
1. Schwirian, Kent and Gustavo S. Mesch. (1993). Embattled Communities: The
Political Ecology of Neighborhood Change. Research in Urban Sociology. Vol 3:83110. (equal contribution)
2. Mesch, Gustavo S. and Gideon Fishman. (1994) The First Readmission of the
Mentally Ill: An Event History Analysis. Social Science Research. 23:295-314
(Senior Author)
3. Mesch, Gustavo S. (1996). The Effect of Environmental Concerns and Government
Incentives on Organized Local Action. Urban Affairs Review (formerly the Urban
Affairs Quarterly). 31:346-367.
4. Fishman, Gideon and Gustavo S. Mesch. (1996). Fear of Crime in Israel: A
Multidimensional Analysis. Social Science Quarterly. 77:76-89.
(equal contribution)
5. Mesch, Gustavo S. and Kent P. Schwirian. (1996). The Effectiveness of
Neighborhood Social Action. Social Problems. 43:401-417.
(Senior Author)
*Reprinted in W. Allen Martin. 2002. The Urban Community: A reader.
Prentice Hall.
6. Mesch, Gustavo S. (1997). Victims and Property Victimization in Israel. Journal
of Quantitative Criminology. 13:57-71
7. Talmud Ilan and Gustavo S. Mesch. (1997). Market Embeddness and Corporate
Instability. Social Science Research. 26:419-441. (equal contribution)
*Reprinted in Samuel Y. and Harpaz, Y. 2003. Studies in Organizations and
Work. Transaction books.
8. Mesch, Gustavo S. and Daniel Czymansky. (1997). Ocupational Closure and
Immigrant Entrepreneurship: Russian Jews in Israel. The Journal of Socio
Economics. 26:597-609. (Senior Author).
*Reprinted in Samuel Y. and Harpaz, Y. 2003. Studies in Organizations and
Work. Transaction books.
9. Mesch, Gustavo S. and Gideon Fishman. (1998). Fear of crime and Individual
Protective Actions in Israel. International Review of Victimology. 5:311-330.
(Equal Contribution).
10. Mesch, Gustavo S. and Orit Manor. (1998). Local Social Ties, Residential
Satisfaction and Community Attachment. Environment and Behavior. 30(4):504519.(Senior Author).
11. Mesch, Gustavo S. and Ilan Talmud. (1998). The Influence of Community
Characteristics on Police Performance in a Deeply Divided Society: The case of
Israel. Sociological Focus 31(3):223-248 (Equal Contribution)
12. Mesch, Gustavo S. (1998). Community Empowerment and Collective Action.
Research in Community Sociology. Vol 8:43-63
13. Mesch, Gustavo S. and Gideon Fishman. (1999). Entering the System, Arab and
Israelis Differences in Record Closure. Journal of Research in Crime and
Delinquency 36(2):175-193. (Equal contribution).
* 14. Mesch, Gustavo S. (2000). Perceptions of Risk, Lifestyle Activities and Fear of
Crime. Deviant Behavior 21(1):47-63.
* 15. Mesch, Gustavo S. (2000). Women’s Fear of Crime: The Role of Fear for the
Well Being of Others. Violence and Victims,15(3):323-337.
* 16. Fishman, Gideon, Michal Grinstein-Weiss and Gustavo S. Mesch. (2000).
Political Identification of Youth- Delineating Differences Between Left and Right
in Israel. Zeitschrift Fur Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozailisation. 20(3)291302 (equal contribution).
*17. Fishman, Gideon; Gustavo Mesch and Zvi Eizikovits,(2001). "Variables
Affecting Adolescent Victimization: Findings from a National Youth Survey."
Western Criminological Review. 3 (2). [Online]. Available: (equal contribution)
* 18. Mesch, Gustavo S. and Orit Manor.(2001) Ethnic Differences in Urban
Neighbor Relationships in Israel. Urban Studies, 38(11): 1943-1952 (senior author).
* 19. Mesch, Gustavo S.(2001).Social Relationships and Internet Use among
Adolescents in Israel. Social Science Quarterly, 82(2):329-340.
* 20. Mesch, Gustavo, S. (2002). Between Spatial and Social Segregation among
Immigrants: The Case of Immigrants from the FSU in Israel. International
Migration Review, 36(3):912-934.
* 21. Mesch, Gustavo S. (2002). Residential Concentration and Participation in
Local Politics:The case of Immigrants of the FSU in Israel. Journal of
International Migration and Integration. 3: 157-177.
*22.Gideon, Lior and Gustavo Mesch. (2003 )Reporting Property Victimization to the
Police in Israel”. Police Practice and Research: An International Journal. 4:105117 (senior author).
* 23. Mesch, Gustavo S. (2003) Language Proficiency among New Immigrants: The
role of Human Capital and Societal Conditions. The Case of Immigrants from the
FSU in Israel. Sociological Perspectives, 46(1): 41-58
* 24. Mesch, Gustavo S.; Gideon Fishman and Zvi Eisikovits. (2003). Attitudes
supporting Violence and Aggressive Behavior among Adolescents in Israel: The Role
of Family and Peers.18:1132-1148. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. (senior
* 25. Mesch, Gustavo, S. (2003). The Family and the Internet: The Israeli Case. 84:
1038-1050. Social Science Quarterly.
* 26. Mesch, Gustavo S. and Yael Levanon. (2003). Community Networking and
Locally based Social Ties in Two Suburban Localities. 2:335-351 City and
Community (official Journal of the Community and Urban Section, ASA). (Senior
*27. Zeitlin-Ophir, Iris; Melitz, Osnat; Miller, Rina; Podoshin, P.and Gustavo
Mesch.(2004). Variables Affecting the Academic and Social Integration of Nursing
Students. Journal of Nursing Education 43: 7
* 28. Mesch, Gustavo, S. and Gideon Fishman.Domestic Violence and non
Domestic Violence Against Women, How Different and How Similar. A Study in
Israel. Megamot (in Hebrew).
*29. Mesch Gustavo S. and Ilan Talmud. Similarity and The Quality of Online
and Offline Social Relationships among Adolescents in Israel. Journal of
Research in Adolescence.
*30. Mesch, Gustavo S. Family Characteristics and Intergenerational Conflicts
over the Internet. Information, Communication and Society.
*31 Fishman Gideon and Gustavo S. Mesch. Acculturation, and Delinquency among
Adolescent Immigrants from the Former Soviet Union in Israel ( FSU). Journal of
Conflict and Violence Research (Journal für Konflikt- und Gewaltforschung).
*32. Mesch Gustavo S. (accepted for publication). The Family and the Internet:
Exploring a social Boundaries Approach. Journal of Family Communication.
*33. Mesch Gustavo and Rita Mano. (Accepted for Publication). Housing Attainment
of Immigrants from the FSU in Israel: A cost-benefit Approach. Housing Studies.
*34. Mesch Gustavo and Ilan Talmud. Online Friendship Formation, Communication
Channels, and Social Closeness. International Journal of Internet Sciences(official
journal of the German Association for Internet Research).
*35. Mesch, Gustavo and Ilan Talmud. The Quality of Online and Offline
Relationships, the role of multiplexity and duration. The Information Society.
*1. Eisikovits, Zvi; Gustavo S. Mesch and Gideon Fishman. 2000. Rechsextreme
Einstellungen und gewalttatiges Verhalten unter Judendlichen in Israel. Pp. 289-303.
in Hans Peter Kuhn, Harald Uhlendorff and Lothar Krappman(eds.). Sozailisation zur
Mitburgerlichkeit. Opladen (Germany): Leske and Budrich. (equal contribution).
* 2. Mesch, Gustavo. (2004). "The Apple does not fall far from the tree": Parent and
Children Support for Violent Political Activities In Israel. In Hilke Rebenstorf (ed.),
“Democratic Development”. Leverkusen: Verlag Leske and Budrich.
**. Mesch, Gustavo (Forthcoming). Online Communities in R. Cnaan and C.
Milofsky (eds.). Handbook of Community and Community Organization. New York:
Springer Press.
**4. Mesch, Gustavo (Forthcoming). Residential Concentration and Place attachment
among Immigrants from the FSU in Israel. In Ray Hutchison and Jerome Krase
(editors) Research In Urban Sociology: Race and Ethnicity .Elsevier Press.
1. Talmud, Ilan and Gustavo S. Mesch. 1995. Interdependence and Corporate
Volatility: The Ecology of Interindustrial Networks. pp.55-71. In M.G. Everett and K.
Rennolls (eds.) Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Networks.
University of Greenwich, UK: London.(equal contribution)
1. Mesch, Gustavo S. and Haya Stier. 1997. Spatial Mismatch, Stratification of Places
and Community Unemployment. Discussion paper. Tel Aviv: The Pinhas Sapir
Center for Development. Pp.1-28 (Senior Author)
2. Rattner, Arieh, Rahav Giora and Gustavo Mesch. 1997. Trends in Crime:
Delinquency and Law Enforcement at the Beginning of the Year 2000 in Israel. in
Law and Enforcement in the 21st Century (in Hebrew). Discussion Paper. Jerusalem:
Ministery of Internal Security. Pp. 181-217. (Equal Contribution).
3. Mesch, Gustavo. 2005. A Comparative Study of Adolescents online and offline
ties. Research paper 8, Oxford Internet Institute, Oxford University, U.K.