Study on the Ratio between Total Nitrogen and Phosphorus with Inorganic Nitrogen and Phosphates in Seawater and Sewage Instructor:Professor Luoping Zhang, +86-592-2185855(o), Research Assistant: Mr JunBi Wang, +86-135-15967514, Research students: Erik Karlsson*, Linglong Yu, Bai Yu and Shanshan Lin *Author: Abstract Eutrophication of coastal waters is now widely recognized as a major environmental problem. This problem stems from an excess use of the nutrients phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N). These nutrients reach the oceans through river and sewage estuaries, rainfall and through dry deposition. Nitrogen can also be fixated by certain species of bacteria in the water. The effect of high concentrations of these nutrients is a massive growth of algae, or so-called red tides. This phenomena depletes the ocean of oxygen, releases toxic substances, leading to mass-deaths of sea-living organisms and has been occurring with an increasing frequency over the past decades. In general, P is considered to be limiting the growth of these algae in freshwater and in marine systems, N is limiting. For these reasons, a project at the Xiamen university is aiming to determine the environmental capacity of the Xiamen bay area, i.e. what load of nutrients these waters can accept and digest without any adverse environmental effects. As part of this project the aim for this report is to determine the concentration of total, inorganic and organic N and P in the Xiamen bay, and the ratio between the different species of these nutrients. In order to do so, samples were collected from five different sites in the Xiamen bay as well as from the Xiamen no 1 sewage treatment plant at Hubinnan Road. The samples were then analyzed in the laboratory using standard methods. Unfortunately some of the experiments failed and therefore no major conclusions could be drawn. For P, the ratio between organic and inorganic phosphorus was 0.927 in average. For N, the results of the experiments were insufficient and the ratio could not be determined. Introduction In the last few decades eutrophication in natural waters worldwide has become the subject of intense debate. There is now little doubt that eutrophication mainly is caused by anthropogenic activities. This is because so many of human activities release nutrients in various forms into the environment. In eutrophication processes two nutrients, nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are of major concern (Anderson et al. 2002). In general, nutrients reach coastal waters through river estuaries, sewage discharge, runoff and through rainfall. The input of P into oceans has increased times three compared to pre-industrial levels and the amount of N has increased even more dramatically (Anderson et al. 2002). The effects of eutrophication are harmful algal blooms that lead to the deaths of many organisms. In order to combat these severe environmental effects, information about the lifecycles of N and P is crucial. Aim The aim of this project is to determine the concentrations of the different species of N and P. In specific, the project will strive to determine the ratio between organic and inorganic N and P. Acknowledgements The study has been conducted as a group effort. Experiments for the different species were divided among the students in order to save time and then the results were put together. The study has been conducted under the supervision of Professor Zhang and Mr Wang. Background The department of Environmental Science and Engineering at Xiamen university is currently running a long-term project which aims to determine the environmental capacity of the Xiamen bay area. In this project the total pollutant input will be estimated and used in digestion and underwater-current simulations. In order for these simulations to be carried out correctly the nitrogen and phosphorus content must be determined. In China, however, only the inorganic nutrient concentrations have been monitored so far. This is because the toxic algae that are the product of eutrophication can only utilize inorganic nutrients, which has led scientists to concentrate on these species. However, it is now evident that microorganisms rapidly can convert organic nutrients into inorganic, making them accessible to algae. Nutrients in sea water What is often discussed nowadays is which nutrient is to be considered limiting in a specific natural water system. Indeed, it can vary significantly with factors such as salinity, water and surface temperature, depth and nutrient availability (Yang & Hodgkiss 2004). In freshwaters P is the less abundant nutrient and the availability of this nutrient is therefore what limits the growth. Moreover, P can limit or co-limit the growth in estuarine or marine systems that sustain heavy loads of N from e.g.. agriculture. In many temperate and polar marine waters N is the limiting factor that limits the primary production of photosynthetic organisms. Furthermore, if the input of P into a N-limited environment is reduced (e.g. through better cleansing) a possible outcome is that this area will become P-limited instead. Moreover, other factors such as temperature and light may also be limiting (Anderson et al. 2002). In the waters surrounding Xiamen phosphorus is considered to be limiting (Hong et al 1999). What is clear is that an increasing body of evidence suggests that the nutrient input in many coastal waters constantly is on the rise (Hong et al 1999: Economist 2008). Therefore, efforts must be focused on reducing the release of nutrients into the environment, thus limiting eutrophication. A first step to do so is to determine what amount of nutrients can be handled by the natural environment without causing adverse effects, which is why this project as described above is so important. Phosphorus There are various pathways that lead to inflow of phosphorus to coastal waters. Up until 1990s atmospheric deposition of phosphorus into sea water was considered unimportant, because this exchange mechanism was poorly understood. As the nature of this mechanism is becoming more well-known, it is clear that this assumption was correct. The atmospheric deposition can be divided into two categories: first, dry deposition which can be defined as the process by which chemicals are transferred in gaseous or solid phases to the sea, and second, wet deposition through rainfall (Hong et al. 1999). Another possible input pf phosphorus into coastal regions is through benthic release, i.e. the release of phophorus compounds from sediments. Depending on various factors, sediments can either act as a sink or a source of phosphorus. In the Xiamen sea it was estimated that there is a significant release of phosphorus from sediments (Hong et al. 1999). Freshwater runoff from the Jiulong River as a considerable discharge which is greatest in May and June. Moreover, there are a number of sewage drainage outlets into the Xiamen sea which contributes with a considerable amount of phosphorus (Hong et al. 1999). Nitrogen The atmosphere consists of about 78% Nitrogen in its inert form of nitrogen gas. However, there are far more reactive forms of nitrogen that form in different chemical reactions. When burning fossil fuels, for example, nitrogen in these compounds reacts with the oxygen in the air and form nitrogen oxides. These gases are released into the atmosphere and then returns to the surface of the earth as acid rain. Further, large amounts of atmospheric nitrogen are fixed in the process that is used to produce fertilizers in the form of ammonia. Because fertilizers often are used excessively, the largest share of this ammonia is washed away from fields by rain and transported to the sea (Economist 2008). The same processes that transport phosphorus into the Xiamen waters will also transport nitrogen into these waters. However, besides these mechanisms nitrogen has another unique input mechanism. A significant contribution of nitrogen into seas is through nitrogen fixation by blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) (Fogg 1982). Effects As previously mentioned, an excess input of nutrients in coastal waters will lead to eutrophicaiton. Eutrophication, in turn, can have severe effects on ecosystems (Economist 2008). In the South China Sea the perhaps most well-known effect of eutrophication is the occurrence of red tides, i.e. algal blooming. These red tides have been known to occur with increasing frequency in the Xiamen area (Hong et al. 1999). Algal growth rapidly depletes the water of oxygen (Economist 2008). The algae, themselves, can also produce toxic substances. Either way, the end result is the same: mass-deaths of many species including fish, clams, shrimps, crabs and other bottom-dwelling species (Anderson et al 2002). The Hong Kong red tide in 1998 is known to have killed over 2500 tonnes of fish at an estimated value of US$ 32 million (Yang & Hodgkiss 2003). By consuming seafood from waters affected by red tides, humans may also become ill or even die (Anderson et al. 2002). Thus, the possible effects of nutrient release into costal regions are severe from an environmental perspective as well as a financial. Method In order to efficiently analyze the different species of N and P in the samples, different experiments aiming to analyze different species were carried out simultaneously in the laboratory. In Table 1, a summary of what method was used to analyze which species is presented. Table 1 Analyzed species and method used Species Analyzing method Nitrogen Total nitrogen (N) Nitrite-N (NO2-) Nitrate-N (NO3-) Ammonium-N (NH4+) Phosphorus Alkaline potassium persulfate digestion Naphtalene ethylenediamine spectrophotometry Zinc-cadmium reduction method Hypobromite oxidation method For all the above methods the last step was analysis in a UV spectrophotometer in order to attain the concentrations of the different species in the samples. However, before samples can be analyzed correctly, calibration curves for the various species will have to be constructed. The standard calibration curves will then be used in order to determine the concentration from the absorbance pf the samples. For all the methods, a significant issue is that of contamination from water and air. In specific, contamination may ruin the results from the analysis of ammonium very easily. Therefore washing of the equipment is of utmost importance. The glass equipment should first be washed with XX and then rinsed with tap water and minicule water. Thereafter, the equipment should be soaked in hydrochloric acid and then rinsed as before again. Sampling Sampling Time: Morning of July 3, 2008, estimated high tide at 12:00. Sampling Site: five sea water site (WS, WN, TX, TD, TI); two samples from Xiamen No.1 Sewage Treatment Plant, Hubinnan Road (influent and effluent). TD TX WN TI WS Fig.1 Xiamen bay Fig. 1 above is a map of the sampling area with Xiamen island in the middle surrounded by the bay. WN and WS are th two different sampling that are par of what is referred to as the Xiamen western sea. The three northern sampling sites are TX, TD and TI in what is called Tongan bay. These geographical areas are divided by a solid bridge (red circle) that allows very little water to be exchanged between the two areas. Just south-west of the Xiamen western sea (XS), is the estuary of the river XX. South of the southernmost tip of Xiamen island is the Taiwan strait. Sampling Boat: motorboat (Fig.2). Sampling Staff: Luoping Zhang, Junbi Wang, Jiangrui Cui, Canming Pan, Zimiao Zhao, Erik Karlsson, Linlong Yu (Fig.3). Sampling Method: A ladle was used to pour the seawater into the sampling bottle (Fig.4); A sampling barrel was used to pour water sample from Sewage Treatment Plant into the sampling bottles (Fig. 5). Fig.6 shows the sewage samples. Sampling Bottle: 1.5 L Robust pure drinking water bottles (Fig. 6). Sample Quantity: 1.5 L per bottle. The sampling staff got on boat in Xiamen Harbor No. 1 Pier at 8:50, and started to take the first sample at 9:00. Table 1 shows the sampling protocol. Table.2 Sampling Protocol (July 3, 2008) ID Site Time Site Number 1 WS Longitude Water State Remark and Latitude 0900 Huoshao 24.29.277N light green, Island ES 118.03.946E relatively clear 2 3 WN TX 0910 0922 Baozhu Island 24.31.655N SSE 118.04.436E Airport W; 24.33.899N green, clear 2 bottles WN1/WN2 green, clear Jimei Bridge S 118.06.846E 1Km 4 TD 0935 Eyu Island W 24.35.614N light green, 118.09.855E relatively clear 5 6 TI Sewage 0945 1102 Wuyuan 24.33.733N Bridge N 118.10.655E water inlet green, clear relatively Treatment feculent, Plant no obvious smell 7 Sewage 1105 water outlet transparent, 2 bottles, Treatment clear, no 1 for Plant smell standby PS: taking 2 samples from WN for QA/QC Fig.2 Sampling Boat Fig.3 Sampling Staff Fig.4 taking sample at sea Fig.5 taking sample in water outlet Fig.6 Sewage samples (influent on the left, effluent on the right and in the middle) Fig.7 Operation in the lab (pumping filtration) The samples were used to determine total nitrogen, total phosphorus, nitrate, nitrite, ammonium, and phosphate in sea water and sewage, in order to confirm the ratio between inorganic and organic species in sea water and sewage. Experimenters: Luoping Zhang, Junbi Wang, Jiangrui Cui, Canming Pan, Zimiao Zhao, Erik Karlsson, Linlong Yu, Zhenshun Tu, Yu Bai, Shanshan Lin. Lab: Room 308 室, Haiyang Building A (Fig. 7). Results After analysis in the laboratory and calculation according to standard methods the following results for the different species were attained: Nitrogen species In the analysis of the different nitrogen species, the experiment designed to determine the total nitrogen content in the samples failed. Thus, the ratio between inorganic and organic nitrogen in the samples could not be determined. Below follows a presentation of the other results. Table 3 Concentration of nitrate and nitrite at different sampling sites NO3- NO2- Sampling site concentration concentration (mg/L) (mg/L) WS 0.97289 0.06039 WN1 1.03429 0.06526 WN2 0.99023 0.06509 TX 1.12643 0.07519 TD 0.80856 0.07666 TI 1.13727 0.07566 Sewage plant influent 1.15083 0.00816 Sewage plant effluent 4.52611 0.57814 The results of the analysis of nitrate and nitrite can be seen in Table 3 above. For these two species, no general trend or significant difference between samples from the western sea and the Tongan bay could be distinguished. Table 4 Concentration of ammonium at the different sampling sites NH4+ Sampling site concentration (mg/L) WS 0.09095 WN1 0.09933 WN2 0.08057 TX 0.16591 TD 0.05839 TI 0.05901 Sewage plant influent 27.82096 Sewage plant effluent 20.30127 For ammonium the results from different sampling sites were too random for a trend to be distinguished. What can be seen is that the concentration of ammonium is much higher in the samples from the sewage plant unlike the concentrations of nitrate and nitrite. This could is probably due to the high levels of ammonium in urine, generally found in wastewater. In general for nitrogen, what can be seen from the results of the experiments is that nitrate, NO3-, is the major component with a concentration of approximately 1 mg/L. This is much higher than the Chinese average for sea water at about 0.3 mg/L. The most probable reason for this is that the river estuary is a major input of nitrogen from nearby agricultural use of fertilizers. Another reason for the high proportion of the nitrate species in the samples is that other species are easily oxidized into nitrate. Phosphorus The experiments for phosphorus went well and the results are presented in Table 5 below. Table 5 Concentration of total phosphorus and phosphate at different sampling sites TP PO4 Sampling site Concentration concentration (mg/L) (mg/L) WS 0.03048 0.02955 WN1 0.03315 0.03184 WN2 0.03670 0.02926 TX 0.06156 0.06253 TD 0.04292 0.04618 TI 0.04741 0.04647 Sewage plant influent 0.16423 0.04188 Sewage plant effluent 0.11268 0.03342 From the results in Table 5 it is evident that the concentration of phosphorus was lower in the western sea compared to the Tongan bay. No difference in the concentrations of phosphorus species in sewage water and sea water could be identified. Further, the proportion of phosphate in the samples was so high that concentration of PO4 easily can be used to estimate TP in samples. Moreover, given the concentration of total phosphorus as well as that for phosphate, the ratio between these could be calculated. Table 6 Ratio PO4/TP at different sampling sites Sampling site Ratio PO4/TP WS 0.96943 WN1 0.96068 WN2 0.79731 TX 1.01579 TD 1.07598 TI 0.98030 Sewage plant influent 0.25503 Sewage plant effluent 0.29660 Average ratio sea water: 0.927 As can be seen in Table 6, something went amiss in the experiments for TX and TD as the results indicate that the concentration of PO4 is higher than that of TP. The average ratio in the sea water samples of 0.93 between PO4 and TP seems reasonable (the samples from TX and TD has been left out of these calculations as these are clearly erroneous). This gives a ratio between organic and inorganic phosphorus of approximately 1:9. For the water from the sewage plants the ratio PO4/TP was much lower than that of sea water. This can be explained by the fact that wastewater is generally high in organic matter, thus lowering the ratio inorganic/organic content. Also, the wastewater probably contains a lot of detergents, i.e. other forms of phosphorus Conclusion The experiments did not produce clear results and therefore no major conclusions concerning the ratio between inorganic and organic nitrogen and phosphorus could be drawn. It was found that nitrate was the major component of the nitrogen species and phosphate dominated TP content. The ratio between PO4/TP in the sea water samples was found to be 0.93 and thus the ratio between organic/inorganic P was found to be 1:9. In the wastewater the portion of phosphate was much lower which is probably due to high levels of organic matter and detergents. References Anderson, D.M., Glibertz, P.M. Burkholder, J.M. 2002. Harmful Algal Blooms and Eutrophication:Nutrient Sources, Composition and Consequences. Estuaries 25. 704-726 The Economist 387. 2008. Science and Technology: Dead water; The Environment. 102 Fogg, G.E. 1982. Nitrogen cycling in sea waters. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. 296. 511-520 Hong, H., Shang, S., Huang, B. 1999. An Estimate on External Fluxes of Phosphorus and its Environmental Significance in Xiamen Western Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin 39. 200-204 Yang, Z.B., Hodgkiss, I.J. 2003. Hong Kong’s worst “red tide”—causative factors reflected in a phytoplankton study at Port Shelter station in 1998. Harmful Algae 3. 149–161