Pedology and soil improvement techniques

Pedology and soil improvement techniques
University of Petrosani
Faculty: The Faculty of Mine
Program Level: Degree
Specialization(s): Engineering and Environment Protection in the Industry
Year of study: 2rd
Semester: IV (spring semester)
Number of ETCS credits awarded: 4
Class Objectives:
Knowledge of soil science as a subject discipline fundamental science knowledge on the
Knowledge of natural factors trainees soil as a living organism that provides support
specifically existential source of nutrients for living organisms - microorganisms, plants,
Knowledge of the physical-chemical-biological soil in order to adapt science and technology
protection measures soil fertility.
Study of taxonomic elements specific soil types representative climatic zones, relief and
parent material (soil parent rock)
Develop interest in scientific and technological information in the improvement and soil
Lectures content:
Number of lectures
Formation and composition of the mineral part of the soil
Formation and composition of soil organic part
The general scheme of the composition of soil
Genetic types of soils
Soil fertility in general
Limiting factors of soil fertility
work agropedoameliorative
Acidic soil improvement
Improving soils with excess moisture
Improvement of saline and alkaline soils
Improving soils
Improving sands and sandy soils
And the pollution prevention and combating land
Forecast evolution of soil quality in unimproved and
improved perimeter
Practical class content:
General orientation on external observations of soil after
Recognition and measurement of soil characteristics
Guidance on how fieldwork and research organization
for forest soils
Laboratory determination of soil acidity and the dose
calculation CaCO3
Laboratory determination of soil alkalinity and the
Number of lectures
gypsum dose calculation
The design of agropedoameliorative for degraded land
affected by excess moisture
The design of agropedoameliorative for degraded land
affected by erosion
Highlighting the compactness of the soil and the
establishment of measures to improve
Soil protection measures in application of industrial and
urban waste on degraded lands
Study of suitability for irrigation with wastewater
degraded land improved
Controlling nitrate pollution of soil and water
The indexes for forecasting the evolution of soil reaction
And the humus content
Grading Policy:
The student pass the class if obtain more than 50 points from 100 points.
Classroom Rules of Conduct:
• The room must be equipped with video (smart board);
• Students will present lectures, seminars / mobile laboratories closed;
Late students will be accepted to the course and seminar / lab.
• The term teaching laboratory work is determined by the agreement holder with students. Do not
accept applications for deferral, unless there is good reason;
For teaching late essays or works of seminar / lab, they will be marked down by 0.5 pts. / day of