DEVELOPMENT OF MABWEPANDE SATELLITE CITY IN KINONDONI MUNICIPALITY DAR ES SALAAM CITY. 1.0 INTRODUCTION Kinondoni Municipal Council is one of the three Municipalities of Dar es salaam City; others are Ilala and Temeke. Dar es salaam is the largest city in Tanzania. It is one the fastest growing cities in the world. The population of Dar es Salaam has almost doubled over the last ten years and now stands at 4.7million (According to 2012 census) out of which Kinondoni Municipal has 1.7million people. Over 70% of the population lives in informal settlements with poor or few basic services/infrastructure. The rapid population growth is due to continual rural -Urban migration and high birth rate. The growth of new informal settlements and expansion of existing ones has resulted to encroachments onto environmentally sensitive land e.g floodplains and hillsides. 2.0 VULNERABILITY OF KINONDONI MUNICIPALITY TO IMPACTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE 2.1 Floods situation The Kinondoni Municipality is broadly divided into three ecological zones; the Uplands, middle plateau and low lands and because of its location, the Municipality is at risk of frequent flooding. Towards the end of 2011, the Municipality was devastated by a three day flash flooding event that affected over 20,000 people mostly living in low lying areas that had long been condemned by the Government due to Sea level rise and Climate Change vulnerability. The consequences of the flooding was loss of life of about 40 people were reported dead and loss of the entire livelihood. Generally the Municipality is highly vulnerable to Climate Change and variability which is expected to increase as Climate continues to Change. In combination with poor drainage systems, illegal construction and other infrastructural problems would cause major losses and disruption as witnessed in 2011. Other causes include lack of /inadequate storm water drainage systems, build in hazardous areas and unregulated housing and infrastructures development. 3.0 GOVERNMENT INITIATIVES IN FLOOD PRONE AREAS In several occasions, the Government has taken some initiatives such as:(i) Development of à Master plan which identified and declared 'hazard land'. (ii) Restrictions were made on construction of buildings in flood prone areas. (iii) Management of hazardous land and open spaces was included in the strategic urban development plan framework. (iv) Relocation of families whose properties were at risk. (v) Through National land Policy it was made clear that the encroachment to hazardous land was illegal and stated that these areas should be developed for public use. Generally the Government has been taking several measures to avoid further development in the areas and calling upon the residents to vacate the places and leave the areas for other official undertakings; however the responses have been negative. In 2012 the Government reallocated about 1,007 out of 7,000 people who were advesrsely affected by the floods at Mabwepande in the outskirts of the Municipality. However there are still à considerable number of dwellers who are supposed to be removed from the flood prone areas and resettled but the Municipality has no financial resources as resettlement involves huge funding for land acquisition, preparation of plans and carryout à survey of plots. 4.0 DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT OF MABWEPANDE SATELLITE TOWN Mabwepande area is situated within about 40 kms from the city centre and 4km off Bagamoyo road. The area has been integrated in the Dar es salaam master plan and has been officially declared as a satellite town. The concept of a satellite is translated from various angles but all refers to a smaller metropolitan area which is located somewhat near to, but is mostly independent of larger metropolitan area. Under these underlying assumptions, the development of Mabwepande satellite town is intended to: Respond to the problem of overburdened infrastructure in the city centre of Dar es Salaam and the Municipality. Reduce distance from one point to another and if possible within walking distance. Provide working opportunities (Employment) within the area. Resolve the relationship between unplanned and poorly serviced urban living and sustainable development. Provide all basic services to its residents through a sustainable infrastructure that support education, commerce, culture and an improved quality of life. Create economic conditions that are affordable for the majority of residents and address contemporary social concerns. 5.0 PLANNING PROPOSAL OF MABWEPANDE SATELLITE TOWN The conceptual design of Mabwepande is geared towards integrating all social groups e.g flood victims and the rest regardless of their social and economic disparities. 6.0 SATELILITE TOWN DEVELOPMENT COST Excessive concentration of population and activities in the City and the Municipality and unprecedented increase in the demand for services and infrastructure and amenities has lead to initiative of developing a satellite city of Mabwepande. This will help in achieving greater efficiency in the overall hierarchy of human settlement at Municipal level. To develop urban infrastructure and provision of services in the new town of Mabwepande shall build up economic capacity of the poor population of Mabwepande through employment opportunity. Such infrastructure and services include roads, water, sewerage, drainage, electricity and solid waste is an upmost goal of the Municipality. Others are education and health facilities, industrial parks, institutions and many others. SATELLITE TOWN DEVELOPMENT PLAN A Plan for the new town has been prepared by the Municipality which is in the concept of continuity, compactness and self-containment. The planning of the satellite town has adopted different kind of development such as high rise and low rise building, residential, commercial and industrial use. The plan has addressed environmental sustainability issues and green areas. The plan for a satellite town has been broken into short term and long term depending on the investment funding programme. FINANCIAL PATTERN The Municipality is exploring the funding sources for development of Mabwepande town and the likely option shall be Public Private Partnerships, Municipal bonds, borrowing and grants and donation. In this project, fund would need to finance the following activities. 1. Preparation of project area The Town planning maps that have been created that will give shapes of the place; where to live, work, learn, shop, play and how you get to and from. Plans will be guiding tools of development and regulate new buildings and other development. The area of ten thousand acres (10,000 acres) has been earmarked for the new town. The job involved for preparation of plan is picking information from the areas, making analysis of collected data and prepare the land use plans. 2. Land Acquisition. This is a process whereby the government takes land from private owners for public purposes. The land at in the proposed satellite city is under private ownership and in this sense the government shall acquire land by paying compensation to land owners. The compensation rates are determined by the Government through market evidences. 3. Survey of Plots The acquired land shall be surveyed to determined pieces of land and as per Town planning map. The plots in different sizes and use will be allocated to developers who will develop according to prescribed use and period on given terms and conditions. The use shall include residential, commercial, industrial, service industry, education, health, urban – agriculture and others. 4. Development of Infrastructure As pointed above, the Mabwepande will be a modern city with infrastructure. Those will include roads, bridges, culverts, drainage systems, waste management facilities (Land fill), water and electricity. ACTION TAKEN AFTER FLOOD (DECEMBER. 2011 FLOODS) After floods the immediate action was to take care of the people who lost other members of their families and all their properties and belongs. Whereby the main activities were to ensure provision of day to day needs, which were mainly food, medication and clothing as well as safe shelter to the displaced population. As a temporary measure the victims were accommodated in the available space found at by that time which includes; warehouses, National service camps, schools classrooms etc. During the period when the Flood Victims were still at the temporary camps, his excellence the President of the United Republic of Tanzania when addressing the public regarding the occurred floods directed the Government to make sure that next time if flood happen to occur in Dar-es-salaam there will be no loss of life’s. he further pointed out that to ensure this all the flood victims must be resettled outside the flood prone areas that they used to live in. He went on giving directives to the Government to make sure that all the flood Victims are resettled within the well planned areas and that each family will be allocated a surveyed plot, within a planned area on the Government expense. THE RESETTLEMENT OF THE FLOOD VICTIMS The area earmarked for resettlement of the flood Victims from the whole of Dar-es-Salaam city was Mabwepande in Kinondoni Municipality. Before the flood the area was designated as part of “Twenty Thousand Plots Project” area,under the Ministryof Lands Housing and human Settlements. To address the emergence need of resettlement of the flood Victims,officials from Central Government, Local Government Authorities, Humanitarian Organization (Red Cross), National service, NGO’s, Private sector and service providers i.eDAWASCO and TANESCO, worked together to ensure that the flood victims are provided with all the immediate needs that will enable them to start living a comfortable life.Their immediate needs included, food supplies, temporary shelter, clothing and medications. But at the same time to make to make sure that each family is allocated a survey plot, with a temporary shelter (a Tent) that will provide an immediately home to the flood Victims. Together with allocation of plots, other activities carried out at Mabwepande resettlement area, were as follows, grading of distribution and access roads, provision public utilities such as water and electricity and provision of public services that include Health, Education and Security facilities. CHALLENGES OF RESETTLEMENT The challenges facing floods Victims after being resettled at Mabwepande are as follows: Most of the victims before the flood were earning a living by engaging themselves in the informal sector, doing activities such as petty trade and employed as casual labours. In their new settlement it will take a long time for such activities to be in place, due to fact that, at present most of the residents of the settlement are flood victims who lost all their belongings during the floods. Mabwepande area is located at about 40 Kilometres away from Dar-esSalaam city centre, for those flood Victims who wish to go on with their former activities in the city centre, the transport cost to their working places and back to their residence at Mabwepande is extremely expensive, hence unaffordable to them. A Kinondoni Municipal Council plan is to develop a satellite town at Mabwepande area. The implementation this plan will provide a solution to the challenges facing flood Victims pointed above. But given the limited Funds of the Council, implementation of such plan will takea very long period time. To address this Kinondoni Municipal Council is now looking for alternative means of funding development of Mabwepande Satellite Town. By so doing the Council will solve the challenges that are now facing the flood Victim who were resettled at Mabwepande. The declaration of Bunju - Mabwepande as a new Satellite Town is already been done by Kinondoni Municipal Council, that is the first step towards such development. After declaration the detail planning of Satellite Town is now taking place, while at the same time the Council is looking for alternative ways/means of accessing Plans implementation funds ones they are read. BUNJU MABWEPANDE SATELLITE TOWN The initiation of of Bunju Mabwepande Satellite town is result of implementation of the Dar es Salaam city Master which proposed the establishment of 6 (six) satellite centers that were meant to decongest the Dar es Salaam city centre. The proposed centers include Kimbiji, Mjimwema, and Kongowe in Temeke, Kibamba and Bunju Mabwepande in Kinondoni and Pugu Kajiungeni in Ilala Municipality. OBJECTIVES The specific objectives of the project include: To decongest social and economic activities that conducted in the city centre including addressing issue of traffic congestion To improve the productivity and well being of residents by putting in place all basic needs and infrastructures necessary for development and welfare. To increase central and local government revenues through land rent, property tax and business licenses. LOCATION The Bunju Satellite town is located along Bagamoyo road starting at a point where Nakasangwe river meets Bagamoyo road to a point where Mpiji river meets Bagamoyo roads . The Bunju Satellite town in total has approximately 136 square kilometers of land. The idea plan for the establishment of the satellite town was brought before The Council’s Urban Planning and Environment Committee for discussion and endorsement. After endorsement of the plan forwarded to the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Human Settlements for officially gazette as required by law and regulations. LOCATION ADVANTAGES The area is expected to grow very fast due to the following factors The area is located along major road which comply with historical growth of Dar es Salaam city following the major roads lake Morogoro road, Kilwa road, Bagamoyo road and Pugu road The area is very close to Bagamoyo town where the construction of largest port in Africa is continuing. The port is expected to provide employments of many people of whom might be interested to leave in Mabwepande PROPOSED LAND USE Prosed land use will be in three main groups ie production area, residential area and busness centre Production area Heavy industrials, Light industrials) service trade hand crafts Informal sector Residential Low, mideum and high density plots Commercial and Residential plots Hostels and Housing estates Schools and Dispensaries Public buildings Open space Business centre Hotels and Guest Houses Commercial Commercial /Residential/office Conference hall, Bar and ,Restaurant Court and Police Station Central park and Shopping mall Bus terminal and Car parking Showrooms Petrol station Hospital Market Fire station ROAD NETWORK To ensure efficient and easy mobility within the satellite town road network hierarchy will range from 70 to 15 miters To ensure free flow of traffic and minimum the 30 meter wide road will run parallel with 70 miters road so as to avoid traffic congestion. WATER SUPPLY As this area is along the main water pipe from Lower Ruvu, DAWASCO will be required to connect water connection according to the requirements and demands of water users in the area. ELECRTICITY The Tanzania Electric Supply Company (TANESCO) will have to provide electricity that will affordable to Center’s consumers SEWARAGE The design of area will include the establishment of oxidation ponds where waste water will be treated before final disposal. The area will be connected by established sewerage system so as to ensure minimum water pollution fro septic tanks and soak way. PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY Project implementation is through collaboration between the Municipal Council, Utility agencies, private sector and other development partners. Identified stakeholders with their principal roles are: 1. Kinondoni Municipal council to spearhead the Stakeholders coordination and collaborations 2. Utility Agencies-DAWASA/DAWASCO, TANESCO, TANROADS- for integrated planning in the provision of services 3. Private sector will carry out Surveying and roads construction IMPLEMENTATIO PLAN The implementation of the satellite town will be based on plots selling for cost recovery and those who purchase these plots will be required to adhere to development conditions. CONSTRUCTION. The building condition will depend on the proposed land use in the particular area. In the residential area the building height will be single to double story building. In the industrial zone type of building will depend on the type of industry proposed. The Satellite Centre is expected to be the hub of both commercial and social service provision. The construction within the Satellite Centre will range between two to ten stories depending on the proposed use and location of a plot. The general building layout will take into account of the land morphology, without blockage of natural ventilation. Plots Owners will be required to enter into joint venture with prospective developers so as timely develop their respective plots to the prescribed standards. ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS The total project costs are estimated to the tune of Tsh 49,922,740,000 ($) 31,261, 2712 and this include, preparation of Town planning drawings, public awareness, compensation of affected properties, surveying, infrastructure construction and management