Twinning Fiche – IPA National programmes / Component I 1 IDENTIFICATION Project Title Assistance on the Transport of Dangerous Goods Programme IPA 2012 ESEI Twinning Number TR 12 IB TR 01 Project no. TR2012/0740.14/12 MIPD Sector Code Transport ELARG Statistical code 14 DAC Sector code 21040 Total cost (VAT excluded)1 Euro EU contribution 950.000.00 Euro Management mode Decentralised CFCU will be the Implementing Agency and will be responsible for all procedural aspects of the tendering process, contracting matters and financial management, including payment of project activities. The director of the CFCU will act as Programme Authorizing Officer (PAO) of the project. Centralised mgmt.: EU Delegation in charge Decentralised mgmt.: Responsible Unit or National Authority/Implementing Agency Mr. Muhsin ALTUN (PAO-CFCU Director) Central Finance and Contracts Unit Tel: +90 312 295 49 00 Fax: +90 312 286 70 72 E-mail: Address: Eskisehir Yolu 4.Km. 2.Street. (Halkbank Kampüsü) No: 63 C-Blok 06580 Sögütözü/Ankara, Türkiye 1 The total project cost should be net of VAT and/or of other taxes. Should this not be the case, clearly indicate the amount of VAT and the reasons why it is considered eligible. 1 Implementation management Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications (DG for Transport of Dangerous Goods and Combined Transport Regulation) TC Ulastirma, Denizcilik ve Haberleşme Bakanligi, Tehlikeli Mal ve Kombine Taşımacılık Düzenleme Genel Müdürlüğü Gazi Mustafa Kemal Bulvarı No:128 Maltepe Çankaya/Ankara SPO: Mr Izzet ISIK, Deputy Director General for DG for Combined Transport of Dangerous Goods and Combined Transport Regulation Telephone: +903122323853– Fax: +903122324224 Email: PL: Mr Izzet ISIK, Deputy Director General for DG for Combined Transport of Dangerous Goods and Combined Transport Regulation Telephone: +903122323853– Fax: +903122324224 RTA Counterpart: Gulsah AYTEKIN, European Union Expert Telephone: +903122323853– Fax: +903122324224 Implementing modality Stand alone project Project implementation Grant type Zone benefiting from Turkey the action(s) 2 2.1 RATIONALE PROJECT CONTEXT: ISSUES TO BE TACKLED AND NEEDS ADDRESSED The following problems/needs are expected to be solved by this project: The transport of dangerous goods sector is in need of revising its sector strategy for implementation of ADR in Turkey. This strategy must identify and analyze all institutional and sectoral challenges for land transport of dangerous goods. It should contain recommendations, plans regarding possible difficulties and identify requirements and other necessary elements with regard to implementation of the strategy. Also there is a need in action plan. The strategy shall lead to an action plan for the sector and a comprehensive working schedule with specified time lines. After analysis of the sector and its needs, there will be a need of the required project fiches. 2 There is no organizational structuring of the responsible authorities. There is a need in assigning of the responsibilities to the institutions, so the institutions could start the works about their responsibilities. There is a need in advisory committees for all aspects of the sector. The policy makers, experts and the inspectors need trainings and seeing the best implementations of the transport of dangerous goods. There is no regulation on safety advisers in Turkey. Because of the lack of the regulation, there is no system for the training of the safety advisers. There is a need of implementation of a efficient system for the trainings of the safety advisers. There is no enough safety advisers in Turkey. There is a need in master trainers of safety advisers who will train the trainers of the safety advisers. There is no regulation on the road side checks. There is a need in a regulation on the road side checks taking into consideration Directives 95/50/EC, 2001/26/EC, 2004/112/EC, 2008/54/EC. There is a need in analysis of the necessary regulations in Turkey. There is a need for revising the system of trainings and examinations of drivers who transports dangerous goods. There is a need in master trainers of drivers who train the trainers of the drivers. There is a need in training of the inspectors (staff of Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications and Ministry of Interior/traffic police). There is a need in master trainers of inspectors who train the trainers of the inspectors. There is no statistical data about handling, transport and accidents of dangerous goods by road. There is a need in a database for handling, transport and accidents of dangerous goods by road. For increasing the road safety in Turkey, there is a need in a monitoring centre for the transport of dangerous goods. There is a need in a system for approvals, tests, periodic inspections and certifications of the vehicles, transport units and packagings used for the transport of dangerous goods. The project is essential for continuing the legislative and administrative alignment to the transport acquis in particular as regards the road transport such as Directives 2008/68/EC, 95/50/EC, 2001/26/EC, 2004/112/EC, 2008/54/EC. It is also essential improving the implementation capacity, particularly for dangerous goods in land. The adoption of these directives is essential for a safe, efficient transportation. 2.2 LINK WITH MIPD AND NATIONAL SECTOR STRATEGIES The MIPD 2011-2013 states that; Paragraph 2.6 (selected priorities): A second priority is to adopt the acquis in areas where there is complex legislation or costly requirements to adopt EU standards in areas such as transport, agriculture, food safety, environment and energy. 3 Paragraph 2.4 (5): Extended use of the twinning instrument is also envisaged to improve the relationship between Turkish ministries and their counterparts in EU Member States and to make full use of the potential gains from exchange of know-how between the Member States and Turkey on the implementation of the acquis. Paragraph 3.4.1: In addition to the considerable investments required, Turkey needs to complete the adoption of the acquis. Moreover, transport safety and sustainable development are considered as key horizontal priorities. Paragraph 3.4.3: The first objective is the transposition of the EU’s transport legislation thereby aiming at improving the functioning of the market by promoting safe, efficient, environment sound and user friendly transport services in the area of land transport, aviation and railways and maritime, focusing in particular on achieving proximity with EU neighbours. … Provided support to transport safety and environmental sustainability by focusing on road charging, reduction of greenhouse emissions from transport, use of transport information systems, utilisation of intermodal transport and transport of dangerous and hazardous goods, on safety management systems, network planning and optimisation, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, passenger rights, airports and aviation safety, an integrated approach and measures to ensure cleaner sea and coastal areas, emergency response and accident prevention and investigation. The 9th National Development Plan states in paragraph 294 that “In order to ensure effective management of the economic and social development process, it has become a requirement to provide public administration in Turkey, which has a centralized structure, with a contemporary understanding, structure and operation, where citizen oriented and high quality services can be provided in an effective and rapid manner and concepts such as flexibility, transparency, participation, accountability, responsibility and predictability are emphasized. The Strategic Plan 2009-2013 of the Ministry of Transport states under Fundamental Tenets and Values: “Maintaining and improving service quality and standards”, as well as “considering the critiques, different opinions and suggestions” and “Amending Law No. 3348 on the organization and duties of the Ministry of Transport so as to render [the] decision-making process faster and more effective and to prevent the waste of human and material resources”(Objective 5.1), as well as “Providing allocation of specialized personnel in required fields for effective service provision and advanced institutional development.” (Objective 5.2). One of the activity of the “Turkish Road Transport Sector Strategy for 2010 - 2015” is “Establishment of a new and autonomous body titled “Department on the Transport of Dangerous Goods” within the ministry to include all modes of transport: road, rail, air, sea and inland waterways”. Since it is a complex legislation and its implementations are very costly, this project is essential to adopt the necessary EU aquis on the transport of dangerous goods by road, such 4 as Directive 2008/68/EC on the inland transport of dangerous goods, and Directives 95/50/EC, 2001/26/EC, 2004/112/EC, 2008/54/EC on the road side checks. The adoption of these directives and implementation of ADR is essential for a safe, efficient transportation. 2.3 LINK WITH ACCESSION PARTNERSHIP (AP) / EUROPEAN PARTNERSHIP (EP) / STABILISATION AND ASSOCIATION AGREEMENT (SAA) / ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT This project addresses the Accession Partnership priority mentioned in Council Decision 2008/157/EC of the 18th February 2008, paragraph 3.1 short-term priorities, i.e. the reform of public administration and personnel policy in order to ensure a greater efficiency, accountability and transparency, as well as paragraph 3.2“Chapter 14: Transport policy - continue the legislative and administrative alignment to the transport acquis in particular as regards road transport and air safety, - strengthen the capacity to implement EU acquis, including control measures, in line with EU standards”. This project addresses the NPAA priorities mentioned under Priority 14.4 “Continuing the legislative and administrative alignment to the transport acquis in particular as regards safety in road transport” As well as Priority 5.2: Reinforce the establishment of institutional structures and strengthen administrative capacity in the areas of programming, project preparation, monitoring, evaluation and financial management and control, particularly at the level of line ministries (…). Further strengthen economic policy coordination across different institutions and policy areas in order to provide a consistent and sustainable economic policy framework for the economy; (…) From the Progress Report 2010 chapter 4.12 Transport: Some progress has been made in the area of road transport. Turkey became a party to the European Agreement on the international carriage of dangerous goods by road (ADR) on 22February 2010. However, the institutional and technical capacity of the directorate general for land transport (DGLT) for implementing the ADR remains limited. Rail transport is the only transport sub-sector where no progress has so far taken place. Preparedness in this sector remains at a very early stage. From the Progress Report 2011 chapter 4.12 Transport: The regulation on transport of dangerous goods has entered into force, but the transition periods for full implementation are likely to be long. … The institutional and technical capacity for implementing the rules on dangerous goods and digital tachographs is not at the required level. … The implementation capacity is limited, particularly for dangerous goods in land and maritime transport. This project is essential for continuing the legislative and administrative alignment to the transport acquis in particular as regards road transport such as Directives 2008/68/EC, 95/50/EC, 2001/26/EC, 2004/112/EC, 2008/54/EC. It is also essential improving the implementation capacity, particularly for dangerous goods in land. 2.4 PROBLEM ANALYSIS Road transport sector is the most widely used transport mode in Turkey. 92.9 percent of all goods are carried by road. As a consequence much dangerous goods are also carried by road. 5 Because of the nature of the dangerous goods, it is of utmost importance that such carriage is done in the safest manner possible and in accordance with the international rules laid down in several international agreements, such as ADR. The European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) was done on 30 September 1957. It was entered into force on 29 January 1968. There are 45 member states to the ADR today. By European Council Directive 2008/68/EC, the provisions of ADR were transposed into European Community law. ADR was entered into force on 1 January 1997 in European Union Member States. The aim of the ADR is to provide common technical standards and rules for safer transport. Furthermore, environmental footprints and adverse social effects of the accidents are planned to be diminished and the external risks posed by road transport activities are expected to be minimized by ADR Agreement. In the agreement, it is said that apart from some excessively dangerous goods, other dangerous goods may be carried internationally in road vehicles subject to compliance with the requirements of packaging and labeling of the dangerous goods and the requirements of the construction, equipment and operation of the vehicle carrying dangerous goods. The Contracting Parties should; - transpose the ADR rules to their national law, - implement training, examination and licensing system of drivers and safety advisers, - implement inspection system, - implement type approval, certification, tests and periodic inspection of vehicles and other technical equipments carrying dangerous goods, - determine and implement the routes, parking areas, tunnels and bridges that used in the transportation of the dangerous goods. It is obvious that Turkey should take necessary measures on the above mentioned issues as soon as possible just as other Contracting Parties. In this connection, Turkey has taken some steps toward the proper implementation of system regarding transporting dangerous good by road. By law number 5434 published on 6 December 2005 in the official gazette, Turkey consented to the ADR Agreement. By the decision number 2009/15454 that was published on 30 October 2009 in the official gazette, Turkey published the translation of the ADR. By this decision the domestic law procedure was completed. Instruments of ratification and accession were deposited by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Turkey became a member state of ADR agreement on 22 March 2010. On 1 November 2011, a decree law published about the institutional structure of the Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications. In this decree law, a new directorate general, Directorate General for the Transport of Dangerous Goods and Combined Transport Regulation, is established dealing with the issues about the transport of dangerous goods by all modes (road, railway, air, maritime). The duties of the directorate general about the transport of dangerous goods are as follows: — To ensure the activities of the transport of dangerous goods by all modes be in economic, fast, safe, qualified, environment friendly manner and also free, fair, sustainable competition environment compatible, while pursuing public welfare 6 according to the international agreements, standards and regulations and to ensure this activities are consistent with the other trasportation activities. — To determine rights, obligations, and responsibilities of both service providers and beneficiaries in the field of transportation of dangerous goods. — To determine professional competency requirements for those of whom engaged in the field of transportation of dangerous goods and drivers, machinists, crews of air, maritime vehicles in particular and to train them or to have them train, examine or to have them examine and to authorize and to inspect them. — To determine minimum quality of stations, storage facilities and similar constructions used in the field of transport of dangerous goods and to inspect them. — To determine the minimum quality of type, capacity, ownership, age and etc. of any kind of vehicles used in the transport of dangerous goods by road, railway, air, maritime and to determine methodologies, principals of technical periodic inspections of them. — To determine the minimum quality of the institutions that do the technical periodic inspections of any kind of vehicles used in the transport of dangerous goods by road, railway, air, maritime and to authorize and to inspect them. — To carry out the necessary international relations for the transport of dangerous goods and combined transport activities, to hold joint commission studies and agreements. The directorate general on the transport of dangerous goods would benefit from a continuous, integrated, efficient and effective addressing of the increasingly complex, regulatory and technical aspects of the transport of dangerous goods and, therefore, it is essential that the staff of the directorate general is well trained and competent to carry out the responsibilities of the directorate general both at a domestic and at an international (ADR and EU working groups) level; competence which needs to be enhanced and ensured. It is desirable to revise the sector strategy and to have an action plan for the transport of dangerous goods. Depending on the analysis of the sector and its needs, it is essential to write necessary project fiches. It is also essential to analyze the necessary regulations in Turkey. It is necessary to assign of the responsibilities to the institutions so the institutions could start the works about their responsibilities. It is also efficient to have advisory committees for all aspects of the sector. It is, furthermore, desirable that the directorate general has available appropriate data and is able to monitor developments in the sector. There is a corresponding national regulation in Turkey which was first enacted in 2007, but was postponed for the purpose of granting transitional period for road hauliers to adapt the stringent rules in the Regulation. The purpose of this regulation is to regulate the transport of dangerous goods by road in order to promote public safety; and protect property and the environment. This regulation applies to the handling and national and international transport of dangerous goods on road vehicles within Turkey on highways. The Regulation on transport of dangerous goods by road lays out rules and conditions for loading and unloading, also packaging, marking, labelling, the duties of consignor and consignee, the responsibilities of hauliers drivers and operators. In addition, vehicles and the equipments used for the activities of such hazardous transport are regulated as well. Rules regarding marking, labelling and packaging in the regulation on the transport of dangerous goods are put into force on the 1st of January, 2012. The other rules and conditions contained in the relevant regulation will be 7 in force gradually in the subsequent years following 2012. Work on the actual implementation and enforcement of the legal requirements has, however, to be intensified. There is also a directive on the training of drivers who transports dangerous goods. It contains qualifications of training institutions, qualifications of the trainers and the syllabus of the lessons. The checks of the drivers will be put on force on the 1 January 2012. In the current situation, there are trainings on the basic training course only. There is a need in the trainings of specialization training courses for carriage in tanks, specialization training courses for carriage of substances and articles of Class 1 and Class 7 and also refresher trainings. There is not enough master trainers of drivers who train the trainers of the drivers. The activities foreseen in the project will provide clear benefits through raising the awareness and knowledge of the legislative requirements in the public and in the private sector, including enforcement bodies and policy makers. The overall expected positive outcome will be an increase in safety standards and on trade between Turkey and the EU, with mutual advantages for both sides. Specific assistance is, furthermore, desired in transposing Directive 2008/68/EC on the inland transport of dangerous goods and on implementing the system for the training of safety advisers, as well as in the organizing of efficient and effective training and examination schemes in the field of the transport of dangerous goods. There is a need in master trainers of safety advisers who train the trainers of the safety advisers. Also, it is important to seek assistance in ensuring that Turkey meets the requirements of Directive 95/50/EC on uniform procedures for checks on the transport of dangerous goods by road and organizing effective and uniform roadside checks and obtain assistance in the drafting of an annual report on the results of these checks. It is essential that the inspectors of the Directorate General for Transport of Dangerous Goods and Combined Transport and the Ministry of Interior/traffic police is well trained and know the best implementations. There is a need in master trainers of inspectors who train the trainers of the inspectors. It is desirable to have a efficient system for approval, tests, periodic inspections and certification of the vehicles, transport units and packaging used in transport of dangerous goods. Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology and Ministry of Interior are the stakeholders most affected by implementation of ADR fully. Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology requires the implementation of the ADR from Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications to carry out the Directive 2010/35/EC on transportable pressure equipment. 2.5 LINKED ACTIVITIES AND DONOR COORDINATION “Technical Assistance for the Turkish road transport sector” – TR0404.08/004 Members of staff have been trained in the transport of dangerous goods by road. “Assistance to the Turkish road transport sector”- TR04-IB-TR-01 – all aspects of road transport have been addressed and assistance has been rendered in the drafting of a Regulation on the transport of dangerous goods by road. 8 “Strengthening Intermodal Transport in Turkey”, already started on December 2011, to set up the legal framework and strategy paper for the development of intermodal transport in Turkey. “Improvement of Safety Regarding Handling of Dangerous Goods at Ports and Coastal Facilities", to establish a system for the Administration to ensure safe handling of dangerous goods in ports and coastal facilities. Technical Assistance for Reform of the Turkish Railways, TR0702.27-01/001- the overall objective of the project is to restructure and reform Turkish Railways. One of the key activities of the project is to strengthen capacity on safety and interoperability of the prospective infrastructure manager and railway undertakings at new TCDD. Furthermore, related to TOBB’s activities on the ADR Convention, a project prepared and submitted to CFCU named "ADR Testing and Certification Centre". With this project, TOBB and UND aims to create harmonization between Community acquis concerning the transport of dangerous goods by road and Turkish regulations. Main objective of this project is; preparing occupational standards and national vocational qualifications for dangerous goods transport operators, security advisers who shall be recruited according to the requirements of ADR Convention and trainers of both the transport operators and safety advisors, by establishing a testing and certification centre at TOBB ETU University campus, in order to assess the occupational standards prepared and ensuring the sustainability of this centre. This project was rejected. Also, a similar project was submitted to CFCU by UND. This project was also rejected. This project is also essential for the implementation of the Directive 2010/35/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on transportable pressure equipment. 2.6 Lessons learned The complexity and importance of the transport of goods would benefit from a designated and elaborate project, as would the training of staff charged with policy development, implementation and enforcement. 3 3.1 DESCRIPTION OVERALL OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT To promote an environmental-friendly, safer and sustainable transport system. 3.2 SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE(S) OF THE PROJECT To improve further alignment with the EU acquis, enhance the capacity of the MoTMC and relevant institutions responsible for implementing the transport of dangerous goods by road for better implementation and establish a sustainable and efficient system for the transport of dangerous goods. 3.3 RESULTS 9 The expected results of this project are: a) A strategy indicating policies to implement transport of dangerous goods by road has been outlined. Through application of the course of action, there will be a 30% decrease in the number of the accidents involving dangerous goods. b) The Human resource capacities of the Ministry and other relevant institutions have been strengthened through workshops, trainings, site visits and internships. These results will also be verified when Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications and other relevant institutions are able to produce and implement transport of dangerous goods by road regulation. c) An effective and efficient training, examination and certification system for the drivers and safety advisers have been developed. There will be a 30% decrease in the number of the accidents involving dangerous goods. d) Harmonization of EU legislation on transport of dangerous goods by road regulation, that is, Council Directives 2008/68/EC and 95/50/EC, 2001/26/EC, 2004/112/EC, 2008/54/EC have been assured via draft legislations prepared through project activities. Those legislations will be published in the official gazette in 2014. e) A model on the basis of the best practices in the EU in the field of monitoring, control and enforcement of the transport of dangerous goods by road regulations has been implemented. The indicator of this result is a 20 % increase in the number of the vehicles transporting dangerous goods inspected in the roadside and a 20 % decrease in the ratio of the fined drivers in 2015 compared to 2012. 3.4 MAIN ACTIVITIES 3.4.1 Activities related to Result (a) – Preparing a strategy indicating policies to implement transport of dangerous goods by road. The existing legal provisions, institutional responsibilities, administrative capacity (including IT capacity, personnel, training, etc.) and other relevant subjects shall also analyzed. Analyzing the current system on transport of dangerous goods by road. Organizing meetings and interviews with all stakeholders including governmental institutions and private sector. Preparing a report on these meetings and interviews. 4 workshops with governmental institutions and private sector for stock taking of the current situation in terms of implementation, legislations, problems and future expectations of the transport of dangerous goods by road and also for responsibilities, advisory committees 2 seminars with all stakeholders including governmental institutions and private sector to communicate status quo and future changes/expectations regarding transport of dangerous goods by road. Preparing a specific action plan that is supported by a comprehensive working schedule with all corresponding critical milestones for each necessary activity. Preparing and distributing a handbook on the new policy and operational recommendations on the fourth quarter of project implementation period. Preparing work programme and projections on the development of transport of dangerous goods on the fourth quarter of project implementation period. Analyzing the existing division of responsibilities between governmental institutions involved in the transport of dangerous goods. Preparing a report on the division of 10 responsibilities among various governmental institutions on the transport of dangerous goods on the third quarter of project implementation period. Preparing draft project fiches on the transport of dangerous goods on the fourth quarter of project implementation period. Assisting in establishment of advisory committees for all aspects of the sector on the third quarter of project implementation period. 3.4.2 Activities related to Result (b) – In order for the staff in the Ministry and other relevant institutions, they will be trained on the relevant legislations, development of policy on the transport of dangerous goods, its implementation, enforcement and monitoring. Performing training needs assessment Organizing 4 training sessions for 200 staff from all Ministries on the relevant legislations, its implementation, enforcement and monitoring, policy development, as well as technicalities and administrative structure of transport of dangerous goods by road. Organizing 2 study visits of 4 policy makers from all ministries each for getting acquainted with the training and examination systems and evaluation of best practices in a member state. Organizing 2 study visits of 4 staff from all ministries each for getting acquainted with the training and examination systems and evaluation of best practices in a member state. Organizing internships of 6 staff from Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications in order to look into the development of policy, its implementation and enforcement relating to the transport of dangerous goods in a EU country Training of 20 staff of Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications to be safety advisers on the first quarter of project implementation period. Training of 20 staff of Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications as master trainer who train the trainers for drivers and safety advisers including at least ADR instructor course which contains dangerous goods safety adviser (DGSA) course, ADR course, Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS) course, first aid course, fire extinguisher course, ADR assessment, ADR Course supervision. Analyzing of similar training systems used in the EU for inspectors and other enforcement officers Preparation of proposals for the enhancement of the training system for inspectors and other enforcement officers. Organizing 1 Study visit of maximum 6 representatives from both ministries (Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications/Directorate General for Transport of Dangerous Goods and Combined Transport (MoTMC) and the Ministry of Interior/Road Traffic Police (MoI) to a member state. Organizing internships of 3 inspectors in a member state from both ministries (MoTMC and MOI) who will train the trainers of inspectors. Organizing 1 seminar on inspection procedures Organizing 2 local trainings on inspection procedures to staff of both ministries (MoTMC and MOI) 3.4.3 Activities related to Result (c) – Developing an effective and efficient training, examination and certification system for the drivers and safety advisers; 11 Analyzing various vocational training schemes, examination and certification systems in Turkey, including licensing system for professional competence of the drivers and safety advisers. Analyzing relevant EU legislation and best practice throughout the EU. Preparing 4 training guidelines for trainings of drivers and safety advisers and also master trainers of drivers and safety advisers on the second quarter of project implementation period. Organizing identified courses for training institutes on the second quarter of project implementation period. Organizing 1 seminar on the training scheme and examination system. Preparing an examination instruction guide on the second quarter of project implementation period. Preparing a guideline for the requirements and conditions for the certification of institutes on the second quarter of project implementation period. Organizing 1 seminar on the certification of institutes. Compilation of certification guidelines for the authorization of training and examination institutions in the realm of transport of dangerous goods. 3.4.4 Activities related to Result (d) - Preparing a draft regulation on safety advisers on basis of Directive 2008/68 and ADR part 1.8.3 and a draft regulation on the road side checks, taking into consideration Directives 95/50/EC, 2001/26/EC, 2004/112/EC, 2008/54/EC. Analyzing current Turkish legislations. Analyzing relevant EU legislations. Performing needs assessment about Turkish legislation on the transport of dangerous goods. Preparing draft regulation on safety advisers on basis of Directive 2008/68 and ADR part 1.8.3 on the second quarter of project implementation period. Organizing 1 seminar for informing the public institutions and 1 seminar for informing the private sector about the contents of the draft regulation on safety advisers. Preparing draft regulation on the road side checks, taking into consideration Directives 95/50/EC, 2001/26/EC, 2004/112/EC, 2008/54/EC on the fourth quarter of project implementation period. 1 nationwide seminar to communicate with all stakeholders including governmental institutions, private sector, civil society and interested citizens about the draft regulation’s content, schedule and implementation of new road side checks. 3.4.5 Activities related to Result (e) – Designing a model for monitoring, control and enforcement of the transport of dangerous goods by road. 12 Analyzing the best practices of databases for handling and transport of dangerous goods and accidents of dangerous goods transport by road throughout the EU on the second quarter of project implementation period. Organizing meetings and interviews with governmental institutions and private sector on the establishment of database for handling and transport of dangerous goods and accidents of dangerous goods transport by road. Organizing 2 workshops with governmental institutions and private sector on the establishment of database. Organizing 1 seminar to inform governmental institutions and private sector about the database. Preparing a technical and administrative consultation report on fully operative database on the fourth quarter of project implementation period. Analyzing the best practices of monitoring centres for the transport of dangerous goods by road throughout the EU on the second quarter of project implementation period. Organizing meetings and interviews with governmental institutions and private sector on the establishment of a monitoring centre for the transport of dangerous goods. Organizing 2 workshops with governmental institutions and private sector on the establishment of the monitoring centre. Organizing 1 seminar to inform governmental institutions and private sector about the monitoring centre. Preparing a technical and administrative consultation report (including a tender dossier with technical specifications and terms of reference) for establishment a monitoring centre on the fourth quarter of project implementation period. Analyzing of the best practices of the implementation of a system for approvals, tests, periodic inspections and certifications of the vehicles, transport units and packagings used in transport of dangerous goods throughout the EU on the first quarter implementation period. Analyzing of the best practices of the delegation of authority of this kind of system throughout the EU on the first quarter of project implementation period. Organizing meetings and interviews with governmental institutions and private sector on the system on the first quarter of project implementation period. Preparing a technical and administrative consultation report of this system on the first quarter of project implementation period. Preparing a draft protocol about the delegation of authority of this kind of system on the first quarter of project implementation period. Preparing a draft procurement document on the software programme of the monitoring system. 3.5 ASSESSMENT OF PROJECT (WHERE APPLICABLE) IMPACT, CATALYTIC EFFECT AND CROSS BORDER IMPACT Project Impact: Assistance in formulating the department’s core responsibilities and work programme with regards to the transport of goods by road will contribute to the quality of the development, implementation, enforcement and monitoring of a coherent and long term road 13 transport policy, its basic structure, strategy and action plans and communication and decision taking processes. As such it will enhance the capacity of the Ministry to play its crucial role both inside Turkey and within the decision-taking processes of the European Union and other international organizations. Catalytic Effect: The project will improve the transport environment which will also be of benefit to the general public, through enhanced road safety and less hazards for human health. Cross Border Impact: A well functioning and regulated market in the transport of dangerous goods contributes to safety both nationally and internationally. 3.6 SUSTAINABILITY Sustainability: Through the establishment a new DG for Transport of Dangerous Goods and Combined Transport Regulation, in which all expertise relating to the transport of dangerous goods is available, the project will enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of all measures regarding such transport, and as such will contribute substantially to the sustainability of the transport of dangerous goods leading to a safer world, by building the institutional foundations. 3.7 ASSUMPTIONS AND PRE-CONDITIONS2 Relevant institutions, MoTMC, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology, Turkish Atomic Energy Institute, Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, Turkish Standardization Institute, TOBB and related associations will act in an harmonized manner. Necessary interest and attention from relevant governmental institutions, sector associations and NGO’s will be shown. DG for Transport of Dangerous Goods and Combined Transport Regulation will show organizational flexibility and willingness put forward drafted legislative proposals to accommodate for the outcome of project results. 4 IMPLEMENTATION ISSUES Beneficiary: Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications (DG for Transport of Dangerous Goods and Combined Transport Regulation) Co-beneficiaries: - Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology 2 Assumptions are external factors that have the potential to influence (or even determine) the success of a project but lie outside the control of the implementation managers. Such factors are sometimes referred to as risks or assumptions but the Commission requires that all risks shall be expressed as assumptions. Preconditions are requirements that must be met before the sector support can start . 14 DG for Industry Address: Mustafa Kemal Mah. Eskişehir Yolu 2151. Cadde No:154 Çankaya/ANKARA Tel: +90 (312) 201 55 51 Fax: +90 (312) 201 55 53 - Ministry of Interior DG for Security Address: Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü Ayrancı Mahallesi Dikmen Caddesi No: 11 06100 ÇANKAYA/ANKARA Tel: +90(312) 412 30 00 Stakeholders: - Ministry of Environment and Urbanization - Turkish Standardization Institute - Turkish Atomic Energy Institute - Energy Market Regulatory Authority - The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) - Associations of Transport Operators - Associations of Professional Drivers - Associations of the Petro/Chemical Industry 15 4.1 INDICATIVE BUDGET Indicative Project budget (amounts in EUR) SOURCES OF FUNDING TOTAL EXP.RE ACTIVITI ES IB (1 ) IN V (1) TOTAL PUBLIC EXP.RE IPA COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTIO N EUR EUR EUR (a)=(b)+(e ) (b)=(c)+(d ) (c) % (2) PRIVATE CONTRIBUTION NATIONAL PUBLIC CONTRIBUTION Total EUR % (2) (d)=(x)+(y) +(z) Central EUR (x) Regional/ Local EUR (y) IFIs EUR EUR (e) % (3 ) (z) Activity 1 Twinning Contract x – TOTAL IB 1,000,000. 00 1,000,000. 00 950,000 95% 50,000 5% 50,000 1,000,000. 00 1,000,000. 00 950,000 95% 50,000 5% 50,000 1,000,000. 00 1,000,000. 00 950,000 95% 50,000 5% 50,000 – TOTAL INV TOTAL PROJECT The co-financing requirement foreseen under IPA will be considered fulfilled according to the provision of the relevant Financing Agreement.Amounts net of VAT (1) In the Activity row, use "X" to identify whether IB or INV (2) Expressed in % of the Public Expenditure (column (b)) (3) Expressed in % of the Total Expenditure (column (a)) 16 4.2 INDICATIVE IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE (PERIODS BROKEN DOWN BY QUARTER) Contracts Twinning Contract 4.3 Start of Tendering/ Call for proposals Signature of contract Project Completion 4Q2012 2Q2013 1Q2015 CROSS CUTTING ISSUES 4.3.1 Equal Opportunities and non discrimination Equal opportunity principles and practices in ensuring equitable gender participation in the project will be guaranteed. Male and female participation in the project will be based on the relevant standards of the EU and will be assured by official announcements published to recruit staff for the project. The main criteria for staff recruitment will be appropriate qualifications and experience in similar projects, not sex or age. Both men and women will have equal opportunities and salaries. 4.3.2 Environment and climate change The project has a potentially positive effect on the environment. Improving the overall performance of the transport sector will help to constrain levels of road accidents and pollution. 4.3.3 Minorities and vulnerable groups According to the Turkish Constitutional System, the word “minorities” encompasses only groups of persons defined and recognized as such on the basis of multilateral or bilateral instruments to which Turkey is a party. 4.3.4 Civil Society/Stakeholders involvement The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges in Turkey (TOBB), as well as the various organizations for producers, terminal operators, carriers and users of hazardous materials play a key role in the transport of dangerous goods, as do regional and local authorities and civil society organizations. Their views on what issues the department needs to address will be a principle element in policy development. 17 ANNEXES Documents to be annexed to the Project fiche 1. Log frame 2. Description of Institutional Framework (Including composition of the project Steering Committee, Sector Monitoring SubCommittees, and sectoral working group) 3. Reference list of relevant laws and regulations only where relevant 4. Details per EU funded contract(*) where applicable: For TA contracts: outputs expected from the contractor and indicative budget breakdown. For twinning contracts: main components and activities foreseen, indicative budget breakdown, profile of the MS project leader, resident twinning advisor and key short term experts as well as name and position of the project leader of the BC. For grants schemes: components of the scheme, eligible target group and activities (in case of direct grants, justification for selection of grant beneficiary without call for proposal). For supply contracts: reference to feasibility study as well as indicative list of items, cost estimate, intended beneficiary, indication on how detailed technical specifications will be prepared, provisions for maintenance + section to be filled in on assets' ownership(**). For works contracts: reference to feasibility study for the construction works, identification of the site, indicative list of works to be completed and cost estimate, indication on how technical specifications will be prepared, provisions for maintenance and information on assets' ownership(**); account of services to be carried out for the service part of the contract. Please note that feasibility study is a pre-requisite when works and supply contracts are proposed. For each activity, describe format and co-financing plan. (*) Non standard aspects (in case of derogation to PRAG) also to be specified. (**) Assets' ownership, maintenance plans (applicable to all supply and works contracts): Ownership of assets (current and after project completion) Maintenance plans Describe any co-financing arrangement how this will be implemented and by when 18 5. Project visibility activities 19 ANNEX I: Log frame LOGFRAME PLANNING MATRIX FOR Project Project title and number Fiche Assistance on the transport of dangerous goods Contracting period expires FA Execution period expires FA + 5 years + 2 years Total EUR 1,000,000.00 budget IPA EUR 950,000.00 budget: Overall objective Objectively verifiable Sources of Verification indicators (OVI) Annual reports/statistics To promote an a Less incidents and accidents provided by Turkish Statistical environmentally-friendly, safer Institute, Ministry of and sustainable transport Transport, Maritime Affairs system. and Communications and Ministry of Customs and Trade as well as EU Commission’s progress reports and other international institutions’ reports mentioning developments achieved in this regard. Specific objective Objectively verifiable Sources of Verification Assumptions indicators (OVI) 20 To improve further alignment with the EU acquis, enhance the capacity of the MoTMC and relevant institutions responsible for implementing the transport of dangerous goods by road for better implementation and establish a sustainable and efficient system for the transport of dangerous goods. 30% Less accidents resulting from transport of dangerous goods occurred in 2016 compared to 2010. Annual reports/statistics provided by Turkish Statistical Institute, Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications and Ministry of Customs and Trade (In 2010, 400 incidents as well as EU Commission’s progress reports and other were occurred.) international institutions’ Positive assessment of reports mentioning institutional capacity developments achieved in this and legislative regard. alignment on dangerous goods in the The Progress Report issued by the European Commission progress report of after project ends. 2015. The regulations on safety Preparing and advisers and road side checks publishing the for the transport of dangerous regulations on safety advisers and road side goods being published in the official gazette. checks for the Relevant institutions, MoTMC, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology, Turkish Atomic Energy Institute, Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, Turkish Standardization Institute, TOBB and related associations will act in a harmonized manner. transport of dangerous Training and certification goods by 2015. guidelines regarding the Preparing training and procedure taken place at the certification guidelines training and examination institutes for training and examination institutes 21 by 2015. MoTMC and related associations have knowledgeable staff working on transport of dangerous goods, capable of implementing regulations. Results Objectively verifiable indicators (OVI) a) A strategy indicating a.1 A road map policies to implement defining specific transport of dangerous goods actions in dangerous goods have been by road has been outlined. adopted by the Ministry in 2014. b) The Human resource capacities of the Ministry and other relevant institutions have been strengthened through workshops, trainings, site visits and internships. Sources of Verification Assumptions Terms of reference and work Management ready to implement plans Management reports Progress Reports Draft regulations List of participants Trainee certificates Schemes b.1 The staff of Ministry of Transport, Reports on study trips Maritime Affairs and Report on institutional Communications and improvements Report on database for other relevant institutions are able to handling and transport of dangerous goods and accidents produce and implement transport of of dangerous goods transport by road. dangerous goods by 22 road regulation. Report on establishment a monitoring centre for transport c.1 A 30% decrease in of dangerous goods. Report on necessary project c) An effective and efficient the number of the fiches. training, examination and accidents involving certification system for the dangerous goods. drivers and safety advisers have been developed. d) Harmonization of EU legislation on transport of dangerous goods by road regulation, that is, Council Directives 2008/68/EC and 95/50/EC, 2001/26/EC, 2004/112/EC, 2008/54/EC have been assured via draft legislations prepared through project activities. Those legislations will be published in the official gazette in 2014. d.1 The legislations on safety advisers and road side checks of the vehicles that transport dangerous goods by road will be published in the official gazette in 2014. e) A model on the basis of the best practices in the EU in the field of monitoring, control and enforcement of the transport of dangerous goods by road regulations has been 23 implemented. Activities to achieve results A. Analyzing the current system on transport of dangerous goods by road. Means / contracts Costs 1 x Twinning Contract EUR 1,000,000.00 Assumptions Necessary interest and attention from relevant governmental institutions, sector associations and NGO’s will be shown. Organizing meetings and interviews with governmental institutions and private sector. Preparing a report on these meetings and interviews. 4 workshops with governmental institutions and private sector for the current situation and future expectations of the transport of dangerous goods by road and also for responsibilities, advisory committees. 2 seminars with governmental institutions and private sector to inform 24 governmental institutions and private sector for current situation and future expectations of the transport of dangerous goods by road. Preparing a specific action plan that is supported by a comprehensive working schedule with all corresponding critical milestones for each necessary activity. Preparing and distributing a handbook on the new policy and operational recommendations on the fourth quarter of project implementation period. Preparing work programme and projections on the development of transport of dangerous goods on the fourth quarter of project implementation period. Analyzing the existing 25 division of responsibilities between governmental institutions involved in the transport of dangerous goods. Preparing a report on the division of responsibilities among various governmental institutions on the transport of dangerous goods on the third quarter of project implementation period. Preparing draft project fiches on the transport of dangerous goods on the fourth quarter of project implementation period. Assisting in establishment of advisory committees for all aspects of the sector on the third quarter of project implementation period. B. Performing needs assessment training 26 Organizing 4 training sessions for 200 staff from all Ministries on the relevant legislations, its implementation, enforcement and monitoring, policy development, as well as technicalities and administrative structure of transport of dangerous goods by road Organizing 2 study visits of 4 policy makers from all ministries each for getting acquainted with the training and examination systems and evaluation of best practices in a member state. Organizing 2 study visits of 4 staff from all ministries each for getting acquainted with the training and examination systems and evaluation of best practices in a member state. Organizing internships of 27 6 staff from Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications in order to look into the development of policy, its implementation and enforcement relating to the transport of dangerous goods in a EU country Training of 20 staff of Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications to be safety advisers on the first quarter of project implementation period. Training of 20 staff of Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications as master trainer who train the trainers for drivers and safety advisers including at least ADR instructor course which contains dangerous goods safety adviser (DGSA) course, ADR course, Preparing to Teach in the 28 Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS) course, first aid course, fire extinguisher course, ADR assessment, ADR Course supervision. Analyzing of similar training systems used in the EU for inspectors and other enforcement officers Preparation of proposals for the enhancement of the training system for inspectors and other enforcement officers. Organizing 1 Study visit of maximum 6 representatives from both ministries (Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications/Directorate General for Transport of Dangerous Goods and Combined Transport (MoTMC) and the Ministry of Interior/Road Traffic 29 Police (MoI) to a member state. Organizing internships of 3 inspectors in a member state from both ministries (MoTMC and MOI) who will train the trainers of inspectors. Organizing 1 seminar on inspection procedures Organizing 2 local trainings on inspection procedures to staff of both ministries (MoTMC and MOI) C. Analyzing various vocational training schemes, examination and certification systems in Turkey, including licensing system for professional competence of the drivers and safety 30 advisers. Analyzing relevant EU legislation and best practices throughout the EU. Preparing 4 training guidelines for trainings of drivers and safety advisers and also master trainers of drivers and safety advisers on the second quarter of project implementation period. Organizing identified courses for training institutes on the second quarter of project implementation period. Organizing 1 seminar on the training scheme and examination system. Preparing an examination instruction guide on the second quarter of project implementation period. Preparing a guideline for the requirements and 31 conditions for the certification of institutes on the second quarter of project implementation period. Organizing 1 seminar on the certification of institutes. Compilation of certification guidelines for the authorization of training and examination institutions in the realm of transport of dangerous goods. D. Analyzing Turkish legislations. current Analyzing relevant EU legislations. Performing needs assessment about Turkish legislation on the transport of dangerous goods. Preparing draft regulation on safety advisers on basis of 32 Directive 2008/68 and ADR part 1.8.3 on the second quarter of project implementation period. Organizing 1 seminar for informing the public institutions and 1 seminar for informing the private sector about the contents of the draft regulation on safety advisers. Preparing draft regulation on the road side checks, taking into consideration Directives 95/50/EC, 2001/26/EC, 2004/112/EC, 2008/54/EC on the fourth quarter of project implementation period. 1 seminar to inform governmental institutions and private sector about the draft regulation on the road side checks. E. 33 Analyzing the best practices of databases for handling and transport of dangerous goods and accidents of dangerous goods transport by road throughout the EU on the second quarter of project implementation period. Organizing meetings and interviews with governmental institutions and private sector on the establishment of database for handling and transport of dangerous goods and accidents of dangerous goods transport by road. Organizing 2 workshops with governmental institutions and private sector on the establishment of database Organizing 1 seminar to inform governmental institutions and private sector about the database. 34 Preparing a technical and administrative consultation report on fully operative database on the fourth quarter of project implementation period. Analyzing the best practices of monitoring centres for the transport of dangerous goods by road throughout the EU on the second quarter of project implementation period. Organizing meetings and interviews with governmental institutions and private sector on the establishment of a monitoring centre for the transport of dangerous goods Organizing 2 workshops with governmental institutions and private sector on the establishment of the monitoring centre Organizing 1 seminar to inform governmental 35 institutions and private sector about the monitoring centre. Preparing a technical and administrative consultation report for establishment a monitoring centre on the fourth quarter of project implementation period. Analyzing of the best practices of the implementation of a system for approval, tests, periodic inspections and certification of the vehicles, transport units and packagings used in transport of dangerous goods throughout the EU on the first quarter implementation period. Analyzing of the best practices of the delegation of authority of this kind of system throughout the EU on the first quarter of project implementation period. Organizing meetings and 36 interviews with governmental institutions and private sector on the system on the first quarter of project implementation period. Preparing a technical and administrative consultation report of this system on the first quarter of project implementation period. Preparing a draft protocol about the delegation of authority of this kind of system on the first quarter of project implementation period. Preparing a draft procurement document on the software programme of the monitoring system. 37 Annex II: Description of the Institutional Framework Project Management The whole contract will be tendered as one. Responsible body The Central Finance and Contracts Unit (CFCU) is the Contracting Authority and will be responsible for the tendering, contracting, administration, accounting, payments and financial reporting. The Director of the CFCU will act as Programme Authorizing Officer (PAO) of the project. The Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications (MoTMC) represented by the Senior Programme Officer (SPO) will be responsible for the technical implementation. Management Structure The Project shall be implemented and managed by MoTMC in close coordination with the Twinning Team. The beneficiary will establish a Project Management Unit (PMU) which will operate in MoTMC premises. This unit will be responsible for the technical implementation of the project under the overall supervision of the PAO. The PMU will be responsible for assisting the Twinning Partner in timely implementation of project activities. The results of activities during the implementation will be reported by interim quarterly project management reports. The purpose of the PMU will be; to ensure effective communication between the Twinning Partner’s project group and the Beneficiary; to co-ordinate the work of the operation on an ongoing basis and to allow the Beneficiary to be fully informed of operation activities. The PMU will meet at least once every two weeks during the project. Roles and responsibilities of the SPO The project will be implemented under the supervision of the Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications, acting as Senior Programme Officer and which will be responsible for the proper and timely implementation of the activities. The Senior Programme Officer will be particularly responsible for: • • • Submitting the request to the CFCU to launch tenders; Endorsing commitment and disbursements documents prior to their transmission to the CFCU for approval; Supervising, monitoring and notifying to the CFCU the difficulties or non-performance of the contract during implementation; 38 • • • Cooperating with the Consultant on Project implementation and follow up (logistical assistance or other, if required, ensuring the Consultant’s performance/deadlines, approval of technical reports of the Consultant); Monitoring the Project implementation (preparation of semi-annual monitoring reports, preparation of regular process activities reports presented to the CFCU); Consulting the CFCU on the correct procedure to follow up before carrying out further project adjustments. Roles and responsibilities of the MS Project Leader MS Project Leader is supposed to coordinate the activities, disseminate project information among stakeholders, take part in discussions with the high level officials, present and defend project input and expected outputs, manage the project team, prepare project management reports, help overcome project related problems, and assist the SPO for continuous development of project initiatives. The MS Project Leader will support the beneficiary and the CFCU in monitoring all contracts related to the programme. This includes ensuring that EC procurement rules are correctly applied. a) Qualifications: The Project Leader must have at least 10 years of professional experience in transport of dangerous goods sector with at least 2 years of specific experience in project management, preferably in EU funded projects. Broad long-term knowledge of all processes in the area of acquis and ADR that the project is dealing with; Training in ADR and/or being a Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor (DGSA) in one EU member state is an asset, High-ranking official, commensurate with an operational dialogue at Ministerial level; Overall appreciation of the problems and solutions in the sector; Capable of unblocking any problems at highest level; Good leadership skills; Good written and oral command of English. b) Tasks: Overall project co-ordination; Co-chairing, with the Turkish PL, the regular project implementation steering committee meetings; The management of the team of long and short term experts; Mobilizing short term experts; The primary contact for all the communications, elaboration and delivery of 39 all necessary inputs for ensuring proper implementation of the activities in accordance with the EC Rules; The fulfillment of the reporting requirements. Executing administrative issues (i.e. signing reports, side letters etc.). Roles and responsibilities of the Resident Twinning Adviser (RTA) The RTA is supposed to assist in finalizing the twinning contract, establish a work plan for project activities, facilitate the organization of workshops, particularly with the EU Offices (including Court of Justice, and specialized EU courts), identify contact persons, assist in identifying topics of discussion and case studies (both local and EU cases) a) Qualifications Minimum of 5 years experience in transport of dangerous goods activities; Preferably a comparative knowledge of other Member States’ systems; Experience in project management; Broad network in the field of transport of dangerous goods; Advanced university degree; Strong written, oral and inter-personal communication skills in English; Good communication skills and experience in developing, co-coordinating and conducting training programmes; Experience in managing a large team of experts; Have good knowledge of EU Acquis on transport of dangerous goods and ADR, Knowledge in all elements of the transport of dangerous goods policy, legal issues, control and enforcement and training, Training in ADR and/or being a Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor (DGSA) in one EU member state is an asset, Experience of establishing an ADR system is considered as an asset, Experience in preparation of a sector strategy and/or road map and/or action plan in the transport of dangerous goods by road sector is considered a strong asset, Knowledge of Project Cycle Management and experience in preparation of procurement documents in accordance with EU Practical Guide Rules for procurement, b) Tasks The execution of the day to day management; 40 To plan and coordinate outputs; Together with the Project Leader: to nominate and mobilize the short term experts; To supervise the short term experts; To coordinate and organize study visits, training activities, workshops and other activities; To ensure proper quality of outputs; To provide detailed reports on the impact of the project. Roles and responsibilities of the Resident Twinning Adviser (RTA) Counterpart RTA Counterpart will: Assist the RTA in communication and overall coordination Draft the quarterly and interim project management reports with the RTA Review and implement the directions of the Project Managers and PMU Roles and responsibilities of the (short term) experts (STEs) STEs will have expertise for the tasks assigned and will share this expertise with their colleagues and peers from the beneficiary institutions. STEs are supposed to be knowledgeable on transport of dangerous goods by road, and EU Acquis and practices in this regard, knowledgeable in ADR and have experience in drafting regulation. These experts are expected take part in the analysis of the Turkish legislation and organizational structure guided by RTA thus be able to discuss with Turkish stakeholders on how the legislative and public organization for developing transport of dangerous goods by road legislation should be based on the best practices applied in the EU member states. Short-term experts depending on the workshop, seminar, round table will take part. a) Qualifications: Minimum of 5 years experience in transport of dangerous goods activities; Advanced university degree; Have at least 2 years of experience as a trainer in the field of EU transport of dangerous goods by road Acquis. The experts, in the absence of a university degree will have an equivalent professional experience of minimum 10 years; Strong written, oral and inter-personal communication skills in English; All experts of the team shall have full computer literacy. Monitoring 41 For monitoring of the project management and activities, the project leader will prepare the monitoring reports to be submitted to EUSG as the National IPA Coordinator (NIPAC) and the Steering Committee. The Project leader will also prepare an Interim Evaluation Report for the evaluation of the project management and implementation. The Steering Committee will review the inputs of the reports, monitor the progress of the project and assist the SPO in decision-making. Below is a chart showing the composition of the members of the Steering Committee. Steering Committee Steering Committee will be established during the project’s inception period to ensure co-ordination between different stakeholders and chaired by the Senior Programme Officer of the MoTMC. The Consultant will facilitate the meetings and agenda; minutes of the meetings will be prepared in detail and sent to all stated members of the Steering Committee for information and comments. In particular, the Steering Committee will be responsible for the following activities: - monitoring project implementation and ensuring corrective actions to be taken, - ensure efficient and timely cooperation between the involved parties, - settle possible disputes without delay. For the success of this assignment, it is important that the Beneficiary is closely involved in the study process and that recommendations are made in consultation with the relevant local stakeholders. In this context, at least three monthly periodic meetings will be held in the premises of the Beneficiary. The progress of the projects, actions to be taken shall be discussed with the participation of key experts. The Consultant will facilitate the meetings and agenda; minutes of the meetings will be prepared in detail and sent to all stated members of the Steering Committee for information and comments. 42 Name Organization İzzet IŞIK MoTMC M. Celal TÜMER MoTMC RTA Twinning Partner Observer EU Delegation Procurement Officer CFCU Representative Min. of EU Affairs Representative Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology Representative Ministry of Interior Representative Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation Representative Turkish Standardization Institute Representative Turkish Atomic Energy Institute Representative Energy Market Regulatory Authority Representative Associations of transport operators Representative Associations of professional drivers Representative The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges in Turkey Representative (TOBB) Association of petrol/chemical industry 43 Indicators for monitoring the training programme are divided into two parts, quantitative and qualitative. These indicators shall be included and presented as part of the progress reports mentioned above. Quantitative indicators: • Number, type and description of courses conducted year to date (ytd) • Number of participants involved in the training programme for the last two months and ytd • Number and description of educated Train the Trainers • List of institutions with indication of number of participants and types of courses represented in the training in the last two months and ytd • Participants’ evaluating grids with a benchmark score for each course Qualitative indicators: Specification of the results of the evaluation grids as for instance satisfaction or dissatisfaction with rooms, trainers and notes, to be included in the progress reports REPORTING 1. In the course of contract implementation the Project Leaders will present the following reports: - An Inception Report covering the one-month period following the date of the Contract signing and should be presented in the second month of the project realization. It must include assumptions and planned methods for the execution of each task, together with the proposed logistic solutions. 44 - Quarterly Progress Reports covering the state of play of the project activities for monitoring purpose. - A Final Report - no later than 30 days after the Project performance is finished. The reports will have to be countersigned by the SPO. 2. Reporting language – English and Turkish 3. Number of copies of particular reports – 5 4. The reports shall be submitted to the MoTMC, EUD, Min. of EU Affairs and the CFCU. Annex III – Reference list of relevant laws and regulations EU legislation Directive 2008/68/EC on the inland transport of dangerous goods which adopt ADR on the transport of dangerous goods by road, RID on the transport of dangerous goods by rail and ADN on the transport of dangerous goods by inland waterways. Directive 95/50/EC on uniform procedures for checks on the transport of dangerous goods by road Directive 2001/26/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 May 2001 amending Council Directive 95/50/EC on uniform procedures for checks on the transport of dangerous goods by road Commission Directive 2004/112/EC of 13 December 2004 adapting to technical progress Council Directive 95/50/EC on uniform procedures for checks on the transport of dangerous goods by road Directive 2008/54/EC of The European Parliament and of The Council of 17 June 2008 amending Council Directive 95/50/EC on uniform procedures for checks on the transport of dangerous goods by road, as regards the implementing powers conferred on the Commission Commission Directive 2010/61/EU of 2 September 2010 adapting for the first time the Annexes to Directive 2008/68/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the inland transport of dangerous goods to scientific and technical progress Commission Directive 2010/35/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 June 2010 on transportable pressure equipment and repealing Council Directives 76/767/EEC, 84/525/EEC, 84/526/EEC, 84/527/EEC and 1999/36/EC 45 Turkish legislation Law on road transport, The Regulation on the transport of dangerous goods by road, The Directive on training of the drivers on the transport of dangerous goods, The regulation on the type approval of the motor vehicles and their trailers that designed for transport of dangerous goods, The regulation on the transportable pressure equipment, Reference to AP Council Decision of the 18th February 2008 on the principles, priorities and conditions contained in the Accession Partnership with the Republic of Turkey and repealing Decision 2006/35/EC (2008/157/EC) TURKEY 2007 ACCESSI0N PARTNERSHIP 3.1 short-term priorities, i.e. the reform of public administration and personnel policy in order to ensure a greater efficiency, accountability and transparency. Reference to NPAA Priority 5.2: Reinforce the establishment of institutional structures and strengthen administrative capacity in the areas of programming, project preparation, monitoring, evaluation and financial management and control, particularly at the level of line ministries (…). Further strengthen economic policy coordination across different institutions and policy areas in order to provide a consistent and sustainable economic policy framework for the economy; (…) As well as Priority 14.4 “Continuing the legislative and administrative alignment to the transport acquis in particular as regards safety in road transport” Reference to MIPD The Multi-annual Indicative Programme Document prepared for the period 20092011, priority is given to six areas named “development axis”. Component I Institution Building states in the paragraph on meeting the Copenhagen criteria: “Public administration: Modernisation of the civil service (…), as well as “Civil society: Facilitation of the domestic development of civil society and its involvement in the shaping of public policies; Reinforcement of social dialogue and trade union rights”. Component IV Human Resources Development, contains as Priority axis 1: To attract and retain more people in employment. 46 Reference to the National Development Plan The 9th National Development Plan for the period 2007-2013 states in paragraph 5.6. Increasing Quality and Effectiveness in Public Services “294. In order to ensure effective management of the economic and social development process, it has become a requirement to provide public administration in Turkey, which has a centralized structure, with a contemporary understanding, structure and operation, where citizen oriented and high quality services can be provided in an effective and rapid manner and concepts such as flexibility, transparency, participation, accountability, responsibility and predictability are emphasized.” Reference to Overall Sector Strategy The Strategic Plan 2009-2013 of the Ministry of Transport states under Fundamental Tenets and Values: “Maintaining and improving service quality and standards”, as well as “considering the critiques, different opinions and suggestions” and “Amending Law No. 3348 on the organization and duties of the Ministry of Transport so as to render [the] decision-making process faster and more effective and to prevent the waste of human and material resources”(Objective 5.1), as well as “Providing allocation of specialized personnel in required fields for effective service provision and advanced institutional development.” (Objective 5.2). Annex IV: Details per EU funded contract Contract 1.1: Twinning Contract (Indicative budget) Total Budget: 1,000,000 € TWINNING CONTRACT BUDGET SUMMARY 1 Project coordination costs 2 Preparatory costs 3 Visibility costs 4 RTA (total costs) Units (12 visits if consortium) Visits for project steering committee meetings 9 visits for contract drafting 18 Months Unit Cost Total Cost 3,500€ /per meeting in BC € 42,000.00 3,500 € per visit 31,500 € 10,000 € 10,000 13,500 €/Month € 243,000.00 47 5 RTA Assistant 18 Months 2,000€/Month € 36,000.00 6 Language Assistant 18 Months 2,000 €/Month € 36,000.00 7 8 9 Activities (STE travel, per diem, PMC, training, workshop, internship, study visit, seminar, nationwide seminar…) Operational cost (Interpretation during meetings and trainings/workshops, Translation of the documents, etc...) Audit Total (including 5% cofinancing) € 521,500.00 € 70,000.00 € 10,000.00 €1,000,000.00 48