Tantárgyi program - Debreceni Egyetem

Debreceni Egyetem
A környezetgazdálkodási mérnöki, illetve a természetvédelmi és vadgazda
mérnöki alapképzési (BSc) szakok képesítési követelményeinek kidolgozása, a
szakok beindítása. HEFOP- 3.3.1-P.-2004-09-0071/1.0 projekt
Course description
1. Title of the course: Knowledge of habitat
2. Name and title of the lecturer: .
3. Name of the degree programme: engineering for environmental protection
4. Type of the course: (compulsory (A),
5. Schedule of education: full time courses, a 1. semester, 2+2 lessons and practices
6. Credit value of the course: 2
7. Educational objective:
To get knowledge about the most important physical and chemical properties of soil and
processes taking place in soil. Present the connection among the soil, plant and atmosphere,
and their relationship. The obtained knowledge forms basis for the other relating subjects.
8. Personnel background: (lecturer is the responsible tutor, instructor of practices: Sándor
9. Course content (for 14 weeks)
1. Definition of habitat and its role in the sylviculture. Definition of soil, its
constituents and functions. Structure of a soil profile.
2. Soil forming minerals and rocks and their weathering. Soil forming factors.
3. Soil organic matter. Formation of humus materials. Grouping the humus
according to their composition and function. The role of humus in the soil
fertility and maintenance.
4. Chemical properties of the soil. Soluble salts in soil. Colloid components of
soil. Properties of soil colloids, processes taking place on their surface. Effect
of adsorbed cations on the soil properties. The pH of soil. Soil acidity and
alkalinity. Forms of soil acidity (pH, hydrolytic and exchangeable acidity.)
5. Physical properties of soil. Particle composition of soil and classification
according to texture. The structure of soil and its formation, morphological
Debreceni Egyetem
Pannon Egyetem
Debreceni Egyetem
A környezetgazdálkodási mérnöki, illetve a természetvédelmi és vadgazda
mérnöki alapképzési (BSc) szakok képesítési követelményeinek kidolgozása, a
szakok beindítása. HEFOP- 3.3.1-P.-2004-09-0071/1.0 projekt
and agronomical evaluation. Bulk density and particle density. Pore system of
6. Water management of soils. Measurement of moisture content and its
expression forms. Moisture forms in soil. Principles of water movement in
7. Living creature in the soil and their effect on the nutrient management of soil.
Biological processes taking place in soils.
8. Principles and methods of soil classifications. Soil types in Hungary. Types of
skeletal and litomorphous soils and their characterization.
9. Formation of soils under the forest. Properties of brown forest soils of Central
and South-eastern Europe. Formation and classification of chernozem soils.
10. Circumstances of salt affected soil formation. Unfavourable properties of salt
affected soils. Meadow soils and their types. Bog soils, soils of marsh and
alluvial forests, alluvial and sedimentary soils of rivers and lakes, their origin
and types. Soil geographic of Hungary.
11. Bases phenomena of atmosphere (The structure and composition of
atmosphere, factors and elements of atmospherically processes.)
12. The types of native forestry habitat, and their system. (clime, hydrological
factors, main type of soils, depth of soil surface, physical type of soil).
Evaluation of different habitat.
13. The important interaction between the forest and its soil. The relation between
the soil surface and plant. Demand on habitat of some species of tree. Physical
and chemical improvement of the soils in forest.
14. Soil degradation, soil protection. Factors and forms of erosion, grades of soil
degradation. Protection against erosion in connection with soil science.
Causes, forms and grades of deflation, protection against deflation referring to
soil science.
Debreceni Egyetem
Pannon Egyetem
Debreceni Egyetem
A környezetgazdálkodási mérnöki, illetve a természetvédelmi és vadgazda
mérnöki alapképzési (BSc) szakok képesítési követelményeinek kidolgozása, a
szakok beindítása. HEFOP- 3.3.1-P.-2004-09-0071/1.0 projekt
10. Mode of assessment during the semester
1. Attending lectures according to the educational and exam rules.
2. Examination paper on the subjects of lecture
3. Participation in the practices, preparing for the practices and making report sheets is
4. In the course of semester, two written successful paper about the subject practice
11. Type of exam: Examination at the end of the term.
12. Compulsory practice related to the course: ----13. Compulsory and recommended literature:
Filep Gy.: Talajtani alapismeretek. I-II. DATE egyetemi jegyzet. 1999.
Filep Gy.: Talajvizsgálat. egyetemi jegyzet. 1988.
Stefanovits P.: Talajtan. Mezőgazdasági Kiadó. 1999.
Szodfridt I.: Termőhelyismerettan. Mezőgazda Kiadó. Budapest. 320.p.
14. Exam themes: (30 – 60 thesis of examination, in imperative sentence)
Thesis of examination
1. Define the soil and it’s the biotic and abiotic components!
2. Describe what kind of levels can be separated in a soil profile!
3. What are the most important ecological functions of soil!
4. List the most important soil forming minerals!
5. What are silicates and how can you classify them!
6. What kind of silicates are clay minerals, list the most important characteristics and
7. List soil forming rocks and their types!
8. List the most important soil forming factors and their effect on soil formation.
Debreceni Egyetem
Pannon Egyetem
Debreceni Egyetem
A környezetgazdálkodási mérnöki, illetve a természetvédelmi és vadgazda
mérnöki alapképzési (BSc) szakok képesítési követelményeinek kidolgozása, a
szakok beindítása. HEFOP- 3.3.1-P.-2004-09-0071/1.0 projekt
9. What are the components of soil organic matter!
10. Describe the processes where plant and animal residuals transform!
11. Why humus is of great importance in nutrient management!
12. What is soil colloid, classify soil colloid systems!
13. Draw a colloid micelle!
14. Characterize the composition of cations adsorbed on soil colloids by parameters!
15. What is pH, how can you measure soil pH!
16. Define the active and potential acidity, and their determination!
17. List the most important soil physical characteristics; classify grain fractions according
to Atterberg!
18. What kind of textural group do you know; define the methods appropriate for their
19. Formation of soil structure, present the characteristic forms of soil structural units!
20. Define bulk density and particle density of soil (unit of measurement, average values)
calculates the total porosity from these parameters!
21. Define water capacity and list the water capacity forms, compare VKsz with VKmin!
22. List water forms in the soil and the related binding forces!
23. Define the pF-value and compare it other types of bond!
24. Draw retention curves for sand, loam and clay!
25. Group the organisms living in the soil by their size!
26. Group the organisms living in the soil by their metabolism!
27. The role of soil organisms in the nutrient transformation!
28. The role of soil organisms in the carbon –cycle!
29. The role of soil organisms in the nitrogen –cycle!
30. The basic principles of natural soil classification, and its “Father”!
31. List the most important process pairs of soil formation; define the idea of soil type!
32. List the main soil types of Hungary; explain relationship between main soil types!
Debreceni Egyetem
Pannon Egyetem
Debreceni Egyetem
A környezetgazdálkodási mérnöki, illetve a természetvédelmi és vadgazda
mérnöki alapképzési (BSc) szakok képesítési követelményeinek kidolgozása, a
szakok beindítása. HEFOP- 3.3.1-P.-2004-09-0071/1.0 projekt
33. Review circumstances of “Skeletal soil main type” formation, and list their types!
34. Review circumstances of “Litomorphous forest soil” formation, and list their types!
35. Review circumstances of “Brown forest soils of Central and South-eastern Europe”
and list its types!
36. Define the processes “clay illuviation” and “podsolization, measurement of the clay
illuviations and podsolization in the genetically layers!
37. Review circumstances of “Chernozem soil” formation and the properties of soil
forming rocks!
38. Characterize the four types of Chernozem soils; explain lime precipitation and animal
passage in the layers!
39. Review circumstances of “Salt affected soil” formation, salt accumulation in soil,
types of salt affected soil!
40. Review general circumstances of “Meadow soil” formation, characteristic processes
taking place in soil and the types!
41. Review general conditions of “Bog soil” formation, characteristic processes of bog
42. The characteristic processes of “Soils of marsh and alluvial forests”, the characteristic
plant in this soil!
43. Review circumstances of formation for “Alluvial and sedimentary soils of rivers”,
show the types!
44. What is the atmosphere, characterize its structure!
45. What layers do you found above the Globe, characterize them!
46. What is the ozone-hole, formation of it, why does it dangerous!
47. What layers do you found inside the Globe, characterize them!
48. What is the native forestry habitat, list the most important factors!
49. List the hydrological categories of the forestry habitat!
50. What kind of factors necessary to evaluate the forestry habitat, list them!
Debreceni Egyetem
Pannon Egyetem
Debreceni Egyetem
A környezetgazdálkodási mérnöki, illetve a természetvédelmi és vadgazda
mérnöki alapképzési (BSc) szakok képesítési követelményeinek kidolgozása, a
szakok beindítása. HEFOP- 3.3.1-P.-2004-09-0071/1.0 projekt
51. Evaluation of the total-effect according to the helyszín!
52. The phenomena of macro-clime, micro-clime local-clime, define them!
53. Characterize the demand of forestry habitat of some native species of tree!
54. List the methods of increasing the quality of soils covered by forest!
55. Fertilization of forests, list of methods of fertilization!
56. The physical and chemical effects of different fertilizers on soil quality!
57. What does it mean erosion; list the factors that influence it and the form and types!
58. Protection against the erosion!
59. Factors affecting wind erosion or deflation, and its control!
60. Irrigation in forests, the positive and negative effects of irrigation on soil quality!
Size of letter: 12
Type of letter: Times New Roman
Space: 1,5
Debreceni Egyetem
Pannon Egyetem