1. Site Description 1.1 Lyngarth is a detached, circa 1930s, stone and render bungalow, with a steep pitched slate roof. The dwelling is on the north western side of the A6068, Keighley Road, outside development limits, and adjoining Cowling Conservation Area. There is a natural stone built wall, at a height of 0.8 metres, creating a boundary between the dwelling and Keighley Road. This extends 46 metres along the boundary with an opening to a driveway being its only break; it is part of a 255 metre wall (approx) that extends from the Sports Ground to the southwest (in the Conservation Area), to the entrance to Wainman’s Close to the northeast. 2. Proposal 2.1 The applicant proposes to erect a 1 metre high fence above the existing stone built wall, extending the entire length of the properties boundary (apart from the entrance which is to be gated) adjacent to Keighley Road. The fence is to be constructed in timber slatting, and has been proposed by the applicants to “improve privacy, minimise traffic noise pollution and reduce the litter.” 3. Planning History 3.1 None 4. Planning Policy Background 4.1 Policy BE11 of the Craven District (Outside the Yorkshire Dales National Park) Local Plan. 5. Parish/Town Council Comments 5.1 Cowling Parish Council: “The matter of safety was raised as a large fence erected on the busy A6068 could endanger those leaving the premises, pedestrians cross the entrance. The fence to be erected is not in keeping with the locality. As the entrance has been changed, are these changes acceptable to the highways department.” 21st November 2005. 6. Consultations 6.1 NYCC Highways: “Does not wish to impose restrictions on the grant of permission. Fence will be behind visibility splay at 2 metres back; splays adjacent to drive will give pedestrian visibility so no objections.” 8th November 2005. 7. Representations 7.1 None received 8. Summary of Principal Planning Issues 8.1 The effect of the proposal on the adjacent Conservation Area. The effect of the proposal on highway safety. 9. Analysis 9.1 Planning permission for development in or adjoining a Conservation Area will only be permitted if it makes a positive contribution to its character or appearance, or does not cause harm to the character or appearance, of the area. The Council will seek to achieve this by applying the following criteria; The materials proposed should be appropriate to the area (Criterion three); The development should not adversely affect the important open spaces, streetscape, roofscape, skyline, setting and views into or out of the Conservation Area (Criterion four); The proposal will not create conditions prejudicial to highway safety (Criterion six). 9.2 The materials proposed are considered to be inappropriate to the area which is characterised by natural stone walling as the standard boundary treatment adjoining Keighley Road. Whilst there is timber fencing to further boundaries of Lyngarth, and other properties on the north west side of Keighley Road, these are at lower levels, and in their less prominent situations do not form part of the street scene of Keighley Road. The proposal fails to meet Criterion three of Policy BE11. 9.3 The circa 255 metre length boundary wall on the north west side of Keighley Road forms an important part of the street scene, setting, and the views into, and out of Cowling Conservation Area. The walling has been little altered; the only interruptions are in the form of access openings, and in some parts trees and shrubbery extending above the walling. The proposed fencing would more than double the height of the existing walling, and would unacceptably alter its existing level, forming a break in its current continuous appearance. This coupled with the prominent situation of the proposed fencing which is considered to incorporate unacceptable materials, would be harmful to the street scene, and the setting and views into and out of the adjoining Conservation Area. The applicants state their reasons for needing the fencing are to improve privacy, minimise traffic noise pollution and reduce litter. However, it is considered that the gains the applicants would receive as part of the proposal, would not outweigh the harmful impact of the fencing on the adjoining Conservation Area. 9.4 It is considered that the fencing due to its materials, height and situation, would have a harmful, adverse affect on the street scene, setting, and views into and out of the adjoining Conservation. As such the proposal fails to meet the requirements of Criterion four of Policy H20. 9.5 Cowling Parish Council express concerns over the fence with regards people accessing Keighley Road from Lyngarth, and pedestrians crossing the entrance. They are of the opinion that the fence could endanger people. However, after consulting NYCC Highways Authority they are of the opinion that the visibility splays at the site would provide sufficient pedestrian visibility. They do not object to the proposal, and would not wish to impose restrictions on any grant of permission. The professional opinions of NYCC Highways Authority satisfy the concerns of the Parish Council, and it is considered that the proposal meets the requirements of Criterion six of Policy H20. 10. Recommendation 10.1 Refuse 11. Summary of conditions 11.1 The Council is of the opinion that the proposed fencing, due to its situation, height and choice of materials would have an unduly harmful affect on the setting of, and views into and out of, the adjoining Conservation Area. The proposal therefore fails to meet the requirements of Policy BE11 of the Craven District (Outside the Yorkshire Dales National Park) Local Plan.