PAN ASP FUND Guidelines for applying PAN UK and PAN Africa are managing small grants on behalf of ASP, of up to $10,000 for 2-3 month-long NGO and/or community projects that contribute to the Africa Stockpile Programme and the reduction of risk of obsolete stockpiles in the future. PAN ASP Fund objective The Africa Stockpiles Programme aims to reduce the risks of hazardous obsolete pesticides, and includes various measures to improve pesticide management and prevent accumulation of such stockpiles in the future. The PAN ASP Fund objective is to fund small-scale NGO/community projects in participating ASP countries which contribute to the national ASP project and its objectives, and particularly: - - Contribute to delivering any national ASP project plans or strategies (including Communications Strategy, Prevention Plan, or any other workplan) Contribute to achievement of ASP objectives (including lobbying campaigns, community based monitoring, or other areas which are closely linked to the national or programme level objectives) Establish long-term programmes which will contribute to the sustainability of ASPrelated projects, improve cooperation and dialogue between NGOs and governmentbased PMUs, and promote the role of NGOs and local communities Eligibility Criteria Projects will be short-listed and assessed according to these criteria: Type of Organisation - Only organisations, not individuals, can apply for funds. - The organisation must be based in a country currently participating in the Africa Stockpiles Programme (Ethiopia, Mali, Morocco, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, Tunisia) and be a member of the National NGO Network (either on list or with letter from coordinator) - Organisations should be able to demonstrate that they have the necessary capacity to manage the grant funds, by submitting a copy of their last year’s financial accounts - Only one project in the same country will be funded at any one time. Type of Activity Any of the following types of projects may be submitted: - - - - Community based monitoring of pesticide impacts: projects that involve local communities in identifying and documenting health and environmental impacts of pesticides; and projects that identify and describe obsolete stockpiles and their impacts on surrounding communities and the environment; Awareness raising and communications: projects that contribute to the achievement of national ASP Communications Strategies but do not duplicate existing work or work that is planned by the PMU or other organisations; Prevention of obsolete pesticides: projects that contribute to the achievement of national ASP prevention action plans or recommendations made by ASP-funded analysis of IPM, legislation, or pesticide management; Dissemination, networking, and policy dialogue: projects that disseminate materials or best practices of ASP projects (either by PMU or NGOs), and encourage networking and policy dialogue (including lobbying and advocacy) promoting pesticide management and alternatives to pesticides among decision makers and donors PAN aims to promote NGO participation in ASP, so it is unable to provide funds which: - replace PMU funding identified for NGOs pay for activities which have no prospect of sustainability support two projects involving the same organisation Qualitative criteria - Comply with ASP prevention objectives at country level or programme, including quoting relevant national plans or strategies and endorsement from the PMU - Include local contributions and cost-sharing by other donors, with evidence of contribution to accompany the concept note - Include monitoring and evaluation that is incorporated into the national ASP project M&E system and reported along with the ASP PMU reports - Contribute to sustainable pesticide risk reduction and the reduction of poverty - Strengthen collaboration between NGO/Government and other agencies - Benefit under-represented groups such as women, children, the elderly, and people with disabilities and HIV/AIDS - Represent good value for money Budget Issues This is merely a guide and not an exhaustive list. Any expenditure should be reasonable, realistic, in line with local costs and strictly necessary for the project. - Project costs should not be more than $10,000 Project costs should not exceed your organisation’s previous year’s annual expenditure Proportions of rent or other office running costs, and project management & administration staff costs should not exceed 10% of the total budget - - Additionally to the 10% above, implementation staff (such as trainers, experts, or advisers who perform specific tasks), transport, seminars and workshops, publications can all be included Funds are not intended to be spent on the purchase of equipment or technology How to apply? NGOs should submit a concept note of around 5 pages by April 2nd to PAN UK and PAN Africa. Concept notes should include the following sections: - - Description of project objective, outcomes, outputs and activities o Fit with PAN ASP Grant objectives, ASP aims and national ASP programme (specific references to documents/ strategies if possible) o Clear explanation of how the activities will lead to the outputs, outcomes and help achieve the overall objective (e.g. in a logframe) o Monitoring and evaluation approach – how will you know if the project has succeeded? o How the project addresses the eligibility criteria Budget and workplan PMU endorsement Evidence of matching funds Previous year’s organisational accounts The official language of the Fund is English and French and all concept notes, reports, and supporting documents must be provided in one of these languages. A short list will be established, and projects assessed by a selection committee including PAN UK, PAN Africa, and one or more representatives from P1 National NGO network(s). Successful projects will be notified individually, and should start by mid-end April, and last around 2-3 months. All applicants will receive confirmation of receipt of their application, (please email us if you do not receive this), and will receive feedback on their application. You can get in touch by e-mail: or