Report Status: Formal Date to Cabinet Member: 13 Nov 2003 City of Westminster Decision-maker Date Title of Report CABINET MEMBER November FOR SOCIAL SERVICES 2003 & HOUSING Expenditure Plan for Delayed Discharge Grant 2003/4 and local arrangements for monitoring implementation of the Delayed Discharges Act CLASSIFICATION: Report of FOR GENERAL RELEASE Director of Social and Community Services Wards Involved All Westminster Wards Policy Context To support people to live independently within their homes or within a family. Financial Summary An increase in budgeted expenditure of £247,000 in 2003/04 is proposed, funded by additional Government Grant. 1. Summary 1.1 This report describes the local response to the Delayed Discharges Act 2003. 2. Recommendations 2.1 That the arrangements for monitoring delayed discharge in Westminster be endorsed. 2.2 That the expenditure plan for the Delayed Discharges Grant of 2003/4 be endorsed. 3. Background Information 3.1 The Community Care Delayed Discharges Act received Royal Assent in April 2003. The intention of the Act is to produce reduction in delayed transferred of care from hospital. Local authorities and NHS Trusts are required to have shadow arrangements in place for tracing and auditing delayed discharges from October 2003. The actual payments for delayed discharges will not begin until January 2004. The amount reimbursed for each patient delayed for reasons associated with the Local Authority is £120 a day in London and the South East and £100 in the rest of the country. 1 3.2 The main provisions of the Act are that NHS bodies have a statutory duty to notify Social Services of a patient’s likely need for Community Care Services and their proposed discharge date. NHS Trusts must then supply a discharge notification. Reimbursement is due if Social Services have not assessed within three days of the assessment notification and arranged services within one day of the discharge notification. NHS Trusts have a duty to identify the patient’s local authorities of residence. 3.3 In addition since June 2003 as part of the same Act, Local Authorities have been unable to charge for community care equipment and intermediate care. This has resulted in a loss of revenue to Westminster City Council. 4. Arrangements for Reimbursement in Westminster 4.1 In 2003-2004 Westminster City Council has been allocated £247,000 to support the development of services to tackle delayed transfer care. 4.2 Reimbursement is only applicable to patients in NHS “acute” trusts. In Westminster these people will be primarily in St Mary’s, University College, Royal Free, St Thomas’s and Chelsea and Westminster Hospitals. 4.3 A Delayed Transfer of Care Steering Group has been set up across Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster. This group has representation from both Local Authorities, PCTs and Chelsea and Westminster and St Mary’s Hospital. This group is overseeing the implementation of the notification systems and putting in place arrangements for auditing delayed discharges. 4.4 The group has agreed to appoint a part time project manager for the implementation of reimbursement for a period of 1 year. This person will have responsibility for developing simple unambiguous systems to support the implementation of the legislation, develop communications for patients and clinical and social care staff and develop the information system necessary for implementing reimbursement. 4.5 The Director of Social and Community Services in Westminster City Council has written to the Chief Executives of Westminster Primary Care Trust, St Mary’s NHS Trust and Chelsea and Westminster NHS Trusts suggesting that as a local health economy we agree the anticipated “reimbursement due” sum and an investment plan for the sum. This will allow us to plan services to divert patients from acute hospital care. The actual reimbursement, which occurs, can then be called off against the sum invested. 4.6 Examples of the types of services, which could be part of these expenditure plans, are: Additional block contracts with nursing homes to ensure availability of beds. Additional community equipment to facilitate independence. 2 Extra funding for personal care packages. Extra funding for occupational therapy services to prevent admission to hospital. 4.7 Appended to this report are 3 forms which have been developed by North West London Strategic Health Authority for use when there are notifications of patients likely to need community care services and confirming discharge dates for patients. The legislation will inevitably involve NHS Trusts and Social Services in more administrative work. It is the intention of the Steering Group to ensure that systems which are set up are not unnecessarily bureaucratic but the requirements of the Government legislation around documentation are quite specific and will require considerable additional work in completing and responding to forms. 4.8 All organisations will need to undertake training for staff on the requirements of the legislation and the necessary notifications. It is anticipated that this may be especially problematic for NHS Trust with high levels of agency staff and may require a change in the role of the discharge teams to facilitate this process. 4.9 A snapshot of the levels of delayed discharges attributable to Local Authorities on 15th August 2003 is as follows: St Mary’s NHS Trust no delays; Chelsea and Westminster NHS Trust 3 people delayed; St Thomas’s 3 people delayed. 4.10 This indicates a level of reimbursement likely to be required by Westminster City Council. 4.11 Expenditure Plan for Delayed Discharges Grant 2003/4: Extra Nursing Home beds Extra funding for disability equipment to facilitate discharge Extra funding for occupational therapy assessments Contribution towards reimbursement implementation post Part funding for administrative post at St Mary’s Total £70,000 £80,000 £75,000 £10,000 £12,000 £247,000 5. Financial Implications 5.1 The expenditure plan proposals identified in paragraph 4.11 above represent additional spending over approved 2003/04 budgets. The cost of these proposals can, however be met from the additional grant allocation of £247,000 (see paragraph 4.1). 5.2 There is a risk that the City Council will be liable for delayed discharge payments to acute trusts outside the immediate area but the number of such cases are expected to be so small that any financial consequences can be contained within the overall Older Persons budget. The impact of the additional spending financed by the new grant will also help minimise the financial impact of any such areas. 3 6. Legal Implications 6.1 There are no legal implications arising from this report. 7. Staffing Implications 7.1 The post will be jointly funded by Kensington Chelsea and Westminster Local Authority using the Delayed Discharge Grant. 8. Outstanding Issues 8.1 There are no outstanding issues arising from this report. 9. Performance Plan Implications 9.1 This proposals supports the following Social and Community Services aims: To support people to live as independently as possible within their homes or within a family. To assess and meet the needs of service users and their carers. 10. Consultation 10.1 There has been consultation on the arrangements detailed in this report with St Mary’s NHS Trust, Chelsea and Westminster NHS Trust, St Thomas’s NHS Trust, Westminster PCT and Kensington and Chelsea PCT. All are in agreement with the action plans in this report. 11. Health and Safety Issues 11.1 There are no health and safety issues arising from this report. 12. Co-operation with Health Authorities 12.1 The arrangements described in this report have been arrived at in cooperation with all local NHS partner organisations. 13. Human Rights Act 1998 13.1 There are no particular Human Rights Act implications arising from this report. 4 14. Reason for the Decision 14.1 The report describes the legislation concerning reimbursement by Local Authorities for delayed discharges. It outlines the proposed local response to this legislation and the expenditure plan associated with the grant. 14.2 The financial implications paragraphs describe the possible financial liability to Westminster City Council where there is full reimbursement to NHS Trusts for delayed discharges. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUERIES ABOUT THIS REPORT OR WISH TO INSPECT ANY OF THE BACKGROUND PAPERS, PLEASE CONTACT MARIAN HARRINGTON ON 020 7641 1940; EMAIL ADDRESS; FAX NUMBER 020 7641 3902 5 ………………………………………………………………………………………… For completion by Cabinet Member Declaration of Interest I have no interest to declare in respect of this report Signed ……………………………. Date ……………………………… NAME: I have to declare an interest State nature of interest ……..…………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………….. Signed ……………………………. Date ………………………………… NAME: (N.B: If you have an interest you should seek advice as to whether it is appropriate to make a decision in relation to this matter.) For the reasons set out above, I agree the recommendation(s) in the report entitled Expenditure Plan for Delayed Discharge Grant 2003/04 and local arrangements for monitoring implementation of the Delayed Discharges Act and reject any alternative options which are referred to but not recommended. Signed ……………………………………………… Cabinet Member for Social Services & Housing Date ………………………………………………… If you have any additional comment which you would want actioned in connection with your decision you should discuss this with the report author and then set out your comment below before the report and this pro-forma is returned to the Secretariat for processing. Additional comment: ………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………. 6 …………………………………………………………………………………………. NOTE: If you do not wish to approve the recommendations, or wish to make an alternative decision, it is important that you consult the report author, the Director of Legal and Administrative Services, the Chief Financial Officer and, if there are staffing implications, the Head of Personnel (or their representatives) so that (1) you can be made aware of any further relevant considerations that you should take into account before making the decision and (2) your reasons for the decision can be properly identified and recorded, as required by law. Note to Cabinet Member: Your decision will now be published and copied to the Members of the relevant Overview & Scrutiny Committee. If the decision falls within the criteria for call-in, it will not be implemented until five working days have elapsed from publication to allow the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to decide whether it wishes to call the matter in. 7