AN ANALYSIS OF THE INTEGRATED CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT PARADIGM: A CASE STUDY FROM GUYANA Emily E. Kachorek B.S., University of California, Davis, 2003 THESIS Submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES (Biological Conservation) at CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, SACRAMENTO SUMMER 2010 AN ANALYSIS OF THE INTEGRATED CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT PARADIGM: A CASE STUDY FROM GUYANA A Thesis by Emily E. Kachorek Approved by: __________________________________, Committee Chair Dr. Jamie M. Kneitel __________________________________, Second Reader Dr. Michelle Stevens __________________________________, Third Reader Dr. Ben Sacks ________________________ Date ii Student: Emily E. Kachorek I certify that this student has met the requirements for format contained in the University format manual, and that this thesis is suitable for shelving in the Library and credit is to be awarded for the thesis. _________________________, Dean Dr. Jill M. Trainer _________________ Date College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics iii Abstract of AN ANALYSIS OF THE INTEGRATED CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT PARADIGM: A CASE STUDY FROM GUYANA by Emily E. Kachorek Particularly in poor tropical countries, in areas where people exist through subsistence lifestyles, the hunting of wildlife serves as a major source protein (Redford, 1993). In some areas, overhunting is considered to be one of the most serious threats facing wildlife (Robinson & Redford 1991; Redford 1992). Globally, protected areas form the backbone of biodiversity conservation, however, criticisms of traditionally modeled protected areas have been waged on multiple fronts and have resulted in the development conservation projects that recognize that social and ecological systems are inextricably linked. Integrated conservation and development programs (ICDP) couple biodiversity conservation with socioeconomic development aimed at inclusive and surrounding communities (IUCN / UNEP / WWF 1991). Due to limited conservation funding, the inability to illustrate project effectiveness, lack of substantiated foundation on which to base decision-making and continued biodiversity loss, ICDPs and similarly focused programs are hotly contested. iv This study evaluates the success of an ICDP located in Guyana by assessing local resident’s attitudes towards conservation, wildlife populations, and the relationship between attitudes and wildlife. Direct analysis of wildlife populations offered little evidence in support of biological conservation success. However, this result does not lead to the conclusion that relationships between conservation, the environment, human welfare and culture do not exist or are in someway unimportant to conservation objectives. Many alternative explanations and confounding factors potentially useful in explaining the observed patterns include: methodological limitations, including small sample size and differences in habitat type, time lag between establishment of the ICDP and detectible differences in wildlife populations, and source-sink dynamics operating within the greater study area. Results of attitude surveys illustrated that those in contact with the conservation organization are generally supportive of the organization itself and conservation goals but also emphasize a general lack of understanding of the linkage between the ICDP’s development initiatives, benefits received and conservation goals. Furthermore, hunting rights, with their connection to self-determination, land rights and community sovereignty, was highlighted as an important issue. Although I found little variation in species diversity across villages, this index was not correlated with positive conservation attitudes at the village level. The results of this study do not support the method of assessing broad ICDP success by solely evaluating individual’s attitudes. This case study emphasizes the importance of empirical v approaches to both conservation and development goals, useful in informing the development of successful approaches to biodiversity conservation. ___________________________, Committee Chair Dr. Jamie M. Kneitel ___________________________ Date vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This project would not have been possible without the assistance, support and guidance from many individuals and institutions. I sincerely thank my major advisor, Dr. Jamie Kneitel, who was willing to take on a project-less graduate student with big ambitions and a focal interest different than his own. Dr. Kneitel’s patience, statistical expertise, generosity with his time and lighthearted nature will always be deeply appreciated. I thank Dr. Michelle Stevens for her initial connection to the project, for her guidance in Indigenous Issues and Traditional Ecological Knowledge and for her continuous moral support throughout my graduation education. I would also like to thank Dr. Ben Sacks, for his participation as a valued and thoughtful committee member. Dr. Jose M. Fragoso and the Project Fauna team made this research project possible. In addition to allowing me to utilize wildlife data, the team provided much needed logistical support and academic guidance. I would like to offer my heartfelt appreciation of Dr. Jose M. Fragoso, who was willing to give an unfamiliar student the academic opportunity of a lifetime. My time spent in Guyana would not have been the same without the direction and friendship of Dr. Han Overman, Dr. Jeff Luzar and Anthony Cummings. I would also like to sincerely thank Dr. Kirsten Silvius, Dr. Jane Read, and the entire Project Fauna team. I am grateful for the support of Iwokrama International Centre for Rainforest Conservation and Development and the Bina Hill Institute. vii This project would not have been possible without the funding provided by the National Science Foundation (#0508094) and numerous CSUS scholarships and grants: 2008 and 2009 Marda West Scholarships, 2009 M.D.F Udvardy Graduate Student Award, 2009 Alumni Association Graduate Student Scholarship, 2008 Biological Conservation Scholarship and State University Grants. I will forever be grateful for the encouragement, support, love (and sometimes prodding) provided over the course of my graduate education by my wonderful husband, Pete Knudsen, family and friends. viii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................... vii List of Tables .......................................................................................................................x List of Figures .................................................................................................................... xi Introduction ..........................................................................................................................1 Materials and Methods .........................................................................................................8 Results ................................................................................................................................25 Discussion ..........................................................................................................................50 Conclusions ........................................................................................................................59 Appendix A Map of Guyana and location of Iwokrama Forest .........................................61 Appendix B Map of Iwokrama Forest and Neighboring Communities .............................62 Appendix C Mammal Species List ....................................................................................63 Appendix D Attitude Survey .............................................................................................65 Appendix E Attitude Survey Results .................................................................................67 Literature Cited ..................................................................................................................71 ix LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1. Comparison of Mammal Diversity Across ICDP, Non-ICDP and Control Treatments. ............................................................................................27 Table 2. Comparison of Species Abundance and Variation Across Treatments (ICDP, Non-ICDP and Control), Season and Transect Location. .............................................................................................................29 Table 3. Non Parametric Comparisons of Species Abundance and Variation Across Treatments (ICDP, Non-ICDP and Control), Season and Transect Location ............................................................................31 Table 4. Comparison Within ICDP and Non-ICDP Treatments of SpeciesSpecific Sex Ratios Among Killed Individuals. .................................................41 Table 5. Comparison Between ICDP and Non-ICDP Treatments of the Age Structure of Individuals Killed Within a Species ........................................43 x LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 1. The Black Lines Represents eight 4 km Transects Embedded on Satellite Imagery................................................................................................13 Figure 2. Mammal Diversity Measured in Terms of Mean Sign Counts Per km Does Not Differ Among Treatments (Control, ICDP and Non-ICDP). .......................................................................................................26 Figure 3. The variability of Paca Sign Counts, Measured Via Standard Deviation, Vary by Treatment (P < 0.001). ......................................................33 Figure 4. Red Brocket Deer Abundance was Found to Differ by Treatment (P < 0.001). ......................................................................................35 Figure 5. The Variability of Red Brocket Deer Sign Counts, Measured Via Standard Deviation, Vary by Treatment (P = 0.019). ................................36 Figure 6. Transect Location is a Significant Factor in Tapir Abundance (P = 0.036). .......................................................................................................38 Figure 7. Average Conservation Attitude by Treatment. ..................................................45 Figure 8. No Significant Relationship was Found Between Average Village Conservation Attitude Score and the Village’s Mean Mammal Diversity... ..........................................................................................49 xi 1 INTRODUCTION Biodiversity loss has been rapid, extreme and is, often times, circumstantially complex. Particularly in poor tropical countries, in areas where people exist through subsistence lifestyles, the hunting of wildlife, or wild meat, serves as a major protein source and additionally acts as a safety net in lean times (Redford, 1993). Effects of wild meat hunting have been shown to include biodiversity loss, population reduction and extirpations (Alvard et al. 1997; Shively 1997; Wilkie et al. 1998; Scherr 2003; Vedeld et al. 2004; Kaimowitz & Sheil 2007). More subtle impacts, such as changes in sex and age ratio within a population, are also consequences of hunting (Dubost, 1988; Fragoso et al., 2000). In the tropics, overhunting is considered to be one of the most serious threats facing wildlife (Robinson & Redford 1991; Redford 1992). In the tropics it is estimated that between fifty and one hundred percent of tropical plant’s seeds are animal dispersed (Howe & Smallwood, 1982). The hunting of these important seed dispersing species has the potential to cause dramatic cascade effects, altering ecosystem diversity, composition, structure and function (Howe & Smallwood, 1982; Terborgh, 1988; Janson & Emmons, 1990). Globally, protected areas form the backbone of biodiversity conservation. However, protected areas have often been criticized as ineffective and incapable of ensuring biodiversity conservation (Peres & Terborgh, 1995; Brandon et al., 1998). Government corruption (Smith et al., 2003; Laurance, 2004), lack of law enforcement (Corlett, 2007), exclusive management style, implementation of a blueprint or 2 ‘Yellowstone Model’ approach (Western et al., 1994; Stevens, 1997) and poverty (Infield, 1988; Scherr, 2003; Scherr et al., 2003; Kaimowitz & Sheil, 2007) are commonly attributed to the failures. Additionally, a quantitative assessment of park effectiveness in tropical countries found that while they were successful in preventing land clearing overall, they were also vulnerable to hunting pressure (Bruner et al., 2001). Moreover, concerns about injustice and human rights issues (Neumann, 2002; IUCN, 2008; Dowie, 2009) resulting from the establishment of the “traditionally” modeled protected areas have, in part, lead to a movement of increasingly community focused conservation projects. These community focused conservation projects have been labeled numerous ways: Community-based Conservation (CBC), Integrated Conservation and Development Projects (ICDP), Community-Based Natural Resources Management (CBNRM), and collaborative management ventures. Uniting the programs that use these labels is a multidisciplinary, integrative approach inclusive of the local communities. ICDPs recognize that since social and ecological systems are inextricably linked, environmental protection and biodiversity conservation will be most successful when coupled with socioeconomic development aimed at inclusive and surrounding communities (IUCN / UNEP / WWF, 1991; Western et al., 1994; Stevens, 1997; Abbot et al., 2001). An underlying assumption of these models is that the perceptions and attitudes of community members will be influenced by their inclusion in decision-making, access to education opportunities, by fostering development programs and access to income generating activities. People will, therefore, be more likely to both support these efforts, 3 and act in ways that are considered pro-conservation (Abbot et al., 2001). In relation to this study, the hunting of wild meat is the focal resource use. Because the impact that hunters have on animal populations depends on the manner in which species are harvested (Bodmer et al., 1997), the assumption follows that conservation education, proconservation attitudes and income to purchase alternative protein sources, will lead to sustainable hunting behaviors. Iwokrama Iwokrama International Centre for Rain Forest Conservation and Development (Iwokrama) was established in 1996 under international agreement between the Guyana Government and the Commonwealth Secretariat. Iwokrama currently manages nearly one million acres of Guyana’s interior and has been recently cited as a useful example of a multilevel ICDP that has provided long-term development assistance as well as developed trust and reciprocity between Iwokrama and the local communities (Berkes, 2007). The local indigenous people are mainly Macuxi Amerindians that are sedentary and maintain a subsistence livelihood, relying on wild meat as a major source of protein (Fragoso, unpublished data). Iwokrama works with the local indigenous communities in an effort to promote conservation and aid in poverty alleviation. It’s stated mission illustrates the duality of its goals, "To promote the conservation and the sustainable and equitable use of tropical rain forests in a manner that will lead to lasting ecological, economic and social benefits to the people of Guyana and to the world in general, by undertaking research, training 4 and the development and dissemination of technologies" (Iwokrama International Centre, 2003). The Northern Rupununi District Development Board (NRDDB) formed concurrently with the development of Iwokrama and is currently composed of sixteen local Macuxi communities (Alfonso Ford, personal communication). The NRDDB functionally serves as a user group as well as an important and respected stakeholder in Iwokrama (Allicock, 2003). User groups play an important role in ICDPs and have the potential to influence local attitudes as well as serve a variety functions that include assisting protected area authorities and aiding in management decisions. User groups can be instrumental in facilitating communication between local communities and park management, building social capital as well as provide a basis for community wide participation (Baral & Heinen, 2007). Baral and Heinen (2007) found that when local people were satisfied with their local user groups, they were more likely to agree with sharing conservation responsibility and generally held positive conservation attitudes. In addition to serving as an important user group in Iwokrama, the relationship between the NRDDB and Iwokrama is an institutional model for Guyana’s Poverty Reduction Strategy (Bicknell, 2004), “Heavily integrated into our best practices are our strong community relations with the communities of the North Rupununi and the Village of Fair View within the Iwokrama Forest. These integral activities form the core of the Iwokrama International Centre. This core in turn supports the businesses of Iwokrama. By integrating human needs and values into business development and conservation strategies, partnerships with local communities are established so they can assist in forest 5 management and get direct benefits through joint business development” (Iwokrama International Centre, 2007). Iwokrama’s development is an example of the ICDP paradigm’s growing global influence; over the past two and a half decades CBC, ICDP and similar models have become widely implemented and an important feature of conservation policy. However, the effectiveness (Robinson, 1993; Barrett & Arcese, 1995; Oats, 1995; Noss, 1997; Brandon et al., 1998) and applicability (Adams & Hulme, 2001; Berkes, 2007) of CBC and ICDPs are contested. Broadly, this debate is commonly referred to as the “people in parks” debate. Allendorf et al. (2007) comment that “the complex relationships between people and protected areas are still poorly understood and the connections to broader issues often remain unacknowledged”. This broad lack of understanding remains a roadblock to effective conservation (Allendorf et al., 2007). Due to the continuing “people in parks” debate, the limited funding available for conservation, the inability to illustrate community focused conservation project’s effectiveness, lack of substantiated data on which to base decision making, and continued biodiversity loss, there has been a recent call in the literature for a transition towards an conservation research infrastructure, similar to that within the medical community, that supports evidence-based practices (Adams & Hulme, 2001; Pullin et al., 2004; Sutherland et al., 2004; Saterson et al., 2004; Fazey et al., 2004; Pullin & Stewart, 2006). “Evidence-based conservation” requires a more systematic evaluation of impacts and costs of specific conservation approaches. Additionally, increased synthesis of sitespecific information allows for critical evaluation across approaches, as well as stronger 6 links between site-specific projects and global monitoring of biodiversity (Saterson et al., 2004). Because local community members’ perceptions and attitudes play an important role in community focused project success, site-specific evaluation for these projects commonly consist of assessing local people’s perceptions and attitudes (Fiallo & Jacobson, 1995; Infield & Namara, 2001; Struhsaker et al., 2005). Additionally, attitudes have been used as a means of determining individual’s resource use interests, albeit, with mixed results (Holmes, 2003a,b; Arjunan et al., 2006). Allendorf et al. (2006) argue that because there is no clear relationship between socioeconomic variables and attitudes towards protected areas, and because perceptions play a greater role than socioeconomic variables in predicting attitude, testing community focused project interventions based on people’s perceptions is feasible and accurate. Moreover, attitudinal surveys are utilized because assessing changes in local community member’s decision-making and behavior is difficult (Infield & Namara, 2001; Homes, 2003a). In a study investigating residents’ perceptions of a national park in Nepal, Allendorf et al. (2007) noted that different individual’s perceptions within a single community are diverse, complex and often contradictory. Other studies have illustrated similar discordances between attitudes and behavior (Infield & Namara, 2001; Holmes, 2003a). Few studies have investigated the circumstances under which attitudes translate to conservation behavior, despite this correlation serving as an underlying assumption of ICDP models. 7 Following the call of evidence-based conservation, twelve years post ICDP initiation, I posed the question: Has Iwokrama’s ICDP been successful? Because a priori inclusion of the required experimental and control approach necessary to a study is not always possible, this case study takes a post hoc approach that incorporates testable hypotheses and includes confounding variables. If Iwokrama’s ICDP has been successful the relevant testable hypothesis are as follows: first, in comparison to hunting areas managed by non-ICDP villages, I expect hunting areas managed by ICDP villages to have greater species abundance, diversity and wildlife population demographic indices indicative of un-hunted wildlife populations. I would expect community members in ICDP villages to hold positive conservation attitudes. Moreover, if positive conservation attitudes translated into pro-conservation resource-use behaviors, I expect that villages that, on average, hold positive attitudes will have harbor greater species diversity in their respective hunting areas when compared to villages that hold negative conservation attitudes. 8 MATERIALS AND METHODS Study Area Situated on the northeast coast of South America, Guyana occupies an area of 215,000 km2 (Appendix A). The tropical climate is hot and humid. Rainfall is seasonal and peaks between May and September, with the mean annual rainfall between 1600 and 1900 mm (Mistry et al., 2004). The study site is located in the Northern Rupununi District, which is situated in the south-west of the country (Appendix B). The area is comprised of the savanna biome and includes low-lying seasonally flooded grasslands, forest islands, gallery forests, and palm communities (Hill, 1976). People of the Macuxi ethnic group primarily populate the participating communities in the study area. Approximately 7750 Macuxi people live in the Rupununi savanna in small villages (Shackley 1998). Of the village participating in this study, the population ranges from approximate 105 to 578 individuals, with the median village population of 241. The Macuxi are largely sedentary, garden-scale agriculturalists that rely on game and fish for protein. Sixteen local primarily indigenous communities are represented in the NRDDB and have agreed to remain committed to the effective management of the Iwokrama Forest and the Rupununi ecosystem. In conjunction with Iwokrama, many key projects run by the NRDDB. Junior Wildlife Clubs allow the youth of the communities to study and explore the local wildlife as well as discuss important social and environmental issues. Small business development is facilitated through microcredit, and efforts are 9 made to revitalize native languages. Additionally, the development of conservation contracts with Iwokrama aid the communities in conservation management and the sustainable use of specific threatened resources within each community (Allicock, 2003). Notably, many of the Macuxi’s traditional methods for guiding resource management practices, such as the importance of the village piaman (shaman) in the regulation of hunting practices, are fading. The impact hunters have on wildlife populations depends on the manner in which hunters harvest species (Bodmer et al., 1997), therefore practices related to the hunting of wild meat serve a methods of traditional resource management. Hunting remains an important aspect of the Macuxi livelihood that provides a strong connection with the local ecosystem (Fragoso, unpublished data). The species most commonly hunted by the Macuxi are similar to those hunted across the Amazon basin. Key hunted species include: tapir (Tapirus terrestris), peccary species (Tayassu pecari and Pacari tajacu), red brocket deer (Mazama americana), paca (Cuniculus paca), agouti (Dasyprocata agouti), Galliformes (curassows and tinamous), and tortoises (Fragoso, unpublished data). The Macuxi do not traditionally eat primates (Fragoso, personal communication). Study locations include five non-ICDP villages, eight ICDP villages and three control locations. All non-ICDP villages are believed to have minimal to no direct contact with Iwokrama; all villages associated with the ICDP are, by definition, active stakeholders in the Iwokrama organization. As there is little baseline data for neotropical species densities and demographic indices, lightly to un-hunted areas serve as a control, 10 providing comparisons against the different management strategies as well as aiding in my ability to detect deviations from “normal” un-hunted populations. Observational studies, such as this one, seek to draw inferences about the effects of treatments on specified dependent variables in question. While confounding factors are taken into consideration and minimized when possible, a major challenge in conducting observational studies is drawing inferences that are acceptably free from the influences of overt and hidden biases (Glantz, 1997). All datasets were subject to review and unreliable or questionable datasets were removed from analysis. Data collected from para-biologists that were untrustworthy or of inferior quality were removed from analysis. Because population size varies among villages and because tropical climates have distinct dry and wet seasons, these variables were accounted for in analyses on populations and community variables. Traditional Ecological Knowledge The Indigenous worldview is very different from the Western worldview (Melville 2003). In areas where indigenous peoples have depended for long periods of time on the local environment, as the Macuxi have, groups have developed close interrelationships with local animals, plants, and environment and have formed distinctive and diversified indigenous knowledge system and traditional cultural beliefs (Salick et al., 2007). Traditional ecological knowledge is closely integrated with moral and religious belief systems and is of significance from a conservation perspective (Gadgil et al., 1993). 11 Traditional ecological knowledge is difficult for Western science to understand (Gadgil et al., 1993) and difficult to incorporate into western study design. As it is out of the scope of this study, I will not attempt to evaluate the impact of the Macuxi’s traditional management practices. Many of the traditional beliefs and practices of the Macuxi have faded and individuals and villages vary with respect to their level of integration into national society (Strong et al, In Press). However, the Macuxi maintain a strong relationship with their resource base and a significant amount of Macuxi culture is retained in remnants of the local folklore (Fernandes 2006). The Guyanese Amerindian Act of 1976 aims in part to designate village land rights and allows Amerindian councils to introduce rules for particular purposes that included natural resource use. Despite this law, not all villages currently have nationally recognized rights and village boundaries are difficult to determine. Therefore, traditional land use and resource management practices are determined more by historical custom rather than Guyanese law (Shackley 1998). Biological Data Biological data was collected from all sixteen sites via distance-based transect line method. Line-transect sampling is a common method used to estimate densities of medium and large bodied neotropical mammals (Bodmer et al., 1997; Cullen et al., 2001, Silvius, 2004). The research team trained two local para-biologists in each community to collected pertinent data on wildlife populations. Eight 4 km transects at each study site were monitored once a month for animal signs. Animal signs included: tracks, scat, feathers, hair/fur, scratch marks, resting areas, or any other physical clue of a species 12 presence. Research illustrates that hunting intensity generally decreases with increasing distance from the hunter’s home (Fragoso, 1991; Hill et al., 1997). In order to account for hunting intensity, transects were group into “near” and “far” categories. Four transects were randomly located within a distance 0-6 km from the study site center, and represent the village’s “near hunting area.” Another four transects were randomly located between 6-12 km from the study site center, and represent the village’s “far hunting area” (Figure 1). 13 Figure 1: The black lines represents eight 4 km transects embedded on satellite imagery. The diagram in upper right hand corner depicts transect mythology: the red dot represents the village or study site center, the lines represent the eight transects. The four "near" transects are located in yellow shaded area (0-6 km from the village center), and four "far" transects located in green shaded area (6-12 km from the village center). 14 Transects were walked at a slow, constant rate for data collection purposes only. Over 19,000 animal signs were collected over a twelve-month time period from January 2008 – December 2008. Although variation in rainfall and season are accounted for indirectly, as the dataset spans an entire year’s time and included both the wet and dry season, season was included as dependent variable in the ANOVA analysis. Following the methodology of similar studies (Fragoso 1991; Hill et al. 1997; Fragoso et al., 2000), animal track counts serve as a proxy for species abundance and provide data from which biodiversity was determined. The assumption is made that changes in abundance reflect actual changes in population size (Bodmer et al., 1997). In order to avoid pseudeoreplication, sign observations were calculated as the average number of unique observations per village/transect/month/meter and converted into averages per kilometer. (Hurlbert, 1984). Biodiversity was measured as average species richness per village/transect/month/meter was converted into kilometers and, for logistical purposes, was limited to fifty common mammal species (Mammal Species List, Appendix C). While there are many ways to evaluate ecosystem health, biodiversity is a frequently used gross measure (Meffe et al., 2006). Biodiversity and species relative abundance are compared across three management strategies: management of hunting areas by village influenced by Iwokrama’s ICDP, management of hunting areas by village that do not participate in Iwokrama’s ICDP and control areas. The eight species described below were analyzed for relative abundance and standard deviation of sign counts across management strategies. In general, these species 15 were chosen for analysis due to their importance as a food source to the Macuxi, the important ecological role the species serves, or the species’ conservation status. Although small bodied, agoutis are opportunistically utilized as a protein source for the Macuxi. Research conducted in French Guiana reported that agoutis are ubiquitous and use a wide variety of vegetation types as long as good cover exists. Agoutis seek out seasonally flooded areas and prefer to avoid zones of dense undergrowth (Dubost, 1988). The IUCN reports that agouti populations are stable and includes the species in the conservation category of “least concern” (IUCN, 2010). Collared peccary are a favored food source among the Macuxi. Collared peccary travel in small groups of fewer than 30 individuals. Collared peccary are omnivorous, known to frequent human disturbed areas and occupy a variety of habitats (Fragoso, 1994; Beck et al., 2008). Fragoso et al. (2000) determined that collared peccary tracks counts were equally distributed among vegetation types, however an interaction was found between hunting location, measured in terms of distance from village center, and vegetation. The IUCN believes collared peccary populations to be stable and lists them as a species of “least concern” (IUCN, 2010). Curassow species are primarily herbivorous arboreal birds and serve an important ecological role as seed dispersers (Brooks & Strahl, 2000). Although listed as a species of “least concern” by the IUCN (2010), curassow species are believed to be among the most threatened birds in the neotropics and remain an important food source for indigenous peoples, including the Macuxi (Brooks & Strahl, 2000). 16 Red deer are a highly sought after as a protein source. Little is known about the species as they are secretive and rarely walk along trails (Trolle, 2003). Red brocket deer are listed by the IUCN as “data deficient” (IUCN, 2010). Pacas are a favored food source of the Macuxi and are found in a variety of forest habitats that include deciduous and semi-deciduous forest, dense upland scrub and narrow growth along riverbanks (Trolle, 2003). Their populations are considered stable globally and are listed as a species of “least concern” by the IUCN (IUCN, 2010). Tapir are the largest terrestrial mammals in South America (Eisenberg, 1989). They are generalist herbivores, whose diet consist of leaves, fruits and grasses and are known to occur in a variety of habitats including: moist and swamp forests, dry and moist shrub lands and grasslands (Fragoso, 1997; Trolle, 2003; Naveda et al., 2010). Tapir populations are in decline due to habitat loss, deforestation, hunting, and competition from domestic livestock, which has resulted in the IUCN conservation status as “vulnerable” (Naveda et al., 2008). In a similar study, Fragoso et al. (2000) found no significant differences in tapir track counts among three different vegetation communities, concluding that tapirs use different plant communities equally. Tinamous are ground dwelling, mainly herbivorous birds that can be found in a variety of habitats including lowland rainforest, swamp forest, shrub-land, and savanna (ICUN, 2010). The Macuxi commonly hunt this bird for food. Common Tinamou species at the study sites include (Crypturellus cinerius, C. undulates, C. soui, C. Variegatus and Tinamus major), all of which are listed by the ICUN as species of “least concern” (IUCN, 2010). 17 White-lipped peccary are actively hunted as a protein source. White-lipped peccary travel in large groups commonly between 50-300 individuals, and range over huge areas of land. They are omnivorous, have been recorded utilizing both forest and open habitats close to cover, and are not considered to be habitat specialists (Fragoso, 1994; Trolle, 2003). The IUCN notes that populations are declining and lists the species as “near threatened” (IUCN, 2010). Of the species examined many have large geographical ranges and broad ecological tolerances (Eisenberg, 1980). In one of the few studies addressing hunting practices in the forest-savanna ecotone, similar to that of my study location, Strong et al., (In press) find many similarities in terms of game species harvest and composition to that of other sites in the interior Amazon. All study locations analyzed include a mix of both forest and savanna, however both vegetation types exist to different extents. For this reason percent savanna is included as a covariate in statistical analyses. I anticipate that differences in vegetation types will not lead to gross and statistically significant differences in species abundance and variation. Furthermore, I expect that differences in hunting pressure will override any habitat differences (Cullen et al., 2001). Hunting Returns Sex ratio and age structure are important demographic indices useful in detecting the effects of hunting on species populations (Fragoso et al., 2000). The conservative baseline sex ratio of 1:1 is commonly used to detect variations from un-hunted populations. However, consideration of species-specific life history and biology allows 18 for increased accuracy in making predictions about whether or not a given population is over-hunted. For most ungulate species not subject to intense hunting pressure adult sex ratios are female-biased, however, due to the biology of these species, the results of hunter kills typically illustrate a male-biased sex ratio (Fragoso et al., 2000). Following a study done by Fragoso et al. (2000) for all commonly hunted vertebrate species, excluding the collared peccaries, populations illustrating a male mortality bias will be considered a sign of a population that is not over-hunted. Populations illustrating an equal or female bias are considered indicative of an overhunted population. The social behavior of collared peccaries results in similar mortalities for both sexes. The un-hunted sex ratio of collared peccaries is even and therefore, both a male bias as well as an equal sex ratio will be indicative of a population that is not overhunted. A female bias would remain a sign of an over-hunted population. The sex ratio was compared against the appropriate hunted ratio for both the ICDP and non-ICDP treatment. The age structure of individuals within a population is an additional useful demographic index. Because hunting prevents young individuals from reaching older age, the expectation is that heavily hunted populations have more young individuals than lightly hunted or un-hunt populations. Without good baseline data on age structure and mortality rates within un-hunted populations, it is not possible to compare the ratios against a theoretical un-hunted population. Therefore, conclusions for this index take the form of the relative differences in hunting pressure between treatments based on 19 comparisons of the ratio of “young” to “old” individuals between the ICDP and nonICDP treatments. Data on animal kills made by hunters within thirteen local communities provides the necessary dataset from which to analyze population demographic indices. This dataset was gathered and recorded by hired village para-biologist in the form of hunting returns. Village members contacted the para-biologist after returning from either a successful or unsuccessful hunt. Village members were notified that the information they provided was for scientific research and that they should not alter their hunting behaviors in anyway. Due to logistical constraints, not every hunt and kill was document, however we have no reason to believe that the document kills represent a non-random sample of village hunts and species killed. The information gathered from the hunting return that is pertinent to this study included: the species killed, the individual’s sex, and individual’s approximate age, estimated into one of five age categories. Without a more detailed ageing protocol, it is not feasible for me to accurately determine population structure. With this limitation, individuals were grouped into one of two categories, “young” or “old”. For this study, the “young” category included all individuals the hunter deemed either, “young”, “juvenile” or “young adult”. Individuals deemed as “adult” or “old adult” were included in the “old” category. Attitudinal data To evaluate individual’s perceptions and attitudes about wildlife conservation, ten households from ten villages (5 ICDP and 5 non-ICDP) were randomly sampled between 20 June - August 2008. The survey was modeled from similar studies (Mehta & Heinen, 2001; Abbot et al., 2001; Infield & Namara, 2001; Holmes, 2003a). Input from the research team’s anthropologist, who had been in close contact with the Macuxi people for over a year’s time, was incorporated for cultural appropriateness. Additionally, to aid in determining the survey’s cultural and methodological appropriateness, three test surveys were given to para-biologist working with the research team. Comments and suggestions made by the para-biologists were taken into consideration. Questions were mainly fixed-response attitude statements and were supplemented with open-response questions (Appendix D). Key informant interviews provided additional information central to a deeper analysis of questionnaire data. The Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects at California State University, Sacramento deemed the survey “no risk”. Upon arrival to each village the elected village leader, referred to as the village toushao, was consulted on purpose and procedure of the survey. At all ten villages, approval to conduct the survey was granted. The toushao reviewed the list of randomly ordered village households and provided information on the physical location of dwellings, as well as information on individuals that may be away from the village for extended periods of time (e.g., working in Brazil or in the north of the country gold mining), or away for the day at their farm. In all villages surveyed, the resident parabiologists were informed of my arrival and accompanied either myself, or myself and the anthropologist, during the course of the surveying process. Importantly, being accompanied by the para-biologist(s) provided credibility to myself, as I was viewed as 21 an outsider by village members. Additionally, the para-biologist served as a translator into the local language(s) and was able to clarify survey questions when necessary. All attempts were made to survey the top ten households on the list. If a house was found empty, available information on household members whereabouts was gathered. Whenever possible, the individual was found within the village. Second attempts were made at households that were found empty, and no information on the individuals could be obtained. Due to time and logistical constraints, if the members of the household were unable to be located within the 2-4 day stay in the village, the next household on the randomly ordered list was interviewed. On a few occasions, if the parabiologist knew that he would be in contact with a member of the currently unoccupied household in the near future, the survey was conduced solely by the para-biologist. Additionally, due to illness, either the anthropologist and the para-biologist, or just the para-biologist surveyed two of the villages. Upon arrival to an occupied household, I introduced myself, explained the purpose of my survey and requested the occupant’s participation. If both adult members of the household were home, due primarily to cultural doctrine, the male was first asked to participate. If the male was vacant, the female was then asked to participate. On a few rare occasions, participation in the survey was declined and then next household on the list was surveyed. Surveys were conducted in English (the national language), unless English was not spoken or well understood. In these cases, the para-biologist served as a translator into the local language. 22 Respondents were asked to select one of three responses for each question. A positive response to a positive conservation question and a negative response to a negative conservation question were scored a +1. Similarly, negative response to a conservation question was scored a -1. “I don’t know” and “maybe” responses were scored, neutrally, and assigned a zero value. Higher summed scores represent more proconservation attitudes. For reporting purposes, individuals were not connected to their responses and all personal data was anonymous. Statistical Analysis Mammalian diversity was assessed via the mean number and mean standard deviation of animal signs per village/transect/month/km. These dependent variables were analyzed using two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) that included season and treatments as fixed effects and included percent savanna and village population as covariates. Because the fixed effect of transect location is only of significance in populated areas, the influence of transect location (near and far) was analyzed using a three-way ANOVA that included the fixed effects: location, season and only hunting treatments (ICDP and non-ICDP). Percent savanna and village population were included as covariates. Species abundances were similarly assessed by means of the dependent variables: mean counts per village/transect/month/km and standard deviation of counts per village/transect/month/km. Two-way analyses of variance, that included season and treatments as fixed effects and included percent savanna and village population as covariates, were used to analyze the dependent variables. Bonferroni post hoc tests were 23 used to determine differences between groups. The effects of transect location was analyzed using a three-way ANOVA that included the fixed effects: location, season and only hunting treatments (ICDP and non-ICDP) and percent savanna and village population as covariates. All data that did not meet statistical assumptions were either square root or log (Ln + 1) transformed. Heteroscedastic data, not remedied by transformation were analyzed by means of the non-parametric Mann-Whitney or Kruskall-Wallis test with Bonferroni corrected post hoc tests. The threshold used to reject the null hypothesis was set at an alpha of 0.05. Analyses of population demographic indices were analyzed using Chi-Squared analyses. The sex ratio for each species were summed within treatments and compared against the theoretical conservative 1:1 ratio of males to female using Chi-Squared Goodness of Fit Test. The age structure of young to old individuals was summed within treatment groups and compared between ICDP and non-ICDP treatments using a ChiSquared Test of Proportions. In cases where assumptions were not met, the Fisher’s Exact Probability Test was used. The attitude survey was analyzed via both descriptive and inferential statistical methods. Survey questions that focused on conservation attitudes (questions 1-3, 6, 1416; Appendix D) were summed and averaged for each village. Theoretically individual summed scores ranged from -7 to 7. Inferential comparison of means was used to test the hypothesis that conservation attitudes differ between ICDP and non-ICDP villages. 24 The relationship between average village conservation attitude and mammal diversity was analyzed via a non-parametric Spearman Rank Correlation due to violations of normality. All analyses were carried out in SPSS for Mac, version 17.0. 25 RESULTS Mammal Diversity Mammal species diversity was similar across all treatments. (Figure 2). No significant effect of treatment, season, location, or village population were found for either mean or mean standard deviation of number of different species observed via sign counts per village/transect/month/km. Percent savanna was marginally significant (P = 0.075) for mean counts but was not found to be significant factor in terms of standard deviation (Table 1). No significant interactions were found. 26 Figure 2: Mammal diversity measured in terms of mean sign counts per km does not differ among treatments (control, ICDP and non-ICDP). Dependent variable Independent variables Covariates Treatment Season Location* Percent Savanna Village Population F (df=2) P value F (df=1) P value F (df=1) P value F (df=1) P value F (df=1) P value mean count/km a 0.199 0.821 0.094 0.762 0.926 0.341 3.474 0.075 0.450 0.509 standard deviation a 1.349 0.278 0.799 0.380 0.630** 0.432** 0.018 0.894 0.508 0.483 Notes: location*: values reported via 3 way ANOVA that did not include the control treatment group treatment, season: values reported from analysis conducted via a 2-way ANOVA a data square-root transformed ** test assumptions not met Table 1: Comparison of mammal diversity across ICDP, non-ICDP and control treatments. 27 28 Species Accounts Agouti (Dasyprocta leporina). No significant effect of treatment, season, location, or village population was found for either mean or mean standard deviation of agouti sign counts per village/transect/month/km. Percent savanna was found to be significant (P = 0.003) for mean counts but was not found to be significant factor in terms of standard deviation (Table 2). No significant interactions were found. Species Dependent variable Independent variables Covariates Treatment Season Location* Percent Savanna Village Population F (df=2) P value F (df=1) P value F (df=1) P value F (df=1) P value F (df=1) P value mean count/km a 0.810 0.457 0.025 0.877 1.093 0.302 11.238 0.003 1.222 0.280 Agouti standard deviation b 0.708 0.502 0.126 0.725 0.936 0.339 2.832 0.105 0.445 0.511 mean count/km a 2.199 0.133 0.016 0.902 2.131 0.152 13.304 0.001 0.685 0.416 Collared peccary standard deviation a 2.634 0.092 0.012 0.914 NP NP 25.332 0.000 2.307 0.142 mean count/km a NP NP NP NP NP NP 10.565** 0.003** 0.711** 0.407** Paca standard deviation a 11.458 0.000 1.736 0.200 NP NP 25.896 0.000 0.404 0.531 mean count/km a 9.772 0.001 0.184 0.671 1.119 0.296 7.430 0.012 0.145 0.707 Red Deer standard deviation a 4.675 0.019 0.170 0.684 0.749 0.392 2.631 0.118 0.198 0.661 mean count/km a 0.225 0.801 0.104 0.750 4.703 0.036 9.574 0.005 1.097 0.305 Tapir standard deviation a 2.113 0.143 0.127 0.725 3.365 0.074 7.387 0.012 0.880 0.358 Notes: location*: values reported via 3 way ANOVA that did not include the control treatment group or non parameteric Mann-Whiteny test treatment, season: values reported from analysis conducted via a 2-way ANOVA or non parameteric Kruskal-Wallis test Covariates, values reported from analysis conducted via a 2-way ANOVA a data square-root transformed b data square log (ln + 1) transformed ** assumptions of test not met Table 2: Comparison of species abundance and variation across treatments (ICDP, non-ICDP and control), season and transect location. The covariates included percent of study site that was savanna and village population. 29 30 Collared Peccary (Pacari tajacu). No significant effect of treatment, season, location, or village population was found for either mean or mean standard deviation of collared peccary sign counts per village/transect/month/km (Table 2 & 3). Percent savanna was found to be significant for both mean counts (P = 0.001) and mean standard deviation (P < 0.001) (Table 2). No significant interactions were found. Collared peccary mean count/km standard deviation mean count/km Curassow Sp. standard deviation mean count/km Paca standard deviation mean count/km Tinamou Sp. standard deviation mean count/km White-lipped peccary standard deviation Mann-Whitney test Notes: c d Kruskal-Wallis Test Species Dependent variable Z score NA -1.387 -1.310 -1.695 -0.693 -0.231 -0.130 -0.182 -1.231 -1.440 P value NA NA 0.334 0.256 0.258 NA 0.864 0.607 0.805 0.864 df NA NA 1 1 1 NA 1 1 1 1 Chi Squared NA NA 0.934 1.292 1.281 NA 0.029 0.265 0.061 0.029 P value NA NA 0.374 0.339 0.097 NA 0.749 0.922 0.429 0.471 df NA NA 2 2 2 NA 2 2 2 2 NA NA 1.965 2.163 4.668 NA 0.578 0.162 1.695 1.506 Independent variables seasond Chi Squared treatment d location c MannWhitney U NA 57.5 59.000 51.5 71.000 80.000 82.000 81.000 61.000 57.000 Table 3: Non Parameteric comparisons of species abundance and variation across treatments (ICDP, non-ICDP and control), season and transect location. NA 0.165 0.190 0.090 0.488 0.817 0.896 0.855 0.218 0.150 P value 31 32 Curassow Species (Crax alector & Mitu tomentosa). No significant effect of treatment, season, or location was found for either mean or mean standard deviation of curassow species sign counts per village/transect/month/km (Table 3). No significant interactions were found. Percent savanna and village population could not be analyzed due to statistical limitations. Paca (Cuniculus paca). Treatment was not found to be a significant factor for mean counts however did have a significant effect on mean standard deviation (P < 0.001) of paca sign counts per village/transect/month/km (Table 2 & 3). Bonferroni Post Hoc test illustrated a significant difference between ICDP and non-ICDP treatments; ICDP treatments having lower mean standard deviation. However, no significant differences were found between the control and other treatments (Figure 3). The covariate percent savanna was found to be significant in terms of mean (P = 0.003) and mean standard deviation of sign counts per village/transect/month/km (P < 0.001) (Table 2). Location, season and village population were not found to be significant factors in either mean or mean standard deviation (Table 2 & 3). No significant interactions were found. 33 Figure 3: The variability of Paca sign counts, measured via standard deviation, vary by treatment (P < 0.001). Results of a Bonferroni Post Hoc test illustrated a significant difference between ICDP (A) and non-ICDP treatments (B); ICDP treatments having lower mean standard deviation. No significant differences were found between the control (AB) and other treatments. 34 Red Deer (Mazama americana). Treatment was found to be a significant factor for both mean counts (P = 0.001) and mean standard deviation (P = 0.019) of red deer sign counts per village/transect/month/km (Table 2). Post Hoc tests found the control treatment to have significantly greater mean sign counts compared to both ICDP and nonICDP treatments, which were not different from one another (Figure 4). The graph illustrating mean standard deviation shows the ICDP treatment as having a significantly lower mean standard deviation of counts per village/transect/month/km than non-ICDP treatments (Figure 5). The covariate percent savanna was found to be significant factor in terms of mean counts (P = 0.012). However, percent savanna was not a significant in terms of mean standard deviation. Location, season and village population were not found to be significant factors in either mean or mean standard deviation (Table 2) and no significant interactions were found. 35 Figure 4: Red Brocket Deer abundance was found to differ by treatment (P < 0.001). The control treatment (A) was found to have significantly greater mean sign counts compared to both ICDP (B) and non-ICDP treatments (B), which were not different from one another. 36 Figure 5: The variability of Red Brocket Deer sign counts, measured via standard deviation, vary by treatment (P = 0.019). The ICDP treatment (A) has significantly lower mean standard deviation of counts per village/transect/month/km than non-ICDP treatments (B). No significant differences were found between the control (AB) and other treatments. 37 Tapir (Tapirus terrestris). Mean counts and mean standard deviation of tapir sign counts per village/transect/month/km were similar in terms of treatment, season and village population. Transect location was illustrated as a significant factor for both mean counts (P = 0.036) and marginally significant for mean standard deviation (P = 0.074) (Table 2). As would be expected with hunting pressure decreasing with increased distance from human focal areas, tapir’s abundance was significantly lower in the near zone across both hunting treatments (ICDP and non-ICDP) (Figure 6). However, the variation in sign counts between near and far transect locations was more marked in non-ICDP villages. Although the difference was not statistically significant, this observation could be indicative of greater hunting pressure among non-ICDP villages. Moreover, this result is consistent with Hill et al. (1997) observations of increased track counts with increasing distance from the villages that hunters reside. Alternatively, the observed differences between near and far transect locations could be indicative of increased hunting pressure nearer to the village or simply the species’ sensitivity to human disturbance and presence. The covariate percent savanna was found to be significant factor in terms of both mean counts (P = 0.005) and standard deviation (P = 0.012) (Table 2). No significant interactions were found. 38 Figure 6: Transect location is a significant factor in Tapir abundance (P = 0.036). Tapir abundance is significantly lower in the “near” zone (B) across both hunting treatments (ICDP and non-ICDP) compared with transects located in the “far” zone (A). 39 Tinamou sp. (Crypturellus sp. & Tinamus major). No significant effect of treatment, season, or location was found for either mean or mean standard deviation of Tinamou species sign counts per village/transect/month/km (Table 3). No significant interactions were found. Percent savanna and village population could not be analyzed due to statistical limitations. White-lipped Peccary (Tayassu pecari). No significant effect of treatment, season, or location was found for either mean or mean standard deviation of white-lipped peccary species sign counts per village/transect/month/km (Table 3). No significant interactions were found. Percent savanna and village population could not be analyzed due to statistical limitations. Sex Ratio Four mammal species, agouti, paca, white-lipped peccary and collared peccary, were found with great enough frequency throughout the hunting returns to be analyzed for deviations from baseline sex ratios of 1:1. Results of the sex ratios index do not differ considerably between ICDP and non-ICDP villages. Results are displayed in Table 4. Because we expect greater male mortality in populations not experiencing heavy hunting pressure (Fragoso et al., 2000), the observed even sex ratio demonstrated for the paca and white-lipped peccary species leads to the conclusion that both populations may be experiencing unsustainable hunting pressure in both ICDP and non-ICDP villages. However, due to species-specific behavior of the collared peccary an even sex ratio is illustrative of a stable population. Therefore, the non-significant result found in both 40 ICDP and non-ICDP villages is illustrative of a stable mortality sex ratio for this species. Differences in the sex ratio of hunted agoutis provide the only difference between ICDP and non-ICDP villages. Mortality demographics found within ICDP villages demonstrates an even sex ratio indicative of heavy hunting pressure, whereas the significantly greater male mortality found in non-ICDP villages is illustrative of a stable agouti population. Agouti 131 97 71 87 108 83 216 15 Treatment Sample Size ICDP Non-ICDP ICDP Collared Peccary* Non-ICDP ICDP Paca Non-ICDP ICDP White-lipped Peccary Non-ICDP Notes: * baseline ratio not 1:1 Species 73 60 30 51 51 46 88 11 Males 58 37 41 36 57 37 128 4 Females Chi Squared (df1) 1.718 5.454 1.704 2.586 0.333 0.976 7.407 3.267 0.190 0.020 0.192 0.108 0.567 0.323 0.006 0.071 P value M=F M>F M=F M=F M=F M=F F>M M=F Conclusion Table 4: Comparison within ICDP and non-ICDP treatments of species-specific sex ratios among killed individuals. 41 42 Age Structure No difference in the age ratio of “young” to “old” individuals was found between ICDP and non-ICDP villages for the four species analyzed (Table 5). 43 Table 5: Comparison between ICDP and non-ICDP treatments of the age structure of killed individuals within a species. Species Treatment Sample Size Young Old Pearson's x2 ICDP 133 27 106 Agouti 2.80 Non-ICDP 97 29 68 ICDP 72 24 48 Collared Peccary 2.09 Non-ICDP 79 18 61 ICDP 108 26 82 Paca 0.06 Non-ICDP 82 21 61 ICDP 217 60 157 White-lipped Peccary* NA Non-ICDP 14 2 12 Notes: * test assumptions not met; Analysis run with 2 tailed Fisher's Exact Probablity Test P value 0.094 0.148 0.806 0.362 44 Village Conservation Attitude A total sample size was 102 respondents. Respondents were either the male or female head of the household; 78% of participants were male, 19% were female and 3 of surveys were answered together by both partners. Although men do the majority of the hunting and the sample sizes are skewed, analyzed using a student 2 tailed t-test, there was no significant different in conservation attitudes between the sexes. Generally, results for the survey across all villages, both ICDP and non-ICDP, were supportive of conservation. I found no significant difference in average village conservation attitude between ICDP and non-ICDP villages, however the trend is towards a more positive conservation attitude in ICDP villages (Figure 7). 45 Figure 7: Average conservation attitude by treatment. All villages were generally supportive of conservation. There is no significant difference in average village conservation attitude between ICDP and non-ICDP villages, however the trend is towards a more positive conservation attitude in ICDP villages. 46 Moreover, the trend observed in terms of variation in attitude score across treatments is noteworthy. Again, while not statistically significant, there was less variability in individual’s conservation attitudes in ICDP village compared with nonICDP villages. This lack of variation among individuals in ICDP villages can additionally be interpreted as success on the part of Iwokrama. We would expect some individuals to support a philosophy of conservation and its efforts innately, regardless of Iworkama’s influence. It could be understood that Iwokrama’s relationship with the ICDP villages, and the benefits that follow (education programs, Jr. wildlife club, etc.), have been instrumental in fostering and pro-conservation attitudes among individuals who might not have otherwise harbor that set of beliefs. This logic would result in the observed decrease in variability of the conservation attitudes score for village as a whole and across ICDP villages. Due to a proposed development of a protected area in the Kanuku Mountains located near to some of the non-ICDP villages, three villages, not part of the Iworkama’s ICDP, had been approached by and consulted with Conservation International (CI). The relationship between these non-ICDP villages and CI is not modeled on ICDP and, to my best knowledge, is a business style relationship. However, due to this relationship, it is assumed that these non-ICDP villages have experienced outside western conservation influence that has the potential to alter conservation attitudes in a similar manner to that of Iwokrama. 47 Although the sample size is small (5 ICDP, 3 non-ICDP/conservation contact, 2 non-ICDP/non-conservation contact), results of a Kruskall-Wallis analysis illustrate a non-significant trend in conservation attitude: both the ICDP and non-ICDP/conservation contact villages illustrated greater pro-conservation attitudes and less variation in attitude compared with the non-ICDP/non-conservation villages. With this limited dataset, contact with a conservation organization seems to correlate with pro-conservation attitudes. Responses to survey questions not included as part of the conservation attitude analysis are summarized in Appendix E and illustrate additional successes of Iwokrama’s ICDP. The results of the survey illustrated general knowledge and positive perceptions of the Iwokrama organization and it’s goals: in ICDP villages, most individuals interviewed in ICDP villages (92%), responded that they had heard of the Iwokrama organization, however, only about half of those individuals (44%) responded that they had an idea of Iwokrama’s purpose. There is potential room for improvement on Iwokrama’s behalf on this account. About half (44%) of the people in ICDP villages familiar with Iwokrama, felt that they had personally benefited from the organization. Of those individuals in ICDP villages familiar with Iwokrama, 70% of individuals felt that their village had benefited from Iwokrama, 80% felt that Iwokrama was good for Guyana and 81% responded that they thought Iwokrama was protecting plants and animals. Although ICDP villages responded with more positive conservation attitudes and perceptions on all accounts, in general, attitudes towards and perceptions of Iwokrama follow similar topic specific patterns between ICDP and non-ICDP villages. 48 Attitude and Biodiversity No significant relationship was found between average village conservation attitude score and the village’s mean mammal diversity (Figure 8). These results indicate that attitude is a poor predictor of the mammal diversity within the village’s hunting areas. 49 Figure 8: No significant relationship was found between average village conservation attitude score and the village’s mean mammal diversity. 50 DISCUSSION This study critically evaluated an integrated conservation and development program located in Guyana, following the call for quantitative monitoring and evidencebased conservation (Adams & Hulme, 2001; Pullin et al., 2004; Sutherland et al., 2004; Saterson et al., 2004; Fazey et al., 2004; Pullin & Stewart, 2006). This study evaluated the success of an ICDP program by assessing local resident’s attitudes towards conservation, wildlife populations, and the relationship between attitudes and wildlife. The expectation that a successful ICDP would produce hunting areas managed by ICDP villages that would have greater biodiversity, species abundance, and wildlife population demographic indices when compared with non-ICDP hunting areas was not supported. The comparisons between ICDP and non-ICDP treatments are strengthened by the agreement among all measured biological indices. On all accounts our results mirror that of a recent, similarly focused, study that measured the effectiveness of ICDP located on the island of Sumatra in Indonesia (Linkie et al., 2008). This ICDP sought to address the local problem of deforestation. While the results of a community questionnaire survey illustrated strong support for conservation activities among the ICDP villages, actual changes in conservation behavior was not observed. The researchers compared deforestation rates surrounding 65 ICDP and 65 non-ICDP villages and, after taking into consideration the influence of physical and socioeconomic factors, concluded that participation in the ICDP and its development schemes had no effect on levels of deforestation (Linkie et al., 2008). Importantly, the 51 similar findings of the Linkie et al, study, with its much larger sample size and similar methods, lend strength to the conclusions drawn from my own case study and analysis. Variation in mean sign counts was the only dependent variable that illustrated differences between ICDP and non-ICDP treatments. For both paca and red brocket deer the standard deviation was lowest among the ICDP treatment and similar between nonICDP and control treatments, illustrating greater consistency between the ICDP villages in terms of species sign counts. This may suggest some success for Iwokrama in that the ICDP management strategy contributes to constant wildlife populations. However, differences in habitat or other unaccounted for variables may also be influencing population size variation. Moreover, the observed patterns of sign count variability could be attributed to methodology. ICDP treatment sample size (8 villages) was larger than that of the nonICDP treatment (5 villages) and the control treatments (3 study sites). Another possible explanation is that there has been less turn-over in the para-biologists collecting sign counts in ICDP villages, compared with other treatment sites, illustrating consistence in data collection rather than species sign counts. However, if this were the case we would expect to see similar trends among other species and across other independent variables. In terms of species abundance, the only differences between treatments were observed for the red deer, where abundances were lower in both hunted study sites than in the control site. A number of alternative hypotheses may be useful in explaining this pattern. One possible explanation is that red deer may actively avoided areas frequented by humans. However, a study conducted by Hill and colleagues (1997) illustrated greater 52 encounter rates in forest habitat with brocket deer, near populated villages when compared with areas unfrequented by humans. The authors propose that human disturbance may enhance habitats for brocket deer. As such, human presence alone may not account for the difference between the human populated and control sites. Differing resource uses with the treatments sites offer an alterative explanation. ICDP and non-ICDP areas are actively hunted, whereas control sites are free from or minimally hunted. It follows that the decrease abundance of red deer found within hunting treatments may be the result of subsistence hunting. Alternatively, the observed pattern may be explained by habitat differences between the primarily densely forested control areas and the mixed habitat types of the hunted and populated areas. This hypothesis is supported by the results that the covariate percent savanna was found to be significant factor in terms of mean counts. However, percent savanna was not a significant in terms of mean standard deviation. Percent savanna was found to have the most significant influence on species’ abundance and variation within our study sites; although all five of the species may be considered common in a variety of habitat types (Strong et al., in press). Detectable differences in hunting pressure were not sufficient to override differences in vegetation type, as expected. I was not able to reject the alternative hypothesis, that hunting pressures were similar between ICDP and non-ICDP villages. ICDP’s have been criticized for having indirect, ambiguous conservation incentives (Barrett & Arcese 1995), and this may be hindering Iwokrama’s biological success. Only 44% of people in ICDP villages who responded that they had heard of 53 Iwokrama also reported that they understood Iwokrama’s purpose. This illustrates that Iwokrama may be failing to make crucial links between conservation and development. If the local stakeholders are not provided with or able to take advantage of the opportunities to benefit directly from biodiversity conservation, the link that provides the incentive to stop external threats to biodiversity is missing (Salafsky & Wollenberg, 2000). Moreover, the lack of detectable differences in wildlife populations may be attributed to a time lag between the initiation of the ICDP and detectable outcomes. Baral and colleagues (2007) assert that many prior analyses of ICDP may have been unfairly deemed unsuccessful based on unrealistic expectations of the amount of time needed to develop institutional framework and change behaviors. Their research supports the hypothesis that a trend is present in the development of participatory ICDPs. Initially ICDPs focus heavily on economic development and as they advance beyond this initial stage, ICDPs move towards institutional strengthening and strike a greater balance between conservation and development. Finally, with strong institutional framework in place, administrative activities diminish and conservation becomes a greater focus. By comparing ICDPs with differing lengths of existence, they found that the ICDPs that had been in existence for longer periods of time were associated with greater conservation activity (Baral et al., 2007). Iworkama’s ICDP falls within Baral and colleagues’ “long term” time frame grouping and exceeds the their suggestion that that a decade is a reasonable timeframe for the initiation of this last stage focusing on conservation objectives. Although I expected that Iwokrama’s ICDP should be at a stage where conservation outcomes would be 54 apparent, the authors admit that variation between ICDPs exists (Baral et al., 2007). Therefore, successes in terms of Iwokrama’s conservation goals may be in progress, however, not yet be detectable. Source sink dynamics may also be useful in explaining the lack of detectable differences between ICDP and non-ICDP treatments. A literature review of studies of subsistence hunting in the neotropics conducted by Novaro and colleagues (2000) demonstrates that subsistence hunting is often conducted adjacent to relatively undisturbed areas, as is the case in our study. These undisturbed or protected areas have the ability to serve as population sources to hunted areas and may play a key role in rebuilding and maintaining wildlife populations (Novaro et al., 2000). So while there may be differences wildlife populations among treatments, these differences may be negated by wildlife dispersal from surrounding source populations. In addition to biological success, this study evaluated the attitudes and perceptions of the local people regarding conservation and the Iwokrama program. The ICDP mission is two-fold: biodiversity conservation and socioeconomic development. Both foci inextricably linked and, therefore, equally important. Our expectation that community members in ICDP villages would hold positive conservation attitudes was supported; Iwokrama appears to have achieved success in fostering pro-conservation attitudes. Because positive attitudes towards a local protected area by the neighboring communities were found to be the strongest correlate of protected area success (Struhsaker et al., 2005), this achievement should be viewed as highly significant in terms of the potential success of Iwokrama’s protected area. 55 However, care should be taken in interpretation of these results as attitudes can be volatile and can be greatly influenced by recent events (Infield & Namara 2001). Additionally, because data was collected at a single point in time, there is no way of to determine if attitudes were successfully altered though contact with Iwokrama and the ICDP, or if pro-conservation attitudes have always existed. Furthermore, it is likely, as previously mentioned, that conservation attitudes varied among villages prior to the development of either Iworkama or contact with CI. It should therefore, not necessarily be assumed that attitudes were altered through these relationships. The alternative hypothesis that the correlation between ICDP village and pro-conservation attitudes is due to the fact that villages with more conservation minded individuals were more likely to want to work with Iwokrama’s ICDP, can not be rejected nor easily studied. Hunting regulations were illustrated as a semi-contentious issue. While 80% of ICDP respondents believed that their village’s council (locally elected leaders) should be able to limit hunting (65% of non-ICDP participants answered similarly), only 25% of ICDP respondents claimed that hunters benefited from Iwokrama. Taken together these results may mean that villagers view establishing hunting limits as a role for local leaders, not outside entities, and may have more to do with community solidarity than hunting itself. This may be especially sensitive topic as only some of the ICDP villages have legally secured land rights. If this is the case, this result supports the body of research suggesting that land tenure may play a crucial role in the success of communitybased conservation programs (Suyanto et al., 2005). 56 By combining the results of biological data and attitude surveys, this study addresses the underlying assumption of ICDP: that conservation attitudes translate into conservation behavior. The hypothesis that villages that hold positive attitudes will harbor greater species abundance and diversity in their respective hunting areas when compared to villages that hold negative conservation attitudes was not supported. Although the attitude survey illustrated that 40% of respondents in ICDP villages familiar with Iwokrama reported to have changed their hunting behavior as a result of Iwokrama’s development, results of the correlation analysis illustrated no relationship between conservation attitude and mammalian diversity. Furthermore, this result does not support the method of assessing ICDP success by solely evaluating people attitudes. The lack of correlation between attitude and diversity does not come as a surprise as I found very little variation in wildlife populations across hunted villages. However, the finding that 40% of respondents in ICDP villages familiar with Iwokrama reported to have changed their hunting behavior as a result of Iwokrama’s development should be considered a success both in terms of Iwokrama’s achievements and for the ICDP paradigm itself. If we assume that the 40% reported change in behavior is exemplary of all individuals in ICDP villages, further investigation into the specific types of behavioral changes may provide greater insight into the lack of significant conservation results. Due to the nature of an observational study, there are numerous variables that have the potential to influence wildlife populations, as well as individual’s attitudes and perceptions. Socioeconomic differences among villages, the status of the wildlife populations prior to the development of the ICDP, the date of the village’s founding, the 57 degree and impact of traditional resource use management practices and the distances between villages all have potential confounding effects on the studies outcomes. Our conclusions generally fall short of uprooting common criticisms that community focused conservation programs lack effectiveness (Robinson, 1993; Barrett & Arcese, 1995; Oats, 1995; Noss, 1997; Brandon et al., 1998). However, there exist alternative hypothesis useful in explaining the observed patterns. It should be noted that study sample sizes were small and therefore, it is possible that the observed non-significant results were made as a result of Type II error. With a lack of demonstrated project success (Oats, 1995; Noss, 1997; Brandon et al., 1998) research has begun to focus on the intrinsic trade-offs between conservation and development as well as exploration of the key factors necessary to achieving both conservation and development goals. In a recent paper, Sandker et al (2009) developed a model to explore the trade-offs between conservation and development by simulating the effects of different ICDP strategies. Importantly, their model used populations of forest elephants, western lowland gorillas and duikers as indicators of biodiversity conservation performance of the ICDP. While they did not directly gather the wildlife data, to my knowledge this is the first study that directly assesses ICDP performance based on wildlife populations. Based on the modeled conservation and development indices, their results illustrate little potential for win-win situations. Although their model illustrated that with a high budget, the ICDP strategies were sufficient to maintain selected wildlife populations, a diminished budget resulted in declining wildlife populations. ICDP budget 58 and governance were revealed as key factors in achieving both conservation and development goals. Importantly, the authors conclude that an ICDP approach that ignores governance will not work for human development in the long-term, and with short-term donor investments will be ultimately unsuccessful in terms of conservation goals. Longterm conservation and human development will only be achieved with significant effort put towards governance reform. The importance of long-term financial support (Sandker et al., 2009), governance that is respectful and inclusive of traditional ecological knowledge (Gadgil et al. 1993), empowering local communities (Baral et al., 2007; Brooks et al., 2006) and land tenure (Gadgil, et al., 1993; Suyanto et al. 2005) have all been highlighted in the literature as key factors to ICDP success that Iwokrama should remain especially attentive towards. 59 CONCLUSIONS Iwokrama was developed under an umbrella of both biological conservation as well as socioeconomic development. Through a relationship of trust and reciprocity, the NRDDB functions as an active stakeholder in Iwokrama as well as the user group that acknowledges the benefits received from Iwokrama’s ICDP. The evaluation of Iwokrama’s success through two different methods produced semi-conflicting results: through direct analysis of wildlife populations I found little evidence in support of biological conservation success but, though attitude surveys, found that those in contact with Iwokrama are generally supportive of the organization and conservation goals. Although I found little variation in species diversity across villages, this index was not correlated with positive conservation attitudes at the village level. The results of this study do not support the method of assessing broad ICDP success by solely evaluating individual’s attitudes. It is important to note that the lack of direct linkages found between Iwokrama’s ICDP, and greater species diversity and relative abundances in participatory villages does not lead to the conclusion that relationships between conservation, the environment, human welfare and culture do not exist or are in someway unimportant to conservation objectives. Many alternative explanations and confounding factors potentially useful in explaining the observed patterns include: methodological limitations that included small sample size and differences in habitat type, time lag between establishment of the ICDP 60 and detectible differences in wildlife populations, and source-sink dynamics operating within the greater study area. Attitude surveys emphasize a general positive attitude towards conservation, although an actual change in attitudes cannot be directly attributed to the Iwokrama organization, as well as a lack of understanding of the linkage between the ICDP’s development initiatives, benefits received and conservation goals. Furthermore, hunting rights, with their connection to self-determination, land rights and community sovereignty, was highlighted as an important issue. This case study emphasizes the importance of empirical approaches to both conservation and development goals, useful in informing the development of successful approaches to biodiversity conservation, particularly in poor countries. Moreover, emphasis should be placed on longitudinal studies that include routine monitoring, evaluation, and flexibility in project implementation (Brooks et al, 2006; Linkie et al., 2008). 61 APPENDIX A Map of Guyana and location of Iwokrama Forest Graphic courtesy of Iwokrama International Centre 62 APPENDIX B Map of Iwokrama Forest and neighboring communities Graphic courtesy the Iwokrama International Centre GIS 63 APPENDIX C Mammal Species List 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Common Name (US) white-tailed deer grey brocket deer red brocket deer white-lipped peccary collared peccary lowland tapir naked-tailed armadillo nine-banded armadillo long nosed armadillo giant armadillo tamandua giant anteater southern two-toed sloth pale-throated three-toed sloth common four-eyed opossum common opossum grison tayra neotropical otter giant otter kinkajou olingo coati crab-eating raccoon bush dog crab-eating fox jaguarandi oncilla margay cat ocelot cougar jaguar brown bearded saki Scientific Name Odocoileus virginianus M. gouzoubira Mazama americana Tayassu pecari T. tajacu Tapirus terrestris Cabassous unicinctus Dasypus novemcinctus D. kappleri Priodontes maximus Tamandua tetradactyla Myrmecophaga tridactyla Choleopus didactylus Bradypus tridactylus Philander sp. Didelphis marsupialis Galactis vittata Eira barbara Lontra longicaudis Pteronura brasilenesis Potos flavus Bassaricyon gabbii Nasua nasua Procyon cancrivorus Speothos venaticus Cerdocyon thous Herpailurus yaguaroundi F. tigrina Felis wiedii Leopardus pardalis Puma concolor Panthera onca Chiropotes satanus 64 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Guianan saki brown capuchin wedge-capped capuchin squirrel monkey golden handed tamarin howler monkey spider monkey Brazilian porcupine black-tailed dwarf porcuine Guianan squirrel accouchi agouti paca capybara spiny tree rat red-nosed tree rat white-faced tree rat Pithecia pithecia Cebus apella C. olivaceus Saimiri sciureus Saguinus midas Alouatta macconelli Ateles paniscus Coendou prehensilis C. melanura Sciureus aestuans Myoprocta acouchy Dasyprocta leporina Cuniculus paca Hydrocaeris hydrochaeris Mesomys hispidus Makalata didelphoides Echimys chrysurus 65 APPENDIX D Attitude Survey Village ________________________ 1 = Yes / 2 = Maybe / “I don’t know” / 3 = No Number _______________________ Date/time____________/__________ How many times a month do you hunt? _______ Age/Sex ___________/____________ Do you work for Iwokrama or CI? ________ 1) Do you think wild animals and plants need to be protected? 123 2) Do you try to protect wild plants and animals? 123 3) Do children need to learn about plants and animals in school? 123 4) Do you think that there are less animals now than 10 years ago? 123 5) Do you think there might be less animals in 10 years than there are 123 now? 6) Do you think that if people hunt too much, that the animals will be 123 reduced? 7) Do you think the village council should limit how much villagers can 1 2 3 hunt? 8) Do you think people from your village should be able to hunt as 123 much as they want on your village’s land? 9) Do you think people from other Amerindian villages should be able 123 to hunt as much as they want on your village’s land? 10) Do you think non-Amerindians from outside your village should be 123 able to hunt as much as they want on your village’s land? 11) Have you heard the word conservation? 123 12) Can you tell me what you think conservation means? 123 13) Have you heard the word sustainability? 123 14) Do you think conservation is good / bad / or doesn’t matter/don’t know. 15) Do you think organizations that protect wild plants and animals are good / bad / or doesn’t matter/don’t know? 16) Do you think areas where no one is allowed to hunt are good / bad / or doesn’t matter/don’t know? 17) Have you heard of Iwokrama? 18) Can you tell me what you think Iwokrama is doing? 19) Have you benefited from Iwokrama? 20) Do you think your village has benefited from Iwokrama? 21) Do you think hunters benefit from Iwokrama? 22) Do you think Iwokrama is good / bad / doesn’t matter/don’t know for Guyana? 123 123 123 123 123 123 66 23) Do you think Iwokrama is protecting plants and animals? 24) Would it be better if Iwokrama did not exist? 25) Do you think the environment benefits from Iwokrama? 26) Do you think that hunting should be allowed in all of the Iwokrama forest? 27) Have you changed how you hunt because of Iwokrama? If so how and why? 123 123 123 123 123 67 APPENDIX E Attitude Survey Results # 1 Survey Question % of respondents who answered that they think wild animals and plants need to be protected % of respondents who answered that they think that they try to protect wild plants and animals ICDP NonICDP 94% 81% 78% 75% 3 % of respondents who answered that they think that children need to learn about plants and animals in school 96% 94% 4 % of respondents who answered that they think that there are less animals now than 10 years ago 64% 52% 5 % of respondents who answered that they think that there might be less animals in 10 years than there are now 42% 41% 6 % of respondents who answered that they think that if people hunt too much, that the animals will be reduced 96% 75% 7 % of respondents who answered that they think that the village council should limit how much villagers can hunt 80% 65% 2 Survey Question % of respondents who answered that they DO NOT think wild animals and plants need to be protected % of respondents who answered that they DO NOT think that they try to protect wild plants and animals % of respondents who answered that they DO NOT think that children need to learn about plants and animals in school % of respondents who answered that they DO NOT think that there are less animals now than 10 years ago % of respondents who answered that they DO NOT think that there might be less animals in 10 years than there are now % of respondents who answered that they DO NOT think that if people hunt too much, that the animals will be reduced % of respondents who answered that they DO NOT think that the village council should limit how much villagers can hunt ICDP NonICDP 2% 6% 14% 10% 2% 0% 16% 23% 28% 24% 4% 10% 6% 21% 68 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 % of respondents who answered that they think that people from their village should be able to hunt as much as they want on your village’s land % of respondents who answered that they think that people from other Amerindian villages should be able to hunt as much as they want on your village’s land % of respondents who answered that they think nonAmerindians from outside your village should be able to hunt as much as they want on your village’s land % of respondents who answered that they had heard the word conservation % of respondents who answered that they had heard the word conservation who responded that could provide a definition of what the word means % of respondents who answered that they had heard the word sustainability % of respondents who answered that they had heard the word conservation who responded that they think conservation is good % of respondents who answered that they think that think organizations that protect wild plants and animals are good % of respondents who answered that they think that areas where no one is allowed to hunt are good 24% 35% 0% 2% 0% 0% 86% 69% 66% 74% 64% 34% 91% 61% 84% 71% 46% 39% % of respondents who answered that they DO NOT think that people from your village should be able to hunt as much as they want on your village’s land % of respondents who answered that they DO NOT think that people from other Amerindian villages should be able to hunt as much as they want on your village’s land % of respondents who answered that they DO NOT think non-Amerindians from outside your village should be able to hunt as much as they want on your village’s land % of respondents who answered that they had NOT heard the word conservation % of respondents who answered that they had heard the word conservation who responded that could NOT provide a definition of what the word means % of respondents who answered that they had NOT heard the word sustainability % of respondents who answered that they had heard the word conservation who responded that they think conservation is bad % of respondents who answered that they think that think organizations that protect wild plants and animals are bad % of respondents who answered that they think that areas where no one is allowed to hunt are bad 72% 54% 96% 96% 98% 98% 14% 31% 9% 13% 32% 52% 2% 7% 2% 2% 36% 36% 69 17 % of respondents who answered that they had heard of Iworkrama 92% 67% 18 % of respondents who answered that they had heard of Iwokrama and who responded that could tell me what Iwokrama was doing 44% 37% 44% 15% 70% 32% 25% 13% 80% 54% 81% 66% 6% 2% 19 20 21 22 23 24 % of respondents who answered that they had heard of Iwokrama and who answered that they think that they have benefited from Iwokrama % of respondents who answered that they had heard of Iwokrama and who answered that they think that their village has benefited from Iwokrama % of respondents who answered who answered that they had heard of Iwokrama and who think that hunters benefit from Iwokrama % of respondents who answered who answered that they had heard of Iwokrama and who answered that they think Iwokrama is good for Guyana % of respondents who answered that they had heard of Iwokrama and think that Iwokrama is protecting plants and animals % of respondents who answered that they had heard of Iwokrama and think it would be better if Iwokrama did not exist % of respondents who answered that they had NOT heard of Iworkrama % of respondents who answered that they had heard of Iwokrama and who responded that they could NOT tell me what Iwokrama was doing % of respondents who answered that they had heard of Iwokrama and who answered that they DO NOT think that they have benefited from Iwokrama % of respondents who answered that they had heard of Iwokrama and who answered that they DO NOT think that their village has benefited from Iwokrama % of respondents who answered who answered that they had heard of Iwokrama and who DO NOT think that hunters benefit from Iwokrama % of respondents who answered who answered that they had heard of Iwokrama and who answered that they DO NOT think that Iwokrama is good for Guyana % of respondents who answered that they had heard of Iwokrama and DO NOT think that Iwokrama is protecting plants and animals % of respondents who answered that they had heard of Iwokrama and DO NOT think it would be better if Iwokrama did not exist 8% 27% 23% 41% 53% 69% 19% 59% 55% 61% 0% 0% 0% 0% 75% 49% 70 25 % of respondents who answered that they had heard of Iwokrama and think that the environment benefits from Iwokrama 69% 43% 26 % of respondents who answered that they had heard of Iwokrama and think that hunting should be allowed in all of the Iwokrama forest 10% 16% 27 % of respondents who answered that they had heard of Iwokrama and think that they have changed how they hunt because of Iwokrama 40% 13% % of respondents who answered that they had heard of Iwokrama and DO NOT think that the environment benefits from Iwokrama % of respondents who answered that they had heard of Iwokrama and DO NOT think that hunting should be allowed in all of the Iwokrama forest % of respondents who answered that they had heard of Iwokrama and DO NOT think that they have 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