Discharge Planning

Staff Questionnaire
This questionnaire forms part of a hospital discharge audit to evaluate the implementation of
the Mental Capacity Act 2005
Dear Staff Member,
We would be grateful if you could complete and return the enclosed
questionnaire. The aim of this questionnaire is to find out how confident staff feel
about implementing the Mental Capacity Act 2005, particularly in relation to
discharge planning.
Your responses to this questionnaire will remain anonymous, and will help us to
identify needs for future training and professional development.
Many thanks for your help,
Yours sincerely,
Instructions for returning completed audit:
Staff Questionnaire
(Forming part of a hospital discharge audit to evaluate the implementation of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 )
Professional group (please tick as applicable)
Social Worker
Occupational Therapist
Other (please state): ………………………….
Please indicate how confident you are with regard to the following questions about your knowledge and skills to
implement the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS). Rate your level of
confidence according to the scale below. Please tick ONE BOX ONLY for each question.
Please note that your responses to this questionnaire will remain anonymous
Not at all confident
Slightly confident
Moderately confident
How confident are you that you:
Very confident
1. Have had adequate training on the MCA?
2. Know who to contact for advice about the MCA?
3. Know where to access the MCA 2005 Code of Practice?
4. Are familiar with your organisation’s discharge/transfer policy/procedures?
5. Are familiar with your organisation’s policy/procedures on the implementation of the MCA?
6. Understand and can apply the 5 statutory principles of the MCA in the discharge planning process?
7. Are able to support people to make their own decisions about plans for their discharge and aftercare?
8. Are able to conduct a capacity assessment in accordance with the MCA?
9. Understand who is a “decision-maker” and their role when someone lacks capacity?
10. Understand the various formal decision-making authorities for people who may lack capacity,
including Lasting Powers of Attorney and Advance Decisions to Refuse Treatment?
11. Know the criteria and the process for referring someone to an Independent Mental Capacity Advocate
12. Know how to determine what is in someone’s “best interests”, in line with the MCA?
13. Understand your organisation’s protocols for consulting and sharing information with third parties,
when a person cannot give informed consent for this?
14. Understand the procedures for protecting people who lack capacity from abuse?
15. Understand the MCA's provisions for the use of restraint?
16. Understand what steps should be taken if there is conflict or disagreement about plans for the
discharge of a person who lacks capacity?
17. Have had adequate training on DoLS?
18. Know who to contact for advice about DoLS?
19. Know where to access the DoLS Code of Practice?
20. Are familiar with your organisation’s policy/procedures on the implementation of the DoLS?
21. Understand when the DoLS might need to be used?
22. Know the process for applying for a DoLS authorisation?
Instructions for returning completed audit: