Unit 2 block D

Year 1 Block D - Calculating, measuring and understanding shape Unit 2
Assessment for learning
End-of-year expectations (key objectives) are highlighted
Children's learning outcomes in italic
I can add up and take away when I measure
Which of these: containers holds the most water? ribbons is the
longest? packages is the heaviest?
How do you know? How could you check?
Look at the five paper strips. Put all your five strips in order, from
longest to shortest.
Now put your longest strip on its own on the table. Find two strips
which, put together, are the same length as your longest strip.
Show me how to find half of this strip of paper. How do you know it
is exactly half?
Relate addition to counting on; recognise that addition
can be done in any order; use practical and informal written
methods to support the addition of a one-digit number or a
multiple of 10 to a one-digit or two-digit number
I can buy two toys and work out how much they cost altogether
How did you work out how much they cost altogether?
Does it cost more if I buy them in a different order?
Make up a question using the words 'sum of' and tell me how to do
Tell me some addition questions that have 20p as an answer.
Understand subtraction as 'take away' and find a
'difference' by counting up; use practical and informal written
methods to support the subtraction of a one-digit number from a
one-digit or two-digit number and a multiple of 10 from a two-digit
I can work out how much I have left from 20p when I buy a toy
How did you work out how much you had left?
Make up a 'take away' question and show me how to do it.
Tell me some subtraction questions that have 10p as an answer.
Visualise and use everyday language to describe the
position of objects and direction and distance when moving them,
for example when placing or moving objects on a game board
I can tell my partner where to place their cubes to make the same
shape as mine
I can follow instructions to make the same shape as my partner
Turn the hands of this clock so that it shows 4 o'clock.
Who took the shortest time to ...?
Estimate, measure, weigh and compare objects,
choosing and using suitable uniform non-standard or standard
units and measuring instruments (e.g. a lever balance, metre
stick or measuring jug)
Is this stick longer or shorter than this straw? How do you know?
Is the red parcel heavier than this other one? How do you know?
Does this container hold more than this other one? How do you
Which of these three containers holds the most water? How do you
know? How could you check?
Which of these objects are sensible to use for measuring? Why?
What sort of measuring could you use them for?
Would it be fair to measure with ...? Why or why not?
Estimate how many art-straws will fit across this table. How many of
the long paintbrushes will fit across the table? Why do you think that
there will be fewer paintbrushes?
Solve problems involving counting, adding, subtracting,
doubling or halving in the context of numbers, measures or
money, for example to 'pay' and 'give change'
I can guess how many jugs of water I will put into the bowl to fill it
I can use the red weights to balance a parcel
Use vocabulary related to time; order days of the week
and months; read the time to the hour and half hour
I know that it is 3 o'clock when the big hand points to the 12 and
the small hand points to the 3
Turn the hands of this clock so that it shows 4 o'clock.
Who took the shortest time to ...?
Identify objects that turn about a point (e.g. scissors) or
about a line (e.g. a door); recognise and make whole, half and
quarter turns
I know how to turn right and to turn left
Which of these shapes will roll in a straight line? Which will roll in a
curved line?
Follow my instructions to get through the maze. Move forwards, turn
left, go straight on, turn the corner, ...
Experiment with and build new stores of words to
communicate in different contexts
I can use words that describe position and direction
Michelle and Solomon are going to take the register to the school
office. Give them instructions to tell them how to get there. Use
words like forwards, left, right, ...
Year 2 Block D - Calculating, measuring and understanding shape Unit 2
Objectives End-of-year expectations (key objectives) are
highlighted. Children's learning outcomes in italic
Assessment for learning
Solve problems involving addition, subtraction,
multiplication or division in contexts of numbers, measures or
pounds and pence
Choose three of these numbers: 14, 15, 16, 17. Add them up. What different
totals can you make?
Using coins if necessary, show me how to find the total of 29p and 36p.
Solve these problems. What calculations are needed? How did you decide?
These beads weigh 2 kg. What would a quarter of them weigh?
Susan bought three chocolate bars at 15p each. How much change from
50p did she get?
Jo has three 20p and two 15p stamps. What values can he make using one
or more of the stamps?
How many different ways can you find to pay 50p using only silver coins?
A week has 7 days. How many weeks are there in 35 days?
I can decide what calculation to do to solve a problem
Add or subtract mentally a one-digit number or a
multiple of 10 to or from any two-digit number; use practical and
informal written methods to add and subtract two-digit numbers
I can add and subtract some numbers in my head
I can add and subtract bigger numbers using practical equipment
or written notes to help me
What is 37 50? How did you work this out?
Find the answer for each of these.
36 29
30 - 15
25 10 9
Explain how you worked out your answers.
Estimate, compare and measure lengths, weights and
capacities, choosing and using standard units (m, cm, kg, litre)
and suitable measuring instruments
How long is a line 3 cm longer than this [4 cm] line? Use a ruler.
How long do you think this crayon is? Tell me what you do to help you
Use this 10 cm strip to estimate the width of your table. Now use the tape
measure to measure it. How close were you?
Point out something that you think is about two metres away from you. Ten
metres away?
Find something that is about 50 cm long.
Think of something that would be better measured in metres rather than
centimetres. Explain why.
Choose a word from the box to finish each sentence.
I can measure the length of the classroom in...
I can measure the capacity of a bucket in...
I can estimate length in centimetres
I can estimate length in metres
I can decide whether it is better to use centimetres or metres for
measuring different lengths
Read the numbered divisions on a scale and interpret
the divisions between them (e.g. on a scale from 0 to 25 with
intervals of 1 shown but only the divisions 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20
numbered); use a ruler to draw and measure lines to the nearest
I can use a ruler or metre rule to measure how long something is
I can read numbers on a scale and can work out the numbers
between them
Use units of time (seconds, minutes, hours, days) and
know the relationships between them; read the time to the
quarter hour; identify time intervals, including those that cross the
I know that one hour is the same as 60 minutes
I can tell the time when it is quarter past, half past or quarter to
the hour
I know that a quarter past three is the same time as three fifteen
How do you work out the numbers between the ones that are shown on the
If this scale continued, what other numbers would be marked?
Here is a ruler [marked in centimetres] and here are some lines [measuring
for example 8 cm, 15 cm]. Tell me how you would
measure the lines using the ruler.
How heavy is Peter?
Some children rolled
toy cars down a
slope. How far did the blue car roll? How
much further did the green car roll than
the red car? Estimate how far the yellow
car rolled.
How many minutes are there in one hour?
Reading takes 20 minutes, and playing takes 40 minutes. Think of some
more pairs of activities to make up one hour.
Turn the hands of this clock so that it shows a quarter past 4. What time will
it show in half an hour's time?
Who took the shortest time to...?
Anya went into the library at a quarter to eleven and came out at a quarter
past twelve. How long was she in the library?
Jane left home at ten fifteen. It took her half an hour to get to the seaside. At
what time did Jane get to the seaside?
The bus left at 9 o'clock to go to the zoo. It arrived 1 hour and 15 minutes
later. Draw a ring around the time it got to the zoo.
9:15 11:15 9:30 10:45
Recognise and use whole, half and quarter turns, both
clockwise and anticlockwise; know that a right angle represents a
quarter turn
In PE I can turn on the spot through whole, half or quarter turns,
either clockwise or anticlockwise
Turn this picture half a turn clockwise. Now turn the picture a quarter turn
anticlockwise. How can we get it back to where it started from? Is there any
other way?
Look at this picture. Close your eyes while I turn it. Now open your eyes.
What did I do? Are you sure? How could you check?
Follow and give instructions involving position, direction
and movement
I can make a floor robot follow a path marked out on the floor
I can estimate the number of robot steps that the robot must take
to reach the traffic cone
How could you make the robot come back to its starting point? What
instructions would you give? The robot went too far/hasn't gone far enough.
What do we need to change in our instructions? Roughly, how many
centimetres is one robot step? How can we find out?
Listen to others in class, ask relevant questions and
follow instructions
I can listen to others and ask them questions about their work
Listen while these children explain how they tackled a problem. What
questions would you like to ask them?
Year 3 Block D - Calculating, measuring and understanding shape Unit 2
End-of-year expectations (key objectives) are highlighted
Children's learning outcomes in italic
Assessment for learning
Represent the information in a puzzle or problem using
numbers, images or diagrams; use these to find a solution and
present it in context, where appropriate using .p notation or units of
What did you write down to help you answer this problem?
Look at this problem.
Two snakes are 56 cm and 83 cm long. What is the difference in their
Draw a picture that will help you to solve the problem. What part of your
picture shows the difference?
Becky has three 1 coins and four 1p coins in her purse. Write down the
amount of money she has altogether.
I can draw a picture, make jottings or write calculations to help me
answer a problem
Add or subtract mentally combinations of one-digit and twodigit numbers
I can add or subtract two 2-digit numbers
I know how to find the difference between two 2-digit numbers
A 95 g orange is placed in some balance scales. There is 35 g in the
other pan. How much needs to be added to the 35 g so that the scales
balance? How did you work this out?
The difference between the heights of two children is 37 cm. What could
their heights be? Are your suggestions reasonable? Roughly how old do
you think the children would be?
Find the different totals you can make by adding pairs of these numbers:
47 50, 8 29
Choose two calculations where you used a different strategy to find the
total. Explain why you chose different strategies.
Develop and use written methods to record, support or
explain addition and subtraction of two-digit and three-digit numbers
I can record how I work out an addition or subtraction calculation
showing each step
Find the total cost of a book costing 2.50 and a comic costing 99p. Jot
down your method showing each step.
Bill records these steps to work out a calculation:
263 40 223 223 5 218
What calculation did he work out?
Use practical and informal written methods to multiply and
divide two-digit numbers (e.g. 13 3, 50 4); round remainders up
or down, depending on the context
I can multiply a 'teen' number by a one-digit number
I can divide a two-digit number by a one-digit number
A square pool has sides 12 m long. If you walked around the edge of it,
how far would you walk?
What calculation did you do? How did you work it out?
Altogether the four sides of a square picture frame are 60 cm long. How
long is each side? What calculation did you do? How did you work it
What two multiplication facts could you use to work out 13 3?
Find unit fractions of numbers and quantities (e.g.
of 12 litres)
Milly has a 100 ml bottle of medicine. She takes one fifth of the medicine
each day. How many days does she take the medicine for? How much
medicine does she take each day? What calculation did you do to work
this out?
John has a 120 g bar of chocolate. He cuts it into six equal pieces. How
much does each piece weigh? What fraction of the bar is this?
I can use division to find
of a measurement
Draw and complete shapes with reflective symmetry; draw
the reflection of a shape in a mirror line along one side
Draw the reflection of this shape in the mirror line.
I can reflect a shape in one of its sides
A letter d is reflected in its straight side. Its reflection is a different letter.
Which one?
Read and record the vocabulary of position, direction and
movement, using the four compass directions to describe movement
about a grid
If you stand facing north, then make a half turn, what direction would you
be facing?
Give instructions to draw the route below. Use the direction words:
north, south, east and west. Give the exact length of each line.
I can follow and give instructions to make turns
Use a set-square to draw right angles and to identify right
angles in 2-D shapes; compare angles with a right angle; recognise
that a straight line is equivalent to two right angles
I can identify right angles in shapes and use a set-square to check
Know the relationships between kilometres and metres,
metres and centimetres, kilograms and grams, litres and millilitres;
choose and use appropriate units to estimate, measure and record
I know how many cm make 1 metre and how many metres make 1
km. I can decide whether a length would be measured in
centimetres, metres or kilometres
A bench is 2 metres and 40 centimetres long. How many centimetres is
this? Explain how you worked this out.
How many 100 m runs would you need to do to run a total of 1 km?
What calculation did you to work this out?
Suggest an object whose length would be measured in metres. What
about centimetres? And millimetres?
Match the measurement to the appropriate unit: kg, ml, km
the amount of water in a cup, the length of a road, the weight of a dog
Explain a process or present information, ensuring items
are clearly sequenced, relevant details are included and accounts
ended effectively
I can give and follow instructions to make turns
Make a compass with a card arrow and a split pin. Label it north, south,
east and west.
Write instructions such as: Start with the arrow facing north. Turn it three
right angles clockwise. Decide which direction the arrow will end up
facing. Swap instructions with someone else. Compare your results. Did
you agree where the arrow would end up? If not, what error did you
Use a set-square and a ruler to draw a square with
sides of 12 cm.
How many right angles are there in this pentagon? How
could you check?
Year 4 Block D - Calculating, measuring and understanding shape Unit 2
Objectives End-of-year expectations (key objectives) are highlighted Assessment for learning
Children's learning outcomes in italic
Solve one-step and two-step problems involving numbers,
money or measures, including time; choose and carry out appropriate
calculations, using calculator methods where appropriate
I can work out how to solve problems with one or two steps
I can solve problems involving measures and time
I can choose what calculation to work out and I can decide whether a
calculator will help me
Refine and use efficient written methods to add and subtract
two-digit and three-digit whole numbers and .p
I can add and subtract a two-digit and a three-digit number using an
efficient written method
Derive and recall multiplication facts up to 10 10, the
corresponding division facts and multiples of numbers to 10 up to the
tenth multiple
I know my tables to 10
A piece of rope 204 cm long is cut into 4 equal pieces. Which of these
gives the length of each piece in centimetres?
A. 204 4, B. 204 4, C. 204 - 4, D. 204 4
How did you know whether to add, subtract, multiply or divide? What
clues did you look for in the problem? What are the important things to
remember when you solve a word problem?
Look at this problem: Jenny can walk 103 metres in 1 minute.
How far can she walk in 2 minutes? Explain what you should do to get
your answer. Show me how to record any calculations you need to do
to solve the problem.
Sunil is 138 cm tall. His younger brother is 47 cm shorter.
How tall is Sunil's brother?
Mary drove 58 km to Andover. She then drove 238 km to Cambridge.
How far did Mary drive altogether?
Show me the calculations that you did to solve these problems. Is
there a more efficient way to do them?
Look at these number sentences. What number goes in the box? How
do you know?
7 35 9
What numbers are missing?
If 7 9 63, what is 63 7? What other facts do you know?
If I multiply a number by 8 and then divide the answer by 8, what
Develop and use written methods to record, support and
explain multiplication and division of two-digit numbers by a one-digit
number, including division with remainders (e.g. 15 9, 98 6)
I can record how to multiply and divide a two-digit number by a onedigit number
One length of the swimming pool is 25 metres. Jane swims 5 lengths
of the pool. How far does Jane swim altogether?
Kiz swims 225 metres in the pool. How many lengths does he swim?
Explain how you solved these problems. Could you have done them
Draw rectangles and measure and calculate their perimeters;
find the area of rectilinear shapes drawn on a square grid by counting
I can draw a rectangle and work out its perimeter
The perimeter of a square is 28 cm. What is the length of one side?
Use centimetre squared paper to draw different rectangles with a
perimeter of 28 cm.
Draw different rectangles with an area of 12 cm 2.
Know that angles are measured in degrees and that one
whole turn is 360 ; compare and order angles less than 180
I know that angles are measured in degrees
I know that a whole turn is 360 degrees or four right angles
Recognise horizontal and vertical lines; use the eight
compass points to describe direction; describe and identify the position
of a square on a grid of squares
I can use the eight compass points
I can give directions, follow directions and say how good someone
else's directions are
Use decimal notation for tenths and hundredths and partition
decimals; relate the notation to money and measurement; position oneplace and two-place decimals on a number line
I can write lengths like 5 metres and 62 centimetres using decimal
Choose and use standard metric units and their abbreviations
when estimating, measuring and recording length, weight and capacity;
know the meaning of 'kilo', 'centi' and 'milli' and, where appropriate, use
decimal notation to record measurements
(e.g. 1.35 m or 0.6 kg)
I can estimate and measure a length using metres, centimetres or
I know the relationships between metres, centimetres and millimetres
Tell me an angle that is bigger
than one right angle and smaller
than two right angles.
Two of these angles are the same
size. Put rings around the two
angles which are the same size.
Draw an angle which is bigger than
a right angle.
Kelly is facing north. She turns clockwise through
3 right angles. Which direction is she facing now?
Aled is facing north-west. He turns clockwise
through 2 right angles. Which direction is he
facing now?
Tell me what the digit 7 represents in each of these amounts:
7.35 m, 0.37 m, 2.7 cm.
Which is larger: 239 cm or 2.93 m? Why?
Put these in order: 0.56 m, 125 cm, 3.6 m. Which is the smallest? How
do you know? Which is the largest? How do you know? What length
comes next: 1.76 m, 1.86 m, 1.96 m, ...?
Estimate the height of the door. The width of your table.
Tick ( ) the correct box. The length of a banana is about...
2 cm
20 cm
200 cm
2000 cm
What unit would you use to measure the length of the River Thames?
The length of a drinking straw?
Look at these cards. They have lengths in kilometres, metres,
centimetres or millimetres.
1000 m, 2 km, 3 cm,
m, 4.5 m, 40 cm, 5 cm, 400 mm
Put the cards in order from the smallest to the largest. How did you
order the cards? Why did you put this measurement here? Were any
of the measurements hard to order? Why?
Can you tell me another way to say or write 2 km? 4 m? 5 cm?
Interpret intervals and divisions on partially numbered scales
and record readings accurately, where appropriate to the nearest tenth
of a unit I can use a measuring tape, metre stick or ruler to measure a
length accurately
Explain to someone else how to measure the length of
a line that is between 4 cm and 5 cm long.
Measure accurately the length of the diagonal of this
square. Give your answer in centimetres.
Take different roles in groups and use the language
appropriate to them, including roles of leader, reporter, scribe and
mentor I can play the role of ... in group work. I can work as a member
of a group to decide how to measure and record capacity
Discuss in your group how to find out which of these six containers
holds the most water. I would like ... to be the group leader, ... to take
notes and ... to draw any diagrams that you need.
Tell me about the contribution you made to the group work.
Year 5 Block D - Calculating, measuring and understanding shape Unit 2 (page 1 of 2)
Assessment for learning
End-of-year expectations (key objectives) are highlighted
Children's learning outcomes in italic
Solve one-step and two-step problems involving whole
numbers and decimals and all four operations, choosing and
using appropriate calculation strategies, including calculator
I can decide what calculations to do to solve a problem and
how to do them (mental methods, jottings, written methods,
Use knowledge of rounding, place value, number facts
and inverse operations to estimate and check calculations
I can use rounding to estimate and check calculations
Use understanding of place value to multiply and
divide whole numbers and decimals by 10, 100 or 1000
I can multiply and divide whole numbers by 10, 100 and 1000
Use efficient written methods to add and subtract
whole numbers and decimals with up to two places
I can add and subtract whole numbers and decimals with two
places in columns
Refine and use efficient written methods to multiply
and divide HTU U, TU TU, U.t U and HTU U
I can use an efficient method to multiply HTU by U and TU by
Use a calculator to solve problems, including those
involving decimals or fractions (e.g. to find of 150g); interpret
the display correctly in the context of measurement
I can use a calculator to solve weight problems involving
The answer is 15.4kg. What was theb question?
Solve these problems:
A spoonful is 5ml. How many spoonfuls can you get from a bottle that
holds one quarter of a litre?
A tin of baked beans weighs 400 grams.
How many grams less than 1 kilogram is this?
Did you have to change any of the information to help you solve the
problem, e.g. convert units of measurement?
Did you need to use the calculator to solve the problem? What key
sequence did you use?
Roughly, what will the answer to this calculation be? How did you arrive
at that estimate? Do you expect your answer to be greater or less than
your estimate? Why?
How do you know that this calculation is probably right? Could you check
it a different way?
This answer is wrong. How can I tell?
Find two different ways to check the accuracy of this answer.
Tell me a quick way of multiplying a number by 10. By 100.
Tell me a quick way of dividing a number by 10. By 100.
Explain what happens to the digits when you multiply or divide a whole
number by 1000. What do you notice about the digits in your answer?
How many times larger than 60 is 600?
What tips would you give to someone to help with column addition of
decimals? What about subtraction?
Show me your method for solving these problems:
Three parcels weigh 785g, 55g and 0.25kg. How much do they weigh
altogether? I had 0.6kg of sugar. I have 247g left after I make a cake.
How much sugar did I use?
How would you solve these problems?
I have 9 parcels each weighing 346g. How much do they weigh
72 boxes of dog food weigh 38kg each. How much do they weigh
What key presses would you make on a calculator to work out 14.6 4
Explain how to use your calculator to solve these problems. What key
sequences will you use?
I use 1375g of sugar to make 5 cakes. How much sugar do I need for 1
cake? For 3 cakes?
There are 75g of rice in a portion. How many portions are there in a 3 kg
bag of rice? How will you check your answers to the problems?
Read and plot coordinates in the first quadrant;
recognise parallel and perpendicular lines in grids and shapes;
use a set-square and ruler to draw shapes with perpendicular
or parallel sides
I can recognise parallel and perpendicular lines in shapes and
in the environment
Give an example of parallel lines in everyday life. How can you recognise
them? What about perpendicular lines?
Points A (3, 4) and B (3, 7) are joined by a straight line. Plot the
coordinates of two points C and D so that line CD is parallel to AB.
Now plot two points E and F so that line EF is perpendicular to AB.
Estimate, draw and measure acute and obtuse angles
using an angle measurer or protractor to a suitable degree of
accuracy; calculate angles in a straight line
Look at these angles.
I can estimate and measure angles less than 180
I can recognise acute, obtuse and right angles
Which of them are acute angles? Which are obtuse angles?
Estimate the size of each of the angles.
Now use your protractor to measure the angles to the nearest 5 degrees.
Read, choose, use and record standard metric units to
estimate and measure length, weight and capacity to a suitable
degree of accuracy(e.g. the nearest centimetre); convert larger
to smaller units using decimals to one place (e.g. change 2.6kg
to 2600g)
I can choose and use a suitable metric unit to estimate and
measure weight
I can use benchmarks to help me to estimate weight
I know how many grams there are in a kilogram
How do I write 6 kilograms 400 grams as a decimal? What about 9
kilograms 50 grams?
Tell me an example of something you would measure in kilograms. What
about grams?
What unit of measurement would use for weighing a tomato? yourself?
Circle one amount each time to make these sentences correct.
The distance from London to Manchester is about: 320cm 320m 320km
A tea cup is likely to hold about: 15ml 150ml 150l
A hen's egg is likely to weigh about: 6g 60g 600g
Year 5 Block D - Calculating, measuring and understanding shape Unit 2 (page 1 of 2)
What is the total mass of the apples on the scales?
Interpret a reading that lies between two unnumbered
divisions on a scale
I can work out the reading between two unnumbered divisions
on kitchen and bathroom scales
A piece of cheese has a mass of 350 grams. Mark an arrow on the scale
to show the reading for 350g.
Draw and measure lines to the nearest millimetre;
measure and calculate the perimeter of regular and irregular
polygons; use the formula for the area of a rectangle to
calculate the rectangle's area
Measure accurately the longest side of this shape. Give your answer in
I can explain the difference between perimeter and area
I can solve problems involving calculating a perimeter or area
What tips would you give someone who wanted to measure a line in
Solve these problems:
What is the area of a rectangle measuring 34cm by 29cm?
The area of a rectangle is of 132m2. The shortest side is 4m long. What
is the length of the longest side?
Explain how you worked out your answers.
Understand the process of decision making
I can explain why I decided to use a particular method to solve
a problem
I can describe what was special about the problem that
prompted my decision
Why did you decide to use a mental/written/calculator method for this
Why did you decide to change all the units to metres rather than
Why did you decide to use the scales rather than the balance?
Year 6 Block D - Calculating, measuring and understanding shape Unit 2 (page 1 of 2)
Assessment for learning
End-of-year expectations (key objectives) are highlighted
Children's learning outcomes in italic
Solve multi-step problems, and problems involving
fractions, decimals and percentages; choose and use appropriate
calculation strategies at each stage, including calculator use
Mr Singh buys paving slabs to go around his pond.
I can solve problems with several steps and decide how to carry
out the calculation
He buys 4 rectangular slabs and 4 square slabs. What is the total
cost of the slabs he buys?
Mr Singh says: 'It would cost more to use square slabs all the way
round.' Explain why Mr Singh is correct.
How did you decide whether Mr Singh was right or wrong? What
calculations did you do?
Calculate mentally with integers and decimals: U.t
U, TU U, U.t U, U.t U
I can add, subtract, multiply and divide whole numbers and
decimals in my head
Use efficient written methods to add and subtract
integers and decimals, to multiply and divide integers and
decimals by a one-digit integer, and to multiply two-digit and
three-digit integers by a two-digit integer
I can add, subtract, multiply and divide whole numbers and
decimals using efficient written methods
Use a calculator to solve problems involving multi-step
The answer is 10.6 kg. What was the question?
In a cafe I buy two cups of coffee and a sandwich.
Altogether I pay three pounds.
The sandwich costs one pound sixty.
What is the cost of one cup of coffee?
Explain the mental calculations that you did to solve this problem.
Cashew nuts cost 90p for 100 grams.
What is the cost of 450 grams of cashew nuts?
Currants cost 40p for 100 grams.
Maria pays 3 for a bag of currants.
How many grams of currants does she get?
Show me the calculations that you did to solve these problems.
Could they be more efficient?
I want to divide a number by 8 but the '8' key on my calculator is
broken. How could I do it?
My calculator shows:
I can use a calculator to solve problems with several steps
My question was about length. Complete this:
3.5 means 3 centimetres and ... millimetres.
My question was about capacity. Complete this:
3.5 means 3 litres and ... millilitres.
My question was about time. Complete this:
3.5 means 3 hours and ... minutes.
Use approximations, inverse operations and tests of
divisibility to estimate and check results
I can estimate the result of a calculation
I know several ways of checking answers
Estimate angles, and use a protractor to measure and
draw them, on their own and in shapes; calculate angles in a
triangle or around a point
I can estimate angles, and use a protractor to measure and draw
I know that the angle sum of a triangle is 180 and the sum of
angles around a point is 360
What would be the best approximation to work out 2 (8.4 19.7)?
Give your reasons.
Roughly, what answer do you expect to get? How did you arrive at
that estimate? Do you expect your answer to be greater or less than
your estimate? Why?
This answer is wrong. How can you tell?
Find two different ways to check the accuracy of this answer.
Should the answer be a multiple of 5? How could you check?
A pupil measured the angles in a triangle. She said: 'The angles are
30 , 60 and 100 .' Could she be correct? Give reasons.
What is the angle between the hands of a clock at four o'clock?
Explain how you know.
There are nine equal angles around a point. What is the size of each
There are a number of equal angles around a point. The size of
each angle is 24 . How many equal angles are there?
Look at the angle.
Ring the measurement that is the approximate size of the angle.
60 90 110 135 240
Estimate the size of each of these angles. Now measure them to the
nearest degree. How close was your estimate?
Year 6 Block D - Calculating, measuring and understanding shape Unit 2 (page 2 of 2)
A, B and C are three corners of a rectangle. What are the
Use coordinates in the first quadrant to draw, locate and
coordinates of the fourth corner?
complete shapes that meet given properties
I can use coordinates when the x-coordinate and the y-coordinate
are both positive
Plot (2, 3) and (5, 3). The line joining these coordinates is one side
of a square. Find the coordinates of the two other vertices of the
square. Find three possible answers.
Visualise and draw on grids of different types where a
shape will be after reflection, after translations, or after rotation
through 90 or 180 about its centre or one of its vertices
Draw the reflection of this shape.
I can reflect, rotate and translate shapes on grids
The shape below is rotated 90 clockwise about point A. Draw the
shape in its new position on the grid.
Select and use standard metric units of measure and
convert between units using decimals to two places (e.g. change
2.75 litres to 2750 ml, or vice versa)
I can convert one measurement to another using a related unit. I
use decimals to do this
Participate in a whole-class debate using the
conventions and language of debate
I can take part in a whole-class debate
What measurement is 10 times as big as 0.01 kg? How do you know
that it is 10 times 0.01 kg?
I divide a measurement by 10, and then again by 10. The answer is
0.3 m. What measurement did I start with? How do you know?
The height of a model car is 6 centimetres. The height of the real car
is 45 times the height of the model. What is the height of the real
car? Give your answer in metres.
How do I write 5 metres 6 centimetres as a decimal?
Debate with the class the usefulness of various benchmarks for
estimating measurements. For example, how useful is it to know that
a door is roughly 2 metres tall? What other heights can be estimated
using this benchmark?