1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Assessment of Upland Erosion Processes and Farmer Perception of Land Conservation in Debre-Mewi Watershed, near Lake Tana, Ethiopia Assefa D.Zegeye1,2, Tammo S. Steenhuis2,3, Robert W. Blake2,4 , Selemyihun Kidnau5 , Amy S. Collick2,3, Farzad Dadgari5 1 Adet Agricultural Research Center, ARARI, PO.box 1326 Bahir Dar, Ethiopia (adz6@cornell.edu), 2 Master’s Program in Integrated Watershed Management and Hydrology, Cornell University, at Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia. 3 Department of Biological and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA (tss1@cornell.edu, asc38@cornell.edu ) 4Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 300 International Center, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824 (rwblake@msu.edu) 5 SWHISA, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia (selamyhun@yahoo.com, fdadgari@sympatico.ca) For presentation at the International Symposium: “Ecohydrology for water ecosystems and society in Ethiopia” Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: 18-20 November 2009 and submitted to Ecohydrologica Abstract 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Erosion is of great concern in the Ethiopian Highlands. The objective of this study was to determine the soil erosion rates under actual farming conditions by measuring the dimensions and number of rills in 15 agricultural fields in the Debre-Mewi Watershed near Lake Tana and to understand farmer attitudes towards land conservation through personal interviews held with one-third of the watershed households. The annual rill erosion rate was 8 to 32 t/ha. Greatest rates of erosion occurred at planting early in the season but became negligible in August. Major factors influencing land conservation decisions-were the demand of labor and lack of technical support for implementing new conservation measures from experts. 31 Key words: Rill erosion, soil loss, farmer perception, SWC, 32 Running headline: Upland Erosion and Perception of Land Conservation 33 1 Introduction 34 Soil erosion creates severe limitations to sustainable agricultural land use, as it 35 reduces on-farm soil productivity and causes food insecurity (Tadesse 2001, Sonneveld 2002, 36 Beshah 2003, Moges and Holden 2006, Bewket 2007). In most developing countries, 37 including Ethiopia, human activity triggers these losses (Mohammad et al., 2001, Belyaev et 38 al., 2004, Bewket and Sterk, 2005, Hurni et al., 2005). This is associated with rapid 39 population growth, inadequate attention to the basic natural resources, and the need to 1 40 maximize production to meet the needs of the growing population (Shiferaw and Holden, 41 1999, 2000, Bewket, 2002, Feoli et al., 2002). This situation is more serious in poor 42 developing countries like Ethiopia (Feoli et al., 2002), where subsistence production 43 predominates. The Ethiopian farmer, who on average cultivates one hectare of food crops and 44 keeps some livestock, is dependent on natural conditions and cannot tolerate further 45 deterioration of soil productivity (Sonneveld and Keyzer, 2003). Farms in the Debre-Mewi 46 watershed suffer from severe soil erosion, with gullies and their deleterious effects increasing 47 at alarming rate. Basic natural resources like soil, water and vegetative cover in the watershed 48 are deteriorating. Farmers are not satisfied with the status of their current land holding. 49 Visible erosion features, such as rills, gullies and concentrated accumulations, are 50 features that often indicate erosion hot spots, those parts of an area that are most seriously 51 affected by soil erosion (Mitiku et al., 2006). Rill erosion is the very visible mechanism of 52 soil loss from sloping cultivated land. Rills are very shallow channels formed by the 53 concentration of surface runoff along depressions or low points in sloping lands. Rill erosion 54 is a result of surface runoff and associated sheet wash, which selectively removes fine 55 material and organic matter that are very important determinants of land productivity 56 (Bewket and Sterk, 2003). The shearing power of water can detach, pick up and remove soil 57 particles making these channels the preferred routes for sediment transport. 58 The evaluation of soil erosion was undertaken through measurement of rill erosion 59 features (Bewket and Sterk, 2003, Belyaev et al., 2004, Casalí et al., 2006). This method is 60 used to estimate the amount of material removed from the field by concentrated runoff. As 61 suggested by Bewket and Sterk (2003), rill survey is a key for practical conservation planning 62 purposes. Most quantitative research on soil erosion has dealt with soil loss rates due to rill 63 and inter-rill erosion, mostly from runoff plots. The magnitude of soil erosion and its effect 64 has been extrapolated based on plot level and catchment level to larger spatial scales (Bewket 2 65 and Sterk, 2003, Nyssen et al, 2004, Belyaev et al., 2004). These methods have drawbacks 66 when the results are extrapolated and conclusions are made about the wider landscape 67 (Brazier, 2004). 68 Field surveys of rills have an integral role to play in the sustainable management of 69 agricultural lands in particular. Without involving expensive instrumentation and 70 sophisticated modeling of soil loss, this strategy may yield more economical (and efficient) 71 solutions in local areas than the application of the existing generation of erosion models 72 (Herweg, 1996; Bewket and Sterk, 2003). Surveys must also be treated as a means to aid soil 73 conservation (Herweg 1996) and to inform catchment managers and decision/policy makers. 74 Hence, assessment of soil loss by surveying rill erosion plays a great role for soil and water 75 conservation planning. 76 Farmer perception of land degradation by erosion is a key social factor that is also 77 important in deciding options for controlling soil losses (Graaff, 1993). Some authors who 78 studied in different parts of the Ethiopian highlands reported that farmers are more likely to 79 adopt conservation measures in plots that are highly prone to soil erosion, such as plots where 80 slopes are steep and erosion features are visible (Shiferaw and Holden 1998; Bekele and 81 Drake 2003; Gebremedhin and Swinton 2003). Amsalu and Graaff (2006) concluded that 82 under current conditions in the Ethiopian central highlands, soil and water conservation 83 interventions should consider farmer conservation knowledge and practices to improve the 84 possibility of acceptance and adoption of the recommendations. 85 The overall goal of this research was thus to determine the severity and rate of soil 86 erosion and to identify factors affecting the decision-making process of farmers regarding 87 their land conservation practices. The specific objectives were: (1) to compare the rate of soil 88 loss within different slope positions and crop covers, (2) to assess some causes of soil 89 erosion, (3) to understand farmer perception and awareness of erosion processes and SWC 3 90 measures as a land management practice, and (4) to examine the local farmer acceptance and 91 adoption of land conservation technologies. 92 2 Materials and methods 93 2.1 Description of the study sites 94 This paper is based on a survey conducted during the months of July to October 2008 95 in the Debre Mewi watershed located between 11o20’13’’ N and 37o25’’55’’ E. The 96 watershed is located about 30 km south of Lake Tana at Bahir Dar Town, the capital of 97 Amhara Regional State in the northern Ethiopian highlands (Fig. 1). The elevation ranges 98 between 1950 and 2309 m a.s.l. The total area of the watershed is about 523 ha. The total 99 number of households living in this watershed is estimated to be 276, of which 35 (13%) are 100 women-headed households. It is also estimated that about 1092 people are living in the 101 watershed. 102 Based on 10 years (1996-2005) of metrological data for the Adet station (7 km from 103 the site), the maximum annual temperatures range from 22 to 29.4 oC, whereas minimum 104 annual temperatures range from 5.4 to 12.1oC. The average annual rainfall is 1238 mm. 105 2.2 106 2.2.1 Measurement of rill erosion Methodology 107 For determining erosion by the rill measurements, 15 representative fields were 108 selected from the Debre Mewi watershed, representing a cumulative field area of 3.56 ha. 109 These fields were classified into three slope positions: upslope, mid-slope and down-slope. A 110 series of cross-slope transects was established (marked using sticks and stones) with an 111 average distance of 10m between two transects, positioned one above another to minimize rill 112 measurement errors (Hudson, 1993). During the months of July and August when the greatest 113 rainfall amounts causing significant soil loss were recorded, each field was repeatedly visited 114 immediately after rainfall storms had occurred. 4 115 Though the channel size and shape of rills had a great influence on measurement 116 accuracy (Casalí et al., 2006), the length, width and depth of the rills were carefully measured 117 along two successive transects. The length of a rill was measured from its starting point up to 118 the place where the eroded soil was deposited. The width and depth of rill were measured as 119 shown in Figure 2. Widths were measured at several points along a rill to give a better 120 approximation of the mean width because the width varied along the rill (Herweg, 1996). 121 Fewer depth measurements were required because the depths of most rills were homogenous. 122 From these measurements, different magnitudes of rill erosion were determined, including rill 123 volumes, rates of erosion, density of rills, area of actual damage by the rills and the 124 percentage of area covered by the rills to the total area of surveyed fields (Herweg, 1996, 125 Hagmann, 1996, Bewket and Sterk, 2003). The percentage crop canopy coverage was 126 estimated whenever each rill measurements were undertaken. 127 2.2.2 Farmer perceptions of SWC measures 128 In order to capture the perception of soil erosion process and factors affecting farmer 129 land conservation decision-making processes and related reasons, both a formal and informal 130 interview were conducted. In addition, the researcher periodically visited the entire research 131 area and the wider farming system so that he was able gain additional insights by observation. 132 Data and information about farmer perceptions of soil erosion processes and SWC 133 technologies were collected using formal interviews with the sampled households. To obtain 134 information about the same fact from multiple methods and to increase validity and reliability 135 of data, focus group discussions (composed of elders, male and female farmers and 136 community leaders) and informal interviews with development agents and Woreda 137 agricultural experts were carried out. 138 2.3 Methods of data analysis 139 In each field, maximum development of rills, both in number and dimensions, was 140 attained by August 1, 2008, after which the rill dimensions did not show significant change 5 141 although there was still soil loss when rainfall occurred. Therefore, the maximum value was 142 analyzed in this paper to estimate the total soil loss due to rills. The eroded soil volumes, rill 143 densities, areas of actual damage and other quantities were calculated from the measured rill 144 length, width and depth (Herweg, 1996). The soil volume from a given field was calculated 145 using the following formula. L W D146 N X i i i …………………………………………. (1) i 10000 A 147 148 where X is the volume of rills in m3 ha-1, L is the rill length (m), W is the rill width (cm), D is 149 the rill depth (cm), A is the field area (ha), N is the number of rills, and i is the number of 150 homogeneous dimensions. The calculated volume is equivalent to the volume of soil lost due 151 to rill formation. The total volume of soil loss was obtained simply by summing the volumes 152 of all homogenous rill segments as shown in Equation 1. The eroded soil volume was also 153 expressed in terms of weight of eroded soil by multiplying the calculated volume by the 154 measured bulk density of the soils at each of the 15 fields in the site (Hagmann, 1996). The 155 total soil loss was converted into per unit hectare of land to express the annual rate of soil 156 loss. The area of actual damage per unit hectare (surface area covered by rills themselves) 157 was obtained from the product of length and width dimensions of each homogenous rill 158 segment by using Equation 2. The rill density was calculated by dividing the total rill lengths 159 (obtained by summing up the length measurements of all rills) by the total area of the 160 surveyed fields. 161 AAD L W N i i 162 100 A i ……………………………… (2) 163 where AAD is the area of actual damage by rills in m2 ha-1, L is the rill length (m), W is the 164 rill width (cm) , D is the rill density (m ha-1), A is the field area (ha), N is the number of rills, 165 and i is the number of homogeneous dimensions. The number of rills originating from upper 6 166 fields and rills initiated within the field and their contributions to soil loss were identified in 167 the study. The significant difference of rill magnitudes between each slope position and crop 168 cover types were analyzed statistically using SPSS software. 169 For social survey analysis, the data generated by the structured questionnaires was 170 analyzed using Microsoft Excel and SPSS software, version 12. The relevant qualitative 171 information generated by the informal discussions with farmers and other concernedgroups 172 were integrated with the quantitative data for a better understanding of the issues covered in 173 the study. 174 3 Results 175 3.1 The nature of rill erosion in differing slope positions 176 Rill erosion was the most visible mechanism of soil loss from sloping cultivated land 177 (Herweg 1996). The rate of soil loss due to rills from the downslope fields was 1.5 times 178 greater than that of midslope fields and 3.3 times greater than that of upslope fields (Table I). 179 ANOVA analysis indicated that 180 significantly differed among the three slope positions (Table I). In the downslope fields the 181 rills covered 884 m2/ha or almost 9% of the area. The average rill density before and after 182 sowing crops from the total rill length of 12,854m was 3,611 m/ha. 183 3.2 soil loss, area of actual damage and rill density all Nature of rill erosion in crop types 184 Tef is the dominant cereal crop in the watershed, followed by maize, finger millet and 185 wheat. The amount of soil eroded from the tef plots after land preparation and prior to sowing 186 (July 11, 2008) was 8 t/ha, with an additional 26 t/ha lost after sowing (between July 12 and 187 August 27, 2008), yielding a total soil loss in tef fields wof 34 t/ha (Table II). The soil loss in 188 tef fields was three times greater than that of finger millet and wheat, and twice that of maize. 189 Erosion was low in wheat fields because the surface was rough both before and after sowing, 190 which increased infiltration and in turn decreased runoff. Moreover, wheat growth was more 7 191 rapid than other crops and a canopy cover was established before the soil roughness had been 192 dinminished due to high rainfall. ANOVA analysis in Table II idicated that the soil loss 193 differences among crop types was significant. 194 3.3 195 3.3.1 Perceptions of erosion as a problem Farmer perception of land conservation 196 All the interviewed farmers perceived soil erosion as a problem constraining crop 197 production (Table III). They reported that the most important top soil for crop production 198 activity was deteriorating over time due to erosion. Hence, they frequently observed how the 199 loss of soil from cultivated fields has been reducing the depth of the topsoil and increasing 200 the number of stones in their farmlands over time. Moreover, the occurrence of unproductive 201 soil (locally called zinza or sometimes gel) in their farmland is used as an indicator of 202 decreasing soil depths. 203 The majority of the farmers reported that the occurrence of rill erosion was the 204 dominant erosion feature (89%) on their farmlands (Table III). This percentage of 205 respondents also compared rill erosion problem as the highest with other erosion features. 206 Gully erosion was also reported by 11% of farmers along their farm boundaries and 207 waterways. Surprisingly, no respondents perceived sheet erosion as a problem. From all 208 respondents, 64% of the farmers rated the extent of the problem as severe, and all 209 respondents mentioned that the rate of soil erosion has been increasing over time. All of them 210 also answered that erosion can be controlled. 211 3.3.2 Causes of soil erosion, soil fertility and productivity declines 212 As indicated in Table IV, the major cause of soil erosion mentioned by 98 % of 213 farmers was the lack of conservation structures. Indeed, the transect surveys in the entire 214 watershed confirmed that SWC technologies were poorly constructed and most of them are 215 damaged. The majority of the farmers (61%) believed that damaged structures contributed to 216 soil loss. Almost all of the interviewed farmers and those who participated in the group 8 217 discussion reported that there is a declining in soil fertility in their farm plots over time. All 218 the respondents suggested that soil erosion was the major cause of soil fertility decline. 219 Repeated cultivation (continuous cultivation without fallow) was also the other major causes 220 mentioned by 79% of the respondents. Almost all of the interviewed farmers reported 221 productivity decline. The respondents (83%) mentioned that soil erosion was the main cause 222 of productivity decline followed by loss of soil fertility (76%). 223 3.3.3 Farmers’ conservation practices in the watershed 224 Almost all of the farmers reported that SWC measures were very helpful for erosion 225 control and better crop production. Farmers commonly used to protect their farm lands from 226 soil erosion were stone terraces/bunds, cultural drainage ditches, soil bunds, waterways and 227 contour plowing. 228 Traditional ditches (locally called feses or shina) were indigenous practices widely 229 used by 75% of the surveyed farmers for erosion control (Table V). These are micro-channels 230 constructed on cultivated fields to direct excess water from cultivated fields. Most fields have 231 traditional ditches and farmers believed that these ditches are used to conserve soils, seeds 232 and fertilizers by decreasing the dimensions of rills. 233 Soil bunds were reported as the other means to conserve soil practiced by 61% of the 234 surveyed farmers. However, from field observation, soil bunds were rarely constructed and 235 poorly maintained. Permanent waterway structures constructed alongside cultivated fields 236 were used by 13% of the respondents. Farmers connect the ditches to waterways (which are 237 wider and deeper than the ditches and normally require maintenance) for the safe disposal of 238 excess water. Contour plowing was widely used in the area mentioned by 48% of the 239 respondents. This measure was commonly used not only to conserve soil from erosion but 240 also to decrease required traction power of animas during plowing. As SWC measure, it is an 241 efficient technique for reducing runoff mainly in moderately and gently sloping areas. On 9 242 steep slopes, as farmers noted, contour plowing alone may not be effective, requiring other 243 techniques such as bunds to effectively control erosion. 244 3.3.4 Farmer perception, acceptance and adoption of SWC measures 245 As it can be seen in Table VI, almost all respondents reported that the technologies 246 were effective in arresting soil erosion. Similarly, all respondents believed that the new SWC 247 technologies had the potential to improve land productivity. Farmers who tried to implement 248 some conservation measures in their plots were interviewed to determine how they measure 249 the effectiveness of SWC technologies. They had already observed better growth and 250 development of crops, particularly along the structures where fertile sediments were trapped. 251 They also evaluated that the amount of sediment trapped by the structure was very high and 252 would have been lost from the field had that conservation structure not been built. During 253 group discussion, participants who treated their lands by some conservation structures gave 254 witness to the group that the technology they have been using improved their land 255 productivity. 256 The farmers were also asked about their future intentions regarding using introduced 257 SWC technologies (Table VI). Almost all respondents expressed their willingness to continue 258 maintaining the established structures. In addition, of the farmers interviewed whether they 259 would like to implement the SWC technologies in the rest of their farm fields, all planned to 260 implement SWC measures on plots that were not treated at the time of the survey. To assess 261 their attitudes towards government support needs, farmers were asked whether they should be 262 paid for constructing and maintaining the SWC technology in their farm. The majority (85%) 263 responded “No” while the rest answered, “Yes”. 264 3.4.5 Factors Affecting Adoption of Introduced SWC Technologies 265 In the watershed, introduced soil and water conservation measures have rarely been 266 constructed. Though farmers indicated willingness to adopt the newly introduced SWC 267 structures, they did not practice these measures to their farmlands. From the interviewed 10 268 farmers, 87% reported that some conservation measures like terraces, bunds and fanyajuus 269 were time-consuming and labor-demanding for construction (Table VII). The other issue that 270 affected their conservation practices was lack of technical support (locally known as kiyessa) 271 from agricultural experts for constructing bunds and terraces (23%). In the group discussion 272 and informal interviews, lack of kiyessa was the a primary issue raised by the participants. 273 4 Discussion 274 The total amount of soil loss due to rills (before and after sowing) from all of the 275 surveyed fields was 78.2m3 (94.6 tones) with rate of 22m3 ha-1, which is equivalent to 27t ha-1 276 (Table I) of soil loss given the average soil bulk density of 1.21g cm-3. During the survey, the 277 contributions of other erosion features were not considered. However, rills are not the only 278 mechanisms for soil erosion and are always accompanied by impacts of raindrops such as 279 sheet or inter-rill erosion. According to Zachar (1982), rill erosion assessments underestimate 280 the actual soil loss by 10 to 30 %. Govers (1991) also reported that the contribution of inter- 281 rill erosion can be more than 30 % of the total soil loss in fields where rills are present. 282 Bewket and Sterk (2003) also assumed 30% of the actual soil loss to calculate the 283 contribution of inter-rill erosion to soil loss. If we assume for this study that the measured rill 284 erosion underestimates soil loss by 25%, then actual annual soil loss rates would be estimated 285 as around 36 t ha-1. This is equivalent to 3.6 mm yr-1, based on 1t ha-1 being equivalent to 0.1 286 mm yr-1 (Morgan, 1996; Tadesse, 2001). According to Basic et al. (2004), the erosion risk in 287 the watershed can be estimated by the formula: 288 Erosion risk = [Erosion rate (t/ha/yr)] ÷ [Soil loss tolerance] (3) 289 Assuming the mean soil loss tolerance be 10 t ha-1, which was accepted as appropriate for 290 moderate thickness of soil (Morgan, 1996; Mwendera et al., 1997; Tadesse, 2001), then the 291 soil loss obtained from this study is nearly 70% greater (approximately fourfold of tolerable 11 292 soil loss). According to this assumption, the Debre Mewi watershed can be characterized as a 293 high erosion risk area. 294 The main reason for the high soil loss recorded in tef fields is that the period of land 295 preparation occurs during the middle of the rainy season with high intensity rains, while 296 preparation for the other crops tillage occurred earlier when rains were less intense. Another 297 contributing factor may be compaction (or trampling) by animal feet just before sowing tef. 298 In the upslope fields, very shallow rills were observed throughout the rainy season. 299 This was because (1) there was no any run-on coming from uplands as all fields in this 300 position are found in the edge of the watershed, and (2) the slope in these fields is very low 301 and infiltration is more rapid, hence the critical distances before concentration sufficient to 302 develop rills is longer than downslope fields. As described later in section 4.2, runoff from 303 upslope fields is an important contributor to rill formation in the more vulnerable downslope 304 fields. During the rainy season, these fields were highly saturated and infiltration rate was 305 relatively lower which resulted high concentration of runoff. Therefore, runoff in these fields 306 may be generated due to saturation excess. Due to these and other factors the downslope 307 position fields had the greatest rate of soil loss. 308 4.1 Effects of rainfall to soil erosion 309 The peak erosion losses occurred in the month of July which accounted for more than 310 90% soil loss, of which about 42% occurred at the beginning of rill measurements in early 311 July. This 42% soil loss corresponded to 18% of the rainfall recorded in July. This result was 312 similar to the findings of Herweg, et al. (2002As described in the Figure 3, after the first 313 measurement of rill volumes, the rate of soil loss was increasing but at a decreasing rate. 314 Only a few more rills were formed in the month of August. Thus, most erosion occurred 315 before the time of highest rainfall. Though the rainfall increased, the change in rill erosion 316 magnitude between each monitoring date was decreasing. Finally, redistribution of sediment 12 317 affected the rill dimensions and hence no significant change in magnitude of rill erosion was 318 observed starting from mid-August. This finding is in agreement with findings by Bewket 319 and Sterk (2003) and Herweg et al (2002). 320 Therefore, a large proportion of annual soil loss occurred during a few rainstorm 321 periods (Herweg and Ludi 1999), and thus the runoff generated from these periods was the 322 most important direct driver of severe soil erosion. Rills were initiated mostly by these few 323 destructive storms, but their continued growth throughout much of the wet season was the 324 result of the cumulative rainfall (Bewket and Sterk 2003). Therefore, the effectiveness of 325 SWC technology depends on the extent to which it can resist such ‘extreme’ rainstorm 326 periods. 327 4.2 Effects of run-on to soil erosion 328 Run-on (surface runoff coming from the upper fields), was the cause of rill formation 329 in the midslope and downslope fields. Surface runoff coming as a run-on had considerable 330 contributions to rill formation and then soil loss. The surveyed upslope fields did not receive 331 any surface runoff from the uplands due to the main road that crossed the slope and acted as a 332 divide. Therefore, the rills in the upslope positions were initiated by surface runoff generated 333 inside the fields, which created very small dimensions of rills. 334 In general, from the upper boundaries of 13 fields found in the mid-slope and down 335 slope positions of the study site, about 39.3% of the rills that contributed more than half 336 amount of soil loss (52.6%) were initiated due to run-on. This indicates a few number of rills 337 generated from run-on can induce a large amount of soil loss, which would be minimized if 338 there was appropriate conservation structures in the area. This result has important 339 implications in designing SWC measures and used as a starting point for the watershed 340 practitioners to plan what type and location of SWC measures are appropriate to reduce soil 341 erosion risk and to increase productivity. 13 342 4.3 Effects of crop cover on soil erosion 343 The role of crop cover is extensively studied in the literature. Cover reduces the 344 direct impact of raindrops on the soil, it increases the flow depth, infiltration and surface 345 roughness and it reduces the speed of runoff. Thus, cover reduces the amount of soil detached 346 by flowing water and the capacity of water flow to transport sediment (Mwendera et al. 1997, 347 Tamene and Vlek 2007). Therefore, the percentage cover of each crop was estimated 348 349 whenever each rill measurements were undertaken. During field observation, the peak soil loss was measured when the canopy cover was 350 approximately zero. Though there were other relevant factors such as root density (effects not 351 known since they were not measured), plant cover was expected to play a primary role. The 352 effect of the temporal variation of rainfall and canopy coverage of the four crop types (tef, 353 wheat, millet and maize) on soil loss for individual storms is clear in Figure 4, where the soil 354 loss rate in all fields decreased slowly as the crop canopy cover increased. The correlation 355 coefficient between soil loss and cover percentage of tef, millet, and maize was -0.7; with 356 wheat the coefficient was -0.5. At the beginning of rill measurement, the coverage of tef and 357 wheat plots was zero whereas coverages on the other two crop plots were greater. As clearly 358 shown in the Figure 4, the soil loss in all crops decreased as coverage increased. 359 A unit increase of canopy coverage can bring about a much greater reduction in soil 360 loss only where the soil is properly managed, so the effectiveness of canopy coverage can be 361 greatly increased if it is combined with good soil management practices. 362 4.4 Farmer perceptions 363 The farmers in the study area have understanding about the problem of soil erosion 364 and fertility loss and the soil-stabilizing effects of conservation measures. They are able to 365 identify erosion and fertility loss indicators that are relevant, and sufficiently express the 366 degree and the nature of the problems in their area. Though detailed socio-economic analysis 367 was not undertaken, the result indicates that labor requirements and the lack of technical 14 368 support from concerned bodies influenced their conservation practices. We did not assess the 369 efforts of agricultural experts to motivate farmers to implement the conservation 370 technologies. Farmers suggested that they would be very motivated to adopt the technologies 371 if there were a cooperative work as was done in the past. 372 5 Conclusions and recommendations 373 The measurement and description of rill erosion was an important aspect of erosion 374 research in the Debre Mewi watershed. At the study site, highest erosion rates were observed 375 in early July, which can be attributed to the higher erosivity of rains, higher erodibility of the 376 soil surface after a warm and dry season, and the poor soil cover due to land preparation for 377 sowing. The results obtained from the surveyed fields indicated that about 3.6mm soil depth 378 is lost annually, which characterizes the watershed as a high erosion risk area. 379 Based on interviews and field observations, the intensity of the rainfall coupled with 380 poor vegetation cover has aggravated the soil erosion in the watershed. Hence, crop 381 production and soil productivity have been decreasing over time. Thus far, farmers undertake 382 little action to reduce erosion. Only few soil conservation structures accompanied with poor 383 management practices at farm hold level were observed frequently during the survey. If 384 nothing is done to correct the existing situation, more land will become unsuitable for crop 385 production, putting even more strain on existing resources. Therefore, sustainable soil 386 management systems must be developed to reduce further degradation and restore the 387 productivity of the eroded land. 388 The management options to reduce the soil loss are to implement conservation 389 measures and/or to change the crop to be planted. Changing to crops that need less tillage and 390 improve the soil structure can reduce the problem of erosion. Soil conservation planners 391 should find a mechanism in such a way that farmer can plant tef to earn higher profits while 392 minimizing its contribution to erosion, which would need further investigation. Cultural 15 393 ditches currently implemented by farmers are generally effective and should be an integral 394 part of any soil and water management practices proposed by soil conservation designers. 395 Though farmers have an awareness of soil degradation and knowledge of possible 396 remedial measures, they should be motivated to adapt the introduced SWC technologies 397 based on their indigenous knowledge with relevant scientific advice. During discussions with 398 local farmers, they showed great interest in practicing terraces/bunds and grass strips and 399 plantation in their croplands. However, accessibility of grasses and trees seedlings impairs 400 their capacity to alleviate the problem. The authors hope that Adet Agricultural Research 401 Center together with the local office of Agriculture can help farmers in this regard. Generally, 402 the soil degradation problem in the area is complex and encompasses environmental, 403 economic, social and political issues. Therefore, detail investigations should be undertaken 404 through the collaboration of stakeholders to identify better management options that decrease 405 soil erosion and improve food productivity. 406 Acknowledgements 407 This research was made possible by funds provided by Cornell University and logical 408 and technical support given by personnel of SWISHA, ARARI and IWMI’s CP19 project. 409 We are especially grateful to the landholders for permission to carry out the rill 410 measurements in their cropped fields and their time in answering the questionnaire. Finally, 411 Adet Agricultural Research Center is gratefully acknowledged for their overall support of the 412 project. 413 16 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 References Amsalu, A., Graaff, J.D. 2006. 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Values followed by 554 555 556 differing letters in a given column were significantly different (p=0.05). 557 Table II: Rill magnitudes in different crop types 558 Table III: Perception of respondents for soil erosion as a problem 559 Table IV: Ranked farmer responses to the causes of soil erosion, fertility and 560 561 productivity decline (Totals may exceed 100% due to multiple responses) Table V: 562 Farmer conservation practices in the Debre Mewi watershed, Ethiopia. (Totals may exceed 100% due to multiple responses) 563 Table VI: Indicators of acceptance and adoption of SWC technologies 564 Table VII: Farmers’ reasons for not adopting the newly introduced SWC measures 565 (Totals may exceed 100% due to multiple responses) 566 567 568 20 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 Figure 2: Location of the area of Debre Mewi watershed, Ethiopia 21 579 580 581 582 583 584 Figure 2: Photographs of rill dimension measurements: depth on the left and width on the right side 22 585 586 Soil loss in each obs.(t/ha) 25 1400 20 1200 1000 15 800 10 600 5 400 ep t S ug us t 0 A -5 200 Ju ly Ju ne 0 587 588 589 590 RF (mm) Rain fall Soil loss (t/ha) Com.soil loss (t/ha) Figure 3: Average soil loss due to rills for the 15 upland agricultural fields in the DebreMewi watershed. 23 591 592 maize wheat millet tef soil loss (t/ha) 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 0 20 40 60 cover crop (%) 593 594 595 Figure 4: Graph of crop cover versus soil loss rate 24 80 100 596 597 598 599 Table VIII: Rill magnitudes in three different slope positions. Values followed by differing letters in a given column were significantly different (p=0.05). Slope Soil erosion effects Position Rill Soil loss Area of actual damage Rill density count (t/ha) (m2/ha) (m/ha) Upslope 105 8a 256a 1029a Midslope 453 23b 662b 2860b Downslope 959 34c 884c 4946c Average 1517 27 717 3611 600 601 25 602 603 604 Table IX: Rill magnitudes in different crop types. AAD (m2-ha) Crop type No of rills Soil loss (t-ha) Rill density (m-ha) Maize 48 14a 373a 2317a Wheat 14 7.6b 169a 832b Millet 131 7.7b 251a 977b Tef 1324 34c 902b 4561c Average 1517 27 717 3611 605 606 607 608 609 610 26 611 Table X: Perception of respondents for soil erosion as a problem Farmers’ responses to: Options Percentage (n=80) Occurrence of soil erosion Yes 100 No 0 Prevailing form of erosion Extent of soil erosion Rill erosion compared to other erosion features The rate of erosion over time Can soil erosion be controlled? Sheet erosion Rill erosion Gulley erosion severe Moderate Minor highest medium low Increasing Same Decreasing Yes No 612 613 27 0 89 11 64 36 89 10 1 100 0 0 100 0 614 615 Table XI: Ranked farmer responses to the causes of soil erosion, fertility and productivity decline (Totals may exceed 100% due to multiple responses) Farmers’ response Options Percentage to: n=80 Causes of soil Lack of conservation structures 98 erosion Damaged conservation structures 61 Steep land w/o conservation structures 10 Lack of diversion ditch 5 Other Causes for soil Soil erosion 100 fertility declining Repeated cultivation 79 Lack of manure 9 Lack of fertilizer 0 Other 0 Causes of crop Soil erosion 83 productivity Fertility decline 76 decline Continuous cultivation 31 Rainfall shortage 11 Other 3 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 28 627 628 629 Table XII: Farmer conservation practices in the Debre Mewi watershed, Ethiopia. (Totals may exceed 100% due to multiple responses) Management options %, n=80 Cultural ditches 75 Soil bunds 61 Contour plowing 48 Waterways 13 Stone bunds 1 Grass strips 0 Others 0 630 631 29 632 Table XIII: Indicators of acceptance and adoption of SWC technologies Farmers’ response Options Yes No to: % % Indicators of Their knowledge of SWC measures 99 1 acceptance Effectiveness of SWC in arresting soil erosion 99 1 SWC have a potential to improve land 100 0 productivity Indicators of Plan to implement the new SWC tech. 99 1 adoption Plan to maintain the constructed structures 100 0 Farmers should be paid for constructing and 15 85 maintaining SWC in their farm 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 30 645 646 647 Table XIV: Farmers’ reasons for not adopting the newly introduced SWC measures (Totals may exceed 100% due to multiple responses) Options %, n = 80 Requires too much labor to implement 88 Decrease farm size and difficult to plow 19 Harbor mole-rats 11 Lack of knowledge 10 Land insecurity 5 Not considering erosion as a problem 0 Other (lack of technical support) 23 648 649 31