fine Sand - Shell 1284 Sandy Gravel - Shell 1285 Clayey Silt - Shell 1286 Silt - Shell 1287 Silty Gravel - Shell 1288 Sandy Silt - Shell 1289 Muddy Tidal Flats 1290 Sandy Tidal Flats 1291 Sandy Muddy Tidal Flats 1292 Sand Dune 1293 Mud - Sand 1294 Muddy Sand 1295 Sandy Mud 1296 Mud 1297 Clay - Shell 1298 Stiff Mud 1299 Silt 1405 Clay 1408 Ooze 1510 Mud 1511 Sand 1802 Silt 1805 Gravel 1812 Sandy Gravel 1813 UNCLASSIFIED 33 UNCLASSIFIED Standard 1212 1212 1201 1260 1261 1262 1263 1212 1261 1262 1261 1213 1201 1201 1201 1201 1214 1213 1214 1220 1206 1206 1221 1213 1220 1220 1213 1230 1230 1214 1213 1253 1223 1209 1202 1209 1209 1204 1205 1240 1206 1105 1108 1108 1105 1102 1105 1112 1113 Reduced 62 62 1 60 61 62 63 62 61 62 61 63 1 1 1 1 63 63 63 21 50 50 21 63 21 21 63 21 21 63 21 53 23 24 23 24 24 25 52 21 50 52 8 8 52 23 52 62 63 HFEVA 3 3 1 2 3 3 3 16 3 3 3 4 2 1 2 2 10 4 10 7 21 19 5 4 5 7 4 16 16 10 8 15 9 17 9 17 12 18 18 10 19 18 23 23 17 9 18 3 4 UNCLASSIFIED Type V V V V V V UC UC UC UC UC UC US US UC U U U U U U U U U U HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC UNCLASSIFIED Enhanced Categories Description Enhanced Gravelly Sand 1820 Rough Rock 1854 Boulders 1860 Rock - Gravel 1870 Rock - Sand 1872 Gravel - Sand 1875 Silt 2205 Clayey Silt 2206 Silty Clay 2207 Clay 2208 Sand - Silt - Clay 2209 Marl 2211 Silt 2405 Clay 2408 Ooze 2210 Silty Sand 2603 Sandy Silt 2604 Silt 2605 Clayey Silt 2606 Silty Clay 2607 Clay 2608 Sand - Silt - Clay 2609 Fine Sand 2624 Gravel - Sand 2675 Gravelly Sand - Shell 2682 Rock 3201 Sand 3202 Silty Sand 3203 Sandy Silt 3204 Silt 3205 Clayey Silt 3206 Silty Clay 3207 Clay (Marl) 3208 Sand - Silt - Clay 3209 Ooze 3210 Gravel (Shell Detritus) 3212 Sandy Gravel 3213 Silty Gravel 3214 Muddy Sandy Gravel 3215 Clayey Gravel 3216 Muddy Gravel 3217 Gravelly Muddy Sand 3218 Gravel - Silty Sand 3219 Gravelly Sand 3220 Very Coarse Sand 3221 Coarse Sand 3222 Medium Sand 3223 Fine Sand 3224 Very Fine Sand 3225 UNCLASSIFIED 34 UNCLASSIFIED Standard 1120 1101 1160 1101 1101 1113 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1208 1105 1108 1208 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1124 1113 1113 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1208 1212 1213 1214 1214 1216 1216 1220 1213 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 Reduced 21 1 60 1 1 63 52 50 50 8 24 8 52 8 8 25 25 52 50 50 8 24 24 63 63 1 23 25 25 52 50 50 8 24 8 62 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 21 21 22 23 24 25 HFEVA 7 1 2 2 2 4 18 19 22 23 17 23 18 23 23 11 16 18 19 22 23 17 11 4 5 2 9 11 16 18 19 22 23 17 23 3 4 10 6 10 10 8 8 7 5 7 9 11 13 UNCLASSIFIED Type HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC UNCLASSIFIED Enhanced Categories Description Enhanced Clayey Sand 3226 Gravel - Shell 3228 Gravelly Silt 3230 Gravelly Silt - Shell 3231 Gravelly Sandy Silt 3232 Gravelly Mud 3233 Gravel - Sand - Mud 3234 Rock - Sand - Mud 3235 Rock - Gravel - Mud 3236 Rock - Gravel - Sand 3237 Rock - Gravel - Sand - Mud 3238 Gravelly Clay 3240 Sand - Clay - Shell 3241 Sandy Clay (Sandy Marl) 3242 Coral Debris - Sand 3243 Coral Debris - Sand - Shell 3244 Coral Debris - Shell 3245 Coarse Sand - Shell 3246 Coral Debris - Sand - Mud 3247 Coral Debris - Mud - Shell 3248 Coral Debris - Mud 3249 Very Fine Silt 3250 Fine Silt 3251 Medium Silt 3252 Coarse Silt 3253 Rough rock 3254 Mud over Rock 3255 Silty Clay - Shell 3256 Coral Debris - Sand - Mud - Shell 3257 Coral Debris 3258 Boulders 3260 Cobbles (Stones) - Shell 3261 Pebbles - Shell 3262 Granules 3263 Sand - Silt - Clay - Shell 3264 Gravel - Sand - Shell 3265 Shell 3266 Rock - Gravel - Sand - Shell 3267 Sand - Shell 3268 Rock - Gravel 3270 Rock - Coral 3271 Rock - Sand 3272 Rock - Mud 3273 Mud - Shell 3274 Gravel - Sand 3275 Gravel - Mud 3276 Clayey Sand - Shell 3277 Soft Mud 3278 Hard Mud 3279 UNCLASSIFIED 35 UNCLASSIFIED Standard 1226 1212 1230 1230 1230 1230 1213 1261 1261 1261 1261 1240 1202 1242 1212 1212 1212 1213 1212 1212 1212 1250 1251 1252 1253 1201 1201 1230 1212 1212 1260 1261 1262 1263 1212 1261 1262 1261 1213 1201 1201 1201 1201 1214 1213 1214 1220 1206 1206 Reduced 25 62 21 21 21 21 63 61 61 61 61 21 23 25 62 62 62 63 62 62 62 50 51 52 53 1 1 21 62 62 60 61 62 63 62 61 62 61 63 1 1 1 1 63 63 63 21 50 50 HFEVA 14 3 16 16 16 16 6 3 3 3 3 21 9 20 3 3 3 4 6 6 6 21 19 17 15 1 2 16 3 3 2 3 3 3 16 3 3 3 4 2 1 2 2 10 4 10 7 21 19 UNCLASSIFIED Type HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HC HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT UNCLASSIFIED Enhanced Categories Description Enhanced Silty Sand - Shell 3281 Gravelly Sand - Shell 3282 Medium Sand - Shell 3283 Fine Sand - Shell 3284 Sandy Gravel - Shell 3285 Clayey Silt - Shell 3286 Silt - Shell 3287 Silty Gravel - Shell 3288 Sandy Silt - Shell 3289 Sand - Mud 3294 Muddy Sand 3295 Sandy Mud 3296 Mud 3297 Clay - Shell 3298 Stiff Mud 3299 Rock 3301 Sand 3302 Silty Sand 3303 Sandy Silt 3304 Silt 3305 Clayey Silt 3306 Silty Clay 3307 Clay 3308 Sand - Silt - Clay 3309 Gravel 3312 Sandy Gravel 3313 Silty Gravel 3314 Muddy Sandy Gravel 3315 Clayey Gravel 3316 Muddy Gravel 3317 Gravelly Muddy Sand 3318 Gravel - Silty Sand 3319 Gravelly Sand 3320 Very Coarse Sand 3321 Coarse Sand 3322 Medium Sand 3323 Fine Sand 3324 Very Fine Sand 3325 Clayey Sand 3326 Gravel - Shell 3328 Gravelly Silt 3330 Gravelly Silt - Shell 3331 Gravelly Sandy Silt 3332 Gravelly Mud 3333 Gravel - Sand - Mud 3334 Rock - Sand - Mud 3335 Rock - Gravel - Mud 3336 Rock - Gravel - Sand 3337 Rock - Gravel - Sand - Mud 3338 UNCLASSIFIED 36 UNCLASSIFIED Standard 1221 1213 1220 1220 1213 1230 1230 1214 1213 1209 1209 1204 1205 1240 1206 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1112 1113 1114 1114 1116 1116 1120 1113 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1112 1130 1130 1130 1130 1113 1161 1161 1161 1161 Reduced 21 63 21 21 63 21 21 63 21 24 24 25 52 21 50 1 23 25 25 52 50 50 8 24 62 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 21 21 22 23 24 25 25 62 21 21 21 21 63 61 61 61 61 HFEVA 5 4 5 7 4 16 16 10 8 17 12 18 18 10 19 2 9 11 16 18 19 22 23 17 3 4 10 6 10 10 8 8 7 5 7 9 11 13 14 3 16 16 16 16 6 3 3 3 3 UNCLASSIFIED Type HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HT HV HV HV HV HV HS UNCLASSIFIED Enhanced Categories Description Enhanced Gravelly Clay 3340 Sand - Clay - Shell 3341 Sandy Clay 3342 Very Fine Silt 3350 Fine Silt 3351 Medium Silt 3352 Coarse Silt 3353 Rough rock 3354 Mud over Rock 3355 Silty Clay - Shell 3356 Boulders 3360 Cobbles (Stones) - Shell 3361 Pebbles - Shell 3362 Granules 3363 Sand - Silt - Clay - Shell 3364 Gravel - Sand - Shell 3365 Shell 3366 Rock - Gravel - Sand - Shell 3367 Sand - Shell 3368 Rock - Gravel 3370 Rock - Coral 3371 Rock - Sand 3372 Rock - Mud 3373 Mud - Shell 3374 Gravel - Sand 3375 Mud - Gravel 3376 Clayey Sand - Shell 3377 Soft Mud 3378 Hard Mud 3379 Silty Sand - Shell 3381 Gravelly Sand - Shell 3382 Medium Sand - Shell 3383 Fine Sand - Shell 3384 Sandy Gravel - Shell 3385 Clayey Silt - Shell 3386 Silt - Shell 3387 Silty Gravel - Shell 3388 Sandy Silt - Shell 3389 Sand - Mud 3394 Muddy Sand 3395 Sandy Mud 3396 Mud 3397 Stiff Mud 3399 Clayey Gravel 3816 Rock - Gravel - Sand - Shell 3867 Muddy Sand 3895 Sandy Mud 3896 Mud 3897 Ooze 3510 UNCLASSIFIED 37 UNCLASSIFIED Standard 1140 1102 1142 1150 1151 1152 1153 1101 1101 1130 1160 1161 1162 1163 1112 1161 1162 1161 1113 1101 1101 1101 1101 1114 1113 1114 1120 1106 1106 1121 1113 1120 1120 1113 1130 1130 1114 1113 1109 1109 1104 1105 1106 1116 1161 1109 1104 1105 1108 Reduced 21 23 25 50 51 52 53 1 1 21 60 61 62 63 62 61 62 61 63 1 1 1 1 63 63 63 21 50 50 21 63 21 21 63 21 21 63 21 24 24 25 52 50 63 61 24 25 52 8 HFEVA 21 9 20 21 19 17 15 1 2 16 2 3 3 3 16 3 3 3 4 2 1 2 2 10 4 10 7 21 19 5 4 5 7 4 16 16 10 8 17 12 18 18 19 17 3 12 18 18 23 UNCLASSIFIED Type N N N A A A A A A A A A A UNCLASSIFIED Enhanced Categories Description Enhanced Oceanic Rock Outcrops 4000 Continental Rock Outcrops 5000 Hard Bottom 5069 Marsh 6845 Mangrove 6850 Intratidal 6855 Supratidal Zone 6860 Salt Dome 6865 Gypsum 6870 Peat 6875 Rock Outcrop 6880 Rubble 6885 Manmade Features 6890 UNCLASSIFIED Table B-2 Type O L T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T Standard 1101 1101 1101 1109 1109 1109 6860 6865 6870 1102 1101 1162 1101 Reduced 1 1 1 24 24 24 21 61 61 23 1 61 1 HFEVA 1 2 3 18 11 9 999 3 3 12 2 1 1 (U) Standard Sediment Categories UNCLASSIFIED Description NO DATA LAND Rock Sand Silty Sand Sandy Silt Silt Clayey Silt Silty Clay Clay Sand - Silt - Clay Gravel Sandy Gravel Silty Gravel Clayey Gravel Gravelly Sand Very Coarse Sand Coarse Sand Medium Sand Fine Sand Very Fine Sand Clayey Sand Gravelly Silt Gravelly Clay Sandy Clay Very Fine Silt Fine Silt Medium Silt UNCLASSIFIED 38 UNCLASSIFIED Standard Category 888 999 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1112 1113 1114 1116 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1130 1140 1142 1150 1151 1152 UNCLASSIFIED Type T T T T T C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C A A A UNCLASSIFIED Description Coarse Silt Boulders Cobbles (Stones) - Shell Pebbles - Shell Granules Rock Sand Silty Sand Sandy Silt Silt Clayey Silt Silty Clay Clay (Marl) Sand - Silt - Clay Gravel (Shell Detritus) Sandy Gravel Silty Gravel Clayey Gravel Gravelly Sand Very Coarse Sand Coarse Sand Medium Sand Fine Sand Very Fine Sand Clayey Sand Gravelly Silt Gravelly Clay Sandy Clay (Sandy Marl) Very Fine Silt Fine Silt Medium Silt Coarse Silt Boulders Cobbles (Stones) - Shell Pebbles - Shell Granules Supratidal Zone Salt Dome Gypsum UNCLASSIFIED 39 UNCLASSIFIED Standard Category 1153 1160 1161 1162 1163 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1212 1213 1214 1216 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1230 1240 1242 1250 1251 1252 1253 1260 1261 1262 1263 6860 6865 6870 UNCLASSIFIED Table B-3 Bottom Composition Rock Gravel Sand Mud Table B-4 (U) Reduced Sediment Categories UNCLASSIFIED Description Solid Rock Boulders Cobbles - Oyster Shells Pebbles - Shell Granules Very Coarse Sand Coarse Sand Medium Sand Fine Sand Very Fine Sand Coarse Silt Medium Silt Fine Silt Very Fine Silt Clay No data Land UNCLASSIFED Reduced Category 1 60 61 62 63 21 22 23 24 25 53 52 51 50 8 888 999 (U) HFEVA Sediment Categories UNCLASSIFIED HFEVA Standard Sediment Type Rough Rock Rock Cobble or Gravel or Pebble Sandy Gravel Very Coarse Sand Muddy Sandy Gravel Coarse Sand or Gravelly Sand Gravelly Muddy Sand Medium Sand or Sand Muddy Gravel Fine Sand or Silty Sand Muddy Sand Very Fine Sand Clayey Sand Coarse Silt Gravelly Mud or Sandy Silt Medium Silt or Sand-Silt-Clay Sandy Mud or Silt Fine Silt or Clayey Silt UNCLASSIFIED 40 UNCLASSIFIED HFEVA Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED HFEVA Standard Sediment Type Sandy Clay Very Fine Silt Silty Clay Clay No data Land UNCLASSIFIED 41 UNCLASSIFIED HFEVA Category 20 21 22 23 888 999 UNCLASSIFIED This page is intentionally blank. 42 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED APPENDIX C (U) DATABASE EXTRACTION PROGRAM 43 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED This page is intentionally blank. 44 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED C.1 (U) Introduction (U) The extract program facilitates data extraction from a geographic area of the database. The program features point, trackline, radial, and area data extraction functions. The user is also provided with options to examine the database metadata and to define database extraction properties. The resolution properties will default to retrieval of the best resolution of data for all extraction requests. (U) Syntax extract [database_path] [script_file_path] where: database_path (U) This input parameter is the path to the database. If this parameter is missing on the command line, the extract program will prompt for the database path. script_file_path (U) This input parameter provides the optional script file name that eliminates typing commands at the command prompt. The file path and file name must be provided for the program to locate the script file. The script file should contain the same commands that are typed at the command prompt in interactive mode. (U) Description (U) This program enables users to interactively extract the contents of a database. Once the database is opened, the program displays a command prompt and waits for user input unless input is provided from an optional script file. The command prompt displays the database name followed by the % symbol. For example, if the database located at /databases/test.h5 has been opened, the prompt is displayed as: test.h5% (U) An overview of command keywords and their descriptions is provided in Table C-1. 45 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED Table C-1 (U) extract Keywords Key Word area UNCLASSIFIED Description Used for area extraction categories Used for category lookup table extraction clear (or cls) Used to clear the screen contents exit (or q) Used to exit the program geodesic Used for geodesic trackline extraction greatcircle (or gtcirc) Used for great circle trackline extraction help Used to access the help utility metadata Used to display database metadata point Used for point extraction radial Used for radial extraction set Used to display and set extraction properties UNCLASSIFIED (U) A detailed description for each keyword is provided in the following text. C.2 (U) Display Extraction Properties (U) Syntax test.h5 % set (U) Description (U) Typing set at the command prompt displays the current extraction properties for the opened database and a list of resolutions stored in the database. (U) Example test.h5 % set Current Extraction Properties: Maximum (finest) resolution (minutes): Minimum (coarsest) resolution (minutes): Database Resolutions (minutes): 1 - 5.0000 2 - 0.1000 46 UNCLASSIFIED 0.1000 5.0000 UNCLASSIFIED C.3 (U) Set Maximum Resolution Extraction Property (U) Syntax test.h5 % set maxres new_maxres (U) Description (U) The maximum resolution property specifies the finest resolution, in minutes, to search for data values. Any resolution finer than the maximum resolution property will be ignored in data extractions. By default, this property is set to the finest resolution in the database. (U) Example test.h5% set maxres 0.1 New maximum resolution (minutes): 0.100000 C.4 (U) Set Minimum Resolution Extraction Property (U) Syntax test.h5 % set minres new_minres (U) Description (U) The minimum resolution specifies the coarsest resolution, in minutes, to search for data values. Any resolution coarser than the minres setting is ignored in data extractions. By default, this property is set to the coarsest resolution in the database. (U) Example test.h5% set minres 5.0 New minimum resolution (minutes): 5.000000 C.5 (U) Extract Point (U) Syntax test.h5 % point y_coordinate x_coordinate 47 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED (U) Description (U) The point extraction command extracts a single data point from the database that is nearest to the x, y position. If the data point is found, the utility will display the security level of the data point. Furthermore, if the database has a category lookup table stored with it, the description for the data value will be displayed. (U) Coordinates may be specified in any of the following formats: DD:MM:SS:H DD:MM:H DD:H ±DD:MM:SS ±DD:MM ±DD or or or or or or DD:MM:SSH or DD:MM:SS.SH (e.g. 30:30:30N) DD:MMH or DD:MM.MH (e.g. 30:30N) DDH or DD.DH (e.g. 30N) ±DD:MM:SS.S (e.g. –30:30:30) ±DD:MM.M (e.g. –30:30) ±DD.D (e.g. –30) where DD are degrees, MM are minutes, SS are seconds, and H is the hemisphere (N, S, E, or W). (U) Example (U) This is a point extraction at 30.8N 88.0W with no category lookup table. test.h5% point 30.8 -88 ********** UNCLASSIFIED ********** Data = 999 Resolution = 0.10000 (minutes) ********** UNCLASSIFIED ********** C.6 (U) Extract Area (U) Syntax test.h5 % area left right bottom top grid_spacing chrtr_file [res_chrtr_file] (U) Description (U) The area extraction command extracts data in the region of interest specified by the left, right, bottom, and top edge parameters. The left edge is the west longitude, the right edge is the east longitude, the bottom edge is the south latitude and the top edge is the north latitude. See Section C.5 for the coordinate formats. 48 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED (U) The grid_spacing parameter defines the spacing between points in the extracted grid and should be entered in minutes. The chrtr_file parameter specifies the name of the CHRTR file that will be created from the extracted data. The optional res_chrtr_file parameter defines the name of the CHRTR file that will contain the resolution of each extracted data point. The res_chrtr_file is basically a coverage map for the extracted data. Extracting the resolution CHRTR file will result in higher memory usage and slower extraction times. (U) Example (U) This is a 5-minute area extraction with resolution CHRTR file requested. test.h5% area -88.5 -85 29 31 5.0 test.s test_res.s Extracting Area ... Extraction time: 1.000000 seconds Points Retrieved: 1075 Retrievals per second: 1075.000000 Created CHRTR, 'test.s'. Created CHRTR resolution file, 'test_res.s'. C.7 (U) Extract Geodesic Trackline (U) Syntax test.h5 % geodesic start_y start_x end_y end_x downtrack_spacing (U) Description (U) The geodesic trackline extraction retrieves database values along a geodesic trackline path. The start x, y and end x, y points define the beginning and ending of the trackline. See Section C.5 for the coordinate formats. The downtrack_spacing parameter defines the meters between the points along the trackline. After the data has been extracted, a listing of the points will be displayed on the screen. 49 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED (U) Example (U) This is a geodesic trackline extraction with a 10,000-meter point spacing. test.h5% geodesic 30 -87 30 -86 10000 Calculating trackline paths... Extracting points along the trackline... ********** UNCLASSIFIED ********** N N N N N N N N N N N 30.000000 30.000353 30.000624 30.000814 30.000922 30.000948 30.000893 30.000756 30.000538 30.000238 29.999991 W W W W W W W W W W W 87.000000 86.896359 86.792717 86.689075 86.585432 86.481790 86.378147 86.274505 86.170863 86.067221 86.000000 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.00 percent of data came from 100.00 percent of data came from 1109.00 1109.00 1109.00 1105.00 1162.00 1120.00 1162.00 1162.00 1162.00 1102.00 1102.00 5.00 (minute) resolution database 0.10 (minute) resolution database ********** UNCLASSIFIED ********** C.8 (U) Extract Great Circle Trackline (U) Syntax test.h5 % gtcirc start_y start_x end_y end_x downtrack_spacing (U) Description (U) The great circle trackline extraction retrieves database values along a great circle trackline path. The start x, y and end x, y points define the beginning and ending points of the trackline. See Section C.5 for the coordinate formats. The downtrack_spacing parameter defines the meters between the points along the trackline. After the data has been extracted, a listing of the points will be displayed on the screen. 50 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED (U) Example (U) This is a great circle trackline extraction with a 10,000-meter point spacing. test.h5% gtcircle 30 –87 30 -86 10000 Calculating trackline paths... Extracting points along the trackline... ********** UNCLASSIFIED ********** N N N N N N N N N N N 30.000000 30.000351 30.000621 30.000810 30.000917 30.000943 30.000888 30.000752 30.000534 30.000234 29.999991 W W W W W W W W W W W 87.000000 86.896272 86.792544 86.688814 86.585085 86.481356 86.377626 86.273897 86.170168 86.066440 86.000000 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.00 percent of data came from 100.00 percent of data came from 1109.00 1109.00 1109.00 1105.00 1162.00 1120.00 1162.00 1162.00 1162.00 1102.00 1102.00 5.00 (minute) resolution database 0.10 (minute) resolution database ********** UNCLASSIFIED ********** C.9 (U) Extract Radial (U) Syntax test.h5 % radial center_y center_x downtrack_spacing radial_length start_azimuth end_azimuth azimuth_increment (U) Description (U) The radial extraction retrieves data points for radials starting at the start azimuth and ending at the end azimuth. Each radial is a geodesic trackline path that begins at the center x, y coordinate, has a length specified by the radial length parameter, and has a direction determined by the current azimuth. See Section C.5 for the coordinate formats. The downtrack_spacing defines the distance between points along the radial tracklines and is expected to be entered in meters. The radial_length defines the trackline length and is also expected in meters. 51 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED (U) The radial extraction algorithm extracts a trackline for each azimuth from the start azimuth to the end azimuth using the azimuth_increment parameter to increment the current azimuth value. The azimuth parameters are expected in degrees. After the radial extraction is complete, the points extracted along each radial trackline will be displayed on the screen. (U) Example (U) This is a radial extraction from 180 degrees to 360 degrees with a 90-degree increment. test.h5% radial 30 -86 10000 50000 180 360 90 Extracting radials ... ********** UNCLASSIFIED ********** Azimuth (degrees): 180.000 N 30.000000 W 86.000000 N 29.910000 W 86.000000 N 29.820000 W 86.000000 N 29.730000 W 86.000000 N 29.640000 W 86.000000 N 29.550000 W 86.000000 N 29.548935 W 86.000000 Azimuth (degrees): 270.000 N 30.000000 W 86.000000 N 29.999959 W 86.103642 N 29.999837 W 86.207283 N 29.999633 W 86.310924 N 29.999347 W 86.414565 N 29.998980 W 86.518205 Azimuth (degrees): 360.000 N 30.000000 W 86.000000 N 30.090000 W 86.000000 N 30.180000 W 86.000000 N 30.270000 W 86.000000 N 30.360000 W 86.000000 N 30.450000 W 86.000000 N 30.451035 W 86.000000 1102.00 1120.00 1102.00 1120.00 1120.00 1109.00 1109.00 1102.00 1102.00 1102.00 1162.00 1113.00 1162.00 1102.00 1102.00 1102.00 1102.00 999.00 999.00 999.00 0.00 percent of data came from 100.00 percent of data came from 5.00 (minute) resolution database 0.10 (minute) resolution database ********** UNCLASSIFIED ********** 52 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED C.10 (U) Extract Categories (U) Syntax test.h5 % categories [category_output_file] (U) Description (U) The category extraction attempts to read the category lookup table from the database. If no output file name is given, the utility will print each entry in the category lookup table to the screen. If a file name is given, the categories will be written to the file as American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) text in the following format: category:category_description C.11 (U) Display Metadata (U) Syntax test.h5 % metadata (U) Description (U) Typing metadata at the command prompt displays the metadata for the current database. (U) Example test.h5% metadata General Database Metadata: File Format Version: HDF5 1.2.2 Data Type: 2 - BOTTOM CHARACTERISTICS Data Sub Type: 1 - SURFACE SEDIMENTS Data Structure: 1 - GRIDDED Data CMM: 3-NAVO Units: NA - NOT APPLICABLE Sub Units: NA - NOT APPLICABLE Horizontal Datum: NA - NOT APPLICABLE Vertical Datum: NA - NOT APPLICABLE Data Source: NAVOCEANO Data Version: 2.0 Database NULL Value: 0 Compression Level: 9 Last Update Date: 4FEBRUARY2003 Database Security Metadata: security group: UNCLASSIFIED classification: 0 - UNCLASSIFIED classifying_authority: 0 - NOT APPLICABLE full_distribution_statement_text: Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited. 53 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED C.12 (U) Clear the Screen (U) Syntax test.h5 % cls or test.h5 % clear (U) Description (U) The clear command clears the screen. C.13 (U) Exit the Program (U) Syntax test.h5 % exit or test.h5 % q or test.h5 % (U) Description (U) The extract program can be exited by typing exit, q, quit, or pressing enter at the command prompt. C.14 (U) Access the Help Utility (U) Syntax test.h5 % help or test.h5 % help <help topic> (U) Description (U) The extract help utility is accessed by typing the keyword help and a help topic. If only help is entered, a listing of command keywords is displayed. Table C-2 describes the available help keywords for the extract utility. 54 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED Table C-2 (U) extract Help Keywords UNCLASSIFIED Key Word area Description Defines the use of the area extraction command. categories Defines the use of the category lookup table command. geodesic Defines the use of the geodesic trackline extraction command. greatcircle (or gtcirc) Defines the use of the great circle trackline extraction command. maxres Defines the use of the maximum (finest) resolution extraction property. metadata Defines the use of the database metadata extraction command. minres Defines the use of the minimum (coarsest) resolution extraction property. point Defines the use of the point extraction command. radial Defines the use of the radial extraction command. set Defines the use of the set command. UNCLASSIFIED (U) Example test.h5% help point Using the point extraction command: file$ point <y> <x> <y> - y of point; type 'help' for notation instructions. <x> - x of point; type 'help' for notation instructions. 55 UNCLASSIFIED