PRECIPITATION AND SOIL ZONE CONTROLS THE HYDROCHEMICAL EVOLUTION OF SOUTHLAND’S GROUND AND SURFACE WATERS Rissmann C,1,2 Rodway, E,1 Daughney, C,2 Horton, T,3 Killick, M,1 Pearson, L,1, Beyer, M,1 Hodson R1, Dare, J1, Akbaripasand, A1, Ellis, T,1 Ward, N,1 May, D, Kees, L,1 Millar, R,1 Lawton, M,1 McMecking, J,1 Moreau M,2 Leybourne, M,4 Baisden, T,2 Friedel M,2 Morgenstern U,2. 1 Environment Southland GNS Science 3 University of Canterbury 4 Laurentain University, Canada 2 Aims (11 pt. Arial; Bold) The Southland region of New Zealand has an area of ca. 34,000 km 2 with complex geology and pedology. Agricultural intensification over recent decades has led to degradation of water quality in streams and aquifers, particularly in terms of nutrients, sediment and microbial pathogens (Snelder et al., 2014). Improved understanding of Southland’s coupled groundwater-surface water bodies is required to meet the outcomes sought in the New Zealand’s National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management (2014). Accordingly, the aim of this study was to determine the drivers of hydrochemical evolution of Southland’s surface and groundwaters with a view to understanding spatial and temporal variability in water quality. This study complements the hydrochemical assessment of Southland’s water (Daughney et al., 2015) by adding additional information on the drivers of hydrochemical evolution. Method (11 pt. Arial; Bold) A biogeochemical assessment of Southland precipitation, soil, soil water, surface and ground water was undertaken using a range of approaches including standard hydrochemical, soil biogeochemical and multivariate statistical methods. For this, we employed a chemical dataset comprised of ca. 28,000 ground, surface, precipitation, soil water and soil analyses. Some of the waters were analysed for up to 50 parameters including stable isotopes of boron (δ11B-B), carbon (δ13C-DIC), water (δ18O and δ2H) and nitrate (δ15N and δ18O). Soil chemical data for 600 individual soil profiles was obtained from TopoClimate South. Results (11 pt. Arial; Bold) The results of the chemical assessment reveal that marine aerosolic loadings and soil chemistry are the main determinants over the hydrochemical variation of ground and surface waters regionally. Sodium and Cl are overwhelmingly (90 - 100%) derived from precipitation with significant concentration occurring within the soil zone in response to evapotranspiration. Endogenous or epigenic sources of Cl are negligible and the majority of regional waters show no significant enrichment in Na above a marine aerosolic source. Ca and soil water DIC are controlled primarily by soil base saturation (BS%) that is a factor of the degree of weathering of the soil and its parent materials. There is little evidence for the evolution of major ion signatures for Southland ground and surface waters after leaving the soil zone with the exception of areas of reactive carbonate rock and strongly reducing aquifers. Carbon isotope equilibria suggest that 60% of the alkalinity within calcite saturated aquifers hosted by marine carbonates is associated with soil zone recharge with the remainder due to water-rock interaction between soil zone carbonic acid and calcite. The other source of post-infiltration evolution occurs in response to heterotrophic oxidation of terminal electron acceptors that generate additional DIC and liberate dissolved Fe and Mn. Both carbonate and reducing aquifers are well defined and subsequent evolution of soil zone recharge is readily accounted for. In conclusion, robust prediction of the temporal and spatial variation in the hydrochemistry of Southland is possible through combining a strong understanding of the spatial variance in marine aerosolic loadings, soil chemistry and water-rock interaction. Through this integrated understanding we are able to better predict and understand the spatial and temporal controls over water quality outcomes for both N and P species.