Formatting English Manuscript for Journal of Human and Environmental Symbiosis 1 2 3 4 Hanako KANKYO 5 Japan Human and Environmental Symbiosis University 6 Taro KYOSEI 7 Japan Center for Human and Environmental Symbiosis 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Abstract: This template aims to assist your preparation of manuscript for Journal of Human and Environmental Symbiosis. It provides instructions: page layout, font style and size and others. We wish your smooth and successful preparation of manuscript and activation of Japan Association for Human and Environmental Symbiosis (JAHES). 15 16 Keywords: Human and Environmental Symbiosis, Japan, JAHES (within 5 words) 17 18 1. Introduction 19 32 template and simply type your text into it. You have to use a 33 page size corresponding A42). 20 This sample template provides formatting instructions 34 21 for authors preparing for publication in Journal of Human 35 2-1 Title Section 22 and Environmental Symbiosis. The authors must follow 36 (1)Title, Authors and Affiliations 23 the instructions given in the document1). 37 Title must be centered and in 16pt Times New Roman 38 font. The margins of the title section must be set as follows: 39 Top=45mm, Bottom=25mm, Left=Right=28mm, as shown 40 on in this template. 24 25 2. Page Layout and Style 26 27 An easy way to comply with the paper formatting 41 Author name must be centered and in 14pt Times 28 requirements is to use this document as a template and 42 New Roman font. Author affiliation must be centered and 29 simply type your text into it. You have to use a page size 43 in 11pt Times New Roman font, as shown on in this 2) 30 corresponding A4 . An easy way to comply with the paper 44 template. 31 formatting requirements is to use this document as a 45 (2)Abstract and Keywords 46 Corresponding Author Hanako KANKYO (name) *** University (affiliation) 1-1 ** City, ***, 000-0000(address) E-mail: The word Abstract: is left-aligned and in 11pt 47 boldfaced Times New Roman font. The text of the abstract 48 must be written in English within 300 words and in 11pt 49 Times New Roman font with 10mm space bottom. 50 The word Keywords: is left-aligned and in 11pt 1 boldfaced Times New Roman font. Please write at the 2 maximum 5 keywords using 11pt Italic Times New Roman 3 font with 10mm space bottom. 4 5 Table 1. Sample of table A A1 B1 The margin of the Abstract and Keywords must be set B2 as Left=Right=40mm. B3 6 7 B4 2-2 Page Style of Main Text (the first page) 8 The main text of the paper must be in two column 9 format with a space 10mm between columns with 40 lines. 10 The margins of the document must be set as follows: 11 Top=33mm (from the second page), Bottom=25mm, Left= 12 Right= 18mm, as shown on in this template. 13 A2 41 100% 58.8 41.2 50% Sector 2 The word of corresponding author is left-aligned and Sector 1 86.1 14 in 9pt Times New Roman font in the left side bottom in the 15 first page. The corresponding author name, postal code, 16 postal address, affiliation, e-mail address must be in 9pt 17 Times New Roman font. 13.9 0% Y City (2007) M Prefecture (2008) 18 A main heading is left-aligned and in 10.5pt 19 Boldfaced Times New Roman font with 1 line-space top 20 and bottom (e.g. 2. Page Layout and Style). A secondary 42 21 heading is left-aligned and in 10.5pt Boldfaced Times New 43 Figures must be numbered using Arabic numerals. 22 Roman font with 1 line space top. Each subheading should 44 Figure captions must be in 10pt Bold Times New Roman 23 be given an appropriate decimal number as shown (e.g. 2-1 45 font. Captions of a single line must be centered whereas 24 Title). 46 multi-line captions must be left-aligned (e.g. Figure 1). 47 Captions with figure numbers must be placed after their 25 Figure 1. Sample of figure (case of multi-line captions, left-aligned) 26 2-3 Page Style of Main Text (from the second page) 48 associated figures, as shown in Figure 1. Words in figures 27 (1)Margins 49 should be in Times New Roman font. 28 From the second page, the main text of the paper must 50 Tables and figures must be centered in the column3). 29 be in two column format with a space 10mm between 51 Large tables and figures may span across both columns as 30 columns with 40 lines. The margins of the body must be set 52 shown (e.g. Table 2). The journal is printed in black and 31 as follows: Top=33mm, Bottom=25mm, Left= Right 53 white. If colored figures and tables are used, please ensure 32 =18mm. 54 that the figures are clearly comprehensible when printed on 33 (2)Tables and Figures 55 a back and whiter printer. 34 Tables must be numbered using Arabic numerals. 56 35 Table captions must be in 10pt Bold Times New Roman 57 Equations must be written using the equation editor 36 font. Captions of a single line (e.g. Table 1) must be 58 (e.g. Microsoft equation editor 3.0), as a general rule4). 37 centered whereas multi-line captions must be left-aligned. 59 Equations must be centered and in 10pt Times New Roman 38 Captions with table numbers must be placed before their 60 font. Number the equations, using Arabic members in 39 associated tables, as shown in Table 1. Words in tables 61 parentheses. 40 should be written in Times New Roman font. 62 (3)Equations X (t ) X ( L(t ), K (t )) (1) 1 where 4 X (t ) :Variable 1 L (t ) :Variable 2 K (t ) :Variable 3 5 t :Variable 4 2 3 6 7 (4)Supplementary notes and References 18 consecutive numbers in right-side bracket with superscript 19 and the number must be placed at the appropriate place as 20 shown1). Number references consecutively in the order in 21 which they are first mentioned in the paper. 22 The heading of the references section must be placed 23 blow the supplementary notes. It must be centered and not 24 be numbered. All references must be in 9pt Bold Times New Romans font. 8 Supplementary notes must be quoted in the text using 25 9 consecutive numbers in both left and right brackets and the 26 10 number must be placed at the end of text with superscript, 27 11 (n1) as shown . 3. Conclusions This template showed formatting instructions for 28 12 The heading of the supplementary notes section must 29 13 be placed above the references and must be left-aligned and 30 14 in 9pt Bold Times New Roman font. All the notes must be 31 Supplementary Notes 15 numbered with brackets and in 9pt Times New Romans 32 (1)All the notes must be numbered with brackets and in 9pt Times 33 New Roman font. 34 (2)You must download the updated template document from the 16 17 (n2) font . References must be quoted in the text using authors in English. Table 2. Sample of styles Item Font Style Font Size Paper Title Normal, centered Times New Roman 16pt Authors Normal, centered Times New Roman 14pt Name Affiliation Normal, centered Times New Roman 11pt University of JAHES Abstract, Keywords Bold, left-aligned Times New Roman 11pt Main and Secondary Title Abstract: Keywords: Heading Keywords Sample Italic Times New Roman 11pt keywords Bold, left-aligned Times New Roman 10.5pt 1. Section Heading 2-1 Title (1)Margins Main text Normal, first row indented Times New Roman 10pt Figure, Table Heading Bold, centered /left-aligned Times New Roman 10pt Text Table 1. Sample of table Figure 1. Sample of figure Notes Heading References Heading Notes Bold, left-aligned Times New Roman 9pt Supplementary Notes Bold, centered Times New Roman 9pt References Normal ,left-aligned Times New Roman 9pt References (1)All the notes 1)Kankyo, H. (2012): Numbers of Notes superscript Times New Roman as shown(n1). Numbers of References superscript Times New Roman in the document1). 1 JAHES website, 2 3 References 4 1)Kankyo, H., Kankyo, T. and Kyousei, J. (2012): An Introduction 5 to Journal of JAHES, pp.5-23, JAHES publisher. 6 2)Taro, N., (2009): A Sample of Layout and Style, Journal of 7 Human and Environmental Symbiosis, Vol.10, No.5, pp.201-227 8 3)Jiro, T., (2011): A Note on Figures and Tables in JHES, Research 9 Center for Environmental Sciences 10 4)Kyousei, T. (1995): A Report on Equations in JHES, 11 12 13