Name 1. Which of the following removes CO2 from the atmosphere

Name ___________________________________________
1. Which of the following removes CO2 from the atmosphere?
a. rainforest trees
b. cars
c. burning coal
d. spraying aerosol cans
2. In the carbon cycle, how does carbon first enter the biosphere (life)?
a. Decomposers release carbon dioxide.
b. Photosynthesis by plants.
c. Humans burn coal.
d. Respiration by animals.
Read about this experiment and answer the question which follows.
I took a pot and placed in it 200 pounds of dry soil, and planted in it a willow shoot
weighing 5 pounds. To prevent dirt from getting in or out of the pot, the rim of the pot
was kept covered with an iron plate with many holes. The only substance added to the
soil was water. After five years, I removed every bit of soil from the pot and from the
roots of the tree. The tree weighed 169 pounds. I dried the soil and it was still 200
pounds minus 2 ounces. Therefore, I conclude that the entire weight of wood, bark, and
roots must have come from the water alone, except for the two ounces that came from
the soil.
3. Is Van Helmont’s conclusion correct that almost all of the tree’s mass came from the
water he added to the soil?
4. What is the cause of increased atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide?
5. What is the most likely effect of increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?
a. acid rain
b. ozone depletion
c. warmer atmosphere
d. dirty air
6. Which of the following statements is true about the ozone?
a. Ozone is a pollutant in both the lower and upper atmosphere.
b. Ozone is a protectant in both the lower and upper atmosphere.
c. Ozone is a pollutant in the lower atmosphere and a protectant in the upper
d. Ozone is a protectant in the lower atmosphere and a pollutant in the upper
7. Which of the following is an effect of ozone depletion?
a. skin cancer
b. flooding
c. acid rain
d. global warming
8. Which of the following is a cause of ozone depletion?
a. carbon dioxide
b. chlorofluorocarbons
c. methane
d. nitrogen fertilizers
9. How are humans influencing the nitrogen cycle?
10. Apples taste sweet because they have natural sugars. Where did the apple get the
carbon atoms to make sugars?
a. from the sun
c. from the water
b. from the soil
d. from the air
11. World leaders are struggling to form a global policy concerning the release of
greenhouse gases. Which of the following best describes the role science should play in
forming public policy?
a. Scientific data should be used to inform those who make public policy.
b. The role of science is to make public policies to protect the atmosphere.
c. Science has no role in the formation of public policy.
d. The role of science is to convince people that burning fossil fuels is wrong.
12. Which of the following statements best describes the concentration of carbon dioxide
in the atmosphere?
a. It has increased since the Industrial Revolution.
b. It has decreased since the Industrial Revolution.
c. It has remained the same since the Industrial Revolution.
d. There is no carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
13.The most abundant element in a wooden stick is carbon. Where did the carbon come
a. from the sun
b. from the soil
c. from the air
d. from water
14. Give an example of how carbon can move from the lithosphere to the atmosphere.