Art Conservation Resurgence Project Supported by Sir Dorabji Tata Trust Workshops and Technical Meetings WORKSHOP ACTIVITY INFORMATION SHEET Conservation of Photographs January 27 – 29, 2014, CSMVS Museum Art Conservation Centre, Mumbai Introduction Photographs are probably the most-represented media after paper-based objects, but custodians and conservators often feel there is lack of knowledge and skill to address photographs conservation issues in India. To address this issue, a Photographs Conservation Workshop is being organized. Objectives At the end of the workshop each participant will be able to compile a set of information related to identification of types of photographs, their damages and possible preventive and remedial conservation. Topics Identify and explain differences in structure, composition, and format of various types of photographic materials; Identify agents of deterioration and understand the mechanisms of deterioration; Implement proper handling and storage procedures for photographic collections as well as select appropriate housing enclosures and storage materials; Introduce basic remedial and preventive conservation techniques and materials. Develop an understanding of basic salvage and recovery procedures for photographs following a disaster. Participants Fees Dates Time Venue Coordinator Custodians, conservators, photographers, archivists, interested individuals Gratis. The event is supported by Sir Dorabji Tata Trust, Goa-CAP, Goethe Institute and CSMVS. January 27-29, 2014 10:30 AM to 5:00 PM CSMVS Museum art Conservation Centre, Fort, Mumbai Ms. Nidhi Shah, Coordinator, Art Conservation Resurgence Project, CSMVS Workshop Ms. Gisela Harich, Head - Center for Photo Restoration and Photo Research, Berlin Mr. Madhavan P. Executive Director; Goa CAP Mr. Anupam Sah. Head of Art Conservation, Research and Training, CSMVS Registration Pl phone or email to book a place at the email addresses below CSMVS Museum Art Conservation Centre, 159/161 M.G.Road, Fort, Mumbai 400023. Tel: 022-65563122, 22844484 Fax: 022-22045430 Email:, Art Conservation Resurgence Project Supported by Sir Dorabji Tata Trust Workshops and Technical Meetings Conservation of Photographs January 27-29, CSMVS Museum Art Conservation Centre, Mumbai Registration Form To be submitted as soon as possible By email to: CSMVS at or Goa-CAP at Or Fax to: 022-22045430, Or by post or courier to the following address. Goa Center for Alternative Photography (Goa-CAP), House No. E2 / 268, Dongorpur (Royal Village), Near St. Alex Church, Calangute, Goa, India. Or CSMVS Museum Art Conservation Centre, 159-161 M.G.Road, Fort, Mumbai 400023. Participants are requested to send-in a photograph along with a one-paragraph write up about their profile. Name Designation Institution Date of birth Educational Qualifications Present job responsibilities Office address/ or visiting card copy My collection comprises of the following type of objects: Phone Fax Email Any special requirements: Signature of the candidate CSMVS Museum Art Conservation Centre, 159/161 M.G.Road, Fort, Mumbai 400023. Tel: 022-65563122, 22844484 Fax: 022-22045430 Email:, Art Conservation Resurgence Project Supported by Sir Dorabji Tata Trust Workshops and Technical Meetings CSMVS Museum Art Conservation Centre, 159/161 M.G.Road, Fort, Mumbai 400023. Tel: 022-65563122, 22844484 Fax: 022-22045430 Email:,