Some Properties of Noncommutative rings of Hurwitz Series Susan F. El-Deken Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Helwan University, Ain Helwan, 11790, Cairo, Egypt. E-mail: Abstract. This paper investigates the structure of the class of Hurwitz series over noncommutative rings. Generalizing theorems of commutative rings of Hurwitz series, we prove the noncommutative situations of these results. We focus on special class, namely Homogeneous Semilocal rings of Hurwitz series and show that many of the properties of local rings of Hurwitz series can be hold for homogeneous semilocal rings. Homogeneous semilocal rings that is, the ring R with R J (R) simple artinian. Introduction In an earlier paper [6] Keigher studied the properties of formal power series ring and its categorical properties. In the sequel paper [5] Keigher introduced an extension of formal power series ring which called the ring of Hurwitz series, and examines its structure and applications, especially to the study of differential algebra. The Hurwitz series rings are similar to formal power series rings except that binomial coefficients are introduced at each term in the product. While there are many studies of these rings over a commutative ring, very little is known about them over a noncommutative ring. In the present paper we study Hurwitz series over a noncommutative ring with identity, examine its structure and properties. We focus on special class, namely, Homogeneous Semilocal rings, that is, the ring R with R J (R) simple artinian [3]. Throughout this paper, all rings are associative with identity. A domain is a (commutative or noncommutative) ring without zero divisors. We use J R and U R to denote the Jacobson radical and group of units of R , respectively. A ring R is called local ring (homogeneous semilocal ring, semilocal ring) if R J (R) is a division ring ( R J (R) simple artinian, R J (R) semisimple ring). M n (R) denotes the ring of n n matrices over R . 1 1. Overview of basic definitions The definition of Hurwitz series originally allowed the ring to be noncommutative, but most authors restrict them to be commutative, therefore all of the basic definitions are still true under the restriction that the ring is noncommutative. The Hurwitz series over any ring R (not necessary commutative) is defined as a function from N R and denoted by HR . The elements of the ring HR of Hurwitz series over R are aHR an X n for all n N = {0, 1, 2, 3,…}. The formula for addition in HR nN is defined component-wise, so that, aHR bHR an X n bn X n (an bn ) X n , for all n N . nN nN nN The multiplication is defined as the Cauchy product given by aHRbHR ( an X n )( bn X n ) ( Cin aib j ) X n , for all n N , n N n N n N i j n the sum of all aib j where i, j range over all pairs of elements of N which sum to n . Cin n!/(i!(n i )!) denote the binomial coefficient defined for all i, n N with n i . With these two operations the Hurwitz series ring HR is a noncommutative ring with identity containing R .The zero element in HR is 0HR (0,0,0,...) , the sequence with all terms 0, and the identity is 1HR (1,0,0,...) , the sequence with 0th term 1 and nth term 0 for all n 1 . In the following section we investigate the structure of Homogeneous semilocal ring. 2. Structure of Homogeneous semilocal ring In noncommutative ring, local ring have a unique maximal left ideal (unique maximal right ideal) equivalent to have a unique maximal two-sided ideal but the converse is not true, i.e. the ring having a unique maximal two sided ideal is not necessary local. One of the extension classes of local ring is homogeneous semilocal ring which has a unique maximal two-sided ideal. The Jacobson radical J (R) of a homogeneous semilocal ring R coincides with the unique maximal two sided ideal. A ring R is said to be a homogeneous semilocal ring if R / J ( R ) is simple Artinian. In [3] Facchini was shown that these rings share a number of properties with local rings. For instance, the Jacobson radical J (R) of a semilocal homogeneous ring R is its unique maximal two-sided ideal, that is, every proper two-sided ideal of R is contained in J (R) . A ring R is said to be right primitive if R has a faithful simple right module. For a ring R , an ideal P of R is called a right primitive ideal if the factor ring R / P is a right primitive ring. The intersection of all the right primitive ideals of R coincides with the intersection of all the left primitive ideals of R and is equal to the Jacobson radical J (R) . We now prove some properties of homogeneous semilocal rings. 2 Proposition 2.1. If R is a homogeneous semilocal ring, then the Jacobson radical J (R) is the only primitive ideal. Proof. Let P be a right primitive ideal of R . Then there exists some maximal right ideal of R contains P as a largest two sided ideal. But R has a unique maximal two sided J ( R ) P is the only primitive ideal in a homogeneous semilocal ring R . ideal J (R) Proposition 2.2. If R is a homogeneous semilocal ring, then the primitive factor ring R / J ( R ) is artinian and also every prime factor ring of R is left artinian. Proof. If R is a homogeneous semilocal ring, then the factor ring R / J ( R ) is simple artinian. Proposition 2.3. If R is a homogenous semilocal ring, then every maximal one-sided ideal contains a maximal two-sided ideal. Proof. Let M R be a maximal right ideal of R . Then there exists a right primitive ideal of R contained in M R ; hence J (R) is the only primitive ideal in R . Then every maximal one-sided ideal contains a maximal two-sided ideal. Proposition 2.4. If R is a homogenous semilocal ring, then R is a Dedekind-finite. Proof. It is evident from ([8] prop. 20.8.). 3. Hurwitz series over homogeneous semilocal ring The aim of this section is studying the ring of Hurwitz series over noncommutative rings, especially, homogeneous semilocal ring. We further generalizing theorems of commutative rings of Hurwitz series to noncommutative situations of these results. For any ring R , the only units in the polynomial ring R[x] are the units of R , while the formal power series R[[x]] has many units. A necessary and sufficient condition for an element in the ring of power series to be a unit is that its constant term is invertible in R . In 1975 Keigher proved the similar result holds in Hurwitz series ring. Keigher's works has been focused on commutative case; in the present paper we extend his results in noncommutative case. The following proposition determines the invertible elements in Hurwitz series ring over any ring. Proposition 3.1. [6] For any ring R the Hurwitz series (an ) (a0 , a1, a2 ,...) is a unit in HR if and only if a0 is a unit in R . The following example illustrates unusual behavior in rings of Hurwitz series 3 Example 3.2. [5]. Let R Z 2 denote the field. Let aHR (0, 1R ,0,0,0,. . .) is in HR be the Hurwitz series over R with first term 1 (recall that terms are indexed starting with 0) and all other terms 0. Then x 2 0 in HR , so HR may fail to be a domain, even if R is a field. The following result generalize Keigher’s result [5, Corollary 2.8], and also Ali Benhissi result [1, Proposition1.1 ]. Corollary 3.3. The Hurwitz series HR is a domain if and only if R is a domain and char ( R) 0. Proof. Since R HR , then R is a domain. Suppose that mR 0 . Then X X m 1 C1m X m m1R X m 0. Suppose R is a domain. If aHR (an ) (a0 , a1 , a2 ,...) be in HR , with aHR 0 . Then ai 0 for some i 0 ; Now suppose bHR bn X n is in HR and that aHRbHR 0 . n0 Recall that aHRbHR ( C a b j ) X , so that for all n we have nN i j n n i i n i j n Cin ai b j 0 . We will now show by induction that b j for all j . First, let n k . Since i j n Cin ai b j 0 and ai 0 for all , we have ak b0 0 . Since R is a domain, b0 0 . Suppose Since that for some s 0, b j 0 when C a b j 0 , and ai 0 when 0 i j k s 1 n i i 0 j s. Let n k s 1. and b j 0 when 0 j s , we have ak bs 1 0 . Since R has no zero divisors and ak 0 , bs 1 0 . Let k be minimal in this set. Thus bn 0 for all n , and we have bHR 0 . Thus aHR has no right zero divisors. Similarly, it has no left zero divisors, and thus HR is a domain. The locality has been studied on Hurwitz series rings over commutative local ring by Keigher in [6]. In [1], Benhissi gave a more general result. The connection was made precise in the following results. Proposition 3.4. [6] If R is a commutative local ring with maximal ideal M R , then the Hurwitz series ring is also a local ring, with maximal ideal M HR . Corollary 3.5. [1] Let R be a commutative ring. The Hurwitz series ring HR is local (resp. quasi local) if and only if R is local (resp. quasi local). 4 The above results can be generalized in the noncommutative case. In this paper we show that the homogeneous semilocality can be transferred directly from R to HR . {Local rings} {Homogeneous semilocal rings} Proposition 3.6. Let R be a homogeneous semilocal ring with maximal ideal M R . Let R : HR R be a natural ring homomorphism defined for any (an ) HR , R (an ) a0 . Then HR is a homogeneous semilocal ring with maximal ideal M HR n1 ( M R ) {( a0 , a1 , a2 ,...) | a0 M R } . Proof. Since R is a homogeneous semilocal ring with maximal ideal J ( R) M R , then HR / J ( HR ) R / J ( R) , which is simple artinian ring. Therefore, R is also a homogeneous semilocal ring and the Jacobson radical is a maximal ideal of Hurwitz series ring HR which is M HR n1 ( M R ) {( a0 , a1 , a2 ,...) | a0 M R } . Reference [1] A. Benhissi, Ideal structure of Hurwitz series rings. Contrib. Algebra Geom. 48(1), 251–256 (2007) [2] S. Chen, J. Q. Li, On rings whose primitive factor rings are left artinian, Southeast Asian Bull. Math. 25 (2001), no. 1, 23–30. [3] R. Corisello and A. Facchini, Homogeneous semilocal rings, Comm. Algebra 29 (2001), no. 4, 1807–1819. [4] A. Facchini, Module Theory: Endomorphism Rings and Direct Sum Decompositions in Some Classes of Modules, Progress in Math., Vol. 167, Birkhauser Boston, 1998. [5] W. F. 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