First Course in the Major Note: In most areas the major and Educ 114 must be started in the first semester for a student to obtain teaching licensure in 4 years. Major First Frequency Can start major in sophomore year and finish in 4 years?/ Area Course of Offering Other Comments Accounting - CPA tract Acct 201 Fall and Spring Yes/If a student has plans to take the CPA exam and took accounting in Other Courses Open to Freshman Econ 100, Magt 131 Accounting - if unsure of major Magt 131 Econ 100 Fall and Spring High School, they should start in Acct 201. If the student is unsure about the major they should start in Econ 100 and Magt 131. Actuarial Science Math 151, Math 152 or Math 251, whichever one the student is ready for Art 131 Art 121 Art 001*** Educ 114 (Art Education) SpSc 122 ** and SpSc 160 , SpSc 240 Fall and Spring for all three courses Students should have at least Math 151 (Calc I) and Math 152 (Calc II) finished by the end of the first year to avoid heavy loads later. Math 251 (Calc III) is required for other courses in the major. Students are encouraged to take Econ 100 in their first semester as well. CmSc 150 Econ 100 Fall and Spring Fall and Spring Yes, but the student would be faced with a heavy load of art courses in the Junior or Senior Year. Art 241: Photography I; Art 245: Painting I; Art History Courses; Art 132-Spring Semester; Art 243:Pottery I SpSc 122 and 160 Every Semester (Athletes should take 122 in opposite semester from sport) Fall only for Chem 101 and Biol 110 Yes, but the student would be faced with a heavy load of courses and practica in the junior and senior years. ** SpSc 122 is a 1 credit course. Biol 165 (a May Term course offered every year) SpSc 240 ideally in the spring Students should strongly consider taking Math 151. ***If a student is PreMed, though Biol 110 is not required for BioChem major, they need to take it for preparation for grad school and the MCATS. Chem 102 Biol 111 Phys 151/152 or 191/192 Math 151/152 Biol 111 (Spring only) Chem 102 (Spring only) Phys 151/152 or 191/192 Math 130/131 or 140 or 151 Chem 102 Math 151/152 Phys 191/192 (or Phys 151/152) Magt 131 CIS 145 Studio Art; Graphic Design; Art Education Athletic Training Biochemistry Chem 101 Math 151 ***Biol 110 Biology Biol 110 and Chem 101 Fall only Yes, but the student would be faced with a very heavy load of science courses for 3 years. Chemistry Chem 101 and Math 151 Fall only for Chem 101 Yes, but the student would be faced with a very heavy load of science courses for 3 years. Math 151 is recommended strongly. Computer Information Systems CmSc 150 Every semester Yes, provided the Math pre-requisite for CmSc 150 has been met. Computer Science CmSc 150 Every semester Yes, provided the Math pre-requisite for CmSc 150 has been met. Criminal Justice CJ 220 Fall only Soc 101 is not required for the major but is a good introduction to the department Economics Econ 100 Fall and Spring Yes Elementary Education Educ 114 and Educ 118 Every semester English Eng 209 or 212 Fall only It would be very difficult to finish in four years. Elementary Education students have almost no electives. Consult with the department chair or advising sheet for ECC course to select. Yes. CmSc 175 Math 151 Math 151 Magt 131 Only Educ 114 and Educ 118. Eng 116 Major Area Environmental Science First Course Biol 110 Biol 103 Frequency of Offering Fall only Exercise Science SpSc 160, NaSc 107 and/or SpSc 240 Chem 101 Math 151*** Each course offered every semester Yes, take SpSc 240 and SpSc 245 in fall. Fall only FREN 110 for students with no background in French ***FREN 111 and 220 or 221 or 222 are options for students with prior experience in French. See comments column. GER 110 for students with no background in German ***German 111 and 220 or 221 or 222 are options for students with prior experience in German. See comments column. Hist 101 or 102 or Hist 111 or Hist 112 or Hist 190 FREN 110 and 111 every semester; one course of the FREN 220/221/222 sequence is offered every semester. Yes, if they have taken Chem 101 and 102 in their first year. ***If a student plans on going to graduate school with this major they should take Math 151 & 152 then take Phys 191 and 192. Students need to take Biol 111 in the spring of their first year. Yes, if beginning at the 220/221/222 level, Students with French background in high school should do one or more of the following to determine best first course: - Consult placement information sheet available during orientation for selfplacement - Meet with a departmental representative during orientation Note: Students with advanced skills in French should enroll in FREN 220/221/222. 300-level classes require a 200-level prerequisite. Students interested in taking the CLEP test to receive credit for their language skills must do so before the end of their first semester of language study at Simpson. Phys 151 and 152 (or 191 and 192) and Math 151 & 152 can be taken in the Sophomore year. Biol 111 Start with appropriate level: FREN 110, 111, 220/221/222 GER 110 and 111 every semester; one course of the GER 220/221/222 sequence is offered every semester. Yes, if beginning at the 220/221/222 level. Students with German background in high school should do one or more of the following to determine best first course: - Consult placement information sheet available during orientation for selfplacement - Meet with a departmental representative during orientation Note: Students with advanced skills in German should enroll in GER 220/221/222. 300-level classes require a 200-level prerequisite. Students interested in taking the CLEP test to receive credit for their language skills must do so before the end of their first semester of language study at Simpson. Start with appropriate level: GER 110, 111, 220/221/222 Hist 101 and Hist 111: every Fall. Hist 102 and Hist 112: every Spring Hist 190: every semester (2015-16 topics: Royal Murder Mystery (Fall) and History of Rome (Spring) Yes. Hist 201 Econ 100 Magt 131 Foreign language Forensic Science French German History Can start major in sophomore year and finish in 4 years?/ Other Comments Other Courses Open to Freshman Yes Global Management Econ 100 and Magt 131 Yes/The student should start the foreign language requirement and try to get CLEP credit for language during the First Year. Health Services Leadership HSLD 110 (Magt 310) For fall 2015 HSLD 110 is listed under Magt 310 Major Area International Relations First Course PoSc 101 suggested but not required Frequency of Offering Every semester Can start major in sophomore year and finish in 4 years?/ Other Comments First course can/should be taken in Sophomore Year. The student should start the foreign language requirement or try to get CLEP credit for language during the First Year. Multimedia Journalism Comm 101 Every semester Yes Management Econ 100 and Magt 131 Fall and Spring Yes Mathematics Math 151, Math 152 or Math 251, whichever one the student is ready for Mus 001-A Mus 101 Mus 151 and 153 Mus 214 Mus 270: applied lesson Mus 270PN-Z Mus 001-A Mus 101 Mus 151 and 153 Mus 214 Mus 270: applied lesson Mus 270PN-Z Educ 114 Mus 001-A Mus 101 Mus 151 and 153 Mus 214 Mus 270: applied lesson Mus 270PN-Z Psyc 233, Biol 111 Fall and Spring for all three courses Students should have at least Math 151 finished by the end of the first year to avoid heavy loads later. Students who have credit for Math 151 and Math 152 (Calc I and Calc II) already should take Math 251, but it is offered in spring as well if the time is not available in the fall. CmSc 150 is another course required in the major. Yes Math 152 CmSc 150 Math 265 (if student has had Calc III already) Yes, but only with the likely addition of summer classes or a heavy number of discipline-specific courses in the third and fourth years. See Tim McMillin Yes, but only with the likely addition of summer classes or a heavy number of discipline-specific courses in the third and fourth years. See Tim McMillin Yes. Psyc 214, Chem 101 Music (B.A.) Music Education (B.M.) Music Performance (B.M.) Neuroscience Philosophy (For Applied Philosophy student can take either 102 or 105, 109. 121. 122) Physical Education Teacher Education Psyc 233 Every Fall Biol 111 Every Spring Phil 102, 105, 109, 110,121, or Phil 122. SpSc 116, Educ 114, Educ 118 Other Courses Open to Freshman PoSc 240 Comm 102 (Comm 211 for students with high English ACT scores.) Econ 100, CIS 145 See Tim McMillin Yes SpSc 151-Spring SpSc 116 Every semester Educ 114 and 118 Every semester Yes Biol 104 Fall only SpSc 160 Every Semester Major Area Physics First Course Math 151 Phys 191 Frequency of Offering Fall only Can start major in sophomore year and finish in 4 years?/ Other Comments Yes, but students would have a heavy load of science courses. Students taking Phys 191 should have a strong math background in high school (4 years of math including precalculus) and should have completed or be taking Math 151 concurrently. Yes Political Science PoSc 101 Every semester Pre-Engineering Math 151 and Phys 191 unless Chemical Engineering then take Math 151 and Chem 101 Psyc 101 Fall only except for Math 151 Psychology Public Relations Religion Secondary Education Licensure Comm 101 or Comm 223 Rel 102, 111, 112, 120, or Hum 101 Educ 114 and first course in major area Every semester Pre-Engineering is not a major at Simpson but is part of 3-2 or 4-2 programs w/other schools. A strong student will start with 2 of the courses listed. Math 151 and a second course depending on the intended Simpson major. Physics (physics-engineering for 3-2 students), Math, Computer Science or Chemistry are the most likely majors although any major is possible. Yes. Students with a math ACT below 22 should consider taking Math 105 in order to be able to take Psyc 215. Other Courses Open to Freshman Phys 192 Chem 101/102 CmSc 150 Math 152 Psyc 201, 233, 237 or 250 Every semester for most (111 fall only) Educ 114 is offered every semester Yes Licensure in 4 years is possible when Educ 114 is taken the second year as long as the student begins the major area the first semester of school Rel 102, 111, 112, 120, Hum 101 Educ 118 (may be taken the same semester as Educ 114) Sociology Soc 101 Every semester Yes Anth 210 Spanish Span 110 for students with no background in Spanish. *** Spanish 111, 220, 221 and 222 are options for students with prior experience in Spanish. See comment column. SPAN 111 and 221 are offered every semester. SPAN 222 is offered in the fall, SPAN 220 is offered in the Spring. SPAN 110 is taught as staffing permits. Yes, if beginning at the 220/221/222 level.. Students with background in Spanish should do one or more of the following: - Consult placement information sheet available during orientation for selfplacement - Meet with a departmental representative during orientation Note: Students with advanced skills, dual credit or AP credit should enroll in SPAN 222. All elective courses at the 200 and 300 level require the 220, 221 or 222 as a pre-requisite. Students interested in taking the CLEP test to receive credit for their language skills must do so before the end of their first semester of language study at Simpson. Start with appropriate language skills course: Span 111, 221 or 222 in the fall semesters. SPAN 111, 220 or 221 in the Spring Semester. Sports Administration SpSc 214, , Econ 100, Comm 223, Acct 201 Yes, Take SpSc 253 in Spring Semester Acct 201, Comm 222, SpSc 253 (in spring). Yes, but best if taken before Sophomore Year for prerequisite purposes. Thtr 121, 123, 130 Students have until they have completed 41 credits before they have to declare a major. It is best to register a BA.UND student into the SC course, plus any language or math courses as well as at least one ECC course. Remember- 4 courses is a full semester load. Suggested courses: Hum 101, Math 105 or 130, HIST 101, REL 102, an IC course. Theatre Arts Thtr 101 UNDECIDED ECC courses Spsc 214 Fall only Econ 100, Comm 222, Acct 201 both semesters Every Fall