4. India – Village – Methodologies - Runoff 4.3. Assessing impact of water harvesting structures This section explains a simple methodology that was developed to assess the impact of existing water harvesting structures on downstream tanks and other water users, and the potential impact of new structures. It can be used as a planning tool to maximise the benefits of water harvesting, and to help and identify potential negative impacts. 4.3.4. Background Different forms of water harvesting have been used successfully in semi-arid areas of India for millennia as a means of protecting domestic water supplies and increasing or stabilising agricultural production. In recent years, water harvesting both in field (e.g. contour bunding) and along drainage lines (e.g. check dams) has been promoted and funded on a massive scale as part of different government and non-government programmes. Accepted wisdom is that rainfall should as far as possible be harvested where it falls and that these technologies are totally benign. However, evidence is emerging that water harvesting in semi-arid areas, if used inappropriately, can lead to inequitable access to water resources and, in the extreme, to unreliable drinking water supplies (often these are recharged by tanks located close to villages). Methodologies are needed to identify when the identify the possible downstream impacts of new water harvesting structures, and to answer questions like how many check dams are suitable for a catchment? Structures of which size? Where should they be sited? And, how may new water harvesting structures affect the performance of tanks and other existing structures? 4.3.5. Survey of structures In the WHiRL study, all water-harvesting structures within the catchment area of the main village tanks in each study village were identified and mapped (see Figure 4.3.3 for example). The structures included tanks, nala bunds, check dams, and others, for example, farm ponds. Measurements were made of the upstream crest height and breadth of every check dam and nala bund so that the potential storage of these structures could be estimated. Example results are shown in Table 4.3.1. Figure 4.3.3 Structures mapped for the catchment of the main tank in Battuvani Palli Other useful data collected included the number of wells (often wells are located close to structures because they improve groundwater recharge), areas under irrigation, numbers of irrigator farmers and the physical status of the tank and command area structures. Table 4.3.1 Results of the survey of tank and structures Tank Name Tank details CatchStorage ment area capacity (ha) (ham) No. of structures in tank catchment area Tanks Nalabunds Checkdams Others Total Total “structure” storage capacity (ham) Battuvani Palli 1145 61.0 0 11 3 1 15 15.3 Manirevu 1192 55.6 0 5 1 4 10 8.1 Pathcheruvu 996 16.8 0 4 7 2 13 7.3 Obulapuram 3014 20.0 2 16 14 8 40 95.0 4.3.6. Modelling impact of structures on tanks The impact of intensive water harvesting along drainage lines on tank inflows was estimated using a simple “bucket-type” water balance model (see Figure 4.3.4). The main aim of this model being to assess the affects of the additional storage created by new water harvesting structures, including the impacts in years with different patterns of rainfall. As it is commonly assumed that structures such as check dams help to drought-proof villages, drier years were studied in particular detail. Figure 4.3.4 The water balance model Runoff analysis was carried out using data from the surveys of the catchment areas of the tanks located within the four focus villages. Runoff estimates were made using a version of the SCS method that has been modified for Indian conditions (see Box 4.3.1). These calculations used an Excel-based spreadsheet model with a daily time step, using 20 years of daily rainfall data. Box 4.3.1 Runoff estimation using the SCS method The SCS method for estimating runoff can be applied to small agricultural catchments. Although it was developed originally using data obtained in the US, the method has been modified to suit Indian conditions (e.g. Singh et al., 1990). The equation governing the relations between rainfall and runoff used in the study reported here was: Q = (P – Ia)2 / (P – Ia) + S where, Q = actual runoff (mm); P = runoff generating rainfall (mm); S = maximum potential rainfall retention (mm); and I a = Initial abstraction (0.1S and 0.2S for black and red soils respectively) The maximum potential rainfall retention was calculated by the equation: S = (25400 / CN) -254 where, CN is the curve number taken from Singh et al (1990). (CN falls in the range 1-100. When CN = 100 all the rain runs off and S = 0 and P = Q). Runoff generating rainfall was calculated using the following equation: P = 0.7R – 21.2 where, R = daily rainfall (mm). The model made the assumption that water harvesting structures were uniformly distributed around the tank catchment area and that all runoff that was not impounded flowed into to the tank. Evaporation losses from structures were calculated using potential evaporation data for open water and on the basis that water remains ponded behind nala bunds and check dams for 21 and 7 days respectively. These figures were based on visual observation and discussions with local people, NGOs and relevant specialists. It was assumed that water that did not evaporate from behind structures went to groundwater recharge. Evaporation and percolation losses for the tank were estimated as 15% of the net inflow to the tank. The main findings of this analysis were crosschecked against the perceptions and knowledge of villagers and NGO staff living and working in the area. This model was then used to analyse the affects of water harvesting on patterns and availability of runoff in the catchment areas. Scenarios included simulations with and without the existing water-harvesting structures, and scenarios with more structures. 4.3.7. Example results Example modelling results are shown in Table 4.3.2. For Battuvani Palli, Pathacheruvu and Obulapuram, the analysis shows that the presence of waterharvesting structures does significantly reduce average inflows to the tanks located in these villages (by between 30 and 38%). There is less impact in Manirevu, where the storage volume of the structures is a relatively smaller proportion of the total tank storage volume than in the other villages. As well as reducing estimated average inflows, we can see that water-harvesting structures may be expected to reduce the number of times when a tank is full and spills, providing surface water to downstream users. Table 4.3.2 Results of modelling for scenarios ‘with’ and ‘without’ waterharvesting structures Average annual volume of water retained (ham) Frequency of tank spillage during a twenty year period Frequency tank fills to >20% capacity during a 20 year period Without structures With structures % change Without structures With structures % Change Without structures With structures % Change Battuvani Palli 52 32 -38 4 2 -50 18 13 -28 Manirevu 63 60 -5 8 8 0 19 18 -5 Pathacheruvu 25 17 -32 13 11 -15 19 17 -11 Obulapuram 27 19 -30 13 11 -15 19 17 -11 Tank name An alternative measure of impact is to identify in how many years the tank fills to a level which provides significant water for recharge of village water supplies and/or other activities. Using the Battuvani Palli tank as an example and an arbitrary level of 20% of capacity, we see that the presence of water-harvesting structures in this tank catchment reduces the frequency with which this level is reached by between 5 and 28%. In other words, there are 1-5 more years within a 20 year spell when the 20% storage level will not be reached, with potentially major impacts on tank utility in these years. Figure 4.3.5 illustrates the major differences in the impact of water harvesting structures that can be expected between wet and dry years. In wet years, we see that, in this example, the main tank and the structures within the catchment collect a similar amount of water. The effect of the structures is certainly to spread the benefits of harvested water more widely across the catchment in these wetter years. However, in the dry year, the water harvesting structures in the catchment collect much more water than the tank with potentially important impacts on the tank water users in dry years, who may face increased vulnerability to drought. Figure 4.3.5 Water harvested by a tank and smaller structures within the same catchment during wet and dry years, Battuvani Palli 4.3.8. Lessons learnt The assessments have shown that water harvesting programmes impact significantly on patterns of water use and that this can result in distinct winners and losers. Winners include people who have improved access to water for productive purposes (e.g. irrigated agriculture) and losers include people whose access to water for domestic, productive and other purposes is reduced. It is also clear that livelihood gains experienced by some “winners” can dissipate as competition for water resources increases and traditional drought coping strategies become less viable and/or increasingly expensive. The recommendation from the analysis presented here is that water harvesting should be encouraged but within an integrated or adaptive water resources management framework using procedures that weigh up the benefits and tradeoffs associated with altered patterns of water use. The aim being identify potential unintended impacts so that, if at all possible they are avoided altogether, but if these do occur, they are recognised at an early stage and steps are taken to mitigate their affects. 4.3.9. Using the model If you are interested in using the spreadsheet model and need further information, please contact Charles Batchelor (see contributors section for contact details). Read more Batchelor, C., Singh, A., Rama Mohan Rao, M. S. and Butterworth, J. 2002. Mitigating the Potential Unintended Impacts of Water Harvesting, in International Regional Symposium on Water for Human Survival, Proceedings of a conference held in New Delhi, 26-29 November, 2002. WHiRL. undated. Using watershed development to protect and improve domestic water supplies. Briefing note, India No. 3. Accion Fraterna, Anantapur. Rama Mohan Rao, M. S., Batchelor, C. H., James, A. J., R., N., Seeley, J. and Butterworth, J. A. 2003. APRLP Water Audit: Phase I Report. Andhra Pradesh Rural Livelihoods Project, Hyderabad. Other references and links Batchelor, C. H., Rama Mohan Rao, M. S. and James, A. J. 2000. Karnataka Watershed Development Project: Water Resources Audit. KAWAD Report 17. KAWAD Society, Bangalore. Singh, G., Venkataramanan, C., Sastry, G. and Joshi, B. P. 1990. Manual of soil and water conservation practices. Oxford/ IBH Publishers, New Delhi.