LIELASOIL SIV-091 FRAMEWORK FOR MONITORING PROGRAMME FOR NITROGEN AND PHOSPHORUS COMPOUNDS CONTENT IN LIELUPE BASIN SOILS AND WATERS This programme framework is based on the results of project „Cooperation of LV and LT agrochemical research institutions in cross-border monitoring of nitrogen and phosphorus content in soils of Lielupe basin“ (SIV-091 „LIELASOIL“) implemented by Agrochemical Research Centre of Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture and Latvian Agrochemical Research Centre in 2006-2007 within the framework of and partly financed by EU Baltic Sea Region INTERREG III B Neighbourhood Programme INTERREG III A South Priority. 1. Objectives of programme The overall objective of monitoring of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds content in Lielupe basin soils and waters is to assess the change of mineral nitrogen and plant available phosphorus concentrations in soil and drainage water and to evaluate the field balance of these nutrients. Based on the data obtained from this monitoring and on the data provided by Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Agency on nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in waters of Lielupe, its tributaries and lakes, the zones of pollution risk would be determined and the measures decreasing this risk would be prepared. 2. Nitrogen and phosphorus agricultural pollution risk in Lielupe basin soils: current situation and different risk areas Based on the results obtained during implementation of this project it can be concluded that the risk of water pollution caused by agricultural activities is present in soils of fields where intensive agricultural technologies are applied. Scale of nitrogen and phosphorus pollution can be quite different through the year, but after having summed up all the obtained data and information we can conclude that nitrogen pollution risk is already present in one third of tested sites and phosphorus pollution risk – in almost half of tested sites. For example, in 2007 in Lielupe basin in 0-60 cm soil layer very high mineral nitrogen content was determined in 8% of sites in spring and 29% of sites – in autumn. The maximal permissible concentration of nitrates Šio darbo parengimą finansiškai rėmė Europos Sąjunga. Visą atsakomybę už darbo turinį prisiima Lietuvos žemdirbystės instituto Agrocheminių tyrimų centras. Darbo turinys jokiomis aplinkybėmis negali būti vertinamas kaip atspindintis Europos Sąjungos poziciją. 1 LIELASOIL SIV-091 was exceeded in 54% of drainage water samples and 9% of water samples taken from Lielupe river and its tributaries. 6% of fields had excessive balance of nitrogen. Soil of 52% of tested sites contained high and very high amounts of plant available phosphorus. 34% of fields had excessive balance of phosphorus. Lielupe basin territory, covering Birzai, Pasvalys, Pakruojis, Joniskis, Radviliskis and Kupiskis administrative districts in Lithuania and Bauska, Dobele, Jelgava and Riga administrative districts in Latvia, from the nitrogen and phosphorus pollution point of view can be grouped into the following areas: 1) areas of high nitrogen and phosphorus agricultural pollution risk – Pakruojis and Riga administrative districts; 2) areas of medium nitrogen and phosphorus agricultural pollution risk where some locations could be of high nitrogen and phosphorus agricultural pollution risk - Joniskis, Radviliskis, Pasvalys, Jelgava and Bauska administrative districts; 3) areas of low nitrogen and phosphorus agricultural pollution risk – Birzai, Kupiskis and Dobele administrative districts. Šio darbo parengimą finansiškai rėmė Europos Sąjunga. Visą atsakomybę už darbo turinį prisiima Lietuvos žemdirbystės instituto Agrocheminių tyrimų centras. Darbo turinys jokiomis aplinkybėmis negali būti vertinamas kaip atspindintis Europos Sąjungos poziciją. 2 LIELASOIL SIV-091 Nitrogen and phosphorus compounds concentrations in soil and water – the principles of monitoring scheme: Path of P and N compounds: farm – soil - waters – Lielupe river Fertilisation planning on farm; making of fertilisation plans Fertilisation of plants; nutrients in soil Leaching of nutrients from soil into ground and surface waters Pollution of Lielupe river and its tributaries with N and P compounds MONITORING N and P balance calculation for farm fields Monitoring of mineral nitrogen and plant available phosphorus content in soil Monitoring of nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in drainage water Monitoring of nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in Lielupe river and its tributaries 3. Methods for monitoring of concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds in soil and water 3.1. Monitoring of mineral nitrogen and plant available phosphorus content in soil Number and layout of monitoring sites. Within the framework of SIV-091 “LIELASOIL” project (2006-2007) in Latvian part of Lielupe basin 94 sites were selected for determination of plant available phosphorus and 39 sites – for determination of mineral nitrogen (3 in Riga administrative district, and in Bauska, Jelgava and Dobele districts – 12 in each (Figure 1). In Lithuania 85 sites were selected in Lielupe basin for determination of mineral nitrogen and plant available phosphorus content in soil (Figure 2). 49 sites were selected in fields which were fertilised using small and average fertilisation rates (annual nitrogen (N) rate not higher than 90 Šio darbo parengimą finansiškai rėmė Europos Sąjunga. Visą atsakomybę už darbo turinį prisiima Lietuvos žemdirbystės instituto Agrocheminių tyrimų centras. Darbo turinys jokiomis aplinkybėmis negali būti vertinamas kaip atspindintis Europos Sąjungos poziciją. 3 LIELASOIL SIV-091 kg ha-1). 36 sites were selected in livestock farms accumulating large amounts of manure and in farms applying high rates of organic and mineral fertilisers. Nmin monitoring sites Figure 1. P2O5 monitoring sites Layout of mineral nitrogen and plant available phosphorus monitoring sites in Latvian part of Lielupe basin Šio darbo parengimą finansiškai rėmė Europos Sąjunga. Visą atsakomybę už darbo turinį prisiima Lietuvos žemdirbystės instituto Agrocheminių tyrimų centras. Darbo turinys jokiomis aplinkybėmis negali būti vertinamas kaip atspindintis Europos Sąjungos poziciją. 4 LIELASOIL SIV-091 Figure 2. Layout of mineral nitrogen and plant available phosphorus monitoring sites in Lithuanian part of Lielupe basin Šio darbo parengimą finansiškai rėmė Europos Sąjunga. Visą atsakomybę už darbo turinį prisiima Lietuvos žemdirbystės instituto Agrocheminių tyrimų centras. Darbo turinys jokiomis aplinkybėmis negali būti vertinamas kaip atspindintis Europos Sąjungos poziciją. 5 LIELASOIL SIV-091 For the purposes of this programme the monitoring sites selected by the Lithuanian and Latvian partners within the framework of SIV-091 “LIELASOIL” project could be used. Thus there would be 124 sites for mineral nitrogen monitoring and 179 sites – for plant available phosphorus. The number of monitoring sites selected in the project should be complemented with some 20 sites for N and 21 – for P monitoring in Riga, Dobele and Pasvalys administrative districts, where the project had lower number of monitoring sites. Thus in total the proposed monitoring programme would be based on 144 sites for mineral nitrogen monitoring and 200 sites for plant available phosphorus monitoring. Soil sampling, timing and methods. In Latvia and Lithuania the soil samples for determination of mineral nitrogen would be collected end of March – beginning of April and end of October from 030, 30-60, 60-90 cm soil layers. The combined soil sample would be made out of 5-7 soil probes. Nitrate (N-NO3) and ammonia (N-NH4) nitrogen content would be determined in 1M KCl extraction, the data obtained in mg kg-1 would be translated into kg ha-1 of dry matter. Soil samples for determination of plant available phosphorus would be collected every third year (sampled in 2007, next sampling in 2010) in second part of summer from 0-20 cm soil layer. Each combined soil sample would be made out of 20-25 soil probes. The soil samples would be tested for phosphorus content: in Lithuania – using Egner-Riehm-Domingo (A-L) method, and in Latvia – using Egner-Riehm (D-L) method. All the obtained data on plant available phosphorus content in soil would be evaluated using the same scale developed in the SIV-091 “LIELASOIL” project. 3.2. Monitoring of nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in drainage water Drainage water monitoring would be conducted in ten administrative districts located in Lielupe basin: Riga, Dobele, Bauska, Jelgava, Kupiskis, Birzai, Pasvalys, Radviliskis, Pakruojis and Joniskis – two sites in each district, i.e. 20 drainage water monitoring sites in total. Water samples would be collected in each site four times per year: in April, June, August and October. Nitrate nitrogen (N-NO3), ammonia nitrogen (N-NH4), total nitrogen (Ntot), phosphates (PPO4) and total phosphorus (Ptot) content would be determined. Šio darbo parengimą finansiškai rėmė Europos Sąjunga. Visą atsakomybę už darbo turinį prisiima Lietuvos žemdirbystės instituto Agrocheminių tyrimų centras. Darbo turinys jokiomis aplinkybėmis negali būti vertinamas kaip atspindintis Europos Sąjungos poziciją. LIELASOIL SIV-091 3.3. Monitoring of nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in waters of Lielupe river and its tributaries The data obtained from the monitoring programme conducted by Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Agency (33 determination spots in total: Lielupe river, Musa river, mouths of tributaries Vesclocene, Berze, Bikstupe, Auce, Tervete, Skujaine, Svete, Iecava, Misa, Platone, Vircava, Sesava, Svitene, Islice, Memele, lakes Babite, Svete, Viesite, Saukas, garais, Vinaukas) would be used for this purpose. Nitrate nitrogen (N-NO3), total nitrogen (Ntot.) and total phosphorus (Ptot.) content in water would be calculated. 3.4. Monitoring of nitrogen and phosphorus field balances in farms located in Lielupe basin Monitoring of nitrogen and phosphorus field balances would be conducted in ten administrative districts (Riga, Dobele, Bauska, Jelgava, Kupiskis, Birzai, Pasvalys, Radviliskis, Pakruojis and Joniskis), two farms in each district, four fields in each farm. In total 80 fields in 20 farms would be monitored. Nitrogen and phosphorus field balances should be monitored at least three years successively. Balances for fields located in Latvia would be calculated using the approach of Latvian Agrochemical Research Centre, and for fields located in Lithuania – approach of Agrochemical Research Centre of Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture. Assessment of calculated balances would be carried out using the methods prepared by the Agrochemical Research Centre of Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture. 4. Scope, time-span and preliminary costs of monitoring programme The foreseen time-span for this monitoring programme is 2009-2011; numbers of analyses and calculation rounds to be carried out are presented in Table 1. According to preliminary estimations, the annual costs of the programme would amount to 110 000 €, for three years 330 000 €. Šio darbo parengimą finansiškai rėmė Europos Sąjunga. Visą atsakomybę už darbo turinį prisiima Lietuvos žemdirbystės instituto Agrocheminių tyrimų centras. Darbo turinys jokiomis aplinkybėmis negali būti vertinamas kaip atspindintis Europos Sąjungos poziciją. 7 LIELASOIL SIV-091 Table 1. Scope of work to be carried out within the monitoring programme for nitrogen and phosphorus compounds content in Lielupe basin soils and waters in 2009-2011 Activity Measurement LV LT unit 2009 2010 2011 2009 2010 2011 2009 1. Monitoring of mineral (Nmin) nitrogen and plant available phosphorus (P2O5) content in soil Nmin spring testing Analysis 54 54 54 90 90 90 144 Nmin autumn testing Analysis 54 54 54 90 90 90 144 P2O5 testing Analysis 94 106 2. Monitoring of nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in drainage waters N-NO3 testing Analysis * 32 32 32 48 48 48 80 N-NH4 testing Analysis * 32 32 32 48 48 48 80 Analysis * 32 32 32 48 48 48 80 Ntot. testing P-PO4 testing Analysis * 32 32 32 48 48 48 80 Ptot. testing Analysis * 32 32 32 48 48 48 80 3. Monitoring of nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in waters of Lielupe river and its tributaries ** 4. Monitoring of nitrogen and phosphorus field balances in farms located in Lielupe basin N balance Field 32 32 32 48 48 48 80 P balance Field 32 32 32 48 48 48 80 * Number of analyses for 4 years of monitoring ** The data to be obtained from Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Agency. Total 2010 2011 144 144 200 144 144 - 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 Šio darbo parengimą finansiškai rėmė Europos Sąjunga. Visą atsakomybę už darbo turinį prisiima Lietuvos žemdirbystės instituto Agrocheminių tyrimų centras. Darbo turinys jokiomis aplinkybėmis negali būti vertinamas kaip atspindintis Europos Sąjungos poziciją. 8