Promotion work for Scientific Degree of Doctor of Physics Janis Alksnis The results of nuclear spectroscopy and beta radioactivity measurements in the environmental monitoring around the Nuclear reactor at Salaspils Latvian Academic of Sciences Nuclear Research center, 1998 1. Introduction. The research nuclear reactor IRT at Salaspils has been operating since September 25, 1961. According to the radiation safety regulations [1,2] and the world practice, systematic measurements of the environment radioactivity (radiation monitoring) in the surrounding of the nuclear reactor should be carried out at Salaspils. The radiation monitoring in order to watch if the operation of the nuclear reactor does not increase the contents of the radionuclides in the environment. The monitoring since 1966 in the neighbourhood of the Salaspils nuclear reactor was carried out by a group of scientists of the Institute of Physics. The author of this promotional work had to guide this group all the time. After some time as the result of various measurement, it was possible to come to the conclusion - the reactor has not influenced the environment - this influence was hardly felt. In fact the monitoring of the reactor became the radiation monitoring of great significance, that enabled to control different elements in the environment atmosphere, precipitations, water in ponds, rivers etc, subsoil water, soil, plants - their radioactivity level in rather a large neighbourhood (from Riga to Ikskile) for many years. Till 1991 the Latvian hydrometeorological service only gathered the environmental samples. After that they had been sent to Obninsk (Russia) to measure their radioactivity [39]. In this respect the environmental monitoring group at Salaspils nuclear reactor had been the only one in Latvia for many years, who carried out rather wide, although limited in territory , control of the radioactivity in the environment. The aim of the dissertation is to prove, that Salaspils nuclear reactor has not done harm to the environment and to show the causes and interconnections of the radioactivity annual level changes in the environmental elements. If the pollution is relatively high (in comparison with the natural level), then there are no problems to ascertain it. If the environmental pollution is unimportant, then it is necessary to carry out many measurements with the help of which it will be possible to get statistically safe results of the measurements and to come to well-grounded conclusions. In this promotional work 3836 measurement (samples) results have been summarized and analysed that are gathered at Salaspils and its neighbourhood from 1966 to 1995. The number of samples: precipitation-2550, soil-304, water 415, plants329, aerosols 238, besides that, the data of the aerosol radioactivity have been compared with the data obtained in the air control stations in Germany and Norway from 1973 to 1985. The measurement and data amount is large enough to come to definite conclusions. If the pollution level is relatively high (in comparison with the natural level), then there are no problems to state it. If the pollution of the environment is unimportant, then many measurements are necessary in order to obtain effective results of the measurements and to come to well -grounded conclusions. The analyses and the conclusions of the monitoring results are problems of the day now, too, when it is known, that the nuclear reactor at Salaspils like many other reactors in Europe and America, has been stopped and everything has been done to carry out decommissioning. The dissertation consists of the introduction, four chapters and the conclusion. Chapter 2 gives general description of the radiation monitoring carried out at Salaspils, short characteristics of its contents, the measurements of samples and the methods of the processing results; short information about used measuring apparatus (y-spectrometer, p-radiometer and detectors) and its calibration. Chapter 3 gives summarized and analysed monitoring results in connection with Salaspils nuclear reactor monthly and annual energy production data, as well as the radiation levels of natural objects observed in the monitoring in connection with its place in realation to the location of the reacor. In chapter 4 everyone can see analysed atmospheric (precipitations, aerosols, dust) monthly relative and absolute radioactivity average data, that indicate to its seasonal character at Salaspils and they are compared with aerosols y - spectroscopy data, that are obtained in German air control stations in Germany and in the North of Norway as well as with similar data in Tashkent. Chapter 5. The annual radioactivity correlation among the elements of the environment have been analysed (water, soil, plants, precipitations, aerosols) in yspectroscopy and in radiochemical analyses obtained data about the structure of radionuclides in the environment and their connection with the explosions of nuclear weapon tests in the atmosphere. Here have been analysed the consequences of Chernobil nuclear catastrophe in the neighbourhood of Salaspils, based on the environmental samples y-spectroscopy data. 2. The general exposition of the monitoring. The contents of the monitoring. While carrying out the monitoring [3,4,5] at Salaspils since 1966 the following gross p-radioactivity measurements of the environment have been made: precipitations (rain. snow, dust and others) - [Bq/m2month].aerosols - (μBq/m3!, 5 cm deep so//- [kBq/m2], plants - their roots and stems are obtained separating them from the 5 cm deep soil samples - [Bq/kg], water in the river Daugava, in ponds, draining- ditches [Bq/l], subsoil water 4 -10 m deep just close by the reactor (5-100 m from the reactor) - [Bq/l], drinking wafer from artesian wells (100-1000 m from the reactor)- [Bq/l], reactor waste water- [Bq/l]. In order to determine the structure of radionuclides in the samples more precisely, the following sample measurements have been made: y- sectroscopy- to identify radionuclides and to obtain their concentration (these methods have been worked out and introduced in practice while the author himself was taking part in the investigation of various nuclear spectrums) [46-53], pmeasurementeto obtain the half-life and Eβmax of radionuclides, - radiochemical analyses to obtain 90Sr concentration. Methodic. Radionuclides, that have produced during the operation of the nuclear reactor IRT or some other type of nuclear reactor are mainly β - and γ- radiator. In the global radioactive pollution, too, caused by testing of nuclear weapons, radionuclides radiate β and - γ rays. Because of this, the radiation monitoring can base on gross β radioactivity measurement of the environmental samples, in addition to γ - spectrometry and radiochemical analysis for identification of radionuclides. The environmental object samples were gathered in different directions and distances from the nuclear reactor [3,4,5] and in 1 km protective zone, as well as in different control points in different distances from the reactor, e.g. in Salaspils Botanical Garden (1.5 km), in Riga (20 km),at lkskile(10km). Precipitation samples were gathered without interruption every month in stainless steel square vessels (40x40x10 cm) that were put up 1.5 m high. Eight such vessels had been put up in the reactor protective zone and one in Riga, Ikskile and Salaspils Botanical Garden. Soil and plant samples were taken twice a year near the places where the precipitation gathering devices had been placed The taking of aerosol samples have been carried out at 0.5 km distance from the reactor by means of the ventilator with sucking power about 1900 m3/h air through 1380 cm2 filter FPP-15 [44] material with exposure 1 - 4 daily. It was done once a month. The sample preparation have been carried out in laboratory [3,4,5]. Solid samples have been dried and reduced to ashes in furnace at temperature less than+400°C and liquid samples -evaporated and (or) reduced to ashes. P- and y- radiation of samples had been measured by gas discharge counters (STS-6, STS-5, MST-17 un SBT-13) and counting assembly with low background level UMF-1500. The γ -spectroscopy of the environmental samples had been carried out using the worked out methods in nuclear spectroscopy by multichannel pulse-height analyzer with scintilation detectors used in the 60th and Ge(Li) detector during the last years [4653]. Calibration of measuring equipment. The calibration of UMF-1500 had been carried out by natural KCI standard " and γ -spectrometer by OSGI un "AMERSHAM" standard. The applied methodic and measuring equipment corespond to measuring all the characterictic radionuclides [6,7], which may penetrate into environment from nuclear plants and nuclear weapon tests. 3. The reactor operation and results of the monitoring. In the situation that there is no significant local radioactive pollution in the environment, two main general principles can be used in order to compare the results of the radioactivity measurements in the environment. This should be done in order to come to the conclusion about the low level radioactivity pollution in the neighourhood around the nuclear reactor: - the nuclear reactor as a potential polluter of the envitonment the nearest natural objects pollute more than distant objects and in some definite direction more than in others (spatial correlation); - the intensity of the pollution of the environment as well as the result of the pollution (the gross radioactivity) is in the direct time correlation with the produced energy (power), rhythm and with the quantity of the nuclear energy that has been produced before that.