Nitrogen Cycle Soil 206 – Soil Ecosystem Lab Objectives: After completing this laboratory, the student should be able to: 1. Explain the difference between heterotrophic and autotrophic soil organisms. 2. Define the terms mineralization, immobilization, and nitrification and discuss the significance of each of these processes in relation to the availability of soil nitrogen. 3. Discuss the organic or inorganic oxidations and terminal electron acceptors in various N cycle processes. 4. Indicate whether a given N cycle process is accomplished to a) obtain energy, b) use N for a terminal electron acceptor, or c) use N for cellular components 5. Explain the results obtained from various treatments in a soil incubation experiment. Introduction Soils are complex biogeochemical materials on which plants grow and humans live. Soil has physical, chemical, and biological properties that distinguish it from the material of its origin. Soils are also dynamic ecosystems inhabited by diverse populations of plants, animals and many kinds of microorganisms. While each of these groups occupies its own niche, they are also interrelated and highly dependent on one another for nutrient and energy cycling. In the following exercise, you will observe how different soil conditions influence the process of mineralization, immobilization, nitrification and denitrification. Although you will study only a small part of the soil ecosystem, the principles you learn will be applicable to many different forms of terrestrial life. Ecology of Soil Microorganisms Many conditions affect the growth of soil microorganisms. Among the most important are the supplies of oxygen and water, temperature, pH and the amount and type of nutrients present. Carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) are the most common nutritional constraints faced by soil bacteria. This is because the majority of the C and N in soils are in a form not readily available to most microorganisms. Large quantities of C and N are present in the plant and animal materials continually added to soil, however much of the C and N in these materials is tied up in large macromolecules such as cellulose, lignin, and proteins. Thus many soil microorganisms must wait while a hierarchy of decay organisms decomposes the macromolecules. As the large molecules are broken into smaller ones, C and N are released in a bioavailable form. Soil microbes derive their life-sustaining energy from oxidation reactions so they are classified as chemotrophs. Autotrophic organisms obtain their carbon from carbon dioxide while heterotrophic organisms derive their carbon form organic material. The nitrifying bacteria are classified as chemoautotrophs since they oxidize inorganic ammonium or nitrite as their energy source and use carbon dioxide as their carbon source. The microbes that are responsible for denitrification are mostly chemoheterotrophic, anaerobic bacteria. They are classified as heterotrophs as they obtain their energy and their carbon from the oxidation of organic compounds. Spring 2006 1 The Nitrogen Cycle Few, if any, plant nutrients are as complex to study as soil N. The availability of N to plants in intricately linked to microbial decomposition of soil organic matter. Nitrogen may be added and lost, transformed and translocated in soil by a large and interrelated number of processes. Nitrogen comprises 78% of the earth's atmosphere yet this element is quite often the most limiting of plant nutrients. The amount of soil N present in plant available forms is small while the quantity lost through leaching and consumption by crops is large. To attain maximum vegetative growth on intensively used soils, it has become standard practice to apply nitrogen fertilizers on an annual basis. There are three major forms of N in soils: 1. organic-N associated with soil humus, 2. ammonium-N fixed by clay minerals and 3. soluble inorganic-N compounds. These three forms of N are related through a complex series of biochemical and physical processes known as the N cycle. The majority of soil N is associated with organic matter. The amount of N in the form of soluble ammonium and nitrate compounds is seldom more than 1 - 2% of the total present, except where applications of N fertilizers have been made. Organic N must undergo microbial decomposition to inorganic forms such as NH4+ or NO3- before becoming available to plants. This slow conversion of organic N to inorganic N is known as mineralization. Mineralization is accomplished by a large variety of chemoheterotrophic soil microorganisms including actinomycetes, fungi, and bacteria. Nitrification, the enzymatic oxidation of ammonium to nitrate, proceeds in two steps but is accomplished by only a few species of chemoautotrophic bacteria (Figure 1). Note that the conversion of ammonium to nitrite (NO2-) results in the release of hydrogen ions. Nitrification has been associated with a gradual acidification of soils in certain areas, including Northern Idaho. Nitrifying organisms are unusually sensitive to the soil environment, particularly soil acidity and aeration. Nitrification is inhibited when the soil pH is low. Thus in highly acid soils, the primary form of available N are the ammonium ion. Nitrification is an oxidative process; that is, an adequate supply of oxygen is required for the conversion of ammonium to nitrate. Factors associated with good soil aeration are therefore important factors in nitrate production. An adequate source of NH4+ is also necessary as this ion serves as the substrate for the first step in nitrification. The type and amount of organic matter present can indirectly influence the nitrification. When organic matter is added to soil, the heterotrophic decay organisms become active and multiply rapidly. Their increased activity creates such a demand for inorganic N (NH4+ and NO3-) that, for a period of time, very little N is available to plants and other organisms. Under these conditions, nitrification is inhibited, the level of nitrate in solution drops significantly, and the majority of the soil N is tied up as microbial biomass. This conversion of N from an inorganic to a microbial (organic) form is called immobilization. The nitrogen content of the incorporated organic matter influences the potential for N immobilization. Residues with a low N content such as wheat straw favor immobilization. Legume residues (i.e. alfalfa, beans, and peas) have a relatively high N content which is usually sufficient to satisfy the N demand for both plants and decay microorganisms. It should be stressed that immobilization is a temporary phenomenon as eventually the activity of the decay organisms will subside due to a lack of oxidizable Spring 2006 2 carbon and the biomass-N converted to an inorganic form via mineralization. The level of inorganic N increases when this occurs. Refer to Figure 1. Nitrogen may be lost to the atmosphere when nitrate ions are converted to gaseous forms of nitrogen by a series of widely occurring biochemical reduction reactions termed denitrification. The organisms that carry out this process are commonly present in large numbers and are mostly facultative anaerobic bacteria. Denitrifying bacteria have been identified as heterotrophs, which obtain their energy and carbon from the oxidation of organic compounds and autotrophs which obtain their energy from the oxidation of sulfide and their carbon from carbon dioxide. The conditions that favor denitrification include the presence of nitrate, readily decomposable organic compounds, soil air with less than 10% oxygen and a soil temperature between 25 and 35 degrees Celsius. For further discussion of immobilization, mineralization, and denitrification read pp. 546-564 in Brady and Weil. A summary of the nitrogen reactions for immobilization and mineralization is found in Figure 2 and a diagram of the Nitrogen cycle is found in Figure 3. Figure 1: Cyclical Relationship Between Time, Microbial Activity and Nitrate Level High C:N Residues Added Low C:N Residues Remain Microbial Population, Evolution of CO2 Nitrate Level in Soil Increasing Concentration Increasing Time Source: N.C. Brady, The Nature and Properties of Soils, 10ed., p. 293. Macmillian, 1990 (used with permission) Spring 2006 3 Figure 2: Simplified Illustration of Mineralization and Nitrification Mineralization Organic-N NH4+ + Energy Nitrification NO2- + 4H+ + Energy NO3- + Energy . Figure 3: Nitrogen Cycle NH3(g) N2(g) denitrification mineralization NH4+ Organic-N immobilization ammonium fixation nitrification NO3- leaching Spring 2006 4