Analysis of the Semiconductor Industry Eugene Spektor Econ 4355 Dr. Basker Spring 2010 Background The US Census Bureau defines the semiconductor industry with the NAICS code 334413, which includes the manufacturing of semiconductors and related devices such as intergraded circuits, memory chips, transistors, and microprocessors. The rise of the industry was spurred by a few key innovations: the commercialization of ”…the transistor in 1951, the intergraded circuit in 1961, [the] semiconductor memory in 1968, and the microprocessor in 1971” (Stoelhorst). The adoption of personal computers and the internet in the 1980s and 90s respectively, and today’s digital media continue to nourish the industry (Ellis). In 1997, roughly 1000 companies’ value of shipments totaled nearly $78.5 billion and four largest companies in the industry accounted for 52.5 percent of the market share (US Census Bureau). In 2002, the number of companies increased slightly to 1045, but with a lower value of shipments ($61.5 million) in total (US Census Bureau). Intel is the world’s largest semiconductor supplier by revenue, capturing roughly 32 percent of the market in 1997 and 42 percent in 2002 (US Census Bureau, Intel). Semiconductor Industry Trends For the past 40 years, Moore’s Law has characterized the semiconductor industry. Gordon Moore, one of Intel’s founders, believed that the number of transistors on a chip will double approximately every two years and the cost of an integrated circuit would stay constant (The Economist). The price per transistor would be cut in half, but the number of transistors would double. However, this trend may come to an end within the next five years (eWeek). Smaller transistors cost less, but the equipment needed to produce them is rising in cost (eWeek). In order to achieve economies of scale, chipmakers must build larger manufacturing facilities (The Economist). In other words, as transistor prices go down, fixed costs go up. This in turn has spawned another trend. 1 The semiconductor industry is becoming less vertically intergraded and more deconsolidated and specialized (The Economist). The rising cost of production has led chipmakers to spin off manufacturing to separate companies and continue to design chips (The Economist). The companies could no longer achieve economies of scope, so they split. However, splitting firms increases competition. This is evident in the industry because of the high turnover among the top 10 semiconductor companies, with over half vanishing from the top 10 since the 1950s (Rhines). In fact, only Texas Instruments and Motorola have consistently stayed in the top 10 since the 1950’s (Stoelhorst). The only noticeable consolidation that has occurred is in the manufacturing-intensive portion of the industry (Rhines). The consolidation of manufacturers would increase efficiency by achieving economies of scale, but it may also create a barrier to entry due it the high capital costs needed for facilities. According to The Economist, price rigging by manufacturers could occur but would be unlikely because they are too closely intergraded with chip designers who already face steep competition and would not survive. More importantly, it would be unreasonable to assume that foreign suppliers would have no impact on domestic prices. Chipmakers already tend to oversupply the market because they must spend billions before actual demand is known and competition spurs them to use the latest technology, which means they must routinely make new products and increase output (The Economist). The government also encourages domestic oversupply in the interest of national security and jobs (The Economist). The semiconductor business is also picking up in the east. Taiwan produces over half of the world’s chips and more factories will be constructed in Asia in the next several years than anywhere else in the world. (The Economist). All of this translates into further oversupplying. Even if the firms in Taiwan went out of business, supply would still surpass 2 demand (The Economist). All totaled, “Nearly 15 percent more chips and 50 percent more transistors are shipped each year than the prior year” (Rhines). This staggering growth may partially explain why semiconductor prices have been dropping. The industry is also nearing maturity. The Economist reports that the industry’s “…annual growth has slid from double digits in the mid-1990s to an average of around 5% since then. And since 2004 the profitability of chip firms has dropped steadily as many chipmakers have lowered prices to expand their markets.” All of these factors must be considered in order to make reasonable assumptions about the domestic model of competition. Semiconductor Industry Analysis Several forms of competition can be eliminated before selecting one that best describes the industry. The easiest one to discard is the monopoly model since there is obviously much more than one supplier, domestically and abroad. A dominant firm with a competitive fringe does not characterize the industry either. Assuming that the products are the same, no one firm has a significantly lower production cost than all other firms. The factories that produce chips and transistors may have economies of scale, but they will not have a significant advantage against other firms for another five years, when machine costs increase, resulting in decreasing returns to scale. Until then, many companies will still manufacture their own products. Even if Intel is considered a dominant firm, predicting market demand in the semiconductor industry is extremely difficult, as mentioned earlier. Oligopoly models such as Cournot and Stackelberg do not hold water simply because there are numerous firms that have no way of controlling the market price or the quantity produced. This is largely due to oversupply by domestic and foreign companies who collectively and consistently overproduce. Also, while firms need a large capital 3 investment to manufacture products, they do not need such a large investment to design chips, so there is no significant barrier to entry. The Bertrand model of perfect competition is arguably the best choice in describing the industry. An important assumption is the homogeneity of all products. This is reasonable because even when an innovation appears, other companies quickly capitalize on it. The high supply of semiconductors and large number of firms means that all firms must set their prices equal or close to the competitive prices and choose quantities based on those prices. If a firm charges too high a price, there will be too many alternatives with the same features for consumers to choose from and the firm will likely lose all sales. If the price is any lower than the market price, firms will likely earn a loss or a relatively small profit. Finally, the semiconductor industry is highly competitive. Constant pressure exists on companies to innovate. If they do not, they will fade from the market, as evident from the high turnover ratio mentioned earlier. If they do innovate, their ability to hold on to the market will depend on whether or not they can mass produce their product and sell it at a lower or equal price than their competitors eventually will. In fact, the price of semiconductors has continuously fallen ever since the 1970’s (Sichel et al). There is also little ability to price discriminate as market price is nearly impossible to set and resale is difficult to prevent. Conversely, the microprocessor industry has significant differences from the whole semiconductor industry and therefore warrants different conclusions. Microprocessor Industry The semiconductor industry cannot be analyzed effectively without acknowledging the microprocessor. Together, semiconductor memory and microprocessors account for over 50 percent of the semiconductor industry (Stoelhorst). Intel first created the microprocessor in 4 1971, but it mainly concentrated on semiconductor memory at the time (Stoelhorst). When profitability switched from designing memory to mass producing it, Intel fell behind and decided to concentrate more heavily on microprocessors (Stoelhorst). By 1977, Intel had a microprocessor market share between 60 and 65 percent (Stoelhorst). In 1981, the personal computer was the main application for the microprocessor, and Intel managed to convince IBM to choose its product for IBM’s new pc’s (Stoelhorst). When the pc market exploded in 1992, Intel became the largest semiconductor manufacturer in the world (Stoelhorst). Currently, Intel makes up 82 percent of the world’s microprocessor revenue (The Economist). Intel and its largest rival Advanced Micro Devices comprise 95 percent of the market share in microprocessors (Goettler, Gordon). Intel however does not always appear to play by the rules. Recently, the FTC filed a complaint against Intel for anticompetitive practices, alleging that it “…illegally stifled competition and innovation in the microprocessor market…over the past 10 years” (Carbone). The FTC believes that Intel violated Section 5 of the FTC Act, “…which prohibits unfair methods of competition and deceptive acts and practice in commerce” and that “…Intel engaged in illegal monopolization, attempted monopolization and monopoly maintenance…” (Carbone). Specifically, the FTC charged Intel of using rewards and threats on several computer manufacturers such as Dell, HP, and IBM to coerce them to avoid using microprocessors from AMD and other companies and attempted to prevent them from marketing their products with non-Intel components (Carbone). On top of that, the FTC accused Intel of “…secretly redesigned key compiler software that deliberately stunted the performance of competitors' chips…” and “…told its customers and the public that software performed better on its processors than on competitors'…” (Carbone). To remedy this, the FTC seeks to stop Intel from using threats and “…other offers to encourage exclusive deals, hamper competition or 5 unfairly manipulate the prices of its microprocessors…” and wants to prohibit Intel from “…excluding or inhibiting the sale of competitive processors…” and from “…making or distributing products that impair the performance…of non-Intel chips” (Carbone). These issues where partially addressed in Intel’s settlement with AMD, which stipulated that “Intel will pay AMD $1.25 billion and the two companies will share patent rights for the next five years,” and that AMD will cancel “…all antitrust litigation against Intel” (Meyer). The factors listed create a different picture of the microprocessor industry within the semiconductor industry. Microprocessor Industry Analysis The microprocessor industry resembles a few economic models but only fits the most with one. Any market with only two firms is unlikely in perfect competition since each firm is likely to choose a strategy that maximizes its profits. Once again, a monopoly should be ruled out because AMD poses a significant challenge to Intel’s market, although, it is evident from Intel’s actions above that it is certainly attempting to monopolize the market by sabotaging its competitors. Obviously, Intel and AMD have not formed a cartel based on their relationship above. Further evidence of this is that AMD has lost more money during its entire existence than it has made (Ellis), which would be highly unlikely if it were colluding with Intel. It is worth reiterating however, that Intel and AMD will share certain patent rights for the next five years. An oligopoly better describes the two companies, specifically a Cournot duopoly. The Stackelberg model does not fit as well because both companies routinely come up with new products at similar times, especially if they share patents. Collectively, both firms have market power since they comprise most of the market and each firm acts independently, but are affected by one another’s actions. Still, a Cournot duopoly assumes no entry, and a dominant and fringe firm model deals with this prospect more realistically. 6 AMD and other firms make up the competitive fringe by holding a small share of the market relative to Intel, the dominant firm, which holds 82 percent mentioned before. Several reasons can be cited for this market structure. First, Intel in a way has lower costs than the fringe firms in the microprocessor market. It achieves this by having entered the market early and has gaining experience for decades. Second, it has had time to grow to an optimal size and achieve economies of scale. Third, Intel’s microprocessor is perceived as a superior product because of Intel’s strong branding. Most chipmakers are unknown to consumers, except for Intel, which gives it an advantage over its competitors (Leopold et al). Therefore, Intel has some power in setting price, while all other firms must take the price given, at least to some extent. Intel held most of the microprocessor market since the 70’s, yet Intel’s prices were higher than AMD’s until around the year 2000, when they started to match each other, even though the quality of both companies’ products were roughly the same at least since the 1990’s (Goettler, Gordon). Entry to the market can still reasonably occur. As stated before, production costs will increase several years into the future to the point where chip designers will have to splinter from the manufacturing business, but they can still enter the market. Evidence of this is reflected in the microprocessor market in the 1990’s. When the computer industry soared, many firms probably wanted to get into the market and make profits. As a result, the dominant firm would have to reduce its profit margins to prevent too much competition from sprouting up. Indeed, microprocessor prices fell in the 1990’s, partially due to declines in Intel’s profit margins (Aizcorbe). The fringe keeps Intel from setting its prices too high, but Intel sets them low enough to keep its dominant share. Most of the fall in prices of microprocessors is attributed to a different trend in the industry, even though Intel causes a noticeable portion of it. If Intel were a monopoly, consumer surplus could decrease by about 2.5 percent, but innovation could increase 7 by 6.4 percent (Goettler, Gordon). Consumer surplus would decrease because Intel could raise prices, but to combat the durability of its goods, Intel must constantly innovate. At the same time, Intel’s high rate of innovation creates another competitive advantage. Intel also has a high potential to price discriminate. First, because of its market position, it can significantly manipulate the price. Second, Intel can probably identify different types of consumers by the amount they order. If a customer orders relatively few amount of microprocessors, the customer is probably a small business at most. If a relatively large amount is ordered, the customer is a big business. Intel could also discriminate based on quality by separating consumers by their preference for high and low quality products. Third, Intel has some ability to prevent resale, as noted by its need to innovate. Intel is also vertically integrated which means it controls its manufacturing process and can sell its product at a higher price to end users. Unfortunately for Intel, it may not be able to hold its share of the market indefinitely. Future Trends in the Semiconductor Industry The semiconductor industry is moving away from the pc because growth is slowing in the maturing in the pc market (Leopold et al). As the high turnover indicates, staying alive in the semiconductor industry depends on a company’s ability to follow the market trend, and the market will start moving toward embedding its electronics in devices other than pc’s, which is what Intel aims to do (Leopold et al). Even so, Intel is highly focused on its computer products, and hence, the company has little time to diversify into the quickly expanding embedded market and elsewhere. Furthermore, “The competitive environment in the digital communications and Internet market is different from what Intel is used to, and the company cannot claim the same technology edge that it has enjoyed in processors for computing” (Leopold et al). If Intel fails to seize a considerable amount of these new markets, “…it will no longer be the world’s biggest 8 chip manufacturer in 10 years from now (Leopold et al). This of course will reduce Intel’s share of the semiconductor and microprocessor industry, creating a more efficient market. 9 Works Cited Aizcorbe, Ana M., Why are Semiconductor Prices Falling So Fast? Industry Estimates and Implications for Productivity Measurement (April 2002). FEDS Discussion Paper No. 2002-20. Available at SSRN: or doi:10.2139/ssrn.306802 Carbone, James. "Federal Trade Commission Charges Intel with Anticompetitive Practices." Purchasing 14 Jan. 2010. Activia. Web. 3 May 2010. Ellis, Stephen. "Valley Mergers Prove Chips Aren't Down." The Australian 29 Apr. 2008. Lexis-Nexis. Web. 3 May 2010. < e&risb=21_T9228366417&format=GNBFI&sort=RELEVANCE&startDocNo=51&resul tsUrlKey=29_T9228366420&cisb=22_T9228366419&treeMax=true&treeWidth=0&csi= 244777&docNo=74>. Goettler, Ronald L. and Gordon, Brett R., Competition and Innovation in the Microprocessor Industry: Does AMD Spur Intel to Innovate More? (January 19, 2009). Available at SSRN: "Intel 2003 Annual Report." Intel Corporation. Web. 3 May 2010. <>. Leopold, George. "Point/Counterpoint: Intel beyond the PC." Ed. Dylan McGrath and Bolaji Ojo. Electronic Engineering Times 25 Jan. 2010. Activia. Web. 3 May 2010. Meyer, David. "Intel and AMD Settle, Agree Cross-licensing Deal." ZDNet UK 12 Nov. 2009. Activia. Web. 3 May 2010. 10 "Moores Law Reaching End of Life Study." EWeek. Activia. Web. 3 May 2010. <>. Rhines, Walden C. "Is Chip Industry Consolidation Inevitable?" Electronic Engineering Times. Lexis-Nexis. 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