1 An evaluation of Israeli forestry trees and shrubs as potential forage plants for bees 2 Tamar Keasar(1) and Avi Shmida(2) 3 4 (1) Department of Science Education - Biology, University of Haifa – Oranim, Tivon 5 36006, and Dept. Life Sciences, Achva College, Mobile Post Shikmim 79800, 6 Israel. 7 8 (2) Department of Evolution, Systematics and Ecology and Center for the Study of Rationality, Hebrew University, Jerusalem 91904, Israel. 9 10 Corresponding author: Dr. Tamar Keasar, phone: 972-52-871-8860, fax: 972-4-953- 11 9608; e-mail: tkeasar@research.haifa.ac.il 12 Key words: forestry; honeybee; nectariferous plant; nectar production. 13 1 14 ABSTRACT 15 Loss and fragmentation of foraging habitats limit honeybee populations in Israel. 16 This problem can be alleviated by the planting of bee forage plants in forests, parks, and 17 along roadsides. To provide recommendations for such planting, we combined a 18 literature survey and qualitative evaluations of experts to compile a list of 266 local wild 19 plant species that have high food potential for bees. We also quantitatively evaluated the 20 food potential of 32 species of trees and shrubs planted by the Israeli Forestry Service. 21 We recorded the following parameters of each species: main flowering season; flower 22 morphology; type of food reward; number of flowers per plant; nectar standing crop; 23 hourly nectar production rate; type of insect visitors; and frequency of insect visits. We 24 ranked the surveyed species according to their potential importance as food plants, 25 assigning high ranks to species that (a) bloom between July and February (the period of 26 dearth in flowering natural vegetation), (b) produce large amounts of nectar, (c) are 27 highly attractive to honeybees. Of the species surveyed, Amygdalus communis, 28 Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Ceratonia siliqua, and Ziziphus spina-christi best combined 29 these benefits. A regression model indicated that nectar production rates, but not the other 30 plant parameters measured, significantly explain differences among species in insect 31 visitation rates. Our study highlights the importance of diversified forestry planting to 32 address agricultural, conservation, and recreational needs. 33 2 34 35 INTRODUCTION Populations of honeybees and other pollinating insects have been decreasing 36 worldwide in recent years, limiting the reproduction of food crops and wild plants (Allen- 37 Wardell et al., 1998). A major reason for these population declines is loss and 38 fragmentation of natural and agricultural foraging habitats for bees, along with their flora 39 (Kremen et al., 2002; Goulson, 2003). Food limitation for honeybees may be particularly 40 severe in Israel, because colonies are kept at high densities (95,000 colonies at 6,100 41 forage points on less than 7,000 km2, Israel Honey Board, 2008). 42 The planting of forage plants for bees in non-agricultural and open areas can help 43 sustain honeybee populations, and thus improve honey production and pollination 44 services. Such planting is already in practice in field margins and small gardens in some 45 countries (Carvell et al., 2006; Comba et al., 1999; Dag et al., 1998). Recent work has 46 aimed at identifying the plant species that are most attractive to pollinators for such 47 planting (Pontin et al., 2006). Designing forest areas for apiculture has been suggested in 48 the US, especially for small privately owned plots (Hill and Webster, 1995). 49 The Israeli Forestry Service (Keren Kayemet Leisrael, KKL) is in charge of 50 public planting of trees and shrubs in forests, parks, and along roadsides in Israel. 51 Planting is designed to answer a combination of needs, such as prevention of soil erosion 52 and desertification, stabilization of sand dunes, and formation of recreation sites 53 (http://www.kkl.org.il/kkl/english/main_subject/forest_and_places/fgeneral/kkl%20affore 54 station%20work.htm). Enhancement of foraging areas for honeybees may also be 55 achieved in planted forests, and requires the use of pollinator-friendly plant species. The 56 present work aims to form recommendations for trees and shrub species that are suitable 3 57 as food plants for bees, and that also meet additional forestry needs in Israel. This aim is 58 compatible with current KKL policy to diversify the species used in forestry (Ginsberg, 59 2006). 60 Our immediate goal was to provide information about the foraging value of a 61 number of specific trees and shrubs for honeybees. We addressed this goal both 62 qualitatively and quantitatively. The qualitative approach consisted of compiling a list of 63 local plant species that are attractive to insects, based on a literature survey, personal 64 information, and consultations with experts. For the quantitative evaluation, we sampled 65 32 species, in use or under testing by the Israeli Forestry Service, for food value and 66 insect visit rates. We selected only trees and bushes for the quantitative evaluation, while 67 the qualitative list additionally covers herbaceous species. We considered both local and 68 introduced species in the quantitative evaluation, while the qualitative list includes local 69 species only. 70 More generally, we sought to identify which plant/flower traits most affect 71 pollinator attraction in an interspecific comparison. These traits should be measured in 72 the evaluation of further potential plant species. For this purpose we recorded several 73 floral and plant parameters, which were previously shown to influence pollinator 74 attraction to plants within species: The number of flowers per plant (Brody and Mitchell, 75 1997; Goulson et al., 1998), nectar standing crops (Hodges, 1995; Pappers et al., 1999), 76 nectar production rates (Delph and Lively, 1992; Mitchell, 1993), and parameters of 77 floral morphology (Conner and Rush, 1996; Galen and Stanton, 1989). We tested the 78 contribution of these parameters to the variability in visit rates among the plant species of 79 our survey. 4 80 81 METHODS 82 Qualitative evaluation 83 A list of local bee forage plants was compiled based on data by Dag et al. (1993, 1998), 84 Fahn (1948), Gindel (1951), Lupo & Eisikowitch (1987), Reves (2004), and Zohary 85 (1947). It was updated based on consultations with researchers from the Israeli 86 Agricultural Research Organization (Arnon Dag, Haim Efrat, Sima Kagan, Yossi 87 Slabezki), Tel Aviv University (Dan Eisikowitch) and Haifa University (Ofrit Shavit). 88 We also consulted with the following beekeepers: Tomer Erez (Klil), Shalom Israeli 89 (Ayelet Hashachar), Yehuda Kendel (Kfar Pines), Pini Nahmani (Yokneam), Shmuel Nir 90 (Eilon), Noga Reuven (Manot), Hagai Schitzer (Gamla), Ya'akov Stam (Kfar Kish), Uri 91 Surkin (Ein Harod Meuchad), Dan Weil (Yad Mordechai Pollination Services) and Eitan 92 Zion (Yad Mordechai Apiary). The updating process allowed us to reduce an initial list of 93 562 potential honeybee forage plants to 266 species. Data on the plants’ distribution and 94 abundance in Israel and on their phenology were obtained from our Ecological Data-Base 95 of the Israeli Flora (Shmida and Ritman, 1985). 96 97 Quantitative evaluation 98 Selection of plant species 99 The surveyed plant species are a subset of the assemblage of trees and shrubs that 100 are grown in KKL’s nurseries for wide-scale planting in forests, open areas, roadsides 101 and parks, or for experimental planting and evaluation. We surveyed species that were 102 considered attractive for bees, based on qualitative preliminary observations by our team 5 103 and by the staff of KKL, the Shaham agricultural extension service, and the Volcani 104 Center Dept. of Horticulture. We biased the survey toward plants that bloom in summer, 105 autumn, and winter (July – February), since this is the period of dearth in floral food 106 resources in Israel. The food potential of several Eucalyptus species for bees was 107 assessed by a different research team (Eisikowitch and Dag, 2003). We therefore 108 restricted our survey of Eucalyptus sp. to four common species that were sampled in 109 autumn. On each day of the survey, 2-3 individuals of one species were observed. Most 110 species were studied for two days (totaling 4-6 individuals), but some of the species were 111 observed more intensively (see Table 2). Most observations were carried out in KKL 112 nurseries, forests, and parks in Israel’s coastal plain and Negev desert. Repeated 113 observations were conducted at different locations and flowering seasons to reduce local 114 effects. The survey species, numbers, and months of observation are detailed in Table 2. 115 116 Plant and flower morphology 117 We counted the total number of flowers of surveyed individuals whenever 118 possible, and estimated the number of flowers by counting a sector of the plant in 119 individuals that were too large for complete counting. We recorded the following 120 parameters of floral morphology in ten flowers from each of three individuals per 121 species: total length of the flower (from the base of the tube to the tip of the corolla); 122 length of the tube; and maximal diameter of the corolla. 123 124 Nectar measurements 6 125 When sampling three individuals of a species, we determined nectar standing 126 crops for ten flowers per plant on each sampling day. When sampling two individuals, we 127 measured nectar standing crops from 16 flowers per plant. Thus, nectar measurements are 128 based on 30-32 flowers per sampling day. We used 1-µl or 5-µl micropipettes to measure 129 nectar volumes, and Bellingham-Stanley hand-held refractometers to measure sugar (w/w 130 %) concentrations. Sugar concentrations could be measured only for nectar standing 131 crops that exceeded 1/3 µl. We bagged ten sampled, depleted flowers (3-5 per plant) with 132 bridal-veil netting (Wyatt et al., 1992), and harvested them again after 24 h. The nectar 133 that accumulated in the sampled flowers represents the plant’s 24 h nectar production. 134 We divided the produced nectar volume by the covering time to obtain hourly per-flower 135 nectar production rates. We calculated mean per-plant nectar production rates for each 136 species by multiplying the mean per-flower production rate by the mean number of 137 flowers per plant. The logarithm of this rate was defined as the species’ nectar score. 138 139 140 Insect visits We observed each plant for insect visits for 10 minutes on each observation day. 141 The observation unit was a patch of flowers on the plant that allowed convenient 142 recording of visits. A visit was defined as a touch of the corolla, the stigma, or the stamen 143 by an insect. We did not record numbers of arrivals to the patch, which generally 144 correlate with the number of visits (Bar-Shai, 1995). Observations were conducted during 145 peak pollinator activity (typically between 10-12 am). We classified the pollinators into 146 the following functional groups: honeybees, large bees (larger than honeybees), small 147 bees (smaller than honeybees), flies, butterflies, and beetles. We noted nectar-extraction 7 148 behavior and loading of pollen sacs. Accordingly, we classified the visitors’ food reward 149 as pollen, nectar, or both. We recorded the number of flowers observed per individual 150 (usually 100), and calculated the 60-minute visit rate per flower. 151 Insect visit rates may vary widely between dates and locations because of 152 differences in weather conditions, proximity to honeybee colonies, or composition of the 153 surrounding plant community. To partially correct for these confounds, we used 154 Rosmarinus officinalis as a reference species. Immediately after recording insect visits to 155 a survey species, we counted visits to nearby R. officinalis shrubs using the same 156 protocol. R. officinalis was selected as a reference because it is abundant, has a long 157 flowering season (August – April) and is frequently visited by honeybees. R. officinalis 158 did not grow in all the survey sites, and some of the survey species were observed outside 159 its flowering season. The reference observations could thus only be obtained for some of 160 the survey plants (see Table 5). 161 162 163 Regression model We tested which floral and plant parameters best predicted insect visitation rate 164 on a between-species basis, and thus should be measured in future evaluations of 165 additional plant species. We defined the mean per-species visit rates as the dependent 166 variable in a regression model. Mean per-species nectar standing crops, nectar production 167 rates per flower, number of flowers, nectar score, flower length, tube length, and corolla 168 diameter were treated as independent variables. 169 170 RESULTS 8 171 172 Qualitative survey Table 1 lists 266 species from the native floral that were proposed as bee forage 173 plants in the qualitative survey, out of an initial list of 562 potential plants. The table also 174 reports these species’ main food reward, and scores for their distribution and abundance 175 in Israel. The seasonal distribution of blooming peaks of the potential forage species is 176 shown in Fig. 1. The seasonal frequency of species at peak bloom is also plotted for the 177 whole flora of Israel, for the sake of comparison. The plots show that the period between 178 July and February is characterized by a low number of flowering local species in general, 179 and bee forage plants in particular. This period comprises a dry season between July and 180 November, and a rainy, cold one between December and February. These seasons of 181 floral dearth are therefore difficult for honeybee survival, and forage plants that flower 182 during the dearth period should be particularly useful. We therefore biased our 183 quantitative survey towards the subset of forage plants in Table 1 that bloom outside 184 spring. With this consideration in mind, we also included non-native species in the 185 quantitative evaluation. We relied on the information of Table 1 to focus on species that 186 are widespread in Israel, and attractive to insects. These considerations further aided in 187 the selection of species for the quantitative survey. 188 189 190 Quantitative evaluation The species that were included in the quantitative survey are listed in Table 2. 191 Species that were studied during the period of floral dearth are shaded in the Table. 192 Table 3 lists the plants’ growth form, cultivation status, height (measured for only part of 193 the species), number of flowers per plant, and the parameters of floral morphology. 9 194 Column 2 of Table 4 provides a classification of the survey species according to their 195 main food reward to pollinators (nectar (N), pollen (P), or both (N+P)). This 196 classification is based on qualitative observations of pollinator behavior, and does not 197 express the amount of nectar and pollen produced per plant. A quantitative assessment of 198 a plant’s food potential should take into account its average size (i.e., number of flowers, 199 Table 3) and the quantity of food reward produced per flower (Table 4). In the present 200 study, we quantified per-flower nectar production, but not per-flower pollen yields. The 201 product of the mean number of flowers per plant and the mean per-flower nectar 202 production rate provides an estimate of per-plant nectar production rates (Table 4, 203 column 6). We observed large variations in per-plant production rates both within and 204 among species. To facilitate among-species comparisons, we defined a plant’s “nectar 205 score” as the base-10 logarithm of its mean per-plant production rate (Table 4, column 7). 206 Nectar scores for our survey species ranged between 1.5 and 4.5, i.e., across three orders 207 of magnitude of per-plant nectar production rates. The species with the highest nectar 208 scores (above 4.0) appear shaded in Table 4. These species have large numbers of flowers 209 per plant, high nectar production rates per flower, or both. Table 5 lists the main 210 pollinator groups for each of the studied species, mean visit rates, and, when available, 211 insect visitation rates relative to visits to R. officinalis. 212 Mean per-flower nectar production rates significantly explained the variation in 213 insect visit rates among the survey species (P=0.001). The remaining parameters included 214 in the regression model (nectar standing crop, number of flowers, nectar score, flower 215 length, tube length, and corolla diameter) had no significant effects. The complete 216 regression model was statistically significant (R2= 0.52, P=0.027). 10 217 218 219 DISCUSSION Our qualitative and quantitative surveys focused mainly on several criteria for the 220 selection of bee forage plants in forestry: blooming season, type of food reward, amount 221 of food reward, and insect attraction. None of the 32 species that were studied 222 quantitatively ranked highest according to all criteria (Tables 2, 4, 5). Nevertheless, the 223 trees Amygdalus communis, Ziziphus spina-christi, and Eucalyptus camaldulensis shared 224 the following desirable traits: blooming during the period of floral dearth, production of 225 both nectar and pollen, high nectar scores, and high rates of visits by honeybees 226 (compared with R. officinalis). These species therefore seem the most promising for 227 pollinator-friendly forestry. Ceratonia siliqua should also be considered, due to its 228 favorable flowering season, low water requirements, and large number of flowers. Plants 229 that bloom in spring (e.g., Styrax officinalis, Cercis siliquastrum) should receive lower 230 priority in planting as bee forage plants. 231 Two of the surveyed shrubs, Myrtus communis and Leucophyllum frutescens, 232 produce pollen as their only (M. communis) or main (L. frutescens) food reward, and 233 therefore received low nectar scores. We recommend their planting as pollen sources, in 234 combination with other plants that can serve as sources for nectar. We further recommend 235 the subshrub Rosmarinus officinale var. Blue Lagoon, which is native to the western 236 Mediterranean but is well adapted to the local ecosystem. This chamaephyte blooms 237 during the summer, produces both nectar and pollen, and is frequently visited by 238 honeybees. 11 239 Our regression analysis indicates that nectar production rates significantly explain 240 differences among species in insect attraction. We therefore suggest that nectar 241 production rates be determined for additional potential forage plant species in the future. 242 Other plant traits account for the variability in pollinator attraction among individuals 243 within a species. These include plant size (Robertson and McNair, 1995; Goulson et al., 244 1998), variability in nectar standing crops (Keasar et al., 2008), and flower size (Conner 245 and Rush, 1996). However, these traits did not significantly contribute to the variability 246 in insect visits among species in our study. 247 Our measurements include several confounding effects. The most important ones 248 are climactic differences between seasons and sampling sites, which may have affected 249 both the plants’ nectar production patterns and the insects’ foraging activity (Wyatt et al., 250 1992). In addition, the composition of the plant community surrounding the survey plants 251 varied among sampling days, and likely affected the pollinators’ attraction to the focal 252 plants (e.g., Moeller, 2004). These confounds cannot be eliminated completely, but can 253 be reduced by increasing sample sizes in future evaluations. 254 The Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel (SPNI), co-founded by Azaria 255 Alon, has been involved in campaigns to increase the use of local tree species in public 256 forestry. KKL’s forestry policy has changed significantly in recent years, from focusing 257 on planting of conifer stands to diversified forestry that emphasizes local tree species 258 (Ginsberg, 2006, 259 http://www.kkl.org.il/kkl/english/main_subject/forest_and_places/fprofession/kkl- 260 tree%20data%20(website).mht). Diversification of forest composition in Israel promotes 261 diversity of forest arthropods (Levanoni, 2005) and birds (Shochat and Tsurim, 2004). 12 262 Additional potential advantages of diversified planting may include reduced impacts of 263 plant diseases and pests, and a wider range of possibilities for recreation. We conclude 264 that multiple organisms in forest ecosystems, including bees, are likely to benefit from 265 diversified planting of trees and shrubs. 266 13 267 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 268 Adi Sadeh assisted with field work. Yossi Slabezki commented on the manuscript. The 269 study was funded by KKL. Data analysis and writing were supported by the research 270 group on Evolution and Game Theory at the Institute of Advanced Studies, The Hebrew 271 University. 272 273 274 REFERENCES 275 Allen-Wardell, G., Bernhardt, P., Bitner, R., Burquez, A., Buchmann, S., Cane, J., Cox, 276 A.P., Dalton, V., Feinsinger, P., Ingram, M., Inouye, D., Jones, C.E., Kennedy, K., 277 Kevan, P., Koopowitz, H., Medellin, R., Medellin-Morales, S., Nabhan, G.P., Pavlik, B., 278 Tepedino, V., Torchio, P., Walker, S. 1998. The potential consequences of pollinator 279 declines on the conservation of biodiversity and stability of food crop yields. Cons. Biol. 280 12: 8-17. 281 Bar-Shai, N. 1995. Fruit set in relation to tree size and pollination in the Almond. M.Sc. 282 Thesis, Dep. of Evolution, Systematics, and Ecology, The Hebrew University of 283 Jerusalem (in Hebrew with English summary). 284 Brody, A.K., Mitchell, R.J. 1997. 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Pollination system: Z – zoophilous, W – wind; 360 Attractivity score: + mildly attractive to bees, ++ - moderately attractive, +++ - highly 361 attractive; Food reward: P: pollen, N: nectar, B: both pollen and nectar, NP: more nectar 362 than pollen, PN: more pollen than nectar, L: very little nectar and pollen; Area score: 363 estimate area occupied by the plants, scaled from 1 (least abundant) to 5 (most abundant); 364 Peak blooming month: the main blooming period of the species; Total blooming months: 365 range of blooming period throughout the plant’s area of distribution; Climactic region: D: 366 Desert (70-250 mm rain annually), H: Hermon subalpine, M: Mediterranean, O: 367 orographic (montane) belt, on Mt. Hermon above 1300 m, T: transition between 368 Mediterranean and desert, X: Extreme desert (1-70 mm rain annually); Cultivated / Feral 369 (in addition to occurrence as a wild plant): C: cultivated, F: feral, O: left over after 370 cultivation but not feral. 371 Table 2: A List of surveyed species, and the months in which they were surveyed, during 372 2000-2002. Numbers denote survey days within a month. 2-3 individuals per species 373 were studied on each day of the survey. Species that were surveyed between October and 374 February, the period of floral dearth, are shaded. 375 376 Table 3: Data on plant and flower morphology of the survey species. Growth form: C: 377 chamaephyte (up to 0.5 m), S: shrub (0.5-2 m), T2: tree of 2-4 m height, T4: tree of 4-8 378 m height, T8: tree above 8 m, V: vine; Cultivated / Feral: C: cultivated, F: feral, O: left 18 379 over after cultivation but not feral, W: wild; NR: flower length is not relevant when the 380 flower tube is rather wide and does not restrict insect foraging. 381 Table 4: Reward parameters of survey species. Main food reward collected by visitors: N: 382 nectar, P: pollen, N+P: nectar and pollen; NSC: nectar standing crop; NP: nectar 383 production; NP / plant: mean NP per flower × mean number of flowers; Nectar score: log 384 (NP/plant). 385 386 Table 5: Insect visits to survey species. Main visitors: HB: honeybee, LB: large bees, SB: 387 small bees, F: flies; 388 389 FIGURE LEGENDS 390 Fig. 1: The number of species at peak bloom throughout the year. Dashed: local potential 391 bee forage plants, listed in Table 1; Solid: all species of the Israeli flora. 19