Impacts of lawn-care pesticides on aquatic ecosystems in relation to property value Jay P. Overmyera, , , Raymond Nobleta and Kevin L. Armbrustb a University of Georgia, Department of Entomology, 413 Biological Sciences Building, Athens, GA 30602, USA b Mississippi State Chemical Laboratory, PO Box CR, Mississippi State, MS 39762, USA Received 20 August 2004; accepted 11 February 2005. Available online 24 May 2005. Abstract To determine the potential impacts of lawn-care pesticides on aquatic ecosystems, the macroinvertebrate communities of six streams were assessed using a multimetric approach. Four streams flowed through residential neighborhoods of Peachtree City, GA, USA, with differing mean property values and two reference streams were outside the city limits. A series of correlation analyses were conducted comparing stream rank from water quality and physical stream parameters, habitat assessments, benthic macroinvertebrate metric, pesticide toxicity and metal toxicity data to determine relationships among these parameters. Significant correlations were detected between individual analyses of stream rank for pesticide toxicity, specific conductance, turbidity, temperature and dissolved oxygen with benthic macroinvertebrate metrics. The macroinvertebrate communities of suburban streams may be influenced by the toxicity of the pesticides present in the water and sediment as well as select water quality parameters. Keywords: Macroinvertebrates; Pesticides; Property value; Rapid bioassessment; Suburban streams Article Outline 1. Introduction 2. Study sites 3. Materials and methods 3.1. Habitat assessment 3.2. Water quality 3.3. Benthic sampling 3.4. Benthic metrics 3.5. Pesticide Toxicity Index 3.6. Chemical analysis 3.7. Data analysis 4. Results 4.1. Habitat assessment 4.2. Water quality 4.3. Pesticides 4.4. Macroinvertebrate assessment 5. Discussion 6. Conclusions Acknowledgements References 1. Introduction Urban and suburban streams have the potential to be highly impacted by chemicals used to protect lawns, ornamental plants, and home gardens from pests. An estimated 80 million pounds of pesticide-active ingredients are applied annually in domestic settings for control of insects, invasive plants, weeds, and fungi on lawns and gardens (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Lawn-care pesticides enter waterways primarily through runoff from rain events and are commonly detected in these aquatic systems (USGS, 1999). Several chemicals, primarily insecticides, have been detected at concentrations exceeding aquatic life criteria (USGS, 1999). Thus, organisms inhabiting urban and suburban streams may be adversely affected by the presence of lawn-care pesticides. Macroinvertebrates have been widely used to assess the effects of contaminants on stream ecosystems in urban areas (Beasley and Kneale, 2002, Duda et al., 1982, Garie and McIntosh, 1986 and Medeiros et al., 1983). Macroinvertebrates can be considered excellent biomonitors of aquatic systems because they are ubiquitous, sedentary, exhibit a range or responses to contaminants, and have relatively long lifecycles (Rosenberg and Resh, 1996). In addition, macroinvertebrate indices such as the Ephemeroptera + Plecoptera + Trichoptera (EPT) Index and the North Carolina Biotic Index (NCBI) have been shown to track ecological processes in insecticide-treated streams (Wallace et al., 1996) indicating that macroinvertebrate communities are sensitive to pesticides and are good indicators of overall ecosystem function. While many studies have been conducted assessing the effects of contaminants on macroinvertebrate communities in urban streams, the contaminants of interest were primarily metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) (Beasley and Kneale, 2002, Duda et al., 1982, Garie and McIntosh, 1986 and Medeiros et al., 1983) with no mention of pesticides even though the highest concentrations of several pesticides have been detected in urban streams (USGS, 1999). Thus, the impact of pesticides on macroinvertebrate communities needs to be investigated in urbanized streams, especially suburban streams which are subject to lawn-care pesticide runoff. The objectives of this research were to determine the potential impact of lawn-care pesticides on the macroinvertebrate communities of streams in a suburb of Atlanta, GA, USA and to determine if impacts are related to the value of the property through which the streams flow. The idea being that homes with higher property values typically have well-manicured lawns. Thus, homeowners in high property value areas are likely to apply more pesticides to their lawns than those with lesser-valued property. Six streams, four flowing through residential neighborhoods in Peachtree City, GA, USA, with differing mean property values and two references outside the city limits, were assessed using a multimetric approach. Results of the multimetric analyses will be compared with a Pesticide Toxicity Index (Munn and Gilliom, 2001) for each stream to determine any relationship between impairment indicated by the multimetric indices and pesticide toxicity. 2. Study sites Peachtree City, GA, USA, is located in Fayette County, approximately 25 miles south of Atlanta, GA, USA. All streams are located in the headwaters of the Upper Flint River watershed in the Piedmont Ecoregion of Georgia. Four of the six streams assessed in this study, Smoke Rise (N 33°0.07′; W 84°34.03′), Stoney Brook (N 33°25.61′; W 84°34.11′), Oak Newel (N 33°23.11′; W 84°33.35′), and Cherry Branch (N 33°24.33′; W 84°35.38′) are within the Peachtree City limits and receive runoff from residential lawns. The Smoke Rise watershed has the highest mean property value ($388,900) followed by Stoney Brook ($326,200), Cherry Branch ($187,000) and Oak Newel ($136,000). One of the reference streams, Crabapple (N 33°27.00′; W 84°34.70′) was north of the city limits. The other reference stream, Keg Creek (N 33°19.80′; W 84°34.58′) was located south of the city limits in Coweta County. For a more complete description of the study sites and property information see Herbert (2003). 3. Materials and methods 3.1. Habitat assessment Prior to the first sampling period (Summer 2000), the habitats of the six streams were assessed using the habitat assessment format for low gradient streams outlined in Barbour et al. (1999). Scores from the 10 parameters were totaled for a cumulative habitat score. In addition to the habitat assessment, median particle size of the stream substrate was determined using the method of Wolman (1954). 3.2. Water quality Water quality parameters were measured before each sampling period with a Hydrolab datasonde®. Parameters measured were temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, specific conductance and turbidity. All measurements were made at the uppermost location of the stream reach assessed. 3.3. Benthic sampling Macroinvertebrate samples were collected quarterly over a two-year period beginning in the Summer 2000 and ending in Spring 2002. Sampling of the six streams was conducted on the same dates except for Summer 2000, Fall 2000 and Winter 2001 collections, which were conducted within 48 h interval. Sampling was conducted with a 12-inch diameter D-frame net with a 500 μm mesh using the multihabitat approach described by Barbour et al. (1999). All samples were preserved in 95% ethanol and transported to the lab for sorting. Samples were sorted by hand in white enamel pans. All invertebrates collected were preserved in 70% ethanol and identified to genus or the lowest taxonomic level possible using keys by Merritt and Cummins (1996) and Brigham et al. (1982). 3.4. Benthic metrics Ten benthic metrics were used to assess the macroinvertebrate data. Metrics chosen represented various measure categories (Barbour et al., 1999). The metrics used, along with their category and predicted response to perturbation, are listed in Table 1. Calculations and tolerance values for the North Carolina Biotic Index (NCBI) and the Biotic Condition Index (BCI) can be found in Lenat (1993) and Winget and Mangum (1979), respectively. For the NCBI calculations in this study, the denominator in the equation was total abundance. Genus tolerance values for taxa with several species were established by taking the average of all the tolerance values listed for that genus. Table 1. Benthic metrics used in the assessment of macroinvertebrate data and the predicted response of the metric to increasing perturbation Category Metric Predicted response Richness measures Total # taxa Decrease # EPT taxa Decrease % EPT Decrease % Chironomidae Increase % Dominant taxon Increase North Carolina Biotic Index (NCBI) Increase Biotic Condition Index (BCI) Decrease Composition measures Tolerance measures Category Metric Predicted response Feeding measures % Scrapers Decrease % Shredders Decrease % Clingers Decrease Habit measures 3.5. Pesticide Toxicity Index The Pesticide Toxicity Index (PTI) (Munn and Gilliom, 2001) was used to rank the level of contamination in the streams based on the concentrations and relative toxicities of the pesticides detected from monthly water and sediment samples. The PTI score was calculated by the following equation: where Ei = concentration of pesticide i in water or sediment, MTCx,i = median toxicity concentration for the pesticide i for taxonomic group x, and n = number of pesticides. The PTI scores for each stream in this study were determined by adding the PTI value calculated from pesticide concentrations in water with the PTI value calculated from pesticides' concentrations in the sediment. For the water PTI value, average pesticide concentrations measured from monthly water samples were used with 48 h EC50 data for Daphnia magna. For the sediment PTI value, average pesticide concentrations measured from monthly sediment samples were used with 48 h LC50 data for Chironomus tentans determined in sediment toxicity tests. If sediment toxicity data for C. tentans were not available for a particular pesticide, a ratio of the EC50 for D. magna to the LC50 for C. tentans for chlorpyrifos was used to determine a relative LC50 for the pesticide. Although we realize that there will be error associated with this method, the toxicity will be more representative of sediments which typically bind pesticides making them less bioavailable and consequently less toxic than pesticides dissolved in water (Suedel et al., 1996). All PTI scores reported were multiplied by 1 × 103. 3.6. Chemical analysis At each site, water and sediment samples were collected to determine concentrations of pesticides present at these sites. Water samples were collected into 1 L amber glass bottles with Teflon lids and sediment samples were collected into 1-quart glass mason jars. All samples were immediately placed into ice-chests and transported on ice to the laboratory where they were stored frozen at −20 °C until analysis. Pesticides were extracted from water samples by acidifying a 500-ml aliquot to pH < 2 with concentrated hydrochloric acid and drawing it under vacuum through a C-18 solid-phase extraction cartridge. Pesticides were eluted from the cartridge with 3 ml of a 2:1 (v/v) mixture of ethyl acetate and diethyl ether. Acidic pesticides in the extract were esterified with 2 ml of etheryl diazomethane and the final volume of the extract was reduced to 2 ml under a stream of nitrogen. Pesticides in 50 g sediment samples were sequentially extracted with 50-ml aliquots of ethyl acetate and 40 ml of a 3:1 mixture of ethyl acetate and ammonium acetate, respectively. The extracts were pooled and excess water was removed with a seperatory funnel. The final extract volume was recorded and a 3 ml aliquot was treated with diazomethane as described above. Pesticides' residues in sample extracts were analyzed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) using chemical ionization operating in the negative ion mode. Limits of quantitation for pesticides in water were set at 0.1 ng/L while those in sediment were set at 0.1 μg/kg. 3.7. Data analysis Benthic metrics were analyzed for normality and homoscedasticity using Shapiro-Wilk's and Bartlett's tests, respectively. Metrics with percentage data were arcsine square root transformed and the EPT taxa richness metric was square root transformed before analysis. The only metric that failed to meet the normality and homoscedasticity requirements, even after data transformations, was % shredders. Thus, this metric was removed from the analysis. The remaining nine metrics were analyzed using an Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) random effects model. The random effects model was used because of the lack of independence in the data or pseudoreplication of samples from the same streams over time. Specific differences among streams for each metric were analyzed with a Tukey's studentized range test. The pesticide data and water quality data were analyzed with a non-parametric Kruskal–Wallis test to determine differences among streams. Specific differences were determined using a Newman–Kuels multiple comparisons test (Zar, 1999). Relationships among pesticide toxicity, habitat quality and physical stream parameters with benthic macroinvertebrate metric data were analyzed using a Kendall's rank correlation test (Sokal and Rohlf, 1995). 4. Results 4.1. Habitat assessment Smoke Rise had the best habitat of the six streams assessed with a cumulative score of 144. The habitats at Stoney Brook, Keg Creek and Oak Newel were similar to Smoke Rise with cumulative scores of 141, 140, and 136, respectively. The Crabapple and Cherry Branch sites scored considerably lower with cumulative scores of 124 and 107, respectively. Although Crabapple was designated as one of the reference sites because of its location (forested rural area outside the city limits), this site scored marginal in pool variability, pool substrate composition and channel flow and poor in sediment deposition. Cherry Branch scored marginal in epifaunal substrate, pool substrate composition, channel alteration, and channel sinuosity; it scored poor in pool variability and sediment deposition. Stoney Brook was the stream with the largest median particle size (8 mm). The remaining five streams all had median particle sizes <1 mm. Analyzing only the particles measured >1 mm, Stoney Brook had the largest median size (150 mm) followed by Smoke Rise (56 mm), Oak Newel (55 mm), Cherry Branch (23 mm), Crabapple (16 mm) and Keg Creek (<1 mm). 4.2. Water quality Analysis of the water quality data showed that there were significant differences in specific conductance (p = 0.0120), pH (p = 0.0354) and turbidity (p = 0.0036) among streams (Table 2). Specific conductance was significantly different at all sites except Smoke Rise and Oak Newel which were statistically similar. Oak Newel had a statistically higher pH (6.7 ± 0.2) than the other five sites; the pH value at Stoney Brook was statistically lower (6.1 ± 0.2) than the others. The pH values at Cherry Branch and Keg Creek were statistically similar as was the pH at Crabapple and Smoke Rise. Turbidity was statistically similar at Cherry Branch, Oak Newel and Crabapple but statistically different at Keg Creek, Stoney Brook and Smoke Rise. Table 2. Mean values ± standard deviation (n = 8) for water quality parameters measured in the six streams Site Temperature (°C) Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) pH Specific conductance (μS/cm) Turbidity (NTU) Oak Newel 15.2 ± 4.6a 8.8 ± 1.5a 6.7 ± 0.2a 60.0 ± 4.7b 8.2 ± 4.2c Keg Creek 14.6 ± 5.8a 8.9 ± 2.0a 6.5 ± 0.2b 55.4 ± 4.5c 15.2 ± 3.8a Stoney Brook 15.8 ± 5.4a 8.7 ± 1.7a 6.1 ± 0.2d 44.5 ± 1.8e 10.2 ± 4.3b Crabapple 15.3 ± 5.8a 8.8 ± 1.5a 6.3 ± 0.3c 52.6 ± 9.9d 11.8 ± 14.4c Smoke Rise 15.7 ± 4.4a 8.4 ± 1.1a 6.3 ± 0.2c 60.7 ± 6.7b 4.5 ± 1.2d Cherry Branch 16.9 ± 5.5a 8.7 ± 1.1a 6.5 ± 0.2b 70.2 ± 6.8a 9.3 ± 5.0c Means with different letters are significantly different as determined by a non-parametric Newman–Keuls multiple comparisons test (p < 0.05). 4.3. Pesticides Nine pesticides (3 insecticides, 4 herbicides and 2 fungicides) were detected in water samples taken from the streams (Table 3). All pesticides were detected in each stream except for malathion at Oak Newel and diazinon at Keg Creek and Stoney Brook. No significant differences in concentrations of the nine pesticides were observed among streams (p > 0.10). This indicates that although our reference streams were in rural areas away from neighborhoods, they were still susceptible to pesticide contamination from upstream sources. The most frequently detected pesticides were dithiopyr, chlorothalonil and chlorpyrifos which were detected in 78%, 69% and 53% of the samples, respectively. The remaining pesticides were detected in <30% of the samples. Dithiopyr was the pesticide detected at the highest concentration in all streams with averages ranging between 12.72 ng/L at Stoney Brook and 22.60 ng/L at Crabapple. Table 3. Pesticides detected in water samples from the six streams between Summer 2000 and Spring 2002 Site Oak Newel Keg Creek Stoney Brook Pesticides detected % Detectiona Concentration (ng/L) Max Meane Chlorpyrifosb 50 5.22 0.48 Diazinonb 5 6.28 0.29 Dithiopyrc 81 122.68 14.29 Pendimethalinc 14 0.77 0.07 Oxadiazonc 36 25.14 1.78 Chlorothalonild 64 13.40 1.50 Flutolanild 18 42.32 3.08 Chlorpyrifos 57 5.27 0.52 Malathion 13 0.95 0.09 Dithiopyr 71 252.50 21.75 Pendimethalin 9 0.90 0.06 Oxadiazon 35 57.82 3.49 Chlorothalonil 65 171.91 8.06 Flutolanil 12 288.05 17.21 Chlorpyrifos 43 4.77 0.41 Malathionb 9 3.53 0.18 Dithiopyr 76 142.92 12.72 Pendimethalin 9 1.32 0.11 Oxadiazon 26 24.75 1.36 Chlorothalonil 70 8.21 0.70 Site Crabapple Smoke Rise Cherry Branch Pesticides detected % Detectiona Concentration (ng/L) Max Meane Flutolanil 6 65.50 3.85 Chlorpyrifos 55 8.00 0.82 Diazinon 5 1.43 0.07 Malathion 9 0.57 0.05 Dithiopyr 81 243.43 22.60 Pendimethalin 14 5.74 0.36 Prodiaminec 5 2.09 0.10 Oxadiazon 36 5.39 0.41 Chlorothalonil 68 74.13 4.12 Flutolanil 19 28.84 1.97 Chlorpyrifos 57 6.44 0.51 Diazinon 4 1.38 0.06 Malathion 4 0.80 0.03 Dithiopyr 76 184.56 16.59 Pendimethalin 26 1.84 0.23 Prodiamine 4 1.89 0.08 Oxadiazon 13 2.43 0.20 Chlorothalonil 70 21.57 1.84 Flutolanil 12 10.46 1.22 Chlorpyrifos 57 7.43 0.78 Diazinon 13 18.32 0.94 Malathion 13 11.53 0.65 Dithiopyr 82 179.58 21.44 Pendimethalin 26 12.02 0.81 Site Pesticides detected % Detectiona Concentration (ng/L) Max Meane Prodiamine 13 7.40 0.46 Oxadiazon 39 38.86 2.16 Chlorothalonil 74 30.05 2.38 Flutolanil 12 44.93 2.75 a % of samples the pesticide was detected above the level of quantification. Insecticide. c Herbicide. d Fungicide. e Mean concentrations were calculated by taking an average of the concentrations from all sampling dates. Pesticide concentrations below the level of quatitation were considered to be 0. b Six pesticides (2 insecticides, 3 herbicides and 1 fungicide) were detected in sediment samples (Table 4). Dithiopyr and chlorpyrifos were the only two pesticides detected in the sediments of all six streams. Chlorpyrifos was detected in 54% of the samples and dithiopyr was detected in 40% of the samples collected. Dithiopyr was the pesticide detected at the highest concentration in all streams with averages ranging between 2.89 μg/L at Keg Creek and 0.61 μg/L at Crabapple. Concentrations of pesticides in the sediments were not significantly different among streams (p > 0.10). Table 4. Pesticides detected in sediment samples from the six streams between Summer 2000 and Spring 2002 Site Oak Newel Keg Creek Stoney Brook Pesticides detected % detectiona Concentration (μg/L) Max Meane Chlorpyrifosb 47 0.56 0.15 Diazinonb 7 0.66 0.04 Dithiopyrc 40 25.88 2.30 Chlorothalonild 7 1.09 0.07 Chlorpyrifos 60 0.69 0.22 Dithiopyr 40 33.86 2.89 Chlorpyrifos 53 3.87 0.37 Site Crabapple Smoke Rise Cherry Branch Pesticides detected % detectiona Concentration (μg/L) Max Meane Diazinon 7 0.94 0.06 Dithiopyr 40 3.92 0.72 Oxadiazonc 7 0.21 0.01 Chlorothalonil 7 0.55 0.04 Chlorpyrifos 53 0.59 0.17 Dithiopyr 40 1.91 0.61 Pendimethalinc 7 0.36 0.02 Chlorothalonil 7 0.91 0.06 Chlorpyrifos 53 0.29 0.10 Diazinon 7 0.97 0.06 Dithiopyr 40 5.04 0.92 Chlorothalonil 7 0.20 0.01 Chlorpyrifos 60 0.48 0.17 Dithiopyr 40 36.79 2.84 Chlorothalonil 7 0.69 0.05 a % of samples the pesticide was detected above the level of quantification. Insecticide. c Herbicide. d Fungicide. e Mean concentrations were calculated by taking an average of the concentrations from all sampling dates. Pesticide concentrations below the level of quatitation were considered to be 0. b Measurement of the toxicity of the pesticides in the streams through summation of the PTI values calculated from cumulative water and sediment data indicated that Cherry Branch was the most toxic (PTI = 3.56) followed by Crabapple (PTI = 2.62), Stoney Brook (PTI = 2.15), Keg Creek (PTI = 2.01), Oak Newel (PTI = 1.88), and Smoke Rise (PTI = 1.64). 4.4. Macroinvertebrate assessment A total of 66 families and 108 genera of macroinvertebrates were collected in the streams assessed in this study. Chironomids were the most abundant taxa in all streams comprising as high as 76.7% of the total abundance at Cherry Branch. Average abundance ranged from 145 macroinvertebrates/sample at Cherry Branch to 897 macroinvertebrates/sample at Oak Newel. Taxa commonly collected throughout the study with their respective percentage abundance are listed in Table 5. Table 5. Taxa present in ≥50% of samples collected from each stream (n = 8) reported as percentage of total abundance Taxon Oak (%) Keg (%) Stoney (%) Crab (%) Smoke (%) Cherry (%) Chironomidae 29 30 55 45 60 77 Anchytarsus spp. 13 Leuctra spp. 10 Habrophlebiodes spp. 8 Diplectrona spp. 8 Stenonema spp. 8 1 1 2 11 14 8 15 Baetis spp. 5 3 5 Cheumatopsyche spp. 4 <1 3 Chimarra spp. 4 <1 Limnophila spp. 4 <1 Isoperla spp. <1 <1 2 Stenelmis spp. 3 Lepidostoma spp. 3 Tipula spp. 2 4 <1 2 Hydropsyche spp. 1 1 4 1 Simulium spp. 1 2 4 <1 <1 3 <1 1 Hexagenia spp. 3 Perlesta spp. 3 Procambarus spp. 2 1 3 1 1 2 2 8 1 3 3 2 1 2 Taxon Oak (%) Keg (%) Stoney (%) Crab (%) Gomphus spp. 3 1 Macronychus spp. 2 1 Hygrotus spp. 2 2 Hemerodromia spp. 1 1 <1 1 Rhagovelia spp. 1 1 1 2 Calopteryx spp. 1 <1 <1 1 Nigronia spp. <1 1 Bezzia spp. <1 <1 <1 Progomphus spp. 1 Argia spp. 1 Ancyronyx spp. 1 Dineutus spp. 1 Serretella spp. 1 Baetisca spp. 1 Pycnopsyche spp. 1 Corbicula spp. 1 Hexatoma spp. <1 2 Chrysops spp. <1 1 Lype spp. <1 Sialis spp. <1 Boyeria spp. <1 Cherry (%) 2 2 1 <1 1 2 1 2 <1% Polycentropus spp. Smoke (%) <1 Dicranota spp. <1 Ectopria spp. <1 Psilotreta spp. <1 Taxon Oak (%) Keg (%) Stoney (%) Dixa spp. <1 Lanthus spp. <1 Cordulegaster spp. <1 Dixella spp. Crab (%) Smoke (%) Cherry (%) <1 <1 <1 Clinocera spp. <1 From the scores obtained in the 10 benthic macroinvertebrate metrics, the streams were ranked from highest to lowest biotic integrity. The Oak Newel site ranked highest, scoring best in 44% of the metrics used in the analysis followed by Keg Creek (22%), Stoney Brook (22%), Crabapple (11%), Smoke Rise (0%) and Cherry Branch (0%) (Table 6). All Keg Creek metric scores were statistically similar (p > 0.05) to both Stoney Brook and Crabapple scores while Stoney Brook and Crabapple differed in only one metric. These three sites were statistically similar to Oak Newel in ≥78% of the metrics. The Smoke Rise site appears to be slightly impaired, scoring significantly similar in only 33% of the metrics with Oak Newel and Keg Creek. However, Smoke Rise scored significantly similar to Crabapple and Stoney Brook in 78% and 67% of the metrics, respectively. The Cherry Branch site was the most impaired, scoring significantly similar in ≤22% of the metrics with all sites except Smoke Rise, which was significantly similar to Cherry Branch in 89% of the metrics assessed. Table 6. Mean scores ± standard deviation (n = 8) of benthic metrics calculated from quarterly sampled macroinvertebrate data for the six study sites Benthic metric Site Score Total # taxa Oak Newel 22.3 ± 7.0a,b Keg Creek 29.0 ± 6.3a Stoney Brook 28.8 ± 5.1a Crabapple 24.3 ± 4.6a Smoke Rise 15.1 ± 5.3b,c Cherry Branch 12.5 ± 3.9c Oak Newel 7.8 ± 3.3a # EPT taxa Benthic metric % EPT % Chironomidae NCBI BCI Site Score Keg Creek 11.1 ± 4.7a Stoney Brook 11.6 ± 2.3a Crabapple 7.3 ± 1.6a,b Smoke Rise 4.1 ± 2.3b,c Cherry Branch 3.6 ± 1.9c Oak Newel 44.3 ± 11.6a Keg Creek 37.9 ± 14.3a Stoney Brook 30.6 ± 15.3a,b Crabapple 35.0 ± 16.9a,b Smoke Rise 32.9 ± 6.1b,c Cherry Branch 6.5 ± 11.4c Oak Newel 25.8 ± 8.8a Keg Creek 34.4 ± 20.1a,b Stoney Brook 49.1 ± 19.5b,c Crabapple 40.6 ± 17.8a,b Smoke Rise 63.9 ± 21.3b,c Cherry Branch 76.1 ± 26.9c Oak Newel 4.30 ± 0.52a Keg Creek 5.25 ± 0.44b,c Stoney Brook 5.03 ± 0.59a,b Crabapple 5.34 ± 0.71b,c Smoke Rise 5.27 ± 0.25b,c Cherry Branch 5.93 ± 0.44c Oak Newel 91.0 ± 7.4a,b,* Keg Creek 86.8 ± 7.8a,b Stoney Brook 93.8 ± 6.1a Benthic metric % Dominant taxon % Scrapers % Clingers Site Score Crabapple 83.0 ± 3.4b Smoke Rise 86.8 ± 3.6a,b Cherry Branch 71.1 ± 3.9c Oak Newel 32.9 ± 9.1b Keg Creek 31.4 ± 17.8a Stoney Brook 50.9 ± 17.4b,c Crabapple 42.7 ± 12.9b Smoke Rise 61.4 ± 21.3b,c Cherry Branch 73.6 ± 24.9c Oak Newel 19.6 ± 7.9a Keg Creek 18.3 ± 9.5a Stoney Brook 17.2 ± 9.6a Crabapple 20.0 ± 10.7a Smoke Rise 3.3 ± 1.8b Cherry Branch 1.0 ± 3.4b Oak Newel 65.8 ± 11.6a Keg Creek 41.8 ± 13.0b Stoney Brook 36.2 ± 10.6b,c Crabapple 39.6 ± 14.7b,c Smoke Rise 19.9 ± 10.5c,d Cherry Branch 20.0 ± 14.8d *Means with different letters are significantly different as determine by Tukey's studentized range test (p < 0.05). Because our reference streams did not have the highest overall metric ranks and the PTI scores were higher than some of the sites draining residential neighborhoods in this study, alternative reference stream data for the Piedmont ecoregion of Georgia, USA, were sought. A study by Hughes et al. (2004, unpublished data) assessed several streams throughout the state of Georgia, USA, to develop reference conditions for each ecoregion (D.L. Hughes, personal communication). The method and study design for collecting macroinvertebrates was identical to our study, and many of the same metrics were used for analysis of the data. In comparison of results obtained from our study and those from Hughes et al. (2004, unpublished data), the Oak Newel and Keg Creek sites scored within the range of the reference streams in five of the seven metrics similar to both studies. The Stoney Brook and Crabapple sites scored within the range of the reference streams in only three and two metrics, respectively. The Smoke Rise and Cherry Branch sites did not score within the range of the reference streams in any metric. Based on comparison of these two studies, it appears that the Oak Newel, Keg Creek and Stoney Brook sites are in good to fair condition, the Crabapple site is fair to slightly impaired and the Smoke Rise and Cherry Branch sites are impaired. To determine the relationship among pesticide toxicity, water quality, habitat quality and physical stream parameters with macroinvertebrate metric data, a series of comparisons were conducted using ranked data. The macroinvertebrate metric data were significantly correlated with stream rank from the pesticide toxicity data (τ = 1.31, n = 6, p < 0.05). Increased biotic integrity as determined by the macroinvertebrate metric data was significantly correlated with a decrease in specific conductance (τ = 0.94, n = 6, p < 0.05), an increase in turbidity (τ = −0.94, n = 6, p < 0.05), a decrease in temperature (τ = 1.69, n = 6, p < 0.05) and an increase in dissolved oxygen (τ = −1.69, n = 6, p < 0.05). However, the pH of the streams was not significantly correlated with the macroinvertebrate metric data (τ = −0.56, n = 6, p < 0.05). Stream rank from the macroinvertebrate metric data was not significantly correlated with stream habitat (τ = −0.56, n = 6, p > 0.05), depth (τ = −0.56, n = 6, p > 0.05), velocity (τ = −0.56, n = 6, p > 0.05) or median particle size (>1 mm) (τ = 0.19, n = 6, p > 0.05). Because there was a significant correlation between pesticide toxicity and the benthic metric data, additional rank correlation tests were conducted to determine which metrics varied similarly to the PTI data. Of the nine metrics used in this study, five had stream rank significantly correlated with PTI rank. The NCBI metric produced the greatest correlation between stream rank and PTI rank (τ = 2.07, n = 6, p < 0.05) followed by the BCI (τ = −1.31, n = 6, p < 0.05). The % Chironomidae and % Clinger metrics produced statistically similar correlations with the PTI stream ranks (τ = 0.94, n = 6, p < 0.05); the % EPT metric was significantly negatively correlated with PTI stream ranks (τ = −0.94, n = 6, p < 0.05). Because there were data from year 1 of this study for concentrations of the metals copper, arsenic and zinc from sediments (L.M. Shuman, unpublished data), we were interested in determining if metal toxicity (calculated similarly to the PTI) was related to the macroinvertebrate metric data for year 1. The rank correlation analysis indicated that there was no significant correlation between the two variables (τ = 0.56, n = 6, p > 0.05). To determine relationships between the property value of the watersheds surrounding the streams with the biotic integrity of the stream determined by the macroinvertebrate metric data and the pesticide toxicity data, similar ranked correlations were conducted. There was no significant correlation between property value and the macroinvertebrate metric data (τ = 0.56, n = 6, p > 0.05), or property value and pesticide toxicity (τ = −0.56, n = 6, p > 0.05). 5. Discussion The habitats of the six streams assessed in this study were similar except for the Crabapple and Cherry Branch sites which scored marginal or poor in several categories. All the streams were affected by sedimentation to some extent. Median particle size was <1 mm for all streams except Stoney Brook; however, 45% of the particles at Stoney Brook were also <1 mm. The addition of sediments to these streams is likely due to past agricultural practices in the area considering that the riparian zones of all the streams were extensive and well established. There were significant differences detected for three of the water quality parameters measured in the six streams. Two of which, specific conductance and turbidity, were significantly correlated with the macroinvertebrate metric data. Specific conductance and turbidity have been shown to affect macroinvertebrate populations in other studies. Specific conductance was negatively correlated with biotic integrity in a study conducted by Roy et al. (2003a). Lloyd et al. (1987) showed that reductions in macroinvertebrate density and biomass were significantly correlated with increased turbidity. However, in this study, increased biotic integrity was associated with an increase in turbidity as opposed to a decrease in turbidity. Increases in suspended solids and organic matter have been shown to decrease the bioavailability of organic chemicals (Hall et al., 1986 and Kadlec and Benson, 1995). Thus, it is possible that an increase in turbidity made some of the chemicals present in the water less available for uptake by the macroinvertebrates, decreasing their potential toxicity. Two parameters not significantly different among streams, temperature and dissolved oxygen, were also significantly correlated with the macroinvertebrate metric data. However, some of the smaller streams in this study tend to warm and cool over the course of the day, especially in the Spring and Fall. Hourly temperature data recorded at Oak Newel showed temperature to fluctuate by as much as 5 °C (S. Herbert, unpublished data). Thus, measuring the temperature in a stream sampled in early morning may not likely be the same if measured in late afternoon. Mean daily temperatures were significantly different among these streams in a study conducted by Herbert (2003). Consequently, the time of the sampling could have confounded the significance of temperature among streams. Likewise, dissolved oxygen is related to water temperature and could also have been confounded by the time of sampling. The PTI was developed to evaluate the relative risk of pesticides to aquatic organisms in streams (Munn and Gilliom, 2001). Although this index is useful for ranking streams based on expected toxicity, it is not a direct measure of toxicity to biological communities because factors such as bioavailability and synergistic chemical interactions are not accounted for (Munn and Gilliom, 2001). However, the index is more biologically relevant than ranking streams on measured pesticide concentration because not all pesticides are equally toxic. Thus, high concentrations of a relatively non-toxic herbicide will not overestimate the toxicity of the stream. In this study, the PTI was used to rank the six streams assessed based on their expected toxicity to macroinvertebrates to determine if macroinvertebrate community structure is related to the presence of lawn-care pesticides. Results showed that the two variables were significantly correlated indicating that as pesticide toxicity increases in the streams, the macroinvertebrate communities become increasingly stressed as indicated by the macroinvertebrate metrics. Although physical stream parameters such as depth, velocity, substrate size (Erman and Erman, 1984, Gore et al., 2001, Minshall, 1981 and Statzner, 1981) and habitat (Roy et al., 2003b) have been shown to affect macroinvertebrate communities, none of these parameters were significantly correlated with the overall macroinvertebrate metric data. However, a ranked comparison of median particle size with each metric individually showed that there was a significant correlation between particle size and the BCI. Calculation of tolerance values for the BCI takes into consideration substrate preference and is considered to be a sensitive index for determining the effects of sedimentation (Barbour et al., 1999). Thus, when comparing rank particle size with the overall metric ranks for the streams, this relationship may have been masked by the results of metrics that do not account for tolerance to sediments. Consequently, substrate size may also be related to macroinvertebrate community structure. The only site that appeared to be an outlier in the correlation analysis between ranked PTI and metric data was Smoke Rise. This site had the lowest PTI score but was the second most impaired stream assessed in this study based on scores from the macroinvertebrate metrics. Smoke Rise also had the highest habitat ranking and marginal sedimentation compared to the other six streams assessed. A possible reason for the impairment detected at Smoke Rise may be metal contamination. Smoke Rise had the highest potential for metal toxicity of the six streams based on the metal toxicity index. In addition, concentrations of copper, arsenic and zinc in the sediments during year 1 of this study were on average approximately 3.6, 2.5 and 1.3 times higher, respectively, at Smoke Rise than the other sites (L.M. Shuman, unpublished data). However, the concentrations measured were well below toxic thresholds for the respective metals, so expected effects on aquatic life would be minimal (US EPA, 2002). Thus, it is quite possible that contaminant(s) or physical parameter(s) not measured in this study may be affecting the benthic community at Smoke Rise. Pesticide concentrations measured in the six streams assessed in this study were low in both water (ng/L) and sediment (μg/L). Thus, we would not expect to see detrimental effects on the aquatic biota related to pesticide exposure considering that concentrations of chlorpyrifos, diazinon, and malathion, the three most acutely toxic chemicals detected in the water samples, were below aquatic life criteria concentrations (IJC, 1977, Larson et al., 1999 and US EPA, 1991). However, these criteria do not take into account possible synergistic or additive effects due to exposure to multiple pesticides, metals or other contaminants (Larson et al., 1999). In addition, the toxicities of many of the degradation products of these pesticides are not well known, which could add to the overall toxicity of the stream (Larson et al., 1999). The two most prevalent pesticides detected in the six streams were the herbicide dithiopyr and the fungicide chlorothalonil. Dithiopyr is the active ingredient in several “weed and feed” products for control of unwanted grasses especially crabgrass. It is typically applied in the Spring and early Summer before the unwanted grasses emerge as part of many lawn-care programs in Georgia ( Chlorothalonil is typically applied to lawns for control of brown patch and dollar spot diseases. Although it is not widely used on lawns for control of fungal diseases, chlorothalonil is also present in other products such as paints and deck stains that are used around homes and can contribute to the overall runoff into streams. Both dithiopyr and chlorothalonil are highly water soluble, which makes them susceptible to runoff. They are also stable in the environment, which explains their presence in water and sediments throughout the year. There was no relationship between the mean property values of the watersheds and the ecological integrity of the streams draining these watersheds as determined by the macroinvertebrate metric data. This is likely related to the fact that there was no significant difference in the concentrations or types of pesticides detected among the six streams and the PTI scores were not as high in the high property value watersheds (Smoke Rise and Stoney Brook) as one of the reference streams (Crabapple) and a lower property value watershed (Cherry Branch). Thus, it does not appear that homeowners in the high property value neighborhoods are applying any more pesticides or have any more of an impact on streams in their neighborhoods than those in lower property neighborhoods or rural areas. The two tolerance measure indices, the NCBI and the BCI, provided the best relationship between the macroinvertebrate data and the pesticide toxicity data. While the NCBI has been shown to be useful in assessing the effects of pesticides on stream ecosystems (Wallace et al., 1996), the BCI is more useful for predicting the effects of physical parameters (gradient and substrate) with select water quality parameters (alkalinity and sulfate concentration) (Winget and Mangum, 1979). Although the BCI was developed for use in Western streams, it was selected for use in this study because of its sensitivity for sedimentation (Barbour et al., 1999). However, it appears that this index may be useful in predicting chemical contamination as well. Chironomids were the dominant taxa in all six streams assessed. With the exception of Stoney Brook, % chironomid abundance increased with increasing impairment. This is consistent with the expected response of the chironomid community to increased impairment (Table 1). Chironomids are often found in high abundances in impaired streams due to their ability to utilize multiple habitats, short life cycles, rapid reproduction and tolerance to both metals and pesticides (Coffman and Ferrington, 1996, Gower et al., 1994, Richardson and Kiffney, 2000, Ruse et al., 2000 and Stuijfzand et al., 2000). Larvae of the beetle Anchytarsus spp., nymphs of the stonefly Leuctra spp. and nymphs of the mayfly Habrophlebiodes spp. appeared to be good bioindicators of stream quality for this study because they were frequently collected from the top one, two and/or three ranked streams, comprised >5% of the total abundance in the top ranked stream (Oak Newel) and are considered sensitive to pollution (Barbour et al., 1999 and Lenat, 1993). Although Anchytarsus spp. was also collected in the three lowest ranked streams and Leuctra spp. was collected at Smoke Rise, the frequency of collection and abundance of these taxa were lower. 6. Conclusions Increased impairment of the six streams assessed in this study as determined by the macroinvertebrate metric data was shown to be significantly correlated to increases in pesticide toxicity and select water quality parameters. Physical stream parameters such as depth, velocity, median particle size as well as habitat and other contaminants such as metals were not significantly related to the overall macroinvertebrate metric data. Although a positive relationship was observed between the macroinvertebrate indices and the Pesticide Toxicity Index, effects due to unmeasured physical parameters and/or pollutants on the macroinvertebrate community could be contributing to the effects observed. There was also no correlation between property value and effects on the macroinvertebrate community in the streams of Peachtree City, GA. This indicates that lawn-care practices of homeowners in high property value neighborhoods are not impacting aquatic systems any more than those in lower property value neighborhoods. Continued monitoring of urban and suburban streams for pesticides along with macroinvertebrate assessments in additional communities and watersheds will strengthen our understanding of the relationships between pesticides and their effects on aquatic organisms. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Tara Brandt, Chris Ryan, and Marianne Stephens for help with macroinvertebrate sample processing, Erica Kratzer for help with identifications and Nehru Mantripragada for help with the pesticide sample preparations and analyses. We would also like to thank Sue Herbert, Duncan Hughes and Larry Shuman for providing additional data for comparisons. This research has been supported by a grant (R82-8007) from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Science to Achieve Results (STAR) program. 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