SOIL LAB PROJECT (quint iii 2016) “The Dirt Lab” NAME: Phase I: Working in your groups run each of your soil samples through the following three tests. 1) Soil texture. As a group, develop a consensus/hypothesis about what soil type each sample is. Determine the texture of soil samples using the “feel method” as authored by Steve J Thien (refer to the soil-ribbon flow chart.) 2) Particle size. As a group, develop a consensus/hypothesis about the most and least prevalent components of each sample. Use sieve sets to determine the % by mass of the following soil components: coarse gravel, fine gravel, coarse sand, fine sand, silt/clay. Start with 60ml of (wet/undried) soil per sample. 3) Microscope study. As a group, develop a consensus/hypothesis about what you expect to observe/record in each sample. Categorize/classify observable characteristics of soil samples (use only as seen with a binocular microscope. Follow the procedures carefully. Use the format requirements specified on the grading sheet, thus simulating submitting your work for publication in a scientific journal. NOTE: the lab report format for this phase is abbreviated. You do not have to rewrite the Procedure. Phase II: Other labs. Moisture Content: Develop a method to determine % of mass (of undried soil) that is water. Water Storage/holding Capacity: Develop a method to determine how much water a specified size of soil sample (dried soil?) will “store”/hold, use ml H2O/g of soil for units. Percolation or Permeability: Develop a method to determine how quickly water moves through soil. Soil Strength: Develop a method to determine how much weight a standardized shape of compacted dry soil will support before crumbling. Critical Angle/angle of slope/repose: Develop a method to determine how steep of an angle a pile of your dried soil will make (see figure 8-2 of your text for an illustration.) Use only 5 ml of dried soil and a test tube with 1mm graduations along the side. Sphericity and Roundness: Use the sphericity and roundness chart to determine the sphericity and roundness of five grains of soil selected at random from a 5 ml sample of your soil, as observed with a binocular microscope. Soil Color: Develop a method to determine the color of your soil using standardized color charts. Soil Density: Develop a method to determine the density of your soil samples using 15 ml of soil. Clay and silt content: Determine how much of your soil is clay and silt (% by mass) by decanting a shaken test tube filled with 5 ml of dried soil and water. Soil Lab: Phase I GRADING SHEET Soil Lab Phase I Quint III 2016 Lab Title: Group Members: points possible Soil Texture: categorize soils according to how they feel/what their texture is. Hypotheses (one per soil sample): Results: data table recording ribbon length measurements for all samples, with units Discussion (a) -states what you learned (must refer back to results section) Discussion (b) -conclusion statement (restates hypothesis and…) Discussion (c) -sources of error, what to do about them, accuracy/precision Discussion (d) -relates to more than just this lab, extensions, next step(s), questions that arose, Particle Size: determine the % by mass of different grain sizes in soil sample. Hypotheses (one per soil sample): Results: data table recording all measurements, with units Calculations, show all work Discussion (a) -states what you learned (must refer back to results section) Discussion (b) -conclusion statement (restates hypothesis and…) Discussion (c) -sources of error, what to do about them, accuracy/precision Discussion (d) -relates to more than just this lab, extensions, next step(s), questions that arose, Microscope study: use binocular microscopes to classify observable characteristics of soil samples. Hypotheses (one per soil sample): Results: detailed sketches with arrows and labels recording all observations (min: 4 different labels per sketch) Magnificaiton for each sketch/sample Discussion (a) -states what you learned (must refer back to results section) Discussion (b) -conclusion statement (restates hypothesis and…) Discussion (c) -sources of error, what to do about them, accuracy/precision Discussion (d) -relates to more than just this lab, extensions, next step(s), questions that arose, Format requirements: 1" margins (R,L, top & bottom), times font Title Page: title centered/mention characteristic/bold/18 point Headings: hypothesis, results etc., 12 point, bold, underlined Text: single spaced, 12 point, paragraph indents of 1" Other: include page numbers, centered at bottom of page and printed by printer Points possible: comments: 3 6 2 2 2 2 3 12 3 2 2 2 2 3 9 3 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 4 2 83 Student Assessment Teacher Assessment