Appenix 2: Consortium: Clusters and Ultrafine Particles

Appendix 2 Molecular Physics publications
January 2006
Group of Molecular Physics /Chalmers and GU
Experimental research in studies of catalytic reactions and surfaces
Articles submitted or in preparation to be submitted
Å. Johansson, S. Hemdal, M. Andersson and A. Rosén, Determination of OH number
densities outside a platinum catalyst using cavity ringdown spectroscopy, In
manuscript to be submitted
J. C.G. Andrae, Å. Johansson, P. Björnbom and A. Rosén , OH desorption energies
for a palladium catalyst characterized by kinetic modelling and laser-induced
fluorescence, Surface Science, 563, 145-158 (2004)
Å Johansson and A. Rosén, A study of the apparent desorption energy for OH in the
water formation reaction on a palladium catalyst , Catal. Lett. 91, 103-110 (2003)
Å. Johansson, M. Försth and A. Rosén, A comparative study of high temperature
water formation and OH desorption on polycrystalline palladium and platinum
catalysts, Surface Science, 529, 247-266 (2003)
M. Försth, F. Eisert, F. Gudmundsson, J. L. Persson and A. Rosén,
Determination of Kinetics for the H2 + 1/2O2  H2O Reaction on a hot
Pt Surface in the Pressure Range 0.2-10 Torr, Catalysis Letters, 66, 63(2000).
M. Försth, F. Gudmundsson, J. L. Persson and A. Rosén, The influence of a
Catalytic Surface on the Gas Phase Ignition and Combustion of H2 + O2,
Combustion and Flame, 119, 144 (1999).
F. Gudmundsson, J.L. Persson, M. Försth, F. Behrendt, B. Kasemo and A. Rosén,
OH Gas Phase Chemistry outside a Pt Catalyst, Journal of Catalysis, 179, 420 (1998)
A-P. Elg, F. Eisert and A. Rosén, The temperature dependence of the initial
sticking probability of oxygen on Pt(111) probed with second harmonic
generation, Surface. Science, 382, 57 (1997).
F. Eisert and A. Rosén, In situ investigation of the catalytic reaction
H2 + 1/2O2--> H2O on Pt (111) with second-harmonic generation,
Phys. Rev. B54, 14061 (1996).
Experimental research in studies of clusters
Articles submitted or in preparation
Appendix 2 Molecular Physics publications
N Tarras-Wahlberg, M. Andersson, J. Andreasson and A. Rosén, Optical Properties of
Titanium Films before, during and after Oxidation – a Comparison between Cluster
Deposition and Atom Deposition, In manuscript
N Tarras-Wahlberg, S. Kamali-Moghaddam, M. Hanson, M. Andersson, R. Wäppling and
A. Rosén, Films of Iron Clsuters Investigated with Mössbauer Spectroscopy and the
Oxidation Evolution Studied by an AGM, In manuscript
M. Andersson and A. Rosén, Catalytic oxidation of hydrogen on free platinum
clusters, J. Chem Phys, 117 ,7051 (2002).
L Holmgren and A. Rosén, Vanadium Clusters: Reactivity with CO, NO, O2, D2
and N2, J. Chem. Phys. 110, 2629 (1999).
L Holmgren, M. Andersson and A. Rosén, NO on Cu Clusters,
Chem. Phys. Lett. 296, 167 (1998).
L Holmgren, M Andersson, and A. Rosén, N2 on Tungsten Clusters: Molecular and
Dissociative Adsorption, J. Chem. Phys. 109, 3232 (1998).
Calculations for molecules, clusters, surfaces, fullerenes,
nanotubes, nanowires and carbon onions etc
Articles submitted or in preparation
Feng Ding and Kim Bolton ‘The importance of supersaturated carbon concentration and
its distribution in catalytic particles for single-walled carbon nanotube nucleation”,
Nanotechnology 17, 543-548 (2006).
Feng Ding, Arne Rosén, Eleanor E.B. Campbell, Lena Falk and Kim Bolton,” Nucleation
mechanism of graphite encapsulation of catalyst particles during carbon nanotube growth”
Submitted to J. Phys. Chem. B
Feng Ding, Arne Rosén, S. Curtarolo and Kim Bolton, ”Modeling the Melting of
Suppoted Clusters” Submitted to Appl. Phys. Lett.
Feng Ding, Arne Rosén and Kim Bolton ‘Dependence of SWNT growth mechanism on
temperature and catalyst particle size: Bulk versus surface diffusion”,
Carbon,43, 2215-2234 (2005).
Appendix 2 Molecular Physics publications
Feng Ding, ‘Theoretical study of the stability of defects in single-walled carbon nanotubes
as a function of their distance from the nanotube end’, Phys. Rev. B 72, 245409 (2005)
,Hugo E. Romero, Kim Bolton, Arne Rosén and Peter C. Eklund, ’Atom,
“ Collision-Induced Resistivity of Carbon Nanotubes’, Science 307, 89 (2005).
Fredrik Jonson and Christos Flytzanis, Optical Amplitude and Phase Evolution
in Nonlinear Magneto-optical Bragg Gratings
Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials, Vol 13, 1-26 (2004)
Feng Ding, Arne Rosén and Kim Bolton,’Size dependence of the coalescence
and melting of iron clusters: A molecular-dynamics study’,
Phys. Rev. B 70, 075416 (2004)
Feng Ding, Kim Bolton and Arne Rosén, ’ Nucleation and Growth of
Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes: A Molecular Dynamics Study’,
J Phys. Chem B108, 17369-17377,(2004).
Feng Ding, Arne Rosén and Kim Bolton, ’ Molecular dynamics study of the catalyst
particle size dependence on carbon nanotube growth’,
J. Chem. Phys. 121, 2775-2779 (2004).
Feng Ding, Arne Rosén and Kim Bolton, ‘The role of the catalytic particle temperature
gradient for SWNT growth from small particles’
Chem. Phys. Lett. 393, 309-313 (2004).
Oleg A. Louchev, Hisao Kanda, Arne Rosén and Kim Bolton ‘Thermal physics
in carbon nanotube growth kinetics’, J. Chem. Phys. 121,446-456, (2004).
Simon Gustavsson, Arne Rosén, Helena Grennberg and Kim Bolton,
‘Hydrocarbon derivatisation at carbon nanotube ends: effect of link
heteroatom and hydrocarbon structure on tube-hydrocarbon bond strength’,
Chemistry-A Eur. J., 2223-2227,(2004).
Kim Bolton and Simon Gustavsson, ‘Energy transfer mechanisms in gas – carbon
nanotube collisions”, Chem Phys 291, 161 (2003).
Simon Gustavsson, Arne Rosén and Kim Bolton, ‘Theoretical Analysis of
Ether-Group Derivatization at Carbon Nanotube Ends”,
Nano Letters 3 265-268 (2003).
Jan Westergren, Sture Nordholm and Arne Rosén, Cooling efficiency in
collisions between Pd13 and He, Ne, Ar and Kr, Eur. Phys. J D22, 81-97 (2003)
Jan Westergren, Sture Nordholm and Arne Rosén, Melting of palladium clusters –
Canonical and microcanonical Monte Carlo simulation, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.
5, 136-150 (2003).
Kim Bolton and Arne Rosén, Computational studies of gas-carbon nanotube collision
dynamics, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 4, 4481-4488 (2002).
A. Rosén, A sightseeing tour in the world of clusters – serendipity and scientific
progress, J. of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, 19, 236 (2001).
Appendix 2 Molecular Physics publications
S. Varga, A. Rosén, W.-D Sepp and B. Fricke, Analytical energy gradients
in four-component relativistic density-functional theory,
Phys. Rev. A63, 022510 (2001).
H. Grönbeck, A. Rosén and W. Andreoni, Structural, vibrational and electronic
properties of small niobium clusters, Phys. Rev. A58, 4630 (1998).
J. Westergren, H. Grönbeck, A. Rosén and S. Nordholm, Statistical Theory of
Cluster Cooling in Rare Gas - I. Energy Transfer Analysis for Palladium
Clusters in Helium, J. Chem. Phys. 109, 9848 (1998).
T. Bastug, P. Kurpick, J. Meyer, W.-D. Sepp, B. Fricke and A. Rosén, Dirac-Fock
Slater calculations on the geometric structure of neutral and multiply charged C60
fullerenes, Phys. Rev. B55, 5015 (1997).
H. Grönbeck, D. Tomanek, S. G. Kim and A. Rosén, Does hydrogen pre-melt
palladium clusters, Chem. Phys. Lett. 264, 39 (1997).
H. Grönbeck, D. Tomanek, S. G. Kim and A. Rosén, Hydrogen induced melting
of Palladium clusters, Z. Phys. D40, 469 (1997).
H. Grönbeck and W. Andreoni, A theoretical study of (CO)n chemisorption on Pt
and Pt3: electronic and vibrational properties, Chem. Phys. Lett. 269, 385 (1997).
H. Grönbeck, A. Rosén and W. Andreoni, Theoretical study of chemisorption on
niobium clusters: carbon monoxide and oxygen, Z. Phys. D40, 206 (1997).
D. Östling, D. Tomanek and A. Rosén, Electronic structure of single-wall, multiwall,
and filled carbon nanotubes, Phys. Rev. B55, 13980 (1997).
J. Westergren, H. Grönbeck, S. G. Kim and D. Tomanek, Noble gas
temperature control of metal clusters: A molecular dynamics study,
J. Chem. Phys. 107, 3071 (1997).
H. Grönbeck and A. Rosén, Geometric and electronic properties of small vandium
clusters: A density functional study, J. Chem. Phys. 107, 10620 (1997).
D. Östling and A. Rosén, Electronic structure and optical properties of bare
and Li, Na, K and Ca coated C60 Molecule, Chem. Phys. Lett. 281, 352 (1997).
J Meyer, W.-D Sepp, B. Fricke and A. Rosén, A new version of the program
TSYM generating moleculr symmetry orbitals for finite double point groups,
Computer Physics Communications, 96, 263(1996).
H. Grönbeck, A. Rosén, Analysis of the odd-even alternation in simple metal
clusters, Z. Phys. D 36, 153 (1996).
H. Grönbeck, A. Rosén, Investigation of niobium clusters: Bare and CO
adsorption, Phys. Rev. B54, 1549 (1996).
D. Östling and A. Rosén, Electronic structure and optical properties of bare
and coated C60 Molecules, Chem. Phys. Lett. 256, 109 (1996).
E. Westin, A. Rosén, G. Te Velde and E. J. Baerends, Analysis of the polarizability
and optical properties of C60, J. Phys. B. At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 29, 5087(1996).
D. Östling, S.P. Apell, G. Mukhopadhyay and A. Rosén, Collective
resonances of the C60 molecule: effects of electron-density profile,
J. Phys. B. At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 29, 5115 (1996).
L Holmgren, H. Grönbeck , M Andersson, and A. Rosén, CO on copper clusters:
Orbital symmetry rules, Phys. Rev. B53, 16 644 (1996).
Appendix 2 Molecular Physics publications
Applied Physics -medical research
Articles submitted or in process to be submitted
Nils Tarras-Wahlberg, Helena Gustavsson, Birgitta Gyllspång, Olle Larkö,
Ann-Marie Wennberg and Arne Rosén, Investigation of the Photostability of
Sunscreens After Ultraviolet Irradiation, Submitted
M. B. Ericson, J. Uhre, C. Berndtsson, B. Stenquist, O. Larkö, A.-M. Wennberg and
A. Rosén: Bispectral fluorescence imaging combined with texture analysis and linear
discrimination for correlation with histopathologic extent of basal cell carcinoma. J.
Biomed. Opt. 10: 034009, 2005
Bender, J., Ericson, M. B., Merclin, N., Iani, V., Rosén, A., Engström, S. and Moan, J.,
Lipid cubic phases for improved topical drug delivery in photodynamic therapy, Journal
of Controlled Release, 106, 350-360, (2005)
B. Stenquist, M. B. Ericson, C. Strandeberg, L. Mölne, A. Rosén, O. Larkö and A.-M.
Wennberg: Bispectral fluorescence imaging of aggressive basal cell carcinoma combined
with histopathologic mapping: a preliminary study indicating a possible adjunct to Mohs
micrographic surgery. Accepted Brit. J. Derm. 2005
Sandberg, C., B. Stenquist, I. Rosdahl, A.-M. Ros, I. Synnerstad, M. Karlsson, F.
Gudmundson, M.B. Ericson, O. Larkö, and A.-M. Wennberg, Important factors for pain
during photodynamic therapy of actinic keratosis. Accepted Acta Dermatol. Venereol.
M.B. Ericson, C. Sandberg, B. Stenquist, F. Gudmunson, M. Karlsson, A.-M. Ros,
A. Rosén, O. Larkö, A.-M. Wennberg and I. Rosdahl, “Photodynamic Therapy of
Actinic Keratosis at Varying Fluence Rates: Assessment of Photobleaching, Pain and
Primary Clinical Outcome”, Br. J. Dermatol. 151, 1204-12, 2004
Marica B. Ericson, Carin Sandberg, Fredrik Gudmundsson, Arne Rosén, Olle Larkö,
and Ann-Marie Wennberg, Fluorscence contrast and threshold limit: implications for
photodynamica diagnosis of basal cell carcinoma, Journal of Photochemistry and
Photobiology: B69, 121-127 (2003).
Marica B. Ericson, Sofia Grapengiesser, Fredrik Gudmundsson, Ann-Marie Wennberg,
Olle Larkö, Johan Moan and Arne Rosén, A Spectroscopic Study of the Photobleaching
of Protoporphyrin IX in Solution, Lasers Med Sci. ,18, 56-62 (2003).
Pär Bergstrand, Fredrik Persson, Michael Försth and Ingemar Denbratt, ”A Study of
Exciplex Fluorescence", JSAE 20030217 (SAE Paper 2003-01-1836)
Sofia Grapengiesser, Fredrik Gudmundsson, Olle Larkö, Marica Ericson,
Appendix 2 Molecular Physics publications
Arne Rosén and Ann-Marie Wennberg, Pain Caused by Photodynamic Therapy
of Skin Cancer, Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, 27, 493-497 (2002)
Nils Tarras-Wahlberg, Gunnar Stenhagen, Olle Larkö, Arne Rosén, Ann-Marie
Wennberg and Olof Wennerström, Changes in Ultraviolet Absorption of
Sunscreens After Ultraviolet -Irradiation, J. of Investigative Dermatology,
113, 547 (1999)
Ann-Marie Wennberg, Fredrik Gudmundson, Bo Stenquist, Annika Ternesten,
Lena Mölne, Arne Rosén and Olle Larkö, In Vivo Detection of Basal Cell
Carcinoma with Imaging Spectroscopy, Acta Dermato-Venereol, 79, 54 (1999).
Applied Physics --
spectroscopy and combustion
Articles submitted or in process to be submitted
Pär Bergstrand, Fredrik Persson, Michael Försth and Ingemar Denbratt, ”A Study of
Exciplex Fluorescence", JSAE 20030217 (SAE Paper 2003-01-1836)
Pär Bergstrand, Michael Försth and Ingemar Denbratt, "Investigation of Diesel Spray
Injection into High Pressure Conditions with Reduced Nozzle Orifice Diameter”, JSAE
Kalle Pelin and John L. Persson, Non-intrusive real-time imaging of
flocculating systems, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, submitted
Rafeef Abu-Gharbieh, Michael Försth, John Persson, Tomas Gustavsson,
Arne Rosén, and Anders Karlström, Compensating Laser Sheet Images of
Optically Dense Sprays, Applied Optics, 39, 1260 (2000)
J. Mellqvist and A. Rosén, DOAS for Flue Gas Monitoring: I. Temperature Effects
in the UV/visible Absorption Spectra of NO, NO2, SO2 and NH3,
J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 56, 187 (1996).
J. Mellqvist and A. Rosén, DOAS for Flue Gas Monitoring: II. Deviations from
the Beer-Lambert Law for the UV/visible Absorption Spectra of NO, NO2, SO2
and NH3, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer,56, 209 (1996).
J. Mellqvist, H. Axelsson and A. Rosén, DOAS for Flue Gas Monitoring: III.
In-situ Monitoring of Sulfur dioxide, Nitrogen monoxide and Amonia,
J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 56, 225 (1996).
Refereed conference contributions
Experimental research in studies of catalytic reactions and surfaces
Appendix 2 Molecular Physics publications
S. Hemdal, Å. Johansson, M. Försth, M. Andersson and A. Rosén Reaction
intermediates in high temperature catalytic water formation studied with cavity
ringdown spectroscopy, J Vac Sci. Tech A22, 1620 (2004).
Å. Johansson, M. Försth and A. Rosén, The H2/O2 Reaction on a Palladium Model
Catalyst Studied with Laser-Induced Fluorescence and Microcalorimetry, International
Journal of Molecular Sciences 2, 221-229 (2001)
F. Eisert, F. Gudmundson and A. Rosén, In situ investigation of the catalytic
reaction H2 + 1/2 O2  H2O with second-harmonic generation,
Applied Physics B68, 579 (1999).
F. Eisert, A-P. Elg and A. Rosén, In situ investigation of catalytic reactions
with second-harmonic generation, San Jose, 29-31 January 1998,
SPIE Proceedings 3272,7 (1998).
A-P. Elg and M. Andersson and A. Rosén, Studies of Radicals and H2O
in Catalytic Reactions on Pt using REMPI and Mass Spectrometry,
Proceedings of Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy, Eigth International
Symposium, State College, PA USA, June 30-July 5, 1996,
Merican Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings 388, 166 (1997).
State College, PA, USA,
F. Eisert, A. P. Elg and A. Rosén, Investigation of the catalytic reaction
H2 + 1/2O2--> H2O on Pt (111) with Second Harmonic Generation, Surface
Science Conference, Kitzsteinhorn, Salzburg/Austria, April 23-29, 1995.
F. Gudmundsson, F. Behrendt and A. Rosén, Fluorescence Imaging Technique
Applied to High Temperature Catalysis, SPIE Conference on "Laser Techniques
for Surface Science II", San Diego 12-14 July 1995,
SPIE Proceedings 2547, 52 (1995).
F. Eisert, A.-P. Elg and A. Rosén, Investigation of the catalytic reaction
H2 + 1/2O2--> H2O on Pt (111), SPIE Conference on "Laser Techniques for
Surface Science II", San Diego 12-14 July 1995, SPIE Proceedings 2547,379
F. Gudmundsson, F. Behrendt, B. Kasemo and A. Rosén , Fluorescence Imaging
Technique Applied to High Temperature Catalysis, "Laser Spectroscopy, ",
Academic Press Capri June 1995.
Experimental research in studies of clusters
M. Andersson and A. Rosén, Adsorption of small molecules and catalytic reactions on
free neutral metal clusters, SPIE Proceedings, Vol 5223, 208-222, 2003, Invited talk
M. Andersson, L. Holmgren, M. Jin, A. Rosén, Nitrogen adsorption on neutral
and ionic tungsten clusters, The Physics and Chemistry of Clusters,
Appendix 2 Molecular Physics publications
Eds. E.E.B. Campbell and M. Larsson, World Scientific (Singapore) 2001, p 319
Proc. Nobel Symp. 117, 319 (2001).
C. Johansson, T. Åklint, M. Hanson, M. Andersson, N. Tarras-Wahlberg,
E. Olsson, B. Kalska, R. Wäppling and A. Rosén, Deposited nano-meter sized
iron clusters, NanoStructured Materials, 12, 287 (1999).
T. Åklint, C. Johansson, M. Hanson, E. Olsson, F. Gustavsson, R. Wäppling
and A. Rosén, Magnetic properties of deposited iron clusters produced in a
high yield laser vaporization source, Applied Organometallic Chemistry ,
12, 479 (1998).
M Andersson, L Holmgren and A. Rosén, Rhodium Cluster-Reactivity: Sticking
Probabilities of Some Diatomic Molecules, ISSPIC-7 Symp. Proc (1994).
Surf. Rev. and Lett., 3, 683 (1996).
L Holmgren, M Andersson and A. Rosén, CO Reactivity of Small Transition Metal
Clusters; Nin and Nbn, Proc ECOSS Conf 1994,
Surface Science, 331/333, 231 (1995).
L. Holmgren, M. Andersson, J. L. Persson and A. Rosén, CO and O2
reactivity of Tungsten Clusters, Proceedings NANO'94,
Nanostructured Materials, 6, 1009 (1995).
M Andersson, H. Grönbeck, L Holmgren, and A. Rosén, Reactvity of small
transition - metal clusters, SPIE Conference on "Laser Techniques for StateSelected and State-to - State Chemistry III", San Diego 12-14 July 1995,
SPIE Proceedings 2548, 157 (1995).
Calculations for molecules, clusters, surfaces, fullerenes,
nanotubes, nanowires and carbon onions etc
Kim Bolton, Feng Ding and Arne Rosén
Atomistic simulations of catalyzed carbon nanotube growth: a review, J Nanosci. &
NanoTechnol., in press
F. Ding, K. Bolton and A. Rosén, “Molecular dynamics study of SWNT growth on catalyst
particles without temperature gradients”, Computational Materials Science 35, 243-246
(2006). Proceeding of the 4th Theory of Atomic and Molecular Cluster (TAMC4)
Conference. Toulose France 2004.
13. F. Ding, A. Rosén and K Bolton, Molecular Dynamics Study on Nucleation Mechanism of
bamboo-like Carbon Nanotubes, . J. Elec. Mater., in press
Feng Ding, Kim Bolton and Arne Rosén, “Structure and thermal properties of
supported catalyst clusters for single-walled carbon nanotube growth, Applied Surface
Science, xxx, xxx-xxy (2005) Proceedings 13th International Congress on Thin Films/8th
Appendix 2 Molecular Physics publications
International Conference on Atomically Controlled Surfaces, Interfaces and Nanostructures
(ICTF13/ACSIN8) Stockholm, Sweden, 19-23 June 2005.
Feng Ding, Kim Bolton and Arne Rosén, “Molecular dynamics study of the surface
melting of iron clusters”, Eur. Phys. J., D34, 275-277, (2005). Proceedings ISSPIC
XII meeting Nanjing China, Sept 2004
Feng Ding, Kim Bolton and Arne Rosén, “Molecular Dynamics Study of Iron Cluster
Coalescence at Sub-Melting Point Temperatures “, Clusters and nano-assemblies,
Physical and Biological Systems, edited by P. Jena, S.N. Khanna &B K Rao (Virgina
Commonwealth University, Richmond, November 2003, Proceeding of International
Symposium on Clusters and Nano-Assemblies (ISCANA): Physical and Biological Systems.
S. Varga, A. Rosén, J. Anton and B. Fricke, “Relativistic density-functional
calculations for open-shell systems“, Clusters and nano-assemblies, Physical and
Biological Systems, edited by P. Jena, S.N. Khanna &B K Rao (Virgina
Commonwealth University, Richmond, November 2003, Proceeding of International
Symposium on Clusters and Nano-Assemblies (ISCANA): Physical and Biological Systems.
Feng Ding, Kim Bolton and Arne Rosén, ‘Iron-carbide cluster thermal dynamics for
catalysed carbon nanotube growth’, Feng Ding, Kim Bolton and Arne Rosén,
J. Vac. Sci. Technol., A22 (2004) 1471-1476.
Kim Bolton, Arne Rosén, Hugo Romero and Peter C. Eklund, ‘Changes in carbon
nanotube electronic properties by collisions with inert gases’, Proceeding of XVIIIth
International Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials, xx364-368, (2004).
Feng Ding, Arne Rosén and Kim Bolton ‘MD Simulations of Catalytic Carbon
Nanotube Growth: Important Features of the Metal-Carbon Interactions’ Proceeding of
XVIIIth International Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials, 364-368,
Kim Bolton, Simon Gustavsson and Arne Rosén,’A comparison of PM3
semiempirical and B3LYP density functional methods for calculating carbon
nanotube – hydrocarbon bond strengths’, Third IEEE Conference on
Nanotechnology, (2003) 615.
Feng Ding, Kim Bolton and Arne Rosén ‘Molecular dynamics study of iron cluster
coalescence at sub-melting point temperatures’, Feng Ding, Kim Bolton and Arne
Rosén, ISCANA meeting Richmond November 2003.
S. Varga, K. Bolton, H. Grönbeck, A. Snis, A. Rosén and B. Fricke, Assesing
the validity of theoretical results, European Physical Journal D16, 29 (2001).
Jan Westergren, Henrik Grönbeck, A.rne Rosén and Sture Nordholm,
Molecular dynamics simulation of metal cluster cooling and heating in
Appendix 2 Molecular Physics publications
noble gas atmosphere, NanoStructured Materials 12, 281 (1999).
H. Grönbeck, D. Tomanek, S. G. Kim and A. Rosén, Hydrogen induced melting
of Palladium clusters, Z. Phys. D40, 469 (1997).
H. Grönbeck, A. Rosén and W. Andreoni, Theoretical study of chemisorption on
niobium clusters: carbon monoxide and oxygen, Z. Phys. D40, 206 (1997).
H. Grönbeck, A. Rosén, Chemisorption of O2 and CO on copper clusters,
Proceedings, ISSPIC-7, Surf. Rev. and Lett. 3, 687 (1996).
H. Grönbeck, A. Rosén, Electronic structure of assembled clusters
within the stabilized jellium model, Proceedings, ISSPIC-7,
Surf. Rev. and Lett. 3, 1001 (1996).
A. Rosén and E. Westin, Evaluation of the Molecular Linear Polarizability,
Oscillator Strengths for free C60 and Optical Constans for Films of C60,
ISSPIC-7, Surf. Rev. and Lett. 3, 729 (1996).
D. Östling, A. Rosén, S.P. Apell and G. Mukhopadhyay, On the Coulomb
Interaction in Carbon Onions and their Absorption Spectra,
ISSPIC-7, Surf. Rev. and Lett. 3, 843 (1996).
A. Rosén, D. Östling, P. Apell and D. Tomanek, From Astrophysics to Mesoscopic
Physics - A Sightseeing Tour in the World of Clusters and Fullerenes,
SPIE Proceedings 2854, 2 (1996)
H. Grönbeck, M. Andersson, A. Rosén, Chemisorption of molecular oxygen on
copper clusters studied by jellium and MO-LCAO models,
Nano Structured. Materials, 5, 193 (1995).
D. Östling and A. Rosén, Evaluation of the absorption spectra of a metal-coated
and bare C60 Molecule, Electro Chemical Society Symp. Proc.,
95-10, 1232 (1995).
Applied Physics
Applied Physics --
medical research
M.B. Ericson, C. Berndtsson, B. Stenquist, L.Mölne, O. Larkö, A.-M. Wennberg, and
A. Rosén , Fluorescence demarcation of basal cell carcinoma controlled by
histopathological mapping, SPIE Medical Imaging 5370, 1411-18 (2004)
M.B. Ericson, C. Berndtsson, B. Stenquist, A.-M. Wennberg, O. Larkö and A. Rosén.,
Multispectral fluorescence imaging of basal cell carcinoma assisted by image warping,
SPIE Biomedical Optics: Diagnostic Optical Spectroscopy in Biomedicine II 5141:
114-21, 2003
N Tarras Wahlberg, M.B. Ericson, A. Rosén, H. Gonzales, O. Larkö and A.-M.
Wennberg,, Solar Exposure and the Use of Sunscreens for Prevention of Skin Cancer
Appendix 2 Molecular Physics publications
and Techniques for Demarcation and Therapy of Skin Cancer, ISES, Solar world
congress O5, 46, 2003.
Applied Physics --
spectroscopy and combustion
Pär Bergstrand, Michael Försth and Ingemar Denbratt, "The Influence of Orifice Diameter
on Flame Lift-Off Length", ILASS-Europe 2002
Fredrik Persson, Michael Försth, and Arne Rosén, “A Survey of Model Fuel Mixtures
Suitable for Exciplex-Spectroscopy for Liquid/Vapor Visualization”, Proceedings of the
18th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization & Spray Systems, ILASS Europe, (2002)
Popular science articles
A. Rosén, KLUSTER: en resa från atomer och molekyler till fasta material,
Presentation vid Internationella Vetenskapsfestivalen Göteborg 2-10 maj 1998.
I. Bergström, S. Fregert, A. Barany and A. Rosén, Geometriska former i
naturvetenskap, konst och arkitektur från antiken till 1996 års Nobelpris i kemi,
Uställning Kungliga Vetenskapsakademin Stockholm, dec 1996 -feb 1997
A. Rosén, Från kolkedjor till kolbollar. 1996 års Nobelpris i kemi,
Elementa, 80, 21 (1997).
I. Bergström, S. Fregert, A. Barany and A. Rosén, Geometriska former i
naturvetenskap, konst och arkitektur från antiken till 1996 års Nobelpris i kemi,
Uställning Vetenskapsfestivalen Göteborg 1997 och fram till 31 maj 1997.
A. Rosén, Från kolkedjor till kolbollar. 1996 års Nobelpris i kemi,
Chalmers Nytt 7, 4 (1996).
Molecular Physics Group at Chalmers (CTH) and
Göteborg University (GU)
April 2004
Ph.D. Dissertations
Nils Tarras-Wahlberg, ”Construction of an apparatus for production of
size-selected clusters, characterization of magnetic and optical properties of
cluster films and studies of the photostability of sunscreens” Ph. D. Thesis,
ISBN 91-628-6366-5
Marica B. Ericson, ”Spectroscopic Measurements and Fluorescence Imaging
Appendix 2 Molecular Physics publications
for Treatment and Diagnosis of Skin Cancer”, Ph. D. Thesis, CTH,
Ny serie nr xx, ISSN 0346-718X
Åsa Johansson, “Laser diagnostics and kinetic modeling of reaction intermediates
in catalytic combustion”, Ph. D. Thesis, GU ISBN 91-628-5985-4
Jan Westergren, “Simulation of the Melting and Cooling of Palladium Clusters",
Ph. D. Thesis, CTH, Ny serie nr 1767, ISSN 0346-718X
Michael Försth, "Laser Diagnostics and Chemical Modeling of Combustion and
Catalytic Processes ", Ph. D. Thesis, CTH, Ny serie nr 1718, ISSN 0346-718X
Johan Mellqvist, "Application of infrared and UV-Visible remote sensing
techniques for studying the stratosphere and for estimating antrophogenic
emissions, Ph. D. Thesis, CTH, ISBN 91-7197-765-I
Lotta Holmgren, ”Reactivity of Metal Clusters with Diatomic Molecules ”,
Ph. D. Thesis, CTH Physical Chemistry, ISBN 91-7197-647-7
Fredrik Gudmundson, "Fluorescence Imaging and Non-linear Spectroscopy
for High pressure Catalysis Studies and Skin Cancer Demarcation",
Ph. D. Thesis, CTH, ISBN 91-7197-671-X
Henrik Grönbeck, "On the Structure of and Bonding in Metal Clusters",
Ph. D. Thesis, GU, ISBN 91-7197-409-1.
Daniel Östling, "Electronic Structure and Optical Properties of C60,
Nanotubes and Carbon Onions”, Ph. D. Thesis, GU,
ISBN 91-7197-402-4.
Alf-Peter Elg, "Catalytic Water Formation on Platinum: Studies of the
Reaction Kinetics with the LIF, REMPI and SHG Techniques”,
Ph. D. Thesis, GU, ISBN 91-7197-335-4
Mats Andersson, “Metal Cluster Reactivity - Adsorption of Small
Molecules in Bimolecular Collisions”, Ph.D. Thesis, CTH
ISBN 91-7197-137-8.
Erik Fridell, "OH desorption from platinum; a laser-induced fluorescence
study of the catalytic water formation and decomposition",
Ph. D. Thesis, GU, ISBN 91-7032-797-1
Erik Westin "Calculations of Linear and Nonlinear Optical Properties of Ionic
Crystal Surfaces and Fullerenes”, PhD. Thesis CTH, ISBN 91-7032-800-5
Bo Wästberg, "Calculations of electronic properties of metal clusters,
fullerenes and molecules adsorbed on surfaces", Ph. D. Thesis CTH
ISBN 91-7032-639-8
Tomas Wahnström, "A laser-induced fluorescence study of the OH radical
desorption in the H2 + O2 reaction on Pt", Ph. D. Thesis, CTH,
ISBN 91-7032-459-X
Sten Ljungström, "Laser diagnostics and kinetics of OH formation in the
catalyzed H2 + O2 reaction", Ph. D. Thesis, GU, ISBN 91-7032-352-6
Licentiate Dissertations
Fredrik Persson, Studies of the Laser-Induced Exciplex Fluorescence
Technique for Applications in Spray Research
Åsa Johansson, Catalytic combustion of hydrogen on a hot palladium catalyst
studied by laser spectroscopy and kinetic modelling, Thesis GU
Marica B. Ericson, ”Photodynamic Therapy and Diagnosis of Skin Cancer:
An Investigation of Photobleaching and Technique Optimisation”,
Tekn Lic in Physical Chemistry, Thesis CTH
Nils Tarras-Wahlberg, ”Development of an apparatus for production of
Appendix 2 Molecular Physics publications
size-selected clusters. Investigation of magnetic properties of iron cluster
films and studies of sunscreens” Tekn Lic Thesis CTH
Thorbjörn Åklint, ”Construction of an experimental set-up for production
and studies of deposited clusters”, Tekn Lic Thesis CTH
Michael Försth, ”Laser Diagnostics and Modeling of the Coupling
between Heterogeneous Catalytic and Gas-Phase Oxidation of Hydrogen”,
Tekn Lic Thesis CTH
Jan Westergren, ”Energy transfer in collisions between metal clusters and
rare gas atoms, Tekn Lic Thesis CTH
Johan Mellqvist, "Application of Dispersive UV-Visible Absorption
Spectroscopy for In-situ Detection Gaseous Pollutants in Flue Gases",
Tekn Lic Thesis CTH
Fredrik Gudmundsson, "Studies of OH Desorption from Platinum
using Spatially Resolved Imaging of Laser Induced Fluorescence",
Tekn Lic Thesis CTH
Lotta Holmgren, "Reactivity of Small Transition Metal Clusters with Carbon
Monoxide", Tekn lic Thesis CTH
Alf-Peter Elg, "Resonantly Enhanced Multiphoton Ionization and Laser
Induced Fluorescence for Studies of Radicals in Catalytic Reactions",
Fil lic Thesis GU
Henrik Grönbeck, "Molecular Oxygen on Copper Clusters",
Fil Lic Thesis GU.
Daniel Östling, "Evaluation of Electronic Properties of Doped C60 and
Collective Properties of C60, Carbon Onions and Tubes",
Fil Lic Thesis, GU.
Mats Andersson, "Laser ionization mass spectrometry as a method for
chemical analysis of solids and surfaces", Tekn Lic Thesis CTH.
Erik Fridell, "OH desorption from Pt in the catalytic formation and
decomposition of water", Fil Lic Thesis, GU, June 1990.
Henrik Fallgren, "A laser ionization mass spectrometer for the analysis
of sputtered neutral species", Fil lic Thesis, GU.
Erik Westin "Application of cluster calculations for the interpretation of
electron and ion emission from ionic”, Tekn Lic. Thesis CTH,
Sten Ljungström, "Laser Spectroscopy of Intermediate Species in
Heterogeneous Catalysis, Fil Lic Thesis, GU.