Raynham Conservation Commission 25-Foot No Touch Vegetative Buffer Policy The Raynham Conservation Commission requires a 25- foot no touch vegetative buffer strip from an approved wetland line on all projects. In order to qualify for an exemption from the 25-foot no touch buffer strip policy the applicant must prove the following: 1) There will be no adverse impact to the wetland resource area during construction 2) There will be no adverse impact to the wetland resource area after construction 3) There will be no adverse impact to the wetland resource area as a result of daily operations of the proposed activity 4) There is no technically feasible alternative to the project being located within the 25 foot no touch buffer area 5) The proposed mitigation measures will improve the conditions onsite with regard to species variety, flood storage, and will improve the wetland resource area A 25- foot no touch vegetative buffer strip serves to protect the eight interests of the Wetland Protection Act in the following ways: VEGETATIVE BUFFER STRIPS: 1) Reduce pollutant runoff into surface water 2) Slow sediment runoff velocity 3) Provide treatment of pollution through natural processes such as nitrogen retention 4) Provide cover, food, safety, and shelter for wildlife 5) Reduce non-point source pollution from agricultural operations 6) Reduce pollutants, bacteria, soluble nutrients, and sediments from potable water sources 7) Reduce temperatures in rivers and streams 8) Create wildlife corridors 9) Improves the stability of banks of rivers and streams 10) Trap sediments, fertilizers, pathogens, bacteria, heavy metal, and pesticides 11) Trap snow and debris before they reach the wetland or riverfront 11) Are aesthetically pleasing EXEMPTIONS TO THE 25-FOOT NO TOUCH VEGETATIVE BUFFER ZONE POLICY: 1) Guard rail installation by the Raynham Highway Department or the Massachusetts State Highway Department 2) Replacement of existing pipes and culverts with the same size pipes and culverts on public ways by the Raynham Highway Department or the Massachusetts State Highway Department 3) Maintenance of existing structures, utilities, storm water management structures, and paved areas by the Raynham Highway Department or the Massachusetts State Highway Department 4) Unpaved pedestrian walkways for private use as footpaths so long as any tree removal and clearing does not result in a net loss of greater than 50% percent of the tree canopy, any loss of endangered species, and is no more than 4 feet wide and has been approved through a site visit and an informal hearing with the Conservation Commission 5) Fencing and stone walls that do not create a barrier to wildlife movement and has been approved through a site visit and an informal hearing with the Conservation Commission 6) Planting of native trees, shrubs, groundcover (not lawn) as long as the plantings are non-invasive, promote the health of the wetland resource area, and done by hand with no heavy equipment being utilized. 7) Conversion of impervious surfaces to lawn or natural vegetation that does not require re-grading and utilizes non-invasive plants. Any activity not listed as an exemption may require an informal discussion with the Raynham Conservation Commission and/or a corresponding RDA, ANRAD, or NOI. If work ends at 25 foot no touch line; the 25 foot no touch line must be demarcated on the plan and in the field with any combination of the following: Concrete bounds at angle points Post and Rail Fence along 25 foot no touch line Concrete Monuments at angle points APPROVED BY VOTE OF THE RAYNHAM CONSERVATION COMMISSION ON 7/7/05, Modified 2/1/09