ON THE ROLE OF RAINFALL DISTRIBUTION AND SOIL TYPE ON RUNOFF GENERATION IN SEMI-ARID SOUTHERN ZIMBABWE F.T. Mugabea, M.G. Hodnettb, and A. Senzanjec aDepartment of Lands and Water Resources Management, Midlands State University, P. Bag 9055, Gweru, Zimbabwe bCentre cDepartment for Ecology and Hydrology, Wallingford, Oxon OX10 8BB, UK of Soil Science and Agricultural Engineering, University of Zimbabwe. P.O.Box MP 167, Mount Pleasant, Zimbabwe. Corresponding author: ftmugabe@yahoo.co.uk ABSTRACT This paper examines the effect of soil type and rainfall distribution on soil moisture and runoff generation in the 5.9 km2 Mutangi catchment located in semi-arid Zimbabwe. Rainfall, soil moisture and runoff were measured during the 1999/00 and 2000/01 rainy seasons, in which 755 mm and 615 mm of rainfall were received. 58% and 69% of these rainfall totals were recorded in February. The total catchment runoff was 102 mm and 63 mm, of which 52% and 49% was recorded over 6 and 4 days of 2000 and 2001 respectively. If there is a sequence of daily events that completely fills the storage available in both the sodic and transitional soils, and begins to saturate the ridge soils, subsequent events can produce very large amounts of runoff (>50% of the daily rainfall). The occurrence of such runoff events depends very heavily on the distribution of rainfall. Dry spells between rain events create storage thereby reducing the risk of runoff from the next events. The sodic soils along the stream channels appear to generate most of the runoff because of their small capacity to store water before saturation. The ridge soils are coarse sands, with a large capacity to store rainfall. The transitional (slope) soils have an intermediate capacity to store water. Keywords: Semi-arid, rainfall distribution, soil moisture and runoff. 1 2.0 INTRODUCTION The rains in semi-arid Zimbabwe generally commence in October/November and end in late March or April with the bulk of the rainfall in February and early March. There is often a mid season dry spell, usually in January. Such a rainfall distribution is likely to have an effect on runoff generation because the infiltration capacity of a soil depends on antecedent soil moisture content. Apart from antecedent soil moisture, runoff generation also depends on rainfall quantity, intensity and duration, permeability of the soils and catchment relief and geometry (Dubrueil, 1985,1986). In semi-arid environments, the main process of runoff generation is usually Hortonian overland flow (HOF) (Sandstrom, 1997), although saturation-excess overland flow (SOF) may also occur. HOF occurs when rainfall intensity exceeds the infiltration capacity of the soil (Horton, 1933). Saturation-excess overland flow occurs when the water table rises to the ground surface and prevents infiltration, as there is no longer any storage capacity. In the areas where it occurs, all the rainfall runs off. This process normally occurs where the soils are close to saturation for much of the wet season (usually because the water table is close to the surface), or in areas where there is an impending layer in the profile, and dry season soil moisture deficits are small. The generation of runoff in the semi-arid areas exhibits both similarities and differences to that found in humid temperate areas (Sandstrom, 1997). It is spatially and temporally highly variable and closely related to the spotty nature of rainfall. There are a number of runoff measurement stations in semi-arid Zimbabwe but these are mainly in relatively large catchments. Only three small catchments have been extensively studied in a semi-arid area in Zimbabwe. This data reports the studies that have been carried out in one of these small catchments (Mutangi catchment) to determine the effect of rainfall distribution and soil type on the amount of runoff generated in two seasons. These results are 2 presented and interpreted with soil moisture data to determine the effect of runoff generation processes and the role of rainfall distribution and antecedent soil moisture in contributing to catchment runoff. 2.0 STUDY SITE AND METHODS 2.1 Site, climate, soils and land use Mutangi catchment lies in natural region V of Zimbabwe that is semi-arid. The rainfall average is 550 mm with an inter-annual average of 200-1000 mm (Vincent and Thomas, 1960). The natural regions are a classification of the agricultural potential of the country, from natural region I, which has the highest agricultural potential (the high altitude wet areas) to natural region V, with the lowest agricultural potential, due to low rainfall and a high risk of drought spells during the growing season. The monthly average daily maximum temperatures vary between about 20oC and 32oC in winter and summer respectively. Minimum temperatures are approximately 5oC in winter and 20oC in winter. Mutangi catchment is about 5 km long and between 1 and 2 km wide along most of this length, with an area of 5.9 km2. The altitude ranges from 878 m above sea level (masl) at the catchment outlet (dam) to 930 masl at the head of the catchment. The average catchment gradient is 0.8%. Four stream channels drain the mainly cultivated eastern end of the catchment, converge within a short distance to join the main sand bed channel. There are four soil types in the catchment, three of which follow a clearly defined toposequence, grading from one to the other down the slope (Muzuwa and Gotosa, 1999). The highest lying members of the catena are shallow to moderately permeable deep coarse sands merging to coarse loamy sands, into soft weathering gneiss. Small areas of stony phase 3 (lithosols) occur associated with rock outcrops (not always on the crest). These soils are described as having good permeability. These soils are infertile and have a very low available water capacity. The lowest lying members of the catenary sequence, along the stream channels, are strongly sodic and characterised by mopane schrub, which is often very stunted. These soils are generally duplex in character, with course-grained loamy sands overlying calcareous and saline sandy clay loams and sandy clays, below which is soft weathering gneiss. The sandy clay lower horizons have an exceptionally high bulk density (~2.2 Mg m -3) and permeability is correspondingly very poor. Between the sandy, permeable ridge crest and the sodic soils, the soil properties are dependent on slope position, with a gradual transition down slope to the highly sodic conditions. The mid slope soils also have a duplex character; the topsoil properties are similar to those of the ridge crest soils, but the lower horizons (below about 60 cm) are more clayey (clay content 15 – 22%) and beginning to show sodicity. 2.2 Experimental design 2.2.1 Rainfall Seven manually read rain gauges and one automatic gauge were installed in the catchment (Figure 1). The manual gauges were read every morning between 0600 and 0800 hours. The automatic gauge was located near the centre of the catchment and is part of an automatic weather station (AWS) and data is logged hourly. 4 Figure 1: Map of Mutangi micro-catchment showing features and hydrological instrumentation. Key: Rg- raingauge, A1 – C1 – soil moisture access tubes, BH – borehole, W – shallow V weir, WLR – water level recorder, Ch1 – channel number, 880 – contour (m) 2.2.2 Soil moisture Two transects of neutron probe access tubes were installed (figure 1). The first transect (A) runs along the low ridge that forms the divide between subcatchments 1 and 2, starting close to the confluence of the two channels. The second transect (B) starts on the ridge close to transect A and runs at right angles to it, across channel 1 and onto the ridge that forms the northern boundary of the catchment. This samples the catenary sequence from the sandy soils on the ridge, through the transitional soils on the mid-slope, to the more clayey sodic soils, which are the lowest members of the sequence, close to the streams. The access tubes in both transects were located on different soil types, different land uses and different crops. The tubes were installed to the maximum depth possible, which was usually limited by stones or weathered rock that was too hard to penetrate. Depths ranged from 1 m to 2.5 m. A neutron probe (IH II) was used to measure soil moisture at approximately weekly intervals. Readings were taken at 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 m and then at 0.2 m intervals for the remainder of the depth of the tube using a counting rate of 16 s. 5 2.2.3 Catchment runoff An automatic water level recorder was installed on a platform extending from the dam wall to reach sufficiently deep water to record the lowest likely water levels. The recorder used a float in a stilling well and was of the shaft encoder type; with an accuracy of 1 mm. Water levels were recorded at intervals of ten minutes. The rectangular weirs were constructed on the spillway to enable measurement of both high and low flows. The water level data was used to calculate the runoff through the rectangular weirs. Total catchment runoff was calculated from storage increases in the dam, and the gauged spillway discharge. 3.0 RESULTS 3.1 Rainfall Figure 2 shows the monthly rainfall totals for the 1999/00 and 2000/01 seasons. The rainy season commenced on November 19 in 1999 and October 24 in 2000. Seasonal rainfall totals were 755 and 615 mm respectively. February was the wettest month in both seasons, with about 34% of the annual rainfall in both seasons. In the 1999/00 and 2000/01 respectively, there were a total of 57 and 46 rain days and the maximum rainfalls of 72 mm and 65 mm. Rainfall distribution was similar in both years with almost half the season’s rainfall falling on just 6 or 7 days. 6 300 Monthly rainfall (mm) 250 200 150 100 50 0 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr 1999/00 season May Jun Jul Aug Sept 2000/01 season Figure 2: Monthly rainfall distribution in the 1999/00 and 2000/01 seasons. The spatial variability of rainfall, represented by the CV of the mean rainfall recorded at the seven rain gauges, decreased with increasing rainfall. For events less than 10 mm, the CV ranged from 8% to 96% (typically 30%), but for the longer events the consistency of rainfall over the catchment was notable. For the 13 mean daily rainfall totals that exceeded 30 mm, the CV ranged from 10 to 26%, with 11 CVs in the range from 10 to 17%. 3.2 Soil moisture Figure 3 shows the extreme wettest and driest profiles from the access tubes at different positions in the catenary sequence, from sodic soil close to the channels (A&B) through transitional soils (C, D, &E) to coarse sandy soils on the ridge tops (F). The wettest data are typically from late February to early March, and the driest from September to October, at the end of the dry season. The differences in soil properties are clearly reflected in the shape of the water content (Figure 3), and the seasonal changes in water content (Figure 4). 7 Depth (cm) 0.0 0 0.1 Vol. water content 0.2 0.3 50 50 100 100 150 150 26 Oct 99 10 Feb 00 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0 Depth (cm) 0.0 0 A 200 0.4 0.0 0 50 100 100 150 150 26 Oct 99 10 Feb 00 0.1 0.2 0.3 200 0.0 0 0.4 E 50 50 100 100 150 150 200 Vol. water content 0.2 0.3 0.4 B 26 Oct 99 01 Mar 00 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 D 50 0.0 0 0.1 200 C 200 Depth (cm) 0.4 12 Oct 00 03 Mar 01 200 12 Oct 00 03 Mar 00 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 F 12 Oct 00 03 Mar 00 Figure 3: Wettest and driest water content profiles. See text for soil type and crop cover description. 8 400 Sodic bare Fallow sand Mopani bush Clay cultivated 0 - 1.10 soil moisture storage (mm) 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 28-Aug-99 06-Dec-99 15-Mar-00 23-Jun-00 01-Oct-00 09-Jan-01 19-Apr-01 28-Jul-01 Figure 4: Soil moisture storage at four access tubes representing different land use practices. Except for the fallow, ridge top soils, there was not much difference between soils moisture between the two seasons. These soil still had some capacity to store water during the 2000/01 season suggesting runoff from this land use type was less likely than the 1999/00 season, when storage reached higher levels (water levels closer to the surface). The fallow sodic profiles (A) showed very small seasonal changes in the water content, limited to only the upper 0.4 m of the profile. These soils have a very high bulk density, which limits their available water capacity. There was also little vegetation cover to abstract water, and as a result the profile has only a limited capacity to store rainfall before runoff occurs. The sodic soils under Mopane schrub near the stream channel (B) showed more seasonal changes of water content than (A). 9 The cultivated transitional soils (C, D & E) have a duplex character, with sand overlying a more clay rich (22%) layer with a high bulk density (2.1 Mg m-3) and a porosity of about 20%. This is reflected in the maximum water contents that were measured, and in the small range of water content change observed in the lower profile. At site C, large water content changes were limited to the upper 0.4 m. At site D there were changes of water content down to a depth of 1.6 m. The upper slope site (E) is transitional, but has a greater depth of sandy soil. The wettest profile occurred when the water table was almost at the surface. The largest changes of storage in the profile occurred as the water table level fell at the end of the wet season. (F) is a ridge top site, entirely on deep coarse sand. The seasonal water content change is much larger than at any of the measured sites. As at the other sites, the wettest condition occurred when the profile was saturated almost to the soil surface, on 3 March 2000. The wettest conditions at this site in 2001 were recorded in March, but the storage was much lower, and the highest water table level observed was 80 cm below ground level (bgl). Saturation excess runoff only occur from these sites once the storage available has been entirely filled. These ridge top sites have a large amount of storage available in the sandy profile, and will only generate runoff in very wet periods. Clear differences in the seasonal storage changes in each of the soil type are reflected, with the sodic soils showing the smallest seasonal change and the sandy, ridge soil showing by far the largest change, almost twice that of the intermediate, transitional soils. In most cases, the wet season measurements were made when the soils were saturated , so that these figures give a good indication of the amount of storage available in the soils at the end of the dry season. 10 Table 1: Average maximum seasonal water content changes for each of the soil types. Soil type Max storage change to 1.1m Max storage change to max. depth (mm) depth of tubes (mm) Sandy (ridge) 266.5 278.5 Transitional (slope) 118.8 144.9 Sodic (valley bottom) 82.1 86.4 3.3 Runoff Figure 4 shows the cumulative total runoff from the catchment, in the 1999/00 (a) and 2000/01 (b) seasons respectively. The results show that the total runoff in the 1999/00 and the 2000/01 seasons was 102.2 and 63.0, or 13.5% and 10.3% of the total rainfall received in these two seasons respectively. In both seasons there was a very large amount of runoff in late February. Most of the runoff occurred in discrete rapid events, and there was little or no baseflow, particularly following the early wet season events. Later in the season, there was some indication that flows continued for longer, but the amounts were small and the flow could have been generated by small rainfall events falling on the still saturated sand within the channel bed, and surrounding contributing areas. 11 200 100 180 total runoff 160 rainfall 80 Cumaulative runoff (mm) 140 120 60 100 80 40 60 40 20 20 0 1-Nov-99 0 1-Dec-99 31-Dec-99 30-Jan-00 29-Feb-00 30-Mar-00 29-Apr-00 29-May-00 Date 200 100 180 total runoff 160 rainfall 80 120 60 100 80 Daily rainfall (mm) Cumulative runoff (mm) 140 40 60 40 20 20 0 2-Oct-00 0 1-Nov-00 1-Dec-00 31-Dec-00 30-Jan-01 1-Mar-01 31-Mar-01 30-Apr-01 30-May-01 Date Figure 4: Cumulative total runoff and daily rainfall during the 1999/00 and 2000/01 seasons. 12 4.0 DISCUSSION The catenary sequence is very important in influencing the distribution of shallow groundwater and the hydrological response of the catchment. On the ridge crest, the soils are highly permeable but overlie almost impermeable weathered rock at only a few metres depth. In the wet season, infiltration will pond on the impermeable horizon and move laterally, down slope. This lateral flow is impeded by the dense, low permeable sandy clay horizons of the transitional mid-slope soils, causing shallow groundwater to approach the surface. The transitional soils have less storage available, and may saturate due to rainfall inputs alone. During the wet period in February 2000, when a large amount of runoff was generated, there were large increases in soil moisture storage in the sandy soils on the ridge. Between 10 February and 3 March (a few days after the main rainfall events), soil moisture storage increased by between 48 mm and 164 mm (mean 123 mm) while on the sodic soils with mopane shrubs, the storage increase was only 2 mm. The sandy, ridge soils were able to absorb significant amounts of rainfall in this period, but the sodic soils absorbed almost none, indicating that most of rainfall was lost as runoff from such areas. The sodic soils under mopane wetted up in the early part of the wet season and dried down again in April and May, but during the dry season, when mopane had shed off their leaves, further drying was very limited. The fallow areas on the sandy ridge soils showed increases of moisture storage up to 304 mm during the wet season. Most of the rainfall is retained because the high storage capacity, although locally HOF was occasionally observed during intense rainfall. Very high rates of water loss during dry spells in the wet season (>10 mm d-1) suggest that at some locations, some of the stored water is lost by down slope drainage, as well as through soil evaporation and transpiration by grass. The highest amounts of runoff and highest runoff percentages occurred in February, when soil moisture storage was at its maximum. 13 Rainfall distribution strongly affected the amount of runoff generated by given rainfall events. Most of the runoff occurred in February in both years when rainfall events were closely spaced. Between 22 and 28 February 2000, the total rainfall was 111 mm and in the same period, 53 mm of runoff generated (48% of the total rainfall). 52% of the total runoff for the season was generated within these six days. A similar trend was observed between 22 and 25 February 2001, when 31 mm of runoff (49% of the seasonal total) was generated from a total rainfall of 101 mm. In both years, the closely spaced series of rainfall events had brought the water table close to the soil surface over much of the catchment, resulting in little capacity for the soil to store more water. Runoff was then generated as saturation-excess overland flow (SOF). It is also of note that between 22 and 28 February 2000, the rainfall intensity did not exceed 10 mm h-1 and only exceeded 5 mm h-1 in one occasion. These data indicate that HOF is unlikely to have been an important process in this period. On 4 May 2000, the mean rainfall over the catchment was 55 mm (CV 14%), which included the highest hourly rainfall (28.9 mm h-1) recorded during the study. In contrast to the events in February, this event produced only 4.5 mm of runoff (8% of rainfall). In the six weeks preceding 5 May 2000 there had been almost no rainfall, and water levels had fallen as a result of drainage, soil evaporation and uptake by vegetation. As a result, the soil had significant capacity to store water and little runoff was generated, despite the high rainfall intensity. The 1999 wet season started with three consecutive days of rainfall (34 mm, 12 mm and 70 mm), the last day of which included an intensity of 27 mm h-1. This event produced 14 mm of runoff (20% of rainfall). The two main factors that may have contributed to this relatively 14 large percentage early in the wet season are: (i) when the rains commence, the soil surface is very flat and prone to capping in heavy rains. In addition, there is little vegetation cover to protect the soil surface from slaking action of raindrop impact. These factors increase the likelihood of HOF, which was observed on the sandy ridge soils in November 2000; (ii) the 46 mm of rainfall on the days before the 70 mm event would have filled up the storage in some of the areas with sodic soils, leading to the generation of SOF in these areas. Cultivation only takes place after the first rains, so that later in the wet season, after ploughing has taken place, the greater roughness of the soil surface will increase the acceptance of rainfall. Later in the season, vegetation cover also protects the soil surface. These factors, and the availability of storage capacity in the soil following a dry period, may explain the lower percentage runoff after the high intensity 55 mm event on the 6th of May 2000. 4.0 CONCLUSION The dominant process of runoff generation in this study was SOF. Rainfall intensities were generally low and HOF only appears to have played a role in runoff events in the early wet season, before ploughing had created a rough soil surface, and annual vegetation cover (annual crops, grasses and weeds) protected the soil from the raindrop impact. This is unusual, as HOF is generally regarded as the dominant runoff generation process in semi-arid regions. SOF is more important because of the very shallow depth of the weathered zone (often less than 2.5 m) above the gneiss bedrock, and because the presence of the clayey sodic soils, which are common in this part of Zimbabwe. The distribution of rainfall is critical to runoff generation; if the last event of the closely spaced series of events in late February (in both years) had not occurred, the seasonal rainfall 15 totals would have been about 15% lower, but the seasonal runoff totals would have been halved. If events are well spaced, evaporation and drainage create storage capacity to store water, but a series of closely spaced rainfall events will fill the storage to the surface such that the following events cause large amounts of SOF. The soil water data show that the area contributing to SOF increases progressively as the catchment wetted up, starting with the sodic soils and progressing through the transitional soils to the sandy ridge soils, which have the largest storage capacity. The variation in the size of the saturated contributing area during rainfall events and its contraction due to evapotranspiration and redistribution agrees with previous studies (Hewlett, 1961; Hewlett and Hibbert, 1963; Lane et a.l, 1978). ACKNOWLEDGMENT This publication is an output from a project funded by the UK Department of International Development (DFID) for the benefit of developing countries. The views expressed are not necessarily those of DFID. The research was partially supported by an African Doctoral Fellowship provided by START and the Pan-African Committee for START. The authors would particularly like to thank the people of Mutangi for their assistance and participation in the research. REFERENCES Dubrueil, P.L. 1985. Review of field observations of runoff generation in the tropics. Journal of Hydrololgy 80: 237-264 Dubrueil , P.L. 1986. Review of relationships between geophysical factors and hydrological characteristics in the tropics. 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