/** \page tutorial-tracking-tt Tutorial: Template tracking \tableofcontents With ViSP it is possible to track a template using image registration algorithms. Contrary to the common approaches based on visual features, this method allows to be much more robust to scene variations. In the following sections, we consider the tracking of a pattern. To simplify the source code, the tracking is performed on a single image. The extension to a sequence of images or to images acquired from a camera is easy. To this end see \ref tutorial-grabber. \section tracking_tt Track the painting The following example that comes from tutorial-template-tracker.cpp allows to track a template using vpTemplateTrackerSSDInverseCompositional class. Let us denote that "SSDInverseCompositional" refers to the similarity function used for the image registration. In ViSP, we have implemented, for now, two different similarity functions: the "Sum of Square Differences" (vpTemplateTrackerSSD classes \cite Baker04a) and the "Zeromean Normalized Cross Correlation" (vpTemplateTrackerZNCC classes \cite Irani98a). Both methods can be used in different ways: Inverse Compositional, Forward Compositional, Forward Additional, or ESM. \include tutorial-template-tracker.cpp The video below shows the result of the template tracking. \htmlonly <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/hniUcaUSVBM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> \endhtmlonly Hereafter is the description of the new lines introduced in this example. \code #include <visp/vpTemplateTrackerSSDInverseCompositional.h> #include <visp/vpTemplateTrackerWarpHomography.h> \endcode Here we include the header of the vpTemplateTrackerSSDInverseCompositional class that allows to track the template. Actually, the tracker estimates the displacement of the template in the current image according to its initial pose. The computed displacement can be represented by multiple transformations, also called warps (vpTemplateTrackerWarp classes). In this example, we include the header vpTemplateTrackerWarpHomography class to define the possible transformation of the template as an homography. \code vpTemplateTrackerWarpHomography warp; vpTemplateTrackerSSDInverseCompositional tracker(&warp); \endcode Once the tracker is created with the desired warp, parameters can be tuned to be more consistent with the expected behavior. \code tracker.setSampling(2,2); along rows and columns // Will consider only one pixel from two // to create the reference template tracker.setLambda(0.001); // Gain used in the optimization loop tracker.setIterationMax(200); // Maximum number of iterations for the optimization loop tracker.setPyramidal(2, 1); // First and last level of the pyramid \endcode The last step of the initialization is to select the template that will be tracked during the sequence. \code tracker.initClick(I); \endcode The vpTemplateTracker classes proposed in ViSP offer you the possibility to defined your template as multiple planar triangles. When calling vpTemplateTracker::initClick(I), you will have to specify the triangles that define the template. \image html initClickTemplateTracker.png Initialization of the template without Delaunay triangulation. Let us denote that those triangles don't have to be spatially tied up. However, if you want to track a simple image as in this example, you should initialize the template as on the figure above. Left clicks on zero, one and two points create the green triangle. Left clicks on three, four and right click on five point create the red triangle and ends the initialization. If ViSP is build with OpenCV, we also provide an initialization with automatic triangulation using Delaunay. To use it, you just have to call vpTemplateTracker::initClick(I, true). Then by left clicking on zero, one, two, four and right clicking on five it initializes the tracker as on the image above. Next, in the infinite while loop, after displaying the next image, we track the object on a new image I. \code tracker.track(I); \endcode If you need to get the parameters of the current transformation of the template, it can be done by calling: \code vpColVector p = tracker.getp(); \endcode For further information about the warping parameters, see the following section of \ref warp_tt. Next line is used to display the template using red lines and according to the computed transformation from the last call to track. \code tracker.display(I, vpColor::red); \endcode \subsection warp_tt Warping classes In the example presented above, we focused on the vpTemplateTrackerWarpHomography warping class which is the most generic transformation available in ViSP for the template trackers. However, if you know that the template you want to track is constrained, other warps might be more suitable. \b vpTemplateTrackerWarpTranslation \f$w({\bf x},{\bf p}) = {\bf x} + {\bf t}\f$ with the following estimated parameters \f$ {\bf p} = (t_x, t_y)\f$ This class is the most simple transformation available for the template trackers. It only considers translation on two-axis (x-axis and y-axis). \b vpTemplateTrackerWarpSRT \f$w({\bf x},{\bf p}) = (1+s){\bf Rx} + {\bf t}\f$ with \f${\bf p} = (s, \theta, t_x, t_y)\f$ The SRT warp considers a scale factor, a rotation on z-axis and a 2D translation as in vpTemplateTrackerWarpTranslation. \b vpTemplateTrackerWarpAffine \f$ w({\bf x},{\bf p}) = {\bf Ax} + {\bf t}\f$ with \f${\bf A} = \left( \begin{array}{cc} 1+a_0 & a_2 \\ a_1 & 1+a_3 \end{array} \right)\f$, \f${\bf t} = \left( \begin{array}{c} t_x \\ t_y \end{array} \right)\f$ and the estimated parameters \f${\bf p} = (a_0 ... a_3, t_x, t_y)\f$ The template transformation can also be defined as an affine transformation. This warping function preserves points, straight lines, and planes. \b vpTemplateTrackerWarpHomography \f$w({\bf x},{\bf p}) = {\bf Hx}\f$ with \f$ {\bf H}=\left( \begin{array}{ccc} 1 + p_0 & p_3 & p_6 \\ p_1 & 1+p_4 & p_7 \\ p_2 & p_5 & 1.0 \end{array} \right) \f$ and the estimated parameters \f${\bf p} = (p_0 ... p_7)\f$ As remind, the vpTemplateTrackerWarpHomography estimates the eight parameters of the homography matrix \f$ {\bf H}\f$. \b vpTemplateTrackerWarpHomographySL3 \f$w({\bf x},{\bf p}) = {\bf Hx}\f$ with \f${\bf p} = (p_0 ... p_7)\f$ The vpTemplateTrackerWarpHomographySL3 warp works exactly the same as the vpTemplateTrackerWarpHomography warp. The only difference is that here, the parameters of the homography are estimated in the SL3 reference frame. \subsection tune_tt How to tune the tracker When you want to obtain a perfect pose estimation, it is often timeconsuming. However, by tuning the tracker, you can find a good compromise between speed and efficiency. Basically, what will make the difference is the size of the reference template. The more pixels it contains, the more time-consuming it will be. Fortunately, the solutions to avoid this problem are multiple. First of all lets come back on the vpTemplateTracker::setSampling() function. \code tracker.setSampling(4,4); along rows and columns // Will consider only one pixel from four // to create the reference template. \endcode In the example above, we decided to consider only one pixel from 16 (4 by 4) to create the reference template. Obviously, by increasing those values it will consider much less pixels, which unfortunately decrease the efficiency, but the tracking phase will be much faster. The tracking phase relies on an iterative algorithm minimizing a cost function. What does it mean? It means this algorithm has, at some point, to stop! Once again, you have the possibility to reduce the number of iterations of the algorithm by taking the risk to fall in a local minimum. \code tracker.setIterationMax(50); optimization loop. \endcode // Maximum number of iterations for the If this is still not enough for you, let's remember that all of our trackers can be used in a pyramidal way. By reducing the number of levels considered by the algorithm, you will consider, once again, much less pixels and be faster. \code tracker.setPyramidal(3, 2); // First and last level of the pyramid \endcode Note here that when vpTemplateTracker::setPyramidal() function is not used, the pyramidal approach to speed up the algorithm is not used. Let us denote that if you're using vpTemplateTrackerSSDInverseCompositional or vpTemplateTrackerZNCCInverseCompositional, you also have another interesting option to speed up your tracking phase. \code tracker.setUseTemplateSelect(true); \endcode This function will force the tracker to only consider, in the reference template, the pixels that have an high gradient value. This is another solution to limit the number of considered pixels. As well as vpTemplateTrackerSSDInverseCompositional::setUseTemplateSelect() or vpTemplateTrackerZNCCInverseCompositional::setUseTemplateSelect(), another function, only available in vpTemplateTrackerSSDInverseCompositional and vpTemplateTrackerZNCCInverseCompositional is: \code tracker.setThresholdRMS(1e-6); \endcode By increasing this root mean square threshold value, the algorithm will reduce its number of iterations which should also speed up the tracking phase. This function should be used wisely with the vpTemplateTracker::setIterationMax() function. \subsection points_tt How to get the points of the template The previous code provided in tutorial-template-tracker.cpp can be modified to get the coordinates of the corners of the triangles that define the zone to track. To this end, as shown in the next lines, before the while loop we first define a reference zone and the corresponding warped zone. Then in the loop, we update the warped zone using the parameters of the warping model that is estimated by the tracker. From the warped zone, we extract all the triangles, and then for each triangles, we get the corners coordinates. \code // Instantiate and get the reference zone vpTemplateTrackerZone zone_ref = tracker.getZoneRef(); // Instantiate a warped zone vpTemplateTrackerZone zone_warped; while(!g.end()){ g.acquire(I); vpDisplay::display(I); tracker.track(I); tracker.display(I, vpColor::red); // Get the estimated parameters vpColVector p = tracker.getp(); // Update the warped zone given the tracker estimated parameters warp.warpZone(zone_ref, p, zone_warped); // Parse all the triangles that describe the zone for (int i=0; i < zone_warped.getNbTriangle(); i++) { vpTemplateTrackerTriangle triangle; // Get a triangle zone_warped.getTriangle(i, triangle); std::vector<vpImagePoint> corners; // Get the 3 triangle corners triangle.getCorners( corners ); // From here, each corner triangle is available in // corners[0], corners[1] and corners[2] // Display a green cross over each corner for(unsigned int j=0; j<corners.size(); j++) vpDisplay::displayCross(I, corners[j], 15, vpColor::green, 2); } vpDisplay::displayRectangle(I, zone_warped.getBoundingBox(), vpColor::orange); \endcode With the last line, we also sho how to get and display an orange rectangle that corresponds to the bounding box of all the triangles that define the zone. The resulting drawings introduced previously are shown in the next image. Here we initialize the tracker with 2 triangles that are not connex. \image html img-template-tracker.jpg \section tracking_tt_example More examples The templateTracker.cpp source code provided in the example/tracking folder allows to test all the template tracker classes that derive from vpTemplateTracker as well as all the warping classes that derive from vpTemplateTrackerWarp. Once build, in a terminal just run: \code ./templateTracker -h \endcode to see which are the command lines options. */