Characteristics of the Interactions Pattern of Surface Ozone with its Precursors in the Fraser Valley, British Columbia Paper Number: 441 Mizanur Rahman1,3, Berry, Joffre2, Nagaya, Yuichi1, Hashimoto, Atsushi.1, Kameoka, Takaharu1 1 Dept. of Sustainable Resource Sciences, Mie University, 1515 Kamihama, Tsu, Mie, Japan BC Institute of Technology, 3700 Burnaby, BC, V5G 3H2, Canada 3 Correspondence:+8159 231 9548,, 2 ABSTRACT Hourly raw ambient data on air criteria pollutants of Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD), British Columbia were analyzed to investigate the relationships of ozone with its precursors (NO, NO2, NOx, CO and Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC)) and their interactions patterns. Four monitoring sites of different land habitats namely coastal Downtown Vancouver, low undulated Industrial-commercial-residential mix (Burnaby), inland industrialcommercial-residential mix (Surrey) and Mountain based urban (Chilliwack) sites were selected for analysis. Trend and status (both seasonal and diurnal) of ozone and its precursors were done. Despite relatively higher concentrations of NOx and TVOC, coastal site (Downtown) experience relatively lower level of ozone than the other urban sites indicating possible meteorological effects on the precursor movements and variations in ozone deposition/destruction rates in different land habitats. It was found that both NO and NO2 influences with similar pattern on ozone process in all sites while the influence of TVOC on ozone formation were found in the inland sites only. Ozone production and destruction rates are highest in Chilliwack (1.97 ppb/hr and 2.0 ppb/hr) and lowest in the downtown Vancouver site (1.11 ppb/hr and 1.15 ppb/hr). Regression analysis shows that NO2/NO ratio plays significant influence on ozone level of all the sites but varies with different land habitats (R2: 0.25 to 0.65) and with different season. However, the influence of TVOC/NOx was insignificant in all sites (R2<0.1). Distinct interaction pattern between ozone with the ratio of NO2/NO were observed in different land habitats. Seasonal variations in interaction patterns show stronger relationships between the parameters in the winter and weaker relationships in the summer indicating the possible topographical and meteorological effects. Key word: Surface ozone, Ozone precursors, Interaction Patterns, NO2/NO and TVOC/NOx INTRODUCTION Surface level ozone formation is a complex process that are contributed, under favorable photochemical conditions, by the nitrogen oxide (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOC) emitted from traffic vehicle, industrial activities, and household combustions ( Health Canada, 2002; Lu and Wang, 2003). Studies show that intensity of ozone production depends on the availability of NO2 and the favorable photochemical conditions. Availability of NO2 again depends on the rate of transformation of NOx , CO, and volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) (Cooper and Alley, 2002;Sillman,1999). Ratio of NO2 and NO plays a vital role in stabilizing the ozone level through production as well as destruction process (Health Canada, 2002; Lu and Wang, 2003; Saito et al., 2002). Saito et al. (2002) found that ozone production level could be related to the ratio of NOx and TVOC as TVOC could contribute in converting NO into NO2 without consuming O3. The ratio of NO2/NO at a certain location can be considered as an indicator of the potential of ozone production. Higher ratio of NO2/NO indicates higher level of ozone production and low ratio indicates the higher potential for ozone destruction by NO. On the other hand, ratio of TVOC and NOx can influence the interaction patterns of ozone production process and could be used as photochemical indicator to control peak ozone level at a certain location (Cooper and Alley, 2002). This study aims to investigate the interaction patterns of ozone with its precursors through analyzing the pattern of NO2/NO, TVOC/NOx level, and correlations of ozone with these photochemical indicators and precursors. 2.0 STUDY METHODS 2.1 Description of the areas under study Since the emissions of ozone precursors like NOx (i.e. NO + NO2) and VOC’s (Methane and non-methane) depends on the industrial activities and traffic volume, we have chosen one city from each of the mentioned land habitat categories for investigation. Downtown Vancouver is connected with Burnaby, Surrey, and Chilliwack through inter provincial Highway-1 and with Richmond through Highway-99. These highways are extensively used by the daily commuters to the Downtown Vancouver. The Fraser Valley (FV) air shed contains the majority of the population of British Columbia (more than 4 million) and continues to have a high population growth. Unique geographic features and the growing large population, the interaction of urban, suburban, marine, and agricultural emissions of pollutants cause air pollution that are frequented in the FV. As such, surface ozone is on the air quality agendas of the public, planners and policy makers at all levels of government. Fraser Valley is bounded by the Coast Mountains in the north, the cascades mountains in the Washington state of the USA in the south, and the Pacific Ocean in the west. Presence of cascades of mountains causes the air masses trapped into the Fraser basin when wind travels towards the mountains. Fraser valley region has a relatively mild climate with low to moderate winds. The prevailing wind directions are dominated by airflow towards the north and north easterly directions. Besides, the wind directions are associated with the see breezes which occur during the middle of the day. 2 Figure 1: Maps showing Fraser Valley and the Approximate Locations of the Selected Monitoring Sites 2.2 Physical and Chemical Transformation Between Ozone and Precursors Interaction between ozone and precursors is mainly dominated by the production of secondary pollutant called NO2 which subsequently undergoes photolytic reaction to produce ozone. However the production of NO2 in the atmosphere can be made by NO at the expense of available ozone or by reactive volatile organic compounds without destructing available ozone. However, chemistry of ground level ozone goes through a complex process of production and destruction cycle. Anthropogenic (traffic, industrial process etc.) and biogenic sources emits nitric oxide and VOCs that are believed to undergo following major chemical reactions (Health Canada, 2000; Lu and Wang, 2003; Cooper and Alley, 2002) to produce NO2: (i) (ii) (iii) NO + O3 ---- NO2 + O· …………………………………………R1 NO2 + Sunlight absorption (hυ) (λ< 4300 Å) -- NO + O· …………R2 O2 (+M) + O· ---------- O3 (+M) …………………………………..R3 Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) contributes in the recycle of NO2 required for ozone. (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) RH + OH· ---- R· + H2O ………………………………………. R4 R· + O2 (+M) -- ROO· + M …………… ………………………R5 ROO· + NO ---------- RO· + NO2 ………………………………..R6 RO· + O2 (+M) ---------- RCHO + HO2· ………………………...R7 HO2· + NO ---------- NO2 + HO· ………………………………...R8 Amount of ozone in a certain time and location, as shown in the cycle of reactions (R1 to R3), depends on the ratio of NO2 and NO in the air and also on the availability of these two compounds. As shown in the above reactions (R4 to R8), one VOC molecule could contribute two molecules of NO2 upon availability of hydroxyl ions which may be found in the polluted atmosphere. While variations in the ratio of NO2 and NO effects the stability in ozone level, variations in the ratio of VOC and NOx could influence the quantity of ozone level. 3 2.3 Data Gathering and Analysis GVRD provided the ambient air quality data of the selected monitoring stations and all the data were received as hourly mean concentration. We received ambient data on all the criteria air pollutants including NO2, NOx, O3, and Total VOC. However, TVOC data are collected by GVRD on irregular basis and total number of TVOC data was also small compared to other pollutants. We have chosen data between the periods of 1988-2002 for this study. The raw data has been further analyzed statistically to derive aggregated diurnal, monthly, seasonal and annual values. Regression analysis of the aggregated values was done for interactive characteristics analysis between Ozone and NOx and VOC’s. 3.0 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Temporal Pattern of Ozone and its Precursors Annual mean values of ozone and precursors pollutants have been plotted for the period of 19932002 to examine the pollution trend as shown in the Figure 2. Results show that amongst the selected sites, highest level of ozone and lowest level of NO, NO2, NOx, and TVOC existed in the mountain based city of Chilliwack. While lower level of ozone but higher level of precursor pollutants was found at the Downtown Vancouver where emissions of precursor pollutants from traffic, commercial heating systems contributes to the added level of precursors. Ozone and its precursor levels at the Surrey and Burnaby follows the levels found at Chilliwack. In the inland urban city of Burnaby level lies between the levels found at Chilliwack and Downtown Vancouver. Net changes in the ozone and precursors levels over the mentioned period are shown in the Table 1. As shown in the Table 1, despite the decreasing trend in all the precursors like NO, NO2, NOx and TVOC, ozone level has been found in increasing trend in all the sites. In the case of TVOC, Burnaby site experiences increase in the TVOC level perhaps due to contributions from the petroleum refinery site located in the area. Table 1: Net percentile changes (%) in the trend in ozone and its precursors levels Land Habitat Types / Site NO NO2 NOx TVOC Downtown Vancouver (DTN) -44.09 -13.35 -33.83 -14.69 Burnaby S. (BBY) -25.20 -17.84 -19.50 12.69 Surrey E. (SRY) -35.45 -18.61 -27.99 -15.46 Chilliwack (CWK) -21.09 -5.22 -12.69 -25.46 Ox 42.17 18.02 34.35 16.83 As regards to the trend in the ozone and its precursors in the selected sites, there is a contrasting difference between the downtown site and Chilliwack. For example net percentile reduction in NO, NO2, & NOx is highest in Downtown while the lowest net percentile reductions were observed in Chilliwack for the same pollutants and vice versa is the trend in the case of ozone pollution. 4 35 70 30 160 25 140 120 20 100 15 80 60 10 40 5 20 TVOC NO NOx NO2 O3 0 0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Fig. 2b. Annual Trend of Ozone and Precursors at Surrey Mean Level of NO, NO 2 , NOx, O3 (ppb) and TVOC (ug/m3) Fig. 2a. Annual Trend of Ozone and Precursors at Downtown Vancouver 180 Mean Level of NO2 and O3 (ppb) Mean Level of NO, NOx(ppb) and TVOC (ug/m3) 200 60 50 40 30 20 10 NO 1993 1994 1995 (a). Downtown Vancouver Fig. 2c. Annual Trend of Ozone and Precursors at Burnaby Mean Level of NO, NO 2 , NOx, O3 (ppb) and TVOC (ug/m3 ) Mean Level of NO, NO2, NOx, O3 (ppb) and TVOC (ug/m3) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 NO2 NOx O3 T VOC 0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 1996 1997 NOx O3 1998 1999 T VOC 2000 2001 2002 2001 2002 (b) Surrey 70 NO NO2 0 2002 2001 2002 Fig. 2d. Annual T rend of Ozone and Precursors at Chilliwack 60 50 40 30 20 10 NO NO2 NOx O3 T VOC 0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 (c) Burnaby (d) Chilliwack Figure 2: Trend of Annual Mean Level of Ozone and Its Precursors at (a) Downtown Vancouver, (b) Surrey, (c) Burnaby, and (d) Chilliwack 3.2 Interaction Patterns of ozone and its Precursors 3.2.1 Diurnal Variations in Ozone and Precursors Figure 3 shows the typical pattern of diurnal variations of ozone and precursors at the different land habitat sites. As regards to ozone level, an increase in day time and decrease in night were observed in all the sites of different land habitat types. Peak level of ozone also appeared almost at the same time of the day (15.00 hr) in all sites implying that ozone peak level reached due to local photochemical processes and ozone lean levels are reached in the late morning. Peak level of NO, NO2, NOx and TVOC were found both in the morning contributed mainly by the traffic rush hours. Distinct afternoon lean and late afternoon peak level for precursors were found at about 14:00 hr and 22:00 hrs respectively in all the sites except downtown Vancouver while such distinct afternoon lean and peak period were not occurred at coastal sites of Downtown Vancouver rather several small lean and peak levels occurred perhaps contributed by the relatively higher volume of traffic all day long. Peak level of NO, NO2 and NOx were occurred almost simultaneously. However, morning peaks of precursors level generally follows a time progression starting at about 6:00 hrs at Chilliwack, and finishing at 08:00 hrs at the downtown Vancouver as huge volume of traffic commutes to the downtown areas using the Trans Canada Highway-1 and passes sequentially through the cities of Langley, Surrey, Burnaby respectively. Diurnal variations in the ratio of NO2 and NO follow a distinct pattern during the whole day and also show a relationship with the ozone variations. NO2/NO ratio reaches at the minimum level 5 during the morning traffic rush when maximum level of NO emitted from the traffic and photochemical process begins. However, the value of the ratio starts increasing along with the consumption of NO2 due to its photochemical conversion into oxidants (Ox) as well as simultaneously lesser amount of emission of NO from the traffic lean period (11:00 to 17:00 hr). As the ozone production level starts decreasing after the late afternoon, NO2 level starts building up and the ratio reaches to the peak level at the late night (21:00 hr) and continue at that level till to 06:00 hr considered to be due to two reasons: (a) emission of NO from the evening traffic rush and other industrial and commercial sources; (b) emitted NO undergoes through the catalytic reaction process (in the polluted atmosphere) with the already produced ozone to convert it again into NO2 and O2 (M). Fig.3b. Diurnal Interaction Pattern Between Ozone and Precursors at Surrey Fig. 3a. Diurnal Pattern Between Ozone and Precursors at Downtown Vancouver 72 30 1.00 NO NO2 2.00 NO2/NO 1.80 0.90 52 0.70 0.60 42 0.50 32 0.40 0.30 22 0.20 Mean Value of O3, NO, NO2 (ppb) 25 0.80 Ratio of NO2 and NO Mean Value of Ozone (O3), ppb 62 1.60 1.40 20 1.20 15 1.00 0.80 10 Ratio of NO2 to NO O3 0.60 0.40 12 5 0.10 2 O3 0.00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 NO NO2/NO 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 T ime of the Day (0-23h) 0.20 0.00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (a) Downtown Vancouver 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 T ime of the Day (0-23h) (b) Surrey Fig 3c. Diurnal Interaction Pattern Between Ozone and Precursors at Chilliwack 30 NO2 1.80 Fig 3d. Diurnal Distribution of ozone and Precursors at Burnaby 30 1.80 1.60 1.20 1.00 15 0.80 10 0.60 0.40 5 O3 NO NO2 NO2/NO 0 0.20 25 1.40 1.20 20 1.00 0.80 15 0.60 0.40 10 NO 0.00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 T ime of the Day (0-23h) Ratio of NO 2 and NO 20 Mean Level of NO, NO 2 , and O3 (ppb) 1.60 1.40 Ratio of NO 2 to NO Mean Value of O3 , NO, NO2 (ppb) 25 NO2 O3 NO2/NO 5 0.20 0.00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ( (d) Burnaby Figure 3: Diurnal Pattern of Annual Mean Diurnal Level of Ozone and its Precursors (NO, NO2, and NO2/NO). (a) Downtown Vancouver, (b) Surrey, (c) Chilliwack, and (d) Burnaby (c) Chilliwack T ime of the day (0-23h) Peak value of NO2/NO ratio reaches first in the furthest site at Chilliwack at about 14:00 hrs and gradually progresses to the sites closer to the Downtown Vancouver such as at Surrey at 13:00 hrs, Burnaby at 15:00 hrs and Downtown at 18:00 hrs. This phenomena indicates that the sites closer to the downtown contributes significantly in precursors emission from industrial / commercial sources in addition to the traffic emissions. Diurnal pattern of TVOC/NOx was not analyzed due to inadequate data but daily mean level of these pollutants showed that Coastal sites particularly in Downtown Vancouver observed higher level of both TVOC and NOx (mean: 141.56 ug/m3 and 80.79 ppb respectively) compare to the inland urban sites of Burnaby (62.27 ug/m3 and 36.04 ppb respectively) and Surrey (51.0 ug/m3 and 33.82 ppb respectively). On the other hand, Chilliwack shows the lowest level of NOx (30.21 ppb) and TVOC (49.52 ug/m3) perhaps due to less contribution from the traffic. 6 As regards to daily production and destruction of ozone in the selected sites, Highest production as well as destruction rates occurred at Chilliwack (production: 1.97 ppb/hr and destruction: 2.0 ppb/hr) and lowest rate occurred in the downtown Vancouver site (1.11 ppb/hr and 1.15 ppb/hr respectively). It reveals that more urbanized sites daily ozone production and destruction rates are lower (i.e. Burnaby: 1.57 ppb/hr and 1.54 ppb/hr) than the less urbanized sites (Surrey: 1.82 ppb/hr and 1.74 ppb/hr). Besides, relatively more plants and mountainous topography of Chilliwack also enhance the ozone deposition rate. 3.2.2 Seasonal Variations of Ozone and Precursors There are distinct seasonal variations in the interaction pattern between ozone and precursors as well as between the precursors themselves. In general, stronger correlations exist between the parameters in the winter compared to the summer in all the sites although the degree of such relationships differs between the sites. Higher NO2/NO ratio were observed in all the sites during the spring season and lower in the winter considered due to higher level of NO emissions from traffic and heating system. Table 2 shows the median values of the daily mean levels of ozone, TVOC/NOx, and NO2/NO of different sites during different seasons. Maximum ozone level was observed during the spring seasons irrespective of the sites and maximum median level of ozone was observed in the Surrey and Chilliwack despites higher level of NO emission in the downtown Vancouver indicating the transport of precursors to the distanced sites before being converted into ozone. Higher ratio of TVOC/NOx during the summer and spring indicates higher contribution of TVOC from biogenic and anthropogenic sources in ozone production process. Significant correlations between TVOC and temperature indicate that higher temperature in summer may cause higher level of TVOC. Table 2: Median Values of the Daily Mean Levels of O3, TVOC/NOx, and NO2/NO Sites Parameters Winter Spring Summer Autumn Downtown Ox (ppb) 3.83 11.27 7.88 3.67 Vancouver TVOC/NOx 2.40 2.68 2.78 2.75 (DTN) NO2/NO 0.74 1.28 0.85 0.60 Burnaby O3 (ppb) 11.96 20.13 15.0 8.71 (BBY) TVOC/NOx 3.65 3.45 3.10 3.30 NO2/NO 1.96 2.74 2.14 1.28 Surrey O3 (ppb) 15.25 23.92 18.75 11.27 (SRY) TVOC/NOx 2.37 3.14 3.57 2.91 NO2/NO 2.34 3.41 2.92 1.54 Chilliwack O3 (ppb) 12.60 20.75 16.46 9.33 (CWK) TVOC/NOx 2.54 3.10 4.33 2.87 NO2/NO 1.63 2.75 2.0 0.86 3.2.3 Analysis of the Interaction Patterns Interaction pattern between ozone and precursors as well as between the precursors has been analyzed through linear regression analysis. Following sections presents coefficient of determinations (R2) of the regression analysis of the aggregate daily mean level of ozone and its precursors and its seasonal variations: 7 Interaction between Ozone and its Precursors As regards to the correlations between ozone and its precursors, it was found that both NO and NO2 and their ratio (NO2/NO) strongly influence the ozone production and destruction process but the strength of such correlations varies with the land habitats. Coastal site of Downtown Vancouver showed relatively higher correlations (R2=0.63) followed by the urban sites of Burnaby (R2=0.56) and Surrey (R2=0.45) while mountain base urban city of Chilliwack showed the lower correlations (R2=0.34). Except for the Downtown Vancouver, all other sites showed non-linear relationships. Figure 4 shows the interaction pattern and relationship between ozone and NO2/NO. 35 45 Fig 4a: Correlations betw een Ozone and NO2/NO at Dow ntow n Vancouver Fig. 4c: Correlations betw een Ozone and NO2/NO at Chilliw ack 40 30 y = 8.31x - 0.22 R2 = 0.63 y = 5.14Ln(x) + 12.93 R2 = 0.34 35 25 O3 (ppb) O3(ppb) 30 20 15 25 20 15 10 10 5 5 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 NO2/NO 2.5 3 3.5 0 4 0 5 10 (a) Downtown Vancouver 40 15 20 25 NO2/NO (c) Chilliwack Fig. 4b: Correlations betw een Ozone and NO2/NO at Burnaby 45 Fig. 4d: Correlations betw een Ozone and NO2/NO at Surrey 35 40 y = 6.73 Ln(x) + 9.96 R2 = 0.56 35 25 30 20 25 O3 (ppb) O3:ppb 30 15 y = 5.85Ln(x) + 11.85 R2 = 0.45 20 15 10 10 5 5 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 NO2/NO 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 NO2/NO (b) Burnaby (d) Surrey Figure 4: Regression Results between Ozone and NO2/NO. (a) Downtown Vancouver, (b) Burnaby, (c) Chilliwack, and (d) Surrey Interaction Pattern amongst Precursors Strong correlations were found in all the sites between NOx and NO (R2 > 0.90). Correlations between NOx and NO2 shows weaker relations at Downtown VN, and Chilliwack (R2 < 0.45) and moderate correlations at Burnaby (R2=0.61) and Surrey (R2=0.71) indicating disproportionate influence of NO and NO2 on ozone production or destruction cycle (Ref. equation R1 to R3) or accumulations of precursors. Significant correlations also exists between NOx and TVOC with relatively stronger coefficient of determinations in downtown and inland urban sites (DTN: R2=0.50, BBY: R2 =0.65, and SRY: R2=0.27) compared to mountain-based site of Chilliwack where no significant correlations (R2=0.04) exists. This reveals that contribution of TVOC on the ozone production is higher in the more urbanized cities with higher 8 traffic density (Downtown, Burnaby etc.) and higher number of gasoline stations compared to the less urbanized sites with characteristics of relatively less traffic (Chilliwack). Figure 5 presents the regression results between Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) and TVOC for different land habitats. 200 160 Fig. 5a: Regression Result betw een NOx and TVOC at Dow ntow n Vancouver 180 Fig. 5c: Regression Result betw een NOx and TVOC at Surrey y = 0.68x - 3.20 R2 = 0.37 140 y = 0.27x + 32.19 R2 = 0.42 160 120 140 NOx(ppb) NOx(ppb) 100 120 100 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 0 0 0 50 100 150 200 TVOC (ug/m3) 250 300 350 20 40 80 TVOC (ug/m3) 100 120 140 160 (c) Surrey (a) Downtown Vancouver Fig. 5d: Regression Result betw een NOx and TVOC at Burnaby 100 80 Fig. 5 b: Regression Result between NOx and T VOC at Chilliwack y = 0.44x - 0.53 R2 = 0.65 90 70 y = 0.18 x + 20.48 R2 = 0.04 80 60 70 NOx:ppb 50 NOx:ppb 60 400 40 60 50 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 T VOC:ug/m 3 60 70 80 90 100 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 TVOC: ug/m3 (d) Burnaby (b) Chilliwack Figure 5: Regression Results between Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) and Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC) at (a) Downtown Vancouver, (b) Chilliwack, (c) Surrey, and (d) Burnaby Seasonal Relationship in Interaction Pattern amongst Precursors Regression analysis of the daily mean values of nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbon compounds (TVOC) has been done based on the different seasons and for sites of different land habitat types. Figure 4 shows the regression results between NO2 and NO with best line-fit for the winter and summer seasons. Amongst the land habitat types, both inland urban site of downtown Vancouver (winter: R2=0.66, summer: R2=0.54) and mountain-base urban site of Chilliwack show logarithmic coefficient of determinations (winter: R2=0.35, summer: R2=0.21) than the inland site of Surrey (winter: R2=0.43; summer: R2=0.00) and Burnaby (winter: R2=0.52; summer: R2=0.00) sites. Regression coefficients between NOx and NO show significantly strong relationships in the all sites with slight variations in different seasons (R2 >0.60) indicating that dominant sources of NO remains same all over the year. Significant relationship also exists in other two inland urban sites of Burnaby and Surrey but there is a distinct variation in such relationship between different 9 seasons: higher coefficient of determination (R2 >0.60) in winter implying relative increase or decrease of both NO2 and NO levels and lower coefficients in the summer (R2 < 0.30) indicates disproportionate variations in the NOx components perhaps due to TVOC contributions (Eqn. R4 to R8) as supported by relatively high correlations between NOx and TVOC in the inland sites. Seasonal Interaction Pattern between Ozone and Precursors Regression results show strong seasonal effect on the interaction pattern between ozone and NO2/NO in the inland urban sites of Burnaby and Surrey. Stronger correlations (winter: R2>0.50 and summer: R2 <0.15) between O3 and NO2/NO were observed in the inland urban sites that indicates proportional contribution of both NO2 and NO in ozone production as well as destruction process. On the other hand, despite significant correlations (0.36<R2<0.58), small seasonal effects were observed in the Downtown Vancouver which supports that the site is mainly precursor originator and contributes less in direct production and destruction of ozone. However, insignificant correlations between O3 and NO2/NO in Chilliwack (R2<0.05) in all the seasons indicate the effects of meteorological factors in the variations in ozone level in addition to the precursors. Table 3 presents the coefficient of determinations (R2) for different seasons and different land habitats. Table 3: Correlations Relationship between Ozone and NO2/NO Seasons Downtown Burnaby (BBY) Surrey (SRY) Vancouver (DTN) Winter R2=0.58 R2=0.67 R2=0.49 Spring R2=0.54 R2=0.32 R2=0.27 2 2 Summer R =0.45 R =0.15 R2=0.04 Autumn R2=0.36 R2=0.68 R2=0.35 4.0 Chilliwack (CWK) R2=0.28 R2=0.17 R2=0.05 R2=0.25 CONCLUSION Characteristics of interaction pattern of ozone (O3) and precursors (NO, NO2, NOx, and TVOC) in four different land habitat sites of Fraser Valley of BC has been discussed in this paper. The results showed some interesting pattern in the distribution of ozone and its precursors in terms of the trend, variations in concentration levels in different sites and in different seasons that influences the interactions between ozone with its precursors. Ozone production/destruction process is greatly influenced by the interactions between the precursors (e.g. NO-NO2, TVOCNOx) and strength of such interactions is dominant in the coastal site (Downtown Vancouver) as well as Mountain-based city of Chilliwack. In all the sites, ozone interaction behavior is significantly influenced by the variations in NO2/NO ratio but strength of such interactions varies with seasons and with respect to land habitats. Small range in the ratios of NO2/NO in all the sites (median range 2.45 to 5.0) indicates the similar dominant sources of precursors (e.g. traffic emissions). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Authors acknowledge and thank JSPS for providing funds and Bioresources faculty of Mie University for logistic supports in carrying out this study. We also thank Greater Vancouver Regional Authority for providing atmospheric and meteorological data for the region. 10 REFERENCES Cooper, C.D. and F.C. 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