COT6600 Quantum Computation

COT6600 Quantum Computing
Credit: 3 units
Offered: Fall semester
Instructors: Dan Marinescu and Pawel Wocjan
Class outline
Linear Algebra & Dirac Notation
o Hilbert Spaces and Linear Operators
o Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues of Quantum Operators
o Spectral Decomposition of an Operator
Elements of Quantum Mechanics
o Quantum State Postulate
o Dynamics Postulate
o Measurements Postulate
o Uncertainty Principle
o Density Operator
o Pure and Mixed States
o Entanglement; Monogamy of Entanglement
Qubits and their Physical Implementation
o Quantum Gates and Quantum Circuits
o One-qubit gates: X, Y, Z, Hadamard, Phase-shift
o Two-qubit gates: CNOT
o Three-qubit gates: Fredkin and Toffoli
Universality of Quantum Circuits, Solovay-Kitaev Theorem, Clifford Group
Quantum Computational Models
Introduction to Quantum Algorithms
o Deutsch Algorithm
o Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm
o Bernstein-Vazirani Algorithm
o Simon's Algorithm
Algorithms with Superpolynomial Speed-up
o Efficient Quantum Circuits for the Fourier Transform
o Quantum Phase Estimation Algorithm
o Shor's Algorithm for Factoring Integers and Determining Discrete Logarithms
o Algorithms for Hidden Subgroup Problems
o Algorithms for Hidden Nonlinear Structures
Algorithms Based on Amplitude Amplification
o Grover's quantum search algorithm
o Amplitude Amplification
o Quantum Counting
o Quantum Walks
Quantum Computational Complexity Theory & Lower Bounds
o Quantum Complexity Classes BQP (Bounded Quantum Polynomial Time)
and QMA (Quantum Arthur Merlin)
o Complete Problems for QMA: local Hamiltonian problem, Compatibility of
density matrices
o Polynomial method
o Adversary methods
D. C. Marinescu and G. M. Marinescu, “Approaching Quantum Computing,”
Prentice Hall, 2004.
M. Nielsen and I. Chuang, “Quantum Computing,” Cambridge University Press, 2000.
R.P. Feynman, “Lectures on Computation,” Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1996.
N. D. Mermin, “Quantum Computer Science: An Introduction,” Cambridge
University Press, 2007.
R. Penrose, “The Road to Reality: A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe,”
Vintage Books, 2007.
Many research articles can be accessed through the quant-ph archive maintained by Los Alamos National Laboratory.
C. H. Bennett, “Logical Reversibility of Computation,” IBM Journal of Research and
Development, 17: 525 - 535, 1973.
E. Bernstein and U.Vazirani, “Quantum Complexity Theory,” SIAM Journal of
Computing, 26: 1411 - 1473, 1997.
D. P. DiVincenzo, “Quantum Computation,” Science, 270: 255 - 261, 1995.
D. P. DiVincenzo, “The Physical Implementation of Quantum Computation,”
Fortschritte der Physik, 48(9-11): 771 - 783, 2000.
R. P. Feynman, “Simulating Physics with Computers,” International Journal of
Theoretical Physics, 21: 467 - 488, 1982.
L. K. Grover, “A Fast Quantum Algorithm for Database Search,” Proceedings, ACM
Symposium on Theory of Computing, ACM Press, NY, 212 - 219, 1996. Also
updated version: Preprint,, 1996.
L. K. Grover, “From Schrödinger's Equation to the Quantum Search Algorithm,”
American Journal of Physics, 69(7): 769 - 777, 2001.
R. Jozsa, “Entanglement and Quantum Computation,” Geometric Issues in the
Foundations of Science. S. Hugget, L. Mason, K.P. Tod, S.T. Tsou, and N. M. J.
Woodhouse, Oxford University Press, 1997.Also: Preprint, v1,1997.
R. Jozsa, “Quantum Factoring, Discrete Logarithms, and the Hidden Subgroup
Problem,” Preprint, v1, 2000.
R. Landauer, “Irreversibility and Heat Generation in the Computing Process,” IBM
Journal of Research and Development, 5: 182 - 192, 1961.
S. Lloyd, “A Potentially Realizable Quantum Computer,” Science, 261: 1569 - 1571,
S. Lloyd, “Almost any Quantum Logic Gate is Universal,” Physical Review Letters,
75, 346 - 349 1995.
J. Preskill, “Lecture Notes for Physics 229: Quantum Information and Computing,”
California Institute of Technology,
E.Rieffel and W.Polak, “An Introduction to Quantum Computing for NonPhysicists,” ACM Computing Surveys, 32(3): 300 - 335, 2000.
P.W.Shor, “Polynomial-Time Algorithms for Prime Factorization and Discrete
Logarithms on a Quantum Computer,'' SIAM Journal of Computing,” 26: 1484 - 1509,
P.W.Shor, “Introduction to Quantum Algorithms,” Preprint,, July 2001.
P.W.Shor, “Why Haven't More Quantum Algorithms Been Found?” Journal of the
ACM, 50(1): 87 - 90, 2003.
A.M.Steane, “Quantum Computing,” Reports on Progress in Physics, 61: 117,
1998.Also: Preprint, v2, September 1997.
Grading policy:
Homework 35%
Final exam 40%