Ref: - Indico

ASEPS Participant Presentation
Family name:
First name:
Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Research field:
Photon sciences, Accelerator, Synchrotron Radiation, Nuclear Physics, condensed matter
Physics, chemistry, nuclear analysis technique, free electron laser
Working group:
Accelerator physics, nuclear physics, energy related physics, environmental physics,
computational physics
Short presentation of your organisation:
Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics (SINAP) is an institute of comprehensive researches in nuclear
science and technology other than power and arms. It has two campuses occupying a total area of 47
hectares, being located in Shanghai Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park and Jiading district respectively. Currently
SINAP has 706 employees, including about 500 scientists and engineers. In addition, it has more than 300
graduate students. The current major directors of SINAP are Prof Hongjie Xu and Zhentang Zhao.
The Institute is engaged in research fields of accelerator science and techniques, advanced photon science,
nuclear science and technology and interdisciplinary studies, etc. Shanghai synchrotron radiation facility
(SSRF), the biggest scientific project in China, has been in operation by SINAP since April 2009. It is a
high performance 3rd generation synchrotron radiation source and becomes a platform for advanced
researches in China. There are CAS Key Laboratory of Nuclear Analysis Techniques and Shanghai Key
Laboratory of Superconductive Radio-Frequency Cavity Techniques built in the Institute.
SINAP has always attached great importance to academic exchange and cooperation with international
science and technology communities. It has established bilateral cooperation relationship with many major
research institutions in synchrotron science (photon science) in the world, such as Diamond of UK, PSI of
Switzerland, BESSY-II and Rossendorf of Gemany, ELETTRA and INFN of Italy, Japanese institutions of
SPring-8, KEK, JAEA, JSSRR and SSLAC, PLS of South Korea, SSLS of Singapore, Aus Synch of
Australia, Institutions of BNL, ANL, LBNL and SLAC in USA, and etc. In addition, SINAP nuclear
physicists joined the RICH-STAR Project and neutrionless double beta program - CUORE (INFN-USAChina) of international cooperation. They also have a close collaboration with RIKEN nuclear physics
Interests on ASEPS:
SINAP hopes to use ASEPS forum to strengthen regional/international collaboration and exchange in
various fields of scientific researches, such as accelerator-based sciences, photon sciences based on the
Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF), nuclear physics, environmental sciences and
computational physics on nano and biological sciences etc.
Expected ASEPS outcomes:
More involved and contribution in various international collaborations, especially on collaboration researches
based on various large scale facilities.
Additional Remarks: