Ozone Removal by Residential HVAC Filters: For Better or for Worse Paper # 1184 Ping Zhao, Jeffrey A. Siegel, Richard L. Corsi* Civil Engineering, 1.304B CTR for Energy Studies, University of Texas, Austin, 78758. *Email: corsi@mail.utexas.edu; Phone: (512) 475-8617. ABSTRACT HVAC filters have a significant influence on indoor air. In addition to removing particulate contaminants in HVAC air, filters accumulate a particle layer that can react with ozone. Ozone-particle cake reactions serve as a sink for ozone and a source of secondary carbonyls. The location of filters in air distribution systems can lead to these by-products being distributed throughout a building. Two experiments were performed to determine the ozone removal efficiency, η, on filters that were loaded with particles for one month (#1) and three months (#2). On both filters, η dropped rapidly during the first 30 minutes and then stayed approximately constant at 0.1 for filter #1 and 0.14 for filter #2 for 4 hours at an airflow of 20L/min. In this paper, we describe a model that predicts ozone reactions on particle-laden commercial and residential HVAC filters. The filter is divided into sections and a well-mixed reactor model is applied to each section. INTRODUCTION Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems play an important role in providing comfort in residential, commercial, and institutional buildings. However, they also play a potentially significant role as conveyers and as sources of indoor air pollution1-4. A higher incidence of sick-building syndrome has been observed among office workers in buildings with HVAC systems5. The reasons for this observation are not entirely clear, but may include direct (primary) emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from HVAC components, growth and release of biological agents, and/or emissions of secondary pollutants resulting from heterogeneous chemistry that occurs on surfaces of the HVAC system. Ozone, a chemical oxidant and common indoor and outdoor pollutant, is of particular interest for surface reactions with HVAC components. By-products of ozone-surface reactions are likely to include carbonyls that might be irritating to the upper-respiratory system of building occupants. Morrison et al.6 observed that exposure to 100 ppb ozone increased the emission rates of aldehydes from selected HVAC materials such as duct liners, duct sealing caulks and neoprene gaskets. In a laboratory study of ozone interactions with naturally-loaded filters from commercial buildings, Hyttinen et al.7 observed the consumption of ozone in almost all of the filters. In their field experiments, the reduction in ozone concentrations varied from 8 to 26%; the highest ozone reduction was obtained in an HVAC unit with three stages of filtration. In a separate study, Halas and Beko8 observed poor air quality downstream of filters exposed to ozone or air as compared to filters exposed to nitrogen. In their study, 90% of participants were dissatisfied with the air quality downstream of filters exposed to ozone, compared to 35% dissatisfied before the filters were exposed to ozone. They also showed a relatively high regeneration of the initial ozone removal efficiency after the samples were treated with clean air, nitrogen and heat. They hypothesized that VOCs inside the bulk particle volume could slowly diffuse to the external surface following reactions of surface sites by ozone. In this study, we explored ozone interactions with filters removed from residential HVAC systems. We first constructed a mathematical model of ozone reactions within a filter. And then we presented a series of experiments that validated the model. MODEL DEVELOPMENT Figure 1 shows a schematic of ozone reactions on an HVAC filter. Room air at a concentration of Cx and an air flow rate of Q flows through an HVAC filter. The filter has a thickness in the direction of air flow. After air flows through a distance ∆x along the filter, the concentration of ozone in the air is Cx+∆x. Figure 1: Schematic of the filter model ∆x y (height of the filter) Q, Cx Q, Cx+∆x x x+∆x x = (thickness of the filter) A mass balance on the incremental element ∆x leads to Equation 1. Equation 1. An ozone mass balance through an incremental slice of a filter. C VT QC x QC x x v d As C t where: = porosity of the filter (volume of air/bulk volume of filter) VT = total (bulk) volume of the differential filter slice (shaded in Figure 1) (m3) C = ozone concentration in air inside the slice (µg/m3) C x = ozone concentration in the air entering the incremental slice (µg/m3) C x x = ozone concentrations in the air exiting the incremental slice (µg/m3) Q = air flow rate through the slice (m3/s) v d = ozone deposition velocity on filter particles (m/s) As = total surface area in the incremental slice (m2) For comparison with our experimental results, we ignore the effect of continuous particle deposition. Also, a constant ozone concentration upstream of the filter, constant air flow rate, no other deposition except onto the particle surfaces, and well-mixed air in the incremental slice are all assumed. Based on these assumptions, Equation 1 can be reduced to Equation 2. Equation 2. Rearrangement and deduction of Equation 1. C U C vd As C t x VT where: Q , where AT is the cross-sectional area of the slice) (m/s) AT x = thickness of the filter slice (m). Taking the limit of Equation 2 as x goes to zero yields Equation 3. U = face velocity ( Equation 3. Reduction of Equation 2 after taking the limit as x goes to zero. C U C vd As C t x VT Equation 3 can be simplified by combining variables as shown in Equation 4. U Equation 4. Reduction after letting = (effective air velocity) (cm min-1) and = v d As (effective deposition) (min-1). VT C C C t x Thus, the solution of ozone concentration through the filter requires knowledge of and , and appropriate boundary conditions. Since not all parameters in can be determined by direct measurement, is estimated through Equation 4 by using ozone concentration data from a series of experiments, as shown in Equation 6. Equation 6. Estimation of by sequential ozone concentration measurement. C n 1, j C n, j C n 1, j 1 C n, j 1 C n, j 1 C n, j C n 1, j 1 C n 1, j C n 1, j C n, j C n 1, J 1 C n, J 1 2t 2x 4 C n , j = ozone concentrations in the air entering (position j) the incremental slice at time n (n=1, 2, 3 ….. n unit time) (µg/m3) C n 1, j = ozone concentrations in the air entering (position j) the incremental slice at time n+1 (n=1, 2, 3 …… n unit time) (µg/m3) C n , j 1 = ozone concentrations in the air exiting (position j+1) the incremental slice at time n (n=1, 2, 3 ….. n unit time) (µg/m3) C n 1, j 1 = ozone concentrations in the air exiting (position j+1) the incremental slice at time n+1(n=1, 2, 3 ….. n unit time) (µg/m3) t = time step (1min) x = thickness of the HVAC filter (cm) It is difficult to measure ozone concentrations within the volume of an HVAC filter, only the top and bottom surfaces are considered here. Therefore, is the total filter effective deposition and is a function of time. EXPERIMENTAL METHODOLOGY Experimental Systems The solution to the model described above is dependent on the knowledge of two parameters, and . Figure 2 depicts the experimental system used to determine . Figure 2 Schematic of Experimental System to Measure β O3 Generator Vacuum Pump Mixing Fan Covered Sample Port O3 Analyzer Top chamber HVAC Filter Bottom chamber O3 Analyzer Covered Sample Port Bubble Flow Meter A dual section electro-polished stainless steel chamber (28.3 L per section) was separated by a test filter. Small fans were used to mix the air in each section. All air passed through the HVAC filter was pre-filtered through a PTFE (Polyetrafluoroethylene) filter with pore size of 2.0 µm in order to keep particles from depositing on the sample filter. Thereafter, room air through a vacuum pump with fixed flow rate was mixed with ozone generated by an ozone generator (Prozone, Model PZ 6 Air). Mixed air was then conveyed through the chamber system (into the top chamber, through the filter, out of bottom chamber). The air flow rate through the filter was measured with a bubble flow meter (Sensidyne, Model GilibratorTM 2) at the outlet of the bottom chamber, as shown in Figure 2. Analytical Measurement Two fiber glass filters were tested in this study. Both filters came from residential HVAC systems after use for one month (#1) and three month (#2). The temperature and relative humidity of each experiment were approximately 23oC and 50%, respectively. Ozone concentrations upstream and downstream of the filter were continuously monitored and recorded by two calibrated UV ozone analyzers (2B Technologies, Model 202) with sampling intervals of 10 seconds. Each experiment lasted for 4.5 hours. The value of were determined by direct measurements of Q , AT and indirect measurement of through observing a volume change due to soaking a filter in clean water in a glass cylinder. The porosity of test filters was measured separately. Five pieces of filter were tested for filter #1, and 6 pieces of filter were tested for filter #2. The size of specimen was measured by ruler. Then, we completely soaked each piece in a 250 ml glass cylinder with a known amount of clean water and recorded the volume reading after 10 minutes. The porosity of each test specimen was determined by use of Equation 5. Equation 5. Determination of the porosity of test filters. Va Vb Vbulk Vbulk = total (bulk) volume of the filter specimen (m3) 1 Vb = water volume before soaking the filter (m3) V a = water volume after soaking the filter (m3) RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Ozone Removal The ozone concentration upstream of filter #1 increased while conducting the experiment and was approximately 700 ppb by the end of the experiment. The ozone concentration upstream for filter #2 also increased during the experiment and was approximately 250 ppb by the end of the experiment. The ozone concentration downstream of the filter was always less than ozone concentration upstream for each experiment, which means that some ozone was removed when passing through the filter. In this paper, ozone removal efficiency, η was used to describe the ozone removal across the filter. Ozone removal efficiency, η is the ratio of the ozone concentration difference across the filter to the ozone concentration upstream of the filter. For each filter, η started at a high value and then dropped rapidly within the first 30 minutes of each experiment (Figures 3). Thus, reaction sites on particle surfaces were consumed rapidly. In Figure 3a, η is characterized by considerable noise for the first 30 minutes of operation. We suspect that this might be due to variations in the flow rate. After 30 minutes of experiment, η becomes smaller and almost constant during the rest of the experiment. This may come from the fact that reactive species inside the bulk particle volume slowly diffuse to the external surface following reactions of surface sites by ozone8. Thus, η was never zero during our experiments and there may be a balance between ozone consumption and reactive species diffusing out of bulk particles. Additionally, a steady η value (0.1) for filter #1 (1 month in use) exposed to higher ozone concentration is less than the steady η value (0.14) for filter #2 (3 months in use) exposed to a lower ozone concentration. In actual buildings, particles will constantly deposit onto filters, and η would likely be greater than what we report here. Figure 3a : Ozone Removal Efficiency for Filter # 1 Ozone Removal Efficiency, h 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 Tim e (m in) Figure 3 b: Ozone Removal Efficiency for Filter #2 Ozone Removal Efficiency, h 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 Tim e (m in) Porosity Table 1 shows the measured porosity for each filter. No difference in porosity was observed between filter #1 and filter #2. This may due to that fact that the deposited particles are not a substantial contributor to the bulk volume, which is almost entirely associated with the filter fibers. Table 1. Porosity Measurement for Filters Filter (#) Description 1 1 month use 2 2 month use ∆x (cm) 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 Vbulk(cm3) 354.8 511.5 500.5 453.8 475.3 466.5 488.1 441.7 497.2 473.1 476.4 Vmaterial(ml) 1 2 2.2 2 2 2.5 2.4 3 3.2 3.2 3 Porosity 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 1.00 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 Model Since all porosity measurements were very close to 1, we used this value as the porosity in the model. Therefore, was determined to be 21.54 cm min-1.Values of were calculated based on Equation 6 for both filters and are shown in Figures 4a and b. has a The time dependence for and η were similar, because was kept constant during the experiment and nothing else changed in the model except for . The steady value of (0.8) for filter #1 was smaller than (1.2) for filter #2. Figure 4a : Characterization of Effective Deposition Change for Filter #1 as a Function of Time Effective Deposition, (min -1) 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 = 2.5579t -0.1325 1.50 R2 = 0.787 1.00 0.50 0.00 0 30 60 90 120 150 Tim e (m in) 180 210 240 270 Figure 4b: Charaterization of Effective Deposition Change for Filter #2 as a Function of Time Effective Deposition, (min -1) 2.3 2.1 1.9 1.7 = 2.2468t-0.0582 1.5 R2 = 0.6148 1.3 1.1 0.9 0.7 0.5 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 Tim e (m in) CONCLUSION Two experiments involving ozone removal on HVAC filters were performed. Ozone concentration was observed to decrease across each filter. Ozone removal efficiency dropped rapidly and then remained almost constant during the rest of each experiment. A model was developed to predict ozone removal in filters and model parameters were determined through experiments. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Charlie Weschler provided valuable guidance when formulating the ideas for this research. 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