CARBON AND NITROGEN CYCLING IN CONSERVATION TILLAGE SYSTEMS Charles W. Rice Professor of Soil Microbiology Department of Agronomy Kansas State University Manhattan, KS 66506-5501 During the last 30 years there has been a conversion from moldboard plowing to conservation tillage systems. Plant residues left on the soil surface protect the soil from soil erosion. No-tillage is one practice of conservation tillage that minimizes soil disturbance and leaves all the residues on the soil surface. Conservation tillage systems also conserve soil water (Phillips et al., 1980; Unger and McCalla, 1980; Schertz, 1988). As a result of improved water resources, crop yields often increase with a reduction in tillage intensity (Blevins et al., 1984; Dick and Van Doren, 1985; Dick et al., 1991). However, reduction in tillage soil C and N, microbial activity and nutrient dynamics are altered (Carter and Rennie, 1982; Follett and Peterson, 1988; Carter, 1991; Salinas-Garcia et al., 1997). The change in C and N is partly attributed to a change in the microbial environment. Maintaining residues on the surface modifies the soil environment for the soil microorganisms (Doran, 1980). Physical Environment To understand how various tillage systems affect C and N dynamics it is necessary to consider the changes in the physical properties of the soil. These changes are summarized in Table 1. Thermal insulation by surface mulch reduces the fluctuations in temperatures at the soil surface. The mulch decreases the maxim soil temperature. In cooler climates this reduction in soil temperature may slow microbial activity, but in tropical environments a reduction in temperatures may be beneficial to soil organisms. Conservation tillage, particularly no-tillage, usually results in greater soil water contents as a result of reduce evaporation and increased infiltration (Phillips et al., 1980). Under drought conditions, higher soil water is beneficial to crops and microorganisms. However under wet conditions, the soil may become prone to anaerobic conditions, which may slow decomposition and increase N loss. Another physical property affected by tillage systems is bulk density. Higher bulk densities commonly observed in conservation tillage systems affect water infiltration and aeration. The change in soil aeration will alter microbial activity. Organic Carbon Reducing tillage intensity can slow or prevent the loss of organic C in the soil (Dick, 1983; Havlin et al., 1990; Kern and Johnson, 1993). In continuous notillage systems, plant residues from the previous crops accumulate on the soil surface. The lack of tillage results in redistribution and greater accumulation in no-tillage soils. For soils previously cultivated, soil organic matter levels increase when converted to no-tillage (Gilliam and Hoyt, 1987). Soils originating from grass generally show a slower decline in soil organic matter with no-tillage compared with tilled soils (Blevins et al., 1983; Bauer and Black, 1981; Rice et al., 1986). Research in Kansas has shown no-tillage can increase soil organic matter by xx % (Havlin et al., 1990). After 5 y, no-till maize resulted in 15% increase in soil organic C in the surface 5 cm with no differences below 5 cm (Fig. 1). (Espinoza et al., 1998). After 34y of crop rotation and tillage, Dick and Durkalski (1997) measured soil organic C and N in the upper 60 cm of the soil profile was significant between systems (Fig. 2). There was a significant interaction between tillage and rotation both for C (P>0.06) and N (P> 0.03). These results are consistent with other studies (Blevins et al., 1977; Havlin et al., 1990; Franzluebbers et al., 1995). Conservation management systems, such as no-tillage, also increase the size of the active fractions of soil organic matter (Rice et al., 1986; Franzluebbers et al., 1995; Salinas-Garcia, 1997). After 5 y of tillage treatments we have not detected increases on the active fraction of soil organic C (Espinoza et al., 1998). However the microbial biomass had increased by 25 % with no-till compared with chisel/disk. Organic Nitrogen As with organic C, organic N in the soil increases with a reduction in tillage intensity (REF). In our 5 y study with tillage and N source, no-tillage resulted in a significant (P>0.05) increase in soil organic N in the surface 5 cm compared with chisel/disk (Espinoza, 1997) (Fig. 3). There were no significant differences below 5 cm between tillage systems. Microbial biomass N was 30% greater (P>0.05) under no-till compared with chisel/disk. Microbial Transformations of Nitrogen Immobilization The build up of organic of organic C and N in conservation tillage systems can impact plant N availability. The redistribution of plant residues in no-tillage results in higher C:N ratio of organic matter at the surface. Surface applied N fertilizers may show significant N immobilization (Table 2) (Rice and Smith, 1984). For maize with a rye cover crop, immobilization may be as much as 41% compared with 11% for tilled soils Rice and Smith, 1984). In fact N immobilization may be a greater significance than N lost be denitrification and leaching in determining N availability. Mineralization The increase of soil organic N in conservation tillage systems my lead to an improved N supplying capacity of the soil. In one study, after 10 y, increase organic N in no-tillage resulted in that N mineralization was greater than with full tillage (Fig. 4) (Rice et al., 1986). Nitrogen mineralization is dependent on soil water and drainage of the soil. Rice et al. (1987) reported greater mineralization from no-tillage in well-drained soils. As drainage decreased plowing the soil increase N mineralization relative to no-tillage (Table 3). Added organic N as cover crops or manure can increase the amount of N mineralized. Several studies have shown the value of cover crops, particularly legumes, for supplying N to a subsequent grain crop (Ebelhar et al., 1984; Varco et al., 1993). Manure also can be a source of N. Manure in combination with notillage resulted in a significant increase in potential and actual N mineralization (Table 4). Denitrification Denitrification has been extensively studies in conservation tillage systems. The higher soil water contents in no-tillage soils provide conditions conducive for denitrification. Numbers of denitrifiers and its potential activity are greater in notill soils compared with tilled soil (Doran, 1980, Rice and Smith, 1982, Madison et al., 1994, Kocyigit, 1998). (Fig. 5). However, in semi-arid environments, actual losses of N due to conservation tillage are likely to be minimal (Madison et al., 1994). In summary, conservation tillage systems result in increased levels of soil organic C and N. This improves the quality of the soil by positive impacts on soil physical, chemical and biological properties. Reduction in tillage intensity can increased sequestration of atmospheric CO2. However increased soil C the associated microbial activity can change N availability. However with proper N management, crop N availability can be maintained and even increased as the productive capacity of the soil improves. References Bauer, A., and A.L. Black. 1981. Soil carbon, nitrogen and bulk density comparisons in two cropland tillage systems after 25 years and in virgin grassland. 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