1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 "Short communication" Nitrogen availability from a mature urban compost determined by the 15N isotope dilution method E. Iglesias-Jiménez Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiología de Salamanca. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC). Cordel de Merinas 40-52. E-37008 Salamanca, Spain Phone: +34923219606 Fax: +34923219609 e-mail: emeterio@gugu.usal.es 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 "Short communication" 2 1 Nitrogen availability from a mature urban compost determined by the 15 2 N isotope dilution method 3 E. Iglesias-Jiménez 4 5 6 Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiología de Salamanca. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones 7 Científicas (CSIC). Cordel de Merinas 40-52, E-37008 Salamanca (Spain). 8 9 10 ABSTRACT 11 12 Land application of city refuse compost (CRC), produced from aerobic- 13 thermophilic composting of the organic fraction of municipal solid wastes, is an attractive 14 alternative for the disposal of these wastes, currently land-filled or incinerated. Knowledge 15 of the availability of N in compost is particularly important, given the current concern 16 about groundwater contamination by NO3--N. In this work we assessed the capacity of a 17 CRC with a high degree of maturity to supply N to a barley crop over 2 months in a 18 controlled-phytotron experiment. The CRC was applied at a rate equivalent to 60 t ha-1, 19 after incubation of the material (fraction < 2mm) for 3 months at 24 ºC (40-45 % 20 moisture). The soil (Eutric Cambisol) was labelled with 21 atom % 22 labelled soil in an important way; atom % 23 after 2 months was approximately 50% in the compost treatment with respect to the non- 24 amended soil (0.625 and 1.201 atom % 25 should not be considered as a poor-release N material when it has a high degree of 26 maturity, i.e. it is highly biologically stabilised and "humified". 15 15 N as (15NH4)2SO4 with 9.614 N excess. Available-N from CRC dilutes the isotopic 15 15 15 N/14N ratio of the N excess in the plant material (aerial part) N excess, respectively). Accordingly, CRC 27 28 29 30 31 Key words: compost, maturity degree, N-availability, 15N isotope dilution. 3 1 Composting of the organic fraction of municipal solid wastes for agronomic use is 2 rapidly increasing in certain developed countries as an alternative to the disposal of these 3 wastes, normally land-filled or incinerated. The physico-chemical and microbiological 4 properties as well as the effects of city refuse compost (CRC) on the soil-plant system 5 have been exhaustively studied (Gallardo-Lara and Nogales, 1987; He et al., 1992). The 6 CRC normally improves certain important physical and chemical soil properties as 7 porosity (fundamentally macroporosity), the water-holding capacity, the water-stability of 8 micro and macroaggregates, and the cation-exchange capacity. Similarly, mature CRC 9 releases nutrients gradually and improves the soil biological environment, i.e., normally 10 increases the soil microbiota, including rhizospheric microbiota, and above all it increases 11 certain important soil enzyme activities (Serra-Wittling et al., 1995). Moreover, mature 12 CRC also may increase the sorption of hydrophobic pesticides by the soil, avoiding 13 groundwater contamination (Iglesias-Jiménez et al., 1997) and may increase pesticide 14 degradation by stimulating microbial activity (Abdelhafid et al., 2000). Nevertheless, 15 negative effects have also been reported, normally associated with high concentrations of 16 heavy metals and the use of non-mature CRCs, i.e., not biologically stabilised and only 17 sparingly "humified" (Iglesias-Jiménez and García, 1989). 18 A wide range of results has been obtained in relation to the efficiency of composted 19 organic materials as a source of N for plants because N availability is closely related to the 20 degree of compost maturity (Bernal et al., 1998). Knowledge of the availability of N in 21 highly mature composts is particularly important, given the current concern with 22 groundwater contamination by NO3--N (Sims, 1990), and the scarcity of values reported 23 for N mineralisation from urban composts. 24 25 The aim of the present work was to evaluate the capacity of an highly mature CRC to supply N over 2 months to barley plants, using the 15 N isotope dilution method. 26 The CRC was from the treatment plant of municipal solid wastes at 27 "Valdemingómez" (Madrid, Spain) with an approximate bio-oxidative period of 30 days 28 and a 60-day complementary maturity process. A sample of the commercial CRC was air- 29 dried, passed through 2 mm sieve and analysed. The main chemical characteristics of the 30 CRC for the experiment are shown in Table 1. This CRC is only slightly matured (Iglesias- 31 Jiménez and García, 1992). To achieve a greater degree of maturity, sieved CRC was 32 maintained under conditions of incubation for 90 days with a 45-50% % moisture (w/v) at 33 24 ºC. The material was turned over periodically and vigorously mixed during the 4 1 incubation period. The final CRC sample used for the experiment had an intense black 2 colour with a 35% moisture, and a strong odour similar to that of "damp forest ground", 3 owing to the presence of geosmine, a secondary metabolite excreted by mesophilic 4 actinomycetes. These factors point to a high degree of maturity. 5 The experiment was conducted over 2 months in a controlled phytotron 6 environment (temperature 19/14 ºC day/night, relative humidity 80%) using pots 7 containing 3.5 kg of soil (fraction<2 mm, dry-weight basis). The soil (arenic, orthicalcic, 8 eutric Cambisol) was collected from the Ap horizon (0-20 cm) of an agricultural field from 9 "La Armuña" region (Salamanca, Spain). This soil contain 750 g kg-1 sand, 80 g kg-1 silt 10 and 170 g kg-1 clay, with pH (H2O): 7.4, organic C: 3.6 g kg-1, cation-exchange capacity: 11 12 cmolc kg-1, C/N: 8.6, labile (Olsen) P: 24 mg kg-1 and NH4OAc-extractable K: 453 mg 12 kg-1. 13 Two treatments were set up in a a complete-randomized block design: (i) the 14 control, unamended soil (0 CRC) and (ii) soil amended with 105 g CRC pot-1 (dry-weight 15 basis), equivalent to 60 t ha-1 (60 CRC), assuming 2000 t soil ha-1, with 3 replications. 16 The amended and non-amended soil samples were initially brought to a water 17 potential corresponding to field capacity (pF 2, 17 % moisture) by addition of distilled 18 water. The soil and soil+compost mixture was then maintained for 30 days in the phytotron 19 before sowing, to increase organic matter mineralization and humification. After 30 days, 20 35 mg N pot-1 (20 kg N ha-1 equivalent-rate) of 9.614 atom % 15N excess as (15NH4)2SO4 21 was uniformly sprayed as a 50-mL water solution onto the soil-surface of the pots. The 22 final moisture level was the field capacity. Also 17.5 mg P pot-1 (10 kg P ha-1 equivalent 23 rate) as KPO4H2 and 38.5 mg K pot-1 as K2SO4 were applied. 24 Twelve seeds of barley were planted per pot (Hordeum vulgare L. cv Plaixa). 25 Germination was completed in 7 days. After emergence, plants were thinned to eight 26 plants. The 6 pots were watered with distilled water to bring the soil moisture to a level 27 corresponding to 15% (slighly lower than field capacity). Soil moisture was measured 28 every 12 hours. 29 After 2 months the aerial phytomass was collected. For dry matter production 30 determinations the aerial part was dried at 80 ºC in a forced-draught cabinet oven to 31 constant weight. Dried plants were ground to powder in a stainless steel mill and stored for 32 chemical analysis. Prior to the analytical process, the ground samples were dried again at 33 105 ºC for 4 h. The N content was determined following a semimicro-Kjeldahl digestion 5 1 method. Analyses for 15N were carried out at least in triplicate. The technique employed to 2 determine 3 CHNS-O (Carlo Erba model 1108 analyser); after trapping the H2O and CO2 produced, a 4 sample of the resulting gases (mainly N2 and He carrier) was injected into an isotope ratio 5 mass spectrometer (Micromass, CF-Isochrom model) continuous flow system (EA-CF- 6 IRMS technique). Atom % 7 abundance (0.366 atom %). The analytical deviation (reproducibility) obtained (1 σ) 8 was +- 0.004 %. 9 15 N abundance entailed the combustion of the sample in an elemental analyser 15 N excess was calculated with reference to the natural An important dilution in the 15N/14N ratio occurred in the aerial part of barley with 15 10 the 60 CRC treatment (Table 2). Atom % 11 approximately 50% in the compost treatment with respect to unamended soil (0.625 and 12 1.201 atom % 15N excess, respectively). Thus, presumably the directly-available compost- 13 N decreased the 14 during the 2 months of the experimental period. N in the plant derived from the labelled 15 fertiliser (Ndff) was 12.5 % (control) and 6.5% (60 CRC), according to the expression 16 (Barraclough, 1991): 17 %Ndff = (atom % 15N excess in plant material / atom % 15N excess in fertiliser) x 100 15 N excess after 2 months was decreased by N/14N ratio of the soil solution as well as the mineralized compost-N 18 49.6 % of the N exported by the plant crop during the experimental period derived 19 from compost-N (Table 2). Thus, the CRC applied at a rate equivalent to 60 t ha-1 20 contributed relatively high amounts of available-N to the soil-plant system. Likewise, the 21 CRC significantly increases both the yield and plant-N concentration with respect to the 22 unamended soil (Table 2). 23 These observations agree with the results of the work published in 1993 (Iglesias- 24 Jiménez and Alvarez, 1993) indicating that CRC cannot be considered as a poor-release N 25 material when it has a high degree of maturity. NO3--N leaching and pollution of the 26 groundwater may occur if high doses of mature CRC are employed (>50 t ha -1) (Mamo et 27 al., 1999), but a high N-fertiliser value to crops can be attained with lower doses if a very 28 high maturity degree is reached in commercial composting plants. Normally, highly 29 matured composts increase crop yield and a net inorganic-N accumulation may occur in 30 the soil (Iglesias-Jiménez and Alvarez, 1993; Bernal et al., 1998). In contrast, immature 31 composts induce a considerable increase in soil microbiota to descompose the excess of 32 labile C compounds, potentially causing a strong immobilisation of native and added 6 1 available N, and consequently, N starvation and depressive effects on crop plants may 2 occur (Iglesias-Jiménez and García, 1989). 3 The increase in yield with respect to the control was very low, as was the value of 4 plant-N concentration (Table 2). In principle, these findings suggest that despite the 5 incubation of the compost, the degree of maturity is still low. By contrast, the explanation is 6 simpler: the substrate incorporated into the soil is highly matured and may be considered as a 7 "postmature compost", a term first proposed by Blanco and Almendros (1997) to explain the 8 results of a pot-experiment with straw-based compost using rye-grass, based on a time-series 9 design with analysis of available N and plant yield. The term "postmature compost" was 10 introduced to justify decreased in plant yields as regards preceding composting stages, 11 probably resulting from microbial immobilisation of available N, leading to suboptimum 12 yields that paralleled N-availability. Maximum yield was obtained after 20 days of 13 composting, after which yield decreased. That is, yield decreases with the rise in the degree of 14 maturity. If this should be a general phenomenon, the "favourable" maturity would not be 15 claimed as a time-dependent aging process, but as a "climax" stage followed by not 16 necessarily improving transformations. The "postmature compost" may be considered as a 17 slow-release N material to plants. However, as may be deduced from the results of Iglesias- 18 Jiménez and Alvarez (1993), and Bernal et al. (1998), and from the important isotopic 19 dilution observed here (Table 2), highly mature compost may not be considered as a poor- 20 release N material to the soil sensu stricto. Although both facts seem to be contradictory, there 21 is a simple explanation: "The pattern of N availability in highly mature compost is a positive 22 net mineralization but a partial biological immobilisation" (Iglesias-Jiménez and Alvarez, 23 1993). This behaviour is similar to the pattern of N availability in biologically active soils in 24 which there is a continuous immobilisation of inorganic N into organic phases and a 25 mineralisation of organic N into inorganic forms. This N-behaviour is therefore extremely 26 interesting for the conservation of N in agro-ecosystems and particularly important 27 considering the current concern about groundwater contamination by NO3--N. The concept 28 "postmature compost" is of great interest from an agronomic point of view and opens a wide 29 portal for investigation of the agronomic reuse of composted organic materials. It would be 30 interesting to see the agronomic use of this type of compost and investigate the most 31 appropriate physico-chemical and biological parameters for their generation at industrial scale 32 and to establish the optimum quality indices. 33 7 1 Acknowledgements 2 The author thanks Dr. Ramón Redondo (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 3 15 4 Laboratorio de Isótopos Estables) for the N analysis and Mr. Nicholas Skinner 5 (Universidad de Salamanca) for revising the English version of the manuscript. This 6 research was carried out in the framework of "Junta de Castilla-León" Project ECS05. 7 8 REFERENCES 9 10 Abdelhafid, R., Houot, S., Barriuso, E. 2000. Dependence of atrazine degradation on C and 11 N availability in adapted and non-adapted soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 32, 389- 12 401. 13 14 Barraclough, D., 1991. The use of mean pool abundances to interpret 15 experiments. I. Theory. 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Soil enzymatic response to addition of 17 municipal solid-waste compost. Biology and Fertility of Soils 20, 226-236. 18 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Table 1. Main characteristics of city refuse compost __________________________________________________________ pH (H20) 1:5 7.3 -1 Ash (g 100g dry matter) 53.6 Total organic C (g C kg-1 dry matter) 253 Oxidizable C (g C kg-1 dry matter) 218 Alkali-extractable C (g C kg-1 dry matter) 89 -1 Humic acid (HA)-like C (g C kg dry matter) 48 Fulvic acid (FA)-like C (g C kg-1 dry matter) 41 HA/FA ratio 1.2 C/N ratio 16.4 N content (g kg-1) 15.4 __________________________________________________________ 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Table 2. Yield, plant-N concentration and 15N enrichment in the aerial part of barley after 2 months in the phytotron experiment. The results correspond to each of the three replications (n=3). Yield -----------------------g pot-1 (dry-weight) -----------------------0 CRC 60 CRC 8.9 11.6 8.5 11.7 8.4 12.2 -----------------------Mean 8.6 11.8 SD 0.3 0.3 plant-N concentration -----------------------plant-N (mg N g-1) -----------------------0 CRC 60 CRC 15 11.1 15.8 11.0 15.5 10.3 16.2 -----------------------10.8 15.8 0.4 0.4 1.142 0.605 1.205 0.635 1.256 0.636 ------------------------1.201 0.625 0.057 0.018 N enrichment ------------------------atom % 15N excess ------------------------0 CRC 60 CRC 11 1