
MECH 337
Control Volume Energy Analysis
Class Notes - Page: 1
Text Reading: Ch.4
Technical Objectives:
Write down the conservation of mass for a control volume.
Write down (and explain every term) in the equation for the First Law of Thermodynamics
for a control volume.
Apply the First Law and the conservation of mass to the analysis of engineering devices
such as nozzles, turbines, compressors and heat exchangers.
HW (Due Date: ___________________):
4.12, 4.16, 4.26, 4.30, 4.40, 4.43, 4.60, 4.67, 4.75, 4.79, 4.82, 4.84
1. Control Volume Analysis
For the past 2 chapters, we have been concerned only with closed systems, which could
exchange heat and work with the surroundings, but not mass.
An open system is a system that exchanges mass (as well as heat and work) with the
surroundings. Open systems are analyzed using control volume analysis. Consider once again
the AbioCorTM implantable replacement heart:
Actual System
Control Volume Analysis
2. Conservation of Mass
In the artificial heart above, blood flows in and out, and blood can, in principle accumulate within
the heart. The conservation of mass for a control volume keeps track of the amount of mass
that flows in and out of a control volume. In words, the conservation of mass says:
MECH 337
Control Volume Energy Analysis
Class Notes - Page: 2
Text Reading: Ch.4
Mathematically, the conservation of mass can be written as follows:
 is a mass flow rate in [kg/s] or [lbm/s].
where m
In many engineering systems of interest, there is only one inlet and one exit. In this case,
equation (4.2) reduces to the following:
Evaluating Mass Flow Rate Given Velocity
Often, in engineering practice, we are given an average velocity and we need to calculate the
mass flow rate. Consider the blood flowing through the aorta as it exits the artificial heart:
The mass flow rate can be calculated as follows:
where A is the cross sectional area [m2], v is the velocity [m/s] and  is the density [kg/m3].
Volume Flow Rate
For the same conditions, the volume flow rate [m3/s] can be evaluated as follows:
Note: The above equations assume that velocity does not vary over the area. Is this a good
Substituting (4.4b) into (4.1) yields the following formulation for the conservation of mass:
MECH 337
Control Volume Energy Analysis
Class Notes - Page: 3
Text Reading: Ch.4
Conservation of Mass at Steady State
By definition, once a system is at steady state, the entire system is no longer changing with
time. For a control volume at steady state, the conservation of mass reduces to:
Equation 4.6a has to be true. Consider, for example, the artificial heart above. What would
i  m
happen to the artificial heart if
Example 4.1. Steady state application of the conservation of mass for a control volume.
Known: A feedwater heater operates at steady state with two inlets and one outlet. Steam
enters inlet 1 at 700 kPa, 200°C with a mass flow rate of 40 kg/s. Liquid water enters at inlet 2
at 700 kPa, 40°C through an inlet area of .0025 m2. Saturated liquid at 700kPa exits at location
3 with a volume flow rate of .06 m3/s.
Find: a) The mass flow rate at inlet 2 and the exit in kg/s. B) The velocity at inlet 2 in m/s.
Schematic Diagram and Given Data:
State 1
Engineering Model:
State 2
MECH 337
Control Volume Energy Analysis
Class Notes - Page: 4
Text Reading: Ch.4
3. The Conservation of Energy for Control Volumes
Consider again the artificial heart:
 , which cross the system boundary just as they did for a closed system,
 and W
In addition to Q
the mass that flows through the control surface carries along its own energy!
This energy is in the form of internal energy, potential energy and kinetic energy:
In addition to carrying along its own energy, the mass flow also does P-V work on the system
boundary. This phenomena is called flow work:
 , flow energy and flow work, we can now formulate the conservation
, W
Taking into account Q
of energy for an open system:
(in words)
MECH 337
Control Volume Energy Analysis
Class Notes - Page: 5
Text Reading: Ch.4
Recognizing that u + Pv = h, we can substitute in for enthalpy. The above equation becomes:
This is the conservation of energy (i.e. First Law of Thermo) for an open system (control volume).
Steady State
Equation (4.15) is the most general form of the conservation of energy for a control volume. For
systems at steady state the equation becomes:
For systems at steady state, with only one inlet and one outlet:
 , yields the steady state conservation of energy for a
Substituting into (4.18), and dividing by m
single inlet/outlet:
4. Applications of the Steady State Conservation of Energy Equation
There are many engineering systems that can be modeled as control volumes using the steady
state conservation of energy equation. Examples of such systems are: nozzles, diffusers,
throttle valves, compressors, pumps, turbines, etc. Some of these systems are modeled here.
MECH 337
Control Volume Energy Analysis
Class Notes - Page: 6
Text Reading: Ch.4
4.1 Nozzles and Diffusers
Nozzles and diffusers are devices that accelerate or decelerate a flow. A nozzle, for example,
converts internal energy (random kinetic energy) into a high bulk velocity (directed kinetic
energy. Consider the nozzle for the space shuttle main engine (SSME):
Note: A diffuser can be analyzed in an identical manner as the nozzle, but in the case of a
diffuser, the flow slows down.
4.2 Turbines
A turbine is a device that extracts useful work from a high velocity fluid such as a gas (i.e. a gas
turbine) or a two phase mixture (i.e. a steam turbine).
MECH 337
Control Volume Energy Analysis
Class Notes - Page: 7
Text Reading: Ch.4
4.3 Compressors and Pumps
A compressor or pump is a device in which work is input to increase the pressure of a fluid.
4.4 Throttling Devices
Throttling devices are devices that are used to drop the pressure of fluid.
4. 5 Heat Exchangers
Heat exchangers are devices that are used to transfer heat from one fluid to another. Common
types of devices include direct contact heat exchangers, counter flow heat exchangers, etc.
Direct Contact Heat Exchanger
Counter Flow Heat Exchanger
MECH 337
Control Volume Energy Analysis
Class Notes - Page: 8
Text Reading: Ch.4
Example 4.2. Nozzle
Known: A well insulated nozzle operates at steady state with air entering at a pressure of 2
MPa, a temperature of 500 K and a velocity of 100 m/s. Air exits the nozzle at a pressure of
800 kPa and a temperature of 300 K.
Find: The ratio of exit area to inlet area.
Schematic Diagram and Given Data:
Engineering Model:
MECH 337
Control Volume Energy Analysis
Class Notes - Page: 9
Text Reading: Ch.4
Example 4.3. Steam Turbine
Known: Steam enters a well-insulated turbine operating at steady state with negligible velocity
at 4 MPa, 320 °C. The steam expands to an exit pressure of 0.07 MPa, a specific volume of
2.19 m3/kg, and a velocity of 90 m/s. The diameter of the exit is 0.6 m.
Find: The power developed by the turbine in kW.
Schematic Diagram and Given Data:
Engineering Model:
MECH 337
Control Volume Energy Analysis
Class Notes - Page: 10
Text Reading: Ch.4
Example 4.4. Gas Turbine
Known: Air expands through a gas turbine operating at steady state. At the inlet, p1 = 150 psia,
T1 = 1500 °R. At the exit, P2 = 14.5 psia. The volumetric flow rate of air entering the turbine is
3000 ft3/min and the power developed by the gas turbine is 3400 hp.
Find: The exit temperature in K.
Schematic Diagram and Given Data:
Engineering Model:
MECH 337
Control Volume Energy Analysis
Class Notes - Page: 11
Text Reading: Ch.4
Example 4.5. Compressor
Known: An R22 scroll compressor operates at steady state with an inlet pressure of 90 psia
and an inlet temperature of 65 F. The exit pressure and temperature are 300 psia and 204 F.
The mass flow rate is 526 lb/hr. The compressor power is measured at 3360 W.
Find: The rate of heat transfer from the compressor in W.
Schematic Diagram and Given Data:
Engineering Model:
MECH 337
Control Volume Energy Analysis
Class Notes - Page: 12
Text Reading: Ch.4
Example 4.6. Pump
Known: The human heart delivers blood at a volumetric flow rate of approximately 5 liters/min.
The pressure rise through the heart is approximately 120 mm Hg. Assume that the heart
operates adiabatically.
Find: The power required to pump blood through the human body in W.
Schematic Diagram and Given Data:
Engineering Model: