Final Project Report on Black soil dem

Final Project Report
Green Development
“Black Soil Demonstration Sub-project
in the Northeast of China on Climate Change, Productivity
Improvement and Food security”
[03/11/2014 ]
Basic Project Information
Project Title:
UNDP Project ID
Project Duration
Reporting Period
Total Approved Project Budget
USD 1.7 million
Participating UN Agencies
Implementing Partners
Soil and Fertilizer Management Bureau,
National Collaborating Agencies
Heilongjiang Province
International Collaborating Agencies
Budget Cost-sharing/ third parties
USD 1.3 million
Weidong Zhang
Project Website
Executive Summary
As results of 3-year practice and research, feasible recommendations, integrated solutions
and long-term effective technical model of black soil protection have been worked out to
develop low-carbon agricultural economy, research on soil restoration technologies and
promote low-carbon agricultural production models in black soil region. A host of
achievements have been made, which are laid out as follows:
Technology: the 3 + 1 pattern, i.e. the combination of machinery deep ripping, organic
fertilizer and straw mulching, plus balanced fertilizing should be applied for degraded black
soil; Areas with developed husbandry industry can use grain/grass rotation planting; To
boost the income of the farmers, bio-organic fertilizer, together with inter-planting of
mushrooms and crops were chosen as biological restoration technique; At the same crop
yield level, 69.8kg urea and 698—1047kg greenhouse gas (CO2 equivalent) could be reduced
by using new-type biological fertilizer; Consolidation on key technologies, encompassing
low-carbon and high-efficient grain/grass rotation and integrated farmlands and milk cows,
was able to achieve circular production, soil carbon sequestration and efficient resource
Construction of Pilot Demonstration Area: Demonstration and pilot research on degraded
black soil restoration, low-carbon agricultural production and erosive black soil restoration
have been carried out in Minzhu Township, Hailun County and Keshan County of Harbin;
Promotion and demonstration of different technologies generated wide range of impacts,
such as upgraded traditional farming, increased crop yields and rising income.
Capacity Building: Based on existing Farmer University of Heilongjiang Academy of
Agricultural Science and supported by local agricultural technology promotion centres, a
series of training activities, including seminar and lectures were developed and organized.
At present, technical trainings for grass-root level officials, agriculture technicians and
farmers have been conducted. For the purpose of achievement sharing, model enterprises,
model farmers and farmer experts have been actively educated and nurtured. More
importantly, practical trainings on income generation techniques were specially designed
and organized for women.
Communication and Achievement Sharing: Experience and achievements acquired from
research and pilot demonstration were promoted and shared through communication and
cooperation at domestic and international levels. In particular, communication associated
with black soil region was strengthened with other countries, leading to long-term
1. Background
Development Context
In today’s world, all countries pay great importance to climate change, food security and
rural sustainable development. In particular, food security is closely related to national
economic development and building all-around Xiaokang Society in China. Fertile and
abundant arable lands, as well as reserved lands in the black soil region of the Northeast
possess great potential to boost grain production. However, exploitive development has
resulted in shrinking black soil resource, aggregated soil degradation and frequent
agricultural disasters. Given the importance of black soil in Northeast, curbing black soil
degradation is of practical and far-reaching significance to national low-carbon
development, climate change response, and energy-saving without hurting production.
Besides, it is also a measure to safeguard short/long-term food security and sustainable use
of agricultural resource.
Project Objectives and Strategy
This project will concentrate on issues surrounding degenerated soil restoration. Typical
degenerated black soil area would be selected to experiment, demonstrate and promote
technologies regarding black soil restoration, low carbon agriculture production and
greenhouse gas reduction. In this connection, the project will explore technical measures
and mechanism supports in terms of climate change adaptation capacity of rural areas, food
security and sustainable development of agriculture and rural areas.
This project is a national sub-project set up by UNDP China, CICETE of Ministry of Commerce
and Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Science and Technology, implemented in
accordance with UNDP’s national project regulations and Chinese laws.
2. Key Results
The project, on general, progressed well. Expected outcomes and set objectives as per the
annual work plan have been achieved successfully.
(1) Feasible recommendations and integrated solutions have been provided, in the context
of climate change, to develop low-carbon agricultural economy, research on soil
remediation technologies and promote low-carbon agricultural production models in black
soil region. Long-term effective technical model has been built to protect black soil and
construct an eco-agricultural province
(2) Three modes, including black soil restoration, agricultural circular economy and
low-carbon agricultural production, have been established. Long-term promotion and
application of the models were also addressed; The project strived to improve the soil
fertility and productivity in the black soil region for the sake of farmers ’income.
(3) Experience and achievements acquired from research and pilot demonstration were
promoted and shared through communication and cooperation at domestic and international
levels. In particular, communication and long-term cooperation with other countries on
black soil was deepened.
(4) Management competencies have been improved to strengthen contacts with other
projects under government and green development scheme.
(5) Technical knowledge have been promoted and popularized, particularly ameliorated
women’s overall capacities.
Since the implementation, grain production in the project area has been raised by 10%.
Farmers’ income has also been raised and benefited over 10 000 people, more than 50% of
them were women. The project was helpful to raise farmers’ awareness on low-carbon
agriculture and food security, as well as improve the capacity of climate change adaptation
in black soil region. Meanwhile, the project technically facilitated the black soil restoration
in Heilongjiang and its achievement of MDGs. Plus, the success of the project model was
able to influence the governments and shift agriculture policies to low-carbon agricultural
Project Outcomes
Outcome 1
Through technology selection and optimization, technological production modes
distinguished with high-efficiency and low-carbon have been built. The combination of
machinery deep ripping, organic fertilizer, straw mulching and balanced fertilizing
constituted the 3+1 pattern, in order to fix the undernourishment of black soil caused by
inappropriate farming or fertilizing; At the same nitrogen level, suggestions were made to
fertilize the soils by compounding pig manure and inorganic fertilizer, which was high-yield
and also good for black soil restoration/ improvement; Applying grain/grass rotation scheme
in developed husbandry areas can improve and fertilize soils, and also increase economic
Low-carbon and high-efficient circular mode integrating grain/grass rotation and
milk cow obtained the effects of soil carbon capture and efficient use of resource; Proposed
new-type low-carbon technology of biological fertilizing, which reduced the use of chemical
fertilizer; Solutions and measures on climate change adaptation and disasters
prevention/reduction have been proposed; Created 3 practical technologies that suited the
conditions of local farmers (high-yield technologies of green onions and carrots, as well as
mushroom/grain inter-planting technique), and thus the economic benefits of
demonstration farms were increased by 10%; Simple and clear technology manuals were
made and distributed to farmers to make sure the technologies will stay with the farmers.
Evaluation Indicator
(1) Developed 4 research reports, including Impact of Climate change on the Ecosystem of
Black Soil Region, Mechanism Research on Greenhouse Gas Emission and Soil Carbon
Sequestration Induced by Long-term Fertilization on Black Soil, Research and
Technology Demonstration on Black Soil Productivity Improvement, and Research and
Demonstration on Low-carbon Agricultural Production Technology.
(2) Built 3 modes, i.e. black soil restoration, agricultural circular economy and
low-carbon agricultural production. Long-term promotion and application of the 3
modes have been enabled also.
(3) Created manuals of income generating technologies, including high-yield technologies
of green onions and carrots, and mushroom/grain inter-planting technology.
Outcome 2
First group of farmer students were admitted to Heilongjiang Farmer University,
face-to-face trainings and interactions between students and experts were conducted; To
apply the 3 new technologies, experts were invited to give lectures, answer questions and
provide guidance via telephone; Organized 1-3 times technician trainings at village,
township and county levels in Harbin and Hailun; Hold 1-3 times production seminars for
officials from county and township levels to disseminate knowledge and enable mutual
help/guidance, and also to extensively promote the low-carbon technology.
Evaluation indicators
(1) Training activities
(2) More than 30% of trainees should be females.
(3) Impacts of high-yield technologies of carrots and green onions growing, and also
mushroom inter-planting.
(4) Cooperation with villages of grass-root level to build vegetable production
cooperative, technical supports were provided as well.
Outcome 3
Supervised by CICETE, UNDP black soil website has been developed to publish
implementation plans and other interactive information. UNDP media interaction
e-platform of low-carbon agriculture was created to collect feedbacks publicly,
transparently and timely, which realized wireless communication on project
implementation among all involving parties.
Outcome 4
Sino-Norwegian Law-carbon Centre was established to create international low-carbon
technology communication platform. Two documents were signed between China and
Norway, consisting of 1) Memorandum of Understanding between Heilongjiang Academy of
Agricultural Science and Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental
Research (Bioforsk) and 2) Sino-Norwegian Low-carbon Agriculture Research Agreement.
Study group of soil resource protection visited Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry
Research (ISSAR) of Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences to exchange on black soil
fertilization, cooperation agreement was singed as well.
Evaluation Indicator
(1) Creation of Sino-Norwegian Low-carbon Centre and mutual visits
(2) Establishment of Sino-Ukraine Research Centre of Black Soil Resource Protection
and Cooperation and study tour to Ukraine
During the implementation periods, the project produced remarkable outcomes and
achieved designed objectives. The successful progress of the project was attributed to the
supports and guidance from CICETE and provincial project management office (PMO), and
also cooperation from national and international research institutes.
Activities and Outputs
Output 1.1
Proposed solutions and measures on climate change and disaster reduction. In view of
warming climate in black soil region, it was suggested to stick to the principle of “seeking
the benefits and avoiding the disadvantages”. The positive impacts of the climate change
should be fully utilized so as to strengthen the capacity of mitigating negative impacts.
Structures of crops and breeds have been adjusted through selecting and cultivating stress
resistance breeds; Moved northwards the crop planting boundary and increased multi-crop
index in southern regions, and also reinforced the efforts of demonstrating and promoting
agricultural technologies adaptive to climate change; Construction of hydraulic projects has
been intensified to improve water resources control and water use efficiency; Abilities of
resisting droughts/floods and low-temperature disaster have been bettered; Implemented
soil-fertilizing project and curbed black soil degradation in order to guarantee sustainable
grain productivity.
Output 1.2
In order to fix the black soil undernourishment caused by inappropriate farming or
fertilizing, the 3+1 pattern composed by machinery deep ripping, organic fertilizer, straw
mulching and balanced fertilizing were created. In areas with development husbandry
industry, grain/grass rotation and low-carbon high-efficient circular mode integrating
grain/grass planting and milk-cow raising have been applied. The latter circular mode
grass breed
screening, planting
high-efficiency technologies of milk-cow raising, speedy curing of cow dung, organic
fertilizing technologies and so on. By way of assembling the key technologies, high-efficient
and circular production has been achieved to enable soil carbon sequestration and efficient
use of resource; Biological fertilizer and mushroom/grain inter-planting were used as
biological restoration technologies to increase farmers’ income. Mushroom/grain
inter-planting increased soil organics by 10-30kg and farmers’ income by 40.9%. High-yield
technology of green onion growing boosted farmers’ income by 11.1%.
1.1 Researched on soil restoration and low-carbon agricultural development model of black
soil region in the context of climate change
1.2 Between 2010 and 2014, two different demonstration were created in Minzhu Township
and Hailun County (demonstration of black soil restoration and demonstration of
low-carbon agricultural production).
1.3 Integration and demonstration of black soil technologies: black soil erosion has been
controlled by promoting organic fertilization, soil carbon sequestration and biologic
restoration and etc; In the model village of Hailun County, integration and
demonstration technology for low-fertile black soil have been accomplished by
returning organic matters to the farms and protecting the lands.
1.4 Creation of demonstration site of black soil low-carbon agricultural production in
Minzhu Township of Harbin City to improve soil fertility and the comprehensive
productivity in black soil region. Activities were also conducted to increase the
technical capacity of agriculture promotion personnel and the awareness of farmers to
intake new technologies.
1.5 Promoted low-carbon agricultural production model in the two demonstration areas,
including deep scarification and tillz with shallow depth, returning organic fertilizer
and straws to the fields, technologies of using microbial manure and reducing chemical
fertilizer, new-type fertilizer, carbon emission reduction technologies and etc.
Trainings on soil fertility improvement and re-employment have been organized also.
Output 2
Heilongjiang Farmer University admitted the first group of farmer students and conducted
face-to-face trainings and interactions between students and experts, which stimulated the
dissemination of low-carbon agricultural technologies.25 trainings (15 in Minzhu and 10 in
Hailun, technician trainings and officials’ seminars were also included) have been provided
and benefited mover 3000 farmers, including 10000 women. More than 3000 copies of
training materials have been distributed.
2.1 Organized trainings on technologies of soil fertility improvement and re-employments.
2.2 Provided technical trainings for farmers, agriculture technicians and officials of
grass-root levels. Training and capacity building for women were attached with
particular importance.
2.3 Actively supported model enterprises and model farmers of low-carbon agricultural
economy, where women constituted more than 30% of beneficiaries.
2.4 Established new training centres while reinforcing the existing ones to improve capacity
building and technical supports. Set up Farmer University in Heilongjiang Academy of
Agricultural Science to provide specific trainings for relevant groups; Supported by
county-level agriculture promotion centres and UNDP’s previous projects, continuously
provided trainings for local technicians and farmers, in particular the women.
Output 3
Set up UNDP media interaction e-platform of low-carbon agriculture to update project
implementation and information.
3.1 Created and operated the project website, including its maintenance and update.
Output 4.1
Meetings of project plan discussion and project conclusion meeting were hold annually
between 2010-2014; In 2011, a seminar on 10 years’ Cooperation between UNDP and
Heilongjiang: Review and Prospect was organized. In March 2011, a cooperative was
established in the demonstration areas by cooperating with the government of Minzhu
Township; In November of 2011, North China Electric Power University attended the EWE
seminar (Environment, Water and Energy) co-hosted by UNDP and CICETE; The first
Sino-Norwegian Seminar on Agricultural Sustainable Development was hold in Heilongjiang
Academy of Agricultural Sciences, which gave arise to the creation of Sino-Norwegian
Low-carbon Centre; Study group of soil resource protection visited Ukraine.
Output 4.2
Sino-Norwegian Law-carbon Centre was established to create international low-carbon
technology communication platform. Two documents were signed between China and
Norway, consisting of 1) Memorandum of Understanding between Heilongjiang Academy of
Agricultural Science and Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental
Research (Bioforsk) 2) Sino-Norwegian Low-carbon Agriculture Research Agreement. This
cooperation will construct a platform of scientific and technical cooperation regarding soil
and water conservation, soil fertility, plant nutrients, integrated management of pest
disasters, research on potato, food security and etc. It will also build a long-term research
mechanism of applying international projects for the two sides. The two parties will create
a long-term academic exchange mechanism, such as deploying victors and PhD education, as
well as other favourable conditions for the cooperation.
4.1 Exchanged experience and achievements with respect to soil resources protection
between China and foreign countries by means of study tour and international
4.2 Seminar on 10 Years ‘Cooperation between UNDP and Heilongjiang: Review and Prospect
was hold in Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Science in Harbin. UNDP, CICETE,
Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Science and other partners presented in the
seminar; Hold an international seminar on soil restoration and climate change to share
achievements and discuss the research, participants included national/international
experts, China Agriculture University, China Academy of Science, Northeast Agriculture
University and other research institutes.
4.3 Created and operated project website.
4.4 As per UNDP’s regulation, QPR and APR were submitted. Annual evaluation meeting was
organized accordingly.
4.5 Participated in other national activities under Green Development Scheme
Direct/ indirect beneficiaries of the project are the local governments and farmers,
especially women and children. Problems such as decreasing soil fertility and worsening
structures were solved owning to the project, which raised the grain production by 10%. It
also increased farmers’ income and improved their lives, benefiting more than 10 000
3 measures haven been taken during the reporting period to guarantee and solidify project
(1) Actively built good relationship with governments and academic authorities of China and
foreign countries, for example, cooperation with Heilongjiang Provincial Department of
Science and Technology, Heilongjiang Agriculture Committee and Bureau of Science and
Technology of Harbin Municipality;
Collaborated with governments concerning policy
and financial supports to guarantee project sustainability; Long-term cooperation and
project publicity have been established and enhanced, arose from international
cooperation with Bioforsk and ISSAR of Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences, as well
as domestic collaboration with China Academy of Science and other local universities;
Communication among experts also laid solid foundation for collaboration, and also
cultivated conducive atmosphere for project sustainability.
(2) Created Farmer University to educate the farmers, big producers and model farmers.
Additionally, technical trainings and follow-ups for Green Development project were
conducted continuously. This will prepare human resources for future scaling-up.
(3) In order to achieve sustainable development, created black soil website to build project
promotion e-platform and enhance the awareness on low-carbon agriculture,
Partnership Effectiveness
The leading implementer Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Science created long-term
and stable collaborative relations, on specifications of duties and obligations, with wide
range of institutes, such as Heilongjiang Academy of Sciences, Northeast University,
Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology of Chinese Academy of Science.
Achievements of observation, experimentation and pilot research, obtained from
experimental sites of Minzhu and Hailun, were useful in term of strengthening technical
communication and cooperation with local management. Contact, communication and
coordination between PMOs and governments of various levels were further advanced,
which resultantly pushed forward the successful implementation of the project.
Meanwhile, the implementation and publicity of the project have been effectively improved
owning to the cooperation with Bioforsk and ISSAR of Ukraine.
Cross-cutting Issues
The technologies of the project were selected from environment-friendly angle taking into
account of climate change, biological restoration, low-carbon cycle and low-carbon inputs,
and thus negative environmental impacts can be prevented.
Income generating project aimed at improving the capacity of left-behind women and also
giving them technical guidance, where female constituted 30% of the Farmer University
students. Experts and professors of universities and research institutes were invited to give
training and lectures to female students. Complementing with field visits, they guided
female students to grow green onion, carrots, corn/mushroom inter-planting and other
high-yield and high-efficient agricultural production.
3. Project Management and Oversight
In the reporting period, UNDP provided effective management and oversight with respect to
project progress, project management and arrangement, and financial management.
Feedbacks and suggestions raised by UNDP were quickly responded and adjusted via regular
assessments, national/international consultant evaluations and auditing. Strong measures
have been taken to avoid risks and safeguard the achievements.
Implementation Status
In the reporting period, all activities were progressing on schedule. Objectives have been
obtained without delay or addition of extra investment.
Project implementation and arrangement featured in high-quality, which was conducive to
project implementation and reasonable fund utilization.
Multiple parties were involving in the project, including Heilongjiang Academy of
Agricultural Science, Heilongjiang Academy of Science and China Academy of Science. Those
parties assumed shared but differentiated responsibilities regarding fund allocation and
research budget. Research task paper was signed to specify each party’s duties and
obligations. In this aspect, all parties maintained amicable partnership by means of
collaboration and support.
Monitoring and Evaluation
Prior to the implementation, the chief economist from Environmental Defence Fund invited
by UNDP and CICETE visited Heilongjiang to carry out initial feasibility study.
In March 2011,
Subinay Nandy Deputy Country Director of UNDP China, Shenhong Yao the Director of CICETE
and others visited Minzhu pilot demonstration base to oversee the project. In June 2013,
UNDP invited experts to conduct interim evaluation and field inspection. Problems
identified by audit office in its twice accounting audits were remedied, which strengthened
the capacity of local regulation and evaluation systems.
Human Resource Management
Played the role of leading implementer, Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Science
established the Project Management Office in its Research Institute of Soil, Fertilizer and
Environmental Resource. Under the supervision of UNDP, CICETE and the provincial PMO,
office director and project management staff were deployed to carry out implementation
and daily management.
Both PMOs selected national experts and created an expert consultancy team. Chief
consultant took the leading role in the consultancy team to coordinate with the director of
provincial PMO and offer technical consultation and guidance for project implementation.
The members of Project Guidance Committee were constituted by directors of provincial
PMO, Academy of Agricultural Science PMO and chief expert of consultancy team. They
attended annual auditing and wrote Annual Project Report to the chairmen of the three
Directors of provincial PMO and Academy of Agricultural Science PMO are also the members
of Green Development National Coordination and Management Office (set in CICETE).
Organized and coordinated by CICETE, they implemented activities at national level along
with other Green Development project offices. Activities of such included coordination and
communication among projects, establishment of Green Development Alliance.
Responsibilities division and collaboration contributed to efficient human resource
management and objective achievement.
Risk Management
Risks that able to influence the project were not found in reporting period.
Inter-Agency Coordination and Delivering as One
The project was beneficial for the promotion of black soil restoration and low-carbon
agricultural technology research, as well as achieving sustainable development of
agricultural production. It also contributed to address climate change and advance
low-carbon economy. Meanwhile, women and children were benefited from study and
trainings on low-carbon agricultural production technologies. By setting up Sino-Norwegian
Low-carbon Research Centre, the established international platform enhanced China’s
efforts to cope with climate change within international communities. In this connection,
the project was in good alignment with UNDAF.
Inter-agency coordination was ensured by organizing workshops and attending UNDP
Communication and Advocacy
(1) In August of 2011, opening ceremonies of the teaching base of the Institute of
Environment and Resource of China of Farmer University and UNDP income generating
project were kicked out in Minzhu Township, Daowai District of Harbin. On-site visit
and communication were also conducted.
(2) A big-scale Seminar on Sino-Norwegian Soil Environment and Agricultural
Sustainability Development was hold in Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Science
in April, 2011.As part of UNDP’s responses to climate change, black soil productivity
and food security, this international seminar aimed at discussing how to achieve
virtuous agricultural circular.
(3) Real-time updates of the project progress were enabled in the black soil project
website, latest information was published in its bulletin board to promote the
4. Financial Management
The project is currently operating as per the budget planning, except for the leftover of
several hundreds of thousands co-sharing budget. This amount of leftover was due to
following reasons, for instances the project hasn’t done terminal evaluation, some activities
are still undergoing, including a few demonstration activities, experimental materials such
as fertilizer and seeds, analysis and experiments and transportation. Overall, project funds
have been used wisely and carried out in accordance with the budget, without
over-spending or surplus.
Budget Table (USD)
USD 500,000
Other UN agencies
Approved Total Project Budget
Estimated Commitment
Partner sharing
Co-sharing third party
USD 1.2 million
USD 1.7 million
USD 500,000
Other agencies
Estimated Realized Expenditure
Other agencies
Grand total
Expenditure by Activities (USD)
13 outsourcing projects
International/national seminars
Demonstration Construction
Overseas study tour
Conference, car renting,
Black soil demonstration
Flights and lodging
Grand total
5. Management Recommendations
(1) CICETE could hire national/ international low-carbon experts to carry out regular
investigations, supervision and guidance at local levels.
(2) Organize technical trainings or communication seminars for all sub-projects under the
umbrella program in order to exchange experience and achievements.
(3) CICETE could strengthen trainings for project management and finance personnel at
sub-project level.
6. Conclusion
The conclusions made for two demonstration areas in Minzhu and Hailun are as follows:
(1) By inappropriate farming and fertilizing,the 3+1 pattern composed by machinery
deep ripping, organic fertilizer, straw mulching and balanced fertilizing were created.
In areas with development husbandry industry, rain/grass rotation scheme and
low-carbon high-efficient circular mode integrating grain/grass planting and milk-cow
have been applied, which were able to boost the farmers’ income. At the same
nitrogen level, suggestions were made to fertilize the soils by compounding pig
manure and inorganic fertilizer, which was high in productivity and helpful for black
soil restoration/improvement.
(2) The results of demonstration technology of agricultural emission reduction showed
that, in the condition of different fertilization modes, combining high-yield organic
fertilizer with chemical fertilizer was able to increase organic carbon of the soil.
Tillage-free or regular tillage didn’t bring about significant difference in term of soil
organic carbon. The ranking of average CO2 emission of the soil was as follows:
succession cropping of corn > rotation cropping > succession cropping of wheat >
succession cropping of soya bean. Under the mode of long-term located fertilization,
highest soil organic carbon was obtained by mixing organic fertilizer and chemical
fertilizer. When soil layer deepened, the content of soil organic carbon increased
proportionally; When yield was fixed, application of new-type biological manure
reduced the greenhouse gas emission, in equivalence of CO2, by 698-1047 kg/hectare.
The result revealed that carbon foot print, a new low-carbon evaluation indicator, was
the lowest (138.08 kgCe/hm2·a) when soil testing and reduced fertilization was
(3) Based on existing training centres and supported by local agricultural promotion
centres, Farmer University was set up In Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Science
to teach practical income generating technologies for the first-ever farmer students.
Radial-pattern trainings and trainings for demonstration projects were continuously
given to farmers and agricultural technicians particularly the women, who made up
30% of the trainees; Sino-Norwegian Low-carbon Centre was also created to research
on low-carbon agricultural technologies and methodologies at international platform.
Technicians and relevant personnel were organized to study black soil conservation in
Ukraine. In total, 25 trainings have been hold, benefiting 3000 people.
(4) Proposed solutions to climate change and disaster reduction. In view of warming
climate in black soil region, it was suggested to stick to the principle of “seeking the
benefits and avoiding the disadvantages. The positive impacts of the climate change
should be fully utilized to strengthen the capacity of mitigating the negative impacts.
Structures of crops and breeds have been adjusted through selecting and cultivating
stress resistance breeds. Moved northwards the crop planting boundary and increased
multi-crop index in southern regions, and also reinforced the efforts of demonstrating
and promoting agricultural technologies that were adaptive to climate change;
Construction of hydraulic projects has been intensified to improve water resources
control and water use efficiency. Abilities of resisting droughts/floods and
low-temperature disaster have been bettered; Implementing soil-fertilizing project to
curb black soil degradation in order to guarantee sustainable grain productivity.
(5) Finished 4 conclusion reports. 3 types of practical and simple technologies have been
developed and printed out as manuals (Practical technology on carrot growing,
high-yield technology of green onion cultivation, and high-yield technology of
mushroom rotation cropping), 3000 copies were distributed and publicized; Updated
low-carbon technology information and project progress in UNDP black soil website to
promote and consolidate the results achieved from low-carbon agricultural technology
and income generating projects.
Project progressed very well in accordance with implementation plan. All planned
objectives have been realized before the submission of the report. The project made
remarkable contributions in following areas, such as establishment the standards of national
voluntary carbon emission, research on green development and carbon trading, public and
governments’ enhanced understanding on green development and carbon trading, and
research on voluntary carbon emission and construction of trading/retailing platform of
national carbon emission. This project also benefited various stakeholders including rural
population, developers of carbon emission programs and local governments. The project
contributed to MDGs by eradicating poverty and hunger, gender equality and women
Through building national/international cooperation, the project provided trainings for
other sub-objects and deepened the public’s support and understanding on green
development, which in return ensured the sustainability of the project. In order to maintain
the smooth progress of the project, UNDP and CICETE offered guidance and supports in
various forms, for instance capacity building for the implementation partner.
7. Annex
Manuals of income generating projects, namely Technical Procedures of High-yield Carrot
Cultivation, Technical Procedures of High-yield Green Onion Cultivation and Technical
Procedures of High-efficient Fertilization for Mushroom Cultivation.