Comparative Cost Analysis for Bulk Chemicals Based on Fossil and Renewable Resources Frederik V. R. Neuwahl Nummer Een stageverslag van: Frederik V. R. Neuwahl Internal Report: NWS-I-200x-xx Begeleider/Supervisor: Martin Patel Copernicus Institute for Sustainable Development and Innovation Department of Science Technology and Society Utrecht University Heidelberglaan 2 3584 CS Utrecht The Netherlands ABSTRACT This paper reports on a comparative cost-analysis study conducted to assess the profitability, in the mid- to long-term, of a set of bulk chemicals based on renewable resources as a replacement of traditional bulk petrochemicals. The production of plastics, solvents and chemical intermediates from renewables is nowadays generally significantly more expensive than producing them from fossil resources, but recent and prospected advances in biotechnology can result in decisive cost reductions for the conversion of biomass into bulk chemicals. Also, soaring fossil resources prices due to their gradual depletion could be in the future a major driver for opening windows of opportunity for the development of cost-competitive bio-based replacement bulk chemicals. This study proposes a general methodology to project profited production costs of chemicals in relation to fossil feedstock and energy prices and in relation to technical improvements allowing cost reductions in converting biomass into bulk chemicals. Based on process economics data from industry sources, this methodology is applied to a set of bulk petrochemical products and replacement chemicals based on renewable resources to obtain information on the required increase in oil price required for bio-based replacement to become cost-competitive. These results are finally combined with projections, derived from IPCC scenarios, for future energy and feedstock prices; in this way time windows are identified, in which replacement bulk chemicals based on renewable resources could attain market competitiveness with their petrochemical equivalents. It is shown that certain products, such as ethyl lactate as a replacement of several solvents, polylactides as a replacement of PET, and PTT from renenwables compared to petrochemical PTT, have concrete potential to become competitive in a relatively short time (already in year 2010); other replacement options, such as polylactides for polyethylene, bio-based PTT for PET and bio-based hydrogen for petrochemical hydrogen, will only become economically viable in a longer time (indicatively, year 2030) and under the conditions of fossil resource prices stabilising at high levels; finally, in cases such as acetic acid, despite recent technical advancements the biosynthetic production route is still far too expensive to compete with the petrochemical route unless further major technical breakthrough take place. ii CONTENTS: LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS…………………………………………………………ii 1. INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………...1 2. PRODUCT CHAIN INVENTORY………………………………………………...4 3. METHODOLOGY…………………………………………………………………..7 3.1 Investment costs……………………………………………………………….10 3.2 Utilities costs……………………………………………………………….….11 3.3 Production cost bases…………………………………………………………12 3.4 Material costs………………………………………………………………….13 3.5 Cost allocation………………………………………………………………...14 4. INPUT SCENARIOS FOR FUTURE COST PROJECTIONS…………………16 4.1 SRES Scenarios……………………………………………………………….17 4.2 Four Scenarios for Fossil Fuel Prices………………………………………..19 4.3 Scenario-related Biomass Use and Price…………………………………….21 5. COMPARATIVE COST ANALYSIS: BULK CHEMICALS FROM FOSSIL vs. RENEWABLE RESOURCES. PRELIMINARY RESULTS……………………...27 5.1 Solvents………………………………………………………………………...28 5.2 Polymers……………………………………………………………………….31 5.2.1 PTT……………...……………………………………………………….31 5.2.1 PLA……………...……………………………………………………….34 5.3 Materials based on Natural Gas……………………………………………..37 5.2.1 Acetic Acid……...……………………………………………………….31 5.2.1 Hydrogen..……...……………………………………………………….34 6. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION……………………………………………..41 APPENDIX I: Approximating Naphtha price………………………………………45 APPENDIX II: Electricity price calculation and Utility prices…………………....46 i LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS BEOP: Break Even Oil Price BEOSP: Break Even Oil-to-Sugar Price DOE: (United States) Department Of Energy DMT: Di-Methyl-Terephthalate ECCP: European Climate Change Programme ECN: Energy Centre Netherlands EGBE: Ethylene Glycol Butyl Ether IIASA: International Institute for Applied System Analysis IPCC: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change MEK: Methyl-Ethyl-Ketone NIS: Newly Independent States NREL: (United States) National Renewable Energy Laboratory PDO: 1,3-PropaneDiol PE: Polyethylene PET: Poly(Ethylene Terephthalate) PHA: Poly(Hydroxyalkanoates) PLA: Polylactides PP: Polypropylene PTT: Poly(Trimethylene Terephthalate) SRES: Special Report on Emission Scenarios TPA: Terephthalic Acid WEO: World Energy Outlook WEP: World Energy Perspectives ii 1. INTRODUCTION Traditionally, mankind has used materials originating from living organisms (by definition renewable materials) for a variety of applications: not only as fuel wood but also as building materials (principally wood), for clothing (cotton and silk fibre, animal hide, leather), as lubricants (animal and vegetable fats) and as detergents (saponification of the same fats). The 20th century, owing to the development of large-scale petrochemistry, has seen the gradual replacement of many of those materials by cheaper, more durable, better performing products of petrochemical origin. Nowadays over 99% of all plastics,1 and 96% of bulk chemicals, are produced or derived from the major non-renewable energy sources (crude oil, natural gas and coal), which are used both as energy and as feedstock materials in processing. While agricultural materials have been considered for some time as a replacement energy source or feedstock substitute for plastics production, in the past decades they have fallen short of expectations. The main general resistance to their further use has been cost, followed closely by functionality and lack of flexibility in producing specialised plastics materials. Nevertheless, as the world enters a century with new priorities for renewable energy and management of waste, renewed interest was raised in biomaterials and the efficiency with which they can be produced. Recent advancements in biotechnology, including genetic engineering, is helping to narrow the cost differential between petrochemical and renewable-based materials, as well as to improve material properties. The prospects of producing materials based on renewable feedstock are in course of extensive re-evaluation, and major chemical companies have started to invest substantial efforts in related R&D. This document was prepared in the context of the BREW project2, a public-private partnership project funded by the EU under the 5th Framework Programme and coordinated by the Utrecht University. The full title of the BREW project is: “Medium and long-term opportunities and risks of the biotechnological production of bulk chemicals from renewable resources”. The overall workplan of the project consists of ten work packages, covering, inter alia, techno-economic aspects, environmental issues, Michael, D. “Biopolymers from crops: their potential to improve the environment”, Proceedings of the 11th Australian Agronomy Conference, Geelong, 2003 2 1 1 risk analysis, public acceptance. This study is essentially concerned with the technoeconomic aspects of the BREW project. The first work packages identified and analysed a portfolio of products and processes that, on the basis of technical specifications and economic prospects, in the short or mid-term have significant potential to become competitive with existing bulk chemicals based on petrochemical feedstock. In order to assess the actual profitability of a biotechnological product, it is necessary to perform a comparative cost analysis relative to the petrochemical product(s) it is meant to replace. The central question addressed by this paper is: Which bulk chemicals based on renewable resources have significant potential to attain market competitiveness with their petrochemical analogues in the next two decades? This central research question is approached by attaining three main objectives: To set a methodological framework aimed at projecting the cost of chemical products in relation to the price of feedstock and energy carriers; To develop a tool, based on this methodological framework, to estimate the future cost of a set of bulk petrochemical products relevant to the BREW project; To make a preliminary assessment of the mid- to long-term potential market competitiveness of selected bulk chemicals based on renewable resources. In most cases biotechnological bulk chemicals are, currently, more costly than their petrochemical analogues, but in the future the situation could change significantly mainly due to two factors: on the one hand, technological advancements are expected to cut down significantly the cost of converting renewable biomass into products such as plastics, solvents, lubricants and surfactants; on the other hand, the gradual depletion of non-renewable resources will ultimately cause oil and natural gas prices to soar, resulting in the increase of production cost of petrochemical commodities. In particular, the Special Report on Emission Scenarios,3 prepared by IIASA for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, showed the possibility, under certain scenarios, of future oil prices stabilising at levels in excess of five times the current ones. In order to give an indication of the time scale involved in the expected evolutions of the techno-economic parameters relevant to the present analysis, SRES projections Nakicenovic, Nebojsa and Swart, Rob (eds.), “SRES: Special Report on Emissions Scenarios”, 2000, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 612 pages 3 2 are incorporated in the model within the boundaries of some of the scenarios most commonly in use in the modellers’ community. Chapter 2 describes the chain of petrochemical products included in the model; Chapter 3 reports on the methodological framework utilised to calculate the relevant economic parameters and on the computer model, BREWprofit, implementing that framework; Chapter 4 introduces the SRES scenarios and their integration with the comparative cost analysis model; Chapter 5 is concerned with preliminary comparative cost analysis of selected bulk chemicals from fossil and renewable resources; Chapter 6 discusses the results and briefly concludes. 3 2. PRODUCT CHAIN INVENTORY A chain of petrochemical products was identified on the basis of equivalence with the portfolio of base chemicals derived from renewable resources covered by the BREW project. Equivalence, in the context of this study, can either be chemical or functional: either the same chemical product can be produced both by a petrochemical and a bio-based route, or a new product based on renewable feedstock can substitute a different petrochemical product with similar characteristics. Table 2.I gives an overview of a series of bio-based products relevant to BREW, and of their petrochemical equivalents included in this study. Table 2.I: Biotechnological-to-Petrochemical Product Equivalence BIOTECH PETCHEM Acetic Acid Acetic Acid Acrylonitrile Acrylonitrile Adipic Acid Adipic Acid Ethanol Ethyl lactate Ethanol Glycol ethers (EGBE), MEK, Acetone Ethylene Ethylene Glycerol Glycerol Hydrogen Isopropanol Mcl-PHA MEK Phenol PLA Propylene Glycol PTT Hydrogen Isopropanol Polyethylene, Polypropylene MEK Phenol Polyethylene, PET Propylene Glycol PTT, PET Performing cost-structure analysis on the petrochemical products of table 2.I, in turn, requires accounting for all synthetic intermediates. Scheme 1 shows the complete tree of oil and natural gas derived base chemicals included in this study. Intermediate materials based on inorganic feedstock are not shown in the tree, although they are included in the model. Such materials are acids (Hydrochloric, Phosphoric and Sulphuric Acid), bases (Sodium Hydroxide) and Oxidisers (Chlorine and Oxygen). 4 Scheme 1: Petrochemical Product Chain included in this study. 4 C4 fract. MEK Acetone Benzene Cumene Aromatics Phenol Adipic Acid p-Xylene Ethanol Polyethylene Ethylene Et. Oxide Et. Glycol PET Polyprop. OIL NAPHTHA Isopropanol Glycerol Propylene Prop. Oxide SYNGAS PDO PTT CO n-Butanol EOBE Hydrogen DMT NAT. GAS Methanol TPA Acetic Acid Ammonia Acrylonitrile Acrylamide Nitric Acid It often happens that several different synthetic routes or industrial processes exist for the same product. In those cases, the criteria for choosing the representative process for each product, in descending order of priority, were: 1. Largest installed capacity in the European Union: for instance, since the majority of European steam-crackers run on naphtha, the model process chosen for the production of ethylene is that using naphtha as a feedstock, despite the fact that a range of different feedstock materials are also used (ethane, propane, natural gas, gas oil, atmospheric distillation residual) and that some of them offer better profit margins than naphtha,5 if not for unfavourable logistics. 2. Lowest production cost: whenever decisive information on installed capacities was not readily available, the cheaper process was chosen as representative. On economic grounds it can be expected that in most cases criteria 1 and 2 tend to select the same industrial process. 3. Smallest amount (economic value) of by-product credits: In those cases in which the value of by-product credits is of the same order of magnitude or more 4 In this scheme, PET is obtained from DMT and PTT from TPA. This difference is not related to a specific synthetic necessity but to the specific process economics reports used as data sources. 5 SRI PEP YEARBOOK 2000, 2M 267-284 5 than the value of the main product, the propagation of errors on the allocation procedure can generate large errors in estimating the cost of a product that cannot strictly be regarded as the main output of the process. 6 3. METHODOLOGY In general, cost analysis is understood as an inquiry to assist decision-makers in choosing preferred future courses of action by evaluating selected alternatives on the basis of their costs, benefits, and risks. Specifically, cost analysis in this report should be understood as a standardised procedure intended as a support tool to assess and compare the present and future profitability of alternative productive processes for a set of base chemicals. This is performed by breaking down the production costs into different components and establishing the relationships between those single aspects and a set of parameters that are considered as variable in a dynamic (future-oriented) analysis. For petrochemical products, it is especially important to model the impact of (feedstock) oil and other energy carriers on production costs, while the cost of biomass and the optimisation of processes such as the conversion from biomass to fermentable sugar are key to the economics of products based on renewable resources. The geographical demarcation of this analysis, consistently with the scope of the BREW project, is the European Union. As for the time demarcation, the model does not, at the highest (most abstract) level, include time as an explicit variable, but only feedstock and energy process. Time appears as a variable as soon as energy and feedstock price projections are combined into the model as exogenous input. Such input was mainly derived from SRES scenarios, which run until year 2100. However, the BREWprofit model is based on a set of reference data, estimates and assumptions that limit the applicability of all results to a shorter time range; results are presented up to year 2050. The technical and economic parameters for industrial processes are year 2000 data; hence the year 2000 is chosen as the reference year. The technology of all petrochemical processes included in this report is assumed to be mature in the reference year, and all parameters such as investment costs, labour and utility inputs are constant. The cost analysis procedure was implemented as a self-standing Excel tool (BREWprofit) structured as follows: The first spreadsheet calculates the prices of utilities (electricity, steam, cooling water, etc.) and refinery products (mainly naphtha, which is assumed, together with natural gas, to be the main feedstock for the European chemical industry; see Appendix 1 for naphtha price derivation) on the basis of either one, three or four parameters (cost indices). These indices, which are exogenous input data 7 from the scenarios used for data analysis (see Section 4.2), multiply the reference (year 2000) values of: o (Four variables): Oil, Gas, Coal, Electricity. o (Three variables): Oil, Gas, Coal. The Electricity index is calculated on the basis of the other three, which can be done readily under the assumption that the energy mix for electricity production does not change in time.6 o (Single variable): Oil. In this case approximations are made to link the coal and gas indices to the oil index. Different relationships are implemented under different scenarios, based on best fit of SRES projections. The use of a single cost index (which is chosen as the parameter, oil price, having the largest effect on the cost of petrochemical products) allows calculating indicators as a function of only one variable, and accordingly for a significant simplification of data presentation.7 Each of the ensuing spreadsheets calculates the profited cost of one petrochemical product, by using the utility costs calculated in the first sheet and referring to other sheets for the costs of intermediates and by-products. The inclusion of the complete set of intermediates and by-products makes the model self-consistent. Total profited costs are calculated as a sum of the following terms: o Investment costs o Utilities costs o Production cost bases o Material costs Table 3.I presents an overview of the products/interlinked-spreadsheets included in the BREWprofit model, including main material inputs, co-products calculated as output of the same industrial process (see section 3.5) and plant sizes (see section 3.1), including the inventory of production processes based on renewable feedstock included in the model for comparative analysis. 6 In a market economy, lower generation cost is a key driver for energy mix change. This approximation (frozen energy mix) tends therefore to overestimate future electricity costs, up to 10-20%. Since electricity is in most cases a relatively minor (~1%) cost component for bulk petrochemical products, the error introduced is in most cases negligible. 7 This approximation is only used for ease and clarity of data presentation, not for scenario-related projections/calculations. 8 Table 3.I: Inventory of interlinked spreadsheets in BREWprofit. References: SRI Yearbook 2000, BREW tool (and references therein); see chapter 5. Plant Size Main Product (KT) Main Inputs Co-Products Based on petrochemical resources: Acetic Acid Acrylamide Acrylonitrile Adipic Acid n-Butanol Chlorine Carbon Monoxide Cumene DMT Hydrogen Nitric Acid Phosphoric Acid Methanol Ammonia EGBE Ethanol Ethylene Ethylene Oxide Ethylene Glycol Glycerol Isopropanol MEK Polyethylene PET Polypropylene Propylene Oxide Propylene Glycol Phenol PDO PTT Sulfuric Acid Syngas TPA Para-Xylene 510 40 360 270 200 400 140 200 500 6 690 660 1690 660 90 540 680 270 170 90 270 60 270 180 250 360 180 180 120 250 960 360 500 240 Carbon Monoxide, Methanol Acrylonitrile Propylene, Ammonia Phenol, Nitric Acid, Hydrogen Propylene, Syngas Rock Salt, Electricity Syngas Benzene, Proylene P-Xylene, Methanol Natural gas Ammonia Phosphate Rock, Sulfuric Acid Natural Gas Natural Gas Ethylene Oxide, n-Butanol Ethylene Naphtha Ethylene Ethylene Oxide Propylene, Chlorine Propylene MTBE raffinate Ethylene DMT, Ethylene Glycol Propylene Propylene, Chlorine Propylene Oxide Cumene Ethylene Oxide, Syngas TPA, PDO Pyrometallurgic SO2 Natural gas P-Xylene, Methanol BTX Isobutanol Caustic Soda Hydrogen Hydrochloric Acid* Propylene, BTX, C4 Acetone Based on renewable resources: Hydrogen Acetic Acid Lactic Acid Ethyl Lactate Polylactides (PLA) Succinic Acid PHA PDO PTT 0.32, 3.2 31, 310 150 188 140 75 4 45.5 250 Potato Peels, Steam Dextrose Dextrose Lactic Acid, Ethanol Lactic Acid, Ethanol Dextrose Dextrose, Fatty Acids Dextrose PTT, TPA 9 3.1. Investment costs Investment figures for petrochemical installations were obtained from SRI reports,8 where they are calculated by resizing plant designs to the design capacity. Figures corresponding to large-capacity plants were adopted in all cases, with indicative typical plant sizes shown in table 3.II. This choice was made in order to account for the benefits of economies of scale for bulk chemicals. Table 3.II: Typical plant sizes for bulk chemicals (industry sources) Chemical Category (relevant examples) Specialty solvents (Carbon Sulfide) Specialty Polymers (Polycarbonate) Textile Polymers (Polyamide) Food Chemicals (Citric Acid) Bulk Solvents (Acetone) Bulk Polymers (PET, PVC) Bulk Intermediates (Acetic Acid) Bulk Chemicals (Methanol, Olefins) 10-20 KT 20-50 KT TYPICAL PLANT SIZES 50-100 100-200 200-400 400-700 7001200 KT KT KT KT KT Total investment costs are the sum of two categories: “battery limits” and “offsites”. Battery limits are taken as the process equipment, including that for feed treatment, product separation and purification, recycle handling and product packaging. The off-sites portion of the investment figures covers refrigeration, utilities, waste disposal and storage facilities for the specific process, including utility generating facilities such as steam boilers, water-treating units, cooling towers. Electricity generation installations, conversely, are not included in the off-sites investments (see section 3.2). General service facilities, assumed to be 20% of the sum of battery limits plus utilities and tankage, are also included in the off site investment costs. All investment figures include 25% contingency. 8 SRI PEP YEARBOOK 2000, general methodology section. 10 In the production costs, investment costs were ultimately accounted for in a different way than in the SRI pep reports. SRI includes 10% yearly depreciation, allocated to the yearly production capacity, in the plant-gate costs, and a further 25% return on investment to calculate the product value. This is equivalent to a total 35% capital charge. This figure was found to produce minimum selling prices in many cases in large excess of the market list prices, which in fact often entail significantly lower profit margins. Based on Shell sources and expert opinion from Shell9, 20% capital charge was used as a figure to calculate the profited cost. This figure was chosen as representative to allow for comparing the profitability of different (petrochemical and biotechnological) synthetic routes to the same product. In principle, soaring energy prices can indirectly impact the investment costs through, for instance, increased production cost of stainless steel and increased manufacturing costs. A possible way to account for these effects is by means of an economic input-output model.10 This method, through the inter-linkages between economic sectors, tracks back the supply chain of the requirements needed to produce, say, a steam boiler to include, for what concerns the present paper, not only the energy inputs to final assembly, but also those in the mining and smelting of metals. However, this kind of analysis was out of the scope of the present study and was hence not performed; investment costs are therefore assumed as independent of energy prices. 3.2. Utilities costs Except for electricity, capital charges are not included in utilities costs, since utility installations are capitalised as part of the off-sites investment costs for the chemical plants. The assumptions made to calculate utility costs are thus as follows: Electricity cost is estimated as the electricity generation cost (including depreciation of fixed capital), averaged across the energy mix in use in the EU in the year 2000. Capital costs were accounted for by considering a 10% discount rate over a depreciation period of 15 years,11 corresponding to 13.5% annuitised capital charge. This method resulted in a baseline (year 2000) utility cost of 5.45 US cents per kWh, matching with the reported EU mean electricity 9 Nisbet T. (Shell), private communication Leontief, Wassily W., Input-Output Economics. 2nd ed., New York: Oxford University Press, 1986 11 In accordance with parameters reported by Framatome at the UNECE Roundtable Facilitating Investment in the Electricity Sector in the Transition Economies, Geneva, 19. Nov. 2003 10 11 price to industry for the same year.12 Techno-economic data for electricity generation (such as investment costs, conversion efficiencies, fixed and variable costs) was derived from ECN data13 (see Appendix 2). The inputs to the calculation of electric power price are oil, gas, coal and biomass prices 14 and their relative shares in the total power generation in the EU at a certain time. However, a series of approximations (discussed in Section 4.2) were made in order to reduce the number of variables to only one (oil price or time, depending on the type of analysis). Cooling water cost is the cost of operating a cooling tower supplying recirculating cooling water. This cost is mainly electricity use, hence it is assumed to scale linearly with electricity cost. Process water cost is typical for water that has been softened and filtered (but not deionised). This cost is assumed to be related more to materials than to energy use and, as an approximation, independent of energy price. Inert gas, a CO-free mixture of carbon dioxide, nitrogen and rare gases, is generated on-site. The cost of inert gas is assumed as independent of energy price15. Steam cost is estimated on the basis of burning fuel oil to raise 600 psig steam superheated to 399C. Since fuel is the overwhelming part of the total variable costs of steam generation, steam cost is assumed to scale linearly with oil price. The base values of utility costs are, for consistency, a standard set utilised by the BREWTOOL (see Appendix 2). 3.3. Production cost bases Operating costs, as adopted by SRI, include the following fixed figures, estimated for Germany and assumed as representative for Europe: Operating labour: 39.07 US$/work hour, including costs of fringe benefits and 10% shift overlap. “European Union Energy & Transport in Figures 2003”, European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy and Transport, in co-operation with Eurostat: 13 Smekens K.E.L, Lako P, Seebregts A.J, “Technologies and technology learning, contributions to IEA's Energy Technology Perspectives”, ECN-C--03-046, August 2003 14 In principle, nuclear fuel should be included too. It is however assumed as constant (see appendix II) 15 In the cases covered by BREWPROFIT inert gas represent a minimal part of total costs; the errors introduced by this approximation are hence hardly significant. 12 12 Operating supplies: 10% of operating labour. Control laboratory: 20% of operating labour. Plant overhead: 80% of total labour. Taxes and insurance: 2%/year on total fixed capital. Maintenance costs (labour plus materials): 1.5% to 6% of battery limits investment depending on the specific process/type of installation, plus 1.5%/year of refrigeration facilities investment. General and administrative, sales and research costs are lumped together and taken as a percentage of the calculated profited cost, ranging from 3% for chemicals used captively, over 5% for commodity chemicals, to 10% for commodity plastics and intermediates between commodity and specialty chemicals. Specialty chemicals are outside the scope of this project report. Since General, Administrative, Sales and Research costs (GASR) are defined as a percentage not of the costs calculated thus far (Upstream Figure, UF) but of the final figure (FF), the calculation is performed as follows: UF GASR FF 1) by expressing as GASR% the fraction (0.03 to 0.10) of FF corresponding to the GASR costs, eq. 1 is rearranged as: UF GASR% FF FF 2) FF 3) UF 1 GASR% 3.4. Material costs Material costs are treated differently depending on whether they are assumed as energydependent or energy-independent. Energy-dependent material costs are typically the costs of chemical intermediates, of acids and bases, of oxidisers (chlorine, oxygen). Each of these is calculated in a separate sheet of the PET BREW Excel tool. It was assumed 13 that manufacturers purchase all these materials at a price equal to their profited cost calculated with a 20% charge on all fixed capital. Whenever techno-economic data on a specific material is missing, its manufacturer-purchase price is expressed as the list or contract price for the reference year and linked to the profited cost of a similar product for future projections. This method was implemented, typically, to calculate the profited cost of a material of different grade than the one for which complete technoeconomic documentation was available (such as chemical-grade propylene instead of polymer-grade propylene), and to link the profited cost of hydrochloric acid (missing data) to that of phosphoric acid. As an example, according to the following definitions: be HClMP the market price of hydrochloric acid in year 2000 be H3PO4MP the market price of phosphoric acid in year 2000 be H3PO4PC the calculated profited cost of phosphoric acid the profited cost of hydrochloric acid is expressed as: HCl PC H 3PO4 PC 4) HCl MP H 3PO4 MP Energy-independent material costs are, in the present model, the costs of non-oil based commodities such as rock salt, sodium carbonate and phosphate rock and the costs of high value materials (such as most catalysts, ion-exchange resins, zeolites, etc.) used in small quantities for the production of base chemicals. All these prices were taken from SRI estimates for average awarded contracts in Germany in year 2000. 3.5. Cost allocation Whenever a process yields multiple products, it is necessary to perform an allocation of the total (profited) production costs, which are defined as the total (profited) costs of the process. The standard economic approach is to relate the process to one main product, while all the others are sold out and their value subtracted (as by-product credits) from the material costs. This procedure is straightforward in a static analysis (in which the values of all materials is known a priori based on market prices) but requires some 14 attention in the case of dynamic analysis (in which the value of materials is calculated based on the current price of oil, gas, utilities). The subtraction of by-product credits form material costs can be done whenever the model contains an independent way of calculating them. This is always the case for low-value products (such as fuel oil, pyrolysis gasoline, fuel gas), for very high value (non base chemicals) products, whose value is assumed independent of oil and utility prices, and whenever a separate excel sheet exists that calculates the profited cost of a given product without cyclical cross-references. In all other cases, when the value of a by-product is calculated by the same excel sheet, the above approach is not possible due to the occurrence of cyclical reference. An example of this case is the production of phenol and acetone by decomposition of cumene (main synthetic route for both products): if one assumed that phenol is the main product and acetone the by-product (or the contrary), it would be necessary to subtract from the production cost of phenol a by-product credit (acetone) whose value is unknown until the final calculation is completed. To overcome this problem, it was assumed that the profited costs of products made by the same process maintain constant ratio, and the allocation is done based on product value, using year 2000 values as a reference. This scheme can be implemented in several ways, the most straightforward of which is probably to calculate a final figure for the overall profited cost of the process and then allocate it to the different products on the basis of their reference economic value: if N is the number of products over which the total profited cost PC is allocated, vi is the market value of the ith product in the reference year 2000 and Qi the amount of it that is produced, the profited cost of the ith product pci can be expressed as: 5) pci PC vi N v Q j 1 j j 15 4. INPUT SCENARIOS FOR FUTURE COST PROJECTIONS This chapter introduces the scenario data later utilised for cost projection of chemicals from renewable resources vs. their petrochemical equivalents. Future trends are investigated by integrating fossil fuel price projections published on account of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. These data, although one should always be cautious about the validity of any long-term forecast, are sufficient to project the cost of petrochemical products. On the other hand, in order to project the cost of chemicals form renewable resources it is necessary to know not only the price of fossil fuels (which impact the overall costs through utility prices) but also of sugar, which is the universal feedstock of fermentation processes and hence of the prospective bulk biotech-chemical industry. Fermentable sugars can have essentially three origins: Sugar crop (sugar beet, sugar cane) Hydrolysis (saccharification) of starchy crop (maize, wheat) Chemical or enzymatic digestion of lignocellulose (agricultural waste such as corn stover and straw, logging waste, energy crop) According to previous assessments,16 the European bio-climatic specificity is such that fermentable sugars from lignocellulosic origin are regarded as offering the best economic prospects; therefore the sugar cost estimate incorporated in the model assumes lignocellulosic origin. Such estimate is composed of two essential parts: an experience function, since the technology to convert cellulose to fermentable sugar cannot at the present stage be regarded as mature, and the price of biomass. As regards the estimate of said experience curve, several studies from the US National Renewable Energy Laboratory are available. On the other hand, due to the limited availability of comprehensive literature on biomass price projections, a simple method, relying on the combination of exogenous data from different sources, is proposed and applied to estimate the cost of biomass as a feedstock for the European chemical industry in relation to the projected biomass demand both as a chemical feedstock and as a fuel for electricity generation. 16 Convened expert opinion at BREW roundtable, Utrecht, May 2004 16 4.1. SRES Scenarios: In response to a 1994 evaluation of the earlier IPCC IS92 emissions scenarios, the 1996 Plenary of the IPCC requested the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES). The SRES scenarios cover a wide range of the main driving forces of future emissions, from demographic to technological and economic developments. None of the scenarios in the set includes any future policies that explicitly address climate change (such as carbon taxing), although all scenarios necessarily encompass various policies of other types. Since 1998, when the preliminary scenarios were made available to climate modellers, SRES scenarios have been widely used as a basis for the assessment of climatic changes. These scenarios are derived from an initial choice of four scenario families (storylines) characterised by future development paths different by: o Nature of the global and regional demographic developments in relation to other characteristics of the storyline. o Extent to which economic globalisation and increased social and cultural interactions continue over the 21st century. o Rates of global and regional economic developments and trade patterns in relation to the other characteristics of the storyline. o Rates and direction of global and regional technological change, especially in relation to the economic development prospects. o Extent to which local and regional environmental concerns shape the direction of future development and environmental controls. o Degree to which human and natural resources are mobilized globally and regionally to achieve multiple development objectives of each storyline. o Balance of economic, social, technological, or environmental objectives in the choices made by consumers, governments, enterprises, and other stakeholders. Figure 1 shows the positioning of the four scenario families (A1, A2, B1, B2) in the characteristic two-dimensional space global/regional, economic/environmental. 17 Figure1: The four SRES scenario families. Source: SRES (IPCC) The A1 storyline and scenario family describes a future world of very rapid economic growth, global population that peaks in mid-century and declines thereafter, and the rapid introduction of new and more efficient technologies. Major underlying themes are convergence among regions, capacity building, and increased cultural and social interactions, with a substantial reduction in regional differences in per capita income. The A1 scenario family develops into three groups that describe alternative directions of technological change in the energy system. The three A1 groups are distinguished by their technological emphasis: fossil intensive (A1FI), non-fossil energy sources (A1T), or a balance across all sources (A1B). The A2 storyline and scenario family describes a very heterogeneous world. The underlying theme is self-reliance and preservation of local identities. Fertility patterns across regions converge very slowly, which results in continuously increasing global population. Economic development is primarily regionally oriented and per capita economic growth and technological change are more fragmented and slower than in other storylines. The B1 storyline and scenario family describes a convergent world with the same global population that peaks in mid-century and declines thereafter, as in the A1 18 storyline, but with rapid changes in economic structures toward a service and information economy, with reductions in material intensity, and the introduction of clean and resource-efficient technologies. The emphasis is on global solutions to economic, social, and environmental sustainability, including improved equity, but without additional climate initiatives. The B2 storyline and scenario family describes a world in which the emphasis is on local solutions to economic, social, and environmental sustainability. It is a world with continuously increasing global population at a rate lower than A2, intermediate levels of economic development, and less rapid and more diverse technological change than in the B1 and A1 storylines. While the scenario is also oriented toward environmental protection and social equity, it focuses on local and regional levels. 4.2. Four Scenarios for Fossil Fuel Prices: The SRES contains separate oil, gas and coal price projections until year 2100 for the following scenarios: A1B, A1C, A1G, A1T, B1, B1G, B1T, A2, B2.17 In order to restrict the number of scenarios to a more manageable number, and for consistency with other data sources that mainly focussed on the four principal storylines, the four datasets of the A1 family and the three of the B1 family were averaged out as A1 and B1, yielding the following price projections for the three energy carriers (data is only presented until year 2050 for consistency with the overall demarcation of the BREW project): Table 3.I: projected fossil fuel price increases (2000-2050) in four scenarios. Scenario Year 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 Oil 1 1.69 1.54 1.53 1.61 1.87 A1 Gas Coal 1 1 1.19 1.24 1.29 1.23 1.74 1.29 1.73 1.24 2.12 1.43 Oil 1 1.49 1.88 2.16 2.78 3.31 A2 Gas Coal 1 1 1.00 1.00 1.38 1.01 1.79 1.32 2.07 1.48 2.40 1.54 Oil 1 1.58 1.70 1.58 1.71 1.50 B1 Gas Coal 1 1 1.11 1.26 1.27 1.46 1.28 1.32 1.38 1.27 1.28 1.02 Oil 1 1.42 1.51 1.81 2.16 2.64 B2 Gas Coal 1 1 0.97 1.10 1.19 1.76 1.35 1.32 1.59 1.32 1.80 1.38 Table 3.I shows price indices, i.e. multiplicative factors to the base (year 2000) value. By using these factors as three input variables to integrate SRES scenarios in the BREWprofit model (see chapter 3), the results of the model calculations can either be 17 Scenarios A1C, A1G and B1G: The transition away from conventional oil and gas either leads to a massive development of unconventional oil and gas resources (A1G, B1G) or to a large-scale synfuel economy based on coal (A1C). 19 reported in a single XY product-cost vs. time plot, or, to visualise explicitly the effects of energy price increases, in a space defined by three independent variables: oil, gas, and coal prices. This is a four-dimensional space (three energy variable plus product cost), which could in principle be simply plotted by sections (cost vs. oil price, with gas and coal prices constant, and the other two permutations). However, the resulting graphs would not represent probable trajectories.18 A more useful way of presenting energy-carrier dependency of the profited cost of a chemical is the following: since the most influential variable for petrochemical products is oil price, the number of independent variables can be reduced to one by linear regression of the gas and coal price indices (iG and iC) to the oil price index (iO). Figure2 shows a sample linear regression (scenario A2), in which the fitting function (the offset by -1 is in order to fit only the variations of the index from the base value 1) is: iG 1 k G (iO 1) iC 1 k C (iO 1) 6) 4.5 Gas Coefficient=0.73 Coal Coefficient=0.33 Gas and Coal Price Indices 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Oil Price Index Fig. 2: Gas and Coal price indices fitted to the Oil price index. Scenario A2. 18 It is unlikely that, at any point in time, only one of the three fossil energy carriers will soar in price while the other two remain constant. 20 The coefficients (k’s in equation 6, slopes of the dashed lines in fig.2) resulting from linear regression for the four scenarios are reported in table 3.II. Table 3.II: Linear regression coefficients linking coal and gas prices to oil price, in four scenarios. Scenario Gas Coeff Coal Coeff A1 1.1 0.8 A2 0.73 0.33 B1 0.71 0.71 B2 0.59 0.49 4.3. Scenario-related Biomass Use and Price Section 4.2 reported on the assumptions made to obtain oil and other fossil energy input prices for BREWprofit. The present section describes the method used to obtain the biomass input price necessary to perform comparative cost analysis between fossilbased and renewable-based bulk chemicals.19 This method relies on the combination of exogenous data from different sources, and is not meant to provide quantitative figures but indicative estimates; the method, starting from the main underlying assumptions, is worked out as follows: All lignocellulosic biomass available in Europe is considered as a single pool, consisting of woody energy crop, agricultural waste, logging waste. Cost-supply curves for energy crop were reported by Hoogwijk et al;20 table 4.I shows the amount of lignocellulosic biomass available within a certain price range for Western and Eastern Europe cumulated (NIS excluded), for year 2050: Table 4.I: Energy-crop biomass available in Europe, sorted by price ranges, in year 2050. Scenario A1 A2 B1 B2 Price range 1-2$/GJ 2-4$/GJ >4$/GJ 1-2$/GJ 2-4$/GJ >4$/GJ 1-2$/GJ 2-4$/GJ >4$/GJ 1-2$/GJ 2-4$/GJ >4$/GJ EJ 10 11 2 12 6 4 11 6 0 15 8 3 These figures do not take into account logging and agricultural waste. This component was included in the present model by assuming a cost between 1 and 2 $/GJ21 and then adding the relative amount to the pool available at the cheapest supply 19 This section is also worked out in order to assess if the development of bulk chemistry based on renewable resources will result in strong competition for biomass use with the energy sector, possibly causing biomass price to increase. 20 Hoogwijk M, Faaij A, de Vries B, Turkenburg W. “Potential of grown biomass for energy under four GHG emission scenarios: Part B: exploration of the regional cost-supply curve (2004, to be submitted)”. Included in M.Hoogwijk’s PhD thesis. 21 Ruth, M.F, Wooley, R.J, “The cost of lignocellulosic sugar for commodity chemical production”, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 21 price in table 4.I. For the same geographical region, the available amount of logging and agricultural waste was estimated by Smeets et al.22 as varying between 4 and 6 GJ per year, depending on scenario parameters. The three scenarios exploreded by Smeets et al., essentially differing by land productivity, are not related to the SRES scenarios. For this reason, and since the inter-scenario difference is limited, we decided to use an average figure (5EJ per year) for all SRES scenarios. By combining this figure with table 4.I, and by assuming average biomass prices of 1.5, 3 and 5 US$/GJ for biomass available at the price ranges of table 4.I (1-2, 2-4 and above 4 US$/GJ), we obtain: Table 4.II. Lignocellulosic biomass available in Europe, sorted by price, in year 2050. Scenario A1 Price range 1.5$/GJ 3$/GJ En.Crop (EJ) 10 11 Waste (EJ) 5 0 TOTAL (EJ) 15 11 A2 5$/GJ 1.5$/GJ 3$/GJ 2 12 6 0 5 0 2 17 6 B1 5$/GJ 1.5$/GJ 3$/GJ 4 11 6 0 5 0 4 16 6 B2 5$/GJ 1.5$/GJ 3$/GJ 0 15 8 0 5 0 0 20 8 5$/GJ 3 0 3 As a first approximation, the amount of biomass available is considered constant in time, equal to the level predicted for year 2050. This assumption is not expected to introduce large errors when calculating biomass price (see below) since biomass demand in early years is low. It is then assumed that, at any point in time, there will be competition for this limited pool of biomass between the chemical industry (bio-feedstock) and power generation. Biomass will be available at the same average conditions (price) for both destinations. Biomass will be available at the lowest price (1.5 US$/GJ) up to exhaustion of the pool available at that price. At this point the pool available at 3 US$/GJ will be tapped into, and so on. The average biomass price in relation to demand, for the four scenarios, is shown in table 4.III (note that the total geographical potential is different under the four scenarios). 22 E. Smeets, A. Faaij and I. Lewandowski, confidential report (Global Quickscan) 22 Table 4.III: Demand-related biomass price. Rows 2-9 not shown (constant value 1.50$/GJ) Demand A1 A2 B1 B2 EJ/year Price, $/GJ Price, $/GJ Price, $/GJ Price, $/GJ 1 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 11 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 12 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 13 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 14 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 15 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 16 1.59 1.50 1.50 1.50 17 1.68 1.50 1.59 1.50 18 1.75 1.58 1.67 1.50 19 1.82 1.66 1.74 1.50 20 1.88 1.73 1.80 1.50 21 1.93 1.79 1.86 1.57 22 1.98 1.84 1.91 1.64 23 2.02 1.89 1.70 24 2.06 2.02 1.75 25 2.10 2.14 1.80 26 2.13 2.25 1.85 27 2.24 2.35 1.89 28 2.34 1.93 29 2.03 30 2.13 31 2.23 Biomass demand for power generation is taken as from IPCC projections.23 The IPCC scenarios adopted by this source are an earlier version than the SRES ones, hence B1 and B2 are merged in a single scenario, and additional scenarios (A3, C) are discarded. The cumulative figures for Western and Eastern Europe (excluding NIS) are: Table 4.IV: Biomass demand for electricity generation, Europe 2000-2050 (Source: WEP) Year 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 A1 A2 B1 B2 Biomass for Power generation, EJ/year 2.12 2.57 1.95 1.95 1.73 1.92 1.73 1.73 1.76 3.66 1.79 1.79 2.08 6.28 1.8 1.8 3.735 12.75 4.095 4.095 5.39 19.22 6.39 6.39 Biomass demand as chemical feedstock is estimated by combining the predicted growth of the European chemical industry (in terms of total mass produced) with an estimate for the renewable/petrochemical substitution rate. The renewable-based Nakicenovic N, Grubler A, McDonald A, “Global Energy Perspectives”, Cambridge University Press ISBN 0-521-64569-7 23 23 production volume obtained in this way is translated into biomass demand through average energy-content conservation relationships available in the literature.24 The assumptions made to obtain the biomass demand as chemical feedstock are the following, and the results are summarised in table 4.V: The total production of bulk plastics in the European Union (EU15) in year 2000 was quantified as 45 Megatons,25 and estimated to reach 57 MT in 2010 and 70 MT in 2020 (base case). These values were extrapolated up to 2050 by comparison with other sources containing longer-term projections.26,27 Increasing those values by 20% yielded the figures assumed representative of the enlarged EU (EU25).28 In order to also include all chemicals other than polymers within the scope of the BREW project (solvents, lubricants, surfactants, large volume intermediates) the values for plastics were doubled. The substitution rate of renewable for fossil feedstock (rapid penetration case), in accordance with the figures published by the US DOE29 for the “technology roadmap for plant/crop-based renewable resources”30 was assumed to be 10% in 2020 (fivefold increase of the current 4%)31 and 50% in 2050 (another fivefold increase). Combined with the projected growth of the European chemical industry, this results in an increased production of bulk chemicals based on renewable resources from 2.16 MT in year 2000 to 120 MT in 2050. Bender M. H, “Potential conservation of biomass in the production of synthetic organics” Resources, Conservation and Recycling 30 (2000) 49–58 25 Phylipsen D, Kerssemeeckers M, Blok K, Patel M, de Beer J., “Clean Technologies in the Material Sector”, Current and Future Environmental Performance of Material Technologies, Ecofys E 9087, 2002 26 Crank, M.; Patel, M.; Marscheider-Weidemann, F.; Schleich, J.; Hüsing, B.; Angerer, G.: Technoeconomic Feasibility of Large-scale Production of Bio-based Polymers in Europe (PRO-BIP). Report prepared for the European Commission’s Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS), Sevilla, Spain. Prepared by the Department of Science, Technology and Society/Copernicus Institute at Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands and the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2004 27 VLEEM, “Very Long Term Energy Environment Modelling”, EC/DG Research Contract ENG2-CT2000-00441 28 Sources: CEFIC,, and OECD, “OECD Environmental Outlook for the Chemicals Industry”, 2001, 29 Several data sources utilised in this section and in chapter 5 refer to US data. This is because more comprehensive studies have been made for biomass to sugar conversion in the US than in Europe. It is assumed that the same parameters are indicatively applicable to the European case also. 30 U.S. Department of Energy (DOE): The technology roadmap for plant/crop-based renewable resources 2020 – Research priorities for fulfilling a vision to enhance U.S. economic security through renewable plant/crop-based resource use. DOE/GO-10099-706, Washington, 1999 31 For Europe, the 1998 figure was estimated as 3.1%. Source: ECCP (European Climate Change Programme) – Long report. [] Brussels, 2001 24 24 The average energy content of bulk chemicals was assumed, as estimated by Patel32, as 34GJ/T. In terms of energy content, therefore, the increase is from 73PJ in 2000 to 4.1 EJ in 2050. (Bio)mass conservation in the production of chemicals: since carbohydrate- based feedstock is highly oxygenated, the reduction to olefin-type building blocks implies a significant loss of mass. In terms of energy, depending on the type of chemicals produced, the use of bio-feedstock implies an increase of total feedstock requirements up to 1/3 compared to using fossil feedstock. Based on these considerations and on the average composition of bulk chemicals, 1.57 GJ of biomass are required to produce 1 GJ of bulk chemicals.33 Biomass demand for the chemical industry increases from 115 PJ in 2000 to 6.4 EJ in 2050. Table 4.V: Biomass demand for the chemical industry, Europe 2000-2050 Year 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 Polymers Production (MT) All Bulk EU15 EU25 Chemicals (MT) 45 54 108 57 68.4 136.8 70 84 168 81 97.2 194.4 91 109.2 218.4 100 120 240 From Renewables Feedstock % MT EJ EJ 2 2.16 0.07 0.12 5 6.84 0.23 0.37 10 16.8 0.57 0.90 20 38.88 1.32 2.08 35 76.44 2.60 4.08 50 120 4.08 6.41 By combining the data of Tables 4.IV and 4.V one obtains the estimate for total lignocellulosic biomass demand in the enlarged European Union up to 2050.34 Table 4.V can then be used to obtain the average price of biomass meeting that demand. These results are summarised in table 4.VI. Patel, M.: “Life cycle assessment (LCA) results for conventional and bio-based plastics”. Lecture held at the Department of Polymer Chemistry at the Center of Molecular and Macromolecular Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, 19 February 2003, Lodz, Poland 33 Bender M. H, “Potential conservation of biomass in the production of synthetic organics” Resources, Conservation and Recycling 30 (2000) 49–58 34 This estimate does not include biomass for biofuels. The EU has set targets for the minimum proportion of biofuels to be sold on the member states’ markets at 2% In 2005 and 5.75% in 2010. The current energy consumption of EU-25’s transportation sector is of the order of 16 EJ and projected, depending on the scenario, to reach between 18 and 30 EJ in 2050 (ref: WEP), 5.75% of which is between 1 and 1.7 EJ. This requirement will be fulfilled by different types of biofuels. Ethanol can be blended with gasoline, while biodiesel is mostly composed of rapeseed oil. We assume that land use for rapeseed crop does not compete with energy crop and that only a fraction of the ethanol requirement will be produced from lignocellulosic feedstock. Under these assumptions, biofuel production does not compete significantly with power generation and chemicals production for lignocellulosic feedstock. 32 25 Table 4.VI: Total biomass demand and price, Europe 2000-2050 Scenario Year 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 A1 Total Biomass EJ/year $/GJ 2.24 1.5 2.10 1.5 2.66 1.5 4.16 1.5 7.82 1.5 11.80 1.5 A2 Total Biomass EJ/year $/GJ 2.69 1.5 2.29 1.5 4.56 1.5 8.36 1.5 16.83 1.5 25.63 2.2 B1 Total Biomass EJ/year $/GJ 2.07 1.5 2.10 1.5 2.69 1.5 3.88 1.5 8.18 1.5 12.80 1.5 B2 Total Biomass EJ/year $/GJ 2.07 1.5 2.10 1.5 2.69 1.5 3.88 1.5 8.18 1.5 12.80 1.5 The conclusion that can be drawn from table 4.VI is that, under the present assumptions and the four considered scenarios, biomass demand in the EU until 2050 is not expected to reach levels as high as to affect biomass price. The only exception is year 2050 in scenario A2 (2.2 US$/GJ). Since this is the only point of deviation from the base value of 1.5 US$/GJ in a rough analysis that should only be used to derive indicative values, and since the assumed penetration rate of renewable feedstock for bulk chemicals is by all means optimistic, in the following of this report biomass price will be considered constant, equal to 1.5 US$/GJ. 26 5. COMPARATIVE COST ANALYSIS: BULK CHEMICALS FROM FOSSIL vs. RENEWABLE RESOURCES. PRELIMINARY RESULTS This chapter is concerned with comparative cost analysis of selected bulk chemicals from renewable resources vs. their petrochemical equivalents. Parameters are changed, starting from those describing the current situation, in accordance with the scenario data introduced in Chapter 4. This analysis should be understood as preliminary, since the final parameters relative to bio-based chemicals were not available at the time when this report was written. In the following sections, three case studies are presented, concerned with replacements based on renewable resource for bulk solvents, plastics and raw materials derived from natural gas. The results are presented in two different formats: as Break Even Oil to Sugar Price (BEOSP) charts, indicating the values of oil and sugar price at which a certain product based on renewable resources becomes competitive with its petrochemical analogue, and as time-domain projections. Such projections are presented for the four scenarios introduced in chapter 4; as reading key, scenarios A1 And B1 represent conditions of relatively low long-term fossil fuel prices, whereas under scenarios A2 and B2 fossil fuels experience a steep increase in price towards the midst of the century.35 Sugar price is assumed to be equal to the market price of dextrose (187 US$/ton) in year 200036 and to decrease in the future according to NREL projections.37 On the basis of prospected improvement of enzymatic productivity and of feedstock collection structure for the lignocellulose-to-fermentable-sugar conversion, NREL projections are as follows: Table 5.I: Prospected fermentable sugar price reduction Current Minimum Sugar Selling Price (US$/ton) 187 Potential Year 2010 Large Near Term Year 2005 Year 2010 Capacity 147 115 105 71 35 At the time this report was written, a conjuncture of geopolitical circumstances had caused oil price to soar to more than 40 US$/Barrel, a level largely in excess of SRES projections. This figure was assumed as anomalous and not representative of long-term averages. 36 Standard data for BREW (BREWtool) 37 Ruth, M.F, Wooley, R.J, “The cost of lignocellulosic sugar for commodity chemical production”, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 27 It is interesting to note that the prospected final selling price of 71 US$/ton for large capacity (of the order of 1 Megaton per year) is very close to the current selling price of sugar from sugar cane in Brazil (68-72US$/ton).38 For the purpose of scenario-integration of sugar price projections, in the following of this chapter it will be assumed that the representative sugar transfer price be 187 US$/ton in year 2000, 105 US$/ton in year 2010 and 71 US$/ton from year 2020 onwards. These figures are derived from projections made for the US. It is here assumed that they can also be applicable to the European case, mainly due to the lack of comparably comprehensive studies referred to Europe. BEOSP charts are presented as a function of oil price and, for clarity of reading, at the highest (year 2000, 187 US$/ton) and lowest (from year 2020 onwards, 71 US$/ton) sugar prices considered. In order to be able to plot profited costs against only one variable (oil price), BEOSP charts have been generated under the approximation of linking gas and coal prices to oil price through fitting of SRES projections (see Chapter 3, Section 4.2 and Appendix II). Regarding said fitting, all BEOSP charts shown in this chapter have been made with the parameters (see Table 3.II) relative to scenario B1.39 This approximation was only used for BEOSP charts, whereas in time-domain cost projection charts all 3 parameters are input as from SRES projections. 5.1 Solvents Disregarding ethanol, already produced in bulk quantity from fermentation at significantly lower cost than from hydration of petrochemical ethylene, for the BREW project ethyl lactate was selected as the solvent based on renewable feedstock with the best prospects to become competitive, in the short-to-mid term, with petrochemical bulk solvents. Ethyl lactate is produced by esterification of lactic acid with ethyl alcohol, and the availability of low-cost bulk lactic acid can be considered key to the development of ethyl lactate as a bulk solvent. Depending on achieved reduction of production costs, ethyl lactate has been indicated as a suitable replacement for specialty solvents such as 38 Industry sources: C&T Brasil 2001, ASSOCANA 2001. Using the set of parameters of a different scenario only causes minor differences in BEOSP charts, since in most cases the profited cost gradient has a single steepest component (oil or natural gas depending on the which is the main feedstock); in other words, the dependence on the most influential variable is always reproduced exactly, while the approximation only interests variables on which the product cost has a relatively weak dependence. 39 28 glycol ethers, semi-bulk solvents such as methyl-ethyl-ketone or bulk solvents such as acetone and chlorinated solvents. Recent advancements in biotechnology have made possible the production of bulk lactic acid at a minimum selling price of the order of 650 US$/ton (BREWprofit calculation), which allows the production of bulk ethyl lactate at a cost already lower than the cost of glycol ethers and competitive with methyl-ethyl ketone. Figure 3 is the BEOSP chart for ethyl lactate (EL) compared to ethylene-glycolbutyl-ether (EGBE, taken as representative of glycol ethers), methyl-ethyl-ketone (MEK) and acetone. The dash-lined arrows indicate the reduction of ethyl lactate profited-cost induced by a 62% fermentable sugar cost reduction (assumed viable by year 2020); the thick-lined arrows indicate three break-even-oil-prices (BEOP): B1 (17US$/barrel) is the BEOP for MEK and EL at current sugar price, B3 (49US$/barrel) is the BEOP for acetone and EL at current sugar price and B2 (34US$/barrel) is the BEOP for acetone and EL at year-2020 sugar price. Profited Cost (USc/Kg) 100 EGBE MEK Acetone Bio-EL-2000 Bio-EL-2020 80 60 40 B1 20 B2 30 B3 40 50 60 70 Oil Price (US$/Barrel) Figure3: BEOSP chart for ethyl lactate (EL) compared to EGBE, MEK and acetone 29 Figure 3 shows that ethyl lactate could already be produced at lower cost than MEK and glycol ethers, and that it can become competitive with bulk solvents such as acetone under the condition of high oil price40. Figure 4 shows the ensuing comparative profited-cost projection for EL and acetone, in relation to the four scenarios. The graph shows that EL could become fully competitive with acetone between 2010 and 2020; after 2020 the profited costs of the two solvents stabilise on relatively constant and equal levels in scenarios A1 and B1, whereas in high long-term oil price scenarios (A2 and B2), ethyl lactate could be produced at a definitely lower cost than acetone. AcO-A2 Profited Cost (USc/Kg) 100 AcO-B2 80 EL-A2 AcO-A1 EL-B2 EL-A1 AcO-B1 EL-B1 60 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 Year Figure4: Profited-cost projection for ethyl lactate (EL) and acetone (AcO) in four scenarios Table 5.II is a summary of the relevant parameters, relative to year 2000, used to calculate the profited cost of the solvents presented in this section. In agreement with the assessment diffused by Argonne National Laboratory, “Ethyl lactate, a low-cost, environmentally friendly solvent”. 40 30 Overhead and taxes (Usc/Kg) Total Material costs (Usc/Kg) Dextrose (Usc/Kg of feedstock) Ethanol (Usc/Kg of feedstock) 5.85 1.6 2.4 37.5 18.7 40 Acetone 180 525 5.5 2.35 2.25 45 MEK 60 888 10.5 4.4 4.1 36.3 EGBE 90 575 3.3 2.9 2.9 76.8 Ethylene Oxide (Usc/Kg of feedstock) Labour and materials (Usc/Kg) 805 n-Butanol (Usc/Kg of feedstock) Utility costs (Usc/Kg) 188 MTBE raffinate (Usc/Kg of feedstock) Investment costs (US$/ton capacity) Ethyl Lactate Cumene (Usc/Kg of feedstock) Plant capacity (KT/year) Table 5.II: Relevant parameters for calculating profited cost of solvents (year 2000)41 60.9 96.5 53 36 5.2 Polymers Two polymers based on renewable feedstock are examined in this sections: polylactides (PLA), obtained by polymerisation of lactic acid, and Poly(Trimethylene Terephthalate) (PTT), obtained by transesterification of terephthalic acid with 1,3PropaneDiol (PDO). One important difference between PLA and PTT is that, while PLA can be obtained entirely from renewable feedstock (fermentation of sugar to lactic acid), PTT requires petrochemical feedstock for the production of terephthalic acid, whereas PDO can be either produced petrochemically or by fermentation. In accordance with technical specifications and production-cost abatement prospects, PLA is examined as a replacement for polyethylene (PE) and poly(ethyleneterephthalate) (PET), and renewable-resource based PTT is examined as a replacement for PET and PTT fully based on petrochemical feedstock. 5.2.1 PTT Figure 5 is the BEOSP chart for biotechnological PTT (bio-PTT) compared to PET and petrochemical PTT (pet-PTT). The dashed arrows indicate the reduction of bio-PTT profited-cost induced by the 62% year-2020 fermentable sugar cost reduction; the solid arrows indicate three BEOP’s: B1 (29.5US$/barrel) is the BEOP for bio-PTT and pet41 Petrochemical data: SRI Yearbook 2000, Biotech data: confidential industry sources for the BREW project (BREWtool) 31 PTT at current sugar price, B3 (74US$/barrel) is the BEOP for PET and bio-PTT at current sugar price and B2 (41US$/barrel) is the same at year-2020 sugar price. Profited Cost (USc/Kg) 200 PET PTT Bio-PTT-2000 Bio-PTT-2020 180 160 140 120 B1 20 B2 40 B3 60 80 Oil Price (US$/Barrel) Figure5: BEOSP chart for bio-PTT compared to petrochemical PET and PTT Figure 5 shows that bio-PTT can already be competitive with PTT fully based on petrochemical feedstock, and that high oil prices combined with a significant reduction of sugar price could make it even competitive with PET. Figures 6 and 7 show the ensuing comparative profited-cost projections for bio-PTT and, respectively, pet-PTT and PET, in relation to the four scenarios. The economics of PTT production from renewable and petrochemical feedstock (Fig.6) are already in year 2000 very similar; in the projections, soaring oil price coupled to sugar price reductions makes the renewable-resource based product increasingly cheaper than the petrochemical one, up to a profited cost difference in year 2050 varying between 15 and 30 US cents per Kilogram, depending on the scenario. 32 Pet-A2 Profited Cost (USc/Kg) PTT Pet-B2 Bio-A2 200 Bio-B2 Pet-A1 Bio-A1 Pet-B1 150 Bio-B1 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 Year Figure6: Profited-cost projection for petrochemical (pet) and bio-PTT in four scenarios PET-A2 Bio-PTT vs. Pet-PET PTT-B2 Profited Cost (USc/Kg) 200 PET-B2 PTT-A2 PET-A1 PTT-A1 150 2000 PTT-B1 PET-B1 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 Year Figure7: Profited-cost projection for PET and bio-PTT in four scenarios 33 Conversely, PET is currently assessed as ca. 15 US cents per Kg cheaper than PTT (Fig.7); soaring oil price and sugar price reduction could make bio-PTT fully competitive with PET between 2010 and 2020. After 2020 the profited costs of the two polymers stabilise on relatively constant and equal levels in scenarios A1 and B1, whereas in high long-term oil price scenarios (A2 and B2), bio-PTT could be produced at a definitely lower cost than PET. 5.2.2 PLA Figure 8 is the BEOSP chart for PLA compared to Polyethylene and PET. The dashlined arrows indicate the reduction of PLA profited-cost induced by the 62% year-2020 fermentable sugar cost reduction; the thick-lined arrows indicate four BEOP’s: B2 (42US$/barrel) is the BEOP for PET and PLA at current sugar price, B1 (21US$/barrel) is the BEOP for PET and PLA at year-2020 sugar price, B4 (76US$/barrel) is the BEOP for PE and PLA at current sugar price and B3 (53US$/barrel) is the BEOP for PE and PLA at year-2020 sugar price. It is interesting to note that the slope difference of the profited cost vs. oil price graphs of petrochemical polymers and PLA is much more pronounced than in the case of bio-PTT. This is due to the residual petrochemical feedstock content (terephthalic acid) of bio-PTT. 180 Profited Cost (USc/Kg) 160 140 Polyethylene PET Bio-PLA-2000 Bio-PLA-2020 120 100 B2 B1 80 20 40 B3 60 B4 80 Oil Price (US$/Barrel) Figure8: BEOSP chart for PLA compared to PE and PET 34 Figure 8 puts in evidence the opportunity offered by sugar price reductions for PLA to become competitive with PET even at moderate oil price, whereas PLA could only compete with PE in case of high oil price. Accordingly, in the scenario-related profitedcost projections of figure 9, PLA is produced at lower costs than PET starting from 2010, with a profited cost difference reaching more than 50 US cents per Kg by year 2050 in high oil-price scenarios. Profited Cost (USc/Kg) PET-A2 200 PET-B2 PET-A1 PLA-A2 PLA-B2 PET-B1 PLA-A1 PLA-B1 150 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 Year Figure9: Profited-cost projection for PET and PLA in four scenarios PE is currently assessed as more than 50 US cents per Kg cheaper than PLA (Fig.7), a gap too large to be closed by sugar cost reductions alone. Only under high oil price scenarios (A2, B2), and only after years 2030-2040, PE is projected to become costly enough for PLA to become competitive. 35 Profited Cost (USc/Kg) PE-A2 PE-B2 PLA-A2 PLA-B2 PLA-A1 PLA-B1 PE-A1 150 PE-B1 100 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 Year Figure10: Profited-cost projection for PE and PLA in four scenarios Table 5.III is a summary of the relevant parameters, relative to year 2000, used to calculate the profited cost of the polymers presented in this section. Labour and materials (Usc/Kg) Overhead and taxes (Usc/Kg) Total Material costs (Usc/Kg) Lactic Acid (Usc/Kg of feedstock) PDO (Usc/Kg of feedstock) TPA (Usc/Kg of feedstock) 730 3.1 3.5 3.5 104 65 Bio-PTT 250 580 1.1 3.35 3.25 108 120 77 Pet-PTT 250 580 1.1 3.35 3.25 106 117.5 77 PET 180 762 2.8 3.45 3.25 94 PE 270 486 2.25 2.75 2.5 65 77 72.5 Ethylene (Usc/Kg of feedstock) Utility costs (Usc/Kg) 140 DMT (Usc/Kg of feedstock) Investment costs (US$/ton capacity) PLA Ethylene Glycol (Usc/Kg of feedstock) Plant capacity (KT/year) Table 5.III: Relevant parameters for calculating profited cost of polymers (year 2000) 42 62 42 Petrochemical data: SRI Yearbook 2000, Biotech data: confidential industry sources for the BREW project (BREWtool) 36 5.3 Materials based on Natural Gas Sections 5.1 and 5.2 dealt with the replacement of bulk chemicals based on oil (naphtha) as a feedstock; the present section is concerned with assessing the economic prospects of producing two bulk commodity chemicals, acetic acid and hydrogen, from renewable feedstock compared to their traditional synthetic route based on natural gas. Techno-economic data for the production of these two chemicals from renewable resources was available, at the time this report was written, only for relatively smallcapacity plants (30 KT for acetic acid and 0.3 KT for hydrogen, compared to current large-capacity petrochemical plants of 500 and 6 KT, respectively). In order to compare cost for the two synthetic routes, bulk-production plant parameters were obtained by scaling the available ones. Bulk-case parameters were generated by assuming plant capacities 10 times larger than those of the original data (300 KT for acetic acid, 3 KT for hydrogen) and an undifferentiated scale exponent of 0.7 for all fixed costs, including fixed capital charge, labour, supplies, overhead and taxes: C1 and C2 are the original and rescaled plant capacities expressed in tons per annum, F1 and F2 are the fixed costs of the original and the rescaled plant and se is the scale exponent (0.7), the fixed costs per ton are then reduced by 50%, as shown in equation 7. 7) F2 F1 C2 C1 C2 C 1 se C2 C1 10C1 C1 0.7 10C1 C1 5 10 1 2 In addition to the plant up-scaling, it is assumed that 30% reduction of the cost of fermentation nutrients and microorganisms will be achieved by 2010 and 60% in 2020. Since the fossil feedstock for the chemicals examined in this section is natural gas, Break-even charts are plotted against natural gas price instead of oil price (break-evengas-to-sugar-price: BEGSP). 5.3.1 Acetic Acid Despite the fact that the production of acetic acid through fermentation has been known to mankind for many centuries (aerobic fermentation to vinegar, vin-aigre, “acidic wine”), bulk acetic acid is produced by carbonylation of methanol, with both methanol and carbon monoxide (from syngas) produced at low cost from natural gas. 37 Figure 11 is the BEOGP chart for acetic acid obtained from natural gas and from fermentation. The dot-lined arrows and dash-lined arrows indicate, respectively, the reduction of acetic acid profited-cost induced by scaling up the production plant to bulk size and by cost reductions for fermentable sugar and fermentation microorganisms and nutrients. It is evident that, despite the above cost reductions, no cost convergence is to be expected for petrochemical and bio-based acetic acid. One reason is the initial offset: at current parameters, bio-based bulk acetic acid is assessed as three times more expensive than petrochemical acetic acid; another reason is that, contrarily to all cases examined so far, the slope of the profited-cost vs. gas-price graph is steeper for biobased acetic acid than for petrochemical acetic acid. This is due to the large amount of steam, assumed to be raised on fossil fuels, required for the production of bio-based acetic acid. In principle, in an integrated bio-refinery43 steam could be raised by burning biomass; however, the cost gap between petrochemical and bio-based acetic acid is at this stage far too large to speculate on fine process improvements: a major breakthrough in the technology is called for before bulk acetic acid can be produced form renewable resources at competitive costs. 200 Profited Cost (USc/Kg) 160 Acetic Acid Bio-AA-2000 Bio-AA-Bulk-2000 Bio-AA-B-2020 120 80 40 4 6 8 10 Gas Price (US$/GJ) Figure11: BEGSP chart for bio- to petrochemical acetic acid 43 National Renewable Energy Laboratory 2003 Research Review, NREL/BR-840-36178 38 5.3.2 Hydrogen The economics of bulk hydrogen production from renewable resources are compared to those of the traditional petrochemical production by steam reforming of methane. Figure 11 is the BEOGP chart for hydrogen obtained from natural gas and potato peels (food industry waste). The dot-lined arrows indicate the reduction of hydrogen profited-cost induced by scaling up the production plant to bulk size; the thick-lined arrows indicate two BEGP’s for hydrogen produced from natural gas and form biofeedstock: B2 (12.3US$/GJ) is the BEGP for a bio-based plant capacity of 0.3 KT and B1 (7.2US$/GJ) is the BEGP for a bulk-capacity bio-based plant. Profited Cost (USc/Nm3) 24 20 Hydrogen Bio-H2 Bio-H2-Bulk 16 12 B1 4 6 8 B2 10 12 14 Gas Price (US$/GJ) Figure12: BEGSP chart for bio- to petrochemical hydrogen The graph of Fig.12 indicates that the production of hydrogen based on bio-feedstock might become competitive with steam reforming of methane under the condition of high fossil fuel prices. In terms of scenario projections, such high break-even gas prices could be reached between 2040 and 2050 in the high long-term gas price scenarios A1 and A2. Table 5.IV is a summary of the relevant parameters, relative to year 2000, used to calculate the profited cost of the natural gas based materials presented in this section. 39 Hydrogen A2 Profited Cost (USc/Nm3) 18 A1 16 Bio-Bulk B2 14 B1 12 10 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 Year Figure13: Profited-cost projection for hydrogen based on fossil and renewable resources in four scenarios Bio-AA 31 915 23.6 3,45 3.6 77.6 18.7 Bio-AABulk 310 457 23.6 1.7 1.8 60.8 18.7 Pet-AA 540 340 3.3 1 1.1 17.3 Bio-H2 0.32 2560 10 57 45.4 85 3.1 Bio-H2Bulk 3.2 1280 10 28.5 22.7 85 3.1 Pet-H2 6 172.5 -2.91 7.056 6.608 68.32 Natural Gas (Us$/GJ of feedstock) Potato Steam Peels (Usc/Kg of feedstock) Dextrose (Usc/Kg of feedstock) Carbon Monoxide (Usc/Kg of feedstock) Total Material costs (Usc/Kg) Methanol (Usc/Kg of feedstock) Overhead and taxes (Usc/Kg) Labour and materials (Usc/Kg) 15.2 Investment costs (US$/ton capacity) 18.8 Plant capacity (KT/year) Utility costs (Usc/Kg) Table 5.IV: Relevant parameters for calculating profited cost of acetic acid and hydrogen (year 2000) 44 3.63 44 Petrochemical data: SRI Yearbook 2000, Biotech data: confidential industry sources for the BREW project (BREWtool) 40 6. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION This report, without having the ambition to give a definitive answer to it, addressed the research question of identifying a set of bulk chemicals based on renewable resources having high potential to become economically competitive with their petrochemical analogues in the short or mid term. This paper contributes to the BREW project by proposing a standard methodology to estimate the profitability of products and production routes to products, and to project the cost of chemical products in relation to the price of feedstock and energy carriers; this paper also describes the database of petrochemical process economics included in the calculation tool BREWprofit, intended as an input instrument to the BREW project to estimate the future cost of a set of relevant bulk petrochemical products. A preliminary assessment of the mid- to long-term potential market competitiveness of selected bulk chemicals based on renewable resources was also carried out, providing a set of interim conclusions. During the conduction of this study, a series of research questions were examined and tested, for feasibility and relevance, against the problems encountered; it is appropriate to discuss briefly a few research questions that were ultimately not pursued and that therefore are not documented in the main body of this report. The first instance in which a research idea did not yield positive results was the attempted development of an empirical, simplified method to estimate profited cost variations in relation to fossil fuel prices. The underlying idea was that it might be possible to link profited cost dependences on oil price to simple parameters, such as list price of the chemical, and in this way come up with future profited cost projections without the need to go through the detailed analysis of the cost structure. This possibility was tested by plotting the profited cost increase of all chemicals included in BREWprofit and looking for relationships. All values (for oil-derived bulk chemicals, excluding chemicals, such as acetic acid and methanol, primarily based on natural gas) were between 8 and 18 US$/ton profited cost increase per 1 US$/barrel oil price increase45, with most values in the range 11-15 US$/ton, with a dependence on market price much weaker than the data scatter. The only conclusion one could give to the attempt of devising the simplified method 45 these figures refer to profited cost increases determined by oil price increase including gas, coal and utilities prices increasing in accordance with model relationships between oil price and gas, coal and utilities prices. 41 outlined above is that all oil-derived bulk chemicals should experience a profited cost variation of 135 (2)46 US$/ton per 1 US$/barrel oil price increase, regardless of any specificity of the bulk chemical. In all cases profited costs (roughly equivalent to minimum selling prices) are calculated with 20% capital charge. One could be tempted to try to tune the capital charge parameter in order to calculate a profited cost that may be used as much as possible as market price proxy. This attempt was soon abandoned, as it became evident that it would not be successful, for several reasons: first of all, profit margins are not the same for all products and they are not constant in time but they depend on economic contingencies; secondly, market prices are determined not only by production costs but also by market forces. Ethylene and propylene, for instance, can be considered as products of the same process (naphtha steam-cracking); this implies that their production costs have the same dependence on all such variables as feedstock and labour cost or technology improvements. None the less, the price ratio between ethylene and propylene has changed by approximately 40% over the last 4 years, due to strongly increasing polypropylene demand. Since technical parameters alone cannot account for these effects, they are not sufficient to calculate market prices. It is nevertheless interesting to compare some of the profited costs shown in chapter 5 with the current market prices: the profited costs calculated for Acetone, MEK, Polyethylene are ca. 20% lower than the respective bulk list prices, the profited cost calculated for PET is very close to its list price, whereas the list price of acetic acid is more than twice its calculated profited cost. Different market price/profited cost ratios were observed for other chemicals, in certain cases the calculated profited cost resulted even in significant excess of the market price; generalizations proved hard to make. Ultimately, calculating profited costs with 20% capital charge was chosen as a relevant indicator able to assist a hypothetical chemicals company to decide whether it will be a better (more profitable) investment to build a new petrochemical plant to produce a certain bulk chemical, or to build a new plant producing the same bulk chemical, or a replacement chemical having the same function, based on renewable resources. A normal (Gaussian) probability distribution is assumed. is a parameter related to the width of the probability distribution function; ca. 95% of the data fit within 2 , while ca 66% of the data fit within (in this case 132.5 US$/ton). 46 42 This approach was proposed in the methodological section of this paper and adopted for concrete case studies in chapter 5. Preliminary comparative cost analysis on a series of bulk chemicals put in evidence the different prospects of a set of selected bulk chemicals based on renewable resources. In some cases (polylactides as a replacement of PET, ethyl lactate as a replacement of a number of solvents) there are concrete opportunities to be exploited in the near future. In other cases (Hydrogen from food industry waste, bio-derived PTT as a replacement of PET) the petrochemical equivalent is expected to offer superior economic prospects for an extended amount of time, while the bio-based replacement could only attain competitiveness in case of oil prices stabilising at levels in large excess of the current ones. Such circumstances could well take place during the course of the 21st century due to the gradual depletion of fossil energy resources. Explicit time-domain projections of the future profited cost of the examined chemicals based on fossil and renewable resources were obtained, until 2050, by combining fossil fuel price projections from the IPCC-SRES scenarios with the BREWprofit model.47 A simple set of four scenarios was used (SRES scenario families A1, A2, B1, B2), two of which (A1, B1)48 are associated with relatively low (<50 US$/barrel) long-term oil price, and the other two (A2, B2)49 with oil price stabilising in the long-term on a high level (>70 US$/barrel). Under scenarios A1 and A2,50 petrochemical hydrogen is always (until 2050) expected to remain cheaper than biobased hydrogen, polyethylene cheaper than polylactides and PET cheaper than PTT. Under scenarios A2 ad B2, conversely, concrete windows of opportunity for these replacements could be opened starting from the year 2030. Finally, the case-studies presented in this report also included products, such as acetic acid, that, despite the well-known existence of a relatively efficient bio-synthetic route, must compete with petrochemical competitors that are so cheap that windows of opportunities are not foreseen at all for bio-synthetic production unless further major break-through in the specific biotechnology occurs. The acetic acid case also evidenced the aspect of energy use for the conversion of renewable resources into bulk chemicals: although the progress of modern 47 These projections, especially since they span such a long time frame, should be taken as indications of the outcome of a set of assumed circumstances; it would be a mistake to regard them as predictions. 48 These two scenarios are based on the concept of a global-oriented future world 49 These two scenarios are based on the concept of a regional-oriented future world 50 Petrochemical hydrogen is assumed to be produced from natural gas, and long-term gas prices are highest in the “A” family scenarios. 43 biotechnology contributed to significantly reduce such energy inputs, the same question marks that stand before the large-scale diffusion of bio-fuels are also largely valid for bulk chemicals. For bio-fuels a minimum, although not only one, discriminator applies, i.e. that no more fossil fuel input, from a life-cycle perspective, should go into the biofuel than the energy content of the same bio-fuel; in the case of bulk chemicals, it should be made sure, in order for a biotechnology to be sound, that less fossil energy be required for processing than for the production of the petrochemical equivalent. One successful example in this sense, although not devoid of ancillary complications,51 is the production of low-cost bio-ethanol in Brazil: the energy required for distillation is entirely obtained from burning the sugar-crop waste (bagasse), with excess electricity being sold out to the electric grid as by-product. These ideas lead to the concept of biorefinery, a largely self-sufficient complex that combines integrated energy generation and production of whole chains of chemicals with efficient logistics for feedstock handling, with the expected effect of cutting down, not differently from the way it happens in petrochemical refineries, at the same time production costs and environmental impacts. 51 Brazilian sugar-cane crop has not always been regarded as sustainable. 44 APPENDIX I: Approximating Naphtha price Although substitution by other feedstocks (ethane, gas oil) is possible, in Europe olefins are mainly produced by steamcracking of naphtha; for this reason it is important that the relationship between oil price and naphtha price be modelled reliably, as errors would propagate through most of the whole petrochemical product chain included in this study. Historically, the correlation between bulk chemicals price and oil price has been rather erratic, as production costs are only one of the factors, together with market forces, determining product prices. Calculating market prices simply on the basis of techno-economic parameters is not feasible; hence the present model calculates profited costs rather than attempting to reproduce market prices. This is not true in the case of naphtha. Naphtha is one of the main refinery commodities; it is produced in enormous amounts as a fraction of atmospheric distillation, and profit margins are limited, the price per ton being only of the order of 25% higher than that of crude oil. Figure 14 shows 24 naphtha prices, taken at intervals of six months from 1992 to 2001, plotted against the relative crude oil prices (Brent). The correlation, over an oil price range spanning a factor four, was deemed sufficient to fit naphtha price to oil price, with parameters reported in figure. 40 Naphtha Price (US$c/Kg) Naphtha Price= 2.5+0.82*Oil Price 30 20 10 10 20 30 40 Oil Price (US$/Barrel) Fig. 14: Correlation between Oil price and Naphtha price. Data source: Platt’s 45 APPENDIX II: Electricity price calculation and Utility prices Electricity price was calculated as the electricity generation cost including fixed capital depreciation, averaged across the energy mix (share of gas, coal, oil, nuclear, biomass and hydropower) in use for power generation in the EU in the year 2000, assumed as constant. Techno-economic data for power generation by each of the energy carriers were used as published by ECN.52 These data include: Investment costs, energy conversion efficiency, fixed costs, variable costs other than fuel, workload (hours of operation per year). Capitalisation was done by assuming a 10% discount rate (r) over a depreciation period (DT) of 15 years,53 corresponding to 13.5% annuitised capital charge (a), according to the standard formula: a 8) r 1 (1 r ) DT Fossil fuel prices were input from SRES scenarios, biomass price was 1.5US$/GJ (see section 4.3) and nuclear fuel price was set as constant 0.7 US$/GJ;53 although predictions of future nuclear fuel prices are not easy to make, fuel only accounts for a minor part of nuclear power generation costs. Assuming nuclear fuel price as constant, therefore, only propagates a small error on electricity generation cost. Table A2.I presents an overview of the adopted parameters with fuel costs referring to year 2000. Table A2.I: Summary of Electricity Pricing. ENERGY CARRIER Share in Energy Mix Fuel Cost Conversion Efficiency Investment Costs Fixed Costs Variable Costs Workload Capital Charge Total Fixed Costs Total Variable Costs Total Cost including depreciation Average Electricity Price % US$/GJ % US$/kW US$/kW USc/kWh (hours/Y) % USc/kWh USc/kWh Gas 6.21 3.63 55 510 10 0.2 7000 13.5 1.13 2.58 Coal 39.7 1.35 38 1125 35 0.2 7000 13.5 2.67 1.48 USc/kWh 3.70 4.15 USc/kWh Oil Nuclear Biomass 6.47 30.37 1.32 4.45 0.7 1.5 45 35 38 825 1710 1600 20 57.5 43 0.1 0.6 0.2 7000 7000 7000 13.5 13.5 13.5 1.88 4.12 3.70 3.66 1.33 1.62 5.54 5.45 5.32 Hydro 15.93 0 NA 1850 30 0 4500 13.5 6.22 0.00 6.22 4.95 Smekens K.E.L, Lako P, Seebregts A.J, “Technologies and technology learning, contributions to IEA's Energy Technology Perspectives”, ECN-C--03-046, August 2003 53 Parameters reported by Framatome at the UNECE Roundtable Facilitating Investment in the Electricity Sector in the Transition Economies, Geneva, 19. Nov. 2003 52 46 This method resulted in a baseline (year 2000) utility cost of 5.45 US cents per kWh, matching with the reported EU mean electricity price to industry for the same year.54 For consistency with BREW’s standard utility prices, since the datum on variable costs for nuclear power generation was missing, this parameter was used as dummy to make a minor (~0.1 US cents/kWh) adjustment of the final electricity price to the expected value. This implies assuming a variable cost of 0.6 US cents/kWh, i.e. three times the figure reported for coal-fired stations. Table A2.II is a summary of base (year 2000) utility prices standardised for the BREW project, in US$. Table A2.II: Standard Base Utility Prices for BREW. UTILITY Electricity Steam Cooling Water Process Water Natural Gas Refrigeration Compressed Air Inert Gas Oxygen COST 54.5 10.9 0.045 0.23 3.64 22.7 5.45 27.3 45.5 UNIT US$/MWh US$/t US$/t US$/t US$/GJ US$/MWh US$/1000 Nm3 US$/1000 Nm3 US$/t SOURCE BREW Eurostat Industry sources Industry sources Industry sources Industry sources Industry sources Industry sources Industry sources Industry sources “European Union Energy & Transport in Figures 2003”, European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy and Transport, in co-operation with Eurostat: 54 47