Domestic sewage treatment plant Topas with

Nad Rezkovcem 1114, 286 01 Čáslav
Tel./fax.: 327/313 001 – 3, mobil: 602/688 362;
Domestic sewage treatment plant Topas with monitoring module TOM and with
GSMT module – Unneeded? Luxury? Advantage? Or necessity?
Or why was this produkt awarded by complimentary appretiation by jury for
Grand Prix of international construction exhibition For Arch 2004 Prague?
Domestic sewage treatment plants had become during the recent decades an indivisible part of
construction industry not only in Czech Republic, but also in European and other developed countries. It ensued
not only from the tightening legislacy and regulations in the field of protection of environnement, but also the
simple economical factors. About the fact, that having a domestic sewage treatment plant is really feasible today,
is discussed in the previously released article: “ Evaluation of return of investment into a WWTP Topas”.
(WWTP – Wastewater treatment plant)
If the common citizen decides to install this unit for his house, is he first given a task to find the
available products at the market and then to choose which one is the best for his particular case. If you put into
an internet browser a key word such as “domestic treatment plant”, you will find just in Czech Republic at least
some 20 or 30 links to a various producers of these equipments, which will represent approximatelly the same
number of different products. How and according to what information should then one decide, when all the
producers have for their WWTP appropriate certificates and all of them guarantee almost the same treatment
efficiency. And how should one explain the fact, that the prices of these equippments of similar size differ from
approximatelly 35.000,- to 60.000,- CZK, when there are no markant differencies between them at first look.
All these questions can be quicklky answered if we think more about one short and for the first sight not
to much important sentence, that is nevertheles idetically mentioned in materials of all producers. This sentence
sounds, that all the function and outflow parameters are guaranteed only if the treatment plant is operated
according to the maintenance and service manual. And what does this mean in reality? In principle it is
possible to say that majority of these WWTP available at our market is able to achive these guaranteed
parameters. If not they should obviously not be able to go through all the process of certification that declares its
functionaity. And here we are confronted with another question, which is, why is then the investor into this
equippment faced very often during the process of getting an approval for it so negative attitude from the water
management authorities, that are based on their own experiences convinced that the majority of such equippment
does not in practicle application work. The answer to this question is also hidden in the above mentioned
particular sentence or further then in each particular short or longer Maintenance and service manual of each one
treatment plant.
For better understanding of all the topic it is necessarry to explain at least the basics of how does such a
domestic wastewater treatment plant work. At this point it is necessary to highlight, that all the time we are
speaking about mechanical – biological aerobic treatment plants, where it is technically possible to guarantee the
treatment efficiency above some 95 %, which is the usual level for meeting the actual regulation requirements
for discharging of such treated water into a surfaře or underground water or for its further reuse (for example
irrigation). It means that we are not speaking about anaerobic systems, such as septic tanks, septic tanks with
earth filters or purely anaerobic WWTP, where it is in general possible to say, that it is not possible to achieve in
long term similar treatment efficiency without any aerobic step of treatment. (for example the usual efficiency of
well-designed septic tank is some 30 to 50%, that still represents the non transparent and smelling water.)
We are not far away from truth when saying that in principle is the function of small treatment plant
identical to large municipal treatment plant. Desingning of volumes of all tanks, technological scheme, the
sequence of treatment processes and even the needed amount of supplied air and further important technological
data and parameters are calculated according to identical biochemical and fyzical principles and quotations. It
means, that if we have a particular calculated volume of biological part of WWTP for 5000 inhabitants will the
volume of the same biological part of WWTP for 5 people be approximatelly 1000 times smalller.
Nad Rezkovcem 1114, 286 01 Čáslav
Tel./fax.: 327/313 001 – 3, mobil: 602/688 362;
Typical technology for large municipal WWTP consists usually from certain number of basic parts.
First is it mechanical pretreatment, it means separating the biggest and rough parts that can the wastewater carry
out from it, so that it can not cause further in technology any mechanical prblems, such as blocking and
clogging. Further flows the wastewater usually into so called biological part (activation, biodiscs, biofilters),
where the mixed culture of microorganisms removes the dissolved pollution from water. In this part it is
necessary to supply these microorganism with sufficient amount of oxygen, by the mean for example of direct
aeration of tank or by repeated immersing of different media on which the microorganisms are sticked into the
wastewater. These microorganisms simply said eats the pollution carried by water and breathes the supplied
oxygen (process of assimilation) due to which also their growing occurs. Theese species of microorganisms are
harmless and in fact are the same as that normally present in surface waters such as rivers and ponds. Even more
it is proven, that after this process of treatment (activation) 99 % of all pathogenic microorganisms originally
present in the raw wastewater is killed. Pretreated water with a certain content of microorganism in the form of
suspension formed of flocs flows then into a sedimentation part (settling tank), where, thanks to the gravitation,
these flocs settle down and goes back to the biological part and the treated water after mechanical – biological
treatment and after settling flows up to the level, where it falls over overfall edge to the outflow. Every
treatment plant has also a sludge storage space, where are from the above described treatment process the
overgrown excess microorganisms pumped to. There are they continuously thickened and after certain time they
must be pumped out from the system. The production ratio of these microorganisms is at all types of WWTP
approximatelly the same and is calculated again according the same biochemical principles and equotions due to
which it can differ product to product maximally in units not in tens of percents. Further sludge disposal can be
depositing, composting, or other ways of disposing. If you will find an aerobic treatment plant that according to
the producer will not be producing any excess sludge, then it must be some brand new and progressive
technology worth of Nobel prize award, or is the producer mystificating.
It is logic, that all of the above described processes must be in a particular way maintained, so that their
proper function can be achieved. In a very simple way said is it managed by following measures: Mechanical
pretreatment – removal or dizintegration of catched primary dirts, biological part – the sufficient oxygen supply
and supply of food in form of pollution, removal of exact amount of excess microorganisms (not sufficient
amount of microorganisms in system = not properly treated water, abundance of microorganisms in system =
lack of oxygen, putrescence of sludge, microorganisms escaping into outflow), sedimentation part – recycling of
settled microorganisms back to biological part and regular cleaning of surface area around the overfall edge,
sludge storage space – regular removal of excess sludge.
Because of these reasons is at all bigger treatment plants an operating and maintenance staff , that is
skilled for these processes and that has it as its workload. In the scales it is also easier to do a major of these
operations automatically with one purpose machine equippments (machine screens, regular decanting of excess
sludge etc.) But in the scale of small domestic WWTP is it quiet complicated and so it usually remains up on
the owner of such an equippment to do all this maintenance. So if you read carefully these operating and
service manuals, and if these are written properly, you will find out, that you should at your WWTP usually once
a week clean your settling tank and its outflow part, approximatelly in the same frequency you should clean or
remove the catched primary dirts, approximatelly once after three weeks you should check the amount of
microorganisms in activation tank a and if necessary pump out the excess ones and further additional operations
of maintenance. Moreover the WWTP needs usually uninterrupted inflow of wastewater, because otherwise after
some 2 or 3 weeks without food the bacteria and microorganisms will die. This period can be partially
prolonged, if you will switch your plant into an intermittent operation, when by limiting the supply of oxygen for
microorganism you are able also to slow down their activity. This switching, however, must be done again by
owner. Major part of domestic WWTP is because of this reason not suitable fo installation for houses with
seasonal or just weekend use.
Smart reader already surely understands, where is the stumbling – block. The attitude of an average
Czech (but the same experience have the WWTP suppliers in France, Germany, Sweeden, Canada or in countries
of formal Russian federation) to these service and maintenance manuals expresses in a humorous way following
sentence: “When everything other fails, open the manual.“ So the majority of small domestic WWTP is in the
field not properly maintained (understand in accordance with service and maintenance manual) due to which
they are then usually not able to reach the desired treatment efficiency.
Nad Rezkovcem 1114, 286 01 Čáslav
Tel./fax.: 327/313 001 – 3, mobil: 602/688 362;
When designing the Topas wastewater treatment plant, these aspects were taken into consideration and
an original Czech technical solution was invented, that is nowadays being protected by international patent nr.
282 411from the year 1994. The principle of patent is based on simple hydraulical design of accumulation tank
at the inflow with float switch that ensures automatic switching of WWTP function every day approximatelly 3
or 4 times into a maintenance phase. In this phase does the WWTP Topas major part of the above described
maintenance operations automatially itself. Another function of the accumulation tank is that is serves as a
storage place of wastewater and so of the food for microorganisms in the periods without the inflow of
wastewater. This makes the WWTP probably the only one suitable for recreational operation. For more detail
explanation of patented solution it is to contact directly the inventor – Ing. Jan Topol.
Even with this first conception was the Topas WWTP awarded in 1996 as the best product of
international exhibition EKO Prague 96. Further step of improvement was implementing a separated sludge
storage tank into technology, so that easier removal of excess microorganism was ensured. In this conception
was the Topas plant awarded in year 1998 as the best product of exhibition My house, my castle Litomerice
98 and also the best product of international construction exhibition For Arch 98 by magazine Profit.
One year later with couple of technical improvements increasing the reliability and operational comfort of all
WWTP gained Topas complimentary appreciation For Arch 99. After this only too years took to implement
the technology Topas with im-built automatically washed sand filter with that it was possible to guarantee the
overall efficiency at outflow up to 98 %. The water treated up to this level can be reused for irrigation or similar
purposes. This improvement awarded the jury of exhibition already by the highest award Grand Prix Prague
2001. Facing the fact of increasing need of possibility to reuse the treated water as a safe non harmful water went
the further invention in this direction for next to years. The technology was finally succesfully implemented with
another step which was membrane microfiltration. After this stage of treatment is the water free from all
suspended solids and even more from all bacteria, which makes it suitable for further reuse in houshold
forexample as a water for flushing the toilets. For this additional level of treatment plant was the Topas with
sandfiltration and with membrane microfiltration awarded again with the highest prize of biggest international
construction exhibition of Czech Republic Grand Prix Prague 2003. At this level of treatment of wastewater
and its way of reuse ends probably from both economical and technical reasons the need for further increasing of
efficiency of treatment. This fact led to divert the further research effort into different direction. This direction is
the improving of reliability and control of all the treatment process. As a result of this research effort the
domestic WWTP Topas with monitoring module TOM and GSMT module was invented and got again the
complimentary appreciation For Arch 2004.
And now we are finally touching the question from the beginning, which sounds for what are these
additional equippments good. At this point it is necessary to highlidht, that the above mentioned devices are
exactly only additional equippments, which means, that the orriginal patented and during years well tested
principle of Topas operation remained the same in a full range. WWTP is even today switched in a simple
way by float switch in accumulation tank every day several times into a maintenance phase, when maximum of
needed maintenance operations is executed automatically. But if you imagine, that domestic WWTP is an
equippment, that is working 24 hours a day and moreover it is handling the wastewater, it is obvious that nobody
is able to avoid all possible breakdowns of operation. This is the reason why since some 5 years back all our
treatment plants Topas are equipped with additional emergency float switch, that signalizes when the inflow
accumulation tank was flodded. Nevertheless in this way we were able to signalize only one problem and the
owner had then to find out alone or with our help the right reason for complications. In the vast part of cases the
problems are caused only by blocking of some pumping pipe or hose, which can be restored within a minutes,
because there are no moving, rotating or in other way mechanically loaded parts. Much more time is usually
spent for finding out, what exactly is the right reason for problem. The owner has either to learn how exactly is
all the treatment plant working so that then is he able to recognize the problem alone, resp. He can use also the
maintenance and service manual or he will contact directly the servis department of producer and gets the advice
there. Another uncomfortable fact is, that the problems are usually found out at the moment, when the WWTP is
already in colapse, because usually no regular checkings were done, which means at the moment, when the
plants starts to smell or teh wastewater can not flow through it. It means also another logic consequence which is
that the longer is the treatment plant in breakdown the longer it takes then to restore the operation and in worst
Nad Rezkovcem 1114, 286 01 Čáslav
Tel./fax.: 327/313 001 – 3, mobil: 602/688 362;
case it is necessary to start the biological process from the very beginning which takes approximatelly 3 – 4
weeks until the treatment efficiency is at 100 %.
Based exactly on these experiences a simple monitoring module TOM (TOpas Monitor) was
constructed. The module is conected to signal from both operating and emergency float switch and through it the
signal for blower is directed. Into this modul a specially prepared software was loaded, where ten criteria are
defined, that have to be fulfilled when all the Topas plant is working properly as it was designed. Namely is it
the frequency of switching into maintenance phase, times of each particular phase, sequence in which they were
executed etc. Based on these information any possible problem that can occur at treatment plant is immediatelly
diagnosed sooner than it could cause a colapse of all the treatment process. In this way we can manage the
prevetion of problems, not only their sequential solving. Not only signalization is ensured by TOM, it will also
evaluate and diagnose the situation and as it is equipped with display on this display it will show exactly what
problem appeared. The more serious failures are signalized also with in-built accoustic signal. The owner will
then just look into a simple list of faults from where he is immediatelly able to understand what is signalized and
what happened and is also able to solve quickly this problem on his own.
The additional GSMT module is then simply an industrial mobile phone equipped with standard SIM
card with prepaid credit or with phone program from any normal mobile phone operator. In this card all the
emergency fault messages are pre-set. So if the Topas WWTP is equipped both with TOM and GSMT module
and if the TOM finds out and signalizes some fault of function the number of fault will be not only shown on
display, but also corresponding SMS message will be sent to a pre-set telephone number or to an e-mail address.
All the situation can then look for example as this one: The owner of WWTP is out from his house.
His wife is at home and just washes the cloth in washing-mashine. Now the owner receives an SMS on his cell
phone: „ WWTP Fault 02 – Emergency float switch is in upper position and operating float switch is in
lower position“. Without any complicated examination of the situation is clear, that operating float switch
which is installed lower then the emergency one must be blocked and due to the hogher inflow of wastewater
from washing the accumulation tank was filled up to the maximum level. At the same time it is obvious (or is it
described in the list of faults and solving the problems sheet) that it is necessary to set the operating float switch
free. Now the owner calls to his wife and again without complicated communication and finding out what is the
problem he just explains to her where and how to loosen the float switch. All the situation is in this way solved
immediatelly and without any (even future) complications. Similar situation at the treatment plant that is not
equipped with TOM is I believe not necessary to describe and everyone is able to imagine how it would look.
During the inventing of TOM it was complemented with other additional functions. It is able to
switch on it three operational regimes of all WWTP. First is normal 24 hours operation when 60 – 100%
loading of treatment plant is achieved. When the loading is lowered below 50 % the economical regime can be
set and when zero inflow then the preserving regime should be set. If, however, the situation when for two days
there will be no inflow of wastewater into Topas plant will occur, the TOM will find this out and will
automatically switch the plant into a preserving regime. In this regime the WWTP Topas is able to keep the
microorganisms alive up to three months without any inflow of wastewater. After new inflow again appears the
plant will be again automatically switched into normal regime.
Another additional function is operating of dosing pump. WWTP Topas is not normally equipped with
dosing of chemicals this variant was developed especially for Swedish market. In Sweden scilicet every even
small domestic wastewater must be equipped with chemical dosing of ferric or alluminium salts for precipitation
of phosphates from wastewater. The same equippment can be used also for dosing of chlorine for additional
disinfection of treates water or dosing of any other liquid.
At this point somebody could argue, that there are also other treatment plants on our market equipped
with and operated by computer and that they can offer similar advantages. But above all there can appear an
argument what will happen with all WWTP if a breakdown of all this computer occurs. It is right question
at right place. If the plant is operated by the computer, then of course in a case of breakdown of this computer
such a plant would not be working at all until the computer is repaired again. The WWTP Topas, however, is
not operated by TOM but only monitored! If then a breakdown of TOM occurs the plant will be working
normally as if it would not be with TOM equipped. It means the blower will be working and the operating float
switch will be switching the plant will only not be checked by TOM.
Nad Rezkovcem 1114, 286 01 Čáslav
Tel./fax.: 327/313 001 – 3, mobil: 602/688 362;
It is worth to mention here also, that exactly in this way which means maximum automation, control
and monitoring of even small domestic WWTP goes nowadays the developing of these technologies. As an
evidence of this tendencies is situation for example in Sweden where it is even now compulsory for all owners
of small WWTP to have a servicing agreement with specialized organization certified for operating and
servicing of such equippment. Similar situation is also in Austria and other european countries. Exactly into
these conditions the TOM is extremely suitable as then the servising organization has a 24 hours in day
information about the condition of WWTP and is able also to guarantee the performance. In our conditions it is
possible to sign similar contract for operating of WWTP also even now. Another example of possible use in
Czech Republic can be a situation, when the village solves the treatment of wastewater with a number of small
domestic WWTP installed for each house. This conception is both in investment costs and in operating cost
much more efficient then constructing of central sewerage system and big municipalWWTP. More about this
solution can be found in article „TOPPRESS“. If the village then equippes these WWTP with TOMs and GSMT
modules and the fault SMSs would be directed to one sklilled serviceman located directly in the village a safe
operation of tens or hundreds of plants is ensured. This is also a strong argument for workers of water
management authorities that based exactly on bad experiences with maintaining and operating of domestic
WWTP (as described above) sometimes do not want to permit their installation.
So if we would now at the end of article try to answer the questions form the beginning of this article
the answers would sound approximattelly as follows: Domestic sewage treatment plant Topas with
monitoring module TOM and with GSMT module – Unneeded? Definatelly no. Luxury? From the point of
view of the user is it surely extra but very useful tool. So if luxury, then not useless at all. Advantage?
Definatelly yes. Or necessity? In some countries of European Union it almost is, in Czech Republic until now
no, but in the future maybe will be.
Ing. Jan Topol, jr.
TopolWater s.r.o