Lead-based paint testing technologies: summary of an EPA/HUD field study. Author: Schmehl, R. L.; Cox, D. C. Dewalt, F. G. Source: American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal v. 60 no4 (July/Aug. 1999) p. 444-51 ISSN: 0002-8894 Number: BAST99049841 Copyright: The magazine publisher is the copyright holder of this article and it is reproduced with permission. Further reproduction of this article in violation of the copyright is prohibited. Keywords: lead-based paint, chemical test kits, X-ray fluorescence. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recognized lead poisoning as one of the most common and devastating environmental diseases of young children.(FN1) Lead-based paint (LBP) in older housing, especially LBP in poor condition, is often implicated either directly or indirectly in elevated blood lead levels of children younger than 6 years of age. Exposure to lead in paint can come from paint chips, from dust caused by abrasion of paint on friction or impact surfaces, and from the deterioration of interior or exterior painted surfaces. Reflecting an increasing awareness of the public health threat posed by LBP, the federal government first enacted the Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act of 1971,(FN2) which was later amended by enactment of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1987. In October 1992 the Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act(FN3) became law and became the most comprehensive federal legislation regarding lead-based paint and lead-based paint hazards. To meet the requirements of Section 1017 of the Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), with substantial input from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), prepared and issued its guidelines(FN4) for the conduct of federally supported work involving LBP in housing. To support the development of the LBP inspection chapter of the guidelines and update the lead testing fact sheets available from the National Lead Information Center Clearinghouse, EPA and HUD sponsored a field evaluation study of the available lead-testing technologies.(FN5,6) Chemical test kits and X-ray fluorescence instruments, which were the portable lead-testing technologies commonly in use at the time of the study, were of particular interest because of the advantages of speed, cost, and minimal destructiveness that they offered relative to laboratory analysis. This article describes the design of the study and summarizes its major findings. PAINT TESTING TECHNOLOGIES It was acknowledged that the most accurate method for measuring the amount of lead in paint was to remove a sample of paint from the surface and subject it to laboratory analysis. In the laboratory the sample is pulverized and dissolved in an acid solution before its lead content is assayed using any of a number of complex instruments. This process requires considerable time for sample collection, transport, and laboratory turnaround before a lead measurement is obtained. Laboratory measurement is also expensive: Paint sample collection requires skill, which increases associated labor costs, and the persample cost of laboratory analysis alone is substantial ($5 to $25 in 1997 U.S. dollars). The laboratory cost varies with the laboratory, the analysis turnaround time, and the number of samples submitted, with fewer samples commanding a higher unit price. Damage from sampling for laboratory analysis is an unavoidable consequence, making the repair of the damaged surfaces an additional cost. To overcome the disadvantages of laboratory measurement, and especially to reduce the cost of performing LBP testing, the lead detection industry developed several portable (nonlaboratory) technologies to test for lead in paint. At the start of the EPA/HUD field study in 1993 the two most commonly used portable technologies for LBP testing were chemical test kits and portable X-ray fluorescence (XRF) instruments. Chemical test kits indicate the presence of lead in paint with a color change that occurs when chemicals in the kit react with lead, which is referred to as a positive classification to lead. A measurement obtained with a test kit is, therefore, not quantitative, but classified either positive or negative, depending on whether the prescribed color change was observed. At the time of the study several brands of chemical test kits were marketed to homeowners and other nonprofessional lead testers, and at least one chemical test kit was developed for, and only made available to, certified professionals. The cost per test of the commercial test kits ranged from approximately $1 to $5 (1997 U.S. dollars). In addition, no formal technical training was required of users of the commercial test kits, there was less destruction of painted surfaces than from paint sampling for laboratory measurements, and test results were quickly obtained. The other portable technology is a form of X-ray spectrometry--a method for identifying elements by detecting characteristic energy emission. The first reported use of X-ray spectrometry was in 1912, when an electron beam system was used to excite atoms that caused the characteristic energy to be emitted.(FN7) In 1925 the methodology was refined by bombarding specimens with X-ray photons instead of electrons, which began the emergence of XRF spectrometry.(FN8) Laboratory XRF instruments became commercially available in the early 1950s(FN9) and the portable XRF instruments, designed for measuring lead in paint, came into use much more recently. In addition to measuring lead in paint, field portable XRF instruments have been used for identifying elements in a variety of substances such as soil, water, and steel. In general, XRF instruments direct high-energy gamma and X-rays into a surface. These high-energy rays strike atoms in the surface, causing electrons to be ejected from their orbits, or shells. Characteristic Xray energy is emitted when another electron fills the void in the shell. The emitted energy is detected by the XRF instrument and converted to a quantitative measure. For the lead atom, characteristic frequencies are emitted from the K- and L-shells, its two innermost electron orbits. Energy emitted from these shells (energy bands) will be referred to as K X-rays and L X-rays, respectively. The portable XRF instruments that were evaluated in the EPA/HUD field study were generically referred to as either direct readers or spectrum analyzers. These designations are related to what can be displayed by the instrument. Direct readers display only the lead content values, whereas the spectrum analyzers are capable of displaying an energy spectrum and lead content values. Another distinguishing characteristic of these instruments is the energy band from which a quantitative measure is made: the K X-rays or L X-rays. K X-rays, being of higher energy than L X-rays, are attenuated less by paint than L Xray energy. For this reason, K X-ray measurements are generally more useful for detecting lead in deeper layers of paint. The XRF instruments in the field study made K X-ray measurements, L X-ray measurements, or both. The detection of lead in paint is complicated by the material underlying the paint, the substrate, and how it affects the high-energy rays directed into the paint by the XRF instrument. Some of the gamma and highenergy X-rays from the radiation source that are directed into the paint will hit the underlying substrate and "bounce" back to the instrument's detector. This phenomenon, referred to as backscatter (or Compton effect) interferes with the detection of the energy emitted from the lead atom. Thus, the XRF instrument must account for this backscatter to determine accurately the amount of lead in the paint. The substrate effect on the backscatter--some substrates are more dense while others are more absorbing-will be referred to as substrate bias. The portable XRF instruments in the field study used different methods to account for substrate bias with differing degrees of success, since substrate materials such as brick, concrete, drywall, metal, plaster, and wood can have widely varying properties. A testing method to further account for substrate bias is called substrate correction and is discussed below. Unlike chemical test kits, XRF measurements are quantitative and are expressed in milligrams of lead per square centimeter (mg/cm2). Due to the potential radiation hazard and instrument cost, varying from $7000 to $45,000 (1997 U.S. dollars), XRF instruments are intended for use by professional testers only. However, the XRF instruments evaluated in the study usually returned a measurement within a minute and without damage to the painted surface. This speed of measurement allows extensive testing to be performed on a given day and makes XRF testing an affordable alternative to laboratory analysis for residential lead testing. DESIGN OF THE FIELD STUDY The purpose of the EPA/HUD field study was to evaluate portable lead-testing technologies under realworld conditions. Six chemical test kit brands and six XRF instrument models were chosen for evaluation. To perform a controlled evaluation, all 12 products were tested on a common set of test locations chosen from painted building components. Test locations were selected to reflect the range of conditions under which LBP was found in residential structures, and in sufficient quantity for accurate estimates to be derived. A pilot study, conducted in March and April 1993, was based on 100 test locations chosen from multifamily public housing units in Louisville, Ken. The "full" study, conducted from July to October 1993, was based on 750 test locations chosen from single-family public housing units in Denver, Colo., and 440 test locations chosen from multifamily public housing units in Philadelphia, Pa. Five of the six chemical test kits evaluated in the EPA/HUD field study were commercially available, representing each different type of test kit known to be marketed in the spring of 1993. The other, referred to as the State sodium sulfide kit, was available only to professional testers certified by the State of Massachusetts. Table I identifies the chemical test kits that were evaluated in the field study. The evaluated XRF instrument models are identified in Table II. Two of these, the Pb Analyzer (TN Technologies, Inc., Round Rock, Tex.) and the XL (Niton Corp., Bedford, Mass.), were prototypes that were not available to professional testers at the time the study began. Three of the four commercially available instruments were widely used in testing for LBP at the time of the study, the exception being the X-MET 880 (Outokumpu Electronics, Bend, Ore.), which was more typically used for lead testing in soil. The MAP-3 (Scitec Corp., Kennewick, Wash.) and Pb Analyzer provided both K X-ray and L X-ray measurements. The Microlead I (Warrington, Inc., Austin, Tex,) and XK-3 (Princeton Gamma-Tech, Inc., Princeton, N.J.) provided only K X-ray measurements, and the XL and the X-MET 880 provided only L Xray measurements. The MAP-3, Pb Analyzer, XL, and X-MET 880 are spectrum analyzers. The Microlead I and XK-3 are direct readers. Development of a design for the EPA/HUD field study was complicated by two major factors:. (1) the large number of measurements to be made at each test location, representing all chemical test kits and XRF instruments, plus the collection of at least one paint sample for laboratory analysis; and. (2) the destructiveness of paint sample collections and chemical test kit applications to the painted surfaces. Because multiple destructive testing could not be conducted at exactly the same place, subareas of each test location were allocated to test kits, XRF instruments, and paint sampling in a consistent manner to ensure comparability of results. This was done by using a standardized format or template that was demarked on each test location. The "standard" templates used in the pilot and full studies are shown at the top of Figure 1, with several variations shown below them. A template was applied horizontally if possible, or else rotated, as necessary, to fit on a painted building component. In a few cases, the template needed to be altered, as shown, to fit. A paint sample was collected from one of the areas marked with a "P" that was randomly selected. Randomization was also used to allocate testing areas marked with a "T" to the six chemical test kits evaluated in the study. The area marked with an "X" was allocated to XRF testing. TESTING PROCEDURES TEST LOCATION IDENTIFICATION Prior to the start of field testing, test locations were selected from each of the housing units used in the study. For each test location a template was drawn on the painted surface and assigned a unique number. CHEMICAL TEST KIT MEASUREMENT After all test locations were identified and marked with templates in a housing unit, the chemical test kit operators began to collect measurements. With one exception, the test kit operators did not have specific scientific background or prior training, but were chosen to represent typical homeowners who might purchase a test kit for personal use. The exception was the operator of the State sodium sulfide kit, who was a Massachusetts state-certified inspector. The nonprofessional testers were screened to ensure that they were able to detect the color changes that signified a positive indication of lead. The nonprofessional chemical test kits were rotated among the nonprofessional testers during the course of the study to make it difficult for a tester to become more proficient with any one test kit. After each tester had completed testing at a test location, the used area of the template was covered to prevent subsequent testers from observing the result. PAINT SAMPLE COLLECTION AND LABORATORY ANALYSIS For each test location, paint samples were collected for laboratory analysis. The paint samples were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy. After the paint samples were collected, the unused P areas of the templates were also scraped to expose the substrate. This created a bare area in each template that had the same dimensions as the X area. This bare area became one of the XRF instrument testing areas. XRF INSTRUMENT TESTING XRF instrument testing began after paint sampling was completed in a housing unit. The XRF instrument operators were trained and licensed employees of lead testing companies. XRF instrument testing was conducted at the designated X area and at the bare area of each template. Measurements on the bare areas were made both directly on the bare substrate and on National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) standard reference material (SRM) films placed over the bare areas. The NIST SRMs used for this purpose had a lead level of 1.02 mg/cm2. The measurements taken on a NIST SRM film (with a 1.02 mg/cm2 lead level) placed over bared areas were obtained to examine the performance of substrate correction, a procedure used with some XRF instruments to reduce the bias associated with the substrate underlying the paint. XRF testing was based on a nominal 15-second reading time for a full-strength radioactive source. Actual reading times were adjusted either automatically by the instrument or manually by the operator to account for the decay of the radioactive source in the instrument due to its age. Accordingly, the actual reading time would necessarily increase as the source decays. EVALUATION OF TESTING RESULTS For chemical test kits evaluated in the EPA/HUD field study, classification accuracy was the primary criterion used to measure performance. XRF instruments were evaluated by both classification accuracy and bias and precision estimates. Classification accuracy was measured relative to the federal standards of 1.0 mg/cm and 0.5% lead by weight for defining LBP, as designated by Title X. Many state and local governments also have adopted these standards. Classification accuracy was reported in terms of misclassified results called false negative and false positive results. Relative to a given standard, a lead test result was classified as a false negative if the laboratory measurement was equal to or greater than the standard (positive) and, for chemical test kits, a color change was not observed (negative). Similarly, for XRF instruments a lead measurement was classified as a false negative if the laboratory measurement was equal to or greater than the standard (positive) and the XRF measurement was less than the standard (negative). In other words, a false negative result is one in which the laboratory measurement was classified positive but tested negative according to a chemical test kit or XRF instrument result for the same test sample. A lead test result was classified as false positive if the laboratory measurement was less than the standard (negative) and, for chemical test kits, a color change was observed (positive). For XRF instruments a lead test result was classified as a false positive if the laboratory measurement was less than the standard (negative) and the XRF measurement was equal to or greater than the standard (positive). In other words, a false positive result is one in which the laboratory measurement was classified negative but tested positive according to a chemical test kit or XRF instrument result for the same sample. None of the products evaluated in the study achieved a perfect performance, i.e., no false negatives or false positives with respect to either federal standard. The fact that the XRF measurements were quantitative allowed a wider range of criteria to be applied to the evaluation of XRF instruments in the study. In addition to simple positive-negative classification regimes, the introduction of an inconclusive range was possible, whereby the status of a measurement that falls in an interval about the standard is deferred to laboratory testing. With an inconclusive range of 0.4 mg/cm2 to 1.6 mg/cm2, e.g., an XRF measurement is classified as negative if it is less than or equal to 0.4 mg/cm2, as positive if it is greater than or equal to 1.6 mg/cm2, and as inconclusive otherwise. The quantitative relationship of XRF measurements to the laboratory-measured lead levels was expressed in the form of a statistical model, which was used to obtain estimates of the bias and precision (standard deviation) at lead levels of interest. Furthermore, the statistical model was used to determine the need for and effectiveness of substrate correction. Substrate correction was carried out by first calculating the averages, by substrate and by housing unit, of XRF measurements obtained on a NIST SRM film (with a 1.02 mg/cm2 lead level) placed over bared areas on the template, and subtracting 1.02 mg/cm2. The resulting "correction value" was then subtracted from all XRF measurements obtained on painted surfaces within the same housing unit that shared the same substrate type. The need for substrate correction was indicated by the presence of bias, and its effectiveness was assessed according to the reduction in bias when substrate correction was performed. Classification performance with and without substrate correction was also used to illustrate the effectiveness of substrate correction. A marked improvement in the classification performance with substrate corrected measurements would demonstrate the effectiveness of substrate correction. MAJOR FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS LABORATORY ANALYSIS OF PAINT SAMPLES Laboratory analysis of paint samples taken at the 1290 test locations in the EPA/HUD field study revealed a distribution of lead levels similar to a large-scale national survey of lead in U.S. housing.(FN10) The distribution had lognormal characteristics, skewed toward lower values, with increasing sparseness at higher lead levels. Two sources of variation in laboratory-measured lead levels were assessed in the study, using different kinds of duplicate measurements. A "laboratory duplicate" refers to an additional laboratory subsample and measurement obtained on the same primary (P template area) paint sample. A "field duplicate" refers to a laboratory measurement obtained on a paint sample taken a short distance from where the primary paint sample was taken, but at the same test location. Findings on the two sources of variation are summarized below. VARIATION BETWEEN LABORATORY DUPLICATES WAS RELATIVELY SMALL The median ratio of the largest to smallest measurement in a laboratory duplicate pair was 1.13, and the 95th percentile was 1.4, for smooth surfaces with no unusual difficulty in paint removal. These results apply to measurements reported in both area (mg/cm2) and percentage by weight units. For rough surfaces such as brick or concrete, the estimated median ratio was 1.2 and the estimated 95th percentile ratio was 1.8. This magnitude of variation had a minor effect on the identification of LBP: only two of the 171 pairs (1%) straddled the 1.0 mg/cm2 federal standard, and only three pairs (2%) straddled the 0.5% lead by weight federal standard. SPATIAL VARIATION IN LEAD LEVELS OVER A PAINTED BUILDING COMPONENT WAS RELATIVELY IMPORTANT A field duplicate paint sample was taken approximately 9 inches away from the primary paint sample at 10% of the test locations in the full study. Median and 95th percentiles of ratios of largest to smallest measurements were 1.6 and 3.7 in Denver; 1.3 and 2.1 in Philadelphia. These statistics are for area (mg/cm2) units; for percentage by weight units the corresponding statistics were slightly lower. Of the 128 field duplicate pairs in the study, 10 (8%) straddled the 1.0 mg/cm2 federal standard, and 8 (6%) straddled the 0.5% lead by weight federal standard. The greater variation between field duplicates than laboratory duplicates points to noticeable spatial variation in lead levels at relatively short distances. VARIATION IN LABORATORY-MEASURED LEAD LEVELS AFFECTED THE EVALUATION OF THE PORTABLE LEAD-MEASUREMENT TECHNOLOGIES Chemical test kits and XRF instruments were evaluated according to their ability to recognize the true amount of lead in paint. But the true lead levels of the test locations in the EPA/HUD field study were not perfectly known. Spatial variation and laboratory analysis variation both had consequences for the analyses of the chemical test kit and XRF instrument testing data. Modeling and simulation studies were used to account for these types of variation in the analyses. XRF TECHNOLOGIES The primary conclusion of the EPA/HUD field study with respect to XRF technologies is that, with certain qualifications, portable XRF instruments can be effective tools for identifying LBP in residential structures, relative to the 1.0 mg/cm2 federal standard. These qualifications are listed below. USE OF K X-RAY MEASUREMENTS The use of K X-ray XRF measurements was found to be a viable way to test for LBP when appropriate inconclusive ranges and substrate correction procedures, where it reduces bias, were applied. This is illustrated in Figure 2, where false positive and false negative rates for each of the four XRF instruments that provided K X-ray measurements in the field study are presented in the form of bar charts. For each instrument it was possible to have false positive and false negative rates both less than 5%, provided that an inconclusive range was used, and substrate correction was performed if needed. Results based on L X-ray measurements were not shown in Figure 2. The X-MET 880 XRF instruments provided L X-ray measurements only, which exhibited high false negative rates, and therefore were not included in Figure 2. The results for the XL instruments were excluded since that model of instrument used in the field study was a prototype instrument that has been subsequently replaced with a marketable version. USE OF SUBSTRATE CORRECTION AS NEEDED Substrate correction reduced the bias exhibited by some K X-ray XRF instruments. The Microlead I and XK-3 benefitted the most from substrate correction, and their improvement in classification performance is apparent in Figure 2. Note that there are specific substrates where substrate correction did not show the apparent improvement shown in Figure 2. The XK-3 and Microlead I instruments are direct readers. Substrate corrected results were not shown for the Pb Analyzer and the MAP-3. Substrate correction did not substantially improve the results for these instruments; however, substrate correction may still improve their classification performance on specific substrates. The MAP-3 and Pb Analyzer instruments are spectrum analyzers. USE OF AN INCONCLUSIVE RANGE, WITH LABORATORY CONFIRMATION OF INCONCLUSIVE XRF RESULTS A reasonable classification goal is to obtain false positive and false negative rates less than 5% each. With XRF measurements it was possible to achieve this goal with the use of an inconclusive range. As Figure 2 indicates, an inconclusive range of 0.4 mg/cm2 to 1.6 mg/cm2 achieved this goal simultaneously for all K X-ray instruments evaluated in the EPA/HUD field study, provided that substrate correction was performed if needed. Figure 3 shows the inconclusive rates for the K X-ray instruments under this inconclusive range. Between 18 and 27% of the samples tested would have required confirmation with a laboratory measurement, depending on the instrument, and using substrate correction if needed. Figure 4 demonstrates that, without an inconclusive range, the K X-ray XRF instruments tested in the study did not always achieve the 5% goal for both false positive and false negative rates. USE OF A SINGLE (NOMINAL 15-SECOND) READING Prior to the EPA/HUD field study, a common practice was to average multiple XRF measurements at the same test location, or use a greater than 15-second reading time. The belief was that, by simple rules of statistical sampling, a prescribed reduction in the variation of the resulting measurement could be achieved in this manner. But the study found that acceptable error rates could be achieved with single readings of nominally 15 seconds' duration. Moreover, multiple or longer XRF measurements reduce only variation that was attributable to the instrument. The other primary source of variation, due to spatial variation in lead levels across a painted building component, could not be reduced in this manner. If multiple XRF readings on a component are done in an LBP inspection, an effort should be made to take the readings at well-separated locations on the building component to make effective use of the additional time expended. CHEMICAL TEST KITS The EPA/HUD field study concluded that chemical test kits were not a reliable means to discriminate accurately between lead-based paint and nonlead-based paint, as defined by the federal standards of 1.0 mg/cm2 and 0.5% lead by weight. Specific findings are presented below. NONE OF THE CHEMICAL TEST KITS WERE ABLE TO ACHIEVE LOW (5% OR LOWER) RATES OF BOTH FALSE POSITIVE AND FALSE NEGATIVE RESULTS False positive and false negative rates obtained for the chemical test kits evaluated in the EPA/HUD field study are presented in Figures 5 and 6. These rates indicate a wide range in performance: false negative results dominated with one kit, false positive results dominated with two kits, and with the remaining three kits false positive and false negative results were more evenly balanced. For each kit, at least one, and sometimes both, of the two rates was well above 5%. SIMILAR MISCLASSIFICATION RATES WERE OBTAINED USING EITHER THE 1.0 MG/CM2 OR THE 0.5% LEAD BY WEIGHT FEDERAL STANDARD This is made clear graphically in Figures 5 and 6. The chemical test kits evaluated in the study did not appear to be better suited to one standard than to the other. AN OPERATING CHARACTERISTIC CURVE WAS ESTIMATED FOR EACH CHEMICAL TEST KIT AND SUBSTRATE COMBINATION Enhancements were made to the operating characteristic model to allow model fitting of cases in which either the limiting probability, as the lead level increased, was less than 1.0 or the limiting probability, as the lead level approached zero, was positive. Both cases were observed with the test kit data. COMPARISON OF AREA UNITS AND PERCENTAGE BY WEIGHT UNITS The two federal standards for defining LBP, as designated by the Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act of 1992, are 1.0 mg/cm2 and 0.5% lead by weight. Lead level measurements in area units and in percentage by weight units are both ratios that use the mass of lead as a numerator. Area of the scraped paint sample is the denominator used for area units, and mass of the scraped paint sample is used for percentage by weight units. Because paint samples of a fixed area have varying mass due to the composition and thickness of paint, and possibly because of the inclusion of substrate material, there is no precise relationship between the two units of measure. The scatter plot in Figure 7 shows lead level measurements in area units (horizontal axis) and in percentage by weight units (vertical axis) for 388 test locations with wood substrates in the EPA/HUD field study. Both axes are plotted on a log-scale to enhance viewing. Although the relationship between the twounits is not perfect, it is strong, with a correlation of about 0.97. The correlation across all substrates was 0.95, and a lead level of 1.0 mg/cm2 corresponded to approximately 0.96% lead by weight, or nearly twice the alternative federal standard. Nonetheless, similar classification results were usually obtained with either standard, as Figures 5 and 6 illustrate, due to sparseness in the distribution of lead levels near both standards. THE FUTURE OF LEAD-TESTING TECHNOLOGIES As lead-testing technologies that are portable, fast, and non- or minimally destructive have increased in usage, their ability to detect LBP in a reliable manner has become increasingly important. The EPA/HUD field study found that, of the technologies tested, only K X-ray XRF instruments used under the conditions outlined above met this criterion. But much room for improvement remained, and the development of portable technologies has continued since the completion of the study. Chemical test kits continue to be evaluated through HUD-sponsored research. Likewise, XRF instrument evaluations have continued through their testing at a laboratory facility. During the EPA/HUD field study, portions of painted building components from selected test locations were removed and mounted at a laboratory facility. These materials, referred to as the LBP sample archive, have been used for evaluating XRF instruments. An EPA publication that describes this testing is titled Archive Operations and Protocols.(FN11) Data from archive testing have been used to develop XRF Performance Characteristic Sheets, which provide up-to-date information on how to do testing in residential housing with XRF instruments, and are available from the National Lead Information Center (1800-424-LEAD). A description of the associated methodology is found in the EPA report titled Methodology for XRF Performance Characteristic Sheets.(FN12) The LBP sample archive has partially filled a void left by the completion of the EPA/HUD field study, until another mechanism can be designed to evaluate both nondestructive and destructive technologies for testing for lead-based paint. Growing demand for residential LBP testing is expected to continue. The EPA/HUD rule implementing Section 1018 of the Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act of 1992, which applies to most private housing in the United States built before 1978, gives prospective home buyers the option to conduct an LBP inspection, or a risk assessment, at the buyer's expense, before being obligated by the sales contract or lease. Sellers, landlords, and real estate agents share legal responsibility for disclosing LBP and LBP hazards, for distributing information on how to deal with LBP, and for developing sales contracts and leases that comply with the rule.(FN(3,13)) The volume of LBP testing that the Section 1018 rule could generate is substantial: about 50 million owner-occupied housing units in the United States were built before 1978.(FN(10)) With nearly half of all owner-occupied housing units in 1993 having been acquired during the previous 10 years,(FN(14)) it is expected that housing built before 1978 will change ownership in substantial numbers well into the future. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The EPA/HUD field study is documented in a summary report(FN(5)) and at length in a technical report.(FN6) Both reports are available from the National Lead Information Center Clearinghouse (telephone 1-800-424-LEAD). The technical report can also be ordered from the National Technical Information Service (telephone 1-800-553-NTIS) by referring to its NTIS number, PB96-125026. Information on other EPA scientific and technical lead studies can be found on the EPA Lead Home Page at the following address: http://www.epa.gov/opptintr/lead/index.html. Added material. R.L. Schmehl. D.C. Cox. F.G. Dewalt. M.M. Haugen. R.A. Koyak. Quan Tech, 1911 N. Fort Myer Drive, Suite 1000, Arlington, VA 22209-1607;. J.G. Schwemberger Jr. J.V. Scalera. Technical Branch, National Program Chemicals Division, Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M Street, S.W., Mail Code 7404, Washington, D.C. 20460. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Bill Wisner of HUD was the liaison between EPA and HUD. He played a critical role by identifying suitable sites for the EPA/HUD field study. Cindy Stroup of EPA was the branch chief of the Technical Programs Branch and initiated this study. In addition to the authors, other key contributors to the study were Paul Constant, Donna Nichols, Jack Balsinger, and Nancy Friederich of Midwest Research Institute; and John Jones and Connie Reese of QuanTech, Inc. Dr. Mary McKnight reviewed the portions of the manuscript that dealt with technical background on XRF instruments. TABLE 1. Summary of Test Kits Included in the EPA/HUD Field Study. (TABLE) Color for Chemistry Positive Lead Summary of Chemical Test Kit Type Classification Application to the Paint Lead Zone(trademark) (Enzone, Inc., Davie, FL) proprietary red/pink Beveled cut through paint layers, chemicals applied to exposed paint edges LeadCheck(trademark) Swabs (HybriVet Systems, Inc., rhodizonate red/pink Beveled cut through paint layers, Natick, MA) chemicals applied to exposed paint edges Frandon(trademark) Lead Alert rhodizonate red/pink Core sample cut through paint All-in-One: coring (Pace Environs, Inc., layers, chemicals applied to Cary, NC) crushed core sample Frandon(trademark) Lead Alert: sanding rhodizonate red/pink Paint dust captured from sanding through paint layers, chemicals applied to paint dust The Lead Detective(trademark) (Innovative Synthesis sodium sulfide black Beveled cut through paint, chemicals Corp., Newton, MA) applied to exposed paint edges Massachusetts State Certified Professional sodium sulfide black Beveled cut through paint, chemicals applied to exposed paint edges. TABLE II. Summary Listing of XRF Instruments Included in the EPA/HUD Field Study. (TABLE) X-Rays Source Make and Model Detected Type(FNA) Detector Type Pb Analyzer (prototype) (TN Technologies, Inc., K and L Cd109 (30) cooled mercuric iodide Round Rock, TX) MAP-3 (Scitec Corp., Kennewick, WA) K and L Co57 (40) ambient silicon Microlead I revision 4 (Warrington, Inc., Austin, TX) K Co57 (10) cesium iodide XK-3 (Princeton Gamma-Tech, Inc., Princeton, NJ) K Co57 (10) proportional counter (xenon gas) XL (prototype) (Niton Corp., Bedford, MA) L Cd109 (10) silicon X-MET 880 (Outokumpu Electronics, Bend, OR) L Cd109 (5)(FNB) proportional counter (argon gas) Cm244 (100)(FNB). FOOTNOTES A Parenthetical numbers are approximate source strengths for new sources in millicurie. B A number of radiation sources are sold for this instrument; only the sources shown were used for lead measurements in the study. FIGURE 1. Standard and nonstandard templates used at test locations in the EPA/HUD field study. FIGURE 2. XRF instrument misclassification rates, with inconclusive range, across all test locations in the EPA/HUD field study. FIGURE 3. XRF instrument inconclusive rates across all test locations in the EPA/HUD field study. FIGURE 4. XRF instrument misclassification rates, without inconclusive range, across all test locations in the EPA/HUD field study. FIGURE 5. Chemical test kit misclassification rates across all test locations in the EPA/HUD field study. FIGURE 6. Chemical test kit misclassification rates across all test locations in the EPA/HUD field study. FIGURE 7. Laboratory lead-level measurements of 388 primary paint samples obtained from test locations with wood substrates: area versus percentage by weight units. FOOTNOTES 1. U.S. General Accounting Office: Toxic Substances: Status of EPA's Efforts to Develop Lead Hazard Standards (GAO/RCED-94-114). Washington, DC: U.S. General Accounting Office/Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division, 1994. p. 1. 2. "Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention," U.S. Code, Title 42, Pt. 4831 et seq. 1971 ed. 3. "Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction," U.S. Code, Title 42, Pt. 4851 et seq. 1992 ed. 4. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development: Guidelines for the Evaluation and Control of Lead-Based Paint Hazards in Housing (HUD-1539-LBP). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development/Office of Lead-Based Paint Abatement and Poisoning Prevention, 1995. 5. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: A Field Test of Lead-Based Paint Testing Technologies: Summary Report (EPA 747-R-950-002a). Washington, DC: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances, 1995. 6. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: A Field Test of Lead-Based Paint Testing Technologies: Technical Report (EPA 747-R-95-002b). 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U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Methodology for XRF Performance Characteristic Sheets (EPA 747-R-95-008). Washington, DC: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances, 1997. 13. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: EPA and HUD Real Estate Notification and Disclosure Rule (EPA 747-F-96-001). Washington, DC: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances, 1996. 14. U.S. Department of Commerce and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development: American Housing Survey for the United States in 1993 (H150/93). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1995.