work: +3592 8161239
Date of birth
30 AUGUST 1961
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Type of business or sector
• Occupation or position held
• Main activities and responsibilities
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Type of business or sector
• Occupation or position held
• Main activities and responsibilities
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Type of business or sector
• Occupation or position held
• Main activities and responsibilities
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Type of business or sector
• Occupation or position held
• Main activities and responsibilities
Page 1 - Curriculum vitae of
Rusinov, Ilko Mitkov
From 2007
Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski – Faculty of Physics, 5 James Boucher Blvd., 1164 Sofia,
Education and science
Associate Professor
Teaching in atomic physics (lectures), nuclear electronics (lectures and laboratory). Scientific
research in the field of plasma physics, particle transport properties, interaction of plasma with
surfaces, atomic spectroscopy, nuclear electronics.
Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski – Faculty of Physics, 5 James Boucher Blvd., 1164 Sofia,
Education and science
Head Assistant Professor
Lectures and laboratory in nuclear electronics, scientific research in low-temperature plasma
Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski – Faculty of Physics, 5 James Boucher Blvd., 1164 Sofia,
Education and science
Senior Assistant Professor
Laboratory in general physics and nuclear electronics, scientific research in plasma physics
Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski – Faculty of Physics, 5 James Boucher Blvd., 1164 Sofia,
Education and science
Laboratory support
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and type of organization
providing education and training
• Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered
• Title of qualification awarded
• Level in national classification
(if appropriate)
Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski – Faculty of Physics, 5 James Boucher Blvd., 1164 Sofia,
Plasma and gas discharge physics, atomic spectroscopy
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and type of organization
providing education and training
• Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered
• Title of qualification awarded
• Level in national classification
(if appropriate)
Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski – Faculty of Physics, 5 James Boucher Blvd., 1164 Sofia,
General physics, theoretical physics, mathematical methods in physics, atomic spectroscopy
MSc in physics with specialisation in optics and spectroscopy
Acquired in the course of life and career
but not necessarily covered by formal
certificates and diplomas.
• Reading skills
• Writing skills
• Verbal skills
Participation in international experiments with multinational collaboration
• Reading skills
• Writing skills
• Verbal skills
Living and working with other people, in
multicultural environments, in positions
where communication is important and
situations where teamwork is essential
(for example culture and sports), etc.
Computers, Windows, MS Office; Pascal, Assembler, VHDL programming languages, electronic
With computers, specific kinds of
equipment, machinery, etc.
Page 2 - Curriculum vitae of
Rusinov, Ilko Mitkov
Category B
1. List of publications
Annex 1. List of publications, I. Rusinov
1. Redko T, Rusinov I and Blagoev A 1993 "Diffusion of ground state (3s2 1S0) and
metastable (3s3p 3P0,1,2) magnesium atoms in He and Ne" J. Phys. B 26 107-111
2. Rusinov I and Blagoev A 1995 "Automated system for investigation of electron energy
distribution function in decaying plasmas. II " Bulg. J. Phys. 22 Nos. 3/4 48-54
3. Rusinov I M and Blagoev A B 1996 "Automated system for transient optical absorption
measurements" Bulg. J. Phys. 23 Nos 1/2 73-78
4. Karov M , Rusinov I and Blagoev A 1997 "Chemi-ionization of ground-state Hg atoms
by excited Ar atoms" J. Phys. B 30 1361-1368
5. Rusinov I M, Paeva G W and Blagoev A B 1997 "A method for simultaneous
determination of the diffusion coefficient of particles in gas media and their reflection
coefficient at the wall" J. Phys. D: Applied Physics 30 1878-1884
6. Pressyanov D, Rusinov I and Simeonov G 1999 “Radon progeny deposition in track
detection diffusion chambers” Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 435 (3) 509-513
7. Ogoyski A, Rusinov I and Blagoev A 1999 “Diffusion and depopulation of the
metastable Cd 3P0,2 states in collisions with Ne and Cd atoms” J. Phys. B 32 5479-5488
8. Rusinov I, Suzuki S, Blagoev A and Itoh H 2000 “Studies of diffusion losses in gaseous
media using a boundary condition of the third kind” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 39 2799-2803
9. Rusinov I M and Blagoev A B 2000 “Influence of hydrogen on the sputtered atoms’
transport in a cylindrical hollow cathode” Vacuum 58 240-246
10. Rusinov I M, Blagoev A B and Dimitrov V I 2002 “Diffusion model of the transport of
sputtered metal atoms in a cylindrical vessel” Vacuum 69 165-169
11. Rusinov I M and Blagoev A B 2004 “Determination of the diffusion coefficient of Mg
atoms in 3He at ambient temperatures” Vacuum 76 421– 423
12. Itoh H, Rusinov I, Suzuki T and Suzuki S 2004 “ Investigation of the ozone loss rate
affected by the surface material of a discharge chamber” Ozone Sci. Eng. 26 (5) 487497
13. Itoh H, Rusinov I, Suzuki S and Suzuki T 2005 “Variation of Ozone Reflection
Coefficient at a Metal Surface with its Gradual Oxidation” Plasma Process. Polym. 2
(3) 227-231
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Rusinov, Ilko Mitkov
14. Rusinov I M and Blagoev A B 2005 “Diffusion of Sputtered Ground-State Tungsten
Atoms in Krypton” J. Phys.: Conference Series 44 210-214
15. Blagoev A, Popov T, Pilosoff N, Ogoyski A and Rusinov I 2005 “Investigation of the
interactions of long-lived excited atoms in the afterglow of gas discharge plasma” J.
Phys.: Conference Series 44 80-89
16. Rusinov I, Bozhinova. I and Blagoev A 2007 “Transport properties of ground-state
aluminium atoms in a hollow-cathode gas-discharge plasma” J. Phys.: Conference
Series 63 012008
17. Catanesi M G …Rusinov I… 2007 "The HARP detector at CERN PS" Nucl. Instr.
Meth A 571 527-561
Conference reports:
18. Blagoev A, Rusinov I and Sarlemijn F 1989 "A study of the electron energy distribution
function in a Mg-Ar afterglow plasma “ XIX ICPIG, Belgrade, Yugoslavia,
Proceedings 580-581
19. Blagoev A, Redko T and Rusinov I 1990 "Diffusion coefficient of Mg atoms in argon"
XXII EGAS, Uppsala, Sweden, Abstracts 697-698
20. Blagoev A, Bjandov G and Rusinov I 1993 "Ionization of ground state mercury atoms
by the metastable neon atoms" XXV EGAS, Caen, France, Abstracts P1-72
21. Blagoev A, Rusinov I and Karov M 1996 "Penning and associative ionization of
mercury by excited Ar atoms" XXVIII EGAS Graz, Austria, Abstracts 244
22. Rusinov I M and Blagoev A B 1996 "Double channel scheme for transient optical
measurements" XXVIII EGAS, Graz, Austria, Abstracts 385-386
23. Rusinov I and Blagoev A 1996 "Automated system for investigation of electron energy
distribution function in decaying plasmas" XIII ESCAMPIG, Poprad, Slovakia,
Abstracts 81-82
24. Rusinov I M, Paeva G W and Blagoev A B 1996 "Spectroscopic determination of the
diffusion coefficient of magnesium atoms in neon and the reflection coefficient of these
atoms by the metallic wall" XIII ESCAMPIG, Poprad, Slovakia, Abstracts 53-54
25. Rusinov I and Blagoev A 1997 "Automated system for investigation of the electron
energy distribution in decaying plasmas" VEIT' 97, Varna, Bulgaria, Abstracts 39
26. Rusinov I M, Blagoev A B, Pentcheva M I and Yordanov V G 1998 "Diffusion and
wall loss of magnesium in decaying plasma" Proceedings of the NATO ASI on
Advanced Technologies Based on Wave and Beam Generated Plasmas, Sozopol,
Bulgaria, H Schluter and A Shivarova (eds.) 497-498
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Rusinov, Ilko Mitkov
27. Rusinov I M, Blagoev A B, Pentcheva M I and Yordanov V G 1998 "Diffusion and
surface losses of metal atoms in the afterglow of a pulsed hollow cathode gas
discharge" XIV ESCAMPIG, Malahide, Ireland, Abstracts 508-509
28. Ogoyski, I. Rusinov and A. Blagoev 1999 “Diffusion and depopulation of excited Cd
P0,1,2 states in collision with Ne and Cd atoms”, 31 EGAS Conference abstracts, 23D,
P2-79, 444–445, Marseille, France (6–9 July 1999).
29. Suzuki S, Rusinov I, Itoh H, Sekizawa H and Ikuta N 1999 “Diffusion of Mg Atoms in
a Cylindrical Reactor” XXIV ICPIG, Warsaw, Poland, Proceedings 7-8
30. Itoh H, Rusinov I, Suzuki T and Suzuki S 2000 “Experimental Investigation of
Diffusion and Reflection of Ozone” ESCAMPIG 2000, Lillafüred (Miskolc), Hungary,
Europhysics Conference Abstracts
31. Itoh H, Suzuki T, Rusinov I , Suzuki S 2000 “Experimental investigation of ozone
diffusion” Proc. of the 1st Polish-Japanese HAKONE Group Symposium on NonThermal Plasma Processing of Water and Air, Sopot, Poland, ed. J Mizeraczyk and M
Dors 97-100
32. Rusinov I M, Blagoev A B and Dimitrov V I 2001 “Diffusion of particles in plasma
media” XII School on Vacuum Electron and Ion Technologies VEIT’2001, Varna,
Bulgaria, Abstracts
33. Rusinov I M, Burin K and Tsenov R 2001 “An ultrasonic system for remote gas
monitoring” XVIII JINR International Symposium on Nuclear Electronics and
Computing, Varna, Bulgaria, Abstracts 36
34. Itoh H, Rusinov I, Suzuki T and Suzuki S 2001 “Investigation for loss rate of ozone
dependent on surface material of discharge chamber”, IOA Proc. of the 15th World
Congress, Vol. 1, p. 82-87
35. Ogoyski, I. Rusinov and A. Blagoev, “Diffusion and depopulation of the metastable Cd
3P0,2 states in Cd – Ne afterglow plasma”, Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of
Japan, Vol. 57, Issue 1, Part 2, 24pXQ-9, 182, Ritsumeikan University, Japan (24–27
March 2002).
36. Susuki T, Rusinov I M, Suzuki S and Itoh H 2002 “Loss rate of ozone at surface of
chamber”, IEED Trans. Japan, Vol. ED-02, No 106-119.121-127, 41-46 (in Japanese)
37. Mihova B, Rusinov I and Blagoev A 2002 “Determination of the diffusion coefficient
of Mg atoms in krypton at ambient temperatures” 34-th EGAS, 9-12 July 2002, Sofia,
Bulgaria, Abstracts 363-364
38. Rusinov I and Blagoev A 2003 “ Determination of the diffusion coefficient of Mg
atoms in 3He at ambient temperatures ” 13-th International Summer School on
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Rusinov, Ilko Mitkov
Vacuum Electron and Ion Technologies, 15-19 September 2003, Varna, Bulgaria,
Abstracts 50
39. Itoh H, Rusinov I M, Suzuki S and Suzuki T 2004 “Variation of ozone reflection
coefficient at a metal surface with its gradual oxidation”, HAKONE 9 conference, 2326 August 2004, Padova, Italy
40. Rusinov I M and Blagoev A B 2005 “Transport properties of ground-state tungsten
atoms in a hollow-cathode gas discharge plasma” International Workshop and Summer
School on Plasma Physics (IWSSPP), 8-12 June 2005, Kiten, Bulgaria, P7
41. Rusinov I, Bozhinova. I and Blagoev A 2006 “Transport properties of ground-state
aluminium atoms in a hollow-cathode gas-discharge plasma” International Workshop
and Summer School on Plasma Physics (IWSSPP), 3-9 July 2006, Kiten, Bulgaria,
42. Rusinov I 2008 “MICE front end electronics ( Stretcher-splitter design, tests,
production)” report at CM20 MICE collaboration meeting, 10-13 Feb. 2008, RAL, UK
43. A Blagoev, A Pashov, A Stanev, I Bozhinova and I Rusinov 2008 “ Application of a
multi-pass absorption cell for measurement of sputtered tungsten atoms’ density”
International Workshop and Summer School on Plasma Physics (IWSSPP), 30 June -5
July 2008, Kiten, Bulgaria, Abstracts
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Rusinov, Ilko Mitkov