NOTE: Prior to calibration analyzer optics and mirrors must be cleaned. After cleaning
analyzer must be warmed up for 24 hours. Check Sample Frequency. Range for Sample
Frequency is 450.00 – 400.00 KHz. Adjust U.V. Lamp if Sample Frequency is out of
NOTE: Prior to using Dasibi Transfer Standard 1008-PC, Transfer Standard must have
sufficient warm-up time. Temperature on Transfer Standard should be greater then 32C
when selector switch is placed in the SAMP/TEMP position. Insure charcoal filter is
hooked up to Zero Air on Transfer Standard.
1. If connected disconnect sample line and sample filter inlet from Ozone Analyzer
Inlet. Connect teflon line from Transfer Standard Ozone Output to Ozone Analyzer
2. Turn on transfer standard and place the T/P, VAVLE, and both PUMP switches in the
ON position. Ensure sample flow through analyzer is 2 LPM. Record appropriate data
on Ozone Calibration sheet.
3. Set O3 ADJUST to 000 for O3 Zero level. OZONE switch must be in the OFF
position. Allow O3 levels to stabilize. Range for reading is  .005 PPM of Transfer
Standard. Record ten O3 readings ten seconds apart on Ozone Calibration sheet.
4. Set O3 ADJUST to 400. Ensure O3 ADJUST switch is in AUTO. OZONE and T/P
switches must be in the ON position. Ensure ozone flow is 4-5 LPM and sample flow
is 2 LPM on Transfer Standard.
5. Allow O3 level to stabilize. Record ten O3 readings ten seconds apart on Ozone
Calibration sheet.
6. Set O3 ADJUST to 180. Allow O3 level to stabilize. Record ten O3 readings ten
seconds apart on Ozone Calibration sheet.
7. Repeat Step 6 for 90 and 55 PPB ozone levels.
8. Record SPAN FREQUENCY and ZERO FREQUENCY by placing the selector
switch in the SPAN and ZERO positions respectively. Span reading should be 30.8
plus the last 2 digits, which are the zero, offset. DAS readings should .8 plus the zero
offsets and .000 for SPAN and ZERO respectively.
9. Place the T/P switch in the OFF position. Record SAMPLE FREQ and CONTRL
FREQ by placing the selector switch in the SAMP. and CONT. positions
10. Disconnect the exhaust line from the analyzer.
11. Record operating TEMPERATURE by placing the selector switch in the
SAMP/TEMP position. The PUMP and the VALVE switches should be in the ON
position. Record TEMPERATURE reading.
12. Place the PUMP switch in the OFF position. Disconnect teflon line from Transfer
Standard to Ozone Analyzer Inlet. Record PRESSURE by placing the selector switch
in the CONT/PRESS position. Place selector switch in the OPERATE position.
13. Perform LEAK CHECK by plugging the Ozone Analyzer Inlet. Place the PUMP
switch in the ON position. Flow as indicated by the flow meter should drop to zero or
less than .2 LPM. Place the PUMP in the OFF position and remove plug from Ozone
Analyzer Inlet. If analyzer fails LEAK CHECK, check all internal connections and
repeat LEAK CHECK.
14. Calculate % of all ozone readings except zero as follows: (Transfer Standard AVG –
Analyzer AVG) / Transfer Standard AVG x 100. Add absolute valve of %s together
and divide by 4. Range for total is  7%. If total is out of range analyzer must be
repaired and recalibrated.
15. Install new calibration sticker on analyzer and fill out Air Monitoring Equipment
Failure/Repair Form.