Energy Conservation Strategies Commission, Residential Subcommittee Guiding Principles (DRAFT) Alachua County Energy Conservation Strategies Commission Waste and Energy Implications Subcommittee Draft Biosolid Report: Supplement to the Biosolid Motion This is a draft of the sludge report. Comments in green are from Bob. Comments in blue are from Dwight. Citations in blue refer to Dwight’s list at the end of the paper, and will eventually be merged into the endnotes. We still need to add a link to the Comprehensive Plan and improve the organization. 1.1.Summary of Recommendations The Energy Conservation Strategies Commission recommends (AFTER THIS IS APPROVED BY THE FULL COMMISSION) Anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge, which would have the benefits of (a) providing an alternative source of energy through production of methane, (b) reducing emissions of various greenhouse gases, (c) destroying harmful microorganisms in the sewage sludge, and (d) providing a valuable soil amendment or fertilizer, thereby reducing the need for commercial fertilizers that are produced from natural gas. Anaerobic digestion is recommended as a replacement for the current practice of aerobic digestion and landspreading biosolids. An alternative procedure, incineration (thermal oxidation) of biosolids, is not recommended because (a) no energy is produced, (b) the carbon is released into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, and (c) the fertilizer value of the biosolids is lost. 1.2.Definitions and Process Description The term biosolids was coined by the Water Environment Foundation, formerly known as the Federation of Sewage Works Associations, to lessen public objection to spreading sewage sludge on the land[i]. Now it is used to differentiate between raw, untreated sewage sludge and treated sludge (biosolids) that might be suitable as a soil amendment of fertilizer. Anaerobic digestion is the process by which bacteria decompose organic material into methane and carbon dioxide in the absence of air [ii]. The resulting solid product, called the digestate, has less odor and fewer pathogens [iii]. When the process of digestion is conducted at approximately 122–150 °F (50–60 °C), the thermophilic temperature Bob Hoot Page 1 2/6/2016 Energy Conservation Strategies Commission, Residential Subcommittee Guiding Principles (DRAFT) range, pathogens are killed and the biosolids can attain a Class A or even Class AA rating [1] [2 I did not see content about the temperatures or Class in the Warmer Bulletin #100 or the EPA factsheet OK, let’s use 3, the GRU management plan has info on producing Class AA, also your previous reference by Wilson et al., although Class AA is a FDEP designation. ]. Another process for treating wastewater is aerobic digestion, which is conducted at ambient temperatures and requires air to be pumped into the water. Aerobic digestion typically requires less time and produces Class B biosolids, which contain more pathogens than Class A or Class AA biosolids. Methane extracted from the anaerobic digestion process can be used to generate electricity. A rough estimate of the methane produced from wastewater is 18,250 kg per 1,000 persons per year [iv]. Another estimate is that the wastewater from one person can produce enough methane to generate 2.2 watts of electricity [v]. Within the thermophilic temperature range, one study found that methane output is maximized at approximately 127 °F at which point methane output is approximately three times what it would be at 135.5 °F and double what it would be at the 95 °F (35 °C) second-stage temperature recommended by the GRU Biosolids Management Plan in Exhibit 5-44, and also higher than the 42°C primary digestion temperature recommended in by GRU in section 5.4.3 [vi, 3]. The large amount of methane produced from wastewater can be problematic if released into the atmosphere because of its global warming potential. Both the carbon dioxide and the uncaptured methane produced during digestion can contribute to global warming, with each unit of methane producing approximately 23 21 times the global warming potential of the same amount of carbon dioxide over a 100-year period [vii]. These gasses absorb relatively more solar radiation than other gasses do, and the result is a relative warming of the atmosphere [2]. (This is not correct explanation of the greenhouse effect and is best left out. Presumably, the overall report will have some brief explanation. I could give a brief explanation here if desired. See the IPCC Technical Summary that I cited for that statement. Page 24 contains a brief description of the global warming process. You can write a summary if you want to, or we can quote that entire box on page 24 of the IPCC report [or quote another summary]. We need ECSC direction on where to explain global warming) The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has determined that these warming effects threaten to increase average temperatures, change precipitation patterns, raise sea levels, and increase the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events [viii]. When used as fertilizer, biosolids must be evaluated to determine their levels of metals; organic compounds (such as PCBs, dioxin, Bob Hoot Page 2 2/6/2016 Energy Conservation Strategies Commission, Residential Subcommittee Guiding Principles (DRAFT) pharmaceuticals, and cleaners); and biological pathogens [ix]. In the Clean Water Act of 1993, the EPA defined the standards for the allowable levels of these contaminants [x]. The EPA also has additional reporting guidelines [xi]. 1.3.Management of biosolids in Alachua County In Alachua County, biosolids are produced from sludge that is treated by Gainesville Regional Utilities (GRU) at its Main Street and Kanapaha Water Reclamation Facilities (commonly called wastewater treatment facilities). The wastewater is collected from the City of Gainesville and other portions of Alachua County that have GRU sewer service. GRU provides biosolids treatment and handling for the University of Florida and the small communities of Hawthorne, High Springs, and Waldo [xii]. The city of Alachua has its own wastewater treatment facility with final disposal of biosolids on land owned by the city [xiii]. Once some of the wastewater has been separated from the solid sludge, it has a water content of either 5.3 % or 16.0 %, for “thickened” and “dewatered” sludge respectively [3]. Because of the difference in water content, the quantity of sludge is given in dry tons per day, which for the year 2006 was 13.9 tons per day for undigested sludge or 9.85 tons per day once it has been digested [3 I can’t find the 13.9 vs 9.85 reference in the GRU Biosolids Management Plan. what about pdf page 50: 12 tons vs 6 tons; also page 39 OK, it is: Attachment 2: GRU Wastewater Biosolids Characteristics, GRU RFP 2007-135]. The decrease in mass can be attributed to the conversion of biosolids to carbon dioxide, methane and other gasses by the digestion process. The current GRU treatment process is aerobic in which air is blown through the sludge and the digestion process decomposes organic material into carbon dioxide and other gases. After the Class B biosolids are processed by GRU at the wastewater treatment facilities, they are trucked to Whistling Pines Ranch, a site near Archer, and spread on the farmland for growing hay using conventional farm equipment. Adding nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus provided by the biosolids to the soil is considered a “beneficial use” unless the quantity is too great or there are unacceptable levels of toxins in the biosolids. A concern is that the nitrogen and phosphorus not exceed the amount that can be absorbed by the crops being grown [xii]. For the past 25 years, GRU has been landspreading Class B biosolids on 1175 acres of farmland at Whistling Pines Ranch [xii]. The present contract expires in 2009 [xii]. Consequently, the City of Gainesville has proposed to buy the property for GRU so that landspreading can continue indefinitely [xiv]. Since the land is in unincorporated Alachua County, application for a Special Exception has been made to the County to allow this use. Bob Hoot Page 3 2/6/2016 Energy Conservation Strategies Commission, Residential Subcommittee Guiding Principles (DRAFT) Today, approximately half of all seven million tons of sewage sludge produced in the US is applied to farmlands [5].I do not see where these citations discuss the percent of sludge spread on land, I did find an old reference from 1998, but I don’t think applies to today: Ok, this number is not important to us] Frequently, nearby residents object vigorously to the practice of landspreading sewage sludge[yes, but does this apply to the rural area around Whistling Pines? You betcha, read the newspaper; you could look up the reference to GSun articles]. The safety of landspreading sewage sludge, which may be toxic because of heavy metals, radio-nuclides, pathogens, and untreated organic chemicals, is highly questionable [xv, xvi, xvii]. Some of the organic chemicals in sludge are known endocrine disruptors such as those that caused reproductive problems for alligators in Lake Apopka [xviii] . The EPA regulates only ten pollutants out of many thousand found in sludge [3]. Paul Gilman, EPA assistant administrator, stated on 60 Minutes that there is no assurance that landspreading Class B sludge is safe. The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), which has responsibility for administering EPA regulations in the state, is in the process of revising its rule 62-640 for landspreading biosolids. A new subsection, 62-640.100(1)(b), has been added in the 2007 draft that states, “The Department [FDEP] intends to encourage the highest levels of treatment, quality, and use for biodsolids” [7]. Although the GRU Biosolids Management Plan states that new stricter regulations being promulgated would require treatment to Class A or Class AA, at this point the rule does not prohibit landspreading Class B biosolids. 1.4. Producing Class A or Class AA biosolids 1.4.1.Composting The solid digestate produced in biological decomposition of sludge, either by composting or anaerobic digestion is either Class A or Class AA biosolids depending on the level of pollutants remaining after treatment. Composting may be the simplest, low-cost, low-tech process that will produce these classes [3]. In composting sludge, another component of waste such as wood chips or yard waste is used as a “bulking agent” to disperse the liquid sludge and allow air to be circulated through it. With adequate aeration, the solids in sludge decompose into carbon dioxide and water, with compost, a solid humus-like material remaining. If aeration is inadequate, some methane is produced that is undesirable since it is a greenhouse gas that the composting facility is not likely to capture. The two most common methods for composting are “the static pile” and “windrows” [xix]. For the static pile, aeration is achieved by blowing air through pipes up through the pile. Aeration of windrows is provided by frequent mechanical turning of the pile. For both of these methods Bob Hoot Page 4 2/6/2016 Energy Conservation Strategies Commission, Residential Subcommittee Guiding Principles (DRAFT) energy is required to accomplish the aeration. However, there is a useful environmental benefit of carbon sequestration when the compost is used in agriculture or plant growing [xx]. The EPA estimates that the net greenhouse gas sequestration is 0.05 metric tons of carbon equivalents per (standard) ton of wet organic material composted [5]. 1.4.2.Anaerobic Digestion The preferred option for managing biosolids is anaerobic digestion that is carried out in a closed, heated vessel in the absence of oxygen. Thermophilic anaerobic digestion is carried out at temperatures up to 130 0F with retention times of two to three weeks, which destroys contaminants except for heavy metals. If industries discharge to the wastewater, heavy metals may be present in unacceptable concentration unless pre-treatment of the wastewater is used to remove them. The presence of heavy metals in biosolids could limit their use to landscaping and horticultural uses rather than for growing food. The decomposition produces a gas of about 60% methane and 40% carbon dioxide, a solid digestate, and “process liquor” [2, xxi]. The methane might be used for power production at 80% efficiency using combined heat and power, which EPA recommends []. The waste heat can be used to heat the anaerobic digestion vessels. A net energy of about 100 kWh per ton is realized, as well as the digestate, which is Class AA biosolids, a valuable soil amendment [, ]. Although GRU has objected to suggestions that they switch to anaerobic digestion as not being “cost effective.” In contrast, Jacksonville Electric Authority (JEA), changed to anaerobic digestion in 2002 [xxii] Following the anaerobic digestion step, JEA dries the biosolids to produce pellets, which are then taken by an Alachua County firm, GreenTechnologies to make into GreenEdge, an organic fertilizer marketed in various outlets [xxiii]. Anaerobic digestion of waste to produce methane is an increasingly important way to provide an alternative to fossil fuel. It is being used in various European cities to power city busses, on farms to supply power need to operate the farm with energy left over to sell, in various locations to produce energy from food waste, etc. [xxiv] [article] Live Oak, FL has switched to anaerobic digestion to save almost one megawatt of electricity that was previously used to operate the aeration pumps in the old aerobic digestion process. [citation needed I gave out a copy of web article about Live Oak at the Feb 12 meeting. It is important to keep this as an indication of a small city that made the switch. ] Bob Hoot Page 5 2/6/2016 Energy Conservation Strategies Commission, Residential Subcommittee Guiding Principles (DRAFT) Anaerobic digestion of waste for energy with use of the digestate as a fertilizer is a good example of fully closing the recycling loop on this “problem” waste. Thermophilic anaerobic digestion would have the following positive effects relative to aerobic digestion currently being used. 1.5.Energy Analysis of Aerobic Digestion 1. Energy saved by avoiding aeration (~ 2-3 megawatts) [estimated from ]. 2. Energy content of methane produced by anaerobic digestion using combined heat and power (~1 megawatts) [9 the EPA fact sheet does not tell us how much electricity can be produced at a given GRU facility. Of course not, the fact sheet gives general information, which applied to GRU gives 1 Mw.]. 3. Savings in energy for thermophilic digestion using ground (or wastewater) source heat pump for heating of up to 50% [14]. the references here are about savings for home heating and cooling, not for for heating sewate to 127 degrees F Heat pumps are devices that can heat for whatever purpose, including water heating to well over 127 degrees. .Use: “Turning waste into gold in the future cityscape,” by Stephen Salter, Watershead Sentinel Sept.-Oct. 2007, p 16, which has a diagram with a heat pump heating sludge. 4. Reduction in carbon dioxide, methane and other greenhouse gases released in aeration, at least 4 metric tons of carbon equivalents per day. Assuming a global warming potential for methane of 23 23 (change other 23’s below) [2], and assuming that approximately 60% of the gas is methane and 40% is carbon dioxide2: 23 4 .6 .4 4 56.8 metric tons per day of carbon equivalents for greenhouse gasses produced. 5. Reduction in amonia and methane from landspreading of biosolids [xii I didn’t see any occurence of “amonia” or “NH3” in the GRU BMP]. 6. Savings and reductions in greenhouse gas emissions associated with the burning of fossil fuels need to truck sludge to the Archer site and spread the sludge [15]. [if you don’t make a specific claim about the amount of the savings, we can skip the citation The number was not large, but since Sean calculated it, I would include it.] 7. Savings from the capital cost of the trucks ($436,000) and spreading equipment ($1,082,500) needed to haul the sludge and the rental of another truck from Whistling Pinnes ($30 per hour) [3]. 8. Production of Class AA biosolids would eliminate health concerns with pathogens and other toxic substances in Class B biosolids. 9. Class AA biosolids would be useful for replenishing soil carbon for landscaping, soil amendment and plant growing by the City, County or Bob Hoot Page 6 2/6/2016 Energy Conservation Strategies Commission, Residential Subcommittee Guiding Principles (DRAFT) private sector. and would reduce the need for artificial fertilizer produced from natural gas. The economics of anaerobic digestion should take into account the $11.5 14.1 million [xii The difference in capital costs between Exhibit 511 and5-12 is 14.1 million, which would seem to be the cost of the land. The differences in total capital cost from the last two pages is around 1012 million--is that what you used? Those numbers do include the capital cost but the AND model does not include the cost of producing Class A biosolids The cost of the land of $11.5 M has been given in newspaper articles and in presentations by GRU to City commission.] saved by not purchasing land for landspreading Class B biosolids. A few years ago, JEA implemented anaerobic digestion with drying of biosolids to produce Class AA granular fertilizer [11]. 1.6.Class AA biosolids as a fertilizer, soil amendment, or planting medium (to be done) 1.7.Incineration (burning) Incineration (burning) was presented by GRU consultants (using the euphemism terminology “thermal oxidation” instead of incineration) as an option for disposal of sewage sludge. A recent GRU Biosolids Management Plan reviewed incineration and other waste disposal methods but failed to consider the full impacts of greenhouse gassesError! Bookmark not defined.. The plan for landspreading of biosolids might also be affected by proposed changes in Chapter 62-640 of the Florida Administrative Code that require registration of lands, restrictions on when and where biosolids can be spread, prohibition of spray guns, prohibition of some stockpiling, and requirements for redundancy of equipmentxxv. The request for proposal [16] by GRU, GRU RFP 2007-135 for a planned biomass-burning generator includes sludge as a possible fuel and City Commissioners have expressed considerable interest in using this once the biomass burner is online. Burning sludge would be primarily a disposal mechanism rather than an energy producing process (as opposed to anaerobic digestion) since the heating value (Btu content) of sludge is essentially zero because of the high moisture content. While supplying little energy, burning the carbon in sludge would add it to the atmosphere, producing 10-15 metric tons of carbon equivalents per day [3]. Thermal oxidation, although allowed by environmental regulations is not advisable since (a) no energy is produced, (b) the carbon is released into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, and (c) the fertilizer Bob Hoot Page 7 2/6/2016 Energy Conservation Strategies Commission, Residential Subcommittee Guiding Principles (DRAFT) value of the biosolids is lost. Because of the cost and the carbon output, incineration is not recommended. (OLD) References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Private communication, Arthur Saarinen, P.E., Retired Environmental (wastewater) Engineer. “Wastewater Fact Sheet,” EPA: “Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facilities,” EPA: Dr. Amir Varshovi, GreenTechnologies. The solid content in GRU undigested sludge is currently 13.93 dry ton/d. New references to add to yours (delete Saarinen reference, it is too complicated to do and others suffice). 1. Wikipedia (your 1 also) 2. Anaerobic Digestion Information Sheet, Warmer Bulletin,[which issue? #100?] 3. GRU Biosolids Management Plan (there is an URL that can be listed). 4. (City of Alachua, same as your xii). 5. A. A. Rockefeller, Sewers, Sewage Treatment, Sludge: Damage Without End, New Solutions, Vol. 12(4) 341, 343 (2002); Joel Bleifuss, Nightmare Soil, In These Times, Oct. 12, 1995, at 13-14; Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber, Toxic Sludge is Good For You: Lies, Damn Lies and the Public Relations Industry, The Sludge Hits the Fan [PAGE] (1995) at 6. (your xiv) 7. The Biocycle Guide to Yard Waste Composting, The JG Press, Inc, Emmasus, PA, (1989). 8. Solid Waste Management and Greenhouse Gases, EPA (URL available). 9. “Wastewater Fact Sheet,” EPA:; “Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facilities,” EPA: 10. roducts/byproducts_sewer.asp]. 11. Emil Varshovi, GreenTechnologies, presentation to WEIS, (check minutes for date) 12. Stephen Salter, Modern Alchemy, Turning Waste into Gold, Watershed Sentinel, Sept-Oct. 2007. Bob Hoot Page 8 2/6/2016 Energy Conservation Strategies Commission, Residential Subcommittee Guiding Principles (DRAFT) 13. GRU’s power consumption at its wastewater treatment facilities is 4 MW. Although there is no separate data for aeration, over half is required for this. (Public Records). 14.;; 15. (Sean did the calculation for energy used by sludge hauling truck) 16. GRU RFP 2007-135, Biomass Energy Supply. i Wikipedia (2008). Biosolids. Retrieved from ii Environmental Protection Agency (2006). Biosolids Technology Fact Sheet: Multi-Stage Anaerobic Digestion. Retrieved from iii Water Environment Federation (2004). High Performance Anaerobic Digestion (White Paper). Retrieved from iv Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (Australia; 1997) Methane Capture and Use–Waste Management Workbook. Retrieved from v Environmental Protection Agency (2007). Wastewater Fact Sheet: Energy Savings and Energy Reliability for Wastewater Treatment Facilities. Retrieved from vi C. A. Wilson, S. M. Murthy, Y. Fang, and J. T. Novak (2007) The Effect of Temperature on the Performance and Stability of Thermophilic Anaerobic Digestion. Conference paper from Moving Forward: Wastewater, Biosolids Sustainability: Technical, Managerial, and Public Synergy. Retrieved from vii J. T. Houghton, Y. Ding, D.J. Griggs, M. Noguer, P. J. van der Linden and D. Xiaosu (Eds.) (2001) Contribution of Working Group I to the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC): Technical Summary. Cambridge University Press, UK. Retrieved from viii Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2007). Climate Change 2007: Synthesis Report. Retrieved from ix Suzanne R. Jenkins, Carl W. Armstrong, and Michele M. Monti (2007). Health Effects of Biosolids Applied to Land: Available Scientific Evidence (Virginia Department of Health white paper) Retrieved from Bob Hoot Page 9 2/6/2016 Energy Conservation Strategies Commission, Residential Subcommittee Guiding Principles (DRAFT) x Code of Federal Regulations. Standards for the Use or Disposal of Sewage Sludge. Title 40, Volume 20, Parts 425 to 699. Retrieved from xi Environmental Protection Agency (2006) 2006 Integrated Report Guidance. Retrieved from xii C2MHILL (2007). Draft Final Biosolids Management Plan. Retrieved from pdf xiii City of Alachua (2007). Wastewater Treatment. Retrieved from xiv Gainesville City Commission (July 23, 2007). Meeting Minutes. Item 070232. Retrieved from xv Hillman, J. P., Hill, J, Morgan, J. E. & Wilkinson, J. M. (2002). Recycling of Sewage Sludge to Grassland: A Review of the Legislation to Control the localization and Accumulation of Potential Toxic Metals in Grazing Systems. Grass and Forage Science 58, 101–111. xvi Topcuoglu, B. (2005) Effects of Repeated Applications of Sewage Sludge and MSW Compost on the Bioavailability of Heavy Metals in Greenhouse Soil. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 14(2) 217–222. xvii Bozkurt, M. A., Akdeniz, H, Keskin, B. & Yilmaz, I. H. (2006). Possibilities of using sewage sludge as nitrogen fertilizer for maize. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B-Soil and Plant Science, 56, 143–149. xviii Harrison E. Z. et al Sc. Total Env.367 (2006) 481-497. xix Biocycle (1989). The BioCycle Guide to Yard Waste Composting. JG Press: Emmasus, PA. xx Environmental Protection Agency (2006). Solid Waste Management and Greenhouse Gases: A Life-Cycle Assessment of Emissions and Sinks. Retrieved from xxi Wikipedia (2008). Anaerobic Digestion. Retrived from xxii Jacksonville Electric Authority (n.d.). Sewer Treatment Byproducts. Retrieved from xxiii Jacksonville Electric Authority (n.d.). GreenEdge-Fertilizer. Retrieved from xxiv Salter, S. (2007). Modern Alchemy, Turning Waste into Gold. Watershed Sentinal, September–October. Retrieved from See also Bob Hoot Page 10 2/6/2016 Energy Conservation Strategies Commission, Residential Subcommittee Guiding Principles (DRAFT) xxv Florida Department of Environmental Protection (2008). Draft 62-640 Biosolids. Retrieved from Bob Hoot Page 11 2/6/2016